Chapter 9. Ongoing Customer Development

The beautiful part is that it’s not hard to find sports fans and people who love to talk about sports! If I’m on an airplane and I look across the aisle, so often I see someone using ESPN. I’ll turn to them and just start talking: “What do you like about the site? What else do you wish you could do?”

Ryan Spoon, Senior Vice President of Product Development, ESPN

You need to stop thinking of customer support as a crew of responsive hole-patchers that deal with problems as they come up, but instead as investigators who have privileged access to the information that holds the key to the future of your business: customer insights.

Dan Martell, CEO of Clarity

Many companies struggle to incorporate ongoing customer development research into their product development process. Where does it fit, and how will we find the time?

At the beginning of a new project, it’s (relatively) easy to justify dedicated time and resources for learning about customers. But when product development is ongoing and iterative, customer development research must be as well. If we wait until we have a chunk of time to devote to customer research, it will never happen.

Luckily, ongoing customer development doesn’t need to involve forming hypotheses or finding time to fit in 20 hours of interviews. It doesn’t have to be planned and scheduled.

In this chapter, we’ll talk about how companies with existing products and customers can incorporate customer development into their day-to-day processes. Startups, these methods will work for you too, although you’ll find that some of the details (working with people with specific job roles, dealing with cross-functional communication issues, and justifying why customer development is beneficial) are less applicable to your organizations.

We’ll talk about:

  • Getting help from people who are already talking to customers

  • Taking advantage of customer-initiated interactions

  • Getting below the surface when customers request features

We’ll also talk about how to bring all of the feedback together so that everyone in your organization can be smarter about what customers need and how your organization is responding. Don’t skip this closing-the-loop step—it takes time, but it keeps your team engaged and motivated.

With these methods, you won’t need to wait until you can set aside time. You’ll be equipped to turn any conversation into a question that allows you to constantly learn about your customers, five minutes at a time.

Who’s Already Out of the Building?

Of course it’s a great idea to do a little customer development any time you meet a customer, but tactically, you may still be wondering: when am I going to get the chance to ask customers a question apart from my interviews? Change your thinking here: the more appropriate question here is not when but who.

News flash: There are people in your company who talk to customers every day.

They may not be familiar with customer development or lean startup principles, but they’re perfectly positioned to listen and learn. There’s incredible potential to learn if you harness the power of your customer-facing coworkers.

Salespeople, account managers, and customer support professionals spend their entire work lives talking with your prospective and current customers. Unfortunately, what these customer-facing folks learn is too often dismissed by people who make product decisions. “She’ll promise anything to close the deal.” “He’s just hearing from a skewed sample of angry customers.”

Sure, there’s bias. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore this feedback; it means we try to reduce the bias.

Here’s what typically happens:

Sales: Big Customer won’t sign the contract unless we build an additional security widget.

Product management: We can’t build that; it would only benefit Big Customer and we’ve got a ton of higher-priority features in our backlog.

Sales goes back to the customer and tells him no, possibly losing the deal. Sales blames product management for being short-sighted while product management rolls its eyes at another idiotic request from sales. Meanwhile, no one understands why Big Customer wanted that security widget in the first place.

Instead, these teams can work together to produce a better outcome for both. When a customer asks for a feature or demands a change, the best answer is not “yes” or “no.” Each of those answers signals an end to the conversation. Asking questions in response is a more diplomatic way of avoiding a no as well as a valuable means of getting answers.

At Yammer, I give a training session as part of the onboarding process for new salespeople and account managers, to offer examples of this type of conversational technique:

Customer: We can’t buy until we have your assurance that you’ll build an additional feature X.

Sales: I’d like to make sure I fully understand your needs so that I can bring this feedback back to our product team. Can I ask you a couple of questions about feature X and how it would help you and your company?

Customer: I’m hearing lots of complaints from our internal employees who use the product because you haven’t built feature Y.

Account manager: It sounds like you’re hearing from some unhappy people. I want to be sure I’m clear on the issue—can I ask more about the context? What are employees trying to accomplish that they are unable to do? If they had feature Y, how would they expect to use it?

