
Page numbers in italic indicate a figure and page numbers in bold indicate a table on the corresponding page

absent materiality 4647, 48, 5254, 54; public cultural center, case study 5765, 61, 63; rhythms of 5253

“absent presence” 106

‘absent spaces’ 15

abstract space: elements of 297299; production of 285288

abstraction: as a historical process 288290; intensifying the spiral of at Mucuripe 296297

action 112; dressage 150154; social action 283284

aesthetics 105

agency: “embedded agency” 113; social action 112113

alternative uses of the sidewalk 248251, 250

Althusser, Louis 286

analyzing lived experience 139140

ANT (actor-network theory) 12, 53

appropriation of space 136, 274279, 277; “inhabitance” 264

arrhythmia 184

artefacts, meaning of 136

assumptions: contrasting principal assumptions in Lefebvre and institutionalism 111; regarding leadership 7374

Athens Charter 266267

atomization 7677

authoritative power see power-over

autogestion 27, 3334, 40, 41n4

Ballard, J. G. 1011

barraquismo 270

barrios 262; Orcasitas Neighbourhood Association 275

Beyes, Timon 1516

Beyond Management (Lennie, 1999) 11

Bitter, Sabine 27

Blagojevic, Ljiljana 27

the body 3638, 39; dressage 150154; Lefebvre’s epistemology of 135136; lived space as embodied experience 8182; rhythmanalysis 167169; space as product of 3738; ‘total body’ 133; walking as rhythmanalysis 170

Bourdieu, Pierre, habitus 41n5

Brazilian favelas 284, 290291, 293294; discussion 299302; historical space of 294296; intensifying the spiral of abstraction at Mucuripe 296297

Bringas, Jose Manuel 275

buildings, “spatial legacies” 108

‘the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption’ 33

canteens 195196; healthy food choices 226228, 227

case studies: Hangzhou, China 238, 240243, 241, 243245, 244, 245248, 246, 247, 248251, 250, 251254, 253, 254257; ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 195196; public cultural center, planning and construction of 5457

Castells, Manuel 67

Castillo, Jose 268

cathedrals 133, 135; coexistence of the sacred and commercial 140; lived experience, methodology for analysis 139140; modernization programmes 140; secular activities 140

ceremoniality 106

chabolas 262, 270274, 271, 273

characteristics of spatial organization 309311

China: car licenses 258n5; Household Registration System 257n1; popularity of Hangzhou 258n6; ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’ 258n4; see also Hangzhou case study

churches 133, 135

cities: ‘closed’ 268; ‘distinctive patina’ 162; open 279280; rhythmanalysis 167169; RtC 237238; walking as rhythmanalysis 170

City of London, England 161162; ‘distinctive patina’ 162, 165; exploring 162164; financial districts, studies on 165166; as performative workplace 172177, 175, 176, 177; restricted spaces 177181, 178, 179; as site of order and disorder 181183; walking as rhythmanalysis 170

city-as-oeuvre 238239

“closed systems” 106

the ‘Cocoon’ 12

co-creation 93

co-design process 9394, 94

collaboration 95

collectives 7273, 7576, 9495; festivals 194; ‘mass-driven’ power 95; square dancing 251254, 253; squatter settlements in Spain 262

conceived space 50, 68n1, 79, 137; controlling 300; tension with lived space 192193

concrete space 34

contrasting principal assumptions in Lefebvre and institutionalism 111

control 10; of conceived space 300; in Lefebvre’s triad 193194; production of space as 49; through spatial organization 191193; through spatial segregation 265268

conversation 139

corporeal production of space 38

“critical zone” 263264

Critique of Everyday Life (Lefebvre, 2014) 7, 34

cultural center case study 5455; absent materiality 5760; data analysis 5657; data collection 5556; park area 6065, 61, 63

cultural legacy 166

‘culture jamming’ 10

dance: link to space 201202; square dancing 251254, 253

data analysis, public cultural center case study 5657

data collection, public cultural center case study 5556

democratic cities 279280

“desacralisation” of time 137138

development of organizational space literature 1112

dialectical materialism 3134; autogestion 3334; ‘the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption’ 33; Nietzche, F. 32; oppressive notion of power 75; production of space 3536; spatial dialectics 39

dictatorship of Franco 261

digital technologies in reorganizing spatial relations 313314

discarded spaces 48

disco dancing 199

disorder, City of London as site of 181183

disposal of planned space 5254, 54, 67; park area in cultural center case study 6065, 61, 63

