Tackling customer reviews

Our next section, named Impact, presents reviews from happy customers. In this section, we see smiling faces of happy customers with excerpts of their commentary about our client's product. The initial markup starts as follows:

<section id="impact">
  <div class="container">
     <div class="reviews">

Each review is marked up as follows using the hreview microformat:

<div class="hreview review-item-1 thumbnail">
  <img src="img/smiling1-by-RomainGuy-600x900.jpg" alt="Customer Photo1">
  <div class="caption">
    <blockquote class="description"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin euismod, nulla pretium commodo ultricies</p></blockquote>
    <p class="reviewer">Smiling Customer1</p>
  </div><!-- /.caption -->
</div><!-- /.hreview -->


You may read about the hreview microformat at http://microformats.org/wiki/hreview-examples.

For purposes of layout and style, we've employed Bootstrap's thumbnail class structure. This structure offers us the following benefits:

  • For the parent element of each review, we've added the thumbnail class alongside the hreview class
  • The review content, including both the quoted text and the reviewer's name, is wrapped in div class="caption"

This thumbnail and caption structure provides an overall wrapper for each review. Bootstrap's thumbnail styles are designed to constrain the proportions of images and captions within our desired layout.

Both in terms of semantics and presentational starting points, we're off to a good start.

Because we want to arrive at a masonry layout, our images are a mixture of portrait and landscape aspect ratios. We've made them all of equal width in order to provide enough room for bright faces and textual overlays with short laudatory statements.

Without Bootstrap layout classes, the images simply flow vertically, one after another. If you constrain your window width to a value approximately in the range of 320 to 400px, you can see how they will look as one narrow vertical column, as shown in the following screenshot:

Tackling customer reviews

Before addressing the layout for larger viewports, let's start by tackling the captions.

Positioning and styling the captions

Let's begin by positioning our captions as overlays atop their respective customer photos:

  1. While editing the _page-contents.less file, add a new comment and selector for the #impact section:
    // Impact Section
    #impact {
  2. Now let's add styles to set the necessary context for each .hreview class element. We'll apply relative positioning, add padding, and remove the default Bootstrap thumbnail border:
    #impact {
       .hreview {
         position: relative;
         padding: 0 10px;
         border: none;
  3. Now, we can work on the captions. We'll add a translucent background and position them as absolute at the bottom of each image:
    .hreview {
      .caption {
        position: absolute;
        top: auto;
        left: 10px;
        right: 10px;
        bottom: 0;
        line-height: 1.1;
        background: hsla(0,0,10%,0.55);
  4. Next, we'll strip away the unnecessary margin and padding from the blockquote and .reviewer elements, specifying just what we need:
    #impact .hreview {
      .caption {
        .reviewer {
          margin: 0 6px;
          padding: 0;
  5. Now, we can focus on the review text and specify the margin, border, font family, font size, and color:
     blockquote {
        margin-top: 4px;
        border: none;
        font-family: @font-family-serif;
        font-size: @font-size-large;
        color: #fff;
  6. Next, specify styles for the reviewer's name, which appears below the review text:
      .reviewer {
        margin-top: 2px;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        text-align: right;
        color: @gray-lighter;


    Be sure to close each set of curly braces.

  7. Save the file, compile it to CSS, refresh the browser, and check your progress.
    Positioning and styling the captions

Scroll down and see how the results look in the other review items.

Positioning and styling the captions

Not bad! However, we can do it one step better.

Refining the caption position

Looking carefully at the available open space in the preceding images and examining the overlap variations at various viewport widths in your responsive grid, you may want to position each caption in a way that works best for each customer's photo.

This is where the review-item-1, review-item-2, and so on classes become relevant and helpful, as we may use these specific classes to position each caption in a way that fits best with its image. I've added the following lines in the _page-contents.less file:

#impact {
  .review-item-4 .caption {
    top: 0;
    left: 62%;
    right: 10px;
    bottom: auto;
    .reviewer {
      margin-top: 6px;
      text-align: left;
  .review-item-5 .caption {
    top: 0;
    left: 17%;
    right: 10px;
    bottom: auto;

The preceding markup adjusts the absolute positioning of each specific caption, which yields results as shown in the following screenshot:

Refining the caption position

You'll see that I've applied specific positioning values from lines 132 and onwards in the less/_page-contents.less file in the 06_Code_END folder in this chapter's exercise files. As you survey the results, you may disagree with my judgment calls—about positioning, styling, or both. That's fine. Take over and fine-tune from here!

Meanwhile, let's move on toward our masonry layout. The first step will be to specify the widths of our elements. Let's utilize Bootstrap's grid classes for this.

Adding Bootstrap grid classes

By utilizing Bootstrap's responsive grid classes, we can prepare a two-column layout for small screens using the col-sm-6 class. For medium screens and up, we can shift to a three-column layout using the col-md-4 class.

The resulting class structure for each hreview element will look like the following line:

<div class="hreview review-item-1 thumbnail col-sm-6 col-md-4">

Add these two column classes to each review item.

Save the file, refresh your browser, and expand your window across the small and medium breakpoints. You'll see a result similar to the following screenshot for small viewports:

Adding Bootstrap grid classes

For medium viewports and higher, you'll see a result similar to the following screenshot:

Adding Bootstrap grid classes

In the features section discussed earlier, we discovered that when we have grid items of varying heights, they bump into one another and do not automatically create a cohesive grid. We fixed this by giving each element a set height value. But in this section, we want our items to have varying heights. We want a masonry layout, and this requires a bit of JavaScript.

