9 File Storage, Shared Preferences, and SQLite

Chapter Objectives

In this chapter you will:

  Learn about data storage methods.

  Understand use of Shared Preferences.

  Learn how to insert data using key-value pairs.

  Understand File-based Storage.

  Understand the differences between internal storage and external storage.

  Learn how to build applications using SQLite databases.

  9.1 Storing Data

Working with stored data is essential to Android applications. At the most rudimentary level, an application often stores information about a user’s preferences in order to provide a more sophisicated level of personalization and responsiveness. For example, a user can log into and out of an application, and the application will remember the user when the application is relaunched. In addition, users expect to be able to choose settings according to their personal needs (such as specific background sounds and images) and have them automatically persist across user sessions.

Advanced Android applications are frequently data-driven and can require the management of a larger and more complex volume of data. An application can use databases and files to store structured data or information that will be made available to other applications.

Android supports multiple options for storing and accessing data. Choosing the manner in which data are stored depends upon the specific needs of the application, such as the amount of data to be stored and whether the data will be kept private within the application or made accessible to other applications.

The Android platform allows data files to be saved on the device’s internal memory and on an external storage media, such as a Secure Device (SD) card. Files that are saved within the device’s internal storage memory tend to be small, as opposed to external storage, which typically holds larger volume files, such as images.

Internal storage is used most often to store persistent data that can be retrieved when the user accesses the application again. The Android SDK provides SharedPreferences for the most primitive type of data storage, specifically user preferences, to enhance the user’s application experience. A SharedPreferences file is stored internally and managed by the framework. By default, all data stored in internal storage are private to applications, whereas files stored in external storage can be made accessible to other applications.

A network connection or server-side storage is another data storage option on which Android applications can rely. Rather than maintaining information directly on the device, such as SharedPreference, File-Based storage, and SQLite, some applications need to send and access information through the Web and persist it on a server.

This chapter explores storage and access options for Android. This includes SharedPreferences, File-based Storage, the SQLite database, and accessing content from a data provider.

  9.2 Shared Preferences

The term Shared Preferences refers to the storage of a limited set of primitive data used to make persistent changes in an Android application. More specifically, it is a simple way to read and write key-value pairs of data. SharedPreference files are primarily used to store a user’s personal settings and a small amount of application session data.

SharedPreference information is backed up in XML files in internal storage. These data are proprietary and inaccessible to outside applications. Data values can quickly be retrieved each time the application is launched or when an Activity is resumed after being paused.

SharedPreference data supports an intuitive and responsive experience for a user by allowing preference data values to persist automatically throughout sessions, regardless of how they end. This includes the exit of an application, a shutdown of the device, or—in a worst-case scenario—a system crash.

When a user decides to uninstall an application that relies on SharedPreference storage, this data will no longer persist. All SharedPreference information associated with the application will automatically be removed when the application is deleted.

A key-value pair is a data representation model that uses a set of key identifiers along with associated data values. This model is frequently used in hash tables and configuration files. This simple mechanism provides access to a data value or object by specifying its associated key. The SharedPreferences API provides a set of methods for reading and writing key-value pairs to files. This data can be made available at the Activity level or shared across all Activities within the application package. Shared Preferences supports the String data type and most of the Java primitive data types, such as int, float, long, and boolean.

The following code example illustrates how data values can be written to a SharedPreferences file:

Lines 1–3:

To access a new or existing shared preferences file, the method getSharedPreferences() is used. It specifies the name preferences file, “MyPreferences,” and its operating mode. The preferences file named MyPreferences does not yet exist and will therefore be created. The operating mode, MODE_PRIVATE, is used to control permissions. MODE_PRIVATE stores a bit value of 0, which represents the private default operation for SharedPreferences. This value can be stored as a constant.

The object named preferences is established as the SharedPreferences interface for accessing and modifying preference data for MyPreferences.

Line 5:

To write shared preference values to file, an Editor object is required. An Editor is an interface used for modifying values in a SharedPreferences object. Once an Editor has been instantiated, values can be set in the preferences editor.

Lines 6–10:

The methods putString(), putInt(), and putBoolean() will set a value in the preferences editor for a given key. Key names are strings. Values can be Strings or a Java primitive data type.

Line 12:

The call to commit() will perform changes back from the SharedPreferences.Editor.


In the following code example, values are retrieved from the SharedPreferences object, preferences. If the preference value does not exist for the specified key, a default value is returned. The default value is identified by the second argument.


The editor object can mark a preference key-value pair for removal within the SharedPreferences file. Once the key is used to identify which key-value pair is marked for removal, commit() is called to perform the final changes.


All key-value data sets within the shared preferences file can be easily cleared using the clear() method. Once commit() is called, the only remaining preferences will be any key-value pairs that were not defined in the editor object.


  9.3 File Storage—Internal and External Storage

In Android, a File-based Storage option allows data to be written to an actual file structure. This storage method requires more control regarding read-and-write permissions. For example, do you want to allow read-and-write access solely within the context of your application? Or, do you want other applications to be able to read these files as well?

