
ClamAV is an open source antivirus solution that is used primarily for scanning emails and attachments on email servers to identify potential viruses before they reach and infect computers on the network. But that certainly isn’t its only use case. In this chapter, we’ll use ClamAV to create an automated virus scanner that we can use to scan files for malware and to identify viruses with the help of ClamAV’s database.

You’ll learn to automate ClamAV in a couple of ways. One is to interface with libclamav, the native library that drives ClamAV’s command line utilities such as clamscan, a file scanner you may be familiar with. The second way is to interface with the clamd daemon through sockets in order to perform scans on computers without ClamAV installed.

Installing ClamAV

ClamAV is written in C, which creates some complications when automating with C#. It’s available for Linux through common package managers such as yum and apt, as well as for Windows and OS X. Many modern Unix distributions include a ClamAV package, but that version might not be compatible with Mono and .NET.

Installing ClamAV on a Linux system should go something like this:

$ sudo apt-get install clamav

If you’re running a Red Hat or Fedora-based Linux flavor that ships with yum, run something like this:

$ sudo yum install clamav clamav-scanner clamav-update

If you need to enable an extra repository in order to install ClamAV via yum, enter the following:

$ sudo yum install -y epel-release

These commands install a version of ClamAV to match your system’s architecture.


Mono and .NET can’t interface with native, unmanaged libraries unless the architecture of both are compatible. For example, 32-bit Mono and .NET won’t run the same way with ClamAV compiled for a 64-bit Linux or Windows machine. You will need to install or compile native ClamAV libraries to match the Mono or .NET 32-bit architecture.

The default ClamAV package from the package manager might not have the correct architecture for Mono/.NET. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to specifically install ClamAV to match the Mono/.NET architecture. You can write a program to verify your Mono/.NET version by checking the value of IntPtr.Size. An output of 4 indicates a 32-bit version, whereas an output of 8 is a 64-bit version. If you are running Mono or Xamarin on Linux, OS X, or Windows, you can easily check this, as shown in Listing 10-1.

$ echo "IntPtr.Size" | csharp

Listing 10-1: A one-liner to check the architecture of Mono/.NET

Mono and Xamarin ship with an interactive interpreter for C# (called csharp), similar to the python interpreter, or irb for Ruby. By echoing the IntPtr.Size string into the interpreter using stdin, you can print the value of the Size property, which in this case is 4 and indicates a 32-bit architecture. If your output is also 4, you would need to install 32-bit ClamAV. It might be easiest to set up a VM with the architecture you expect. Because the instructions to compile ClamAV differ across Linux, OS X, and Windows, installing 32-bit ClamAV is outside the scope of this book if you need to do it. However, there are many online tutorials that can walk you through the steps for your particular operating system.

You can also use the Unix file utility to check whether your ClamAV library is a 32- or 64-bit version, as shown in Listing 10-2.

$ file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libclamav.so.7.1.1
libclamav.so.7.1.1: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux),
dynamically linked, not stripped

Listing 10-2: Using file to view the libclamav architecture

Using file, we can see whether the libclamav library has been compiled for a 32-bit or 64-bit architecture. On my computer, Listing 10-2 shows that the library is a 64-bit version . But in Listing 10-1, IntPtr.Size returned 4, not 8! This means my libclamav (64-bit) and Mono (32-bit) architectures are mismatched. I must either recompile ClamAV to be 32-bit in order to use it with my Mono installation or install a 64-bit Mono runtime.

The ClamAV Native Library vs. the clamd Network Daemon

We’ll start by automating ClamAV using the native library libclamav. This allows us to use a local copy of ClamAV and its signatures to perform virus scanning; however, this requires that the ClamAV software and signatures be properly installed and updated on the system or device. The engine can be memory and CPU intensive, using up disk space for antivirus signatures. Sometimes these requirements can take up more resources on a machine than a programmer might like, so offloading the scanning to another machine makes sense.