‘distinctive patina’ 162

domination: through spatial organization 191193; through spatial segregation 265268

dressage 150154, 157

Drori, Gili S. 17

dwelling 143144; at work 144150, 145, 147, 148

dynamics of urban space 240

eating and the workplace 207209; eating alone 220224, 221; food smells 224226; healthy food choices 226228, 227; relationship-building 219220; sharing of food 217219, 218, 219; 230n1

ecclesiastical organizations 133, 135; lived experience, methodology for analysis 139140

Eldin, Stuart 262, 312313

elements of abstract space 297299

“embedded agency” 113

embodied knowledge 9597

embodied spatiality 134

embodiment 11; spacing leadership 8182; see also the body; ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia

enclosed spaces of the City of London 177181, 178, 179

end-user engagement 96

engagement: as co-designers 93; end-user 96

enlisting Lefebvre 2931

‘escape attempts’ 199

eurythmia 184

everyday life 3436, 39; and “everydayness” 35

“everydayness” 35

exchange value 238

exploring City of London 162164

Ezrat Yisrael 121

failure of the ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 203204

favelas 284, 290291, 293294; historical space of 294296; intensifying the spiral of abstraction at Mucuripe 296297

festivals 194; ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 202203; lunch disco 195

Fight Club (Fincher, 1999) 197198

financial districts: rhythms of 180181; studies on 165166

Fincher, David 197198

Follett, Mary Parker 17, 73; views on power 7879

food and the workplace 207209, 209210; eating alone 220224, 221; healthy food choices 226228, 227; relationship-building 219220; sharing of food 217219, 218, 219; space 210212; talking over food 215217, 216; 230n1

‘foodscape studies’ 210212

foodscapes: eating alone 220224, 221; food smells 224226; relationship-building 219220; sharing of food 217219, 218, 219

food-shaming 223

forms of necessity 41n6

Foucault, Michel, Lefebvre on 67

Franco, Francisco 261

Franco regime: appropriation of space during 274279, 277; social control through spatial segregation 265268

Frankfurt Critical Theory 192

future research on spatial organization 311316

gender in organizations 314315

General Plan of the City of Madrid 266267

Gottdiener, Mark 5

Guess who’s coming to dinner?210

Guilbaud, Pierre 27

Haberman, Jürgen 7

habitus 41n5

Hangzhou case study 238, 240243, 241; alternative uses of the sidewalk 248251, 250; discussion 254257; promotion of mass consumption 243245, 244; redesigning roads 245248, 246, 247; square dancing 251254, 253

Harvey, David 5, 67, 8, 40

Hatch, Mary Jo 8

healthy food choices in the workplace 226228, 227

Hegel, G.W.F. 31, see also dialectical materialism

Heidegger, Martin 7778

heroic leadership 80

historical process, abstraction as 288290

historical space of favelas 294296

history: of conceived space 49; in Lefebvre 5152; of space 191; spatial history 166

horizontal power 7374

Household Registration System 257n1

human embodiment 11

industrial workplace 76; atomization 7677

industrialization 165

influence of Lefebvre’s work 37

informal production of space 264; in the periphery of Madrid 268274, 271, 273

The Information Age (Castells, 1996) 7

“inhabitance” 264

insights gained from institutionalist analysis of the Western Wall 122

institutional foodscapes 211212

institutional theory 104105; action 112; analysis of Jerusalem’s Western Wall 118125, 120; “closed systems” 106; contrasting assumptions with Lefebvre 111; “embedded agency” 113; interchange with Lefebvrian definitions of space 114116; links with Lefebvre 109118; logics 106107; meaning, emphasis on 108; neo-institutional theory 105106; new paths for conceptual and empirical advances 108109; ontological distinctions with Lefebvre 110114, 111; propositions for Lefebvre-inspired institutional analyses of space 117118; social action 112113; “spatiality turn” 105109

interpretations of the ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 198200

isomorphism 115116

Israel, institutional analysis of Jerusalem’s Western Wall 118125, 120

Jerusalem’s Western Wall, institutionalist analysis of 118125, 120; insights gained from 122; spatialized enactment 123124; spatialized logics 120122, 120; spatialized sensemaking 122123

Katajamäki, Antti 83

knowledge 9394, 94, 107; embodied 9597; PMBOK 9697

Lacerda, Daniel 21

language 107; conversation 139

Latour, Bruno 12

leaderless organizations 95

leadership 72; accounting of time in 8081; assumptions regarding 7374; collectives 9495; Follett’s views on power 7879; heroic 80; in Marxist thought 75; materiality 80; ‘new school’ of 74; plural 7579; power-with approach 9394; spacing leadership 8182; see also power relations; ‘spacing leadership’

