
3-DOF robotic neck

hardware development, 108111

programming head movements for, 111

system overview, 107108


Acceleration coupling torque, 6061

Acoustic noises, generation of by head/neck movements, 106

Acoustic testing, robotic neck, 121122

Active actuators, 241

Actuation, biologically inspired, 9


ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF), 86

load capability of, 6870

multifunctional design, 241243

use of in assistive knee braces, 240241

use of in hand rehabilitation machines, 279

use of in hyperdynamic manipulators, 62

Added-mass hydro dynamic theory, 9394

AFM cantilevers

fabrication of tips for nanoprobes, 182183

stiffness measurements of single cells using, 179182

Aging, effects of, 240

AIBO robotic dog, 4

AIST humanoid robot HRP-2, 23

Al-Jazari, 3

Albert HUBO serial neck, 106

Anguilliform propulsion, 8789

Arch structure hand rehabilitation machine, 279280

Arm structure hand rehabilitation machine, 279280, 285287

proposed mechanism for, 280285

Arm-hand movement control, neuronal system for, 264265

ARMAR-III serial neck, 106, 298

Arterial blood flow, measurement of, 194

Artificial eyes

human performance in, 296

use of in robots, 300302

Artificial muscles, 9

Asimo, 3

Assistive devices, 190

control experiment results using hybrid sensor probe, 200203

control experiment using hybrid sensor probe, 198199

Assistive knee braces, 240

actuation devices in, 241

prototype testing, 254258

Automated single-cell loading and supply system, use of microfluidic technologies for, 127128

Automatic single-cell transfer model cell detection/tracking and control algorithm for, 134138

cell suction system, 130131

cell types and preparation, 129130

direction control in, 139143

manufacture of microfluidic chips for, 131132

materials and methods for, 128129

oocyte and fibroblast suction, 138139

use of cell suction system in, 130131

valve control principle for, 132133

vision system for, 133134

Autonomous robotic fish, 86 . See also Robotic fish Axial deformation, relationship with stretching force, 161


Bacterial chemotaxis algorithm, 97101

Basic resistance, 46

BCF propulsion, 8789

Behavior control, 59

Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (BLEEX), 240

Bio-Cycle, 3436

design of compound resistance system for, 4450

design of the pedal crank and hand crank of, 4041

design of the saddle pole, 4143

detection of exercise motions, 4750

development and test, 51

handle design, 4344


history of, 24

modeling/analysis, 2

Bioelectrical signals, measuring, 191192

Biologic systems, control of, 6

Biological cells, deformation response of in microinjection, 150

Biological fish, swimming behaviors of, 8789

Biologically inspired robotics

definition of, 12

designing mechanisms for, 5

motion and behavior control, 59

Biomembrane, 148

deformation behavior of, 150

Biomimetic robots, 34

Biomimetics, 12

Bioplant, 127

BIT humanoid robot BHR-2, 3

Blood information, measurement of in the brain using optical data, 192194

BLPM DC motors, design of, 243244

Body and/or caudal fin propulsion . See BCF propulsion Bottom surface treatment, use of in automatic single-cell transfer design, 130

