I get asked a lot why I like C# as much as I do. Being a supporter of open source software, a dedicated Linux user, and a contributor to Metasploit (which is written predominantly in Ruby), C# seems like an odd choice as my favorite language. When I began writing in C# many years ago, Miguel de Icaza (of GNOME fame) had recently started a small project called Mono. Mono, in essence, is an open source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET framework. C# as a language had been submitted as an ECMA standard, and the .NET framework was touted by Microsoft as a replacement for Java because code could be compiled on one system or platform and run on another. The only issue with this was that Microsoft had only released the .NET framework for the Windows operating system. Miguel and a small group of core contributors took it upon themselves to make the Mono project the bridge the .NET framework needed to reach the Linux community. Luckily, a friend of mine who had recommended I learn C# but knew I was also very interested in Linux, pointed me in the direction of this fledgling project to see whether I could use both C# and Linux. After that, I was hooked.

C# is a beautiful language. The creator and lead architect of the language, Anders Hejlsberg, got his start working on compilers for Pascal and later Delphi. This experience gave him a keen understanding of truly powerful features in an assortment of programming languages. After Hejlsberg joined Microsoft, C# was born around the year 2000. In its early years, C# shared a lot of language features with Java, such as Java’s syntax niceties, but over time, it grew into its own language and introduced a slew of features before Java did, such as LINQ, delegates, and anonymous methods. With C#, you have many of the powerful features of C and C++ and can write full-fledged web applications using the ASP.NET stack or rich desktop applications. On Windows, WinForms is the UI library of choice, but for Linux, the GTK and QT libraries are easy to use. More recently, Mono has introduced support for the Cocoa toolkit on OS X platforms. Even iPhones and Androids are supported.

Why Should I Trust Mono?

Detractors of the Mono project and the C# language claim that the technologies are unsafe to use on any platform that isn’t Windows. Their belief that Microsoft will, at the drop of a dime, begin litigating Mono into oblivion keeps many people from even taking the project seriously. I don’t find this to be a credible risk. As of this writing, not only has Microsoft acquired Xamarin—the company Miguel de Icaza created to support the Mono framework—it has made large swathes of the core .NET framework open source. It has embraced open source software in ways many people would have thought unimaginable under the leadership of Steve Ballmer. The new chief executive officer, Satya Nadella, has demonstrated that Microsoft has no problems at all with open source software, and the company actively engages the Mono community to enable mobile development using Microsoft technologies.

Who Is This Book For?

Many people in security-oriented jobs, such as network and application security engineers, rely on automation to one extent or another—be it for scanning for vulnerabilities or analyzing malware. With many security professionals preferring to use a wide variety of operating systems, writing tools that everyone can easily run can be difficult. Mono is a great choice because it is cross-platform and has an excellent core set of libraries that makes automating many aspects of a security professional’s job easy. If you’re interested in learning how to write offensive exploits, automate scanning for infrastructure vulnerabilities, decompile other .NET applications, read offline registry hives, or create custom cross-platform payloads, then many of the topics covered in this book will get you started (even if you don’t have a background in C#).

Organization of This Book

In this book, we’ll cover the basics of C# and rapidly implement real-life security tools with the rich libraries available to the language. Right out of the gate, we’ll write fuzzers to find possible vulnerabilities and write full-blown exploits for any vulnerabilities found. It should become very apparent how powerful the language features and core libraries are. Once the basics have been covered, we’ll automate popular security tools such as Nessus, sqlmap, and Cuckoo Sandbox. Overall, once you’ve finished this book, you’ll have an excellent repertoire of small libraries to automate many of the menial jobs security professionals often perform.

Chapter 1: C# Crash Course In this chapter, you learn the basics of C# object-oriented programming with simple examples, but we cover a wide variety of C# features. We start with a Hello World program and then build small classes to better understand what object-oriented programming is. We then move on to more advanced C# features, such as anonymous methods and P/Invoke.

Chapter 2: Fuzzing and Exploiting XSS and SQL Injection In this chapter, we write small HTTP request fuzzers that look for XSS and SQL injection in a variety of data types by using the HTTP library to communicate with web servers.

Chapter 3: Fuzzing SOAP Endpoints In this chapter, we take the concept of the fuzzers in the previous chapter to the next level by writing another small fuzzer that retrieves and parses a SOAP WSDL to find potential SQL injections by automatically generating HTTP requests. We do this while also looking at the excellent XML libraries available in the standard library.