You may rather want to perform your antivirus scanning in a central spot—perhaps when an email server sends or receives an email—in which case you won’t easily be able to use libclamav. Instead, you could use the clamd daemon to offload antivirus scanning from the email server to a dedicated virus-scanning server. You only need to keep one server’s antivirus signatures up-to-date, and you won’t run as great a risk of bogging down your email server.

Automating with ClamAV’s Native Library

Once you have ClamAV installed and running properly, you are ready to automate it. First, we’ll automate ClamAV using libclamav directly with P/Invoke (introduced in Chapter 1), which allows managed assemblies to call functions from native, unmanaged libraries. Although you’ll have a handful of supporting classes to implement, integrating ClamAV into your application is relatively straightforward overall.

Setting Up the Supporting Enumerations and Classes

We’ll use a few helper classes and enumerations in the code. All the helper classes are very simple—most are fewer than 10 lines of code. However, they make the glue that holds the methods and classes together.

The Supporting Enumerations

The ClamDatabaseOptions enumeration, shown in Listing 10-3, is used in the ClamAV engine to set options for the virus-lookup database we’ll use.

public enum ClamDatabaseOptions
  CL_DB_BYTECODE = 0x2000,

Listing 10-3: The ClamDatabaseOptions enum that defines the ClamAV database options

The ClamDatabaseOptions enum uses values taken directly from the ClamAV C source for the database options. The three options enable the signatures for phishing emails and for phishing URLs, as well as the dynamic bytecode signatures used in heuristic scanning. Combined, these three make up ClamAV’s standard database options, which are used to scan for viruses or malware. By using the bitwise OR operator to combine the three option values, we come up with a bitmask of the combined options we want to use defined in an enum . Using bitmasks is a popular way of storing flags or options in a very efficient way.

Another enum we must implement is the ClamReturnCode enum, which corresponds to known return codes from ClamAV and is shown in Listing 10-4. Again, these values were taken directly from the ClamAV source code.

public enum ClamReturnCode
CL_CLEAN = 0x0,
CL_VIRUS = 0x1

Listing 10-4: An enumeration to store the ClamAV return codes we are interested in

This isn’t a complete list of return codes by any means. I am only including the return codes I expect to see in the examples we’ll be writing. These are the clean and success codes, which indicate a scanned file had no viruses or that an action was successful, respectively, and the virus code , which reports back that a virus was detected in a scanned file. If you run into any error codes not defined in the ClamReturnCode enum, you can look them up in the ClamAV source code in clamav.h. These codes are defined in the cl_error_t struct in the header file.

Our ClamReturnCode enum has three values, only two of which are distinct. Both CL_CLEAN and CL_SUCCESS share the same value of 0x0 because 0x0 means both that everything is running as expected and that a scanned file is clean. The other value, 0x1, is returned when a virus is detected.

The last enum we need to define is the ClamScanOptions enum, the most complicated of the enums we need. It’s shown in Listing 10-5.

public enum ClamScanOptions
  CL_SCAN_MAIL = 0x2,
  CL_SCAN_OLE2 = 0x4,
  CL_SCAN_HTML = 0x10,
 CL_SCAN_PE = 0x20,
 CL_SCAN_ELF = 0x2000,
  CL_SCAN_PDF = 0x4000,

Listing 10-5: The class to hold the options for a ClamAV scan

As you can see, ClamScanOptions looks like a more complex version of ClamDatabaseOptions. It defines a variety of file types that can be scanned (Windows PE executables , Unix ELF executables , PDFs, and so on) along with a set of standard options . As with the previous enumerations, these enumeration values were taken directly from the ClamAV source code.

The ClamResult Supporting Class

Now we need only implement the ClamResult class, shown in Listing 10-6, to round out the support required to drive libclamav.

public class ClamResult
  public ClamReturnCode ReturnCode { get; set; }
  public string VirusName { get; set; }
  public string FullPath { get; set; }

Listing 10-6: The class that holds results of a ClamAV scan

This one is super simple! The first property is a ClamReturnCode that stores the return code of a scan (which should usually be CL_VIRUS). We also have two string properties: one to hold the name of the virus ClamAV reports back and one to hold the path to the file if we need it later. We’ll use this class to store the results of each file scan as one object.