Brain, measurement of blood information of, 192194

Brain activities

methods to measure, 191194

scanning, 190191

Brain function, 264265

Brain waves, biolectric signal measurement, 191192

Brain-computer interface (BCI), 190

Brake function

active actuators in assistive knee

braces with, 241

torque tracking in multifunctional

actuator, 259

torque vs. applied current in multifunctional actuator, 257

Breaking torque control, assistive knee braces with, 241

Buckling phenomenon of nanoprobes, 173174


Cable housings

inverse kinematics and static

analysis for, 114116

use of in low-noise robotic head system, 108

Camera motion device, use of in telepresence robotic control, 302304, 306308

Cantilever tips, 180

fabrication of for nanoprobes, 182183

Capillary electrophoresis, 127128

Capsule endoscopy, 206208

Capsule endoscopy images See CE images

Carangiform propulsion, 8789

CE images

computer-aided detection of, 208

experimental results of computer-

aided recognition, 213215

use of color for computer-aided

recognition of, 210212

use of shape for computer-aided recognition, 212213

Cell deformation

measurement of, 158161

osmosis-induced increase of, 160

Cell detection/tracking and control algorithm, 134138

Cell encapsulation, use of microfluidic- based technologies for, 127

Cell fusion, 127

Cell manipulation, 149

experimental material preparation, 155

force calibration, 155156

optical stretching of human RBCs, 157158

optical tweezer system for, 153155

results and discussion of optical

stretching, 158161

robotic manipulation of microbeads

in RBCs, 156157

Cell mechanical modeling, 150153

Cell mechanics, human red blood cells, 148149

Cell membranes, deformation behavior

of, 150

Cell size, stiffness measurements of single yeast cells and, 179181

Cell stiffening, stretching-induced, 159

Cell stretching, optically induced, 149, 157158

Cell suction system, use of in automatic single-cell transfer design, 130131

Cell treatment, integration of

microfluidic technology in, 126128

Cellular analyses, use of microfluidic technology for, 126128

Cellular heterogeneity, 167

Central pattern generator See CPG

Channel ratio, 228230

Channel sequence recognition, 221

Cheetahs, Bio-Cycle inspired by movement of, 3638

Chromaticity histogram, 211212

Cloning, use of microfluidic-based technologies for, 127

Closed-loop CPG networks analysis of, 2022

control of snake-like robots using, 1720

simulation of control of snake-like robots using, 2226

Clutch/brake system

design of in a multifunctional

actuator, 241242, 246249

pulse response in multifunctional

actuator, 259

torque generated from in

multichannel actuators, 251

Cog, 298

Cogging force, 244

Colonoscopy, 206

Color, use of for computer-aided CE image recognition, 210212

Color wavelet covariance (CWC) features, 214

Compound resistance system

analysis of driving characteristics, 4446

principle of, 4647

Concordance correlation coefficient, 221, 224227, 233

Conical indenters, stiffness measurements using, 171173

Contour-based shape recognition

method, 212213


case study of a golf swing robot, 7074

design of system for snake-like

robots, 28

strategy for robotic neck, 116117

CPG, 14

CPG networks

analysis of, 2022

control of snake-like robots using, 1617

with feedback connection, 1720

CPG-based control systems, experiments, 2629

Cross-correlation coefficient, 224

Cuneate neurons, response of to manual skin stimulation, 266273

Cuneate nucleus, 265

Curvature, control of, 2324

Cyclic inhibitory CPG model analysis of, 2022

controlling snake-like movement using, 1820

Cylindrical indenters, stiffness

measurements using, 171173


Data glove system, 289290, 292

DC motors

design of BLPM, 243244

use of in robotic fish design, 8990

Deformation processes of RBCs, 150

measurement of, 158161

Designing mechanisms, 5

Desktop bioplant, 127

Detection/tracking and control algorithm, 134138

Diffraction limited modulation transfer function, 133

Digestive tract, use of capsule endoscopy for diagnosis of, 206

Digital images, relative size of pixels in, 137

Distal interphalangeal joints, rehabilitation of, 285

Donor cells, digital imaging of, 137

Double integration method, 170

Driving force, analysis of for Bio-Cycle, 4546

Dynamic manipulation, 56

Dynamically coupled driving, 5657, 82

case study for, 6567

method to utilize, 6774

utilization of, 5763

utilization of actuators for, 62


E-SEM system, 168

observations of biological samples by, 177179

EDDIE, artificial eyes in, 301302

EEGs, 190191

Elastic shear modulus, RBCs, 160

Electroencephalograms See EEGs Electron microscopes, nanorobotic manipulations inside of, 176177

Electrophysiological neuron modeling, 264

Eletrorheological (ER) fluids-based actuators, 241

ELIAS, artificial eyes in, 300301

Endoskeleton, hand rehabilitation machines, 278279

Environmental scanning electron microscope nanorobotic manipulation system See E-SEM system Ergonomics, 3940

EU SHOAL project, system

configuration of robotic fish for, 9597

Evans-Skalak material, 149

Excitatory synapses, 271

Exercise, necessity of, 240

Exercise motions, detection of, 4750


hand rehabilitation machines, 278279

lower extremity, 240

Extensor digiti minimi, 225

Extensor digitorum, 225

Extensor policis brevis, 225

Extensor policis longus, 225

Eye movements

characterization of, 300

handling of vergence with teleoperations, 306

Eye tracker, use of in Wizard-of-Oz

scenario, 304305, 308309


Feedback control, 6


suction of, 138139

use of in somatic cell cloning, 130

Finite element method, analysis and modeling of multifunctional actuators using, 249250

