Managing Security Operations

This chapter presents the following:

• Foundational security operations concepts

• Change management processes

• Configuration management

• Resource protection

• Patch and vulnerability management

• Physical security management

• Personnel safety and security

Management is keeping the trains running on time.

—Andy Dunn

Security operations is a broad field, but the image that comes to many of our minds when we hear the term is a security operations center (SOC) where analysts, threat hunters, and incident responders fight off cyberthreats day in and day out. That is, in fact, an important aspect of security operations, but it isn’t the complete scope. A lot of other work goes into ensuring our spaces are protected, our systems are optimized, and our people are doing the right things. This chapter covers many of the issues that we, as security leaders, must tackle to create a secure operational environment for our organizations. Security operations is the business of managing security. It may not be as exciting as hunting down a threat actor in real time, but it is just as important.

Foundational Security Operations Concepts

Security operations revolves around people much more than around computers and networks. A good chunk of our jobs as CISSPs is to lead security teams who prevent teams of attackers from causing us harm; our computers and networks are just the battlefields on which these groups fight each other. Sometimes, it is our own teammates who can become the enemy, either deliberately or through carelessness. So, we can’t really manage security operations without first understanding the roles we need our teammates to fill and the ways in which we keep the people filling those roles honest.

Table 20-1 shows some of the common IT and security roles within organizations and their corresponding job definitions. Each role needs to have a completed and well-defined job description. Security personnel should use these job descriptions when assigning access rights and permissions in order to ensure that individuals have access only to those resources needed to carry out their tasks.


Table 20-1 Roles and Associated Tasks

Table 20-1 contains just a few roles with a few tasks per role. Organizations should create a complete list of roles used within their environment, with each role’s associated tasks and responsibilities. This should then be used by data owners and security personnel when determining who should have access to specific resources and the type of access. A clear and unambiguous understanding of roles and responsibilities across the organization is critical to managing security. Without it, ensuring that everyone has the right access they need for their jobs, and no more, becomes very difficult. In the sections that follow we look at other foundational concepts we all need to be able to apply to our security operations.


Users’ access to resources must be limited and properly controlled to ensure that excessive privileges do not provide the opportunity to cause damage to an organization and its resources. Users’ access attempts and activities while using a resource need to be properly monitored, audited, and logged. The individual user ID needs to be included in the audit logs to enforce individual responsibility. Each user should understand his responsibility when using organizational resources and be accountable for his actions.

Capturing and monitoring audit logs helps determine if a violation has actually occurred or if system and software reconfiguration is needed to better capture only the activities that fall outside of established boundaries. If user activities were not captured and reviewed, it would be very hard to determine if users have excessive privileges or if there has been unauthorized access.

Auditing needs to take place in a routine manner. Also, security analysts and managers need to review audit and log events. If no one routinely looks at the output, there really is no reason to create logs. Audit and function logs often contain too much cryptic or mundane information to be interpreted manually. This is why products and services are available that parse logs for organizations and report important findings. Logs should be monitored and reviewed, through either manual or automatic methods, to uncover suspicious activity and to identify an environment that is shifting away from its original baselines. This is how administrators can be warned of many problems before they become too big and out of control.

When reviewing events, administrators need to ask certain questions that pertain to the users, their actions, and the current level of security and access:

Are users accessing information and performing tasks that are not necessary for their job description? The answer indicates whether users’ rights and permissions need to be reevaluated and possibly modified.

Are repetitive mistakes being made? The answer indicates whether users need to have further training.

Do too many users have rights and privileges to sensitive or restricted data or resources? The answer indicates whether access rights to the data and resources need to be reevaluated, whether the number of individuals accessing them needs to be reduced, and/or whether the extent of their access rights should be modified.

Need-to-Know/Least Privilege

Least privilege (one of the secure design principles introduced in Chapter 9) means an individual should have just enough permissions and rights to fulfill her role in the organization and no more. If an individual has excessive permissions and rights, it could open the door to abuse of access and put the organization at more risk than is necessary. For example, if Dusty is a technical writer for a company, he does not necessarily need to have access to the company’s source code. So, the mechanisms that control Dusty’s access to resources should not let him access source code.

Another way to protect resources is enforcing need to know, which means we must first establish that an individual has a legitimate, job role–related need for a given resource. Least privilege and need to know have a symbiotic relationship. Each user should have a need to know about the resources that she is allowed to access. If Mikela does not have a need to know how much the company paid last year in taxes, then her system rights should not include access to these files, which would be an example of exercising least privilege. The use of identity management software that combines traditional directories; access control systems; and user provisioning within servers, applications, and systems is becoming the norm within organizations. This software provides the capabilities to ensure that only specific access privileges are granted to specific users, and it often includes advanced audit functions that can be used to verify compliance with legal and regulatory directives.

Separation of Duties and Responsibilities

The objective of separation of duties (another of the secure design principles introduced in Chapter 9) is to ensure that one person acting alone cannot compromise the organization’s security in any way. High-risk activities should be broken up into different parts and distributed to different individuals or departments. That way, the organization does not need to put a dangerously high level of trust in certain individuals. For fraud to take place, collusion would need to be committed, meaning more than one person would have to be involved in the fraudulent activity. Separation of duties, therefore, is a preventive measure that requires collusion to occur for someone to commit an act that is against policy.

Separation of duties helps prevent mistakes and minimize conflicts of interest that can take place if one person is performing a task from beginning to end. For instance, a programmer should not be the only one to test her own code. Another person with a different job and agenda should perform functionality and integrity testing on the programmer’s code, because the programmer may have a focused view of what the program is supposed to accomplish and thus may test only certain functions and input values, and only in certain environments.

Another example of separation of duties is the difference between the functions of a computer user and the functions of a security administrator. There must be clear-cut lines drawn between system administrator duties and computer user duties. These will vary from environment to environment and will depend on the level of security required within the environment. System and security administrators usually have the responsibility of installing and configuring software, performing backups and recovery procedures, setting permissions, adding and removing users, and developing user profiles. The computer user, on the other hand, may set or change passwords, create/edit/delete files, alter desktop configurations, and modify certain system parameters. The user should not be able to modify her own security profile, add and remove users globally, or make critical access decisions pertaining to network resources. This would breach the concept of separation of duties.

Privileged Account Management

Separation of duties also points to the need for privileged account management processes that formally enforce the principle of least privilege. A privileged account is one with elevated rights. When we hear this term, we usually think of system administrators, but it is important to consider that privileges often are gradually attached to user accounts for legitimate reasons but never reviewed again to see if they’re still needed. In some cases, regular users end up racking up significant (and risky) permissions without anyone being aware of it (known as authorization creep).

More commonly, you will hear this concept under the label of privileged account management (PAM) because many organizations have very granular, role-based access controls. PAM consists of the policies and technologies used by an organization to control elevated (or privileged) access to any asset. It consists of processes for addressing the needs for individual elevated privileges, periodically reviewing those needs, reducing them to least privilege when appropriate, and documenting the whole thing.