Downloading and linking up the Masonry JavaScript plugin

A masonry layout utilizes JavaScript to assess available spaces and fill those spaces with the elements that fit them best, with the goal of producing nicely tiled columns from building blocks of varying heights.

To implement masonry in this design, we'll utilize the excellent JavaScript plugin named Masonry, which has been developed and maintained by David DeSandro:

  1. In your browser, navigate to http://masonry.desandro.com.
  2. Download the minified, production-ready file masonry.pkgd.min.js.
  3. Open masonry.pkgd.min.js in your editor and copy its entire contents.
  4. Now, in your project files, open js/plugins.js. Paste the masonry code with its opening comments just after the end of Bootstrap's JavaScript lines.
  5. Save and close the file.

Recall that the plugins.js file is already linked to your index.html file. Similarly, we've added masonry to our page's available scripts! (While we've added some file size, we have not added any new HTTP requests.)

Initializing Masonry JavaScript on our reviews layout

We'll now initialize masonry in our page using HTML attributes.


For Masonry documentation, check http://masonry.desandro.com/#getting-started.

In the index.html file, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the js-masonry class to div class="reviews", which is the parent of all of our review items. This lets masonry know where to do its work.
  2. Then, on the same element, add a data attribute to specify the masonry items. The resulting tag should look like the following line:
    <div class="reviews js-masonry" data-masonry-options='{"itemSelector": ".hreview" }'>


    It's important that the data-masonry-options attribute uses single and double quotes in exactly the following pattern: data-masonry-options='{ "itemSelector": ".hreview" }'.

    This tells masonry which elements to arrange in the masonry layout. We've specified the hreview class (though we could have used thumbnail).

  3. Save index.html and refresh your browser. You can see that the gaps that existed earlier disappeared as soon as the masonry filled them in.

    The result for a small viewport (for which we've specified a two-column layout using col-sm-6) is shown in the following screenshot:

    Initializing Masonry JavaScript on our reviews layout

    And the following is the result in a medium or large viewport:

    Initializing Masonry JavaScript on our reviews layout

Take a geek break by resizing your browser window back and forth across the small and medium breakpoints. Watch the review items reorganize themselves into two or three columns with the animation provided by Masonry.js!

Cutting and trimming our bricks

We're very close to accomplishing our client's desired result. However, one of our remaining problems is that we've possibly mismeasured the size of our images. In a small two-column layout, the image that says Smiling Customer5 sticks out just a bit. In the medium and large three-column layout, the image sticks out even more. We could take the image out, but the review of the customer in that image is one of our client's favorites, and she loves this image. So, we're going to make this image fit properly in the viewport.

Thankfully, we have been given permission to do some trimming. And if push comes to shove, other customers are expendable. This gives us something to work with. Let's begin by fixing the three-column layout:

  1. With _page-contents.less open in your editor, begin a new section with a comment at the top:
    // Cutting and trimming for masonry layout
  2. Next, we'll make multiple adjustments at multiple breakpoints. Instead of starting with a media query, let's take advantage of the power of LESS and nest our media queries within the context of our #impact section. Within the first query, we'll remove the image that says Smiling Customer4 from the layout, as shown in the following lines of code:
    #impact {
      @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {
        .review-item-4 {
          display: none;
  3. Save the file, compile it to CSS, and refresh your browser. Your three-column layout should now be nicely lined up! The following screenshot shows the result:
    Cutting and trimming our bricks

Now let's adjust the image in the two-column layout.


The image that says Smiling Customer5 sticks out perhaps 20px below the others. What's needed here is to trim the photo a little by slicing some pixels from the bottom edge.

We need to slice these pixels only for the small layout—not extra-small and not medium or large. Thus, we'll need both minimum and maximum values in our media query. Adding this media query below the first query, we can accomplish our goals as shown in the following lines of code:

@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
    .review-item-5 {
      height: 474px;
      overflow: hidden;
      img {
        width: 100%;

By adding these lines, we have performed the following:

  • Set the height of the review-item-5 div to precisely 474 pixels so that it will share the same bottom edge with its neighboring item
  • Hidden the overflow, cutting off the bottom portion of the image from the view
  • Forced the image to fill the width of its available space so that it keeps its needed width

The result works nicely! The following screenshot shows the desired result:

Cutting and trimming our bricks

We're looking great!

Adjusting for tiny screens

It seems that Bootstrap's responsive grid and masonry's layout magic has combined to form a nasty concoction for tiny viewports—at least in some browsers. In my browser, images grow huge and no longer stay constrained.

This is because Bootstrap's col-sm- and col-lg- classes no longer apply at this tiny dimension. As a result, our hreview thumbnails and their images have gone completely unconstrained by any specification of width.

At this point, we could do one of the following two things:

  • Go back and add col-12 to each review item
  • Set our own constraints with a little custom LESS

The choice is up to you. As for me, at this point in the flow of things, I'd rather take the second option.

To do so, I'll simply add one more media query in the _page-contents.less file:

@media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {

Within this media query, let's limit the max-width property of div class="reviews" to 400px—a width that leaves our images large enough without allowing them to expand too large. Then, let's use the .center-block() mixin to center align the reviews using auto left and right margins as shown in the following lines of code:

#impact {
   @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {
     .reviews {
    max-width: 400px;

Save the file and then refresh your browser.

Voila! The customer reviews are now performing exactly according to our client's desires.

Now to take care of the last major item in our client's desired home page design: the pricing tables.

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