Chapter 3. Designing Microservice Systems

So far we’ve learned that companies building applications in the microservices way do more than just implement small components. We now know that there isn’t a strict definition for what constitutes a microservice architecture. Instead, the focus is on building applications that balance speed and safety at scale, primarily through replaceability. Throughout the remaining chapters of this book we will dive deeper into the details of microservice adoption. But considering what you’ve learned about microservices systems so far, one thing should be clear—there are a lot of moving parts to consider. The hallmark of a microservice architecture might be smaller services, but following the microservices way will require you to think big. You’ll need to tune your culture, organization, architecture, interfaces, and services in just the right way to gain the balance of speed and safety at scale.

In this chapter we will lay the groundwork for thinking about your application in a way that helps you unlock the potential value of a microservices system. The concepts introduced are rooted in some pretty big domains: design, complexity, and systems thinking. But you don’t need to be an expert in any of those fields to be a good microservice designer. Instead, we will highlight a model-driven way of thinking about your application that encapsulates the essential parts of complexity and systems thinking. Finally, at the end of this chapter we will introduce an example of a design process that can help promote a design-driven approach to microservices implementation.

The Systems Approach to Microservices

We’ve found that many first-time adopters of microservices tend to focus on the services that need to be built. But in order to develop applications in the microservices way, you’ll need to conceptualize the design as much more than isolated, individual service designs. That doesn’t mean that the design of services can be ignored—just like cars and pedestrians are essential to a traffic system, services are the key ingredient of a microservice system. But thinking in services terms alone isn’t enough; instead you’ll need to consider how all aspects of the system can work together to form an emergent behavior. Emergent behaviors are the ones that are greater than the sum of their parts and for a microservices application this includes the runtime behavior that emerges when we connect individual services together and the organizational behavior that gets us there.


Emergence is an essential part of the science of complexity and is a key indicator of system complexity. Complexity scientist Melanie Mitchell (known for her work at the Santa Fe Institute) often uses ant colonies to illustrate emergence and complexity: predicting the behavior of a single ant is trivial, but predicting the behavior of an entire ant colony is much more difficult.

A microservices system encompasses all of the things about your organization that are related to the application it produces. This means that the structure of your organization, the people who work there, the way they work, and the outputs they produce are all important system factors. Equally important are runtime architectural elements such as service coordination, error handling, and operational practices. In addition to the wide breadth of subject matter that you need to consider, there is the additional challenge that all of these elements are interconnected—a change to one part of the system can have an unforeseen impact on another part. For example, a change to the size of an implementation team can have a profound impact on the work that the implementation team produces.

If you implement the right decisions at the right times you can influence the behavior of the system and produce the behaviors you want. But that is often easier said than done. Grappling with all of these system elements at the same time is difficult. In fact, you might find it especially challenging to conceptualize all of the moving parts of the microservice system in your head. What we are learning is that microservice systems are complex!

Complexity scientists face a similar challenge when they work with complex systems. With all of the interconnected parts and the complex emergence that results, it is very difficult to understand how the parts work together. In particular, it is difficult to predict the results that can arise from a change to the system. So, they do what scientists have always done—they develop a model.

The models mathematicians develop to study complex systems allow them to more accurately understand and predict the behavior of a system. But this is a field in its infancy and the models they produce tend to be very complicated. We don’t expect you to understand the mathematics of complexity, nor do we think it will be particularly helpful in creating better microservice applications. But we do believe that a model-based approach can help all of us conceptualize our system of study and will make it easier for us talk about the parts of the system.

With that in mind, Figure 3-1 depicts a microservice design model comprised of five parts: Service, Solution, Process and Tools, Organization, and Culture.

Microservice system design model
Figure 3-1. The microservice system design model

In truth, each of these design elements are deserving of their own book and we point you to some great sources in the reading list in Appendix A. But the goal of this model is to highlight the major areas of concern and the parts of the system you need to influence in order to succeed with this architectural style.