Job Rotation

Job rotation means that, over time, more than one person fulfills the tasks of one position within the organization. This enables the organization to have more than one person who understands the tasks and responsibilities of a specific job title, which provides backup and redundancy if a person leaves the organization or is absent. Job rotation also helps identify fraudulent activities, and therefore can be considered a detective type of control. If Keith has performed David’s position, Keith knows the regular tasks and routines that must be completed to fulfill the responsibilities of that job. Thus, Keith is better able to identify whether David does something out of the ordinary and suspicious.

A related practice is mandatory vacations. Chapter 1 touched on reasons to make sure employees take their vacations. Reasons include being able to identify fraudulent activities and enabling job rotation to take place. If an accounting employee has been performing a “salami attack” by shaving off pennies from multiple accounts and putting the money into his own account, the employee’s company would have a better chance of figuring this out if that employee is required to take a vacation for a week or longer. When the employee is on vacation, another employee has to fill in. She might uncover questionable documents and clues of previous activities, or the company may see a change in certain patterns once the employee who is committing fraud is gone for a week or two.

It is best for auditing purposes if the employee takes two contiguous weeks off from work, which allows more time for fraudulent evidence to appear. Again, the idea behind mandatory vacations is that, traditionally, those employees who have committed fraud are usually the ones who have resisted going on vacation because of their fear of being found out while away.

Service Level Agreements

As we discussed briefly in Chapter 2, a service level agreement (SLA) is a contractual agreement that states that a service provider guarantees a certain level of service. For example, a web server will be down for no more than 52 minutes per year (which is approximately a 99.99 percent availability). SLAs help service providers, whether they are an internal IT operation or an outsourcer, decide what type of availability technology is appropriate. From this determination, the price of a service or the budget of the IT operation can be set. Most frequently, organizations use SLAs with external service providers to guarantee specific performance and, if it is not delivered, to penalize (usually monetarily) the vendor.

The process of developing an internal SLA (that is, one between the IT operations team and one or more internal departments) can also be beneficial to an organization. For starters, it drives a deeper conversation between IT and whoever is requesting the service. This alone can help both sides get a clearer understanding of the opportunities and threats the service brings with it. The requestor will then better understand the tradeoffs between service levels and costs and be able to negotiate the most cost-effective service with the IT team. The IT team can then use this dialogue to justify resources such as budget or staffing. Finally, internal SLAs allow all parties to know what “right” looks like.

Whether the SLA is internal or external, the organization must collect metrics to determine whether or not it is being met. After all, if nobody measures the service, what’s the point of requiring a certain level of it? Identifying these metrics, in and of itself, allows the organization to determine whether a particular requirement is important or not. If both parties are having a hard time figuring out how much scheduled downtime is acceptable, that requirement probably doesn’t need to be included in the SLA.

Change Management

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that “the only constant in life is change,” and most of us would agree with him, especially when it comes to IT and security operations in our organizations. Change is needed to remain relevant and competitive, but it can bring risks that we must carefully manage. Change management, from an IT perspective, is the practice of minimizing the risks associated with the addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services. This includes obvious IT actions like adding new software applications, segmenting LANs, and retiring network services. But it also includes changes to policies, procedures, staffing, and even facilities. Consequently, any change to security controls or practices probably falls under the umbrella of change management.

Change Management Practices

Well-structured change management practices are essential to minimizing the risks of changes to an environment. The process of devising these practices should include representatives for all stakeholders, so it shouldn’t just be limited to IT and security staff. Most organizations that follow this process formally establish a group that is responsible for approving changes and overseeing the activities of changes that take place within the organization. This group can go by one of many names, but for this discussion we will refer to it as the change advisory board (CAB).

The CAB and change management practices should be laid out in the change management policy. Although the types of changes vary, a standard list of procedures can help keep the process under control and ensure it is carried out in a predictable manner. The following steps are examples of the types of procedures that should be part of any change management policy:

Request for a change to take place   The individual requesting the change must do so in writing, justify the reasons, clearly show the benefits and possible pitfalls of (that is, risk introduced by) the change. The Request for Change (RFC) is the standard document for doing this and contains all information required to approve a change.

Evaluate the change   The CAB reviews the RFC and analyzes its potential impacts across the entire organization. Sometimes the requester is asked to conduct more research and provide more information before the change is approved. The CAB then completes a change evaluation report and designates the individual or team responsible for planning and implementing the change.

Plan the change   Once the change is approved, the team responsible for implementing it gets to work planning the change. This includes figuring out all the details of how the change interfaces with other systems or processes, developing a timeline, and identifying specific actions to minimize the risks. The change must also be fully tested to uncover any unforeseen results. Regardless of how well we test, there is always a chance that the change will cause an unacceptable loss or outage, so every change request should also have a rollback plan that restores the system to the last known-good configuration.

Implementation   Once the change is planned and fully tested, it is implemented and integrated into any other affected processes and systems. This may include reconfiguring other systems, changing or developing policies and procedures, and providing training for affected staff. These steps should be fully documented and progress should be monitored.

Review the change   Once the change is implemented, it is brought back to the CAB for a final review. During this step, the CAB verifies that the change was implemented as planned, that any unanticipated consequences have been properly addressed, and that the risks remain within tolerable parameters.

Close or sustain   Once the change is implemented and reviewed, it should be entered into a change log. A full report summarizing the change may also be submitted to management, particularly for changes with large effects across the organization.

These steps, of course, usually apply to large changes that take place within an organization. These types of changes are typically expensive and can have lasting effects on an organization. However, smaller changes should also go through some type of change control process. If a server needs to have a patch applied, it is not good practice to have an engineer just apply it without properly testing it on a nonproduction server, without having the approval of the IT department manager or network administrator, and without having backup and backout plans in place in case the patch causes some negative effect on the production server. Of course, these changes still need to be documented. For this reason, ITIL 4 (introduced in Chapter 4) specifies three types of changes that follow the same basic process but tailored for specific situations:

Standard changes   Preauthorized, low-risk changes that follow a well-known procedure. Examples include patching a server or adding memory or storage to it.

Emergency changes   Changes that must be implemented immediately. Examples include implementing a security patch for a zero-day exploit or isolating the network from a DDoS attack.

Normal changes   All other changes that are not standard changes or emergency changes. Examples include adding a server that will provide new functionality or introducing a new application to (or removing a legacy one from) the golden image.

Regardless of the type of change, it is critical that the operations department create approved backout plans before implementing changes to systems or the network. It is very common for changes to cause problems that were not properly identified before the implementation process began. Many network engineers have experienced the headaches of applying poorly developed “fixes” or patches that end up breaking something else in the system. Developing a backout plan ensures productivity is not negatively affected by these issues. This plan describes how the team will restore the system to its original state before the change was implemented.

