
Timon Beyes is professor of sociology of organization and culture at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. His research focuses on the processes, spaces and aesthetics of organization in the fields of media culture, art, cities as well as higher education. Recent publications include “Colour and Organization Studies” (Journal of Organization Studies, 2017), The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education (with M. Parker and C. Steyaert, 2016), Social Media—New Masses (with I. Baxmann and C. Pias, Chicago 2016) and Performing the Digital (with M. Leeker and I. Schipper, Bielefeld, 2017).

Karen Dale works at Lancaster University in the Department of Organization, Work and Technology. She has written on embodiment, materiality, space and architecture in relation to organizations and organizing, including The Spaces of Organization and the Organization of Space (Palgrave) with Gibson Burrell.

Gili S. Drori is associate professor of sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Her publications speak to her research interests in institutional theory of organizations and world society theory; globalization and glocalization; science, innovation and higher education; and, culture, knowledge and policy regimes. Gili earned her academic education at Tel Aviv University (BA 1986; and MA 1989) and Stanford University (PhD, 1997, sociology). She served as Director of IR Honors Program and taught at Stanford University for a decade. She also taught at the University of California Berkeley (USA), the Technion (Israel), and University of Bergamo (Italy) and was a guest scholar at Uppsala University (Sweden).

Sytze F. Kingma is senior lecturer in the sociology of organization at the Department of Organization Sciences of the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His research interests involve the material and virtual dimensions of organizational networks, and the way risk and responsibility are implicated in organizational contexts. He published extensively in the field of gambling and is the editor of Global Gambling: Cultural Perspectives on Organized Gambling (Routledge, 2010). His publications deal with risk, responsibility, organizational space and technology; most recent articles are about ‘third workspaces’ and ‘new ways of working’.

Daniel S. Lacerda is lecturer of management at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. He received his PhD in Organization Studies from Lancaster University and has published articles in journals such as Discourse and Society and Third World Quarterly. His recent work examines the management practices of civil society organizations with an emphasis on the political economy of space

Jeanne Mengis is associate professor of organizational communication in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Lugano (Switzerland), where she is director of the Institute of Marketing and Communication Management. She is a senior research fellow at the research unit for Innovation, Knowledge and Organizational Networks (IKON) at Warwick Business School (WBS). Her work has appeared in Organization Science and Organization Studies, and she has recently published research on space in Organization and Organizational Research Methods. Her current research explores the role of spatiotemporality in identity translation work, in the context of film industry festivals.

Louise Nash is a lecturer in management at Essex Business School. Prior to this she worked in a variety of marketing-related management roles in financial services and more recently in university administration. Her research interests are in interpretative, qualitative studies of the lived experience of work, particularly in the spatial and temporal rhythms of everyday working life, and in exploring and developing sensory and embodied methods of research.

Inbal Ofer is a professor of Modern European history at the department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies at the Open University of Israel. She specializes in 20th century Spanish history with an emphasis on gender, urban history and social movements. She is the author of Señoritas in Blue: The Making of a Female Political Elite in Franco’s Spain. The National Leadership of the Sección Femenina de la Falange (1936–1977), Sussex Academic Press, 2009; and of Claiming the City and Contesting the State: Squatting, Community Formation and Democratization in Spain (1955–1986), Routledge, 2017.

Tuomo Peltonen is professor of organization and management Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He also holds a docent (adjunct professor) appointment at Aalto University and University of Turku. His current research interests include organization theory and philosophy, wisdom, spirituality and religion; and history of management thought. Tuomo’s books include: Organization Theory: Critical and Philosophical Engagements(Emerald); Spirituality and Religion in Organizing (Palgrave), Origins of Organizing (edited with Hugo Gaggiotti and Peter Case; Edward Elgar) and Towards Wise Management (Palgrave; forthcoming).

Fabio James Petani is assistant professor in the department of Management and HR at INSEEC Business School and researcher in the chair on Digital Innovation & Artificial Intelligence at INSEEC Business School in Lyon (France). He holds a PhD from the University of Lugano (Switzerland). His research on organizational space has appeared in Organization. He is interested in discursive and sociomaterial practices of justification and critique in organizations. His latest research studies how digital technologyand urbanization are jointly transforming business organizations, work and social relations more broadly.

Briana Preminger is a teaching fellow at the Department of Management at Bar Ilan University and teaching assistant at the Department of Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel. Briana earned her academic education at Bar Ilan University (MBA 2001) and at The Hebrew University (BA 1995; MA 1998; PhD 2017). Her PhD is conferred jointly with SKEMA Business School, in France. Briana’s research interests are in institutional theory of organization; value and cocreation; and organization of social space.

Arja Ropo is professor of management and organization at the Faculty of Management, University of Tampere, Finland. Her continuing interest is leadership from an embodied and material perspective. Recently, she has studied leadership and physical workplaces. She advances leadership theory as a sociomaterial phenomenon, as an embodied relationship between the human and material. Her work has appeared in the Leadership Quarterly, Leadership, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Journal of Management & Organization and Journal of Corporate Real Estate, among others.

Perttu Salovaara is an adjunct assistant professor at Stern School of Business, New York University, USA, and a leadership researcher at the School of Management, University of Tampere, Finland. Having a background in philosophy, his research focuses on leadership’s epistemological and ontological questions. He has recently studied and published on embodiment in leadership, leadership in spaces and places, Lefebvre’s triadic space concept, and coworking movement. He has also produced three academic documentary films on leadership and is at the moment studying coworking spaces, craft breweries, and plural and leaderless forms of leadership. Perttu draws inspiration for his research from alpine skiing, guitar playing and home brewing.

Harriet Shortt is an associate professor in organization studies at Bristol Business School at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. Her research focuses on organizational space, artefacts and identity and she has an expertise in qualitative research methods including innovative visual methodologies, specifically, participant-led photography. Harriet has led several research projects in both public and private sector organizations that examine spatial change and the impact of work space on employees’ everyday working practices. Her research has been published in journals including Human Relations, Organizational Research Methods, Management Learning, Visual Studies and the International Journal of Work, Organization and Emotion. She is a member of ‘inVisio’ (The International Network for Visual Studies in Organization) and part of the ESRC RDI funded team that developed ‘inVisio inspire’, an online resource for visual researchers in business and management.

Sarah Warnes is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the UCL School of Management and holds a Doctorate from Essex Business School, University of Essex. Her PhD explored the lived dimension of organizational space in an English Cathedral. Sarah joined the School of Management in 2013 and leads on three courses: Understanding Management, Business Research Methods and Dissertation. Sarah has tutored and lectured across both undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in the subjects of management, leadership, strategy, organizational change, research methodology and dissertation completion. Prior to joining the public sector, Sarah worked for a private training company committed to workplace training; here Sarah spent two years setting up operations in the UAE.

Varda Wasserman is senior lecturer at the Open University of Israel in the Department of Management & Economics. She is an organizational sociologist, and her research interests are: organizational aesthetics, organizational control and resistance, (un)doing gender, masculinity in organizations, embodiment, religion and organizations, excluded social groups and the army as an organization. She has published in Organization Science, Organization Studies, Culture and Organization, Organization and other journals.

Zhongyuan Zhang currently works as an associate professor at the School of Management, Zhejiang University. He obtained his PhD in organizational studies from Warwick Business School. He has previously worked and published on the social space of organizations in journals such as Human Relations and Culture & Organization. Currently, he is studying the social construction of creativity in the cartoon and animation industry.

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