

Abu Ghraib, 74

accountability, personal, 31, 89, 92–94, 177, 180–181, 183

action, pillars of, 170

actionable crimes, 118

agentic state, 142–144

Air Florida Flight 90, 41–43

algorithms of obedience, 18–19

alternatives, 107, 133, 170, 171

ancillary roles, 93–94

anxiety control, 104

Aristotle, 139, 147

Arriaza, Gilberto, 123

assertive language, 43–44, 45, 47–48


conflicting, 86–90

fear of, 119–121, 131, 141–142

legitimate, 66–67, 69–74, 75–77, 90–91

parental, 22–25, 119–122

perceived, 90–91, 116, 155

proximity to, 69, 84, 85–86, 110, 127

resistance and, 74–77, 79–80

value of, 17

wise, 21–22

automatons, 31


state of, 142–144, 147, 149–150, 183

teaching, 134, 145, 147, 157

Avianca Flight 52, 104

awareness, situational, 40, 45, 100–103, 162, 163, 176


balance, 25, 180–181

Baron, Robert, 43–44

barriers, 39, 41, 104, 108, 169–170, 171–177

Beauvois, Jean-Leon, 79


exercises and, 44, 47–48, 104

standards of, 14, 91–92

Benne, Kenneth, 137–138, 149

bias, cultural, 13, 27–28

blind obedience, 78–79, 115–119

Bloom, Gary, 123

Blue Ridge Assistance Dogs, 106

boundaries, 145–146

Bowles, Susan, 59–60

box traps, 103–104

Bradlee, Jason, 116

British Broadcasting Company (BBC), 78–79

Bullitt County school system, 122–123

bullying, 90

bureaucracies, 92–94, 171–177

Burke, Joe, 124

bystanders, 90–92


Candid Camera, 75–76

Canter, Lee, 124–125, 129–131, 133

caring, importance of, 105–106

Center for Critical Thinking, 136

challenge, 184

Chazan, David, 78–79

childhood safety, 145–148

choice, 29, 32–34

church, influence of, 121

civil disobedience, 19–21, 180

clarity, in communications, 39

classroom management, 122–133

Classroom Management for Academic Success, 124, 129

closeness of authority, 69, 84, 85–86, 127

cognitive dissonance, 53–54

collective welfare, 46

Coloroso, Barbara, 90

commitment to mission, 176


assertive, 43–44, 45, 47–48

breakdowns in, 41

dimensions of, 37–38

effective, 38, 41, 45, 49, 102, 183

electronic, 132

escalating, 43–44, 45, 47–48

flow of, 30

mitigating, 42–44, 47–49

nonverbal, 128–129

compartmentalization, 165

competency, 14


appropriate, 168, 184

childhood programming in, 139–142

classroom management and, 122–133

and complicity, 74, 88–90, 94–95, 116

conflicting authority and, 86–90

physical proximity and, 84–85, 110, 115, 127

resisting, 176, 184

strain and, 164–165

confidence, 33

conflicting authorities, 86–90

confusion, 53

connection to authority, 69, 84, 85–86, 127

consequences, disobedience and, 16, 119–121, 131, 141–142

context, 15, 16

cooperation, strain and, 164

correct violation, 161–162

counter-pulls, 100, 111

Courageous Follower, The, 40, 183

creative intelligent disobedience, 171–177

credibility, 36

Crew Resource Management (CRM), 44–46, 103, 108, 110, 162, 166

crimes, actionable, 118

critical thinking skills, 136–137

culpability, personal, 31, 89, 92–94, 177, 180–181, 183

cultural values, 13, 27–28, 46, 75, 179, 183

cynicism, 173


Dangerous Use of Seclusion and Restraint Remains Widespread and Difficult to Remedy, 89