Change Management Documentation

Failing to document changes to systems and networks is only asking for trouble, because no one will remember, for example, what was done to that one server in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) six months ago or how the main router was fixed when it was acting up last year. Changes to software configurations and network devices take place pretty often in most environments, and keeping all of these details properly organized is impossible, unless someone maintains a log of this type of activity.

Numerous changes can take place in an organization, some of which are as follows:

• New computers installed

• New applications installed

• Different configurations implemented

• Patches and updates installed

• New technologies integrated

• Policies, procedures, and standards updated

• New regulations and requirements implemented

• Network or system problems identified and fixes implemented

• Different network configurations implemented

• New networking devices integrated into the network

• Company acquired by, or merged with, another company

The list could go on and on and could be general or detailed. Many organizations have experienced some major problem that affects the network and employee productivity. The IT department may run around trying to figure out the issue and go through hours or days of trial-and-error exercises to find and apply the necessary fix. If no one properly documents the incident and what was done to fix the issue, the organization may be doomed to repeat the same scramble six months to a year down the road.

Configuration Management

At every point in the O&M part of assets’ life cycles (which we discussed in Chapter 5), we need to also ensure that we get (and keep) a handle on how these assets are configured. Sadly, most default configurations are woefully insecure. This means that if we do not configure security when we provision new hardware or software, we are virtually guaranteeing successful attacks on our systems. Configuration management (CM) is the process of establishing and maintaining consistent configurations on all our systems to meet organizational requirements.

Configuration management processes vary among organizations but have certain elements in common. Virtually everyone that practices it starts off by defining and establishing organization-wide agreement on the required configurations for all systems in the scope of the effort. At a minimum, this should include the users’ workstations and all business-critical systems. These configurations are then applied to all systems. There will be exceptions, of course, and special requirements that lead to nonstandard configurations, which need to be approved by the appropriate individuals and documented. There will also be changes over time, which should be dealt with through the change management practices defined in the previous section. Finally, configurations need to be periodically audited to ensure continued compliance with them.


A baseline is the configuration of a system at a point in time as agreed upon by the appropriate decision makers. For a typical user workstation, a baseline defines the software that is installed (both operating system and applications), policies that are applied (e.g., disabling USB thumb drives), and any other configuration setting such as the domain name, DNS server address, and many others. Baselining allows us to build a system once, put it through a battery of tests to ensure it works as expected, and then provision it out consistently across the organization.

In a perfect world, all systems that provide the same functionality are configured identically. This makes it easier to manage them throughout their life cycles. As we all know, however, there are plenty of exceptions in the real world. System configuration exceptions often have perfectly legitimate business reasons, so we can’t just say “no” to exception requests and keep our lives simple. The system baseline allows us to narrow down what makes these exceptional systems different. Rather than document every single configuration parameter again (which could introduce errors and omissions), all we have to do is document what is different from a given baseline.

Baselines do more than simply tell us what systems (should) look like at a given point in time; they also document earlier configuration states for those systems. We want to keep old baselines around because they tell the story of how a system evolved. Properly annotated, baselines tell us not only the “what” but also the “why” of configurations over time.

A related concept to baselining is the golden image, which is a preconfigured, standard template from which all user workstations are provisioned. A golden image is known by many other names including gold master, clone image, master image, and base image. Whatever name you use, it saves time when provisioning systems because all you have to do is clone the image onto a device, enter a handful of parameters unique to the system (such as the hostname), and it’s ready for use. Golden images also improve security by consistently applying security controls to every cloned system. Another advantage is a reduction in configuration errors, which also means a lower risk of inadvertently introduced vulnerabilities.


We already addressed secure provisioning in Chapter 5 but the topic bears revisiting in the context of configuration management. Recall that provisioning is the set of all activities required to provide one or more new information services to a user or group of users (“new” meaning previously not available to that user or group). Technically, provisioning and configuration are two different but related activities. Provisioning generally entails acquiring, installing, and launching a new service. Depending on how this is done, that service may still need to be configured (and possibly even baselined).


As you can imagine, configuration management requires tracking and updating a lot of information on many different systems. This is why mature organizations leverage automation for many of the required tasks, including maintaining individual configuration items in a configuration management database (CMDB). The CMDB can store information about all organizational assets, their baselines, and their relationships to one another. Importantly, a CMDB provides versioning so that, if a configuration error is made, reverting to a previous baseline is easy.

More elaborate automation tools are capable of not only tracking configurations but also provisioning systems that implement them. Perhaps the best-known tool in this regard, particularly for virtualized or cloud infrastructures, is Ansible, which is an open-source configuration management, deployment, and orchestration tool. Through the use of playbooks written in YAML (which, recursively, stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”), Ansible allows automated asset provisioning and configuration.

Resource Protection

In Chapter 5, we defined assets as anything of worth to the organization. A related concept is a resource, which is anything that is required to perform an activity or accomplish a goal. So, a resource can also be an asset if you own it and it has inherent value to you. In the context of security operations, a resource is anything the organization needs to accomplish any of its tasks. This includes hardware, software, data, and the media on which the last two are stored.


Though assets and resources are, technically, slightly different things, you should treat them as synonymous in the exam.

We will discuss how to protect hardware resources later in this chapter when we cover physical security. Though we already covered software, data, and media protections in Chapter 6, the topic is worth revisiting as it applies to managing security operations. There are three types of digital resources that are of particular interest in this regard: system images, source files, and backups.

System Images

Because system images are essential to efficiently provisioning systems, they are a key resource both during normal operations and when we are responding to a security incident. Presumably, the images we use to clone new (or replacement) systems are secure because (as a best practice) we put a lot of work into hardening them and ensuring they contain no known vulnerabilities. However, if adversaries were able to modify the images so as to introduce vulnerabilities, they would have free access to any system provisioned using the tainted images. Similarly, if the images were destroyed (deliberately, accidentally, or through an act of nature), recovering from a large-scale incident would be much more difficult and time-consuming.

Source Files

If the images were unavailable or otherwise compromised, we would have to rebuild everything from scratch. There are also cases in which we just need to install specific software. Either way, we need reliable source files. Source files contain the code that executes on a computer to provide applications or services. This code can exist in either executable form or as a sequence of statements in a high-level language such as C/C++, Java, or Python. Either way, it is possible for adversaries to insert malicious code into source files so that any system provisioned using them will be vulnerable. Worse yet, if you work for a software company with clients around the world, your company may be a much more interesting target for advanced persistent threats (APTs) who may want to compromise your software to breach your customers. This kind of software supply-chain attack is best exemplified by the SolarWinds attack of 2020.

Even if your organization is not likely to be targeted by APTs, you are probably concerned about ransomware attacks. Having good backups is the key to quickly recovering from ransomware (without having to pay the ransom), but it hinges on the integrity and availability of the backup data. Many cybercriminals deliberately look for backups and encrypt them also to force their victims to pay the ransom.