Chapter 4: Writing Connect-Back, Binding, and Metasploit Payloads In this chapter, we break from the focus on HTTP and move on to creating payloads. We first create a couple of simple payloads—one over TCP and one over UDP. Then you learn how to generate x86/x86_64 shellcode in Metasploit to create cross-platform and cross-architecture payloads.

Chapter 5: Automating Nessus In this chapter, we return to HTTP in order to automate the first of several vulnerability scanners, Nessus. We go over how to create, watch, and report on scans of CIDR ranges programmatically.

Chapter 6: Automating Nexpose In this chapter, we maintain the focus on tool automation by moving on to the Nexpose vulnerability scanner. Nexpose, whose API is also HTTP based, can be automated to scan for vulnerabilities and create reports. Rapid7, Nexpose’s creator, offers a free yearlong license for its community product, which is very useful for home enthusiasts.

Chapter 7: Automating OpenVAS In this chapter, we conclude the focus on vulnerability scanner automation with OpenVAS, which is open source. OpenVAS has a fundamentally different kind of API than both Nessus and Nexpose, using only TCP sockets and XML for its communication protocol. Because it’s also free, it is useful for hobbyists looking to gain more experience in vulnerability scanning on a budget.

Chapter 8: Automating Cuckoo Sandbox In this chapter, we move on to digital forensics with the Cuckoo Sandbox. Working with an easy-to-use REST JSON API, we automate submitting potential malware samples and then reporting on the results.

Chapter 9: Automating sqlmap In this chapter, we begin exploiting SQL injections to their fullest extent by automating sqlmap. We first create small tools to submit single URLs with the easy-to-use JSON API that is shipped with sqlmap. Once you are familiar with sqlmap, we integrate it into the SOAP WSDL fuzzer from Chapter 3, so any potential SQL injection vulnerabilities can automatically be exploited and validated.

Chapter 10: Automating ClamAV In this chapter, we begin to focus on interacting with native, unmanaged libraries. ClamAV, a popular and open source antivirus project, isn’t written in a .NET language, but we can still interface with its core libraries as well as with its TCP daemon, which allows for remote use. We cover how to automate ClamAV in both scenarios.

Chapter 11: Automating Metasploit In this chapter, we put the focus back on Metasploit so that you can learn how to programmatically drive it to exploit and report on shelled hosts via the MSGPACK RPC that ships with the core framework.

Chapter 12: Automating Arachni In this chapter, we focus on automating the black-box web application scanner Arachni, a free and open source project, though dual licensed. Using both the simpler REST HTTP API and the more powerful MSGPACK RPC that ships with the project, we create small tools to automatically report findings as we scan a URL.

Chapter 13: Decompiling and Reversing Managed Assemblies In this chapter, we move on to reverse engineering. There are easy-to-use .NET decompilers for Windows, but not for Mac or Linux, so we write a small one ourselves.

Chapter 14: Reading Offline Registry Hives In this chapter, we move on to incident response and focus on registry hives by going over the binary structure of the Windows registry. You learn how to parse and read offline registry hives, so you can retrieve the boot key of the system, used to encrypt password hashes stored in the registry.


This book was 10 years in the making, even if it was only in a word processor for three of those years. My family and friends have surely noticed that I’ve been constantly talking about C#, but have been more than lenient and understanding listeners. Props to the AHA brothers and sisters who inspired many of the projects in this book. Many thanks to John Eldridge, a family friend who introduced me to C# and really jump-started my interest in programming. Brian Rogers has been one of the best technical resources for bouncing ideas off of during the development of this book, as well as an excellent technical editor with his keen eye and insights. My production managers Serena Yang and Alison Law made the back and forth of the editing process about as painless as it could be. Of course, Bill Pollock and Jan Cash were able to sculpt my muddy words into clear sentences that anyone could read. A huge thanks to the whole No Starch staff!

A Final Note

Each of these chapters only scratches the surface of C#’s power, as well as the potential in the tools we automate and build—especially since many of the libraries we create are meant to be flexible and extensible. I hope this book shows you how easy it can be to automate mundane or tedious tasks and inspires you to continue building on the tools we started. You’ll find source code and updates to the book at

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