Internal storage allows data to be stored directly onto the device’s memory. This storage is always available, assuming there is space. External storage may not always be obtainable on a device. For example, some devices have removable external storage, such as an SD card, but others do not. This means that if an application attempts to use external storage, it must not assume it exists and should always take the precaution of checking for availability. Android devices are often designed to provide both internal storage and external storage built directly into the device. When external storage is supplied by nonremoveable means, it is technically regarded as internal to the device. It cannot be classified as internal storage, however, because it remains external to the operating system.

There are significant differences in how external and internal storage are utilized in an application. Internal storage files can be configured to be readable and writeable by the application. Typically, internal storage is utilized when processing an image, video and audio elements, and large data files. By default, files saved to internal storage are private to the application. When the user uninstalls the application, the associated internal storage data files are removed.

External storage is publicly shared storage, which means that it can be made available to external applications. For example, a photography application can access photos from the Android photo gallery, allow the user to edit them, and resave them to the gallery, which is outside the context of the application. Unlike internal storage, once an application is uninstalled, external storage files continue to exist.

In the following code example, a FileOutputStream object is used to write data to a file. FileOutputStream is an extension of the OutputStream class, which writes bytes to a file.

Lines 2–3:

The fileOutput object is used to open a file named “myApplicationFile.” If the file does not exist, it will be created. The operating mode for this file is established as MODE_PRIVATE, which means the file is not world-writeable. For nonprivate data, applications should use ContentProvider to allow all other applications to have write access to the created file.

Line 6:

Once data content has been written to the file, the stream is closed by calling close().


Reading from an existing file is performed using a FileInputStream, as shown in the code example below. FileInputStream is an input stream that reads bytes from a file. It is not buffered and therefore it is advisable that callers wrap the stream with a BufferedInputStream.



The external storage directory on a device is media/shared storage, intended to hold a relatively large amount of data that are shared across applications. Prior to using external storage, the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE must be set within the AndroidManifest.xml file. For Android versions KitKat and greater, read access requires the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for applications that do not have preexisting write permission granted.

The mechanism for reading and writing to a file is the same for external storage and internal storage. However, external storage can be present on a device in various configurations. For example, external storage might be a permanent fixture on the device, or it can be available as a removeable disk. The method isExternalStorageRemovable () can be used to check if the storage device can be removed.

Before data are written to or read from external storage, it is important to check whether the storage is available. The method getExternalStorageDirectory() will return the primary external storage directory for the device; however, this directory may not currently be accessible if it has been physically removed from the device or damaged. The method getExternalStorageState() can be called to determine the current state of the external storage for the device, or more specifically to check if the storage is available to read and write. Both of these methods can be used to notify the user with more information when an application needs access.

The following code example illustrates how the availability of external storage on a device can be tested prior to reading and writing content:

Lines 5–6:

Environment.getExternalStorageState() provides access to the variables for the external storage environment.

Lines 8–13:

MEDIA_MOUNTED indicates the external storage is present and mounted with read/write access.

Lines 14–20:

MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY indicates a mount point with read-only access.

Lines 21–25:

There is no indication that external storage exists for either read or write access.



  9.4 Android Database with SQLite

Many Android applications require the storage of complex data structured as a relational database. For example, a bird-watching application may allow users to keep track of details and the specific locations of birds they have viewed. To store intricately structured data, a database is essential.

SQLite provides the foundation for managing private and embedded databases in an Android application. The Android SDK includes the SQLite software library that implements the SQL (Structured Query Language) database engine. This library is used for defining the database structure and adding and managing the database content as required by the application. The Android SDK also includes an SQLite database tool for explicit database debugging purposes.

As a condensed version of SQL, SQLite supports the standard SQL syntax and database transactions. Although SQLite is not a full-featured database, it supports a large set of the SQL standard and is sufficient for Android developers needing a simple database engine to plug into their applications. The advantage of using SQLite for Android development is its compact code footprint and efficient use of memory, even for large projects with complex data structures. It is meant for serious applications; however, it is not suitable for large databases or applications that produce a large volume of transactions.

SQLite is a complete relational database engine, which means that an Android application can access content using high-level queries. In this environment, a database is implemented as a largely self-contained file. For example, a database file stores all the contents of the database and contains indices, triggers, and any metadata needed by SQLite. It requires minimal support from external libraries or from the Android operating system. The implementation of a database file will be accessible by name to any class in the application, but not outside the application.

SQLite differs from conventional database systems in that it does not require a server. This means that data can be easily read from and written to a file without requiring server interprocess communication. No additional programs or components are required for SQLite to run. SQLite is imported into an application as a library, android. database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase. All database operations are handled by the application using methods provided by the SQLite library.

An SQLite database file is a collection of data organized in a table. The SQLite database table is structured by a set of rows and columns. A row represents a single record, the implicitly structured data entry in the table. A column represents a data field, an attribute of a data record. A field is a single item that exists at the intersection between one row and one column.