Backing up software and having backup hardware devices are two large parts of network availability. You need to be able to restore data if a hard drive fails, a disaster takes place, or some type of software corruption occurs.

Every organization should develop a policy that indicates what gets backed up, how often it gets backed up, and how these processes should occur. If users have important information on their workstations, the operations department needs to develop a method that indicates that backups include certain directories on users’ workstations or that users move their critical data to a server share at the end of each day to ensure it gets backed up. Backups may occur once or twice a week, every day, or every three hours. It is up to the organization to determine this interval. The more frequent the backups, the more resources will be dedicated to it, so there needs to be a balance between backup costs and the actual risk of potentially losing data.

An organization may find that conducting automatic backups through specialized software is more economical and effective than spending IT work-hours on the task. The integrity of these backups needs to be checked to ensure they are happening as expected—rather than finding out right after two major servers blow up that the automatic backups were saving only temporary files.


Protecting Backups from Ransomware

The best way to minimize your risks due to ransomware is to have effective backups that are beyond the reach of the cybercriminals and can quickly restore affected systems. This means putting the greatest distance (and security controls) possible between a system and its backups. Obviously, you should never store backups on the system itself or on a directly connected external drive. The following are some tips on how to keep your backups away from threat actors:

Use a different OS for your backup server. Most ransomware today targets a single type of OS (mostly Windows). Even if the attack is not automated, threat actors are likelier to be proficient in whatever OS they are attacking, so having your backups managed by a system running a different OS automatically gives you a leg up.

Get your backups out of town. Whatever you do, make sure your backups are not on a drive that is directly attached to the asset you are protecting, or even on the same LAN segment (like in the same data center). The more distance, the better, especially if you can layer controls like ACLs or even use data diodes. We know of data so sensitive that its backups are physically transported to other states or countries periodically.

Go old school. Consider using older technologies like optical discs and magnetic tapes. You may get some weird looks from your early-adopter colleagues, but you may save the day when things go sideways on you.

Protect your backups like your career depends on it. (It may!) Stay up to date on the latest techniques cybercriminals are using to attack backups and ensure you have adequate controls in place to prevent them from being effective.

Hierarchical Storage Management

Hierarchical storage management (HSM) provides continuous online backup functionality. It combines hard disk technology with the cheaper and slower optical or tape jukeboxes. The HSM system dynamically manages the storage and recovery of files, which are copied to storage media devices that vary in speed and cost. The faster media holds the files that are accessed more often, and the seldom-used files are stored on the slower devices, or near-line devices, as shown in Figure 20-1. The storage media could include optical discs, magnetic disks, and tapes. This functionality happens in the background without the knowledge of the user or any need for user intervention.


Figure 20-1 HSM provides an economical and efficient way of storing data.

HSM works, according to tuning based on the trade-off between the cost of storage and the availability of information, by migrating the actual content of less used files to lower-speed, lower-cost storage, while leaving behind a “stub,” which looks to the user like it contains the full data of the migrated file. When the user or an application accesses the stub, the HSM uses the information in the stub to find the real location of the information and then retrieve it transparently for the user.

This type of technology was created to save money and time. If all data was stored on hard drives, that would be expensive. If a lot of the data was stored on tapes, it would take too long to retrieve the data when needed. So HSM provides a terrific approach by providing you with the data you need, when you need it, without having to bother the administrator to track down some tape or optical disc.

Backups should include the underlying operating system and applications, as well as the configuration files for both. Systems are attached to networks, and network devices can experience failures and data losses as well. Data loss of a network device usually means the configuration of the network device is lost completely (and the device will not even boot up), or that the configuration of the network device reverts to defaults (which, though it will boot up, does your network little good). Therefore, the configurations of network and other nonsystem devices (for example, the phone system) in the environment are also necessary.

Vulnerability and Patch Management

Dealing with new vulnerabilities and their corresponding patches is an inevitability in cybersecurity. The trick is to deal with these in an informed and deliberate manner. While the following sections treat vulnerability management and patch management separately, it is important to consider them as two pieces of the same puzzle in real life. We may learn of a new vulnerability for which a patch does not yet exist. Equally bad would be applying a patch that brings down a critical business system. For these reasons (among many others), we should manage vulnerabilities and patches in a synchronized and coordinated manner across our organizations.

Vulnerability Management

No sufficiently complex information system can ever be completely free of vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management is the cyclical process of identifying vulnerabilities, determining the risks they pose to the organization, and applying security controls that bring those risks to acceptable levels. Many people equate vulnerability management with periodically running a vulnerability scanner against their systems, but the process must include more than just that. Vulnerabilities exist not only in software, which is what the scanners assess, but also in business processes and in people. Flawed business processes, such as sharing proprietary information with parties who have not signed a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), cannot be detected by vulnerability scanners. Nor can they detect users who click malicious links in e-mails. What matters most is not the tool or how often it is run, but having a formal process that looks at the organization holistically and is closely tied to the risk management process.

Vulnerability management is part of our risk management process. We identify the things that we have that are of value to us and the threat actors that might take those away from us or somehow interfere with our ability to benefit from them. Then we figure out how these actors might go about causing us losses (in other words, exploiting our vulnerabilities) and how likely these events might be. As we discussed in Chapter 2, this gives us a good idea of our risk exposure. The next step is to decide which of those risks we will address and how. The “how” is typically through the application of a security control. Recall that we can never bring our risk to zero, which means we will always have vulnerabilities for which we have no effective controls. These unmitigated risks exist because we think the chance of them being realized or their impact on the organization (or both) is low enough for the risk to be tolerable. In other words, the cost of mitigating the risk is not worth the return on our investment. For those risks, the best we can do is continually monitor for changes in their likelihood or potential impact.

As you can see, vulnerability management is all about finding vulnerabilities, understanding their impact on the organization, and determining what to do about them. Since information system vulnerabilities can exist in software, processes, or people, it is worthwhile to discuss how we implement and support vulnerability management in each of these areas.

Software Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities are usually discovered by security researchers who notify vendors and give them some time (at least two weeks) to work on a patch before the researchers make their findings public. This is known as responsible or ethical disclosure. The Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT/CC) is the main clearinghouse for vulnerability disclosures. Once a vulnerability is discovered, vulnerability scanner vendors release plug-ins for their tools. These plug-ins are essentially simple programs that look for the presence of one specific flaw.

Images NOTE

Some organizations have their own in-house vulnerability research capability or can write their own plug-ins. In our discussion, we assume the more general case in which vulnerability scanning is done using third-party commercial tools whose licenses include subscriptions to vulnerability feeds and related plug-ins.

As previously mentioned, software vulnerability scanning is what most people think of when they hear the term vulnerability management. Scanning is simply a common type of vulnerability assessment that can be divided into four phases:

1. Prepare   First, you have to determine the scope of the vulnerability assessment. What are you testing and how? Having defined the scope, you schedule the event and coordinate it with affected asset and process owners to ensure it won’t interfere with critical business processes. You also want to ensure you have the latest vulnerability signatures or plug-ins for the systems you will be testing.

