Plate I

Figure showing images computed with hierarchical Monte Carlo radiosity, with per-ray refinement (under 1 minute CPU time for up to 500,000 surface elements).

Images computed with hierarchical Monte Carlo radiosity, with per-ray refinement (under 1 minute CPU time for up to 500,000 surface elements).

(See Figure 6.28.)

Plate II

Figure showing a car model rendering under real-world illumination, using a high dynamic range light probe (left images, photographs at various shutter times shown on top) and a histogram method.

A car model rendering under real-world illumination, using a high dynamic range light probe (left images, photographs at various shutter times shown on top) and a histogram method.

(See Figure 6.14.)

Plate III

Figure showing images rendered with a kernel density estimation method.

Images rendered with a kernel density estimation method.

(Images courtesy of F. Drago and K. Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany). (See Figure 6.15.)

Plate IV

Figure showing images rendered with a kernel density estimation method.

Images rendered with a kernel density estimation method.

(Images courtesy of B. Walter, Ph. Hubbard, P. Shirley, and D. Greenberg, Cornell Program of Computer Graphics). (See Figure 6.19.)

Plate V

Figure showing left: Stochastic ray tracing; middle: light tracing; right: bidirectional ray tracing.

Left: Stochastic ray tracing; middle: light tracing; right: bidirectional ray tracing.

(Courtesy of F. Suykens-De Laet, Dept. of Computer Science, K. U. Leuven.) (See Figure 7.5.)

Plate VI

Figure showing bidirectional ray tracing. Note the extensive caustics, an effect difficult to achieve using stochastic ray tracing.

Bidirectional ray tracing. Note the extensive caustics, an effect difficult to achieve using stochastic ray tracing.

(Courtesy of F. Suykens-De Laet, Dept. of Computer Science, K. U. Leuven.) (See Figure 7.6.)

Plate VII

Figure showing metropolis Light Transport example with caustics.

Metropolis Light Transport example with caustics.

(Courtesy of Eric Veach.) (See Figure 7.7.)

Plate VIII

Figure showing irradiance caching example. Temple modeled by Veronica Sundstedt and Patrick Ledda.

Irradiance caching example. Temple modeled by Veronica Sundstedt and Patrick Ledda.

(Courtesy of Greg Ward.) (See Figure 7.8.)

Plate IX

Figure showing examples of images produced using photon mapping. Figure (a) on the left shows caustics, while Figure (b) on the right shows a scene rendered with global illumination and displacement mapping.

Examples of images produced using photon mapping. Figure (a) on the left shows caustics, while Figure (b) on the right shows a scene rendered with global illumination and displacement mapping.

(Courtesy of Henrik Wann Jensen.) (See Figure 7.11.)

Plate X

Figure showing these images show two views of the same scene, with only direct diffuse illumination besides specular reflections (left), and including indirect diffuse illumination (right), computed with a ray-tracing version of instant radiosity.

These images show two views of the same scene, with only direct diffuse illumination besides specular reflections (left), and including indirect diffuse illumination (right), computed with a ray-tracing version of instant radiosity.

(Image courtesy of I. Wald, T. Kollig, C. Benthin, A. Keller, and Ph, Slusallek, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, and University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany.) (See Figure 7.13.)

Plate XI

Figure showing some renderings of participating media: using bi-directional path tracing (top) and volume photon mapping (bottom).

Some renderings of participating media: using bi-directional path tracing (top) and volume photon mapping (bottom).

(See Figure 8.6.)

Plate XII

Figure showing two renderings of a translucent object. Left: using a standard BRDF model. Right: taking into account subsurface scattering with the dipole source model of [72].

Two renderings of a translucent object. Left: using a standard BRDF model. Right: taking into account subsurface scattering with the dipole source model of [72].

(Image courtesy of T. Mertens, University of Limburg, Belgium.) (See Figure 8.9.)

Plate XIII

Figure showing interference of light at a transparent thin film coating causes colorful reflections on these sunglasses.

Interference of light at a transparent thin film coating causes colorful reflections on these sunglasses.

(Image courtesy of Jay Gondek, Gary Meyer, and John Newman, University of Oregon.) (See Figure 8.12.)

Plate XIV

Figure showing the colorful reflections on this CD-ROM are caused by diffraction.

The colorful reflections on this CD-ROM are caused by diffraction.

(Image courtesy of Jos Stam, Alias|Wavefront.) (See Figure 8.13.)

Plate XV

Figure showing these images illustrate polarization of light reflected in the glass block on the left (Fresnel reflection). The same scene is shown, but with a different filter in front of the virtual camera: a horizontal polarization filter (left), vertical polarization filter (middle); and a 50% neutral gray (nonpolarizing) filter (right).