The possible data types for an individual field of data consist of NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, and BLOB. BLOB is a data type used to store a large array of binary data (bytes). SQLite does not provide specific data storage classes for values that need to be represented as Boolean, date, or time. Instead, these values can be stored as an INTEGER or TEXT. For example, a Boolean value can be stored as an INTEGER data type with 0 for false and 1 for true. Dates and times have a more complicated format and can therefore be stored as TEXT values. A string arrangement can be configured, such as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS,” to represent a specific time/date format.

Consider the construction of a database table required to store information about individual students. Defining a database table structure means specifying field names, assigning data types, and applying various constraints on fields. The students’ table will be defined to hold the following fields: _id, name, gender, year_born, and gpa. The id field represents the primary key for the table. SQLite will produce an error when an attempt is made to insert a table row with an id value that already exists. The formal declaration of how the database is organized is called the schema.

Table 9-1 shows an outline for the students’ database table schema as follows. An AUTOINCREMENT key will be used to create a value for the id field automatically when a new row is inserted without a specific id value. The UNIQUE key attribute can be used to prohibit duplicate values from being inserted into a given table column. The ‘NOT NULL’ key will prohibit empty values from being inserted into a table column.

TABLE 9-1 Students’ Database Table Schema

Table: students


Column Names

Data Type















SQLite statements are divided into two categories: data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML). DDL statements are used to build and modify the structure of a database table. DML is used to query and update data. The following DDL statement is used to create the students’ database table. CREATE is used to create the table and define its structure, which includes field names, assigned data types, and key constraints.


The SQLite INSERT INTO statement is used to add new rows of data into a table in the database. The code example below illustrates two methods used for INSERT. The set of statements will create seven records in the students’ database table.

Lines 1–6:

When values for all columns within a record will be added, it is not necessary to specify the column identifier names. The INSERT statements shown within these lines will supply column values in sequence.

Lines 9–10:

When inserting a row containing values for a select set of columns, the VALUES keyword is required in an INSERT statement. The INSERT statement shown in this example will omit the _id column. The _id column is defined as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. Such columns are auto-incremented in SQLite.


The SELECT statement is used to query data from a database table. In the following code example, the SELECT statement uses the asterisk symbol in its syntax to include all column table values in the table.


The results of the above statement will select all the records in the table, as shown by the following record listing.


A limited set of column values can be accessed in a SELECT statement. In the SELECT statement shown below, the column values stored in name and gender will be fetched.


The results of the above statement will be the following record listing:



Bill Jones


John Chavez


Carol Wan


Liz Til


Bon Bon


Frank Seep


Elise Jack


A WHERE clause can be added to a SELECT statement to restrict records being fetched. In the SELECT statement shown below, only records that meet the criteria specified by gender = ‘F’will be selected.


The results of the above statement will be the following record listing:



Carol Wan


Liz Til


Elise Jack


The DELETE statement is used to delete data from a table. The SQLite instruction shown below uses the WHERE clause with DELETE to eliminate the row containing the value 1 for _id.


The UPDATE statement is used to modify data within a table record. The SQLite instruction shown below uses the SET keyword to specify the column value to be altered and the WHERE keyword to identify the specific record to be changed.


  9.5 SQLiteOpenHelper

The Android SDK provides a set of classes for working with SQLite databases. One important class is SQLiteOpenHelper, which is essential for the creation and management of database content, as well as database versioning.

In an Android SQLite application, SQLiteOpenHelper must be subclassed. In addition, it must contain the implementation of onCreate() and onUpgrade(). The objective of onCreate() is to assume the responsibility for creating the database and opening it, or just opening it if it already exists. The purpose of onUpgrade() is to perform an upgrade of the database if necessary.

The onCreate() method is called when the database is created for the first time. The code segment below illustrates the construction of a database table named myTable. On Lines 2–9, the schema for myTable is built with seven attributes, including the unique identifier, KEY_ID. Each of the column names is stored as a string. For example, KEY_ID is used to hold the string “_id.” The underscore in _id is a common convention for a primary key and will be used in this text.

On Line 11, the execSQL() method is used to execute a direct SQL statement. This SQL statement is stored as a text string, instruction, which was assembled on Lines 2–9.

It is considered good practice to create each database table in a separate class within the onCreate() and onUpdate() methods.


SQLiteOpenHelper uses the methods getReadableDatabase() and getWriteableDatabase() to provide access to an SQLiteDatabase object. The database object will allow access in read or write mode.

There are several methods for inserting data into a table. A common method is to construct the content of a table record using a ContentValues object. The following code segment illustrates how a table record can be written to a database in writeable mode. A ContentValues object named values is first instantiated. Initially, it will consist of no content. Key-value pairs can be added to the ContentValues object using the put() method. Once all table column values have been added, the ContentValues object, which represents a record, can be inserted into the database. Line 16 shows the complete set of values added to the table using an insert() method. The close() method releases the reference to the table object in writeable mode and closes the object.



A second approach to inserting a record into a database table is to construct an SQLite INSERT statement and then execute it. In the code example below, the INSERT statement is stored in the string named insertStm. This statement is constructed on Lines 5–18. The execSQL() method will execute the string that stores the SQL statement.