2. Scan   For best results, the scan is automated, follows a script, and happens outside of the regular hours of operation for the organization. This reduces the chance that something goes unexpectedly wrong or that you overlook a system. During the scan, it is helpful to monitor resource utilization (like CPU and bandwidth) to ensure you are not unduly interfering with business operations.

3. Remediate   In a perfect world, you don’t find any of the vulnerabilities for which you were testing. Typically, however, you find a system that somehow slipped through the cracks, so you patch it and rescan just to be sure. Sometimes, however, there are legitimate business reasons why a system can’t be patched (at least right away), so remediation may require deploying a compensating control or (in the worst case) accepting the risk as is.

4. Document   This important phase is often overlooked because some organizations rely on the reports that are automatically generated by the scanning tools. These reports, however, don’t normally include important details like why a vulnerability may intentionally be left unpatched, the presence of compensating controls elsewhere, or the need for more/less frequent scanning of specific systems. Proper documentation ensures that assumptions, facts, and decisions are preserved to inform future decisions.

Process Vulnerabilities

A process vulnerability exists whenever there is a flaw or weakness in a business process, independent of the use of automation. For example, suppose a user account provisioning process requires only an e-mail from a supervisor asking for an account for the new hire. Since e-mail messages can be spoofed, a threat actor could send a fake e-mail impersonating a real supervisor. If the system administrator creates the account and responds with the new credentials, the adversary would now have a legitimate account with whatever authorizations were requested.

Process vulnerabilities frequently are overlooked, particularly when they exist at the intersection of multiple departments within the organization. In the example, the account provisioning process vulnerability exists at the intersection of a business area (where the fictitious user will supposedly work), IT, and human resources.

A good way to find process vulnerabilities is to periodically review existing processes using a red team. As introduced in Chapter 18, a red team is a group of trusted individuals whose job is to look at something from an adversary’s perspective. Red teaming is useful in many contexts, including identifying process vulnerabilities. The red team’s task in this context would be to study the processes, understand the organization’s environment, and then look for ways to violate its security policies. Ideally, red team exercises should be conducted whenever any new process is put in place. Realistically, however, these events take place much less frequently (if at all).

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The term red team exercise is often used synonymously with penetration test. In reality, a red team exercise can apply to any aspect of an organization (people, processes, facilities, products, ideas, information systems) and aims to emulate the actions of threat actors seeking specific objectives. A penetration test, on the other hand, is focused on testing the effectiveness of security controls in facilities and/or information systems.

Human Vulnerabilities

By many accounts, over 90 percent of security incidents can be traced back to a member of an organization doing something they shouldn’t have, maliciously or otherwise. This implies that if your vulnerability management is focused exclusively on hardware and software systems, you may not be reducing your attack surface by much. A common approach to managing human vulnerabilities is social engineering assessments. We briefly introduced social engineering in Chapter 18 as a type of attack but return to it now as a tool in your vulnerability management toolkit.

Chris Hadnagy, one of the world’s leading experts on the subject, defines social engineering as “the act of manipulating a person to take an action that may or may not be in the “target’s’ best interest.” A social engineering assessment involves a team of trained personnel attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s staff. This could result in targets revealing sensitive information, allowing the social engineers into restricted areas, clicking malicious links, or plugging into their computer a thumb drive laden with malware.

A social engineering assessment, much like its nefarious counterpart, consists of three phases:

1. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) collection   Before manipulating a target, the social engineer needs to learn as much as possible about that person. This phase is characterized by searches for personal information in social media sites; web searches; and observation, eavesdropping, and casual conversations. Some OSINT tools allow quick searches of a large number of sources for information on specific individuals or organizations.

2. Assessment planning   The social engineer could go on gathering OSINT forever but at some point (typically very quickly) will have enough information to formulate a plot to exploit one or more targets. Some people respond emotionally to certain topics, while others may best be targeted by impersonating someone in a position of authority. The social engineer identifies the kinds of engagements, topics, and pretexts that are likeliest to work against one or more targets.

3. Assessment execution   Regardless of how well planned an assessment may be, we know that no plan survives first contact. Social engineers have to think quickly on their feet and be very perceptive of their targets’ states of mind and emotions. In this phase, they engage targets through some combination of personal face-to-face, telephonic, text, or e-mail exchange and persuade them to take some action that compromises the security of the organization.

Rarely is a social engineering assessment not effective. At the end of the event, the assessors report their findings and use them to educate the organization on how to avoid falling for these tricks. Perhaps the most common type of assessment is in the form of phishing, but a real human vulnerability assessment should be much more comprehensive.

Patch Management

According to NIST Special Publication 800-40, Revision 3, Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies, patch management is “the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems.” Patches are software updates intended to remove a vulnerability or defect in the software, or to provide new features or functionality for it. Patch management is, at least in a basic way, an established part of organizations’ IT or security operations already.

Unmanaged Patching

One approach to patch management is to use a decentralized or unmanaged model in which each software package on each device periodically checks for updates and, if any are available, automatically applies them. While this approach may seem like a simple solution to the problem, it does have significant issues that could render it unacceptably risky for an organization. Among these risks are the following:

Credentials   Installing patches typically requires users to have admin credentials, which violates the principle of least privilege.

Configuration management   It may be difficult (or impossible) to attest to the status of every application in the organization, which makes configuration management much more difficult.

Bandwidth utilization   Having each application or service independently download the patches will lead to network congestion, particularly if there is no way to control when this will happen.

Service availability   Servers are almost never configured to automatically update themselves because this could lead to unscheduled outages that have a negative effect on the organization.

There is almost no advantage to decentralized patch management, except that it is better than doing nothing. The effort saved by not having management overhead is more than balanced by the additional effort you’ll have to put into responding to incidents and solving configuration and interoperability problems. Still, there may be situations in which it is not possible to actively manage some devices. For instance, if your users are allowed to work from home using personal devices, then it would be difficult to implement the centralized approach we discuss next. In such situations, the decentralized model may be the best to take, provided you also have a way to periodically (say, each time users connect back to the mother ship) check the status of their updates.

Centralized Patch Management

Centralized patch management is considered a best practice for security operations. There are multiple approaches to implementing it, however, so you must carefully consider the pluses and minuses of each. The most common approaches are

Agent based   An update agent is installed on each device. This agent communicates with one or more update servers and compares available patches with software and versions on the local host, updating as needed.

Agentless   One or more hosts remotely connect to each device on the network using admin credentials and check the remote device for needed updates. A spin on this is the use of Active Directory objects in a domain controller to manage patch levels.

Passive   Depending on the fidelity that an organization requires, it may be possible to passively monitor network traffic to infer the patch levels on each networked application or service. While minimally intrusive to the end devices, this approach is also the least effective since it may not always be possible to uniquely identify software versions through their network traffic artifacts.