Accessing ClamAV’s Native Library Functions

In order to keep some separation of the native functions we’ll be consuming from libclamav and the rest of the C# code and classes, we define a single class that holds all the ClamAV functions we’ll use (see Listing 10-7).

static class ClamBindings
  const string _clamLibPath = "/Users/bperry/clamav/libclamav/.libs/libclamav.7.dylib";
  public extern static ClamReturnCode cl_init(uint options);

  public extern static IntPtr cl_engine_new();

  public extern static ClamReturnCode cl_engine_free(IntPtr engine);

  public extern static IntPtr cl_retdbdir();

  public extern static ClamReturnCode cl_load(string path, IntPtr engine,
         ref uint signo, uint options);

  public extern static ClamReturnCode cl_scanfile(string path, ref IntPtr virusName,
         ref ulong scanned, IntPtr engine, uint options);

  public extern static ClamReturnCode cl_engine_compile(IntPtr engine);

Listing 10-7: The ClamBindings class, which holds all the ClamAV functions

The ClamBindings class first defines a string that is the full path to the ClamAV library we’ll be interfacing with. In this example, I am pointing to an OS X .dylib that I compiled from source to match the architecture of my Mono installation. Depending on how you compiled or installed ClamAV, the path to the native ClamAV library may differ on your system. On Windows, the file will be a .dll file in the /Program Files directory if you used the ClamAV installer. On OS X, it will be a .dylib file, and on Linux it will be a .so file. On the latter systems, you could use find to locate the correct library.

On Linux, something like this would print the path to any libclamav libraries:

$ find / -name libclamav*so$

On OS X, use this:

$ find / -name libclamav*dylib$

The DllImport attribute tells the Mono/.NET runtime to look for the given function in the library we specified in the argument. This way, we are able to directly call on ClamAV functions inside our program. We’ll cover what the functions shown in Listing 10-7 do when we implement the ClamEngine class next. You can also see that we’re already using the ClamReturnCode class , which is returned when some of ClamAV’s native functions are called.

Compiling the ClamAV Engine

The ClamEngine class in Listing 10-8 will do most of the real work of scanning and reporting on potentially malicious files.

public class ClamEngine : IDisposable
  private IntPtr engine;

  public ClamEngine()
    ClamReturnCode ret = ClamBindings.cl_init((uint)ClamDatabaseOptions.CL_DB_STDOPT);

    if (ret != ClamReturnCode.CL_SUCCESS)
      throw new Exception("Expected CL_SUCCESS, got " + ret);

    engine = ClamBindings.cl_engine_new();

      string dbDir = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ClamBindings.cl_retdbdir());
      uint signatureCount = 0;

      ret = ClamBindings.cl_load(dbDir, engine, ref signatureCount,

      if (ret != ClamReturnCode.CL_SUCCESS)
        throw new Exception("Expected CL_SUCCESS, got " + ret);

      ret = (ClamReturnCode)ClamBindings.cl_engine_compile(engine);

      if (ret != ClamReturnCode.CL_SUCCESS)
        throw new Exception("Expected CL_SUCCESS, got " + ret);
      ret = ClamBindings.cl_engine_free(engine);

      if (ret != ClamReturnCode.CL_SUCCESS)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Freeing allocated engine failed");


Listing 10-8: The ClamEngine class, which scans and reports on files

First, we declare a class-level IntPtr variable , called engine, which will point to our ClamAV engine for the other methods in the class to use. Although C# doesn’t need a pointer to reference the exact address of an object in memory, C does. C has pointers that are of the intptr_t data type, and IntPtr is the C# version of a C pointer. Since the ClamAV engine will be passed back and forth between .NET and C, we need a pointer to refer to the address in memory where it is stored when we pass it to C. This is what happens when we create engine, which we’ll assign a value inside the constructor.