These images illustrate polarization of light reflected in the glass block on the left (Fresnel reflection). The same scene is shown, but with a different filter in front of the virtual camera: a horizontal polarization filter (left), vertical polarization filter (middle); and a 50% neutral gray (nonpolarizing) filter (right).

(Image courtesy of A. Wilkie, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.) (See Figure 8.14.)

Plate XVI

Figure showing various tone-mapping operators. (a) Linear scaling; (b) gamma scaling; (c) simple model of lightness sensitivity; (d) complex model for the human visual system.

Various tone-mapping operators. (a) Linear scaling; (b) gamma scaling; (c) simple model of lightness sensitivity; (d) complex model for the human visual system.

(See Figure 8.15.)

Plate XVII

Figure showing combining BSDF sampling and light sampling with multiple importance sampling is always at least as good as BSDF sampling or light sampling alone.

Combining BSDF sampling and light sampling with multiple importance sampling is always at least as good as BSDF sampling or light sampling alone.

(See Figure A.2.)


Figure showing images from interactive rendering systems. On the left are systems that use sparse sampling and interpolation: (a) render cache, (b) edges and points, and (c) 4D radiance interpolants. On the right are very fast ray tracers: (d) Utah’s interactive ray tracing, (e) Utah’s visualization of the visible female dataset, and (f) coherent ray tracing.

Images from interactive rendering systems. On the left are systems that use sparse sampling and interpolation: (a) render cache, (b) edges and points, and (c) 4D radiance interpolants. On the right are very fast ray tracers: (d) Utah’s interactive ray tracing, (e) Utah’s visualization of the visible female dataset, and (f) coherent ray tracing.

(See Figure 8.17.)

Plate XIX

Figure showing photographing a light probe twice, 90 degrees apart. The camera positions are indicated in blue. Combining both photographs produces a well-sampled environment map without the camera being visible.

Photographing a light probe twice, 90 degrees apart. The camera positions are indicated in blue. Combining both photographs produces a well-sampled environment map without the camera being visible.

(Photographs courtesy of Vincent Masselus.) (See Figure 5.15.)

Plate XX

Figure showing a simple scene with four point lights and the corresponding light tree. Each cut is a different partitioning of the lights into clusters. The cut shown in orange clusters lights three and four. The orange region in the rendered image (left) shows where the lightcut is a good approximation of the exact solution.

A simple scene with four point lights and the corresponding light tree. Each cut is a different partitioning of the lights into clusters. The cut shown in orange clusters lights three and four. The orange region in the rendered image (left) shows where the lightcut is a good approximation of the exact solution.

(Image courtesy Bruce Walter.) (See Figure 7.14.)

Plate XXI

Figure showing scenes rendered using lightcuts. Tableau demonstrates glossy surfaces and HDR environment maps. The Kitchen scene includes area lights and the sun/sky model. Scalability graphs on the right show how cut size, and therefore performance, scales sublinearly with the number of lights. Big Screen includes two textured lights, the displays, each modeled with a point light source per pixel of the display. Grand Central Station includes 800 direct lights, sun/sky, and indirect illumination.

Scenes rendered using lightcuts. Tableau demonstrates glossy surfaces and HDR environment maps. The Kitchen scene includes area lights and the sun/sky model. Scalability graphs on the right show how cut size, and therefore performance, scales sublinearly with the number of lights. Big Screen includes two textured lights, the displays, each modeled with a point light source per pixel of the display. Grand Central Station includes 800 direct lights, sun/sky, and indirect illumination.

(Image courtesy Bruce Walter.) (See Figure 7.15.)

Plate XXII

Figure showing scenes rendered using multidimensional lightcuts.

Scenes rendered using multidimensional lightcuts.

(See Figure 7.17.)


Figure showing all-frequency effects. On the left, comparison of spherical harmonics (SH) and wavelets using nonlinear approximation (W) for the St. Peter’s Basilica environment map. On right, the triple product integral solution for a scene.

All-frequency effects. On the left, comparison of spherical harmonics (SH) and wavelets using nonlinear approximation (W) for the St. Peter’s Basilica environment map. On right, the triple product integral solution for a scene.

(Image courtesy Ren Ng and Ravi Ramamoorthi.) (See Figure 8.19.)

Plate XXIV

Figure showing the Buddha model rendered with diffuse PRT using an environment map. Left: without shadows; right with PRT.

The Buddha model rendered with diffuse PRT using an environment map. Left: without shadows; right with PRT.

(Image courtesy Peter-Pike Sloan and John Snyder.) (See Figure 8.18.)

Plate XXV

Figure showing diffuse and glossy Buddha rendered using PRT with separable BRDFs for high-frequency illumination.

Diffuse and glossy Buddha rendered using PRT with separable BRDFs for high-frequency illumination.

(Image courtesy Peter-Pike Sloan and John Snyder.) (See Figure 8.20.)

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