

Adverse selection, 68, 87–91

Advertising, purpose of, 106


Backward induction, 45–48

Basic Hotelling location game, 107–108

Birth of game theory, 3

Boiling in Oil contract, 71

Brinkmanship, 94

Business Week, 89


Centipede game, 54

Chicken game, 22–25

Common entries contest, 39

Common knowledge, 5–6

Communication, 71–73

Conditional average, 78

Constant-sum games, 27

Contracts, theory of

communication, 71–73

examples from ancient history, 73–76

hidden information vs. hidden actions, 67–71

misinformation, 71–73

signal jamming, 71–73

Cooperation, 97. See also Team cooperation, building

Cooperative coordination games, 25–26

Cream skimming, 78

Cut off communication, 95–96


Dating game, 23–25

Decision making

and game theory, 1, 2

Default option bias, 119

Discount factor, 60

Dominant and dominated strategies, 11–13

Dominant strategy equilibrium, 13, 22, 36

Dominated strategies, 33–34

Durable goods problem, 83–84


Extra-large game, 35, 36


Fallacy of composition, 111

Fixed-Sum games, 26–28, 32

Focal points, 38–40

Folk Theorem, 59

Free rider problem, 111


Grim Trigger strategy, 59, 62


Happy Hours, 16–17, 22

Hawk–Dove game, 23–25

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), 71

Hidden information vs. hidden actions, 67–71


Infinitely repeated games, 58–60

Iterated dominance, 33–34


kidnapping and blackmail, 63–64


Larger games, 34–38

Larger sequential games, 53–55

centipede game, 54

extra-large game, 53

Law of demand, 99

Lemons Problem, 69


Making threats, 96–97

Marriage Game, 19

Matching pennies, 26–27

Misinformation, 71–73

Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium, 27. See also Nash Equilibrium

Moral hazard, 70, 111, 91–93

Moral hazard for tax collectors and tax farming, 73–74


Nash bargaining game, 93

Nash Equilibrium, 4, 13–16, 18, 22, 25, 28, 36, 39, 93, 102

definition of, 101

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 113


One shot, 5

On the Theory of Games of Strategy (von Neumann), 3


Payoff matrix, 11

Payoffs, 4–5, 19–20

Pay tribute or we will invade, 73

Price discrimination

corporate games I, 82–83

Pricing games, 103–104

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 21–22

Propitious selection, 79

Pure coordination game, 26


Quantity games, 99–102


Rate of time preference, 60

Rationality, 6

Repeated games

cooperation, evolution of, 61–63

examples of, 61–63

game changers, kidnapping and blackmail, 63–64

infinitely repeated games, 58–60

patience, importance of, 60–61

situations, not encourage cooperation, 57–58

Risk homeostasis, psychology, 80

Rock, Paper, Scissors game, 41–43


Salami Tactics, 95

Screening, 87–91, 74–76

Sequential games, 45–56

backward induction, 45–48

first and second mover advantages, 48–51

irrational opponent, 55–56

larger sequential games, 53–55

order matters, 51–53

subgame perfect equilibria, 45–48

Signaling, 87–91

Signal jamming, 71–73

Simultaneous, one-shot games

dominant and dominated strategies, 11–13

Nash Equilibrium, 13–16

payoffs, 19–20

practice and simple algorithm, for solution, 16–18

Stability in Competition (Hotelling), 104

Stag hunt, 25

Standard economics vs. game theory, 1–2

Standard game types

Chicken game, 22–25

cooperative coordination games, 25–26, 31–32

dating game, 23–25

Fixed-Sum games, 26–28, 32

Hawk–Dove game, 23–25

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 21–22

Zero-Sum game, 26–28

Status quo bias, 119

Strategic interdependent analysis, 3

Subgame perfect equilibria, 45–48


Team cooperation, building

consumption in teams, 112–113

problem with committees, 109–110

production in teams, 110–111

The Evolution of Cooperation (Axelrod), 61

Theory of contracts

communication, 71–73

examples from ancient history, 73–76

hidden information vs. hidden actions, 67–71

misinformation, 71–73

signal jamming, 71–73

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (von Neumann and Morgenstern), 3

The Strategy of Conflict (Schelling), 39

Trembling Hands, 40–41


Ways of spending money, 112

Weakly dominant strategy, 38

Wealth of Nations (Smith), 2

Writing a contract, 68


Zero-Sum game, 26–28, 32

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