Lefebvre, Henri: ‘the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption’ 33; contrasting assumptions with institutionalism 111; Critique of Everyday Life (Lefebvre, 2014) 7; critique of urbanization 76; enlisting 2931; everyday life 3436; on Foucault 67; influence of his work 37; left-wing activism 6; life and work of 13; links with institutional theory 109118; organizational studies, contribution to 57, 714; The Production of Space (Lefebvre, 1991) 34; proposal for the International Competition for the New Belgrade Urban Structure Improvement 2728; Rhythmanalysis (Lefebvre, 2004) 4; The Sociology of Marx (Lefebvre, 1982) 6; threefold production of space 4951; writing style 3

Lefebvre’s triad 4, 8, 9, 13, 5051, 7980; bases for interchange with institutional theory 114116; conceived space 137; embodiment 11; epistemology of space and body 135; linking to rhythmanalysis 138; lived space 137; philosophical context of 190191; political context of 190191; propositions for Lefebvre-inspired institutional analyses of space 117118; re-evaluating 189; renovation project activities in reference to 87; see also conceived space ; lived space

left-wing activism of Lefebvre 6

legitimation 111; of approaches to material social resources 115116

Lennie, Ian 11

life and work of Henri Lefebvre 13

liminal space 136, 202

linear rhythms 137138; of the City of London 172177, 175, 176, 177; dressage 150154

links between institutional theory and Lefebvre 109118

literature on ‘foodscape studies’ 211212

lived experience, methodology for analysis 139140

lived space 4, 9, 1011, 30, 50, 135136, 137; as embodied experience 8182; tension with conceived space 192193

logics 106107; spatialized 120122, 120

‘lost spaces’ 1213

‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 189, 195196; discussion 201202; failure of 203204; interpretations of 198200; lived experiences 197198; method of analysis 196197; spatial practice in 200; symbolizations 198200

lunch disco 195; see also ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia

Madrid, Spain: General Plan of the City of Madrid 266267; producing informal space in the periphery of 268274, 271, 273

management of absence 5254, 54

Marxist thought: as context for Lefebvre’s triad 190191; dialectical materialism 3134; leadership 75; RtC 238240; social action 113; “totality of instances” 286287; value creation theory 191

mass consumption, Hangzhou case study 243245, 244

‘mass-driven’ power 95

“material turn” in organizational studies 104105, 106108

materiality in leadership research 80

meaning: of artefacts 136; institutional theory’s emphasis on 108; spatial mode of 117118

Mengis, Jeanne 16

mental space 34

metro routes in Hangzhou 243245, 244

missed historical possibilities in urban planning 6566

modern architecture 107108

modernization programmes for cathedrals 140

modes of organization 27

‘mondialization’ 316

Monty, Merleau 11

“multimodality turn” in organizational studies 107

“muscular” power 110

museums, absent materiality in public cultural center case study 5760

Nash, Louise 1819

natural rhythms 137138

nature, rhythms of 7778

necessity, forms of 41n6

neo-institutional theory 17; “absent presence” 106; isomorphism 115116; principles of 105106

neo-rationalism 27

‘new school’ of leadership 74

Nietzche, F. 32, 37

NVivo software 56

oevre 265

Ofer, Inbal 2021

office space, spacing leadership project 8292, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91

‘old school’ of leadership 74

ontological distinctions between institutional theory and Lefebvre 110114, 111

open cities 279280

oppressive notion of power 75

Orcasitas, Spain: appropriation of space 278279; barrios 262

Orcasitas Neighbourhood Association 275

order, City of London as site of 181183

Organization Theory (Hatch, 1997) 8

organizational dressage 150154

organizational space, lived experience of, methodology for analysis 139140

organizational studies: absent materiality 4647, 48; ANT 53; control 10; development of organizational space literature 1112; enlisting Lefebvre 2931; Lefebvre’s contribution to 57, 714; Lefebvre’s triad 9; “material turn” in 104105, 106108; neo-institutional theory 17, 105106; power relations 11; resistance 10; RtC 238240; spaces of organizing 28; ‘turn-thinking’ 308309; “visual turn” in 104105, 107

organizations: aesthetics of 105; ecclesiastical 133, 135; gender 314315

‘out-of-home’ eating 211212

park area in cultural center case study 6065, 61, 63

parking 247

patina 162, 165

peasant groups 7576

Peltonen, Tuomo 19

perceived space 30; controlling 300

Petani, Fabio 16

phases of spacing leadership process 8692, 87, 89, 90, 91

phenomenological approach to space 133

philosophical context of Lefebvre’s triad 190191

photography in spatial practices of eating at work study 213214

Plan for the Remodelling the Neighbourhoods of Madrid 280

planned spaces 68n1; absent materiality 48

plural leadership 7579; atomization 7677; collectives 7576; Follett’s views on power 7879; rhythmanalysis 7778; spacing leadership 8182

