
“ABC” (airway, breathing, and circulation) thinking, 19

Abstraction, 118–123

Adverb, sentences with, 167

Afraid of conflict, 87

Alice in Wonderland, 18, 159

ANL syndrome, 116

Auden, W. H., 93–94

Audial learners, 98

Audience, 45

    analyzing, 49–50

    ways to analyse, 50–51


Beginning, of communication, 71

“Being”, 161

Berra, Yogi, 43, 75

Better by Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong, 92

Beverly, 102–103

Bird by Bird, 85

Brady-Gronkowski model, 112

Buckley, William, 32

Buddha, 2, 149

Buddhism, 2. See also Zen

Burke, Kenneth, 24

Burke’s Pentad, 24

Business communication, 12–13, 23

    goals in, 35


Caddyshack, 8

Capitalization, 162

Carroll, Lewis, 18

Clarity, meaning of, 75

Clear space, 67

Collective noun, 134


    and dancing, 45–46

    data and, 38

    electronic, 75

    medium, 95–99

    parallel construction, 154–156

    social media, 1

    written. See Written communication

Compassion, key to overcoming fear, 93–94

Concrete, 117–126

    abstraction, 118–123

    connotations, 123–124

Conflict, afraid of, 87

Connotations, 123–124

Consulting leadership communication, 33–34

Covey, Steven, 111

Critical thinking

    definition of, 24

    writing and, 12–13


Dairy Queen break, 66

Dancing, communication and, 45–46

Dancing icons, 29–34

Dangling modifier, 164–165

Dark Ages, 55

Definite, 127–138

    indefinite nouns, 127–129

    “it”, indefinite, 135–136

    modifiers, indefinite, 129

    political correctness, 133–134


        indefinite, 129–131

        making definite, 131–133

    “there”, 136–138

    “they”, indefinite, 134–135

    word, 127

Demonstrative pronouns, 130

Denotation, 123–124


Easy-to-do actions, 64

Edison, Thomas, 92

Electronic communication, 75

Elements of Business Writing, 74

Elements of Style, 74, 78

Email, 38, 97

Emphasis, 156–159

Esquire, 2


Facilitate, description of, 153

Faulty constructions, 166


    of being wrong or less than perfect, 91–93

    compassion, key to overcoming, 93–94

    of reaction, 87–91

    of revision, 84–87

    steals emotional time, 83–84

    steals physical time, 84

5 W’s, 61–63, 163

    in budget committee, 61–63

Flow, 139–149

    opposite of, 139–141

    transition, 141–142

        between paragraphs, 145–147

        between sentences, 142–145

    unity and repetition, 147–149

Fluidity, 140. See also Flow

Focus, 15

    definition of, 16

    meaning of, 18

    reason for need to, 17–19

    steps for, 19–22

Fonts, 103–104

Fragments, sentence, 167

Framing ideas, 99–103

French Alps, 24

Frost, Robert, 10


Gilgovich, Thomas, 115

Gladwell, Malcolm, 99–100, 115

Glasee, Jean-Louis, 6

Goals, in business
communications, 35

Golden Rule, 93

Gopnik, Adam, 41

Groundhog Day?, 86


Halloween, 24

Hardy, Thomas, 16

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 10

The Harvard Business Review, 30


“I” pronoun, 4–5

Identify, 26–29

Illusion of consensus, 115

Indefinite nouns, 127–129

Indefinite pronouns, 129–131

Infinitive, sentences with, 168

“Informal”, meaning of, 78

Instant messages, 97

“It”, indefinite, 135–136


Jacobs, A. J., 2

Joining leadership communication, 33

Jordan, Michael, 7–8


King in the Window, The, 41

King, Stephen, 10


Lamott, Anne, 85

Langer, Ellen, 142–143

Leadership communication, types of, 30

Leavy, Becca, 107

Lewicki, Professor Emeritus Roy J., 114

Listening, 51–54


McKinsey Global Institute, 40

Medium, communication, 95–99

“Mending Walls”, 10

Merrilyn, 58

Mindfulness, meaning of, 16

Modifiers, indefinite, 129


Nadella, Satya, 6

National Assessment Governing Board, 1

Nation’s Report Card tests, 1

