Abbeel, Pieter, 78

Accenture, 143

accountability, 134

accountants, 2728

agile thinking, 154155

agile work, 170173

agility, 143144, 167168

Alibaba, 135

alliances, 146, 183

Allstate, 76

AlphaBeta Analysis, 2526

AlphaGo Zero, 7172, 180

Amazon, 135

Amazon Go, 71

Android programming, 156157, 158159

Anglo American, 33

anthropoid robots, 76

artificial intelligence (AI), 2930

in cognitive automation, 71, 7273

convergence and, 6668

definition of, 184

flight attendants and, 54

insurance claims and, 115

job options and, 146

in oncology patient care, 8283, 84

principles guiding development and use of, 184186

in recruiting, 100102

assembly-line jobs, 7376, 128129

ATMs (automated teller machines), 24, 17

optimizing bank work automation and, 5766

payoff of, 4346

work optimization and, 8889

authority, 134


challenges in, 42

combining human work with, 34

compatibility analysis of jobs for, 89

convergence in, 7786

effects of on work, 66

evolution of, 78

execution and, 4142

experimentation with, 1213

humans replaced by, 12, 8

identifying opportunities for, 117

identifying options in, 5786, 177182

implementation checklist for, 117118

job creation and destruction by, 17

leadership and, 143168

new work for humans from, 89

in oncology surgery, 7786

optimism/pessimism about, 1, 169170, 182

organizational effects of, 116140

organizational readiness for, 68

payoff of, 39, 4155

personal career tool for identifying, 173, 177182

reengineering vs. deconstruction and, 36

rethinking of work and, 3234

ROIP and, 5455

tasks compatible with, 2628

types of, 910, 58, 6677

uneven distribution of, 6668

work-automation options, 189194

work optimization with, 87118


ATMs vs. bank tellers in, 24

optimizing automation in, 5766

work optimization in, 8889

Bank of America, 3

bank tellers vs. ATMs, 24, 2023

ROIP of, 4346

work optimization and, 8889

Baxter cobot, 7576, 180

becoming, 143144

“Berkeley Startup to Train Robots Like Puppets” (Sanders), 78

Bessen, James, 2

Beyond HR (Boudreau and Ramstad), 42, 49

BHP Billiton, 33

big data, 72

Black Book model, 106

Blue Prism, 70

Botlrs, 180

Boudreau, John W., 45, 42, 49, 167168

Burke, Tony, 181182

business processes

in cancer treatment, 136

reengineering, 3438, 72

reinventing related, 109116

in the star model, 136

call-center agents, 28, 108109, 118, 134135

cancer care, 7786, 9091, 98

organizational effects of automation in, 136142

capabilities, 136, 154157

development of, 164166

enabling, 154157, 162, 164166

of leaders, 166168

career paths, 124, 149

continuous development, 154155

development and, 164166

personal work evolution and, 124, 169188

Center for Effective Organizations, 206

Chen, Peter, 78

claims processing, 109116

cobots, 7477, 180182

Coca-Cola Company, 106

cognitive automation, 910, 7073

bank tellers and, 6061

in claims processing, 112113

definition of, 10

employment options and, 146147

flight attendants and, 90

identifying options for, 179180

in oncology patient care, 8182, 8485

when to use, 58, 192193

work optimization with, 100109

collaboration, 2728

environment of, 186187

collaborative robotics, 7477. See also social robotics

in oncology surgery, 8283

Colson, Eric, 107

communication, 27, 168

perpetual conversation about job reinvention, 170173

Compass Automation, 9495


analysis of jobs for automation, 89

of social automation, 76

of tasks with automation types, 2628

compensation, 131132, 136, 158162

in the star model, 136

compliance, 98100, 118

constant-value ROIP curve, 4748

convergence, 6668, 7273

oncology surgery and, 7786

cost cutting, 8

counterfeit goods, 150

credit analysts, 27, 99100, 101

critical thinking, 154

CrowdFlower, 175

culture, 134

customer-care specialists, 108109

customer relationship management (CRM), 70

customer service representatives, 133134, 152153

da Vinci Xi system, 7980, 82

decision making, 11, 132

deployment, 162164

Deutsche Post AG, 76

development, 164166

digital twins, 103105

Dixon, Desiree, 22

Donahoe, John, 182

driverless vehicles, 114115

drones, 76, 77

in claims processing, 112113

in methane leak detection, 9798

Duan, Rocky, 78

Duncker’s candle problem, 19

The Economist, 175

education, 148, 156157, 170172

empowerment, 187188

enabling skills, 154157, 162, 164166

enterprise resource planning (ERP), 70

environmental harm, 9596

execution, 4142

experimentation, 1213

exponential-value ROIP curve, 44, 4849

cognitive automation and, 102109

social robotics and, 9698

factories, 148, 181182

Farmers Insurance, 76

Fast Company, 169170, 180

financial services, 6263, 98100, 102. See also banking

flexibility, 76

flight attendants, 5255, 90

focus, in reengineering vs. deconstruction, 36

food as a service, 129136

Ford, 148

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is About Empowering People, Not the Rise of Machines” (Keywell), 7475