Regardless of the approach you take, you want to apply the patches as quickly as possible. After all, every day you delay is an extra day that your adversaries have to exploit your vulnerabilities. The truth is that you can’t (or at least shouldn’t) always roll out the patch as soon as it comes out. There is no shortage of reports of major outages caused by rolling out patches without first testing their effects. Sometimes the fault lies with the vendor, who, perhaps in its haste to remove a vulnerability, failed to properly test that the patch wouldn’t break any other functionality of the product. Other times the patch may be rock solid and yet have a detrimental second- or third-order effect on other systems on your hosts or networks. This is why testing the patch before rolling it out is a good idea.

Virtualization technologies make it easier to set up a patch test lab. At a minimum, you want to replicate your critical infrastructure (e.g., domain controller and production servers) in this virtual test environment. Most organizations also create at least one virtual machine (VM) that mimics each deployed operating system, with representative services and applications.

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It is often possible to mitigate the risk created by a software vulnerability using other controls, such as rules for your firewalls, intrusion detection system (IDS), or intrusion protection system (IPS). This can buy time for you to test the patches. It also acts as a compensatory control.

Whether or not you are able to test the patches before pushing them out (and you really should), it is also a good idea to patch your subnets incrementally. It may take longer to get to all systems, but if something goes wrong, it will only affect a subset of your users and services. This gradual approach to patching also serves to reduce network congestion that could result from all systems attempting to download patches at the same time. Obviously, the benefits of gradual patching need to be weighed against the additional exposure that the inherent delays will cause.

Physical Security

We already discussed physical security in Chapter 10, but our focus then was on the design of sites and facilities. The CISSP CBK breaks physical security into design, which falls under Domain 3 (Security Architecture and Engineering), and operations, which falls in the current Domain 7 (Security Operations). We follow the same approach here.

As with any other defensive technique, physical security should be implemented using the defense-in-depth secure design principle. For example, before an intruder can get to the written recipe for your company’s secret barbeque sauce, she will need to climb or cut a fence, slip by a security guard, pick a door lock, circumvent a biometric access control reader that protects access to an internal room, and then break into the safe that holds the recipe. The idea is that if an attacker breaks through one control layer, there will be others in her way before she can obtain the company’s crown jewels.

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It is also important to have a diversity of controls. For example, if one key works on four different door locks, the intruder has to obtain only one key. Each entry should have its own individual key or authentication combination.

This defense model should work in two main modes: one mode during normal facility operations and another mode during the time the facility is closed. When the facility is closed, all doors should be locked with monitoring mechanisms in strategic positions to alert security personnel of suspicious activity. When the facility is in operation, security gets more complicated because authorized individuals need to be distinguished from unauthorized individuals. Perimeter security controls deal with facility and personnel access controls and with external boundary protection mechanisms. Internal security controls deal with work area separation and personnel badging. Both perimeter and internal security also address intrusion detection and corrective actions. The following sections describe the elements that make up these categories.

External Perimeter Security Controls

Your first layer of defense is your external perimeter. This could be broken down into distinct, concentric areas of increasing security. Let’s consider an example taken from the Site Security Design Guide, published by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Public Buildings Service, which is shown in Figure 20-2. In it, we see the entire site is fenced off, which actually creates two security zones: the (external) neighborhood (zone 1) and the standoff perimeter (zone 2). Depending on risk levels, the organization may want to restrict site access and parking by creating a third zone. Even if the risk is fairly low, it may be desirable to ensure that vehicles are unable to get too close to the building. This protects the facility against accidents, but also against explosions. (A good rule of thumb is to ensure there is a 200-foot standoff distance between any vehicles and buildings.) Then there is the rest of the enclosed site (zone 4), which could include break areas for employees, backup power plants, and anything else around the building exterior. Finally, there’s the inside of the building, which we’ll discuss later in this chapter. Each of these zones has its own set of requirements, which should be increasingly restrictive the closer someone gets to the building.


Figure 20-2 Security zones around a facility (Source:

External perimeter security controls are usually put into place to provide one or more of the following services:

• Control pedestrian and vehicle traffic flows

• Provide various levels of protection for different security zones

• Establish buffers and delaying mechanisms to protect against forced entry attempts

• Limit and control entry points

These services can be provided by using the following control types (which are not all-inclusive):

Access control mechanisms   Locks and keys, an electronic card access system, personnel awareness

Physical barriers   Fences, gates, walls, doors, windows, protected vents, vehicular barriers

Intrusion detection   Perimeter sensors, interior sensors, annunciation mechanisms

Assessment   Guards, surveillance cameras

Response   Guards, local law enforcement agencies

Deterrents   Signs, lighting, environmental design

Several types of perimeter protection mechanisms and controls can be put into place to protect an organization’s facility, assets, and personnel. They can deter would-be intruders, detect intruders and unusual activities, and provide ways of dealing with these issues when they arise. Perimeter security controls can be natural (hills, rivers) or manmade (fencing, lighting, gates). Landscaping is a mix of the two. In Chapter 10, we explored Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and how this approach is used to reduce the likelihood of crime. Landscaping is a tool employed in the CPTED method. Sidewalks, bushes, and created paths can point people to the correct entry points, and trees and spiky bushes can be used as natural barriers. These bushes and trees should be placed such that they cannot be used as ladders or accessories to gain unauthorized access to unapproved entry points. Also, there should not be an overwhelming number of trees and bushes, which could provide intruders with places to hide. In the following sections, we look at the manmade components that can work within the landscaping design.


Fencing can be quite an effective physical barrier. Although the presence of a fence may only delay dedicated intruders in their access attempts, it can work as a psychological deterrent by telling the world that your organization is serious about protecting itself.

Fencing can provide crowd control and helps control access to entrances and facilities. However, fencing can be costly and unsightly. Many organizations plant bushes or trees in front of the fencing that surrounds their buildings for aesthetics and to make the building less noticeable. But this type of vegetation can damage the fencing over time or negatively affect its integrity. The fencing needs to be properly maintained, because if a company has a sagging, rusted, pathetic fence, it is equivalent to telling the world that the company is not truly serious and disciplined about protection. But a nice, shiny, intimidating fence can send a different message—especially if the fencing is topped with three rungs of barbed wire.

When deciding upon the type of fencing, several factors should be considered. For example, when using metal fencing, the gauge of the metal should correlate to the types of physical threats the organization most likely faces. After carrying out the risk analysis (covered in Chapter 2), the physical security team should understand the probability of enemies attempting to cut the fencing, drive through it, or climb over or crawl under it. Understanding these threats will help the team determine the requirements for security fencing.

The risk analysis results will also help indicate what height of fencing the organization should implement. Fences come in varying heights, and each height provides a different level of security:

• Fences three to four feet high only deter casual trespassers.

• Fences six to seven feet high are considered too high to climb easily.

