
How do you know that your program works? Can you rely on yourself to write flawless code all the time? Meaning no disrespect, I would guess that’s unlikely. It’s quite easy to write correct code in Python most of the time, certainly, but chances are your code will have bugs.1 Debugging is a fact of life for programmers—an integral part of the craft of programming. However, the only way to get started debugging is to run your program. Right? And simply running your program might not be enough. If you have written a program that processes files in some way, for example, you will need some files to run it on. Or if you have written a utility library with mathematical functions, you will need to supply those functions with parameters in order to get your code to run.

Programmers do this kind of thing all the time. In compiled languages, the cycle goes something like “edit, compile, run,” around and around. In some cases, even getting the program to compile may be a problem, so the programmer simply switches between editing and compiling. In Python, the compilation step isn’t there—you simply edit and run. Running your program is what testing is all about.

In this chapter, I discuss the basics of testing. I give you some notes on how to let testing become one of your programming habits and show you some useful tools for writing your tests. In addition to the testing and profiling tools of the standard library, I show you how to use the code analyzers PyChecker and PyLint.

For more on programming practice and philosophy, see Chapter 19. There, I also mention logging, which is somewhat related to testing.

Test First, Code Later

To plan for change and flexibility, which is crucial if your code is going to survive even to the end of your own development process, it’s important to set up tests for the various parts of your program (so-called unit tests). It’s also a very practical and pragmatic part of designing your application. Rather than the intuitive “code a little, test a little” practice, the Extreme Programming crowd (a relatively new movement in software design and development) has introduced the highly useful, but somewhat counterintuitive, dictum “test a little, code a little.” In other words, test first and code later. This is also known as test-driven programming. While this may be unfamiliar at first, it can have many advantages, and it does grow on you over time. Eventually, once you’ve used test-driven programming for a while, writing code without having tests in place will seem really backwards.

Precise Requirement Specification

When developing a piece of software, you must first know what problem the software will solve—what objectives it will meet. You can clarify your goals for the program by writing a requirement specification, a document (or just some quick notes) describing requirements the program must satisfy. It is then easy to check at some later time whether the requirements are indeed satisfied. But many programmers dislike writing reports and in general prefer to have their computer do as much of their work as possible. Here’s good news: you can specify the requirements in Python and have the interpreter check whether they are satisfied!

imagesNote  There are many types of requirements, including such vague concepts as client satisfaction. In this section, I focus on functional requirements—that is, what is required of the program’s functionality.

The idea is to start by writing a test program, and then write a program that passes the tests. The test program is your requirement specification and helps you stick to those requirements while developing the program.

Let’s take a simple example. Suppose you want to write a module with a single function that will compute the area of a rectangle with a given height and a given width. Before you start coding, you write a unit test with some examples for which you know the answers. Your test program might look like the one in Listing 16-1.

Listing 16-1. A Simple Test Program

from area import rect_area
height = 3
width = 4
correct_answer = 12
answer = rect_area(height, width)
if answer == correct_answer:
    print 'Test passed '
    print 'Test failed '

In this example, I call the function rect_area (which I haven’t written yet) on the height 3 and width 4, and compare the answer with the correct one, which is 12.2

If you then carelessly implement rect_area (in the file as follows, and try to run the test program, you would get an error message:

def rect_area(height, width):
    return height * height # This is wrong...

You could then examine the code to see what was wrong, and replace the returned expression with height * width.

Writing a test before you write your code isn’t just a preparation for finding bugs—it’s much more profound than that. It’s a preparation for seeing whether your code works at all. It’s a bit like the old Zen koan: “Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it?” Well, of course it does (sorry, Zen monks), but the sound doesn’t have any impact on you or anyone else. With your code, the question is, “Until you test it, does it actually do anything?” Philosophy aside, it can be useful to adopt the attitude that a feature doesn’t really exist (or isn’t really a feature) until you have a test for it. Then you can clearly demonstrate that it’s there and is doing what it’s supposed to do. This isn’t only useful while developing the program initially, but also when you later extend and maintain the code.

