Chapter 1: Getting Started

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 What is DS2?

1.1.2 Traditional SAS DATA Step versus DS2

1.1.3 What to Expect from This Book

1.1.4 Prerequisite Knowledge

1.2 Accessing SAS and Setting Up for Practice

1.1 Introduction

Today’s data scientists deal with ever larger data sets from a widening variety of data sources, and the computations required to process that data are continually becoming more complex. As SAS has been modernized with each new release, most SAS procedures (PROCs) have been rewritten to be thread-enabled, allowing them to use multiple CPUs on a single computer or even to push processing into massively parallel processing (MPP) computing environments such as Teradata, Hadoop, or the SAS High-Performance Analytics grid. But the DATA step, with its sequential, observation-by-observation approach to data manipulation, has remained stubbornly single threaded.

In the summer of 2013, SAS released SAS 9.4, which included a revolutionary new programming language named DS2. Each subsequent maintenance release of SAS 9.4 has added new features and functionality in the DS2 language. The second edition of this book is intended to expand coverage of the DS2 language to include several of these new features, and to provide more in-depth coverage on features that have proven to be extraordinarily useful over the last couple of years.

1.1.1 What is DS2?

DS2 is basically DATA step programming redesigned from the ground up with several important goals. I like to think of DS2 as a language that combines the power and control of the Base SAS DATA step programming language with the simplicity of SQL and throws in just enough object-oriented features to make simple, reusable code modules a reality. With DS2 you can perform extremely complex data manipulation and transformation by writing intuitive, succinct, and compact programs. It always amazes me how much you can accomplish with just a little code!

Here is what DS2 can do:

   natively process American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SQL data types for better integration with external data stores

   provide modern structured programming constructs, making it simple to extend the functionality of the DS2 language with reusable code modules

   tightly integrate with SQL

   provide simple, safe syntax for multi-threaded processing to accelerate CPU-intensive tasks

2017 brought SAS 9.4 maintenance release 5 (SAS 9.4M5), and the DS2 language had further matured, incorporating new features and functionality. Here are a few of the features that made me decide to write a second edition of this book:

   PROC DSTODS2—a new procedure to help you convert existing DATA step programs to DS2 data programs.

   Addition of some useful global statements to PROC DS2.

   Support for the OF keyword when using variable array references as variable lists.

   Better CONNECT string documentation, and simpler syntax to limit which libraries DS2 connects to upon invocation.

   The new MERGE statement (which is very different from a DATA step MERGE…).

   The new PCRX packages, which allow using regular expressions to process text with better performance than when using PRX functions.

   A new LIBNAME engine for JSON files that makes reading JSON easier in traditional DATA step programs than using the JSON package in DS2, but is not as flexible.

1.1.2 Traditional SAS DATA Step versus DS2

If you have a SAS/ACCESS license for a supported database management system (DBMS), the traditional SAS DATA step can process DBMS data, but native data types are first translated to SAS 8-byte floating-point numeric or fixed-width character data types by the LIBNAME engine. This causes a loss of precision when dealing with higher-precision ANSI numeric data types, such as BIGINT or DECIMAL. DS2 is capable of directly manipulating ANSI data types—including multi-byte character types—even when processing on the SAS compute platform. Figure 1.1 compares and contrasts traditional Base SAS DATA step processing with DS2 data program processing, illustrated by a basic example.

Figure 1.1: Traditional DATA Step Processing versus DS2 Data Program Processing


As you can see in Figure 1.1, when the traditional SAS DATA step accesses DBMS data via the SAS/ACCESS engine using a LIBNAME statement, DBMS data types are automatically converted to fixed-width character or double-precision, floating-point numeric. In contrast, the DS2 data program accesses the RDBMS data via a special driver that is associated with SAS/ACCESS software and can therefore process the data in its native data type.

The SAS DATA step is essentially a data-driven loop: reading, manipulating, and writing out one observation at a time. If the process is computationally complex, it can easily become CPU bound; that is, data can be read into memory faster than it can be processed. If the DATA step elapsed (clock) time in the SAS log is about the same as the CPU time, your process is most likely CPU bound. DS2 can accelerate CPU-bound processing by processing data rows in parallel using DS2 threads. Figure 1.2 contrasts traditional SAS DATA step, single-threaded processing with multi-threaded processing using DS2 thread and data programs.

Figure 1.2: Serial Processing in the DATA Step versus DS2 Parallel Processing


As you can see in Figure 1.2, the traditional SAS DATA step must process each row of data sequentially. By contrast, DS2 can use thread and data programs to process multiple rows of data simultaneously.

Notice that both processes use a single read thread, so if the bottleneck is getting data from disk or the DBMS into memory on the SAS compute platform for processing, then threaded processing on the SAS compute platform will not improve overall performance. This situation is referred to as an “I/O bound” operation. DS2 uses a single read thread to feed multiple compute threads when processing in Base SAS to ensure that each row of data is distributed to only one compute thread for processing. Similarly, if I/O is the bottleneck and computations are taking place on the SAS platform, DS2 is unlikely to improve performance.

However, because today’s DBMS data is enormous, data movement should be completely avoided whenever possible. With DS2, in a properly provisioned and configured SAS installation that includes the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator, your DS2 programs can actually execute on the database hardware in the SAS Embedded Process without having to move data to the SAS compute platform at all. Figure 1.3 compares DS2 data program threaded processing on the SAS compute platform to in-database processing with DS2 and the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator.