When inserting a row into a database table, developers often prefer the use of ContentValues. The main reason is that it returns a −1 when an error has occurred. The execSQL() method is a void method and unable to provide feedback.


Database queries can be created using the rawQuery() or query() method. As shown in the following example, rawQuery() executes an SQL instruction and returns a result set produced by the query. This instruction is assembled as a string value.

The code shown on Lines 3–4 is used to illustrate how a Cursor object can provide read-write access to the result set of records returned by the query. The Cursor object is first positioned at the first record in the result set and then sequentially moves to subsequent records.


The query() method, shown in the code below, will query a given table and return a Cursor object over the result set. Filtering, ordering, and limits can be set directly from the arguments. Note that the second argument of the query() method is used to supply a list of the columns that will be returned in the result set.


  Lab Example 9-1: SQLite Database Experiment ToDo Today Application

The application built in this lab example is a database experiment that will evolve into a full application in Lab Example 9-2. The application, ToDo Today, is inspired by to-do lists and allows users to build and manage a list of tasks that need to be completed. In this version of ToDo Today, users can create a short-term task list: tasks that can be completed in a single day. For example, the user can build a task list in the morning and check off tasks as they are successfully completed by the end of the day. On the following day, the previous day’s tasks are cleared away and a new set of tasks is placed on the list. Figure 9-1 shows such a list.


images  FIGURE 9-1 To-do tasks that can be completed in a single day.

This lab example is a first look at the use of SQLite for storing, managing, and accessing data in an application. ToDo Today requires structured data that will be embedded into the application. The objective of this lab example is to build a database and explore SQLite’s transactional statements.

Part 1: The Design

An SQLite database is stored as a single file. This file will contain a database table consisting of columns that form the schema of the table, as well as rows that store the data values. The name of the database file will be toDo_Today.

The toDo_Today database will contain a single table, toDo_Items, for storing each task item entered by the user.

The schema for the database table will use the INTEGER and TEXT data types. The primary key, the unique identifier for each task item in the database table, will be stored as an INTEGER and will be specified by the identifier _id.

A ToDo task description is stored in the column named description. Once a user has specified that a task has been completed, this action will be denoted by a value in the table column named is_done. The column labeled is_done is meant to store a Boolean value, true or false. SQLite does not have a separate Boolean storage class. Instead, Boolean values must be stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true).

The complete database schema for the ToDo Today application is shown as follows:

Database: toDo_Today Table: toDo_Items


Column Names

Data Type




Primary Key







Part 2: Application Structure and Setup

The settings for the application are as follows:

  Application Name:

ToDo Today

  Project Name:


  Package Name:


  Android Form:

Phone and Tablet

  Minimum SDK:

API 18: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean)

  Target SDK:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Compile with:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Activity Name:


  Layout Name:


The project structure for the application is shown in Figure 9-2. This structure contains three Java source files. The activity for the class is MainActivity. The ToDo_Item class models a single ToDo item placed on the list. DBHelper will provide the database management support. As an experimental application, this project will not use an XML layout.


images  FIGURE 9-2 The ToDo Today application project structure.

Part 3: The ToDo_Item class

The ToDo_Item class provides the data attributes for each task on the list. These include the description of the task and the completion status: is_done. The Java code for ToDo_Item is shown as follows:



Part 4: The DBHelper Class

By default, SQLite on Android does not have a management interface. DBHelper.java will be written to build and manage the toDo_Today database. This Java class will provide methods for handling all database operations: create, read, update, and delete.

Line 6:

SQLiteDatabase is the base class for working with an SQLite database.

Line 7:

SQLiteOpenHelper is a helper base class that will support the database creation and version management.

Line 11:

DBHelper is a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper. It will override the implementation of onCreate() and onUpgrade(). Additionally, this class will provide database operations for adding, editing, deleting, and reporting records in the database.

Line 14:

The first version number of the database must begin at 1. The version number will be used to upgrade the database if the schema has been updated.

Lines 31–38:

onCreate() is called when the database is created for the first time. The creation of the database and the database table is performed with the execution of a single SQL statement.

Lines 41–46:

Alterations to a database are performed by onUpgrade(). A database is upgraded when the schema is altered. This includes adding new tables, removing existing tables, or changing column data types. The method, onUpgrade(), is inherited from SQLiteOpenHelper class and therefore must be overridden. This method is invoked when the version number specified in the constructor of the class changes. When a database is altered, a new version number must be supplied to the constructor of the class.



SQLiteDatabase provides methods for accessing database content. Database operations, such as adding new data elements and deleting data records, can be performed using these access methods.

Line 51:

The database is opened for writing. Once opened, the database is cached. getWritableDatabase() must be called each time prior to writing to the database.

Line 52:

An empty set of content values is created. Key-value pairs will be added to this ContentValue object, which will eventually be inserted into the database.

Lines 54–63:

The ToDo task information is added to the ContentValue object.

Line 66:

A data row is inserted into the database table. The insert () method specifies the database table and the ContentValue object of the data row.

The null value in the insert method call is used to represent a nullColumnHack value. By default, SQL does not allow the insertion of a completely empty row. However, if nullColumnHack specifies a column name, the parameter can be used to explicitly insert null content.