Next, we define the constructor. The constructor for the ClamEngine class doesn’t require any arguments. To initialize ClamAV to begin allocating engines to scan with, we call cl_init() from the ClamBindings class by passing the signature database options we want to use when loading the signatures. Just in case ClamAV doesn’t initialize, we check the return code of cl_init() and throw an exception if initialization failed. If ClamAV initializes successfully, we allocate a new engine with cl_engine_new() , which takes no arguments and returns the pointer to the new ClamAV engine that we store in the engine variable for later use.

Once we have an engine allocated, we need to load the antivirus signatures to scan with. The cl_retdbdir() function returns the path to the definition database ClamAV is configured to use and stores it in the dbDir variable . Because cl_retdbdir() returns a C pointer string, we convert it to a regular string by using the function PtrToStringAnsi() on the Marshal class, a class used to convert data types from managed types to unmanaged (and vice versa). Once we store the database path, we define an integer, signatureCount , which is passed to cl_load() and assigned the number of signatures that were loaded from the database.

We use cl_load() from the ClamBindings class to load the signature database into the engine. We pass the ClamAV database directory dbDir and the new engine as arguments, along with a few other values. The last argument passed to cl_load() is an enumeration value for the types of files we want to support scanning (such as HTML, PDF, or other specific types of files). We use the class we created earlier, ClamScanOptions, to define our scan options as CL_SCAN_STDOPT so that we use the standard scan options. After we have loaded the virus database (which can take several seconds, depending on the options), we check whether the return code is equal to CL_SUCCESS again; if it is, we finally compile the engine by passing it to the cl_engine_ compile() function , which prepares the engine to begin scanning files. Then we check whether we received a CL_SUCCESS return code one last time.

Scanning Files

In order to scan files easily, we’ll wrap cl_scanfile() (the ClamAV library function that scans a file and reports back the result) with our own method, which we’ll call ScanFile(). This allows us to prepare the arguments we need to pass to cl_scanfile() and allows us to process and return the results from ClamAV as one ClamResult object. This is shown in Listing 10-9.

public ClamResult ScanFile(string filepath, uint options = (uint)ClamScanOptions.CL_SCAN_STDOPT)
 ulong scanned = 0;
 IntPtr vname = (IntPtr)null;
  ClamReturnCode ret = ClamBindings.cl_scanfile(filepath, ref vname, ref scanned,
                                                 engine, options);
  if (ret == ClamReturnCode.CL_VIRUS)
    string virus = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(vname);

   ClamResult result = new ClamResult();
    result.ReturnCode = ret;
    result.VirusName = virus;
    result.FullPath = filepath;

    return result;
  else if (ret == ClamReturnCode.CL_CLEAN)
    return new ClamResult() { ReturnCode = ret, FullPath = filepath };
    throw new Exception("Expected either CL_CLEAN or CL_VIRUS, got: " + ret);

Listing 10-9: The ScanFile() method, which scans and returns a ClamResult object

The ScanFile() method we implement takes two arguments, but we only need the first, which is the path of the file to scan. The user can define scan options with the second argument, but if a second argument isn’t specified, then the standard scan options we defined in ClamScanOptions will be used to scan the file.

We start the ScanFile() method by defining some variables to use. The scanned ulong type variable is initially set to 0 . We won’t actually use this variable after scanning the file, but the cl_scanfile() function requires it in order to be called correctly. The next variable we define is another IntPtr, which we call vname (for virus name) . We set this initially to be null, but we’ll later assign a C string pointer to it that points to a virus name in the ClamAV database whenever a virus is found.

We use the cl_scanfile() function we defined in ClamBindings to scan the file and pass it a handful of arguments. The first argument is the file path we want to scan, followed by the variable that will be assigned the name of the detected virus, if any. The last two arguments are the engine we will be scanning with and the scan options we want use to perform the virus scan. The middle argument, scanned, is required to call cl_scanfile() but isn’t useful for us here. We won’t use it again after passing it as an argument to this function.