Implementing well-designed microservices and APIs are essential to a microservice system. In a microservice system, the services form the atomic building blocks from which the entire organism is built. If you can get the design, scope, and granularity of your service just right you’ll be able to induce complex behavior from a set of components that are deceptively simple.

In Chapter 5 we’ll give you some guidance on designing effective microservices and APIs.


A solution architecture is distinct from the individual service design elements because it represents a macro view of our solution. When designing a particular microservice your decisions are bounded by the need to produce a single output—the service itself. Conversely, when designing a solution architecture your decisions are bounded by the need to coordinate all the inputs and outputs of multiple services. This macro-level view of the system allows the designer to induce more desirable system behavior. For example, a solution architecture that provides discovery, safety, and routing features can reduce the complexity of individual services.

We will dive into the patterns that you can employ to produce good microservice system behavior in Chapter 6.

Process and Tools

Your microservice system is not just a byproduct of the service components that handle messages at runtime. The system behavior is also a result of the processes and tools that workers in the system use to do their job. In the microservice’s system, this usually includes tooling and processes related to software development, code deployment, maintenance, and product management.

Choosing the right processes and tools is an important factor in producing good microservice system behavior. For example, adopting standardized processes like DevOps and Agile or tools like Docker containers can increase the changeability of your system. In Chapters 4 and 6 we will take a closer look at the processes and tools that can have the biggest impact on a microservices system.


How we work is often a product of who we work with and how we communicate. From a microservice system perspective, organizational design includes the structure, direction of authority, granularity, and composition of teams. Many of the companies that have had success with microservice architecture point to their organizational design as a key ingredient. But organizational design is incredibly context-sensitive and you may find yourself in a terrible situation if you try to model your 500+ employee enterprise structure after a 10-person startup (and vice versa).

A good microservice system designer understands the implications of changing these organizational properties and knows that good service design is a byproduct of good organizational design. We will dive deeper into team design concepts in Chapter 4.


Of all the microservice system domains, culture is perhaps the most intangible yet may also be the most important. We can broadly define culture as a set of values, beliefs, or ideals that are shared by all of the workers within an organization. Your organization’s culture is important because it shapes all of the atomic decisions that people within the system will make. This large scope of influence is what makes it such a powerful tool in your system design endeavor.

Much like organizational design, culture is a context-sensitive feature of your system. What works in Japan may not work in the United States and what works in a large insurance firm may not work at an ecommerce company. So, you’ll need to be cautious when attempting to emulate the practices that work in a company whose culture you admire. There is no recipe or playbook that will guarantee you the same results.

As important as it is, the culture of an organization is incredibly difficult to measure. Formal methods of surveying and modeling exist, but many business and technology leaders evaluate the culture of their teams in a more instinctual way. You can get a sense of the culture of your organization through your daily interactions with team members, team products, and the customers they cater to.

However you gauge it, culture is often an indication of the impact of other parts of your system. Shared ideals shape how people do their work and how they work will in turn shape their organizational view. This is the interconnected nature of the system.

Embracing Change

Time is an essential element of a microservice system and failing to account for it is a grave mistake. All of the decisions you make about the organization, culture, processes, services, and solutions should be rooted in the notion that change is inevitable. You cannot afford to be purely deterministic in your system design; instead, you should design adaptability into the system as a feature.

There is good reason for taking this perspective: first, trying to determine what the end state of your organization and solution design should look like is a near impossible task. Second, it is unlikely that the context in which you made your design decisions will stay the same. Changes in requirements, markets, and technology all have a way of making today’s good decisions obsolete very quickly.

A good microservice designer understands the need for adaptability and endeavors to continually improve the system instead of working to simply produce a solution. We give you some practical patterns and tools for improving system adaptability in the third part of this book.

Putting it Together: The Holistic System

When put together all of these design elements form the microservices system. They are interconnected and a change to one element can have a meaningful and sometimes unpredictable impact on other elements. The system changes over time and is unpredictable. It produces behavior that is greater than the behavior of its individual components. It adapts to changing contexts, environments, and stimuli.