Fish . See also Biological fish; Robotic fish fin configuration of, 87

swimming behaviors of, 8789

Fitness cycles, 3436

design of compound resistance

system for, 4450

ergonomic analysis and mechanism

design of, 3944

mechanism scheme-based multidrive

mode, 3839

Flocking algorithm, 97101

Fluorescent microscopy, 128

Force, identification of in hand movements, 230233

Force calibrations, 155156

use of to characterize properties of

RBCs, 153

Force-deformation relationship, 151153

Foveated vision, 298

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 190

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), 190191


Gait cycle, 242243

Gastrointestinal tract, cancers of, 206

Gastroscopy, 206

Gaze, different roles of, 297

Gaze-based communication, 299

Generation of rhythmic motion, CPG models for, 1516

Genetic algorithms, 89

Goldman-Hodkin-Katz voltage equation, 264

Golf swing robot

case study of, 7074

experimental results for, 7782

mechanism design of, 6567

simulation of, 7477

Growth phases, stiffness measurement of single yeast cells and, 181182


Hand fitness cycles, 3435

Hand movements

classification of, 223230

identification of force and speed of, 230233

muscles responsible for, 225

neuronal system for, 264265

rehabilitation of with arm structure machine, 280285

use of sEMG for identification of, 220221

use of STFT method for determination of, 232

Hand rehabilitation

arm structure design for machine- assisted, 280285

machine-assisted, 278

work of arm structure machine design, 288291

Hard nanoprobes, 174

fabrication of, 182183

measurement of single-cell stiffness using, 175176

Head movements, human-like, 296

Head tracker, use of in Wizard-of-Oz scenario, 304305, 308309

Head-worn communication devices, acoustic noises and, 106

Hertz-Sneddon continuum mechanics model, 175176

Heterogeneity of cells, 167

HRP-2 serial neck, 106

HSI color space, use of for CE image recognition, 209212

Hue, saturation, intensity color space See HSI color space Human eye movements, characterization of, 300

Human hand movements See also Hand

movements identification of, 220221

Human red blood cells See RBCs Humanoid robots, 2

vision systems of, 298

Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL), 240

Hybrid nanorobotic manipulation system, 177

Hybrid sensor probe

assistive device control experiment, 198199

assistive device control experiment results, 200203

device development, 194195

operation verification of, 196197

optical data collection experiment, 197198

optical data collection experiment results, 199200

signal processing and control board, 195196

verification of operation of, 199

Hyper dynamic manipulation, 82

definition of, 56

design of with smart structure, 5763

structure joint stop and, 6365

Hypotonic solutions, effect of on RBCs, 159161



serial neck, 106

vision system, 298

Image processing, use of to characterize properties of RBCs, 153

IMPC-based artificial muscle, 9

Indenter tips, stiffness measurements using different shapes, 171173

Induced deformation, 149

Inhibition, 271

Integrated circuit (I2C) communication, use of in CPG-based control, 2728

Intestinal polyps, use of CE images for recognition of, 209212

Inverse kinematics, robotic neck mechanism, 111116

Ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF) actuators, 86

Ionic polymer-metal composites See IMPC-based artificial muscle Iterative learning control, 8


Joint stops, 5657, 82

case study for, 6567

experimental results for a golf swing robot, 7882

method to utilize in dynamically

coupled driving, 6774

simulation results for golf swing robot, 7577

utilization of, 6365

Joint structure hand rehabilitation machine, 279


Karakuri ningyo, 3

Kismet, 298


Lag phase, stiffness measurements of yeast cells in, 181182

Lambert-Beer's law, use of to measure blood information of the brain, 192194

Lateral bending, robotic neck mechanism, 111114

Layered control architecture, 9092

behavior layer, 9293

cognitive layer, 92

swim pattern layer, 9395

Legged robots, designing mechanisms of movement for, 5

Light absorbance, variation of with time, 193

Link mechanisms for exoskeleton-type machines, 279

proposed design for, 280285

Load-displacement relationship, shape of indenter tips and, 172173


control of curvature, 2324

control of speed of, 24

control of the number of S-shapes, 2425

movement with different curvatures, 28

S-shaped, 2022

Log phase, stiffness measurements of yeast cells in, 181182

Low-motion-noise robotic head/neck system See also Robotic neck hardware development, 108111

programming head movements, 111

system overview, 107108

Lower extremity exoskeletons, 240


Macaulay's method, 170

Magnetic flux density, 249

Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 190

Magnetorheological fluid-based actuators . See Smart fluids- based actuators Magnetorheological fluids . See MR fluids

