To my T3AM, for being an incredibly devoted and talented group of people. I'm so grateful to work with you. Thank you. To Stephanie Clark and Dan Rosenberg, for helping me develop the content for this book, and particularly Dan, for allowing me to invade a few Saturday mornings and weeknight evenings.

To Bets. There's no way I could have pulled this off without your undying support and patience, and putting up with my early-morning brainstorms before your first sip of coffee.

Very special thanks to my dear friend and colleague Eileen Sutton, a brilliant story architect, author, and devoted listener. To Raoul Davis, David Novak, and the team at Ascendant Group for making this possible. Another special thanks to Tom Preston (“TP”), a brilliant editor, who's been there since the beginning, and Tom Sosnoff, for single-handedly putting T3 in business. And a shout out to Shannon Vaughn at Aveshka for pitching in at the last minute.

To Joe Pulizzi and the team at Content Marketing Institute for starting the greatest conversation about content marketing ever and perpetuating its explosive growth. To the EO boys in “Forum 5” who know more about me than anyone should. Ever.

To Scotty Lund for always believing in me and literally sharing dreams with me since birth.

To Patrick (“P-Titty,”) Tillman, who in every way has been my dearest friend and confidant these past 15 years, and never once doubted my crazy ideas.

And finally, to my boy, Hudson, for enduring many distracted nights with me while I pecked away at a keyboard and heard half of everything you were saying! I love you, buddy.

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