In short, the microservices system is complex and teasing desirable behaviors and outcomes from that system isn’t an easy task. But some organizations have had enormous success in doing so and we can learn from their examples.

Standardization and Coordination

To be precise, one cannot speak of leaders who cause organizations to achieve superlative performance, for no one can cause it to happen. Leaders can only recognize and modify conditions which prevent it.

Dee Hock, author of The Art of Chaordic Leadership

Almost all of us work in organizations that operate within constraints. These constraints arise because the wrong type of system behavior can be harmful to the organization, even resulting in the organization failing as a result of particularly bad behavior. For example, a banking technology system that makes it easy to steal someone else’s money or a tax system that fails to protect its users’ private information are unacceptable.

With the cost of unwanted system behavior so high, it’s no wonder that so many architects and designers do their best to control system behavior. In practice, the system designer decides that there is some behavior or expectation that must be universally applied to the actors within the system. Policies, governance, and audits are all introduced as a way of policing the behavior of the system and ensuring that the actors conform. In other words, some parts of the system are standardized.

But true control of this type of complex system is an illusion. You have as much chance of guaranteeing that your banking system will be perfectly secure as a farmer does of guaranteeing that his crops will always grow. No matter how many rules, checks, and governance methods you apply you are always at the mercy of actors in a system that can make poor decisions.

Instead, all of these mechanisms of control act as system influencers that greatly increase the likelihood of the results you want. Mastering the system you are designing and making it do the things you want requires you to develop the right standards, make sure the standards are being applied, and measure the results of the changes you are making.

However, control of the system comes at a steep price. Standardization is the enemy of adaptability and if you standardize too many parts of your system you risk creating something that is costly and difficult to change.

In his book Structure in Fives, organizational designer Henry Mintzberg identifies some of the coordination mechanisms and standards that make the biggest differences for organizational systems. In particular, he identifies standardization of work outputs, worker skills, and work processes as having the most impact.


Don’t be scared off by our use of the word “standardization”! When we talk about standards, we mean the established norms and accepted ways of working that exist within an organization. The goal of this section is to understand the system impact when standardization is focused on different parts of the company.

Standardizing process

We’ve already talked about how processes and tools are important for the behavior that emerges from our system. By standardizing the way that people work and the tools they use, you can influence the behavior in a more predictable way. For example, standardizing a deployment process that reduces the time for component deployment may improve the overall changeability of the system as the cost of new deployments decreases.

Standardizing how we work has broad-reaching implications on the type of work we can produce, the kind of people we hire, and the culture of an organization. The Agile methodology is a great example of process standardization. Agile institutionalizes the concept that change should be introduced in small measurable increments that allow the organization to handle change easier. One observable system impact for Agile teams is that the output they produce begins to change. Software releases become smaller and measurability becomes a feature of the product they output. There are also usually follow-on effects to culture and organizational design.

In addition to process standardization, most companies employ some form of tool standardization as well. In fact, many large organizations have departments whose sole purpose is to define the types of tools their workers are allowed to utilize. For example, some firms forbid the use of open source software and limit their teams to the use of centrally approved software, procured by a specialist team.

The microservices tooling space is moving very quickly and we are certain that any discussion of particular microservice tools would be out of date by the time this book is published. But we make an effort to describe the type of tools that are particularly important to standardize in Chapter 4, along with some examples of tools that are particularly relevant at the moment.

Standardizing outputs

We can define a team as a group of workers who take a set of inputs and transform them into one or more outputs. Output standardization is way of setting a universal standard for what that output should look like. For example, in an assembly line the output of the line workers is standardized—everyone on the line must produce exactly the same result. Any deviation from the standard output is considered a failure.

In a microservices system, a team takes a set of requirements and turns those into a microservice. So, the service is the output and the face of that output is the interface (or API) that provides access to the features and data the microservice provides. In fact, from the microservice consumer perspective, the API is the output, as they have no visibility of the implementation behind it.