Mammalian cloning, use of microfluidic-based technologies for, 127


control method for hyper dynamic manipulation, 70

controlling with dynamically coupled driving, 6768

motion generation of, 6870

revolute joint of, 56

use of dynamically coupled driving in design of, 59

Manual skin stimulation, responses of primary afferent and cuneate neuron to, 266273

Median and/or paired fin propulsion . See MPF propulsion Membrane theory, 150

Microbeads, robotic manipulation of in RBCs, 156157

Microbial populations, heterogeneity of, 167168

Microfluidic chips . See also PDMS chips direction control in, 139143

manufacture of, 131132

Microfluidic technology, 126

materials and methods for on-chip closing using, 128129

Microscopes, nanorobotic manipulations inside of, 176179

MLP neural network, use of for

computer-aided CE image recognition, 214

Modulation transfer function, 133

Motion classification, use of spectral method of square integral for, 226, 228

Motion control, 59

experimental setup for robotic neck, 117

robotic neck, 117

Motion generation, case study of a golf swing robot, 7074

Motion noise test for robotic neck, 118122

Motion planning, constraints on, 6869

Motor, design of in a multifunctional actuator, 241, 243246

Motor activity, necessity of, 240

Motor function

output power and power efficiency in multifunctional actuator, 257

torque vs. current and speed in multifunctional actuators, 256

Motors, use of in robotic fish design, 8990

Movement, mechanisms of, 5

Movement control, function of the brain in, 264265

Movement speeds, 221

identification of in hand movements, 230233

MPF propulsion, 8789

MR fluids, 241

influence of permanent magnets on, 249250

use of in clutch/brake system in multifunctional actuators, 246249

Multichannel sEMG sensor rings, 221

automatic relocation of sEMG electrodes in, 223226

configuration of, 222

feature extraction from, 226228

Multidrive system, mechanism scheme of, 3839

Multifunctional actuators analysis of, 249251

configuration of, 248

control of, 254

design of, 241243

design of clutch/brake system in, 246249

modeling of, 251254

motor design for, 243246

prototype testing, 254258

Multilayer perceptron neural network See MLP neural network Multistep acceleration, 61