Planning for Change

In addition to helping a great deal as you write the program, automated tests help you avoid accumulating errors when you introduce changes. As discussed in Chapter 19, you should be prepared to change your code, rather than clinging frantically to what you have, but change has its dangers. When you change some piece of your code, you very often introduce an unforeseen bug or two. If you have designed your program well (with a lot of abstraction and encapsulation), the effects of a change should be local, and affect only a small piece of the code. That means that debugging is easier if you spot the bug.


The point is that if you don’t have a thorough set of tests handy, you may not even discover that you have introduced a bug until later, when you no longer know how the error was introduced. And without a good suite of tests, it is much harder to pinpoint exactly what is wrong. You can’t roll with the punches unless you see them coming. One way of making sure that you get good test coverage (that is, that your tests exercise much, if not most, of your code) is, in fact, to follow the tenets of test-driven programming. If you make sure that you have written the tests before you write the function, you can be certain that every function is tested.

The 1-2-3 (and 4) of Testing

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of writing tests, here’s a breakdown of the test-driven development process (or one variation of it):

  1. Figure out the new feature you want. Possibly document it, and then write a test for it.
  2. Write some skeleton code for the feature, so that your program runs without any syntax errors or the like, but your test fails. It is important to see your test fail, so you are sure that it actually can fail. If there is something wrong with the test, and it always succeeds no matter what (this has happened to me many times), you aren’t really testing anything. This bears repeating: see your test fail before you try to make it succeed.
  3. Write dummy code for your skeleton, just to appease the test. This doesn’t have to accurately implement the functionality; it just needs to make the test pass. This way, you can have all your tests pass all the time when developing (except the first time you run the test, remember?), even while initially implementing the functionality.
  4. Rewrite (or refactor) the code so that it actually does what it’s supposed to, all the while making sure that your test keeps succeeding.

You should keep your code in a healthy state when you leave it—don’t leave it with any tests failing. Well, that’s what they say. I find that I sometimes leave it with one test failing, which is the point at which I’m currently working, as a sort of “to-do” or “continue here” for myself. This is really bad form if you’re developing together with others, though. You should never check failing code into the common code repository.

Tools for Testing

You may think that writing a lot of tests to make sure that every detail of your program works correctly sounds like a chore. Well, I have good news for you: there is help in the standard libraries (isn’t there always?). Two brilliant modules are available to automate the testing process for you:

  • unittest: A generic testing framework.
  • doctest: A simpler module, designed for checking documentation, but excellent for writing unit tests as well.

Let’s begin with a look at doctest, which is a great starting point.


Throughout this book, I use examples taken directly from the interactive interpreter. I find that this is an effective way to show how things work, and when you have such an example, it’s easy to test it for yourself. In fact, interactive interpreter sessions can be a useful form of documentation to put in docstrings. For instance, let’s say I write a function for squaring a number, and add an example to its docstring:

def square(x):
    Squares a number and returns the result.

    >>> square(2)
    >>> square(3)
    return x*x

As you can see, I’ve included some text in the docstring, too. What does this have to do with testing? Let’s say the square function is defined in the module my_math (that is, a file called Then you could add the following code at the bottom:

if __name__=='__main__':
    import doctest, my_math

That’s not a lot, is it? You simply import doctest and the my_math module itself, and then run the testmod (for “test module”) function from doctest. What does this do? Let’s try it:

$ python

Nothing seems to have happened, but that’s a good thing. The doctest.testmod function reads all the docstrings of a module and seeks out any text that looks like an example from the interactive interpreter. Then it checks whether the example represents reality.

imagesNote  If I were writing a real function here, I would (or should, according to the rules I laid down earlier) first write the docstring, run the script with doctest to see the test fail, add a dummy version (for example using if statements to deal with the specific inputs in the docstring) so that the test succeeds, and then start working on getting the implementation right. On the other hand, if you’re going to do full-out “test-first, code-later” programming, the unittest framework (discussed later) might suit your needs better.

