

abbreviations 11

ACID properties 196203

actual query plans 314319

AFTER triggers 160, 176179

algebrizer 283

ALTER INDEX statement 89, 90, 92

ALTER statement 61

ALTER TABLE command 120122

ALTER TABLE statement 1415, 27, 253

approximate numeric data type 16

artificial keys 5, 47

ASCII characters 18

atomic blocks 249

atomicity 196, 198201

attributes 3

relationship of non-key to key 811

auto-commit transactions 203

autocommit transactions 151


Autogrowth 338



Azure Access Panel. See Access Panel

Azure portal 319320, 356357

Azure SQL Database

DMVs for 358

Extended Events in 358

performance monitoring 356358

Azure SQL Database Performance Insight 283, 319324

Azure SQL Database query plans 346


backward compatibility 64

baseline performance metrics 347362

compared to observed metrics 352355

batch execution mode 7980

batch separator 12


BEGIN TRANSACTION statement 151, 205, 207

binary data 17

bookmark lookups 30

bottlenecks 242, 243, 340, 345

Boyce-Codd normal form 9

brackets 11

B-Tree indexes 2450

designing 2640

structure 2426

bulk data loading

into clustered columnstore index 8993

bulk update locks 214

business requirements

for database 24

view structure design based on 5357

business rules

enforcing with constraints 102115


cache issues 345346

Camel Casing 12

cardinality 74, 266270

cascading operations 113115

CASE statement 247

character data 17

CHECK constraint 65

CHECK constraints 102, 107111, 121, 160

classification process 325

classifier user-defined functions 329330

client-side tracing 290292, 360

CLR. See Common Language Runtime (CLR)

CLR stored procedures 130

clustered columnstore indexes 7380, 8588

bulk data loading 8993

clustered indexes 25, 4648, 69, 85

Clustered Index Scan operator 36, 50, 69, 293294

clustering key 4647, 48

COALESCE() function 20

columnar data 165167

columnar databases 7071

column constraints 102


columns 5, 56

adding 1415

cardinality of 266270

clustered index 4648

computed 2021, 34

data format for 109110

data types for 1524

density of 268

dropping 15

foreign key 2832, 74

indexed vs. included 4145

limiting to set of values 118119


NULL values in 28, 106

column segments

in columnstore indexes 72

columnstore indexes 7093, 252

adding rows to compressed rowgroups 83

attributes of 85

batch execution mode 7980

clustered 7380, 8588

loading data into 8993

maintenance 8995

non-bulk operations on 9395

non-clustered 78, 8088

structure of 7172

targeting analytically valuable columns in 83

use cases 7073

Columnstore Scan operator 88

COMMIT statement 204205



Common Language Runtime (CLR) 130

common table expressions (CTEs) 116, 248

company names 1819

comparison operators 59

composite indexes 25, 39

compressed rowgroups 83


computed columns 2021

indexing 34

Compute Scalar operator 30

concurrency 26

concurrent processes

potential problems with 211216

concurrent queries

results of 219228

connectors. See also receive connectors; See also send connectors

consistency 196, 201

constraints 14, 61, 101, 102129

adding to tables 119122

CHECK 65, 102, 107111, 121, 160

column 102

DEFAULT 48, 65, 102, 103105

FOREIGN KEY 73, 75, 102

relating to UNIQUE constraint 117119

use of 110116

PRIMARY KEY 27, 28, 41, 47, 65, 102, 106, 111112, 120, 125130

results of DML statements and 123125

table 102

UNIQUE 102, 105106, 117119, 120

uniqueness 2728

covering indexes 4145, 57, 77

CPU pressure 341

CPU usage 350


CREATE INDEX statement 29, 39, 43, 48

CREATE SCHEMA statement 12

CREATE TABLE statement 1215

CTEs. See common table expressions (CTEs)