free agents, 146, 183

freelance workers, 146147, 183

Freeport-McMoRan, 33

Future of Work study, 115, 145146

Future Shock (Toffler), 148

Galbraith, Jay, 135136

Gates, Bill, 172

GE, 102105

General Motors, 148

Genpact, 144

Global Future of Work Survey, 67

Global Talent 2021, 154155


AI tools, 108

DeepMind, 7172

Glass, 54

governance, 118, 172

government, 170, 187188

Gutierrez, Carlos, 167168

Haier, 129136, 142, 144145

Hammer, Michael, 3538

Henn na Hotel, 180

HolacracyOne, 128

Hsieh, Tony, 127128

human capital perspective, 5

“human in the loop,” 175

human resources, 136

in the star model, 136

human resources consultants, 27

Hurricane Harvey, 7677

IBM, 171

IBM Watson, 109

IBM Watson for Oncology (WFO), 8182

implementation costs, 67

incremental-value ROIP curve, 44, 48

social robotics and, 96

work optimization for, 98100

independent vs. interactive tasks, 9, 2728

automation optimization and, 5961

bank tellers, 2223

social robotics for, 9698

The Inevitable (Kelly), 143

information sharing, 11, 134

Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), 184186

innovation, 128129, 185186

inspection robots, 9495

Institute for International Finance, 98

insurance industry, 109116

integration or robots, 76

interactive tasks. See independent vs. interactive tasks

internet of things (IoT), 115, 134, 135

Intuitive Surgical, 7980, 82

iPhone, 143144

iRig, 96

Java programming, 156

JD, 150153

Jenga, 125, 126

Jesuthasan, Ravin, 4

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 97

job architectures, 162164

job-automation matrix, 151153

job deconstruction, 5, 67, 1939

ATMs/bank tellers and, 2023

history of, 3439

leaders in, 144145

oil drillers, 2834

personal career tool for, 173, 174175

pilots and flight attendants, 5255

recruiters, 101102

reengineering vs., 3438

into work elements, 2426

work optimization and, 8889, 9294

job reinvention, 1011

bank tellers, 34

deconstruction in, 5, 67

employee skills and, 136, 154157

enabling skills and, 154157, 162, 164166

leadership in, 144, 145166

need for continuous, 181

oil drillers, 2834

in oncology surgery, 7786, 136142

to optimize work automation, 5866

options in, 146

organizational effects of, 125127

payoff differences and, 8889

perpetual conversation about, 170173

personal, 124, 169188

personal career tool for, 172188

in process reengineering and automation optimization, 39

of related jobs, 7786, 109116

reskilling and, 86, 164166

road map for, 48

work optimization and, 116

work readiness and, 155157

job replacement, 169170, 182

ATMs and bank tellers, 24, 6263

evaluating jobs for, 89

optimism/pessimism about, 12

job skills, 136, 144, 154157

Kates, Amy, 136

Kellogg Company, 167168

Kelly, Kevin, 143

Kensho Technologies, 102

Kessler, Greg, 136

Keywell, Brad, 7475

Lawler, Edward, 136

leaders and leadership, 123, 143168

capabilities in, 143144

checklist for automation implementation for, 117118

collaboration with workers in, 146

deployment and, 162164

development and succession of, 145

dispersed, 144145

employee skills and, 155157

environment of collaboration and, 186187

framework for job reinvention for, 58

future capabilities for, 34

mindset in, 147, 148155

reward systems and, 158162

skills for, in the future, 166168

transformative changes redefining, 147

trust and, 1112

in work optimization, 187188

work reinvention and, 11, 144, 145166

Lead the Work (Boudreau, Jesuthasan, and Creelman), 136, 171


educational institutions and, 171172

evolution of automation and, 78