Muscles, artificial, 9

Mutual inhibitory CPG model

analysis of, 2022

controlling snake-like movement using, 1820


Nanobiotechnology, evaluation of bio-samples using, 167

Nanoindentation, stiffness measurement of single cells using, 169176

Nanomanipulation, 166167

inside electron microscopes, 176177


fabrication of, 182183

stiffness measurement using, 173174

Nanorobotic manipulation, background of, 166167

Nanosurgery system

elemental technologies of, 177

single-cell analysis and, 167168

Nanotechnology, 166167

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), 190191

Neural oscillator, CPG models of, 16

Neuron modeling, 266

electrophysiological, 264

Nonverbal communication, 297298

Nuclear transplantation, 127


Ocular torsion, 299

On-chip cloning technology

materials and methods for, 128129

use of microfluidic technologies for, 127128

On-chip microinjection, 127


cell cloning using, 129130

digital imaging of, 137

suction of, 138139

Open-loop CPG networks, control of snake-like robots using, 1617

Optical data

collection experiment results using hybrid sensor probe, 199200

collection experiment using hybrid

sensor probe, 197198

measurement of blood information of the brain using, 192194

Optical force calibration, 155156

Optical signals, measuring, 191192

Optical stretching, 150153, 158161

human RBCs, 157158

Optical tweezers

bead manipulation by, 156157

cell manipulation with, 153158

robotic manipulations technology using, 149

Optically induced cell stretching, 149

Osmotic stress, 149, 160

Ostraciiform propulsion, 8789

Overrunning clutches, 3839


Parallel humanoid neck mechanisms, 106107

PARO seal-mimetic robot, 4

Passive brain waves, 191192

PDMS chips, 127129

connecting cell suction system to, 130131

direction control in, 139143

manufacture of, 131132

valve control principle for, 132133

vision system for, 133134

Pearson's product-moment coefficient, 224

Penicillin-streptomycin, use of in automatic single-cell transfer design, 130

Physical rehabilitation, machine- assisted, 278

Pitch and roll motions, robotic neck mechanism, 111114

Planar manipulators, 59

Pneumatic actuators, 279


bio-inspired coverage of, 97101

flock distribution of, 102

Pollution detection, use of robotic fish for, 95101

Polyacrylonitrile artificial muscle, 9

Polydimethylsiloxane chips See PDMS chips


CE recognition of, 208

color and shape feature analysis of, 209213

Position resistance, 46

Positron emission tomography (PET), 190

Primary afferents, 265

modeling of transformation of information by cuneate neurons to, 269273

response of to manual skin stimulation, 266269

Propulsion energy, 86

types of, 8789

Proximal interphalangeal joints, rehabilitation of, 285


QRIO humanoid robot, 3 R

Range of motion, determination of, 291


cell deformation results, 158161

cell mechanics of, 148149

force calibration of, 155156

manipulation of using optical tweezer system, 153155

mechanical properties of membranes

of, 150

optical stretching of, 157158

robotic manipulation of microbeads

in, 156157

Reactive control, 67

Recumbent fitness cycles, 3435

Red blood cells See RBCs Region-based shape recognition

methods, 212213

Rhythmic motion control, central

pattern generator in, 1416

Rigidity maintenance, robotic neck, 116117

RoboKnee, 240

Robot actuators, 9

Robotic eyes, human-like, 296

Robotic fish, 4, 86 . See also Fish

bio-inspired coverage of pollutants

by, 97101

biologically inspired, 8990

layered control architecture for, 9095

system configuration for pollution detection using, 9597

Robotic head/neck system, system

overview for, 107108

Robotic neck

acoustic testing of, 121122

control strategy for, 116117

experimental setup and motion control of, 117

hardware development for, 108111

inverse kinematics and static

analysis of mechanism for, 111114

motion control, 117

motion noise test, 118122

programming head movements for, 111

system overview, 107108

types of, 106107

Robotic snakes, 3 See also Snake-like robots

designing mechanisms of movement for, 5

Robots, teleoperation of head and eye

movements in, 296297

RoboTuna, 86

ROMAN serial neck, 106

Round motion, control of, 26

Rubbertuator, 9


S-shape locomotion, analysis of the use of CPG networks for, 2022


control of the number of, 2425

movement with different numbers

of, 29

SARCOS robots, 298

Saturation phase, stiffness

measurements of yeast cells in, 181182

Self-motion control, 289

sEMG electrodes

automatic relocation of, 223226

placement of for identification of hand movements, 220221

sEMG signal processing, 223

experimental results of using STFT method for, 232

use of STFT in, 230231

sEMG-based sensing system, configuration of, 222223

Semi-active actuators, 241

Sensing, biologically inspired, 1011

Sensing-perception-planning-control, 6

Sensors, use of in robotic fish design, 8990

Serial humanoid neck mechanisms, 106

Service robots, gaze-based communication of, 299

Servo motors, use of in robotic fish design, 8990

Shape, use of for computer-aided CE image recognition, 212213

Shape memory alloy (SMA), use of to develop robotic lamprey, 86

Shell theory, 150

SHOAL robotic fish, 95, 98

control software architecture for, 96

hardware configuration for, 97

system configuration of, 9597

Short-time Fourier transform See STFT method

Short-time Thompson transform See STTT

Sickle cell anemia, RBCs in, 160

Silicon nanoprobes

fabrication of, 182183

stiffness measurement of single yeast cells by, 184185

Siliconizing, 130

Simulation of golf swing robot, 7477

Single-cell analysis

nanosurgery system and, 167168

principles of stiffness measurements, 169171

stiffness measurements using conventional AFM cantilevers, 179182

stiffness measurements using different indenter shapes, 171173

stiffness measurements using hard

nanoprobes, 175176

stiffness measurements using

nanoprobes, 182185

stiffness measurements using soft

nanoprobes, 174175

Single-cell loading and supply system cell detection/tracking and control algorithm for, 134138