DAC. See Datacenter Activation Coordination

DAGs. See Database Availability Groups

DAS. See Direct-Attached Storage


binary 17

character (string) 17

hiding 53

limiting, through DDL 6162

modifying in views, with multiple tables 6264

redundant 8, 9

reformatting 53, 5455

view structure design to select 5357

data access

real-time 244

database concurrency 195264

isolation levels and 216229

locking behavior and 230241

memory-optimized tables and 242255

natively compiled stored procedures and 242, 255258

transactions and 195216

DATABASE DDL triggers 172174

database design

adding indexes during 2632

based on business requirements 24

denormalization 11

determining data types 1524

using normalization 411

writing table create statements 1115

Database Engine Tuning Advisor 281

database file optimization 336337

database instances

performance management for 324346

database file optimization 336337

database workload 325331

Elastic Scale 331333

memory optimization 339340

query plans 346

storage, IO, and cache troubleshooting 343346

wait statistics 340343

tempdb optimization 338339

Database Manipulation Language (DML)

statements 196203

database objects 1100

changing definition of 61

columnstore indexes 7093

dropping 61

indexes 2450

naming 1112, 1213

relational database schema 224

views 5269

databases. See mailbox databases

columnar 7071

logical database model 4

tuning 32

database scalability 331333

Database Throughput Unit (DTU) 321322

database workload

managing, in SQL Server 325331

Resource Governor management queries 330331

resource pools 326328

user-defined functions 328329

workload groups 328

Databse Definition Language (DDL) triggers 159

Data Definition Language (DDL) 123

Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers 169174

data distribution 266270

data files 336

data format 107, 109110

data input

CHECK constraints on 107111

coordinating multiple values 110111

data integrity

complex 160164

constraints for 102129

data loading

into columnstore index 8995

Data Manipulation Language (DML) 123125

Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers 159160, 169. See also triggers

data storage. See also storage architectures; See also storage requirements


choosing 108109

conversion 144

int 107

precedence 144

data types 1524

approximate numeric 16

binary data 17

character (string) data 17

computed columns 2021

considerations for choosing 1820

date and time values 1617

dynamic data masking 20, 2124

for clustering key 48

importance of choosing 1516

not supported in columnstore indexes 71

other 1718

precise numeric 16

data values 15

data warehouses

clustered columnstore indexes and 7380

date values 1617


DDL. See Data Definition Language (DDL)

deadlock graphs

capture and analyze 237240

Extended Events 240

SQL Server Profiler 239240

deadlocks 351

remediation of 241242

decimals 16

DEFAULT constraint 48, 65

DEFAULT constraints 102, 103105

DEFAULT keyword 182


degenerate dimensions 75

degree of parallelism (DOP) 328

delayed durability 254

delayed durable transactions 202203

DELETE statement 63

delimiters 11, 12

deltastore structure 72

denormalization 11



adding indexes during 2632

based on business requirements 24

determining data types 1524

using normalization 411

writing table create statements 1115

indexes 2640


improving, using normalization 411

deterministic calculations 20

deterministic functions 186188

Developer edition 335

DFS. See Distributed File Share

dimensional formatted data warehouses

using clustered columnstore indexes on 7380

dimension keys 74

dimensions 74

dirty reads 212

Disk Usage Summary report 353354

distributed transactions 208209, 211, 219

divide-by-zero errors 180181

DML. See Data Manipulation Language (DML)

DMV. See dynamic management view

DMVs. See dynamic management views (DMVs)

doomed transactions 152

double-quotes 11

DROP command 61

DROP [objectType] IF EXISTS command 61

duplicate key values 46

durability 197, 202203

durable memory-optimized tables 254

dynamic data masking 20, 2124

dynamic link library (DLL) files 246, 247

dynamic management objects (DMOs) 276281, 340343, 347, 348, 355

dynamic management view (DMV) 45

dynamic management views (DMVs) 231237, 256259, 276280, 304305, 341342, 345346, 358


EFS. See Encrypting File System

elastic database client library 332

Elastic Scale 331333

email() function 23


Enterprise edition 334335

error handling

@@ERROR system function for 148149

in stored procedures 144158

rethrowing errors 150

throwing errors 144, 145147

THROW statement for 157

transaction control logic in 144, 151158

TRY...CATCH construct for 149151, 153154, 157

ERROR_PROCEDURE() function 158

@@ERROR system function 148149, 154

ESRA. See EdgeSync replication account (ESRA)