To get some more input, you can just give the -v (for “verbose”) switch to your script:

$ python -v

This command would result in the following output:

Running my_math.__doc__
0 of 0 examples failed in my_math.__doc__
Running my_math.square.__doc__
Trying: square(2)
Expecting: 4

Trying: square(3)
Expecting: 9
0 of 2 examples failed in my_math.square.__doc__
1 items had no tests:
1 items passed all tests:
   2 tests in my_math.square
2 tests in 2 items.
2 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

As you can see, a lot happened behind the scenes. The testmod function checks both the module docstring (which, as you can see, contains no tests) and the function docstring (which contains two tests, both of which succeed).

With this in place, you can safely change your code. Let’s say that you want to use the Python exponentiation operator instead of plain multiplication, and use x**2 instead of x*x. You edit the code, but accidentally forget to enter the number 2, ending up with x**x. Try it, and then run the script to test the code. What happens? This is the output you get:

Failure in example: square(3)
from line #5 of my_math.square
Expected: 9
Got: 27
1 items had failures:
   1 of  2 in my_math.square
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

So the bug was caught, and you get a very clear description of what is wrong. Fixing the problem shouldn’t be difficult now.

imagesCaution  Don’t trust your tests blindly, and be sure to test enough cases. As you can see, the test using square(2) does not catch the bug because for x==2, x**2 and x**x are the same thing!

For more information about the doctest module, you should again check out the library reference (


While doctest is very easy to use, unittest (based on the popular test framework JUnit, for Java) is more flexible and powerful. unittest may have a steeper learning curve than doctest, but I suggest that you take a look at this module, because it allows you to write very large and thorough test sets in a more structured manner.

I will give you just a gentle introduction here.unittest includes some features that you probably won’t need for most of your testing. For complete details, see the Python Library Reference (

imagesTip  A couple of interesting alternatives to the unit test tools in the standard library are py.test ( and nose (

Again, let’s take a look at a simple example. You’re going to write a module called my_math containing a function for calculating products, called product. So where do you begin? With a test, of course (in a file called, using the TestCase class from the unittest module (see Listing 16-2).

Listing 16-2. A Simple Test Using the unittest Framework

import unittest, my_math

class ProductTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def testIntegers(self):
        for x in xrange(-10, 10):
            for y in xrange(-10, 10):
                p = my_math.product(x, y)
                self.failUnless(p == x*y, 'Integer multiplication failed')

    def testFloats(self):
        for x in xrange(-10, 10):
            for y in xrange(-10, 10):
                x = x/10.0
                y = y/10.0
                p = my_math.product(x, y)
                self.failUnless(p == x*y, 'Float multiplication failed')

if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

The function unittest.main takes care of running the tests for you. It will instantiate all subclasses of TestCase and run all methods whose names start with test.

imagesTip  If you define methods called setUp and tearDown, they will be executed before and after each of the test methods. You can use these methods to provide common initialization and cleanup code for all the tests, a so-called test fixture.

Running this test script will, of course, simply give you an exception about the module my_math not existing. Methods such as failUnless check a condition to determine whether the given test succeeds or fails. The module has many other methods, such as failIf, failUnlessEqual, and failIfEqual. See Table 16-1 for a brief overview. (Again, refer to the Python Library Reference,, for complete information.)

Table 16-1. Some Useful TestCase Methods

Method Description
assert_(expr[, msg]) Fail if the expression is false, optionally giving a message. (Note the underscore.)
failUnless(expr[, msg]) Same as assert_.
assertEqual(x, y[, msg]) Fail if two values are different, printing both values in traceback.
failUnlessEqual(x, y[, msg]) Same as assertEqual.
assertNotEqual(x, y[, msg]) The opposite of assertEqual.
failIfEqual(x, y[, msg]) The same as assertNotEqual.
assertAlmostEqual(x, y[, places[, msg]]) Similar to assertEqual, but with some lee way for float values.
failUnlessAlmostEqual(x, y[, places[, msg]]) The same as assertAlmostEqual.
assertNotAlmostEqual(x, y[, places[, msg]]) The opposite of assertAlmostEqual.
failIfAlmostEqual(x, y[, msg]) The same as assertNotAlmostEqual.
assertRaises(exc, callable, ...) Fail unless the callable raises exc when called (with optional arguments).
failUnlessRaises(exc, callable, ...) Same as assertRaises.
failIf(expr[, msg]) Opposite of assert_.
fail([msg]) Unconditional failure, with an optional message, as for the other methods.

