

a temporary, alternate name assigned to a table for use in a join query.

base table

a primary table.


a column that is used in the same SELECT statement in which the calculation occurs.

Cartesian product

a type of join that yields all the possible combinations of rows and columns.

case expression

an expression that specifies relations among columns and values in conditional logic. Similar to IF-THEN logic.


part of an SQL statement, beginning with a keyword such as SELECT and generally containing an argument.


a field or variable in a table. Each column has a unique name, contains data of a specific type, and has certain attributes.


refers to a column name and column attributes including type, length, informat, format, and label information.

composite index

a separate SAS file (stored in the same SAS library the data resides in) consisting of directions that permit access to rows of data based on two or more columns within a table.

concatenation operator

an operator that allows two or more character strings to be concatenated together forming a single string.

correlated subquery

a subquery that evaluates multiple times, once for each row of data accessed by the main query.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

statements that define (redefine) the definition of one or more existing tables.

database design

the process of identifying end-user requirements and defining the structure of data values on a physical level.

DISTINCT keyword

a keyword that selects duplicate values in a column only one time and causes the SQL procedure to remove duplicate rows from the output.


a join in which all the columns in two or more tables being joined are included in the results based on the comparison of columns being equal.


a data structure that permits a row of data in a table to be located without having to read the entire table.


an output table consisting of all the unique rows from the intersection of two query expressions.


the combination of data from two or more tables to produce a single result table.


identification of a row of data by the columns in an index.

missing value

a term that describes the contents of a variable that contains no data for a particular row or observation. A missing value is equivalent to an SQL null value.


views that are dependent on other views.


the process of ensuring that a database does not contain redundant information in two or more of its tables.

null value

a special value that indicates the absence of information. Analogous to missing values.


the Output Delivery System provides formatting engines to automatically convert monospace output into more readable, proportionally spaced output.


any of several symbols that request a comparison, a logical operation, or an arithmetic calculation.

outer join

an asymmetric join where rows are selected unproportionally from its parts. There are three kinds: left, right, and full. See also join.

pattern matching

technique used to find patterns in data.

performance tuning

process of improving the efficiency of a query, join, insert, update, or delete operation in a way to reduce the unnecessary expenditure of computer resources.

phonetic matching

the sounds-like operator searches and selects character data that sound alike or have spelling variations.


an object used to perform direct comparisons between two conditions or expressions.


a set of instructions that requests particular information from one or more data sources.


the horizontal component of a table.

scalar expression

a quantity represented by a single number or value.


a single table that is joined with itself.

set operator

an operator that combines or merges separate queries together.

simple index

a separate SAS file (stored in the same SAS library the data resides in) consisting of directions that permit access to rows of data based on a single column within a table.

sounds-like operator

see phonetic matching.


a query that is embedded in a WHERE clause of the main query.

symmetric join

an equal selection from two parts.


an output table consisting of all the unique rows from the combination of query expressions.

updatable view

a view that is able to update a physical table.


a virtual table (non-existent) that contains a set of instructions on how to obtain data from base tables.

virtual table

a virtual table does not contain any data but is a query consisting of a set of instructions.

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