cell suction system, 130131

cell types and preparation, 129130

direction control in, 139143

manufacture of microfluidic chips

for, 131132

materials and methods for, 128129

oocyte and fibroblast suction in, 138139

valve control principle for, 132133

vision system for, 133134

Smart fluids, use of in assistive knee

braces, 241

Smart fluids-based actuators, 241

Snake-like robots, 3 See also Robotic snakes

CPG network for control of, 1622

designing mechanisms for, 5

experiments, 2629

simulation of CPG-controlled, 2226

Social robots, gaze-based

communication of, 299

Soft nanoprobes, 174

calibration of, 183184

fabrication of, 182183

measurement of single-cell stiffness

using, 174175

Somatic cell cloning, 129

Sound absorption, 110111

Sound insulation, use of in low-noise

robotic neck, 110111

Spectral features of sEMG signals, 221, 233

Spectral flatness feature, 221, 232

based on STFT at different speeds, 236

Spectral method of square integrals, 226, 228

Spectral moment, features based on STFT at different forces, 236


control of, 24

identification of in hand movements, 230233

resistance, 46

Spherical indenters, stiffness

measurements using, 171173

Spherical necks, 106107

Spring-based necks, 106107

Statics analysis, robotic neck mechanism, 111116

Steady swimming behaviors, 8889

Stewart-like necks, 106107

STFT method

experimental results of using for hand movement determination, 232

features based on, 231232

results at different forces, 234

results at different speeds, 235

use of with sEMG signals, 221, 230231

Stiffness measurements, principles of for a single cell, 169176

Strain energy function, derivation of stretching deformation from, 151

Stretching deformation, derivation of from strain energy function, 151

Stretching force, 149

relationship with axial deformation, 161

Structural joint stops, 5657, 82

case study for, 6567

experimental results for a golf swing robot, 7882

method to utilize in dynamically coupled driving, 6774

simulation results for golf swing robot, 7577

utilization of, 6365

STTT, use of with sEMG signals, 221

Subcarangiform propulsion, 8789

Support vector machines (SVM), use of for computer-aided CE image recognition, 214

Surface electromyography sensor electrodes See sEMG electrodes Swarm control, 89

Swing plane, 70


Telepresence setup

camera motion device used in, 302304, 306308

gaze-based, 299

teleoperation channel used in Wizard-of-Oz scenario, 305306

use of eye and head tracker in, 304305, 308309

Temporal features of sEMG signals, 221

Tensionability, 116

Thunniform propulsion, 8789

Torque control, assistive knee braces with, 241

Torque manipulators

case study of golf swing robot, 7074

use of dynamically coupled driving in design of, 59

Torsional movements, 298

Transient swimming, 8889

Trapping forces, 153

Tungsten hard nanoprobes, fabrication of, 182183

Turning motion, control of, 2526 U

Unilateral CPG networks, 1720

Unsteady swimming motion, 8889

Upright fitness cycles, 3435


Valve activation, PDMS microfluidic chips and, 132133

Velocity coupling torque, 6061

Venous blood flow, measurement of, 193194

Vergence movements, 298

handling of with teleoperation, 306

Vision systems, state of the art, 298


WABIAN-RIV serial neck, 106

Walking Power Assist Leg (WPAL), 240

WE-4RII, 298

Wearable Walking Helper (WWH), 240

Wizard-of-Oz scenario

camera motion devices used in, 302304, 306308

evaluations of gaze-based human -robot interaction, 296297

handling of eye vergence in, 306

objectives of, 299300

robotic platforms used in, 300302

teleoperation channel used in, 305306

use of eye and head tracker in, 304305, 308309


Yaw motion

robotic head, 109111

robotic neck mechanism, 111114

Yeast cells

observation of by E-SEM system, 177179

stiffness measurement of by nanoprobes, 184185

stiffness measurements and growth phases of, 181182

stiffness measurements and size of, 179181

Young's modulus, estimation of for a single cell, 175176


Zernike moments

experimental results of using for CE image recognition, 214215

use of for CE image recognition, 209213

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