Line 69:

Once the writing activity has concluded, the method close() is called.

Lines 80–83:

During an editTaskItem process, the method update() is called to update the data content of a record in the database. This method is provided with the name of the database table, a new set of content values, and a whereClause. The whereClause is just the string value that specified the location of the record.

Lines 90–95:

A Cursor provides read-write access to the result set returned by a database query.

Lines 101–105:

The Cursor object is used to return the value of the requested columns. These columns are specified as indices [0], [1], and [2].

Lines 129–142:

A Cursor object is used to collect each row in the table. The cursor is positioned on the first row by calling moveToFirst().




Part 5: MainActivity Class

MyActivity is the controller for the application, as well as the test file that performs the database experiments. These experiments will consist of the following:

Experiment 1:

Create the database structure. Add the following five ToDo task items to the database and display the records in the LogCat window.


Experiment 2:

Modify the first record of the database. Replace “Read Hamlet” with “Read newspaper.”

Experiment 3:

Display the second record of the database in the LogCat window.

Experiment 4:

Delete the “Buy a dog” record from the database. Display all the records in the LogCat window.

The Java code for MyActivity is shown as follows:



The output produced by a test run of the application is shown in Figure 9-3.


images  FIGURE 9-3 The result sets produced by a test run of the database experiment.

  9.6 Adapters and AdapterViews

An Adapter object is a mechanism that binds a data source, such as a database, to an AdapterView. An AdapterView is a container widget that is populated by a data source, determined by an Adapter. Common AdapterViews are ListViews, GridViews, and Spinners.

Figure 9-4 illustrates the process of populating an AdapterView with items from a data source. The data source in this example is a database containing cities in California. The individual items from the data source are converted into a View and then added to and displayed inside the AdapterView. The AdapterView in this example is a ListView.

In this manner, the Adapter object behaves as an intermediary between the data source and the AdapterView layout. The Adapter retrieves the data from the data source and dynamically adds it to the AdapterView.

A ListView is often at the heart of data-driven applications. A ListView is an AdapterView that provides a simple approach for an application to display a scrolling list of records. These records can be displayed with a default format, using a built-in style, or customized extensively.


images  FIGURE 9-4 An Adapter object binds a data source to an AdapterView.

As an AdapterView, a ListView object requires an Adapter to provide it with data. A ListView consists of a collection of sequential items. As shown in Figure 9-5, each item is a visual representation of a data record in a list. Each record item is placed into an independent View. The View elements on the left are shown as default views defined by a resource file. The items on the right are designed with a simplified custom layout.

When a ListView is populated with many records, a fast-scrolling feature can be enabled and customized to help the user better navigate the list of data. For example, when scrolling through long lists, an index can be displayed indicating the location currently being viewed within the layout.

Consider the example shown in Figure 9-6. An AdapterView is populated with data collected from a data source. The AdapterView in this example is a ListView. The data source is a String array holding the names of dessert items. An ArrayAdapter is the object mechanism that performs the task of filling the ListView with a View object for each dessert item. In addition, the dessert View objects are made clickable to display general facts, such as name and index value, in a Toast popup.


images  FIGURE 9-5 A List can be a default format or a custom-built layout.


images  FIGURE 9-6 An AdapterView is populated from data.

The following Java code shows the creation of the Adapter and the setOnItemClickListener() assignment to each of the dessert items in the list.

Task 1:

A ListView UI component has been placed on the layout associated with this Activity. It is referenced by adapterView.

Task 2:

The data source is an array, dessertData. Each dessert item is stored in the array as a string element.

Task 3:

An Adapter object is defined and provided with information, such as the name of the AdapterView it will populate, the name of the View element that will hold an individual item object, and the data source.

It should be noted that there are two types of Adapters: ArrayAdapter and CursorAdapter. In this example, an ArrayAdapter is used because it configures well with arrays and ArrayLists. The CursorAdapter can be used when binding data from a private SQLite database.

A layout resource will be used to instantiate the View objects that will populate the ListView. For example, the string “cake” will reside in a View layout that will be added to the ListView. In this example, the layout named record_item.xml has been designed to hold a TextView, which will eventually store the name of a dessert. The id of the TextView has been set to R.id.dessert. The last argument, on Line 21, identifies the data source, dessertData.

Task 4:

The adapter is assigned to the ListView object by calling the method setAdapter(). The ListView object is now populated with data from the specified data source. At this point, all of the desserts will appear in the ListView.

Task 5:

Click listeners are applied to each of the items stored in the ListView. AdapterView is a view whose children are determined by an Adapter.



  Lab Example 9-2: ToDo Today—The Complete Application

This lab example presents the complete ToDo Today application. As with the previous version of the application from Lab Example 9-1, the SQLite datatabase table toDo_Items will be used, along with the DBHelper class for creating and managing the data content. The main features added to this version of the application will be the user interface and the mechanism for listing the interactive items on the screen. The objective of this lab example is to explore the link between SQLite data files, Adapters, and AdapterViews.

