Locally pushing DSC configurations

What do we mean by "pushing DSC configurations locally"? When we apply a DSC configuration to the computer we are logged into, we are applying or pushing the DSC configuration onto the computer. We call it "pushing" because we are actively copying the MOF file and triggering an execution on the target node; we are active participants in the whole process. The Start-DscConfiguration Cmdlet does the work for us, but we are actively requesting the operations to be performed. This is clear when we contrast this with a DSC Pull Server. The DSC engine on the target node pulls the DSC configuration when an execution run is scheduled, whereas we push the DSC configuration to the target node when we want to execute it interactively using Start-DscConfiguration.

The Start-DscConfiguration Cmdlet syntax we will be using is this:

Start-DscConfiguration [-Path] <System.String> [-Wait] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] -CimSession <CimSession[]>

It is a modified version of what you would see if you used the Get-Help Cmdlet because we have omitted extra parameters to better illustrate what we are doing in this chapter. This is significantly simpler than what we will be dealing with when we push DSC configuration files remotely, so it is a good place to start.

Start-DscConfiguration accepts a -Path variable where the MOF file will be and a Boolean parameter called -Wait, along with CommonParameters such as Verbose and Debug. The Wait parameter is the indication that we want the job to run in front of us and only return when the DSC execution is completed. Any errors during execution will be presented to us during the execution run, but no other information. For this reason, when using Wait it is commonplace to use Verbose as well, so that the running output from the DSC configuration is presented to you as it happens. We'll be using this combination as we proceed for this very reason, but we may not include all the output text as it can become quite verbose (pun intended).

Setting up the test environment locally

Besides building the test computer, there is not much setup to do in order to run things locally.

Compiling configurations for local target nodes

Our focus in this chapter is on how to push DSC configurations and not how to use DSC configurations, so our example configuration is simple and short. This reduces the amount of code we are working with and the amount of logging we output, which allows us to fit the DSC configurations in our chapter without having pages of printouts.


At this point, you should be familiar with compiling DSC configuration scripts into MOF files. In this chapter, we make the assumption that you have a good grasp of DSC Configuration block syntax and use and how to author DSC configuration scripts. If you are skipping around or feel fuzzy on these concepts, please refer back to these chapters before you continue.

In our example script, we will create a text file on the primary drive with dummy contents. Again, we are purposely not fancy here in order to focus on how to push DSC configurations and not the DSC configurations themselves:

###begin script####
Configuration SetupAllTheThings
  Node "localhost"
    File CreateFile
      Ensure          = "Present"
      DestinationPath = "c:	est.txt"
      Contents        = "Wakka"

SetupAllTheThings -OutputPath ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "SetupAllTheThings"))
###end script####

Compiling the preceding DSC configuration script gives us a valid MOF file that we can use on the local computer. This should all be straightforward for you by now, and you should see the following results from the compiling of the MOF file:

PS C:UsersAdministrator> C:vagrantSetupAllTheThings.ps1

    Directory: C:vagrantSetupAllTheThings

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-----         7/01/2015   3:19 PM       1276 localhost.mof

If that doesn't compile correctly, look at your syntax and ensure it's the same as what we have laid out here. It may help if you add the Verbose parameter to your DSC configuration function to see what is going on as the MOF is compiled. If you are still having trouble, or want to see even more information, then you can set your $DebugPreference to Continue and receive even more diagnostic information. Example output is as shown:

DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource: ResourceID = [Package]InstallTheThing
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:  Processing property 'DependsOn' [
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:    Processing completed 'DependsOn' ]
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:  Processing property 'Ensure' [
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:    Processing completed 'Ensure' ]
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:  Processing property 'Name' [
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:        Canonicalized property 'Name' = 'The Thing'
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:    Processing completed 'Name' ]
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:  Processing property 'Path' [
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:        Canonicalized property 'Path' = 'c:allthethings	hing.msi'
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:    Processing completed 'Path' ]
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:  Processing property 'ProductId' [
DEBUG:    MSFT_PackageResource:        Canonicalized property 'ProductId' = '{8f665668-7679-4f53-acde-06cf7eab5d73}'


It's sometimes hard to see the exact error in the DSC output, so get used to using PowerShell to inspect the built-in $error array to drill down and find the exact information you need, as shown:

     [PS]> $error[0] | Format-List -Property * -Force

If we examine the localhost.mof file, we will see that the file resource laid out applies to a target node named localhost. This means that, although we compile this MOF file on the computer we are sitting on, this MOF file can be pushed to any computer, whether locally or remotely, because localhost applies to any computer. If we wanted to restrict which target nodes used specific MOF files, we would need to specify their host names in the Node block. We will cover this when we deal with pushing DSC configurations remotely shortly.

Executing configurations for local target nodes

Now that we have the MOF file compiled, we can apply it to our local computer using Start-DscConfiguration. We will use the Verbose, Wait, and Force parameters to indicate that we want it to execute interactively and output verbose information to our shell. We use Force to tell DSC to apply the MOF file regardless of the current state of the target node (whether it has a pending MOF file or not):

PS C:UsersAdministrator> Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:vagrantSetupAllTheThings -Verbose -Wait -Force
VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' =
SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' =
VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer BOX1 with user sid
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  [[File]CreateaFile]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ Start  Test     ]  [[File]CreateaFile]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]:                            [[File]CreateaFile] The system cannot find the file specified.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]:                            [[File]CreateaFile] The related file/directory is: c:	est.txt.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ End    Test     ]  [[File]CreateaFile]  in 0.0320 seconds.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]  [[File]CreateaFile]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]:                            [[File]CreateaFile] The system cannot find the file specified.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]:                            [[File]CreateaFile] The related file/directory is: c:	est.txt.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  [[File]CreateaFile]  in 0.0000 seconds.
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ End    Resource ]  [[File]CreateaFile]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]
VERBOSE: [BOX1]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]    in  0.0790 seconds.
VERBOSE: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete.
VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 0.16 seconds
PS C:UsersAdministrator>
PS C:UsersAdministrator> Test-Path C:	est.txt

We get a lot of information back, so let's go over what we are seeing. It initially tells us that it's performing a DSC operation and the methods it's using to invoke. This is where we see that the Start-DscConfiguration Cmdlet is just a wrapper over the CIM methods that actually execute the DSC functions. You won't need to know these CIM methods for everyday use, but it's interesting to see the inner workings shown here. The next line is telling us that all the subsequent lines come from our target node box1 and were initiated by a user with this SID. It doesn't look so important here as we're running on the same box we've compiled the MOF on; however, when we deal with remote pushes and note which target node had which operations occur on it, it becomes very important. The rest of the lines tell us that the file did not exist and that DSC had to create it. Not so hard, is it?

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