data, conflicting, 54

decency, values of, 92, 110

deception, 52

decisions, sudden, 51–53

default behaviors, 14, 132

defiance, 74–77

Deming, W. Edwards, 58

Department of Defense, 175

Department of Natural Resources (DNR), 172

destructive obedience, 117

directions, 101–102, 130

disassociation, 31

discomfort, 60


appropriate, 14

civil vs. intelligent, 19–21, 180

creative, 171–177

cultural bias and, 13

displacement behavior, 104

dissonance, cognitive, 53–54

distraction, 98

divergence, strain and, 164–165

divine authority, 77

dynamics, changing, 83–96


Ebbers, Bernie, 55–56

Eichmann, Adolf, 76

environmental factors, 120–121

escalating communication, 43–48

exercises, behavioral, 44, 47–48

expectations, pressure and, 169–170

“experimenter” role, 68

explicit directions, 130


fairness, 14

Farber, Paul, 136, 137, 140

fear of authority, 119–121, 131, 141–142

Federal Aviation Administration, 149

Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading (FAIR), 59–60

flow, mesmerizing, 165–169

focus, 98

followers, courageous, 7, 27–28, 105, 183–181

Frank, Morris, 106

freedom, individual, 46

Fromm, Erich, 13

functionality, 14


Game of Death television show, 77–79

Gardira, Jeff, 155

genetics, 120–121

Geneva Convention, 72, 74

Girl Scouts, 121

Gladwell, Malcolm, 132

goals, 15, 18, 35, 39–40, 57–60, 169–170

group responsibility, 46

guide dogs, 38–39, 97–112, 183


habits, 32–33, 35–36

Heart Aroused, The: Poetry and Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America, 47