Part 1: The Design

The user interface for the application, TODO Today II, will allow the user to add ToDo items to a scrollable list of items one at a time. An ADD ToDo ITEM button will display the entered item at the bottom of the list seen on the screen. In addition, this item will be added as a row to the database table.

Figure 9-7 shows the application after five ToDo items have been added to the database. Each ToDo item is displayed alongside a checkbox. Users will use the checkbox to indicate whether a task has been completed. A second button, CLEAR ALL ToDoS, will allow the user to clear all stored records in the database. Because the list on the screen is linked directly to the database table, its scrollable content will be deleted.


images  FIGURE 9-7 The ToDo Today II application.

Part 2: Application Structure and Setup

The settings for the application are as follows:

  Application Name:

ToDo Today II

  Project Name:


  Package Name:


  Android Form:

Phone and Tablet

  Minimum SDK:

API 18: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean)

  Target SDK:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Compile with:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Activity Name:


  Layout Name:


The structure for the final application is shown in Figure 9-8. In addition to the ToDo_Item class, the DBHelper class, and the MainActivity, a layout file characterizing a single View of the ToDo item will be required. The layout file named todo_item.xml will be used to embody this View. As an interactive list item, it will provide the checkbox UI component.


images  FIGURE 9-8 Final project structure for ToDo Today II application.

A portrait orientation of the screen is specified in AndroidManifest.xml. The single activity of the application is specified on Lines 10 through 20. The complete XML for AndroidManifest.xml is shown as follows:



Part 3: The User Interface

The ToDo Today II application uses values from the strings.xml file to store static button labels used by the layout associated with MainActivity. Color resources are defined to visually partition the screen and make the application easier to navigate. The XML code for these two files is shown as follows:




The user interface for the application is activity_main.xml. This layout file places UI objects relative to each other on the screen within a RelativeLayout root element. Within this root element are two main containers: RelativeLayout and ListView. The hierarchical layout structure is shown in Figure 9-9.

The controls for the application are placed in the RelativeLayout, named relativeLayout1. This consists of an EditText for ToDo item entries and buttons for adding and removing items.

The second container in the user interface is a ListView, named listView1. This component is the AdapterView that will be linked to the database table.


images  FIGURE 9-9 The layout structure for activity_main.xml.

The two buttons, located in the relativeLayout1 container, are assigned onClick event handlers. The complete XML code for activity_main.xml is shown as follows:



Part 4: A Single Table Record Layout: todo_item.xml

ToDo items are added to the scrollable ListView by inflating a View. This View will be defined by the layout todo_item.xml. This View will be displayed as the item in the list.

To simplify the construction of this layout, a simple CheckBox widget will be used for both the text element of the ToDo item and the checkbox. The layout structure for todo_item.xml is shown in Figure 9-10.

The complete XML code for todo_item.xml is shown as follows. The CheckBox identifier, chkStatus, will be used to update the database automatically when an onClick() event occurs on the checkbox.




images  FIGURE 9-10 The todo_item.xml layout design for a single ToDo item.

Part 5: Revised Version of DBHelper.java

The DBHelper class will perform similarly to the class designed for the first version of the application. The database table will be contructed using the following schema. In this schema, the _id column will be typeset as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT.

Database table: toDo_Items

Column Names

Data Type







The database operation for adding an individual record to the database table will remain relatively the same as the previous version.

Lines 77–101:

The method getAllTasks() will be used by the main activity of the application to collect the list of ToDo tasks. A List-Adapter can maintain the data backing this list and produce a view to display that data set.

The two new methods added to the class are clearAll() and updateTask().

Lines 103–109:

The method clearAll() performs two tasks. First, the items located on the List structure are cleared. Second, the complete set of records in the database is cleared.

Line 107:

The database is made available for writing.

Line 108:

The delete() method is called to delete rows from the database table. By passing a null value to the WHERE class, indicated by the second parameter, all rows will be deleted.

Lines 112–122:

The updateTask() method uses ContentValues to add a row of data to the database table.





Part 6: The Activity for the Application

MainActivity serves as the controller of the application. It will regulate the flow of data between the elements in the layout and the data content stored in the database, and it will respond to user actions.

A custom Adapter class, MyAdapter, will be used to populate the user interface screen layout with data from the database. MyAdapter is written as an extension of the ArrayAdapter.

The Java code for MainActivity is shown below:

Lines 28–39:

The onCreate() callback method will perform three tasks. The first task is to launch the layout containing the EditText, add and clear buttons, and the scrollable ListView, used to store the ToDo data content. The second task will establish the reference to the input element, allowing the user to input the ToDo item.

The final task performed by onCreate() is the setup of the initial database.

Lines 41–48:

The onResume() callback method will populate the ListView with ToDo task items, gathered from the database. An Adapter object, instantiated from MyAdapter, is defined and given the name of the AdapterView it will populate with data. This adapter is assigned to the listTask object, the ListView UI placed on the layout.

Lines 50–70:

The onClick event registered to the ADD button is implemented in addTaskNow(). The description of the ToDo task is collected from the EditText referenced by myTask. If an empty error has not occurred, the task is added to the database. The adapter object is used to add the item to the ListView.