estimated query plans 268270, 314319

ETDATE() function 20

Evaluation edition 335

EVENTDATA() function 171

exclusive locks 213, 229, 236

EXECUTE AS statement 24

EXECUTE statement 142

execution statistics 256259

explicit transactions 151, 203204, 205209

Express edition 334

Extended Events 283286, 313, 346, 348, 352, 355, 358

actions 360

best practice use cases for 359

compared with SQL Trace 360

events 360

packages 360

sessions 360

targets 359360, 360

Extended Events deadlock graph 240

external resource pools 327

Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) operations 243, 245246


fact tables 74, 78

federated SQL Servers 64

file groups 336337

file placement 336, 338

file size 338

filtered rowstore indexes 29, 84

first normal form 67

forced query plans 313314

foreign key columns 2832, 74

FOREIGN KEY constraints 2832, 75, 102

cascading operations 113115

limiting column to set of values using 118119

PRIMARY KEY constraints and 111112

relating to UNIQUE constraint 117119

table hierarchies and 115116

use of 110116

forms 4

FROM clause 60, 248

FSW. See File Share Witness

FUNCTION query 182


deterministic 186188

non-deterministic 186188

system. See system functions

user-defined. See User-Defined Functions (UDFs)


globally unique identifier (GUID) 18, 48

Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) 128

GO 12

GROUP BY query 182

GUID. See globally unique identifier


hash indexes 252

Hash Match (Aggregate) operator 298299

Hash Match (Inner Join) operator 299302

Hash Match join operator 51

Hash Match operator 35, 37, 51, 77

heaps 25

heirarchyId data type 18

high-concurrency databases

transactions in 211216

hygiene. See message hygiene


IDENTITY property 65, 104, 105, 126128

implicit transactions 203205, 216

included columns 4145

INCLUDE keyword 43, 46

index create memory 340

indexed columns 4145

indexed views 6769

indexes 2450, 252253

adding during coding phase 26

adding during database design phase 2632

bookmark lookups 30

clustered 25, 4648, 69, 85

columnstore 7093

clustered and non-clustered 7387

data loading 8995

maintenance 8995

use cases 7073

composite 25, 39

consolidating overlapping 281282

covering 4145, 57, 77

designing 2640

common search paths 3235

foreign key columns 2832

once data is in tables 3240

uniqueness constraints 2728

filtered 29, 84

finding unused 278279

fragmented 279280

identifying missing 280281

indexed vs. included columns 4145

joins 3537

missing 45, 46

non-clustered 25, 85

optimization of 266284

optimizing 28

query plans 3032, 3436, 42, 46, 4952

review current usage 276279

simple 25, 39

sorts 3841

structure 2426

uses of 24, 3132

using dynamic managemet objects to review 276281

index keys 42

maximum size of 2526

Index Seek (NonClustered) operator 294295

In-Memory OLTP feature 242

inner data set 301

INSERT INTO clause 105

INSERT statements 248

INSTEAD OF INSERT triggers 168

INSTEAD OF triggers 160, 166170, 176179

INSTEAD OF UPDATE triggers 166

int data type 107

integers 16, 48

intent locks 213214

internal resource pools 327

Internet of Things 243

interpreted SQL stored procedures 130

interpreted stored procedures 249

IO issues 341

IO troubleshooting 343345

isolation 196197, 201202

isolation levels 216229

concurrent queries based on 219228

differences between 217219

READ COMMITTED 218, 220221, 229

READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT 219, 227228, 230231

READ UNCOMMITTED 218, 221222, 229

REPEATABLE READ 218, 222223, 229

resource and performance impact of 228230

SERIALIZABLE 218, 223224, 229

SNAPSHOT 219, 224227, 229


joins 3537


key attributes

relationship to non-key attributes 811

Key Lookup (Clustered) operator 294295

Key Lookup operator 38

key-range locks 214215

keys 5, 6

artificial 5

natural 6

surrogate 6


lazy commits 202203

linked servers 67

lock compatibility 215

lock escalation events 351

lock hierarchy 213215

locking behavior 230241

deadlocking 237241

escalation behaviors 237238

troubleshooting 231237

log files 336. See transaction log files

logging tools 355

login triggers 159, 174176

logon triggers 169, 174176

log sequence numbers (LSNs) 202

long running queries 323324

lost updates 212

Lync Online. See Skype for Business



columnstore indexes 8995

Management Data Warehouse 352355

materialized views. See indexed views

max server memory 339

max worker threads 340

measures 75

memory cache 345346

memory optimization 339340

memory-optimized tables 242255

analytics workloads 253

durability options 253254

indexes 252253

natively compile stored procedures and 247252

performance optimization of 245255

SQL Server editions supporting 245

use cases for 242245

memory pressure 342

memory usage monitoring 350

Merge Join operator 38, 4041

MERGE statement 248

message transport. See transport

Microsoft Azure. See Azure

Microsoft Azure Active Directory. See Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