helplessness, learned, 173

hierarchies, 142–144, 184

human factor training, 44–45

human rights, 75

human values, 15–17, 92, 110


identity, 66, 92, 179, 183

imprisonment, unlawful, 115, 116

inappropriate obedience, 119

independence, 17, 31, 179–184

independent thinking, 31

Indiana National Guard, 171

inner voice, 16

integrity, 28, 52

internal self-deception, 30–31

internalized self-management, 132

International Leadership Association (ILA), 27

interrogation, 72–74

intrusion, 179–180


Johnson, Dave, 100, 101, 102–104, 105, 108–109, 137, 145

Jones, Frederic H., 124–125, 127–131, 133

judgment, 53


Kennedy, Donald, 135

KidSafe Foundation, 147

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 15

Krovetz, Marty, 123–125

Kutsch, James, 97, 100, 101, 102, 105, 108, 110



assertive, 43–44, 45, 47–48

mitigating, 42–44, 47–49, 66

nonverbal, 128–129

Lawton Chiles Elementary School, 59–60

leads, exchanging, 105, 112

learned helplessness, 173

legitimate authority, 66–67, 69–74, 75–77, 90–91

long-term risks, 57–60

Louisville Courier-Journal, 117


McDonald’s, 113, 115, 117, 132

maps, mental, 107

“meaning business,” 128

meta-effects, 131–132

memes, 182

Milgram, Stanley

and bystanders, 90–92

complicity and, 92–94

and conflicting authorities, 86–90

context and, 63

experiment by, 67–74

and human states, 142–144, 147

and legitimacy of authority, 69–74

politeness and, 86, 166–168

proximity of authority and, 84–86, 110

relevance of, 77–80

resistance and, 74–77, 163–164

timing and, 163–164

Milosz, Czeslaw, 180

mindless obedience, 32–33

misplaced obedience, 115, 117

mission, commitment to, 176

mission creep, 169

mitigating language, 42–44, 47–49

morality, 184

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 159–161


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 44

National Transportation Safety Board, 41

Nazi death camps, 64–65, 76

needs, cultural, 155

negative reinforcement, 102

Nix, “Wes,” Jr., 114, 116, 117–118, 119, 133, 155

nonverbal language, 128–129

numerical performance goals, 57–60, 169–170

Nuremberg Trials, 64–65

Nyberg, David, 136, 137, 140


“Officer Scott” (David Stewart), 113–114, 116–118, 119, 130

Ogborn, Louise, 113–122, 130, 131, 133, 155

organizations, complex, 161–162

“other, the,” 65–66

Outliers: The Story of Success, 132

“owning space,” 127


pain, infliction of, 70–74


authority and, 22–25, 119–122

resistance training by, 139–142

partnerships, 28

penalties, 15, 91–92, 129

perceived authority, 116

performance pressures, 57–60, 169–170

perpetrators, agents of, 74, 88–90, 94–95, 116

perseverance, 176

Piaget, Jean, 15

plans of action, 161

politeness, 86, 166–168

Port Authority of New York, 160, 161

positive reinforcement, 101–102

practice, 44, 47, 161

praise, 101–102, 111

predictability, 15

preparation, 159–163

presence, 47

Presley, Sharon, 139

pressure, 7–11, 51–54, 57–60, 169–170

principles, 57–60

privacy, 179–180

problem solving, 104–105

procedures, 162

procrastination, 104

protection, 36

proximity, physical, 69, 84, 85–86, 110, 127

pseudo legitimacy, 90–91, 155


Quality Management, 58

questions, effective, 173–174

quotas, 57–60


rationalizations, 164

Reason, James, 161–163, 166, 170

refusal skills, 148–152

regal fashion, 127–128

regulations, 162, 173–174

rehearsal, 161

reinforcement, 101–103

religion, 121

Rescorla, Cyril Richard “Rick,” 159–162


and principle, 74–77, 79–80

timing and, 163–165, 168–169

training in, 137–142, 153–154

resolution, paths for, 165

respect, mutual, 105–106

responses, default, 14

responsibility, 31, 40, 46, 183, 184

restraints, use of, 88–90

rewards, 15, 35, 39, 40, 57–60, 129, 169–170

Richmond, Barry, 171–177 risks

communication and, 45, 47–48

pressure and, 51–54, 57–60

real, 54–57

safety and, 161–163

role play training, 103, 110, 152–155, 175

rules, 162, 173–174


safety, 145–148, 161–163

Sandusky, Jerry, 109

scenarios, training, 103, 107, 110, 154, 175


administrators of, 137–139

classroom management in, 122–133

obedience in, 121, 122–133

resistance training in, 137–139

Search Institute, 153

seclusion, use of, 88–90

Seeing Eye, The, 97, 100, 102, 106, 108, 110, 137, 145, 159

self-deception, 30–31

September 11, 2001, 76, 159–161

short-term risks, 57–60

Simms, Thomas, 114

simulation, 111

situational awareness, 40, 45, 100–103, 162, 163, 176

social algorithms, 18–19

social identity, 92, 110, 179, 183

social media, 94, 183

societies, organization in, 13–14

solutions, alternative, 107, 133, 170, 171

Sonoma State University, 136

Southeastern Guide Dog Georgia, 150

standards of behavior, 14, 91–92

Stanford Prison Experiment, 117, 118

Stewart, David (Officer Scott), 113–114, 116–118, 119, 130, 133

strain, 164–166

subject, proximity of, 69, 84, 85–86, 110, 127

sudden decisions, 51–53

Summers, Donna Jean, 113–114, 115–117, 119, 133

support, 28, 146, 184


Teach for America, 122, 125

“teacher” (naïve subject) role, 68–72

teachers, classroom management and, 122–133

technology, 75–77, 179–180

thinking, independent, 31

three pillars of safety, 161–163

timing, 163–165, 168–169

Tools for Teaching, 124

torture, 72–74, 79–80

training, disobedience

childhood safety and, 145–148

content of, 102–106, 142–145

power of, 110

principles of, 155–157

refusal skills, 148–152

role plays in, 103, 110, 152–155, 175

scenarios in, 103, 107, 110, 154, 175

transformation, 184

trust, 39, 52


ultimate authority, 77

United Airlines, 44

unlawful imprisonment, 115, 116

urgency, 51–54

US Senate, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, 88–89



cultural, 13, 27–28, 46, 75, 179, 183

higher, 15–17, 92, 110

“victim” (learner) role, 68–72

victims, 116–117, 118–119

Victoria, Queen, 129

Vinson, Betty, 55–57, 163

violation, correct, 161–162

voice, effective, 37–49


Wade, Lydia, 106

waterboarding, 72–74

Whyte, David, 47

wise leaders, 21–22

workplaces, 159–178

creative disobedience in, 171–177

mesmerizing flow in, 165–169

overcoming barriers in, 169–170

social interaction in, 163–165

timing in, 163–165

World Trade Center, 159–161

WorldCom, 55–57, 163, 169, 170


Zimbardo, Philip, 117, 120

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