The unittest module distinguishes between errors, where an exception is raised, and failures, which result from calls to failUnless and the like. The next step is to write skeleton code, so we don’t get errors—only failures. This simply means to create a module called my_math (that is, a file called containing the following:

def product(x, y):

All filler, no fun. If you run the test now, you should get two FAIL messages, like this:

FAIL: testFloats (__main__.ProductTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in testFloats
    self.failUnless(p == x*y, 'Float multiplication failed')
AssertionError: Float multiplication failed

FAIL: testIntegers (__main__.ProductTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in testIntegers
    self.failUnless(p == x*y, 'Integer multiplication failed')
AssertionError: Integer multiplication failed

Ran 2 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=2)

This was all expected, so don’t worry too much. Now, at least, you know that the tests are really linked to the code—the code was wrong, and the tests failed. Wonderful.

The next step is to make it work. In this case, there isn’t much to it, of course:

def product(x, y):
    return x * y

Now the output is simply as follows:

Ran 2 tests in 0.015s


The two dots at the top are the tests. If you look closely at the jumbled output from the failed version, you’ll see two characters on the top there as well: two Fs, indicating two failures.

Just for fun, change the product function so that it fails for the specific parameters 7 and 9:

def product(x, y):
    if x == 7 and y == 9:
        return 'An insidious bug has surfaced!'
        return x * y

If you run the test script again, you should get a single failure:

FAIL: testIntegers (__main__.ProductTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 9, in testIntegers
     self.failUnless(p == x*y, 'Integer multiplication failed')
AssertionError: Integer multiplication failed

Ran 2 tests in 0.005s

FAILED (failures=1)

imagesTip  There is also a GUI for unittest. See the PyUnit (another name for unittest) web page,, for more information.

Beyond Unit Tests

Tests are clearly important, and for any somewhat complex project, they are absolutely vital. Even if you don’t want to bother with structured suites of unit tests, you really must have some way of running your program to see whether it works. Having this capability in place before you do any significant amount of coding can save you a bundle of work (and pain) later on.

There are other ways of probulating (what, you don’t watch Futurama?) your program, and here I’ll show you several tools for doing just that: source code checking and profiling. Source code checking is a way of looking for common mistakes or problems in your code (a bit like what compilers can do for statically typed languages, but going far beyond that). Profiling is a way of finding out how fast your program really is. I discuss the topics in this order to honor the good old rule, “Make it work, make it better, make it faster.” The unit testing helped make it work; source code checking can help make it better; and, finally, profiling can help make it faster.

Source Code Checking with PyChecker and PyLint

For quite some time, PyChecker ( was the only tool for checking Python source code, looking for mistakes such as supplying arguments that won’t work with a given function and so forth. (All right, there was tabnanny, in the standard library, but that isn’t all that powerful, since it just checks your indentation.) Then along came PyLint (, which supports most of the features of PyChecker and quite a few more (such as whether your variable names fit a given naming convention, whether you’re adhering to your own coding standards, and the like).

Installing the tools is simple. They are both available from several package manager systems (such as Debian APT and Gentoo Portage), and may also be downloaded directly from their respective web sites. You install using Distutils, with the standard command:

python install

PyLint also requires the Logilab Common libraries to work. Download that package, called logilab-common, available from the PyLint web site, and install it the same way as PyLint.

Once this is done, the tools should be available as command-line scripts (pychecker and pylint for PyChecker and PyLint, respectively) and as Python modules (with the same names).

imagesNote  In Windows, the two tools use the batch files pychecker.bat and pylint.bat as command-line tools. You may need to add these to your PATH environment variable to have the pychecker and pylint commands available on the command line.

