
campaigns, stale, 27

messages, traditional, 28

American Express, 12, 197198

analogies, storytelling and, 55

analysis, engagement, 155

angles, finding the right, 128

approachable tone, using a, 37

attention spans and surveys, 113

attention, consequences of not paying, 139


how to earn, 24, 2729

tips for earning, 3739


engagement, monitoring, 53

members, engaging your, 96


connecting on an emotional level with your, 129

emotional connection and your, 188

audience, target, 126

B2B, 22

B2C, 22

marketers, channels of, 72

bad experiences, customers and, 113114

biased decision-making, data and, 161

blogging, creating a social media presence by, 78

blogging, guest, 158159

blogs, B2C marketers and, 72

body language, 65


loyalty, 17

personality, finding your, 3337

recognition, big companies and, 45

tone, determining your, 3536

voice, determining your, 3435

branded content, 7

budgets, content marketing, 30

business-to-business (see B2B)

business-to-consumer (see B2C)

calls to action in your blog posts, 78

channel plan, how to create your, 7576

checklist, ditching the, 24, 193204

Chipotle, 5152


post-blog, 156157

video, 156157

commoditizing content, 23


low-level, 32

one-way, 16, 32

concise, the importance of being, 36

connecting with your audience on an emotional level, 129

consistent, the importance of being, 36

consumer rebellion, 28

content that addresses trending information, 134


boring, 27

branded, 7

commoditizing, 23

setting realistic goals for your, 73

the definition of, 6

user-generated, 185186

contentment, your audience and, 44

context, data without, 162

Conversation Age, 1213

conversations, maximizing, 21

corporate ethics, conveying, 5051

crafting your headlines, 129


listening for verbal, 119120

looking for non-verbal, 119120

customer feedback, surveys for, 111112

customer involvement, 24

customer service, molecular, 9093

customer, talking about your, 140141

customers and bad experiences, 113114

customers and your vulnerability, 68


speaking to your, 118120

telling the story of your, 6364

customers and social networking channels, 32

data diving, 160166

data without context, 162


insufficient, 163

premature, 162163

prodding the, 161162

demographic information, monitoring, 153

differentiation, importance of, 2930

Dove, 105107

ecosystem, conversation, 7879

edgy tone, using an, 36

editorial board, creating an, 133134

editorial calendar, creating an, 8284

effective surveys, tips for writing, 112113

effectiveness as a key performance indicator, 74

email, B2C marketers and, 72

embedded links in your blog posts, 78

emotion, tapping into human, 45

emotional connection and your audience, 188

emotional level, connecting with your audience on an, 129

emotional response,

eliciting an, 4950

response, inciting an, 55

emotional storytelling, 15

employee influencers, 182183

engagement analysis, 155

engagement as a key performance indicator, 74


how to monitor, 151152

monitoring audience, 53

monitoring peoples', 149

observing individual, 149

promoting, 2021

engaging your audience members, 96

ethics, conveying corporate, 5051

exaggerated words, usage of, 119

external influencer, 173175

getting an, 183

Facebook page, determining if you need a, 7677

facial expressions, 65

generalization, turn off of, 20

generating content from fans and customers, 183184

generation z, trends and, 186

getting customers involved, 184

goals for your content, setting realistic, 73

goals, creating a schedule for your, 77

Goldman Sachs Progress Campaign, 4547

Google Analytics, 152153

group conversations, 120

guest blogging, 158159

handshake moment, 5

creating a, 3033

happiness, your audience and, 44


clever and effective, 129130

crafting your, 129

hidden variables in data, 162

honest conversation, keeping, 116

Hootsuite, 108, 154

human emotion, tapping into, 45

human value, sharing your brand's, 66

human-to-human strategy, 2223


being, 24

the importance of staying, 6170

humility, your, 68

id, eliminating the, 6264

illustrations, B2C marketers and, 72

in-person events, B2C marketers and, 72

incentives, surveys and offering, 113

individual engagement, observing, 149

influence, determining your level of, 171173


determining, 171173

employee, 182183

external, 173175

paid, 177178

infographics, B2C marketers and, 72

inspiration, storytelling and, 55

instant gratification, utilizing, 4344

insufficient data, 163

interaction, two-way, 29

interactive tools, B2C marketers and, 72

internal SME influencer, getting an, 183

internal subject matter experts, 175177

involvement, customer, 24