PMBOK (Project Management Book of Knowledge) 9697

political context of Lefebvre’s triad 190191

popularity of Hangzhou 258n6

post-heroic leadership approach 7576

power relations 11; Follett’s views on 7879; oppressive notion of power 75; see also leadership

power-over approach 78

power-with approach 9394, 94

“practices of inhabitance” 264

Preminger, Briana 17

principles of neo-institutional theory 105106

private dining 221224, 221

‘the problems of spatial organization’: the body 3638; dialectical materialism 3134; everyday life 3436; hermeneutics of spacing 3841; reliance on The Production of Space 2931; ‘right to the city’ 3841

production of space 3536, 3638, 3738, 4951; absent materiality 5254, 54; abstract space 285288; disposal of planned space 5254, 54; informal 264; informal space in the periphery of Madrid 268274, 271, 273; as political form of control 49; time 51

The Production of Space (Lefebvre, 1991) 34, 13, 27, 79, 189, 239, 284; reliance on 2931; tension within 41n3; ‘unitary theory’ of space 193194

promotion of mass consumption, Hangzhou case study 243245, 244

proposal for the International Competition for the New Belgrade Urban Structure Improvement 2728

propositions for Lefebvre-inspired institutional analyses of space 117118

Protection of Holy Places Law 121

public cultural center, case study 5455; data analysis 5657; data collection 5556; museum 5760; park area 6065, 61, 63

publications on Lefebvre’s work 23

Purcell, Mark 264, 278

real-and-imagined space 4

redesigning roads, Hangzhou case study 246

re-evaluating Lefebvre’s triad 189

reification 77; of Lefebvre’s triad 1314

rejected space, park area in cultural center case study 6065, 61, 63

Renaudie, Serge 27

renovations, spatial renovation in a university building 8292, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91

reorganizing spatial relations 313314

representations of space 30, 50

res cogitans 79

res extensa 79

re-scripting 115116

resistance 10

restricted spaces of the City of London 177181, 178, 179

rhythmanalysis 93, 134, 167169; linear rhythms of the City of London, England 172177, 175, 176, 177; linking to Lefebvre’s triad 138; methodological reflections 184186; walking as 169172, 170

Rhythmanalysis (Lefebvre, 2004) 4, 34, 36, 167

rhythms 52; of absence 5253; of financial markets 180181; of nature 7778

‘right to the city’ 27, 3841

roads, redesigning 245248, 246, 247

Ropo, Arja 1617

Roy, Ananya 268

RtC (The Right to the City) 237238; “inhabitance” 264; and organization studies 238240

rural sociology, collectives 7576

Salovaara, Perttu 1617, 19

Satellite Suburbs 266267

scaling 315316

scripting 115116

second critical phase in urban development 263

secular activities in cathedrals 140

Sennett, Richard 267, 279280

sensemaking from institutionalist analysis of Jerusalem’s Western Wall 122123

sharing of food 217219, 218, 219

Shortt, Harriet 1920

sidewalks, alternative uses of 248251, 250

slums 290291

sociability of space 118

social action 112113

social context of Lefebvre’ triad 190191

social production of space 11

social space 283284

‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’ 258n4

sociality of food 209210

‘The socialspatial constitution of business organizations: a geographical perspective’ 8

The Sociology of Marx (Lefebvre, 1982) 6

Soja, Edward 5, 8

space: ‘absent’ 15; abstract 290, 297299; appropriation of 136, 274279, 277; collectives 9495; concrete 34; and food 210212; history of 191; interchange between institutionalism and Lefebvrian definitions of 114116; Lefebvre’s epistemology of 135136; liminal 136, 202; link to dance 201202; lived 30, 50; ‘lost’ 1213; mental 34; ontological distinctions between institutional theory and Lefebvre 110113, 111; perceived 30; phenomenological approach to 133; as product of the human body 3738; propositions for Lefebvre-inspired institutional analyses of 117118; real-and-imagined 4; representations of 30; in rural communities 77; ‘unitary theory’ of 193194; see also corporeal production of space; institutional theory; production of space; spatial organization

spaces of organizing 28, 33

spacing leadership 72, 73, 8182; embodied knowledge 9597; in a university context 8292, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91