The rest of the method packages the scan information nicely for the programmer’s use. If the return code of cl_scanfile() indicates a virus was found, we use PtrToStringAnsi() to return the string that the vname variable points to in memory. Once we have the virus name, we create a new ClamResult class and assign it three properties using the cl_scanfile() return code, the virus name, and the path to the scanned file. Then, we return the ClamResult class to the caller. If the return code is CL_CLEAN, we return a new ClamResult class with a ReturnCode of CL_CLEAN. If it is neither CL_CLEAN nor CL_VIRUS, however, we throw an exception because we got a return code we didn’t expect.

Cleaning Up

The last method left to implement in the ClamEngine class is Dispose(), shown in Listing 10-10, which automatically cleans up after a scan in the context of a using statement and is required by the IDisposable interface.

  public void Dispose()
    ClamReturnCode ret = ClamBindings.cl_engine_free(engine);

    if (ret != ClamReturnCode.CL_SUCCESS)
      Console.Error.WriteLine("Freeing allocated engine failed");

Listing 10-10: The Dispose() method, which automatically cleans up engines

We implement the Dispose() method because if we don’t free our ClamAV engine when we are done with it, it could become a memory leak. One drawback of working with C libraries from a language like C# is that, because C# has garbage collection, many programmers don’t actively think about cleaning up after themselves. However, C does not have garbage collection. If we allocate something in C, we need to free it when we are done with it. This is what the cl_engine_free() function does. To be diligent, we’ll also check to make sure that the engine was successfully freed by comparing the return code to CL_SUCCESS. If they are the same, all is good. Otherwise, we throw an exception because we should be able to free an engine we allocated, and if we can’t, this may point to a problem in the code.

Testing the Program by Scanning the EICAR File

Now we can bring it all together to scan something to test out our bindings. The EICAR file is an industry-recognized text file used to test antivirus products. It isn’t harmful, but any functioning antivirus product should detect it as a virus, so we’ll use it to test our program. In Listing 10-11, we use the Unix cat command to print the contents of a test file used specifically for testing antivirus—the EICAR file.

$ cat ~/eicar.com.txt

Listing 10-11: Printing the contents of the EICAR antivirus test file

The short program in Listing 10-12 will scan any files specified as arguments and print the results.

public static void Main(string[] args)
  using (ClamEngine e = new ClamEngine())
    foreach (string file in args)
      ClamResult result = e.ScanFile(file); //pretty simple!

      if (result != null && result.ReturnCode == ClamReturnCode.CL_VIRUS)
        Console.WriteLine("Found: " + result.VirusName);
        Console.WriteLine("File Clean!");
  } //engine is disposed of here and the allocated engine freed automatically

Listing 10-12: The Main() method of our program to automate ClamAV

We begin by creating our ClamEngine class in the context of a using statement so that we automatically clean up the engine when we are finished. We then iterate over each argument passed to Main() and assume it is a file path that we can scan with ClamAV. We pass each file path to the ScanFile() method and then check the result returned by ScanFile() to see if ClamAV has returned the CL_VIRUS return code . If so, we print the virus name to the screen, as shown in Listing 10-13. Otherwise, we print the text File Clean!

$ mono ./ch10_automating_clamav_fs.exe ~/eicar.com.txt
Found: Eicar-Test-Signature

Listing 10-13: Running our ClamAV program on the EICAR file results in a virus identification.

If the program prints Found: Eicar-Test-Signature , then it works! This means that ClamAV scanned the EICAR file, matched it against the EICAR definition it has in its database, and returned the virus name for us. A great exercise for expanding this program would be to use a FileWatcher class that allows you to define directories to watch for any changes and then automatically scans the files that are changed or created in those folders.

We now have a working program that scans files with ClamAV. However, there may be instances when you can’t effectively ship ClamAV with the application due to licensing (ClamAV is licensed with the GNU Public License) or technical reasons, but you still need a way to scan files for viruses on your network. We’ll go over one other method to automate ClamAV that will solve this problem in a more centralized way.