irrelevant, marketing mistakes that make you, 9495

jargon, avoiding, 55, 95

jokes, telling, 119

key performance indicators, 73

lack of response, 149

language, tricks to personalizing your, 88

language, using clear, 36

lead generation devices in your blog posts, 78

LEGO, 7982

LinkedIn page, determining if you need a, 7677


colloquialisms of, 127

creating a social media presence on, 78

listener, offending your, 142143


and having an MBA, 117118

effectively, 107112

for verbal cues, 119120

regimen, setting up a, 104

tools, 108


opening up and, 24

the importance of, 8788

longer conversations, ideas for, 134

looking for non-verbal cues, 119120

low-level communication, 32

macro-conversations, 9394

market status quo, challenging, 58

marketing, content, 56

growth of, 9

Marriot, 12, 189, 198199

MBA, listening and having an, 117118

metaphors, storytelling and, 55

micro-conversations, 9394

micro-influencers, 178179

millennial customers, social media and, 184185


expectations of, 116117

targeting, 3637

mirroring body language and trust, 120

mirroring, 118119

mission and passion, 195197

mistakes, owning your, 116

molecular customer service 9093

molecular level relevancy, 184


engagement, 151152

peoples' engagement, 148

sales trends, 185

social media traffic, 153

what customers say online, 184185

narrative, building your storytelling as a, 127

natural selection, theory of, 22

negative response, 149

non-verbal cues, looking for, 119120

observing individual engagement, 149

offending your listener, 142143

Old Spice, 8990

one-to-one conversation level, 147


communication, 16, 32

dialogue, 1617

online, responding to what customers say, 184185

Oreo International, 9293, 179182

organizing content on your website, 202

paid influencer, 177178

getting a, 183

pain point,

addressing, 67

focusing on the audience's, 61

providing cures for, 69

your company and a specific, 61

participating in the conversation, 9394

passion and mission, intersecting of, 195197

peoples' engagement, monitoring, 148

personal touch, adding a, 21

personality, brand, finding your, 3337

personalizing your language, 88

pitching products, acceptance of, 74

pitching, the importance of not, 6466

points of view, keeping positive, 114115

positive point of view, keeping, 114115

post-blog comments, 156157

premature data, 162163

Proctor and Gamble, 5658

Prudential, case study of, 1819

reading the room, 148149

Red Bull, 12, 200201

relevant, the importance of being, 87102

research, the importance of doing your, 143144

responding to what customers say online, 184185


lack of, 149

negative, 149

return on investment and measuring success, 190

return on investment, immediate, 142

ROI conundrum, 164166

sharing, encouraging, 187188

slang, usage of, 119

slogans, customers and, 27

smart tone, using a, 36

Snapchat, colloquialisms of, 127

social media

listening tools, 108

posts, B2C marketers and, 72

traffic, monitoring, 153

social media,

asking questions on, 111

B2C marketers and, 72

brands and, 13

social networking channels and customers, 32

speaking to your customer, 118120

speech patterns, 65

starters, conversation, 141

starting a conversation, 138144

tips for, 128


how to tell a, 24

the importance of telling a, 4159

storytelling and content, 5458


emotional, 15

the art of, 43

subject matter, deciphering your, 127

success, measuring, 190191

super fan brand, 178179

surveys for customer feedback, 111112

surveys, 157158

tips for writing effective, 112113

T3 Custom, 149151

talking too much about yourself, 140141

talking, know when to stop, 147167

target audience and headlines, 130

target audience, 126

TD Ameritrade, 199200

TD Bank, 135138

technology industry, crash of the, 13

telling a story, the importance of, 4159

thesis, rules for writing your, 133

thinkMoney, 11

tone, brand personality and your, 3536

tones, voice, 65

traditional advertising messages, 28

traditional marketing and content

marketing, the difference between, 122123

trending information, content and, 134

trust, mirroring body language and, 120

Twitter page, determining if you need a, 7677

Twitter, colloquialisms of, 127

targeting millennials on, 3637

user-generated content, taking

advantage of, 185186

verbal cues, listening for, 119120

video comments, 156157

visual cues, 65

voice tones, 65

voice, brand personality and your, 3435

website, organizing content on your, 202

witty tone, using a, 37

words, usage of exaggerated, 119

YouTube distribution, 53

YouTube, advertising on, 142

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