In the microservices context, output standardization often means developing some standards for the APIs that expose the services. For example, you might decide that all the organization’s services should have an HTTP interface or that all services should be capable of subscribing to and emitting events. Some organizations even standardize how the interfaces should be designed in an effort to improve the usability, changeability, and overall experience of using the service. In Chapter 5 we will dive deeper into the types of API standardization that make sense for microservice systems and the benefits and costs of different types of interface styles.

Standardizing people

You can also decide to standardize the types of people that do the work within your organization. For example, you could introduce a minimum skill requirement for anyone who wants to work on a microservice team. In fact, many of the companies that have shared microservice stories point to the skill level of their people as a primary characteristic of their success.

Standardizing skills or talent can be an effective way of introducing more autonomy into your microservices system. When the people who are implementing the services are more skilled they have a better chance of making decisions that will create the system behavior you want.

All organizations have some level of minimum skill and experience level for their workers, but organizations that prioritize skill standardization often set very high specialist requirements in order to reap system benefits. If only the best and brightest are good enough to work within your system, be prepared to pay a high cost to maintain that standard.

Standardization trade-offs

Standardizing helps you exert influence over your system, but you don’t have to choose just one of these standards to utilize. But keep in mind that while they aren’t mutually exclusive, the introduction of different modes of standardization can create unintended consequences in other parts of the system.

For example, you might decide to standardize on the APIs that all microservices expose because you want to reduce the cost of connecting things together in your solution architecture. To do this you might prescribe a set of rules for the types of APIs that developers are allowed to create and institute a review process to police this standardization. As an example, many organizations standardize a way of documenting the interfaces that are created. At the moment Swagger (also called OpenAPI) is a popular example of an interface description language, but there are many others (WADL, Blueprint, RAML, etc.).

But we may find that constraining the types of APIs our people are allowed to produce limits the types of tools they can use to create them. It might be the case that the development tool we want everyone to use doesn’t support the interface description language we have already chosen. In other words, the decision to standardize the team’s output has had unintended consequences on the team’s work process. This happens because standardization is an attempt to remove uncertainty from our system, but comes at the cost of reducing innovation and changeability.

The benefit of standardization is a reduction in the set of all possible outcomes. It gives us a way to shape the system by setting constraints and boundaries for the actions that people within the system can take. But this benefit comes at a cost. Standardization also constrains the autonomy of individual decision-makers.

The challenge for designers is to introduce just enough standardization to achieve the best emergent system outcome, while also employing standards and constraints that complement each other. Throughout this book we will highlight standardization techniques that will be useful for you in your microservices system, along with the possible repercussions of using them.

A Microservices Design Process

The very first step of a service design process is to design the process itself.

Marc Stickdorn, author of This is Service Design Thinking

Professional designers know that the secret to great design is using the right design process. Where others apply expert advice or make false assumptions about the impact of their design decisions, a good designer employs a process that helps them continually get closer to the best product. This doesn’t mean that you never have to make assumptions or that expert guidance is necessarily wrong. Instead, it means that your best chance at designing the microservice system you want is to work with a process that helps you understand the impact of your assumptions and the applicability of advice as you change the system.

Figure 3-2 illustrates a framework for a design process that you can use in your own microservice system designs. In practice, it is likely that you’ll need to customize the process to fit within your own unique constraints and context. You might end up using these design activities in a different order than given here. You may also decide that some activities aren’t applicable to your goals or that other steps need to be added.

Microservice system design process
Figure 3-2. Microservice system design process

Set Optimization Goals

The behavior of your microservice system is “correct” when it helps you achieve your goals. There isn’t a set of optimization goals that perfectly apply to all organizations, so one of your first tasks will be to identify the goals that make sense for your particular situation. The choice you make here is important—every decision in the design process after this is a trade-off made in favor of the optimization goal.

