Push and pull modes

First and foremost, you must understand how DSC gets the information needed to configure a target node from the place it's currently stored to the target node. This may sound counterintuitive; you may be thinking that we should be covering syntax or the different file formats in use first. Before we get to where we're going, we have to know how we are getting there.

The more established CM products available on the market have coalesced into two approaches: push and pull. Push and pull refer to the directions and methods used to move information from the place where it is stored to the target nodes. It also describes the direction commands being sent to, or received by, the target nodes.

Most CM products primarily use the pull method, which means that they rely on agents to schedule, distribute, and rectify configurations on target nodes, but have a central server that holds configuration information and data. The server maintains the current state of all the target nodes, while the agent periodically executes configuration runs on the target nodes. This is a simplistic but effective approach, as it enables several highly important features. As the server has the state of every machine, a query-able record of all servers exists that a user can utilize. At any one point in time, you can see the state of your entire infrastructure at a glance or in granular detail. Configuration runs can be executed on demand against a set of nodes or all nodes. Other popular management products that use this model are Puppet and Chef.

Other CM products primarily use the push method, where a single workstation or user calls the agent directly. The user is solely responsible for scheduling executions and resolving all dependencies that the agent needs. It's a loose but flexible network, as it allows the agents to operate even if there isn't a central server to report the status to. This is called a master-less deployment, in that there isn't anything keeping track of things.

The benefit of this model largely depends on your specific use cases. Some environments need granularity in scheduling and a high level of control over how and when agents perform actions, so they benefit highly from the push model. They choose when to check for drift and when to correct drift, either on a server-to-server basis or for an entire environment. Common uses for this approach are test and QA environments, where software configurations change frequently and there is a high expectation of customization.

Other environments are less concerned with low-level customization and control, and are more focused on ensuring a common state for a large environment (thousands and thousands of servers). Scheduling and controlling each individual server among thousands is less important than knowing that, eventually, all severs will be in the same state, no matter how new or old they are. These environments want a new server quickly that conforms to an exacting specification without human intervention, so new severs are automatically pointed to a pull sever for a configuration assignment.

Both DSC and other management products like Puppet and Chef can operate with and without a central server. Products like Ansible only support this method of agent management. Choosing which product to use is more a choice of which approach fits your environment best, rather than which product is best.

The push management model

DSC offers a push-based approach that is controlled by a user workstation initiating an execution on agents on target nodes, but there isn't a central server orchestrating things. Push management is very much an interactive process, where the user directly initiates and executes a specified configuration.

The following diagram shows the push deployment model:

The push management model

This diagram shows the steps to perform a push deployment. The next section discusses the DSC workflow, where these steps will be covered, but for now, we see that a push deployment is comprised of three steps: authoring a configuration file, compiling the file to an MOF file, and then finally executing the MOF on the target node.

DSC operates in a push scenario when configurations are manually pushed to target nodes using the Start-DscConfiguration Cmdlet. It can be executed interactively, where the configuration is executed and the status is reported back to the user as it is running. It can also be initiated in a fire and forget manner as a job on the target node, where the configuration will be executed without reporting the status back to the user directly, but instead logging it to the DSC event log.

Pushing configurations allow a great deal of flexibility. It's the primary way you will test your configurations. Run interactively with the Verbose and Wait parameters, the Start-DscConfiguration Cmdlet shows you a log of every step taken by the LCM, the DSC Resources it executes, and the entire DSC configuration run. A push-based approach also gives you an absolute time when the target node will have a configuration applied, instead of waiting on a schedule. This is useful in server environments when servers are set up once and stay around for a long time.

This is the easiest to set up and most flexible of the two DSC methods, but the hardest to maintain in large quantities and in the long term.

The pull management model

DSC offers a pull-based approach that is controlled by agents on target nodes, but there is a central server providing configuration files. This is a marked difference from the push models offered by other CM products.

The following diagram shows the pull deployment model. The diagram shows the steps in a pull deployment and also shows how the status is reported for the compliance server. Refer back to following diagram when we cover pull servers later on in this chapter:

The pull management model

DSC operates in a pull scenario when configurations are stored on a DSC Pull Server and pulled by LCM on each target node. The Pull Server is the harder of the two DSC methods to set up, but the easiest to maintain in large node quantities and in the long term.

Pull management works great in server environments that have a lot of transient machines, like cloud or datacenter environments. These kinds of servers are created and destroyed frequently, and DSC will apply on a triggered basis. Pull Servers are also more scalable, as they can work against thousands of hosts in parallel. This seems counterintuitive, as with most Pull Servers we have a central point of drift detection, scheduling, and so on. This isn't the case with a DSC Pull Server, however, as it does not detect drift, compile MOFs, or other high cost actions. Compilation and the like happens on the author workstation or CI infrastructure and the drift detection and scheduling happens on the agent, so the load is distributed across agents and not the Pull Server. We will cover more benefits of Pull Servers at the end of this chapter, and at the end of this book in Chapter 6, Pulling DSC Configurations.

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