The customer provides more details, which helps the salesperson to figure out whether this is a real need or a bluff to get a discount. The customer appreciates that the salesperson is trying to understand his needs as opposed to just closing a deal. The product team potentially learns about some hidden need or constraint that they may want to address.

New sales and account managers are often skeptical that this will work. They suspect, rightfully, that customers will not respond well to being asked why they want something.

Asking why does require some linguistic softening. Prefacing why questions with some polite phrasing makes them sound more conversational and less interrogative. For more details, see “Be Diplomatic with Why?” in Chapter 5.

In some organizations, the relationship between product development and sales may be strained. If that’s the case, it may not be realistic to say, “Hey—on your sales calls, I want you to do research for me!”

I’ve been in that situation, and what worked for me was to focus more on my coworkers’ needs than on the research aspect. I’ve said something like this:

I know it can be challenging for you when you’re trying to close a deal and customers are asking for features and you can’t promise them.

Even though I can’t say yes, I don’t want to put you in the position where you have to tell them no. Can I suggest responding to them with a question? In the worst case scenario, it gives you a more positive spin on the conversation—but hopefully it also allows you to learn something more about them that will help you build the relationship.

Volunteering to help out with sales calls or account maintenance visits are also good ways to repair relationships and demonstrate customer development. Seeing it in action is the best way to get someone on your side.

Palantir, a company that develops data analysis software for intelligence agencies and the military, takes it one step further and removes the middleman. Instead of training salespeople to listen to customers, they send engineers into the field:

These techies don’t create the company’s products—at least, not at first. They’re out in the field, interacting directly with customers and making sure the product is meeting their needs.... They can tackle the customer’s problems on the spot—and, most important, begin to identify new problems the client might not know it has.[73]

Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?

Customer support is not just a cost to make problems go away; it’s a listening post. —Darius Dunlap

People often use the excuse that they can’t do customer development because their customers would find it intrusive. That may be a legitimate reason not to call a Fortune 500 CEO on her cell and ask for a 20-minute interview, but if you have customers using and paying for your products, you already have opportunities every single day when they contact you: customer support.[74]

Good customer support professionals are an amazingly underutilized resource. No one knows a product better than the person who has to answer questions and file bugs against it all day long.

Feature requests and complaints can be the most frustrating types of interactions for a support professional. He’s responding to a customer who is often already angry, and he has no fix or timeline to promise.

The surprising truth is that questions are an extremely effective tool for defusing negativity. When you ask a follow-up question, the customer feels heard and understood. Questions signal a partnership: let’s fix this. Even a customer who comes to you furious has a hard time staying angry when the person on the phone is actively seeking to understand his problem and fix it. Darius Dunlap, founder of SupportUX Consulting, jokes that, “You actively listen to the customer and all of a sudden, he’s in his mind switching from thinking ‘They’re idiots’ to ‘Wow, they’re actually thinking about this.’”

Feature Requests

For feature requests, a good format is to restate the customer’s description and then ask why he wants it. Restating the customer’s words ensures that you understand him correctly. It also softens the impact of the “why?” question, helping you sound curious rather than accusatory:

To make sure I understand you correctly: you’re saying that you want us to add a data export feature?

If we built this data export feature, what would you be able to do that you aren’t able to do today?

Response rates to this type of question are extremely high because the customer believes that answering will increase the odds of getting the desired feature. Rachel Pennig, Director of Customer Support for Recurly, explains, “We say to customers, ‘Tell us everything you need to be able to do, and we’re not always going to be able to say yes but we can pass it along and use your feedback to make informed decisions.’ I recently talked with a customer who wanted a way to create sixty thousand billing plans! By asking what he was trying to accomplish, I was able to come up with a reasonable solution using three plans.”

Customers tend to make suggestions rather than talk about the problems they’re facing, which adds a layer of abstraction that you need to push beyond
Figure 9-1. Customers tend to make suggestions rather than talk about the problems they’re facing, which adds a layer of abstraction that you need to push beyond

Functionality or Design Issues

Functionality or interface complaints require a bit more deliberate politeness. At KISSmetrics, my guidelines for customer support included 4 As (apologize, admit, ask, appreciate).[75] Apologizing for the customer’s bad experience and admitting blame sets the right tone for asking questions—you don’t want to inadvertently imply that the customer is at fault. An email reply might look like this:

I’m sorry—the date selector widget is not an intuitive experience right now. We should explain in the inline text when the next month’s report will be available.