To check files with PyChecker, you run the script with the file names as arguments, like this:

pychecker ...

With PyLint, you use the module (or package) names:

pylint module

You can get more information about both tools by running them with the -h command-line switch. When you run either of these commands, you will probably get quite a bit of output (most likely more output from pylint than from pychecker). Both tools are quite configurable with respect to which warnings you want to get (or suppress); see their respective documentation for more information.

Before leaving the checkers, let’s see how you can combine them with unit tests. After all, it would be very pleasant to have them (or just one of them) run automatically as a test in your test suite, and to silently succeed if nothing is wrong. Then you could actually have a test suite that doesn’t just test functionality, but code quality as well.

Both PyChecker and PyLint can be imported as modules (pychecker.checker and pylint.lint, respectively), but they aren’t really designed to be used programmatically. When you import pychecker.checker, it will check the code that comes later (including imported modules), printing warnings to standard output. The pylint.lint module has an undocumented function called Run, which is used in the pylint script itself. This also prints out warnings rather than returning them in some way. Instead of grappling with these issues, I suggest using PyChecker and PyLint in the way they’re meant to be used: as command-line tools. And the way of using command-line tools in Python is the subprocess module (or one of its older relatives; see the Python Library Reference for more information). Listing 16-3 is an example of the earlier test script, now with two code-checking tests.

Listing 16-3. Calling External Checkers Using the subprocess Module

import unittest, my_math
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

class ProductTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # Insert previous tests here

    def testWithPyChecker(self):
        cmd = 'pychecker', '-Q', my_math.__file__.rstrip('c')
        pychecker = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        self.assertEqual(, '')

    def testWithPyLint(self):
        cmd = 'pylint', '-rn', 'my_math'
        pylint = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        self.assertEqual(, '')

if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

I’ve given some command-line switches to the checker programs, to avoid extraneous output that would interfere with the tests. For pychecker, I have supplied the -Q (quiet) switch. For pylint, I have supplied -rn (with n standing for “no”) to turn off reports, meaning that it will display only warnings and errors. I have used assertEqual (instead of, for example, failIf) in order to have the actual output read from the stdout attribute displayed in the failure messages of unittest (this is, in fact, the main reason for using assertEqual instead of failUnless together with == in general).

The pylint command runs directly with a module name supplied, so that’s pretty straightforward. To get pychecker to work properly, we need to get a file name. To get that, I’ve used the __file__ property of the my_math module, rstriping away any c that may be found at the end of the file name (because the module may actually come from a .pyc file).

In order to appease PyLint (rather than configuring it to shut up about things such as short variable names, missing revisions, and docstrings), I have rewritten the my_math module slightly:

A simple math module.
__revision__ = '0.1'

def product(factor1, factor2):
    'The product of two numbers'
    return factor1 * factor2

If you run the tests now, you should not get any errors. Try to play around with the code and see if you can get any of the checkers to report errors while the functionality tests still work. (Feel free to drop either PyChecker or PyLint—one is probably enough.) For example, try to rename the parameters back to x and y, and PyLint should complain about short variable names. Or add print 'Hello, world!' after the return statement, and both checkers, quite reasonably, will complain (possibly giving different reasons for the complaint).



Now that you’ve made your code work, and possibly made it better than the initial version, it may be time to make it faster. Then, again, it may not. One very important rule (along with such principles as KISS = Keep It Small and Simple, or YAGNI = You Ain’t Gonna Need It) that you should heed when tempted to fiddle with your code to speed it up:

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

—Donald Knuth, paraphrasing C. A. R. Hoare

Another way of stating this, in the words of Ken Thompson, co-inventor of UNIX, is “When in doubt, use brute force.” In other words, don’t worry about fancy algorithms or clever optimization tricks if you don’t really, really need them. If the program is fast enough, chances are that the value of clean, simple, understandable code is much higher than that of a slightly faster program. After all, in a few months, faster hardware will probably be available anyway.

