
I would like to first and foremost express my gratitude to my tech reviewers who are part of the amazing BlackBerry Developer Relations team. Thanks to their diligence and feedback, the book you are currently holding in your hands is by an order of magnitude better than the initial drafts. They helped me avoid huge embarrassments by specifically pinpointing inaccuracies in the successive drafts. They also helped me focus on the most important aspects of Cascades programming and made sure I addressed them. Dear tech reviewers, thank you so much for helping me get this book past the finishing line despite your own work schedule and commitments. I was very lucky having you all on board.

I am also immensely indebted to Ryan McDonald who is the Learning Program Manager at BlackBerry Developer Relations. Ryan has been coordinating the project on BlackBerry’s behalf and has always made sure my questions were addressed promptly. Thank you so much Ryan.

This book would not exist without the amazing help provided by the Apress team. Steve Anglin was the book’s acquisition editor. Steve helped me crystallize a rough idea into a concrete book proposal. Jeffrey Pepper was the book’s project editor. Jeff was a constant encouragement to get the book passed the finishing line despite me missing my deadlines. Matt Moodie and Douglas Pundick were the book’s development editors. Matt in particular helped me break up some of the content in manageable chunks in order to keep the reader on track. Anamika Panchoo and Melissa Maldonado were the book’s coordinating editors. Ana made sure I got my tech reviews on time. She also tried very hard to make me deliver my own drafts on time. Ana I hope your newborn baby is doing well and that I did not stress you out too much by constantly missing my deadlines. Melissa took over when Ana left on maternity leave and helped me get the book passed the finishing line. Kimberly Burton was the book’s copy editor. She cleaned up my broken English and made sure the book’s overall style was kept in synch. Dhaneesh Kumar handled the book’s compositing. Last but not least, Anna Ishchenko designed this book’s cover. Thank you so much team Apress.

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