Note that optimization doesn’t mean that other system qualities are undesirable. In fact, it is extremely likely that you will initially list many desirable outcomes for the system you create. But as you go through the system design process you will find that it is difficult to pull your system into many directions at the same time. A smaller set of optimization goals is easier to design for. A single optimization goal (like the Vision Zero goal of zero traffic-related fatalities) provides the most clarity and has a higher likelihood of succeeding.

For example, a financial information system might be optimized for reliability and security above all other factors. That doesn’t mean that changeability, usability, and other system qualities are unimportant—it simply means that the designers will always make decisions that favor security and reliability above all other things.

In Chapter 4 we will identify the goals that we have most commonly seen among companies that have embraced the microservices way and the principles that help support them.


It is possible that you may need to change your optimization goals at some point in the lifetime of your application. That is OK; it just means that you need to follow the design process and implement small changes to guide your system toward the new goal. If the goal change is quite different from your original design goal this may take some time. If the optimization goal is radically different from your original goal, you may even create a new system design entirely.

Development Principles

Underpinning a system optimization goal is a set of principles. Principles outline the general policies, constraints, and ideals that should be applied universally to the actors within the system to guide decision-making and behavior. The best designed principles are simply stated, easy to understand, and have a profound impact on the system they act upon.

In Chapter 4 we will look at some of the principles that Netflix employs toward its optimization goals.

Sketch the System Design

If you find yourself building the application in a greenfield environment with no existing organization or solution architecture in place, it is important that you establish a good starting point for your system design. You won’t be able to create the perfect system on your first try and you aren’t likely to have the time or information to do that anyway. Instead, a good approach is to sketch the important parts of your system design for the purposes of evaluation and iteration.

How you do this is entirely up to you. There is a wealth of modeling and communication tools available to conceptualize organizational and solution architectures; choose the ones that work well for you. But the value of this step in the design process is to serialize some of the abstract concepts from your head into a tangible form that can be evaluated. The goal of a sketching exercise is to continually improve the design until you are comfortable moving forward.

The goal is to sketch out the core parts of your system, including organizational structure (how big are the teams? what is the direction of authority? who is on the team?), the solution architecture (how are services organized? what infrastructure must be in place?), the service design (what outputs? how big?), and the processes and tools (how do services get deployed? what tools are necessary?). You should evaluate these decisions against the goals and principles you’ve outlined earlier. Will your system foster those goals? Do the principles make sense? Do the principles need to change? Does the system design need to change?

Sketching is powerful when the risk of starting over is small. Good sketches are easy to make and easy to destroy, so avoid modeling your system in a way that requires a heavy investment of time or effort. The more effort it takes to sketch your system the less likely you are to throw it away. At this early stage of system design, change should be cheap.

Most importantly, remember that the purpose of the iterative sketching stage is to participate in the process of designing. The goal is to form new ideas, consider the impact of proposed designs, and experiment in a safe way. The goal is not to create a set of beautiful design documents or prescriptive plans.

Implement, Observe, and Adjust

Bad designers make assumptions about how a system works, apply changes in the hope that it will produce desired behavior, and call it a day. Good designers make small system changes, assess the impact of those changes, and continually prod the system behavior toward a desired outcome. But a good design process is predicated on your ability to get feedback from the system you are designing. This is actually much more difficult than it sounds—the impact of a change to one small part of the system may result in a ripple of changes that impact other parts of your system with low visibility.

The perfect microservice system provides perfect information about all aspects of the system across all the domains of culture, organization, solution architecture, services, and process. Of course, this is unrealistic. It is more realistic to gain essential visibility into our system by identifying a few key measurements that give us the most valuable information about system behavior. In organizational design, this type of metric is known as a key performance indicator (KPI). The challenge for the microservice designer is to identify the right ones.

