
Welcome to Learn to Program with Minecraft! In this book, you’ll learn how to write programs with a programming language called Python to control what happens in your Minecraft world. You’ll learn how programming works, and then use what you learn to create buildings with code, write mini-games, and transform boring Minecraft items into exciting new toys. By the end of the book, you should have the skills you need to bring all of your wildest ideas to life.

Programming is creative and imaginative, just like Minecraft. With the skills you learn in this book, you’ll be able to make all kinds of things (like games, apps, and useful tools) beyond programs that use Minecraft. This is the first step in your journey to becoming an amazing programmer and a Minecraft master!


One of the main reasons to learn to program is that it teaches you how to solve problems. You’ll discover how to break down big problems into smaller parts to make them easier to tackle. Many of the problems you try to solve will require you to think in creative ways and test different ideas.

Another benefit of programming is that it teaches you to think logically to better understand and plan the structure and flow of your programs. Even when you’re not working with computer code, problem solving, creativity, and thinking logically are valuable skills to have.

Careers in programming are very rewarding, too. Every day you get to come up with creative solutions to problems. Even if you don’t choose to become a programmer, programming as a hobby is engaging and entertaining. In fact, I started programming as a hobby and it led to a full-time job.

Most importantly, programming can be loads of fun! Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a program you’ve created do something cool!


So, why should you learn to program with Python? Python is a great first language for any beginning programmer. It’s easy to read and write, and it’s powerful enough to create real computer programs. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world!


Minecraft is very popular because it’s fun and creative. In your Minecraft world, you have total freedom over what you create. You can let your imagination run free. By integrating Minecraft with your own Python programs, you can take even more control of Minecraft and unlock even more of your creativity. You’ll be able to do things (like constructing a huge building in just seconds) that are not possible with Minecraft alone.

Sometimes it’s difficult to begin programming because you have to learn a bunch of code that doesn’t do anything exciting. But by combining Python and Minecraft, you’ll be able to see the results of your awesome programs instantly in your Minecraft world.


Each chapter focuses on a single Python concept. As you progress through the book, you’ll build on your knowledge of Python programming. Included in each chapter are explanations of how Python works, examples that show Python in action, and Minecraft missions. In the missions, you’ll write programs that interact with Minecraft. I’ll provide you with some skeleton code, and it will be up to you to fill in the gaps and complete the programs. As a result, you’ll develop the problem-solving skills that are essential for any programmer.

Let’s review what you’ll explore in each chapter.

Chapter 1: Setting Up for Your Adventure helps you set up Python and Minecraft so you’re ready to forge ahead and get started programming!

Chapter 2: Teleporting with Variables teaches you how to instantly teleport your player by manipulating variables. You’ll learn about variables and how they remember data in your programs. You’ll even build on your fancy teleportation skills to go on a magical teleportation tour of your world.

Chapter 3: Building Quickly and Traveling Far with Math shows you how to use math to grant yourself superpowers and build your creations at superfast speeds. Do you want to build a Minecraft house in less than a second? Math operators can help you do that. Do you want to jump super high in the air? Math operators have your back!

• In Chapter 4: Chatting with Strings, you’ll learn all about strings to make an interactive chat. In programming, a string means text. You’ll learn how to write Minecraft Python programs that deliver messages to you and your players.

Chapter 5: Figuring Out What’s True and False with Booleans teaches you how to use Booleans and logic so your programs can answer questions. In other words, you’ll be able to make your programs tell you whether something is true or false. Your Minecraft Python programs can answer all kinds of questions: Am I underwater? Am I in a tree? Am I near my house?

Chapter 6: Making Mini-Games with if Statements takes Boolean logic to the next level. Using if statements, you’ll learn how to create programs that make decisions based on the data they’re given. Have you ever wanted a secret passage to open in Minecraft when you put a certain block in a certain place? You can do that using if statements!

Chapter 7: Dance Parties and Flower Parades with while Loops shows you a very cool way to make your programs repeat using loops. You’ll be able to automate code to make amazing things happen. For example, imagine a trail of flowers following the player or a magical dance floor that flashes different colors. These are some of my favorite programs to show off to people.

• In Chapter 8: Functions Give You Superpowers, you’ll learn to build entire forests and cities instantly by using functions. You’ll also learn how to make your programming life easier by reusing parts of your programs.

• In Chapter 9: Hitting Things with Lists and Dictionaries, you’ll learn to make mini-games with lists. Lists are a powerful programming concept because they let you store important information in one place. You’ll use lists to make your program remember all the blocks you hit with your sword, and with a few extra lines of code, you’ll turn that into a mini-game. Pretty neat!

Chapter 10: Minecraft Magic with for Loops shows you how to build structures, such as pyramids, using for loops. You can even use for loops to draw pixel art or duplicate your Minecraft buildings. You can build a glorious statue, and then duplicate it to create an entire army of statues!

• In Chapter 11: Saving and Loading Buildings with Files and Modules, you’ll use your programs to create and edit files to save objects that you build, and then load them into different game worlds. In other words, you’ll convert your buildings into files that you can transfer anywhere. Do you want to save that incredible mansion you built? No problem! With files, you’ll be able to save it and load it wherever you go.

Chapter 12: Getting Classy with Object-Oriented Programming introduces some advanced topics: classes, objects, and inheritance. When you’ve finished this chapter, you’ll be a Python master. In the missions, you’ll start with some code that builds a building. Then you’ll use classes, objects, and inheritance to easily build duplicates and variations, like villages and hotels, with only a couple extra lines of code.

• The Block ID Cheat Sheet is a handy reference of Minecraft block IDs that you can use in your programs.


All the code and resources for this book are available on its companion website, Download the code for the Minecraft missions if you get stuck and want to check out the solutions—or if you want to modify the code to create your own awesome programs! You can also download the setup files—I’ll walk you through the setup in Chapter 1.


I hope you’re as excited as I am to get going. I’ve really enjoyed writing this book and making all the Minecraft missions that will help you learn to program. Let’s get started!

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