Automating with clamd

The clamd daemon provides a great way to add virus scanning to an application that accepts file uploads from users or something similar. It operates over the TCP, but with no SSL by default! It is also very lightweight, but it has to be run on a server on your network, which results in some limitations. The clamd service allows you to have a long-lived process running for scanning files instead of needing to manage and allocate the ClamAV engine as in the previous automation. Because it’s a server version of ClamAV, you can use clamd to scan files for computers without even installing the application. This can be convenient when you only want to manage virus definitions in one place or you have resource limitations and want to offload the virus scanning to another machine, as discussed earlier. Getting automation working for clamd is exceedingly simple in C#. It requires two small classes: a session and a manager.

Installing the clamd Daemon

On most platforms, installing ClamAV from the package manager might not install the clamd daemon. For instance, on Ubuntu, you will need to install the clamav-daemon package separately with apt, as shown here:

$ sudo apt-get install clamav-daemon

On Red Hat or Fedora, you’d install a slightly different package name:

$ sudo yum install clamav-server

Starting the clamd Daemon

To use clamd after installing the daemon, you need to start the daemon, which listens on port 3310 and address by default. You can do this with the clamd command, as shown in Listing 10-14.

$ clamd

Listing 10-14: Starting the clamd daemon


If you install clamd with a package manager, it may be configured by default to listen on a local UNIX socket rather than on a network interface. If you are having trouble connecting to the clamd daemon using a TCP socket, make sure that clamd is configured to listen on a network interface!

You may not get any feedback when you run the command. No news is good news! If clamd starts with no messages, then you have successfully started it. We can test whether clamd is running properly with netcat by connecting to the listening port and seeing what happens when we manually run commands on it, such as by getting the current clamd version and scanning a file, as in Listing 10-15.

$ echo VERSION | nc -v 3310
ClamAV 0.99/20563/Thu Jun 11 15:05:30 2015
$ echo "SCAN /tmp/eicar.com.txt" | nc -v 3310
/tmp/eicar.com.txt: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND

Listing 10-15: Running simple commands for clamd using the netcat TCP utility

Connecting to clamd and sending the VERSION command should print the ClamAV version. You can also send the SCAN command with a file path as the argument, and it should return the scan results. Writing code to automate this is easy.

Creating a Session Class for clamd

The ClamdSession class requires almost no deep dive into how the code in the class works because it’s so simple. We create some properties to hold the host and port that clamd runs on, an Execute() method that takes a clamd() command and executes it, and a TcpClient class to create a new TCP stream to write the commands to, as shown in Listing 10-16. The TcpClient class was first introduced in Chapter 4 when we built custom payloads. We also used it in Chapter 7 when we automated the OpenVAS vulnerability scanner.

public class ClamdSession
  private string _host = null;
  private int _port;

  public ClamdSession(string host, int port)
    _host = host;
    _port = port;

  public string Execute(string command)
    string resp = string.Empty;
    using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient(_host, _port))
      using (NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream())
        byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(command);
        stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

      using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(stream))
         resp = rdr.ReadToEnd();

   return resp;

Listing 10-16: The class to create a new clamd session

The ClamdSession constructor takes two arguments—the host and the port to connect to—and then assigns those to local class variables for the Execute() method to use. In the past, all of our session classes have implemented the IDisposable interface, but we really don’t need to do that with the ClamdSession class. We don’t need to clean anything up when we are done because clamd is a daemon that runs on a port and is a background process that can continue to run, so this saves us a bit of complexity.

The Execute() method takes a single argument: the command to run on the clamd instance. Our ClamdManager class will only implement a few of the possible clamd commands available, so you should find researching the clamd protocol commands highly useful to see what other powerful commands are available to automate. To get the commands running and start reading the clamd response, we first create a new TcpClient class that uses the host and passes the port to the constructor as the TcpClient arguments. We then call GetStream() to make a connection to the clamd instance that we can write our command to. Using the Write() method , we write our command to the stream and then create a new StreamReader class to read the response . Finally, we return the response to the caller .

