Note: Page locators in bold refer to tables; those in italics refer to figures.

5W1H methodology 28, 29, 49, 60, 154

Accenture data maturity model 89, 92, 93

accountability and responsibility 69

adding value 21, 111, 112

see also EVM (earned value management) and programme delivery

Agile methodologies 19, 40, 68, 75, 86, 146, 1801, 185, 189

AI (Artificial Intelligence) 7, 110, 111

ALCOA and data integrity 96

analytics capability 10610, 118, 167, 184

Ansoff, Igor 2

Art of War, The (book) 1

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 100

aspirational objectives and OKRs 233

assets of an organisation 15, 1516

Austin, Jeff 196

Australia and data retention 99

balanced scorecard 2245

Balanced Scorecard, The (book) 154

barriers to change 35, 1317

BDN (benefits dependency network) 1978

benefits tracking through strategy implementation 2278

BI (business intelligence) tools 104, 105, 132

Boston Consulting Group 1

brainstorming 192

Branson, Richard 196

Brazil and data retention 100

breaches of regulations 34

Bridges Business Consultancy 26

British Airways 36

Buluswar, Murli 241, 243

business value of the data-driven organisation 112

Canada and data retention 100

Carucci, Ron 26

case studies 2658

CBER-CDER Data Standards Strategy 98, 98

CDO (Chief Data Officers) 19, 212

Chandler, Alfred 2

change management 1378, 1512, 163, 1745, 185, 204, 21315, 251

and barriers to 35, 1317, 274

and the stakeholders 203, 205

Chile and data retention 100

China and data retention 100

Churchill, Winston 175

CIOs (Chief Information Officers) 19, 212

Citigroup 34

clarity and data strategy 223, 34, 64, 845

see also CLEAR approach

Clausewitz, Claus von 1

CLEAR approach 50, 59, 75, 113

cloud computing 7, 36, 104

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Institute 89, 91, 93

committed objectives and OKRs 233

Common Education Data Standards 98

communications and accessibility 5961, 1267, 1436, 17782, 274

for change 21314

impact of the arrival of the PC 2701

and organisational maturity 1413

competitive strategies in the private sector 354

Competitive Strategy (book) 2

Concept of Strategy, The (book) 2

control versus exploitation of data 56

cookies 34

coronavirus pandemic 6, 175, 273

Corporate Strategy (book) 2

corporate strategy and data strategy alignment 1718, 18, 202, 36, 378, 435, 113, 117, 180, 187, 2578