The call to notifyDataSetChanged() will notify any attached observers that data has been changed in the database. This means that any AdapterView displaying the data set can refresh itself.

Lines 72–76:

The CLEAR button, located on the layout, will trigger the onClick event handler clearTasks(). All ToDo tasks are deleted from the database. The call to notifyDataSet-Changed() will notify the attached AdapterView that data has been changed and it can reflect the changes in the ListView display.

Lines 78–87:

The MyAdapter() class is a custom ArrayAdapter. This class provides a resource id to reference the layout named todo_item.xml. The constructor parameters consist of the current context, the resource ID for the layout file containing the ToDo item, and the ListView. The layout will be used for instantiating views containing data. The final parameter object representing the ListView will display the collection of ToDo items.

Lines 89–136:

The getView() method defines and inflates individual ToDo items to be displayed in the ListView. Each of these inflated views is registered as clickable. This allows the user to specify the status of the ToDo task. If the user has completed a ToDo task, a check symbol will appear in the checkbox.

When an onClick() event is triggered for a ToDo item, the database helper object will update the data stored in the database.





  Lab Example 9-3: Pet Contacts

Applications that store and manage contact information can help organizations, businesses, and the general user to work with customers, members, and other people. The Pet Contacts application, as shown in Figure 9-11, is a simplified look at how to incorporate database elements, along with data collected from externally stored files.

Part 1: The Design

Pet Contacts is designed as a veterinarian tool to record patient data. Along with information about the pet’s name, health condition, and owner’s phone number, an image can be added to the contact sheet. More specifically, a photo of the pet will be retrieved from the Camera/Gallery and added to the database.

The SQLite database will be designed as follows:





Table Column Names

Data Type












images  FIGURE 9-11 Pet Contacts application.

Part 2: Application Structure and Setup

The settings for the application are as follows:

  Application Name:

Pet Contacts

  Project Name:


  Package Name:


  Android Form:

Phone and Tablet

  Minimum SDK:

API 18: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean)

  Target SDK:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Compile with:

API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop)

  Activity Name:


  Layout Name:


The launcher is set to the Android default ic_launcher.png file. The project structure, shown in Figure 9-12, contains three Java source files and two layout files. Pet objects are modeled by the Pet class. As pet contacts are displayed on the screen, they are visually constructed using the layout named listview_item.xml.

MainActivity is the controller of the application, and its associated user interface layout is activity_main.xml. As with previous lab examples, DBHelper is responsible for database management.

The none.png file is used as a default image when a photo is not found.


images  FIGURE 9-12 The project structure for the Pet Contacts application.

Applications that declare WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission are implicitly granted READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. The Pet Contacts application will not require or request write permission. Because read permission is not implied using WRITE, the <uses-permission> for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is specified.

The manifest file identifies MainActivity as the sole activity for the application. No other activities are started by this activity or will be used by the application. The orientation for the main activity is set to portrait. The complete XML code for AndroidManifest.xml is shown as follows:


Part 3: The User Interface

The Pet Contacts application uses values from the strings.xml file to store titles and button labels used by the layout associated with MainActivity. The XML code for strings.xml and colors.xml is shown as follows:


The user interface for the application is designed in the activity_main.xml layout. This layout file uses a RelativeLayout root element and relies on one of two possible displays identified by a TabHost. A TabHost is a container for a tabbed window View. This object holds two children: a set of tab labels that the user clicks to select a specific tab, and a FrameLayout object that displays the contents of that page.

As shown in Figure 9-13, the tab labels appear at the top of the screen. When the application is executing, the first label reads “ADD PET INFORMATION.” When this tab is activated, the FrameLayout object displays the content from the Relative-Layout container named tabInfo. The content consists of a set of widgets for the user to enter pet information, such as a pet name, phone number of the owner, and a photo.

When the tab for VIEW ALL PETS is activated, the FrameLayout object displays content from the RelativeLayout container named tabList. The content for this tab component is a ListView that displays a scrollable list of all available pet contact information.


images  FIGURE 9-13 The User Interface structure for Pet Contacts application. The complete XML code for activity_main.xml is shown as follows:

The complete XML code for activity_main.xml is shown as follows:





Part 4: The listview_item Layout

Each pet contact record is added to the scrollable ListView by inflating a listView_item.xml for each record added to the list of contacts.


images  FIGURE 9-14 Pet contact record appears as a layout using listview_item.xml.

The construction of this layout is shown in Figure 9-14. The LinearLayout root element simplifies the structure, which contains an ImageView and a nested LinearLayout. This design allows the photo of a pet to appear on the left side of the record and the name, details, and phone number for the pet’s owner to appear on the right.

The XML code for listview_item.xml is as follows:


Part 5: The Pet Data Model

The Pet class is used to model a pet object. This class corresponds with the columns in the SQLite database table. The photo for the pet is stored as a uniform resource identifier, URI.