Spain: appropriation of space 274279, 277; barrios 262; General Plan of the City of Madrid 266267; open cities 279280; Satellite Suburbs 266267; squatter settlements 262

spatial dialectics 39

spatial history 166

“spatial legacies” 108

spatial mode of meaning 117118

spatial organization: characteristics of 309311; everyday life 3436; future research on 311316; as means of control 191193; and “spaces of organizing” 33; see also urban space

spatial practices of eating at work study 50; conclusions of 228230; eating alone 220224, 221; food smells 224226; foodscapes 214215; health and wellbeing 226228, 227; in ‘Lunch Beat’ movement 200; relationship-building 219220; sharing of food 217219, 218, 219; talking over food 215217, 216

spatial relations: digital technologies 313314; ‘subjects’ 307

spatiality: embodied 134; between Lefebvrianism and institutionalism 125126

“spatiality turn” in institutional theory 105109; legitimation 108; modern architecture 107108

spatialized logics 120122, 120

‘spiral’ 288; of abstraction 296297

‘Spiritual Capital’ 139

square dancing 251254, 253

Square Mile 155157

squatter settlements in Spain 262, 269

St. Michael’s Cathedral research study: conceptualizations of space 135138; data analysis 143; data collection 141143; discussion 155157; dressage 150154; dwelling 143150; research context 139141; research methodology 138139

Surrealist movement 194

symbolizations in the ‘Lunch Beat’ movement 198200

talking over food 215217, 216; relationship-building 219220

‘technocracy’ 315

technology, digital technologies in reorganizing spatial relations 313314

Temple Mount, institutionalist analysis of the Western Wall 118125, 120; insights gained from 122; spatialized enactment 123124; spatialized logics 120122, 120; spatialized sensemaking 122123

temporality: leadership, accounting of time in 8081; in Lefebvre 5152; rhythmanalysis 167169; rhythms 137138; walking as rhythmanalysis 170

tension between conceived and lived space 192193

territorialization 315316

Theory of Communicative Action (Jürgen, 1984) 7

‘third way’ 41n4

time see also rhythms; also temporality: accounting of in leadership 8081; centrality of to the production of space 51; “desacralisation” of 137138; rhythmanalysis 167169; rhythms 137138; walking as rhythmanalysis 170

‘total body’ 133

“totality of instances” 286287; abstraction as a historical process 288290

triad see Lefebvre’s triad

‘turn-thinking’ 308309

unbuilt spaces 47; see also waste

‘unitary theory’ of space 193194

universities, spacing leadership in 8292, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91

“unresolved question of value” in cultural center case study 5960

UPP (Unidades de Policia Pacificadora) 284, 292

urban planning see also public cultural center, case study: alternative uses of the sidewalk 248251, 250; missed historical possibilities 6566; open cities 279280; parking 247

urban revival, city-as-oeuvre 238239

urban segregation 264; social control through 265268

urban space: abstraction as a historical process 289290; “critical zone” 263264; dynamics of 240; and the Franco regime 265268

urban studies: autogestion 3334; everyday life 3436; industrialization 165; rhythmanalysis 167169

urbanization: Hangzhou case study 240243, 241; Lefebvre’s critique of 76; second critical phase in urban development 263

use-value 238

value creation theory 191

vertical power 7374

“visual turn” in organizational studies 104105, 107

walking as rhythmanalysis 170

Warnes, Sarah 18

waste 46; in public cultural center case study 5657

Weber, Helmut 27

Western Wall, institutionalist analysis of 118125, 120; insights gained from 122; spatialized enactment 123124; spatialized logics 120122, 120; spatialized sensemaking 122123

workplaces: canteen 195; City of London as performative workplace 172177, 175, 176, 177; and eating 207209; and food 207209, 209210; ‘Lunch Beat’ movement in Scandinavia 195196; spatial organization as means of control and domination 191193

workshops, in spacing leadership process 8687, 87

workspace: dwelling 144150, 145, 147, 148; organizational dressage 150154; sharing of food 217219, 218, 219; spatial practices of eating at work 214217

Wright, Frank Lloyd 108

writing style of Lefebvre 3 230n1

Zhang, Zhongyuan 20, 286

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