Gathering information about your system by identifying KPIs is useful, but being able to utilize those metrics to predict future behavior is incredibly valuable. One of the challenges that all system designers face is the uncertainty about the future. With perfect information about how our system might need to change we could build boundaries in exactly the right places and make perfect decisions about the size of our services and teams.

Without perfect information we are forced to make assumptions. Designers working on existing applications can observe the existing and past behavior of the system to identify patterns—components that change often, requirements that are always in flux, and services that can expect high usage. But designers who are working on new applications often have very little information to start with—the only way to identify the brittle points of the application is to ship the product and see what happens.

The risk of making poor decisions is that we steer the system in a direction that increases our “technical debt” (i.e., the future cost of addressing a technical deficiency). If we go too far along the wrong path we risk producing a system that becomes too expensive to change, so we give up.

The classic microservices example of this is the cautionary tale of the “monolith.” A team creates an initial release of an application when the feature set is small and the componentry has low complexity. Over time, the feature set grows and the complexity of the deployed application grows, making change ever more difficult. At this point, the team agrees that the application needs to be redesigned and modularized to improve its changeability. But the redesign work is continually deferred because the cost of that work is too high and difficult to justify.

At the other end of the scale is a system that is so overdesigned and overengineered for future flexibility that it becomes impractical. An incredibly complex, adaptable system that is built for massive amounts of change that never seems to happen.

Rather than trying to predict the future, a good microservices designer examines the current state and makes small, measurable changes to the system. This is a bit like taking a wrong turn on a long road trip—if you don’t know that you’ve made a mistake you might not find out you’re going the wrong way until it is too late to turn back. But if you have a navigator with you, they may inform you right away and you can take corrective action.

When you are driving a car, taking a corrective action to steer your car back in the right direction is fairly straightforward, but what should a corrective action look like in a microservices system? A system that is designed with a high degree of visibility might give us a lot of information about what is happening, but if the cost of changing the system is too high we won’t be able to make any course corrections. This problem of costly change presents itself when you need special permission, additional funds, more people, or more time to make the changes you want to the system.

So, in order to design a microservice system that is dynamic you’ll need to identify the right KPIs, be able to interpret the data, and make small, cheap changes to the system that can guide you back on the right course. This is only possible if the right organization, culture, processes, and system architecture are in place to make it cheap and easy to do so.

The Microservices System Designer

Throughout this chapter we’ve referred to the work that the microservices system designer needs to undertake. But we haven’t identified who this system designer is or where she might fit into your existing organization.

To be most effective, the microservices system designer should be able to enact change to a wide array of system concerns. We’ve already identified that organization, culture, processes, solution architecture, and services are significant concerns for the system designer. But the boundaries of this system haven’t been properly identified.

You could decide that the system boundaries should mirror the boundaries of the company. This means that the changes you enact could have a broad-reaching impact. Alternatively, you could focus on a particular team or division within the company and build a system that aligns with the parent company’s strategic goals. In fact, this type of nested set of systems is fairly common and we see it all around us in the physical world (e.g., consider the complex systems of the human brain, the human, and the human community).

Ultimately, the microservices system designer or software system designer is responsible for all the elements of the bounded system. The implication is that there is a world within the system and world outside of these borders. The system designer’s task is to introduce small changes within the system in order to produce behavior that will align with the desired goal. Not very different than the traditional executive, manager, or CIO’s mission.

But outside of these managerial positions there aren’t many roles in the technology domain that allow for this systematic solution view. Instead, responsibilities are segregated among specialists who may not share the same objectives: The solution architect focuses on the coordination of services, the team manager focuses on the people, and the service developer focuses on the service design. We believe that someone or some team must be responsible for the holistic view of the entire system for a microservices system to succeed.


In this chapter we introduced the microservices system model and a generic design process for influencing the system. Throughout the rest of the book we will be diving into each of the model’s domains in much greater detail. Remember that each of the decisions you make about organizational design, culture, solution architecture, process, and automation can result in unintended consequences to the system as a whole. Always maintain your holistic perspective and continue to observe and adjust as required.

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