Part 6: The DBHelper for the Application

The database table will be contructed using the schema identified in Part 1 of this lab example. In this schema, the _id column will be typeset as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT. The Java code for DBHelper is shown as follows:





Part 7: The Application Controller–MainActivity

MainActivity serves as the controller of the application. It allows the user to choose one of two tab activities: (1) add a new pet contact to the database, or (2) list all the pet contacts in the database.

An ArrayAdapter will be used to populate the list of contacts displayed when the VIEW ALL PETS tab is active.

The Java code for MainActivity is shown as follows:

Lines 45–46:

A default image will be assigned to pet contacts that do not have a photograph. The none.png drawable is located by its path:


Line 57:

A TabHost container for the tabbed window view is declared. The content for its action tabs will be set in the onCreate() callback method.



The onCreate() callback method will perform the initialization for the application. This includes instantiating a DBHelper object to establish the database schema, inflating the activity’s user interface layout, referencing widgets in the UI, and installing the action tabs.

Lines 68–74:

The widgets for the tab container to ADD PET INFORMATION are referenced.

Lines 75:

The widget for the tab container to VIEW ALL PETS is referenced. This widget is a ListView that will display the records stored in the database.

Lines 79–91:

A simple approach to allowing the user to delete a contact is to register a context menu for the items in a ListView. The context menu simplifies a navigation system by appearing only when the user performs a long-click gesture (a click followed by a hold).

The method call registerForContextMenu() will register a context menu to be shown for the given pet contact element. This method will set the View.OnCreateContext-MenuListener on the view to this activity, so onCreate-ContextMenu(ContextMenu, View, ContextMenu-Info) will be called when it is time to show the context menu.

The specific pet contact is identified by an index position, shown on Line 88.

Lines 94–96:

The TabHost container is located on the activity_main.xml layout. setup() is called before adding tab information.

Lines 97–101:

The action tab for ADD PET INFORMATION is initialized. Each tag is assigned the information as follows:

1.  Tab indicator: Specified by its initial label.

2.  Tab content: Specified by the id of the View.

3.  Tab tag spec: A tag name. For example, “information” is the tag name used for the ADD PET INFORMATION tag.

Lines 103–106:

The action tab for VIEW ALL PETS is initialized.




Lines 142–154:

An OnClickListener callback is defined: getPhoto-FromGallery. This callback is invoked when the Image-View representing a photo of the pet is clicked. An Intent is used to launch an activity to select a photo image from the gallery. By calling the method setType(), an explicit intent is created to return an image.

Note: The onActivityResult() method on Lines 232–242 will return a photo selected from the photo gallery.

Lines 157–189:

An OnClickListener callback is defined: record-PetInformation. When this callback is triggered, a pet contact record is added to the database and displayed in the ListView on the screen. If the contact already exists, an error message is displayed as a Toast pop-up.



Lines 192–202:

onCreateContextMenu() is called when a context menu for the pet contact View is about to be shown. Context menu attributes, such as an icon and header title are set. A single menu item, DELETE (Delete Contact), is placed on the context menu.

Lines 204–211:

onContextItemSelected() is called when an item in a context menu is selected. In this simple application, only one item was added to the context menu, DELETE.

The index of the record to be deleted is identified and the row is removed from the database table. The ArrayAdapter calls its member method notifyDataSetChanged() to notify the attached ListView that the underlying data has been changed and should refresh itself.


Lines 238–241:

populateList() is called to bind the data associated with the ArrayAdapter to the ListView.

Lines 243–275:

The ContactListAdapter() class is a custom ArrayAdapter. This class provides a resource id to reference the layout named listview_item.xml.

The constructor parameters consist of the current context, the layout resource ID for a pet contact item, and the ListView. The pet contact item layout will be used when instantiating layout views containing contact data.




9.1  Briefly describe three scenarios for data storage suitable for SharedPreferences.

9.2  Briefly describe what can happen when information entered by a user is not persisted.

9.3  Briefly describe the characteristics of the following storage options.

a.  SharedPreferences

b.  File-based Storage

c.  SQLite

9.4  What type of data storage would you choose for saving your favorite recipes?

a.  SharedPreferences

b.  File-based Storage

c.  SQLite

9.5  True or False. Files saved into external storage can be configured for deletion or long-term storage on a device when the application is removed.

9.6  True or False. An SD card is always available as external storage on an Android device.

9.7  True or False. Data saved to internal storage will be available after an application is uninstalled from a device.

9.8  True or False. Internal storage is always available, assuming there is space.

9.9  True or False. By default, files saved to internal storage cannot be viewed by other applications.

9.10  Which of the following primitive data types is not supported by SharedPreferences?

a.  Int

b.  Double

c.  Float

d.  Boolean

9.11  Which of the following data types is not supported by SQLite?

a.  TEXT

b.  REAL

c.  BLOB

d.  DATE

9.12  Which SQLite data type can be used to store a date or time value?


b.  REAL

c.  TEXT

d.  All of the above

9.13  When an image data is stored in SQLite, what value type will typically be used?

a.  REAL

b.  BLOB

c.  DATE

9.14  True or False. SharedPreferences support many collections of key-value pairs.

9.15  Which of the following is not an operation in SQLite?




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