About the author

My name is Jon Skeet. I’m a staff software engineer at Google, and I work from the London office. Currently, my role is to provide .NET client libraries for Google Cloud Platform, which neatly combines my enthusiasm for working at Google with my love of C#. I’m the convener of the ECMA technical group responsible for standardizing C#, and I represent Google within the .NET Foundation.

I’m probably best known for my contributions on Stack Overflow, which is a question-and-answer site for developers. I also enjoy speaking at conferences and user groups and blogging. The common factor here is interacting with other developers; it’s the way I learn best.

Slightly more unusually, I’m a date and time hobbyist. This is mostly expressed through my work on Noda Time, which is the date and time library for .NET that you’ll see used in several examples in this book. Even without the hands-on coding aspect, time is a fascinating topic with an abundance of trivia. Find me at a conference and I’ll bore you for as long as you like about time zones and calendar systems.

My editors would like you to know most of these things to prove that I’m qualified to write this book, but please don’t mistake them for a claim of infallibility. Humility is a vital part of being an effective software engineer, and I screw up just like everyone else does. Compilers don’t tend to view appeals to authority in a favorable light.

In the book, I’ve tried to make it clear where I’m expressing what I believe to be objective facts about the C# language and where I’m expressing my opinion. Due to diligent technical reviewers, I hope there are relatively few mistakes on the objective side, but experience from previous editions suggests that some errors will have crept through. When it comes to opinions, mine may be wildly different from yours, and that’s fine. Take what you find useful, and feel free to ignore the rest.

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