and stakeholder engagement 22, 66, 188

see also interrelationships between organisational strategies

cultural barriers to change 1334, 274

culture of the organisation 12731, 1334, 2413

customer strategy 117

and customer engagement 1769, 1904, 193, 196

and customer intimacy and competitive strategy 53, 54

and marketing analytics 118, 2434

DAMA wheel 89, 93, 94

Darwin, Charles 200

data acquisition 1023

data as an asset 1416, 15, 23, 23640, 270

data capability assessments 103, 1845, 21112, 250, 2523, 274

data-centric environments 248

data cleansing for a customer view programme of UK bank 2712

data compliance and regulation 5, 8, 19, 367, 467, 99101, 119, 248

across different market sectors 55, 70

and fines for data misuse 6, 34, 95

data exploitation 56, 1037, 272

data flow and the triumvirate of people, process and technology 16, 1617

data governance 936, 101, 102

data integrity 95, 967

data management 8990

data maturity of the organisation 378, 2356, 246

and analytics maturity models 1068, 109

and maturity assessments 95, 1413, 165, 166, 21011, 2356

and maturity models 8990, 912, 105

and people capability, information delivery and organisational maturity 84, 85

data misuse 6, 7

data protection 7, 36, 119

see also data compliance and regulation

data quality programmes 2389

data retention 99101

data science 10811

data sharing 67

data standards 979, 1012, 102

Data Standards Authority (UK) 99

data storage 18

data strategy 710, 1213, 244

across organisational and industrial sectors 2645

data strategy cycles 21617

data systems 103

data volumes and technological advances 34, 272

data warehouses 1045

defining the data strategy 4950, 268, 269, 273

de Gaulle, Charles 171

deliverability in data strategy 668

Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends reports 1289, 131

Delphi technique 1912

Deming, W. Edwards 159, 1634

dependencies 1602, 201, 249, 250, 2512, 256, 274

development of the data strategy 5872

Devlin, Dean 161

digital capabilities 11718

Disraeli, Benjamin 200

distrust of technological change 118

diversity in the organisation 612

Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (US, 2010) 96

drafting the data strategy 857, 1201, 263

Drucker, Peter 1, 2, 130

DSDM (dynamic systems development method) 181

Dulles, John Foster 222

duplication 39

Economist, The (magazine) 148, 157

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 168

employee engagement with strategy implementation 1789

enabling in data strategy 68

Engaging Leadership model 24, 25

Enron scandal 6

enterprise planning system 271

ethics and the data strategy 51, 111

EU 36

evaluation assessments to generate performance measurement 2217, 2534

EVM (earned value management) and programme delivery 2345

Excel spreadsheet data 38, 132

execution of data strategy 5, 268, 11314, 14856, 1624, 16870, 26970, 270

and resource alignment 1556, 171, 2056

executive board 1112

executive sponsors 601

external audiences 63

external interests and strategy implementation pitfalls 412

Facebook 238

failure of data strategies 334, 1537, 169, 2212

FBM (Fogg behaviour model) 225

FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) 96, 98

Fields, Mark 130

flexibility of the data strategy 1920, 278, 1624, 2001, 2623, 26970, 275

and adapting to changing market conditions 2436

and managing change 2013, 202

flow diagrams 81

focus groups 191

Fogg, B.J. 225

Follos, Malcolm 150

FP&A strategy data maturity model 109

Franklin, Benjamin 149

Fujitsu 118

Gantt chart 81

gap analysis 2

Gartner data governance maturity model 94

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 38, 412, 99100

Goldman Sachs 34

governance and strategy implementation 188, 189

group dynamics and customer interviews 1914, 193

Grove, Andy 232

Guibert, Count 1

Gumz, Joy 174

Handy, Charles 241

Harvard Business Review (periodical) 2, 26

Henderson, Bruce 2

Herzberg model of motivational behaviours 138

homeostasis 135

HR strategy 118

HSBC 264

Humby, Clive 237

Iacocca, Lee 126


ICO (UK Information Commissioner’s Office) 36

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) 15

Imai, Masaaki 176

implementation teams 24, 26

inclusivity in the organisation 62

India and data retention 100

Infonomics (book) 237

information ecosystem 13, 14, 84

information literacy 132

innovation 55

inspiration in data strategy 656

International Open Data Charter 101

interrelationships between organisational strategies 17, 18, 201, 36, 48, 68, 116

relevancy in the wider business 2831, 158

interviews with customers and stakeholders 1901

intranets 177

ISO 55000 978

IT function 19, 103, 104, 11819

Japan and data retention 100

Journal of Management & Organization (journal) 113

Judd, H. Stanley 73

just-in-time logistics 271

KAB model 225

Kanban boards 82

Kaplan, Robert 154, 224

key drivers of data strategy 701, 113

see also variance in data strategies across organisations

Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model 225

Kotter, John 144

KPIs (key performance indicators) 14, 51, 158, 186, 229, 22931

Laney, Doug 237

language use in data strategy 634

leadership models 235, 24

learning from experience 219, 262

Lewin, Kurt 137, 146

Lincoln, Abraham 149, 174

Magenta Book 223

Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (book) 2

management reporting 39, 104

managerial capability and strategy execution 1645, 166, 1845, 2067

market conditions 163, 202, 2446

marketing strategy 118

Marriott International 36

Mars Climate Orbiter 6

McKeown, Dr Max 58

McKinsey maturity model 106

Measure What Matters (book) 232

mentoring and staff development 2089

see also skills acquisition

mergers and acquisitions 12930, 248

MI (management information) 13, 104, 117

milestones 78, 206

military thought and strategy 1, 49, 168, 195

Mintzberg, Henry 3

mobilisation phase of data strategy execution 149, 150, 262

monopolies and data regulatory frameworks 55

Montgomery, Cynthia 5

National Data Strategy (UK) 247

NEP (UK National Enabling Programme) 253

networking 25

New Zealand and data retention 100

Nightingale, Earl 148

Norton, David 154, 224

observation of customers and key stakeholders 194

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 100

OKRs (objectives and key results) 229, 2324

open data initiatives 1012, 102

Open Standards Directory 102

operational excellence and competitive strategy 53, 54, 55

organisational barriers to change 1323

organisational direction and the importance of data 31

Pascal, Blaise 87

Patton, Gen George S. 168

PDCA (plan–do–check–adjust/act) 19, 40, 146

performance culture 156

performance measurement 222, 229, 22930, 22934

PESTLE (political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental factors) and strategy cycles 218