min memory per query 340

min server memory 339

missing indexes 45, 46

monetary values 16, 19



company 1819

database objects 1213

object 1112

NAT. See network address translation (NAT)

natively compiled objects 130

natively compiled stored procedures 242

creating 247252

execution statistics for 256259

unsupported T-SQL constructs for 249

usage scenarios for 255

natural keys 6

Nested Loop operator 78

nested loops 35

nested transactions 206207

NEWSEQUENTIALID() function 128

NICs. See network interface cards (NICs)

non-bulk operations

on columnstore 9395

nonclustered B-tree indexes 252

non-clustered columnstore indexes 73, 78, 8088

designing in conjuction with clustered 8588

filtered 8485

on OLTP tables 8185

non-clustered indexes 25, 85

non-deterministic functions 186188

non-durable memory-optimized tables 254

non-key attributes

relationship to key attributes 811

non-repeatable reads 212


Boyce-Codd normal form 9

defined 4

first normal form 67


covering relationship of non-key attributes to attributes 811

covering shape of table 57

second normal form 810

table design using 411

third normal form 8, 911

NOT NULL columns 104

NULL columns 106

NULL expression 13

NULL values 28, 29


object naming 1113

objects 3

Office Telemetry. See telemetry

OLTP. See online transaction processing

OLTP databases 28

OLTP tables

using non-clustered columnstore indexes on 8185

ON clause 14

one-to-one cardinality 10

online transaction processing (OLTP) 1100

operating system performance metrics 347352

ORDER BY clause 38, 40, 52

outer data set 301

Overall Resource Consumption view 314


parallelism 76


input and output 135137

stored procedures 132, 135139

table-valued 137139, 244

type mismatch 143144

parameter sniffing 310

partial() function 23

partitioned views 6467

partitioning 14, 337338

Pascal-casing 12

PERCENT clause 248


data types and 15

performance counters 344346, 348351

Performance Monitor 347, 348351, 355

performance monitoring

Azure SQL Database 356358

baseline performance metrics 347362

DMOs for 276280, 340343, 347, 348, 355

Extended Events for 355, 358, 359362

Management Data Warehouse 352355

Performance Monitor for 347, 348351, 355

SQL Trace for 347, 355

vs. logging 355

phantom reads 212

plan summary 308, 310, 311

platform-as-a-service. See PaaS

precise numeric data type 16

prefixes 11

PRIMARY KEY constraint 14, 27, 28, 41, 47, 65

PRIMARY KEY constraints 102, 106, 120

FOREIGN KEY constraints and 111112

use of 125130


quantum 340


concurrent 219228

dimensional data warehouses 7380

grouping data in 76

long running 323324

parallelism 76

range 47

resource consuming 321323

Resource Governor management 330331

slow 351

statistics collection 258259

that return large results 47

Query Menu 31

query optimizer 283

query parsing 283

Query Performance Insight 319324

query plan operators 291301

Clustered Index Scan operator 293294

Hash Match (Aggregate) operator 298299

Hash Match (Inner Join) operator 299302

Hash Match operator 296

Index Seek (NonClustered) operator 294295

Key Lookup (Clustered) operator 294295

Sort operator 295297

Table Scan operator 293

query plans 3032, 3436, 3536, 42, 46, 4952, 268270, 283324

Azure SQL Database 346

Azure SQL Database Performance Insight 319324

capturing, using extended events and traces 283292

comparing estimated and actual 314319

estimated 268

forced 313314

performance impacts of 351

poorly performing operators 291301

query_post_execution_showplan 284

query_pre_execution_showplan 284

Query Statistics History report 354

Query Store 283, 346

components 304306

enabling 319320

properties 302304

views 306314

query_store_plan_forcing_failed Extended Event 313


RAISERROR statement 145147

range queries 47

READ COMMITTED isolation level 218, 220221, 229

READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT isolation level 219, 227228, 230231

READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level 218, 221222, 229

real data types 19

real-time analytics

using non-clustered columnstore indexes 8185

real-time data access 244

REBUILD setting 89, 92

redundant data 8, 9

Regressed Queries view 314

relational database schema 224


based on business requirements 24

determining data types 1524

using normalization 411

writing table create statements 1115

REORGANIZE setting 89, 90, 92

REPEATABLE_READ isolation level 213, 218, 222223, 229


views for 53, 5556

resource consuming queries 321323

resource consumption monitoring 330331, 359

Resource Governor 325331

management queries 330331

resource locks 212216

resource pools 325, 326328

RETURN statement 139140

REVERT statement 24

ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement 151, 164, 207, 209

row groups 83

in columnstore index 71

Row-Level Security feature 53

rows 5, 56

rowstore 24

rowstore indexes

uses of 85

rowversion data type 18


savepoints 157, 209211

SAVE TRANSACTION statement 209

scalar user-defined functions 180183



schema locks 214

schema modification locks 236


defined 3


based on business requirements 24

relational database 224

SCOPE_IDENTITY() function 136

search conditions 35

secondary data files 336337

secondary uniqueness criteria 105106

second normal form 810


Row-Level Security feature 53

security audits 359

SELECT clause 183

SELECT INTO clause 248

SELECT statement 317

SELECT statements 52

self-service deployment. See user-driven client deployments

semicolons 12

semi joins 51

SEQUENCE object 65

SEQUENCE objects 128

SERIALIZABLE isolation level 213, 218, 223224, 229

Server Activity History report 353

SERVER DDL triggers 170172

server principal 169, 171


linked 67

server-side tracing 286289, 360

service tiers 335

session state management 244

SET command 134

SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON statement 315

SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON statement 315

SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON statement 315

sharding 331332

shared locks 229

simple indexes 25, 39

SIMPLE recovery model 338

slow queries 351

SMTP. See Single Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

SNAPSHOT isolation level 219, 224227, 229

snowflake schema 74

Sort operator 295297

sorts 3841

spatial data type 18

SPF. See send policy framework (SPF) records

Split-Merge service 333

sp_query_store_flush_db 305

sp_query_store_force_plan 305

sp_query_store_remove_plan 305

sp_query_store_remove_query 305

sp_query_store_reset_exec_stats 305

sp_query_store_unforce_plan 305

sp_trace_create 286

sp_trace_setevent 286

sp_trace_setfilter 286

sp_trace_setstatus 286

SQL Database. See also Azure SQL Database

DMVs for 358

Elastic Scale for 331333

Extended Events in 358

SQL Operating System (SQLOS) Scheduler 340

SQL Server

baseline performance metrics 347362

Enterprise Edition 67

managing database workload in 325331

memory optimization 339340

Standard Edition 67

SQL Server 2012

columnstar indexes and 85

SQL Server 2014

columnstar indexes and 85

SQL Server 2016

columnstar indexes and 8586

editions 334335

service tiers 334335

SQL Server Agent stored procedures 273

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 275

SQL Server Lock Manager 212213

SQL Server Management Studio 352

SQL Server Profiler 286, 288289, 290

SQL Server Profiler deadlock graph 239240

SQL Server Resource Governor 325331

SQL Trace 283, 286292, 347, 351, 355, 360

sql_variant 17

Standard edition 334

star schema 7374

statistics 266277

accuracy of 266273

automatic updates 271273

data distribution and cardinality 267271

execution. See execution statistics

maintenance tasks 273276

wait 340343

statistics collection queries 258259

STATS_DATE system function 272


troubleshooting 343345

stored procedures 53, 101

CLR 130

complex business logic in 243

creating 130158

designing, based on business requirements 131135

error handling in 144158

interpreted 249

interpreted SQL 130

natively compiled 130, 242, 247252, 255258

parameters 132

input and output 135137

table-valued 137139

type mismatch 143144

return codes 139140

returning data from 133134

server-side tracing 286

SQL Server Agent extended 273

streamlining logic 141144

structure of 131

transactions in 206208

use of 131

string data 17

STRING_SPLIT() function 137138

surrogate keys 6

surrograte keys 126129


names 1112

sys.database_connection_stats 358

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats 279280

sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats 276278

sys.dm_db_missing_index_details 280

sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups 280

sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats 280