Figure 1.3: Parallel Processing with Threads: SAS Compute Platform versus In-Database


As you can see in Figure 1.3, using DS2 thread and data programs with the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator enables the DS2 code to compile and execute on the massively parallel DBMS hardware. If the process reads from a DBMS table and also writes to a DBMS table, then only the code goes into the DBMS, and only the SAS log comes out. All processing takes place in the DBMS. This concept of “taking the code to the data” instead of the traditional “bringing the data to the code” greatly reduces the amount of data movement that is required for processing. It also extends the computational capabilities of the DBMS to include SAS functions and processing logic, and takes full advantage of the massively parallel processing (MPP) capabilities of the DBMS. If you are a SAS programmer or a data scientist in an environment that includes SAS, you will find that DS2 quickly becomes a must-have tool for data manipulation.

This edition wouldn’t be complete without a discussion of the new SAS® Viya® architecture with its SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS). CAS distributed processing works a lot like in-database processing, with two significant advantages:

1.   Enormous data sets can be persisted in memory. This means that, once loaded, subsequent passes on the data can be made without having to reload the data from off-line storage. If the data is too large to load into memory all at once, you don’t need to modify your program—CAS handles the complexity behind the scenes to maximize throughput.

2.   When in-database processing with the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator, only data that resides in the database is eligible for distributed processing on the database hardware. CAS can access data from a wide variety of sources through native direct access or external source data connectors.

DS2 running in CAS enables in-database-style parallel processing, but with the ability to source data from a variety of data stores, while the in-memory capabilities minimize physical I/O operations, as shown in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: Parallel Processing with Threads: In-Database versus CAS


1.1.3 What to Expect from This Book

Data wrangling, as I use the term, is more than just cleaning up data to prepare it for analysis. A data wrangler acquires data from diverse sources, then structures, organizes, and combines it in unique ways to facilitate analysis and obtain new insights. This book teaches you to wrangle data using DS2, highlighting the similarities and differences between DS2 data programs and traditional DATA step processing, as well as leveraging DS2’s parallel-processing power to boost your data-wrangling speed.

Here is what you will be able to do after you finish reading this book:

   identify the types of processes for which the language was designed and understand the conditions indicating that DS2 is a good choice when attempting to improve the performance of existing DATA step processes

   identify which programming statements and functions are shared between DATA step and DS2 data programs

   identify the DATA step functionality not available in DS2 and understand why it was not included in the DS2 language

   know what new DS2 program functionality is not available in the traditional DATA step

   directly manipulate ANSI data types in a DS2 program

   understand the implications of handling data that contains both SAS missing and ANSI null values in the same process

   convert a Base SAS data manipulation process from DATA step to a DS2 data program

   understand the DS2 system methods and how they relate to traditional DATA step programming constructs

   create custom DS2 methods, extending the functionality of the DS2 language

   store custom DS2 methods in packages and reuse them in subsequent DS2 programs

   use DS2 packages to create object-oriented programs

   use predefined DS2 packages to add extra functionality to your DS2 data programs

   create DS2 thread programs and execute them from a DS2 data program for parallel processing of data records

   use BY-group and FIRST.variable and LAST.variable processing in a DS2 data program or thread to perform custom data summarizations, without requiring a presort of the data

   determine whether your system has the capability to execute DS2 programs in-database and, if so, execute your DS2 thread programs in parallel, fully distributed on an MPP DBMS platform

1.1.4 Prerequisite Knowledge

This book was written with the seasoned Base SAS programmer in mind. You can acquire the prerequisite knowledge from other SAS Press books, such as An Introduction to SAS University Edition by Ron Cody or The Little SAS Book: A Primer by Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter.

Before diving in, you’ll want to be familiar with the following key concepts:

   DATA step programming, in general

   SAS libraries

   accessing data with a LIBNAME statement

   reading and writing SAS data sets

   the role of the program data vector (PDV) in DATA step processing

   conditional processing techniques


   iterative processing (DO loops)

   macro processing, in general

   assigning values to macro variables

   resolving macro variables in SAS code

   timing of macro process execution versus execution of other SAS code

   SQL joins

1.2 Accessing SAS and Setting Up for Practice

If you do not currently have access to SAS software, you can use the robust learning community online known as SAS Analytics U. From the SAS Analytics U website, you can download a free, up-to-date, and fully functional copy of SAS University Edition, which is provided as a virtual machine (VM). The SAS University Edition VM includes a completely installed, configured, well-provisioned SAS server. The examples in this book were all created and executed using SAS University Edition, with the exception of the sections requiring DBMS access. You can get your own free copy of SAS University Edition at

Getting Ready to Practice

1.   Download the ZIP file containing the data for this book from

2.   Unzip the files to a location available to SAS. If you are using SAS University Edition, the shared folder you designated when setting up your SAS environment is a good location for these files.

3.   In SAS, open the program, follow the directions in the program comments to modify the code for your SAS environment, and then submit the program. You will need to run this program only once.

You are now ready to run the sample programs that are included with this book.

If you exit SAS between study sessions, it is easy to return. When you start SAS again, just run the program named in order to re-establish your connection to the appropriate SAS libraries before working with the other programs from this book. As an aside, if you have difficulty re-establishing your SAS library connections with the program, there is no harm in rerunning It just takes a little longer to run.

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