Creating a clamd Manager Class

The simplicity of the ClamdSession class, which we define in Listing 10-17, makes the ClamdManager class super simple as well. It just creates a constructor and two methods to execute the commands from Listing 10-15 that we had executed manually.

public class ClamdManager
  private ClamdSession _session = null;

  public ClamdManager(ClamdSession session)
    _session = session;

  public string GetVersion()
    return _session.Execute("VERSION");

  public string Scan(string path)
    return _session.Execute("SCAN " + path);

Listing 10-17: The manager class for clamd

The ClamdManager constructor takes a single argument—the session that will be executing the commands—and assigns it to a local class variable called _session that the other methods can use.

The first method we create is the GetVersion() method , which executes the clamd VERSION command by passing the string VERSION to Execute(), which we defined in the clamd session class. This command returns the version information to the caller. The second method, Scan() , takes a file path as the argument, which it passes to Execute() with the clamd SCAN command. Now that we have both the session and manager classes, we can stick everything together.

Testing with clamd

Putting everything together takes only a handful of lines of code for a Main() method, as shown in Listing 10-18.

public static void Main(string[] args)
  ClamdSession session = new ClamdSession("", 3310);
  ClamdManager manager = new ClamdManager(session);


 foreach (string path in args)

Listing 10-18: The Main() method to automate clamd

We create the ClamdSession() by passing as the host to connect to and 3310 as the port on the host. Then we pass the new ClamdSession to the ClamdManager constructor. With a new ClamdManager(), we can print the version of the clamd instance; then we loop over each argument passed to the program and try to scan the file and print the results to the screen for the user. In our case, we will only test against one file, the EICAR test file. However, you could put as many files to scan as your command shell allows.

The file we will scan needs to be on the server running the clamd daemon, so in order make this work across the network, you need a way to send the file to the server in a place clamd can read it. This could be a remote network share or other way of getting the file to the server. In this example, we have clamd listening on (localhost), and it has scanning access to my home directory on my Mac, which is demonstrated in Listing 10-19.

$ ./ch10_automating_clamav_clamd.exe ~/eicar.com.txt
ClamAV 0.99/20563/Thu Jun 11 15:05:30 2015
/Users/bperry/eicar.com.txt: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND

Listing 10-19: The clamd automating program scanning the hard-coded EICAR file

You’ll notice that using clamd is much faster than using the libclamav automation. This is because a bulk of the time spent in the libclamav program was dedicated to allocating and compiling the engine, rather than actually scanning our file. The clamd daemon only has to allocate the engine once at startup; therefore, when we submit our file to be scanned, the results are much, much faster. We can test this by running the applications with the time command, which will print the time it takes for the programs to run, as shown in Listing 10-20.

$ time ./ch10_automating_clamav_fs.exe ~/eicar.com.txt
Found: Eicar-Test-Signature

real 0m11.872s
user   0m11.508s
sys    0m0.254s
$ time ./ch10_automating_clamav_clamd.exe ~/eicar.com.txt
ClamAV 0.99/20563/Thu Jun 11 15:05:30 2015
/Users/bperry/eicar.com.txt: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND

real 0m0.111s
user   0m0.087s
sys    0m0.011s

Listing 10-20: A comparison of the time it took for the ClamAV and clamd applications to scan the same file

Notice that our first program took 11 seconds to scan the EICAR test file but the second program using clamd took less than a second .


ClamAV is a powerful and flexible antivirus solution for home and office use. In this chapter, we were able to drive ClamAV in two distinct ways.

First, we implemented some small bindings for the native libclamav library. This allowed us to allocate, scan with, and free our ClamAV engines at will, but at the cost of needing to ship a copy of libclamav and allocate an expensive engine each time we ran our program. We then implemented two classes that allowed us to drive a remote clamd instance to retrieve ClamAV version information and to scan a given file path on the clamd server. This effectively gave our program a nice speed boost, but at the cost of requiring that the file to be scanned be on the server running clamd.

The ClamAV project is a great example of a large company (Cisco) really supporting open source software that benefits everyone. You’ll find that extending these bindings to better protect and defend your applications, users, and network is a great exercise.

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