May I ask you a question? I’d like to understand your use case more clearly. Do you use this feature around the same time each month? Are you the only person who uses it, or do other people in different job roles use it?

Thank you for reaching out to us; we are always trying to improve the product experience and your input is incredibly helpful.

What you can expect to learn from these responses are important details: who is affected by a problem, under what circumstances it occurs, how often it occurs, and how severe the problem is.

In many cases, interactions may have tested well in standard usability testing but don’t align with someone’s existing behavior patterns. For these types of problems, for every one complaint, there are often 10 more customers suffering in silence (or groaning in frustration) while they think about switching to a different product or service.

Bugs and Errors

When a customer first comes to support with a bug report or error that needs fixing, customer development should not be top of mind. The first priority is to address the concern and resolve the customer’s issue. However, anyone who has worked in customer support knows that answering the question that your customer asked is not always the same as answering the question that your customer should have asked. Support professionals are probably already familiar with the art of gracefully transitioning from giving an answer and then asking an additional question:

Can I ask what task you’re trying to accomplish when you use this functionality? I’m asking because I want to make sure that I’ve given you the most useful answer possible. If there’s an easier or better way to do what you need to do, I want to make sure I get you that solution.

Once you’ve provided an answer, you’ve got a captive audience, and you may as well use it!

Aside from phone and email support, many web-based products use live chat to answer questions for customers and sales leads. When a customer initiates a question, that’s a good opportunity to identify her pain point and ask some additional questions. You’ll have closer to 2 minutes than 20, but that’s still enough time to learn something.

Question of the Week

Perhaps you don’t have a specific customer development question or a graceful way to fit one into the conversation.

Not all questions have to be specific to your customers’ experiences. There’s a lot of useful background research that you can answer from simple, survey-format questions.

The easiest way to do this is to pick a standard question each week on some topic that you’d like to learn more about. When I answered customer support emails for KISSmetrics, I often manually added a question to the bottom, which only took a few seconds:

If you have additional questions, or I didn’t fully resolve your issue, please let me know.

Since we’re always eager to learn more about our customers, I’d like to ask you one more (unrelated) question:

How many hours this past week did you spend in meetings?

If you use a support ticketing system, it should be easy to export and search for the answers to this question.

The best generic questions are ones with factual answers that are either numerical or answer who/what/how/when/why. It takes longer for the customer to write the answer to a subjective question, and those answers tend to be less useful if you’re not following up on them with more questions.

Recognizing Bias

The people who initiate interactions with you are probably not a representative sample. The silent majority is an apt term for the bulk of your customers who neither complain nor compliment.

When I worked at Yodlee, support requests and posts to our customer forums were heavily skewed toward people with a high degree of technical literacy and financial domain knowledge. They were constantly seeking to push the limits of how our products could be used. At KISSmetrics, I split my time between absolute beginners and experts (who knew far more about web analytics than I did!). At Yammer, many of our support and feature requests are funneled through a community manager or project manager.

Luckily, there is probably consistency in the type of person who reaches out to you. Once you recognize the direction toward which feedback is biased, you can correct accordingly. When power users or proxy customers such as admins or managers offer feedback, it’s a good idea to investigate how many users it impacts. It’s not uncommon for power users to clamor for improvements to a feature that 90% of users have never even tried. When extremely low-tech or inexperienced customers offer feedback, it’s worth evaluating whether they are viable customers or whether their inexperience is too high a barrier to getting value from your product.

Closing the Loop

How do you ensure that all of the great information that different teams are learning doesn’t get lost in the shuffle?

I strongly recommend starting with as little formal process as possible. Closing the loop is important, so to ensure that you keep doing it, you’ll need to make it extremely easy on participants and on you.

Closing the loop has three components: collecting information, summarizing it (as described in Chapter 6), and sharing an appropriate level of detail to inform without overwhelming. With incremental customer development, we aren’t always seeking to invalidate a specific hypothesis but rather to keep learning as our product and customers change over time. The notes from incremental customer development are often a jumping-off point for forming a new hypothesis, doing some more in-depth usability research, or digging into our analytics data.