• Fences eight feet high (possibly with strands of barbed or razor wire at the top) deter the more determined intruder and clearly demonstrate your organization is serious about protecting its property.

The barbed wire on top of fences can be tilted in or out, which also provides extra protection. A prison would have the barbed wire on top of the fencing pointed in, which makes it harder for prisoners to climb and escape. Most organizations would want the barbed wire tilted out, making it harder for someone to climb over the fence and gain access to the premises.

Critical areas should have fences at least eight feet high to provide the proper level of protection. The fencing must be taut (not sagging in any areas) and securely connected to the posts. The fencing should not be easily circumvented by pulling up its posts. The posts should be buried sufficiently deep in the ground and should be secured with concrete to ensure they cannot be dug up or tied to vehicles and extracted. If the ground is soft or uneven, this might provide ways for intruders to slip or dig under the fence. In these situations, the fencing should actually extend into the dirt to thwart these types of attacks.

Fences work as “first line of defense” mechanisms. A few other controls can be used also. Strong and secure gates need to be implemented. It does no good to install a highly fortified and expensive fence and then have an unlocked or flimsy gate that allows easy access.

Gates basically have four distinct classifications:

Class I   Residential usage

Class II   Commercial usage, where general public access is expected; examples include a public parking lot entrance, a gated community, or a self-storage facility

Class III   Industrial usage, where limited access is expected; an example is a warehouse property entrance not intended to serve the general public

Class IV   Restricted access; this includes a prison entrance that is monitored either in person or via closed circuitry

Each gate classification has its own long list of implementation and maintenance guidelines to ensure the necessary level of protection. These classifications and guidelines are developed by UL (formerly Underwriters Laboratory), a nonprofit organization that tests, inspects, and classifies electronic devices, fire protection equipment, and specific construction materials. This is the group that certifies these different items to ensure they are in compliance with national building codes. A specific UL code, UL 325, deals with garage doors, drapery, gates, and louver and window operators and systems.

So, whereas in the information security world we look to NIST for our best practices and industry standards, in the physical security world, we look to UL for the same type of direction.


Bollards usually look like small concrete pillars outside a building. Sometimes companies try to dress them up by putting flowers or lights in them to soften the look of a protected environment. They are placed by the sides of buildings that have the most immediate threat of someone driving a vehicle through the exterior wall. They are usually placed between the facility and a parking lot and/or between the facility and a road that runs close to an exterior wall. An alternative, particularly in more rural environments, is to use very large boulders to surround and protect sensitive sites. They provide the same type of protection that bollards provide.


Many of the items mentioned in this chapter are things people take for granted day in and day out during our usual busy lives. Lighting is certainly one of those items you probably wouldn’t give much thought to, unless it wasn’t there. Unlit (or improperly lit) parking lots and parking garages have invited many attackers to carry out criminal activity that they may not have engaged in otherwise with proper lighting. Breaking into cars, stealing cars, and attacking employees as they leave the office are the more common types of attacks that take place in such situations. A security professional should understand that the right illumination needs to be in place, that no dead spots (unlit areas) should exist between the lights, and that all areas where individuals may walk should be properly lit. A security professional should also understand the various types of lighting available and where they should be used.

Wherever an array of lights is used, each light covers its own zone or area. The size of the zone each light covers depends on the illumination of light produced, which usually has a direct relationship to the wattage capacity of the bulbs. In most cases, the higher the lamp’s wattage, the more illumination it produces. It is important that the zones of illumination coverage overlap. For example, if a company has an open parking lot, then light poles must be positioned within the correct distance of each other to eliminate any dead spots. If the lamps that will be used provide a 30-foot radius of illumination, then the light poles should be erected less than 30 feet apart so there is an overlap between the areas of illumination.

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Critical areas need to have illumination that reaches at least eight feet with the illumination of two foot-candles. Foot-candle is a unit of measure of the intensity of light.

If an organization does not implement the right types of lights and ensure they provide proper coverage, the probability of criminal activity, accidents, and lawsuits increases.

Exterior lights that provide protection usually require less illumination intensity than interior working lighting, except for areas that require security personnel to inspect identification credentials for authorization. It is also important to have the correct lighting when using various types of surveillance equipment. The correct contrast between a potential intruder and background items needs to be provided, which only happens with the correct illumination and placement of lights. If the light is going to bounce off of dark, dirty, or darkly painted surfaces, then more illumination is required for the necessary contrast between people and the environment. If the area has clean concrete and light-colored painted surfaces, then not as much illumination is required. This is because when the same amount of light falls on an object and the surrounding background, an observer must depend on the contrast to tell them apart.

When lighting is installed, it should be directed toward areas where potential intruders would most likely be coming from and directed away from the security force posts. For example, lighting should be pointed at gates or exterior access points, and the guard locations should be more in the shadows, or under a lower amount of illumination. This is referred to as glare protection for the security force. If you are familiar with military operations, you might know that when you are approaching a military entry point, there is a fortified guard building with lights pointing toward the oncoming cars. A large sign instructs you to turn off your headlights, so the guards are not temporarily blinded by your lights and have a clear view of anything coming their way.

Lights used within the organization’s security perimeter should be directed outward, which keeps the security personnel in relative darkness and allows them to easily view intruders beyond the organization’s perimeter.

An array of lights that provides an even amount of illumination across an area is usually referred to as continuous lighting. Examples are the evenly spaced light poles in a parking lot, light fixtures that run across the outside of a building, or a series of fluorescent lights used in parking garages. If an organization’s building is relatively close to someone else’s developed property, a railway, an airport, or a highway, the organization may need to ensure the lighting does not “bleed over” property lines in an obtrusive manner. Thus, the illumination needs to be controlled, which just means the organization should erect lights and use illumination in such a way that it does not blind its neighbors or any passing cars, trains, or planes.

You probably are familiar with the special home lighting gadgets that turn certain lights on and off at predetermined times, giving the illusion to potential burglars that a house is occupied even when the residents are away. Organizations can use a similar technology, which is referred to as standby lighting. The security personnel can configure the times that different lights turn on and off, so potential intruders think different areas of the facility are populated.

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Redundant or backup lights should be available in case of power failures or emergencies. Special care must be given to understand what type of lighting is needed in different parts of the facility in these types of situations. This lighting may run on generators or battery packs.

Responsive area illumination takes place when an IDS detects suspicious activities and turns on the lights within a specific area. When this type of technology is plugged into automated IDS products, there is a high likelihood of false alarms. Instead of continually having to dispatch a security guard to check out these issues, an organization can install a CCTV camera (described in the upcoming section “Visual Recording Devices”) to scan the area for intruders.

If intruders want to disrupt the security personnel or decrease the probability of being seen while attempting to enter an organization’s premises or building, they could attempt to turn off the lights or cut power to them. This is why lighting controls and switches should be in protected, locked, and centralized areas.

