
Accessibility, 3–11

definition of, 4–5

of editors, 68–69

handling of, 8–9

reasons for, 5–8

reflection questions, 10

of reporters, 68–69

responsible actions, 11

and transparency, link between, 31–32

trust and, 6

American Bar Association, xii

Bernard, John

Business at the Speed of Now, 27

Blogging, 76

Bridging, 65

Chesky, Brian, 31

Communication, 14–15, 22

e-mail, 47–48

face-to-face, 47

one-on-one, 47

responsible, 15–16, 21

Contractors, 45–56

dynamic culture, fostering, 49–53

listening and responding in person, 46–49

organizational change, driving, 53–54

responsible actions, 84–85

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 4

Criticism, handling, 74–75

Cultural champion, 50

Customers, 71–79

becoming active on social media, 75–77

criticism, handling, 74–75

digital dialogue, respecting, 72–74

reflection questions, 77–78

responsible actions, 78–79, 87

Digital dialogue, respecting, 72–74

Dynamic culture, fostering, 49–53

Editors, 63–70

accessibility of, 68–69

news agenda, driving, 66–68

reflection questions, 69

responsible actions, 69–70, 86–87

responsiveness of, 68–69

E-mail, 47–48

Employees, 45–56

dynamic culture, fostering, 49–53

listening and responding in person, 46–49

organizational change, driving, 53–54

reflection questions, 55

responsible actions, 55–56, 84–85

Face-to-face communication, 47

Gentile, M., 52

Giving Voice to Values, xiii, 6–7, 39, 47

Integrity, 22

Intent, act with, 18–21

Investors, 57–62

pace with market, keeping, 58–59

reflection questions, 61

responsible actions, 62, 86

risk-mitigation, 60–61

tough questions, answering, 59–60

Ketchum, 5

Kotter, J., 41

Leader-member exchange theory (LMX), 7, 50–51

Leadership peers, holding, 41–42

LMX. See Leader-member exchange theory (LMX)

Managers, 37–43

commit to shared principles, 39

leadership peers, holding, 41–42

model desired behavior, 40

reflection questions, 42

responsible actions, 42–43, 84

Micro-blogging, 76

Model desired behavior, 40

National Investor Relations Institute, 59

News agenda, driving, 66–68

Obama’s communication legacy, 8–9

One-on-one communication, 47

Organizational change, 53–54

Pace with market, keeping, 58–59

Partners, reporters as, 64–66

Philip Morris, 19–20

Pontefract, D.

Flat Army: Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization, 38

Productive leader, 8

Prospects, 71–79

becoming active on social media, 75–77

criticism, handling, 74–75

digital dialogue, respecting, 72–74

reflection questions, 77–78

responsible actions, 78–79, 87

Public Relations Society of America, 59

Regulators, 57–62

pace with market, keeping, 58–59

reflection questions, 61

responsible actions, 62, 86

risk-mitigation, 60–61

tough questions, answering, 59–60

Reporters, 63–70

accessibility of, 68–69

news agenda, driving, 66–68

as partners, 64–66

reflection questions, 69

responsible actions, 69–70, 86–87

responsiveness of, 68–69

Responsible communication, 21

definition of, 15–16, 24

Responsiveness, 13–24

act with intent, 18–21

definition of, 16

of editors, 68–69

importance of, 16–18

in others, fostering, 21–23

reflection questions, 23–24

of reporters, 68–69

responsible actions, 24

and transparency, link between, 31–32

Responsibility, definition of, xii

Risk-mitigation, 60–61

Sell, Yvonne, 9

Shared principles, commit to, 39

Social media, becoming active on, 75–77

St. George, Marty, 76

Strengths to work, and transparency, 29–30

Supervisors, 37–43

commit to shared principles, 39

leadership peers, holding, 41–42

model desired behavior, 40

reflection questions, 42

responsible actions, 42–43, 84

Total transparency, 27

Tough questions, answering, 59–60

Transparency, 25–34

and accessibility, link between, 31–32

definition of, 26–27

honesty, advocating, 30–31

importance of, 27–29

reflection questions, 33

responsible actions, 33–34

and responsiveness, link between, 31–32

strengths to work and, 29–30

total, 27

Trust, and accessibility, 6

Vielmetter, Georg, 9

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