Collecting Information

How you collect customer development notes from other people should depend on the tools that your company is already using. If it takes multiple clicks or written instructions to submit notes, people won’t take the time. What’s the easiest, most lightweight way for people to communicate currently? Here are some methods I’ve seen for getting people who talk to customers to give you customer development input themselves:

  • Shared Word or Google Doc where anyone can paste in notes

  • Shared Evernote or OneNote notebook where anyone can paste in notes

  • Separate email address that anyone can forward emails or notes to

  • Google Form that submits notes to a spreadsheet

At KISSmetrics, I used the Google Form approach. I added the default recommended questions or prompts with a freeform text area for responses, and then added an extra Other question at the end. This allowed the interviewer to bookmark a link to the form, take notes directly into the form, and then quickly click Submit at the end. This approach had two big benefits: I didn’t have to nag my coworkers to get their notes, and it was easy to do a quick follow-up after their very first form submission to offer some light feedback or suggest a prompt or follow-up question for the next time.

However, what works best is what gets you the most useful information. In many organizations it may be more effective to just call your coworkers to find out what they learned. Customer-facing employees may be traveling and having face-to-face conversations instead of carrying a notebook or sitting in front of a computer, so all of their notes live in their heads.

Sharing the Impact of Customer Development

Your goal is to make smart product decisions based on what you’ve learned about your customers’ problems and needs. When you do that, you need to share that explicitly back to your organization. Don’t assume that people will understand how customer development has had an impact! (Remember that people practicing customer development are focusing on problems; they may not recognize the solutions that you end up choosing as a result of those problems.)

When customer development saves time or money, helps avoid a mistake, or dramatically increases a customer’s satisfaction, that’s a win to be celebrated:

We learned ________

So we didn’t build [feature/partnership/new product]

Which saved us ____ time!

As you may remember from the Preface, the interviews I conducted in my first month at KISSmetrics allowed us to cut back our product development scope dramatically. We saved at least two months of development time as well as the ongoing cost of supporting overly complex code.

Here’s a more subtle way to state results:

We learned _________

So we tried __________

Which resulted in ________ positive metrics change!

Success stories like this fit well on a slide, but for maximum impact, don’t just share them in a meeting. Print out summaries like this on posters and stick them on the walls. At Yammer, we often have short summaries of customer learnings either taped to the wall or showing on the ambient TV displays in the office. That helps everyone—not just the people at one meeting—view customer development as part of the company’s culture.

Whether you share stories like this weekly, monthly, or randomly as you have a story to tell depends on the pace of your organization and how much input you’re getting. In a small startup, weekly feels right. In a larger organization, a weekly customer development success update may feel like overloading people’s inboxes.

At Yammer, our user research team shares updates at a monthly internal all-hands meeting. We also share our insights with the customers themselves once a quarter with our private community of enterprise Yammer customers, and sometimes even on our public-facing blog. We try to summarize information as “Here’s what we learned from you and here’s what we’ve done as a result.” Our customers don’t always agree with our solutions, but the transparency into how we learn and prioritize promotes great questions and challenges from them. In other words, talking about customer development is actually another way to practice customer development.

Now You’re Ready

In the past nine chapters, you’ve learned to reframe your thinking, form hypotheses, and find customers to talk with. We’ve walked through interviewing, analyzing, and turning your notes into actionable product decisions.

My hope is that many of you didn’t actually make it to this point by reading straight through—that you set the book down, called a customer, and learned about what problems she was trying to solve. I hope you have already invalidated a few assumptions, formed some new hypotheses, and figured out additional questions to ask.

You’ll find that customer development gets easier and feels more natural with each interview. You’ll make mistakes—I’d be disappointed if you didn’t—but they’ll be fast and provide learning to make your next attempt more effective.

Along the way, if you have questions, I’d love to hear from you. I’ll be continuing to collect blog posts, templates, and success stories at You can also always reach me at . Good luck!

[73] To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Daniel Pink, p. 34.

[74] Apologies to Men at Work for the title of this section. I don’t advise taking the tactic of the song’s narrator, though I do know plenty of companies that would prefer to “run and hide” from users offering feedback.

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