But if you do need to optimize your program, because it simply isn’t fast enough for your requirements, you absolutely should profile it before doing anything else. That is because it’s really hard to guess where the bottlenecks are, unless your program is really simple. And if you don’t know what’s slowing down your program, chances are you’ll be optimizing the wrong thing.

The standard library includes a nice profiler module called profile (and a faster drop-in C version, called hotshot). Using the profiler is straightforward. Just call its run method with a string argument.

>>> import profile
>>> from my_math import product
>>>'product(1, 2)')

imagesNote  In some Linux distributions, you may need to install a separate package in order to get the profile module to work. If it works, fine. If not, you might want to check out the relevant documentation to see if this is the problem.

This will give you a printout with information about how many times various functions and methods were called and how much time was spent in the various functions. If you supply a file name, for example, 'my_math.profile', as the second argument to run, the results will be saved to a file. You can then later use the pstats module to examine the profile:

>>> import pstats
>>> p = pstats.Stats('my_math.profile')

Using this Stats object, you can examine the results programmatically. (For details on the API, consult the standard library documentation.)

imagesTip  The standard library also contains a module called timeit, which is a simple way of timing small snippets of Python code. The timeit module isn’t really useful for detailed profiling, but it can be a nice tool when all you want to do is figure out how much time a piece of code takes to execute. Trying to do this yourself can often lead to inaccurate measurements (unless you know what you’re doing). Using timeit is usually a better choice (unless you opt for a full profiling, of course). You can find more information about timeit in the Python Library Reference (

Now, if you’re really worried about the speed of your program, you could add a unit test that profiles your program and enforces certain constraints (such as failing if the program takes more than a second to finish). It might be a fun thing to do, but it’s not something I recommend. Obsessive profiling can easily take your attention away from things that really matter, such as clean, understandable code. If the program is really slow, you’ll notice that anyway, because your tests will take forever to finish.

A Quick Summary

Here are the main topics covered in the chapter:

Test-driven programming: Basically, test-driven programming means to test first, code later. Tests let you rewrite your code with confidence, making your development and maintenance more flexible.

The doctest and unittest modules: These are indispensable tools if you want to do unit testing in Python. The doctest module is designed to check examples in docstrings, but can easily be used to design test suites. For more flexibility and structure in your suites, the unittest framework is very useful.

PyChecker and PyLint: These two tools read source code and point out potential (and actual) problems. They check everything from short variable names to unreachable pieces of code. With a little coding you can make them (or one of them) part of your test suite, to make sure all of your rewrites and refactorings conform to your coding standards.

Profiling: If you really care about speed and want to optimize your program (only do this if it’s absolutely necessary), you should profile it first. Use the profile (or hotshot) module to find bottlenecks in your code.

New Functions in This Chapter

Function Description
doctest.testmod(module) Checks docstring examples. (Takes many more arguments.)
unittest.main() Runs the unit tests in the current module.[, filename]) Executes and profiles statement. Optionally, saves results to filename.

What Now?

Now you’ve seen all kinds of things you can do with the Python language and the standard libraries. You’ve seen how to probe and tweak your code until it screams (if you got serious about profiling, despite my warnings). If you still aren’t getting the oomph you require, it’s time to reach for heavier weapons. In the words of Neo in The Matrix. “We need guns. Lots of guns.” In less metaphorical terms, it’s time to pop the cover and tweak the engine with some low-level tools. (Wait, that was still metaphorical, wasn’t it?)

1. Did you know that the original computer bug was, in fact, a moth? It was found stuck in a relay in the Mark II computer at Harvard in 1945. The term bug for a computer glitch and the related word debugging are credited to Grace Hopper, who taped the original bug into her logbook. The logbook—with the bug—is on display at the US Naval Surface Weapons Center in Dahlgren, Virginia. (See for more information.)

2. Of course, testing only one case like this won’t give you much confidence in the correctness of the code. A real test program would probably be a lot more thorough.

3. Check out Computers Ltd: What They Really Can’t Do by David Harel (Oxford University Press, 2000) for a lot of interesting material on the subject.

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