sys.dm_db_resource_stats 358

sys.dm_exec_query_stats 358

sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats 342

sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats 343

sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters 345

sys.dm_os_memory_clerks 345

sys.dm_os_performance_counters 344

sys.dm_os_sys_memory 345

sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks 231, 234235, 342

sys.dm_os_wait_stats 231, 235236, 341342

sys.dm_tran_locks 231, 231234, 358

sys.event_log 358

sys.fn_trace_getinfo system function 288

sys.master_files 343

sys.query_store_plan 304

sys.query_store_query 304

sys.query_store_query_text 304

sys.query_store_runtime_stats 304

sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval 305

sys.sp_xtp_control_proc_exec_stats 256

sys.sp_xtp_control_query_exec_stats 257258

system functions

invalid use of, on search arguments 143

system health 359


table constraints 102


adding constraints to 119122

adding indexes to 3240

ALTER TABLE statement 1415, 27

cascading operations 113115

columns 5, 56

adding 1415

data types for 1524

dropping 15

indexed vs. included 4145

creating 11


based on business requirements 24

using normalization 411

fact 74, 78

hierarchies 115116

joins 3537

keys 5, 6

memory-optimized 242255

modifying, using views 5864

multiple, in views 6264

names 1113


using non-clustered columnstore indexes on 8185

PRIMARY KEY constraints 27

redundancy in 9

relationship of non-key to key attributes 811

rows 56

rules covering shape of 57

sorts 3841

temporary 244

virtual 62

Table Scan operator 293

table-valued parameters 137139, 244

table-valued user-defined functions 183186

table variables 244

tempdb 224, 242, 247, 343

tempdb optimization 338339

temporal extensions 14

temporary tables 244

third normal form 8, 911

THROW statement 145147, 155, 157, 164

timestamp 18

time values 1617

Top Resource Consuming Queries view 308

traces 283, 286292, 351

client-side 290292, 360

server-side 286289, 360

Tracked Querie view 314

@@TRANCOUNT variable 204, 206, 207, 209

transaction control logic

in stored procedures 144158

transactions 195216

ACID properties of 196203

auto-commit 203

distributed 208209, 211, 219

DLM statement results based on 196203

explicit 203204, 205209

implicit 203205, 216

in high-concurrency databases 211216

isolation levels 216229

nested 206207

resource locks and 212216

savepoints within 209211

Transact-SQL code 224, 12

Transact-SQL statements

to add contraints to tables 119122

triggers 101

AFTER 176179

columnar data and 165167

complex data integrity and 160164

creating 159179

DDL 159, 169174

designing logic for, based on business requirements 159169

DML 159160, 169

INSTEAD OF 166170, 176179

login 159

logon 169, 174176

running code in response to action 164165

uses of 160


IO 343345

locking behavior 231237

performance issues 352355

storage 343345

TRY...CATCH construct 149151, 153154, 157

T-SQL statements 346

tuple mover 72, 89


UDFs. See User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

uncommitable transactions 152

underscores 12

UNION ALL set operator 64

UNIQUE constraints 102, 120

FOREIGN KEY constraints relating to 117119

use of 105106

uniqueidentifier data type 18

uniqueness constraints

on indexes 2728

updateable views 5763

update locks 213

UPDATE operations

DEFAULT constraints on 104

in columnstore index 72

UPDATE statement 179

UPDATE STATISTICS statement 271, 275

Update Statistics Task dialog box 274

user accounts. See also identities

user-defined functions 50

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) 101, 159, 180186

classifier 328329

scalar 180183

table-valued 183186

user-defined resource pools 327

user identities. See identities

user input

DEFAULT constraints on 103105

limiting with constraints 107111

user requirements

creating views to meet 5357


version store 227


views 5269

basic form of 52


based on user or business requirements 5357

updateable 5763

editable 5864

indexed 6769

layers of 55

limiting what data can be added to table 6162

modifiable 167169

modifying data in, with multiple tables 6264

options for 52

partitioned 6467

that reference single table, modifying 5861

uses 52, 53

as reporting interface 5556

reformatting data in output 5455

table modification 5864

to hide data 53

virtual tables 62


wait statistics 340343

wait types 235

Web edition 334

WHERE clause 62, 87, 88, 183

WIM. See Windows Imaging Format (WIM)

WITH CHECK OPTION clause 52, 6162


WITH TIES in TOP clause 248

worker threads 340341

workload groups 325, 328


XACT_ABORT() function 152, 155156

XACT_STATE() function 152

XML data type 18

xml_deadlock_report 240


ys.sp_xtp_control_query_exec_stats 256

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