
I am deeply grateful to so many who have helped build this book.

Like other major projects in life, writing and publishing a book requires many people. Some I expect and rely on, and some appear unexpectedly, at just the right time, contributing small words of advice that help fill in parts of the puzzle, or anchor the whole process. Everyone is important, and for their efforts and perseverance, I am exceedingly grateful.

To begin, this would be a vastly different, and inferior, book without the conversations and interviews with those who greatly influenced my thinking: thank you, Rona Cant, for sharing your inspiring adventures; Paul Hiltz, for your remarkable servant leadership; Peter Senger, for your commitment and devotion to community; Amy Cuddy, for sharing your research and work to embolden our lives; Susan Cain, for inspiring our new company, which made this book possible; Scott Eblin, who leads his own life with honesty, humility, and authenticity; Howard Behar, who shared stories from his adventures at Starbucks; Teresa Amabile, for helping us all make small steps of progress in our lives; Gene and Jill Klein, for sharing your astonishing true tale of Holocaust survival; and Hap Klopp, for your generosity of ideas and expansive wisdom.

Thank you also to Scott Turicchi, Tom DiDonato, Bashar Nejdawi, Sue Mahony, Victor Cho, Mary Waller, Seth Godin, and Liz Wiseman. You likely don’t know each other, yet you all contributed thoughts from your own work, in vastly different worlds, that complement and reinforce the ideas in this book.

Thank you to my editor, Pam Owen, who skillfully brought this manuscript into coherence. Thank you, Erika Heilman, Jill Friedlander, and all of the wonderful, hardworking, caring, and conscientious people at Bibliomotion. Thank you, Lisa DiMona, my literary agent, who has an uncanny knack for knowing what to do when I don’t. Thank you, Lori Ames and the good people at PRFreelancer, who are giving this book the reach and buoyancy to help people around the world find it, often in places I would have never thought to put it.

Thank you, Amy, my wonderful wife, and Charlie, Will, and Annie, our inspiring children. Without your constant love and distraction, this book would have been finished in half the time, but would have been half as good.

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