Negotiation theory, 47, 115

New York Times, 6


Orwell, George, 7

Outline, 66


Paragraphing, 73–76

    creating map, 76

Parallel construction, communication, 154–156

Participle, sentences with, 168–169

Perceptual distortions, 101

Phone call medium, 97

Plain English, 151–152

Political correctness, 133–134

Positive attitude, 107–116

    context, look for, 113–114

    questions, asking, 111–113

    role reversal, 110–111

    tone, 109–110

Prairie Home Companion, 28

Prepositional phrases, sentences with, 169–170

Prepositions, 160

Primary goal, 42

Projection, 102


    indefinite, 129–131

    making definite, 131–133

Punctuation misuse, 172–181

    apostrophe misuses, 172–174

    colon and semicolon misuses, 177–179

    comma errors, 174–177

    hyphens and dashes, 179–181

    its/it’s confusion, 174

Purvis, Kathleen, 109


Quartz, 6


Reacting, 16

Reaction, fear of, 87–91

Reactive devaluation, 125

Readers, 95–106

    font, respecting, 103–104

    ideas, framing, 99–103

    medium, respecting the, 95–99

    non-Zen observation, 106

    send button, 104–106

Redundancy, 165–166

Relationship, with audience, 54

Revision, fear of, 84–87

Rogers, Carl, 69, 110

Roosevelt, Franklin, 6


Satori, 35, 36

Secondary goal, 42

Selective perception, 101

Sell approach, leadership communication, 32–33

Sentences. See also Written communication

    adverb, sentences with, 167

    fragments, sentence, 167

    infinitive, sentences with, 168

    making, 164

    participle, sentences with, 168–169

    prepositional phrases, sentences with, 169–170

    punctuation misuse, 172–181

    subordinator, sentence with, 167–168

    word misuse, 171–172

Siddharta, Gautama. See Buddha

Simplicity, 66

Simplicity, Zen concept of, 136

Slipped clutch, 139–140

Smart Change, 36

SMART goals, 35

    definition of, 35

Smart person, 6

Smith, Jane, 26–29

Smith, Mary, 49–51

Social media, written
communication, 1

Stereotyping, 100

Strategic thinking, 24

Stream of consciousness, 18

Structuring message

    in communication, 55–57

    creating, 67

    need to think about, 64–65

    WIFM, 57–59

Sub-Sahara Sudan face, 88

Subject, 163–164

Subordinator, sentence with, 167–168


Tactile learners, 98

Tannenbaum, Robert, 30

Tell approach, leadership communication, 30–32

Terry Hoover rule, 80

Tertiary goal, 42

“There”, 136–138

Thesaurusitis, 147

“They”, indefinite, 134–135

Three Little Pigs, 12

Time for clarity, 67

Tommy, 17

Traditional negotiation training, 27

Transition, flow, 141–142

    between paragraphs, 145–147

    repetition, 147–149

    between sentences, 142–145

Trigger-happy send syndrome, 104


    emphasis, 156–159

    facilitate, description of, 153

    parallel construction, communication, 154–156

    plain English, 151–152

    prepositions, 160

Tugend, Alina, 92

Twain, Mark, 7, 152


USA Today, 59


Verb, 163–164


Wall Street Journal, 6

Where’s Waldo?, 73

White, E. B., 74

WIFM, 57–59

Win-win, 34

Word misuse, 171–172

Writing. See also Written communication

    critical thinking, 12–13

    English class, 9–10

    reason for becoming increasingly important, 9

Written communication

    active, 78–80

    avoiding repetition, 80–81

    errors in, 163–181

    keeping short, 81–82

    social media, 1

    specific, 76–78

    Zen approach of, 4


Z formation, 143

Zen method

    definition of, 2–4

    in emails and face-to-face meeting, 39

    to focus, 20, 22

    of good communications, 4

    identify, 26–29

    simplicity, 136

    thinking about best way, 43

    written communication, 4

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