mindset of reiterative, 147, 148155

work readiness and, 156157

Learning by Doing (Bessen), 2

LinkedIn, 101, 158, 163

logistics, 153

Lowe’s, 180

LR Mate 200iC robot, 9495, 156157

machine learning, 71, 104105, 180

maintenance optimization, 102105

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 17, 123, 180

McDonald’s, 4952

McKinsey & Company, 99

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 81

mental tasks. See physical vs. mental tasks

methane leaks, 9698

metrics, 136, 138

Metso, 33

mindset, 147, 148155, 167168

mistake reduction, 44, 4647, 99100

bank tellers and, 8889

Mohrman, Susan, 136

Mutual Benefit Life (MBL), 3638

NASA, 97

natural resources extraction, 2834, 96, 159162

Navy Federal Credit Union, 22

negative-value ROIP curve, 4649

for pilots, 90

social robotics and, 9496

work optimization for, 98100

Nabors Industries, 96

Oakley, Eloy Ortiz, 171172

Obama, Barack, 2

Ocado Group, 108109

oil drillers, 2834, 159162

oncology surgery, 7786, 9091, 98, 136142

O*Net, 2426

organizational perspective, 5, 116

outside-in vs. inside-out approach with, 127142

organizational structure, 11, 116, 123

cancer care automation and, 136142

at Haier, 129136

leadership and, 144145

personal career tool for navigating, 173, 183188

reinvention of, 142

star model of, 135137

OSHbot, 180

outsourcing, 146, 183

oversight, 118

Oxford Economics, 154155

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&G), 9798

pattern recognition, 7071


assessing ROIP for, 176177

McDonald’s vs. Starbucks, 4952

payoffs of changes in, 8889

pilots and flight attendants, 5255

ROIP, 4355

strategic value and, 5

value of, 9

personal devices, banking and, 3

personal work evolution, 169188

physical vs. mental tasks, 9, 28

automation optimization and, 5961

automation types for, 189194

bank tellers, 2223

pilots, 5255

Pioneer Natural Resources, 34

pipe running, 96

Politico, 170

power structures, 134135, 148

predictability, 148

procurement planners, 105107

product development, 72, 105107, 128129

Project Z, 151

public-private partnerships, 186

Python programming, 156

Quiet Logistics, 76

Ramstad, Peter, 42

recruiting, 100102

redeployability, 76

redundant steps, RPA and, 6869

reengineering, 3438, 72

“Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate” (Hammer), 3538

regulatory risk, 70

relationship skills, 154155

repetitive vs. variable tasks, 8, 2627

automation optimization and, 5961, 190194

bank tellers, 2223, 8889

RPA and, 68

social robotics for, 9496, 9698

research and development (R&D), 185186

reskilling, 86, 164166

return on improved performance (ROIP), 4346

automation optimization and, 5961

automation types and, 67

curves in, 4649

McDonald’s vs. Starbucks, 4952

personal career tool for, 173, 176177

pilots and flight attendants, 5255

reward systems linked to, 158162

social robotics and, 9496

work-automation grid on, 190194

work optimization and, 8889, 9094

return on investment (ROI), 118

reward systems, 131132, 136, 158162

Rio Tinto, 96

risk management, 44, 118

in insurance and smart-home devices, 115

RPA and, 69

robotic process automation (RPA), 8, 910, 6670

in claims processing, 112113

definition of, 10

employment options and, 146147

identifying options for, 178179

in oncology patient care, 80

scalability and, 100

tasks suitable for, 6870

when to use, 58, 189194

work optimization with, 98100

“Robotic Process Automation 101” (Surdak), 6870

robotics, 146

robotic surgery, 7980, 82

robots, tax on, 172

Roost, 115

safety, 76, 158