PIs (performance indicators) 231

pitch for a data strategy 468, 4950, 61, 239

pitfalls in strategy implementation 404

planning and budgeting 158

PMO (Programme Management Office) 182, 1834, 185, 195

Porter, Michael 2, 33, 176

positioning of data strategy within the organisation 1123, 16, 18, 35

post-implementation reviews 262

Practice of Management, The (book) 1

pre-implementation review 1512, 161, 1657, 253

PRIDE acronym and the development of data strategy 648, 69

prioritisation process of data strategy implementation 1878, 204, 2501, 274

privacy and data 7, 36

private sector organisations and competition 53

product leadership and competitive strategy 53, 54

project management and data strategy implementation 3940, 274

Projectmap 81

Prosci 137

prototyping see strawman approach

Prudential Regulation Authority of the Bank of England 34

psychological barriers to change 130, 1345

public sector organisations and competitive strategies 545

purpose in data strategy 64, 88, 923

RACI (RASCI) model 1714, 172, 176, 183

radial grids 81

radiography 110

RAID (risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies) 120, 121, 124, 152, 159, 160, 161, 168, 169, 183

ratio of Tobin’s q 2378, 239

RAVE (relevance, awareness, value, execution) principles 58, 72, 119

realism and the vision of the data strategy 745

red teams and the final draft 1234

regulated environments 265

see also data compliance and regulation

relevance in data strategy 65, 11920

research into the scope of a data strategy 35

resistance to a data strategy see barriers to change

resource alignment and strategy execution 1556, 171, 2056

risk management 38, 25960

rolling data strategy 52, 77, 121, 217, 21819, 2614, 270, 275

route maps and timescales 734, 7682, 155

Rumelt, Richard 84

scope of data strategy 336, 469, 501

Scrum (Agile methodology) 181

Sensei UKE 150

shared visions in data strategy compilation 25

Sivers, Derek 221

skills acquisition 103, 132, 220, 263

see also mentoring and staff development

smartphones 3

SMEs (subject matter experts) 1912

Smith, Thomas 144

social barriers to change 1356

South Africa and data retention 100

South Korea and data retention 100

sponsors of data strategies 39, 40, 46, 60, 70, 1389, 204, 215, 254, 256

see also stakeholders

Sprint/Nextel telecommunications merger 129

staff losses 207, 259

staff motivation 103, 20810

stakeholders 11, 30, 49, 62, 69, 116, 194, 274

and change management 203, 205

and corporate strategy 22, 66, 188

and engagement with data strategy formulation 19, 50, 5860, 126, 190, 2545

and gaining their support 39, 56

see also sponsors of data strategies

Standard Chartered 34

Steiner, George 2

storytelling 11415, 116, 122, 1456

Strategic Planning (book) 2

Strategist, The (book) 5

strategy, concept of 13, 49

and a dynamic approach to 21617

Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of Industrial Enterprise (book) 2

strategy gap 33

strategy implementation 3744, 62, 67, 71, 79, 80, 141, 1889, 1989, 220

and communications 127, 1434, 17781, 2557

and customer engagement 1769, 1904, 193

and data and analytic project teams 1827

and defining benefits 1948, 197

and dependencies 1602, 201, 249, 250, 2512, 256, 274

and failures of 334, 1537, 169, 2212

and planning for change 1512, 163, 1746, 201, 2046

and pre-implementation review 1512, 161, 1657, 253

and the RACI (RASCI) model 1714, 172

and requirements for 18990

and the revolutionary and evolutionary approaches to 2469

and roles and responsibilities 1713, 172

and waymarkers 15960, 188

Strategy& PwC 153

strawman approach 192

structure and content of the data strategy 75, 848, 902, 10213, 112, 11424

and data integrity and standards 969, 98

and data maturity models 85, 8990, 912

and data standards 979, 1012, 102

and execution of 11314

sub-strategies 502

success of a data strategy 223, 58, 689, 2001

planning for 7980, 188, 1945, 223, 2601

Sull, Donald 155, 202

Sun Tzu 1

survey of company executives on strategy execution 1534

survey of global CEOs on executional excellence 1546, 202

survey on strategy execution among firms in Singapore and the USA 267

TDWI (Transforming Data With Intelligence) 105

team efforts 25, 401, 11617, 1827

technological advances 34, 77, 118

Thailand and data retention 100

The Data Warehousing Institute 105

third parties and strategy implementation 62

Tobin, James 237

Top Management Strategy (book) 2

Tour de France 150

Tregoe, Benjamin 2

UBS 34

UK National Audit Office 6

UK West Coast Mainline rail 6

US and data retention 100

value assignments to data 238

variance in data strategies across organisations 525

vision and detail balance 116

waymarkers 789, 80, 84, 88, 1212, 124, 152, 159, 260

Zimmerman, John 2

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