salespeople, 118

Sanders, Robert, 78

scalability, 100

self-organization, 127128


in cognitive automation, 71

cognitive automation and, 179

oil drillers and, 2930

serial entrepreneurship, 130132

ServiceNow, 182

Simply Orange, 106

singularity, 180

Sloan Management Review, 130

smart-home devices, 115

Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR), 8283, 98

social networks, 134

social robotics, 910, 7377

definition of, 10

identifying options for, 178179, 180182

for pilots, 55, 90

for repetitive, independent, physical work, 9496

when to use, 58, 190194

SogetiLabs, 127128

stability, 148

stackable credentials, 171172

Starbucks, 4952

star model of organization design, 135137

Starwood Hotels, 180

Stitch Fix, 106107

strategic value, 39, 4155

cobots and, 7576

job performance and, 5

in reengineering vs. deconstruction, 3638

of technology, 29

work performance and, 9

strategy, 5, 133

reengineering vs. deconstruction and, 36

in the star model, 136

stylists, 106107

supply chain, 153

Surdak, Christopher, 6870

swarm robots, 7677

systemic change, 1213

talent management, 100102

deployment, 162164

development, 164166

leadership development, 145

reskilling for job changes, 67

skill development, 136, 154157

in the star model, 136

talent platforms, 146, 183

tax on robots, 172


convergence in, 6668

disruption from, 143144

Tesla, 114115

Toffler, Alvin, 148

trainability, 76

transparency, 168, 187188

trial lawyers, 109

trust, 1112, 134, 187188

Uber, 179180

unemployment benefits and insurance, 172

Unilever, 100101

Unite, 182

universal basic income (UBI), 172

“The Unorganization” (SogetiLabs), 127128

Uptake, 7475

Upwork, 156, 158159, 162, 163

variable tasks. See repetitive vs. variable tasks

variance reduction, 44, 4748

virtual collaboration, 142

volunteers, 146, 183

warehouse operations, 7677, 150

Watson for Oncology (WFO), 8182

Willis Towers Watson, 39, 115, 145146, 154155

Winby, Stu, 136

work, evolution of, 148154, 174175

worker injury, 9596

worker shortages, 178

work optimization, 5, 1011, 87116

across job groups, 24, 25

automation types and, 5866

banking automation and, 5766

checklist for leaders, 117118

of claims processing, 109116

framework for, 9194

job deconstruction in, 2426

on oncology surgery, 83

personal career tool for, 173, 182

questions guiding, 92

reinvention of job families/processes and, 109116

of repetitive, independent, mental work with incremental-value ROIP, 100102

of repetitive, independent, mental work with negative-value and incremental-value ROIP, 98100

of repetitive, independent, physical work with negative-value ROIP, 9496

of repetitive, interactive, mental work with exponential-value ROIP, 102105

of repetitive, interactive, physical work with incremental-value ROIP, 96

of variable, independent, mental work with exponential-value ROIP, 105107

of variable, independent, physical work with exponential-value ROIP, 9698

of variable, interactive, mental work with exponential-value ROIP, 108109

of variable, interactive, physical work with exponential-value ROIP, 98

work readiness, 155157

work tasks. See also job deconstruction

automation optimization and, 5961

automation types and, 66, 67

cognitive automation and, 7073, 7273

deconstructing jobs into, 5, 67

pilots and flight attendants, 5255

World Economic Forum, 67, 149

Worley, Christopher, 136

Xchanging, 65

YOTEL New York, 180

Zappos, 127128, 144145

Zhang Ruimin, 130132, 134

Zhang Tianhao, 78

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