Surveillance Devices

Usually, installing fences and lights does not provide the necessary level of protection an organization needs to protect its facility, equipment, and employees. Therefore, an organization needs to ensure that all areas are under surveillance so that security personnel notice improper actions and address them before damage occurs. Surveillance can happen through visual detection or through devices that use sophisticated means of detecting abnormal behavior or unwanted conditions. It is important that every organization have a proper mix of lighting, security personnel, IDSs, and surveillance technologies and techniques.

Visual Recording Devices

Because surveillance is based on sensory perception, surveillance devices usually work in conjunction with guards and other monitoring mechanisms to extend their capabilities and range of perception. A closed-circuit TV (CCTV) system is a commonly used monitoring device in most organizations, but before purchasing and implementing a CCTV system, you need to consider several items:

The purpose of CCTV   To detect, assess, and/or identify intruders

The type of environment the CCTV camera will work in   Internal or external areas

The field of view required   Large or small area to be monitored

Amount of illumination of the environment   Lit areas, unlit areas, areas affected by sunlight

Integration with other security controls   Guards, IDSs, alarm systems

The reason you need to consider these items before you purchase a CCTV product is that there are so many different types of cameras, lenses, and monitors that make up the different CCTV products. You must understand what is expected of this physical security control, so that you purchase and implement the right type.

CCTVs are made up of cameras, a controller and digital video recording (DVR) system, and a monitor. Remote storage and remote client access are usually added to prevent threat actors (criminals, fire) from destroying the recorded videos and to allow off-duty staff to report to alarms generated by the system without having to drive back to the office. The camera captures the data and transmits it to the controller, which allows the data to be displayed on a local monitor. The data is recorded so that it can be reviewed at a later time if needed. Figure 20-3 shows how multiple cameras can be connected to one controller, which allows several different areas to be monitored at one time. The controller accepts video feed from all the cameras and interleaves these transmissions over one line to the central monitor.


Figure 20-3 Several cameras can be connected to a DVR that can provide remote storage and access.

A CCTV sends the captured data from the cameras to the controller using a special network, which can be wired or wireless. The term “closed-circuit” comes from the fact that the very first systems used this special closed network instead of broadcasting the signals over a public network. This network should be encrypted so that an intruder cannot manipulate the video feed that the security guard is monitoring. The most common type of attack is to replay previous recordings without the security personnel knowing it. For example, if an attacker is able to compromise a company’s CCTV and play the recording from the day before, the security guard would not know an intruder is in the facility carrying out some type of crime. This is one reason why CCTVs should be used in conjunction with intruder detection controls, which we address in the next section.

Most of the CCTV cameras in use today employ light-sensitive chips called charged-coupled devices (CCDs). The CCD is an electrical circuit that receives input light from the lens and converts it into an electronic signal, which is then displayed on the monitor. Images are focused through a lens onto the CCD chip surface, which forms the electrical representation of the optical image. It is this technology that allows for the capture of extraordinary detail of objects and precise representation, because it has sensors that work in the infrared range, which extends beyond human perception. The CCD sensor picks up this extra “data” and integrates it into the images shown on the monitor to allow for better granularity and quality in the video.

Two main types of lenses are used in CCTV: fixed focal length and zoom (varifocal). The focal length of a lens defines its effectiveness in viewing objects from a horizontal and vertical view. The focal length value relates to the angle of view that can be achieved. Short focal length lenses provide wider-angle views, while long focal length lenses provide a narrower view. The size of the images shown on a monitor, along with the area covered by one camera, is defined by the focal length. For example, if a company implements a CCTV camera in a warehouse, the focal length lens values should be between 2.8 and 4.3 millimeters (mm) so the whole area can be captured. If the company implements another CCTV camera that monitors an entrance, that lens value should be around 8 mm, which allows a smaller area to be monitored.

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Fixed focal length lenses are available in various fields of views: wide, medium, and narrow. A lens that provides a “normal” focal length creates a picture that approximates the field of view of the human eye. A wide-angle lens has a short focal length, and a telephoto lens has a long focal length. When an organization selects a fixed focal length lens for a particular view of an environment, it should understand that if the field of view needs to be changed (wide to narrow), the lens must be changed.

So, if we need to monitor a large area, we use a lens with a smaller focal length value. Great, but what if a security guard hears a noise or thinks she sees something suspicious? A fixed focal length lens does not allow the user to optically change the area that fills the monitor. Though digital systems exist that allow this change to happen in logic, the resulting image quality is decreased as the area being studied becomes smaller. This is because the logic circuits are, in effect, cropping the broader image without increasing the number of pixels in it. This is called digital zoom (as opposed to optical zoom) and is a common feature in many cameras. The optical zoom lenses provide flexibility by allowing the viewer to change the field of view while maintaining the same number of pixels in the resulting image, which makes it much more detailed. The security personnel usually have a remote-control component integrated within the centralized CCTV monitoring area that allows them to move the cameras and zoom in and out on objects as needed. When both wide scenes and close-up captures are needed, an optical zoom lens is best.

To understand the next characteristic, depth of field, think about pictures you might take while on vacation with your family. For example, if you want to take a picture of your spouse with the Grand Canyon in the background, the main object of the picture is your spouse. Your camera is going to zoom in and use a shallow depth of focus. This provides a softer backdrop, which will lead the viewers of the photograph to the foreground, which is your spouse. Now, let’s say you get tired of taking pictures of your spouse and want to get a scenic picture of just the Grand Canyon itself. The camera would use a greater depth of focus, so there is not such a distinction between objects in the foreground and background.

The depth of field is necessary to understand when choosing the correct lenses and configurations for your organization’s CCTV. The depth of field refers to the portion of the environment that is in focus when shown on the monitor. The depth of field varies depending on the size of the lens opening, the distance of the object being focused on, and the focal length of the lens. The depth of field increases as the size of the lens opening decreases, the subject distance increases, or the focal length of the lens decreases. So, if you want to cover a large area and not focus on specific items, it is best to use a wide-angle lens and a small lens opening.

CCTV lenses have irises, which control the amount of light that enters the lens. Manual iris lenses have a ring around the CCTV lens that can be manually turned and controlled. A lens with a manual iris would be used in areas that have fixed lighting, since the iris cannot self-adjust to changes of light. An auto iris lens should be used in environments where the light changes, as in an outdoor setting. As the environment brightens, this is sensed by the iris, which automatically adjusts itself. Security personnel will configure the CCTV to have a specific fixed exposure value, which the iris is responsible for maintaining. On a sunny day, the iris lens closes to reduce the amount of light entering the camera, while at night, the iris opens to capture more light—just like our eyes.

When choosing the right CCTV for the right environment, you must determine the amount of light present in the environment. Different CCTV camera and lens products have specific illumination requirements to ensure the best quality images possible. The illumination requirements are usually represented in the lux value, which is a metric used to represent illumination strengths. The illumination can be measured by using a light meter. The intensity of light (illumination) is measured and represented in measurement units of lux or foot-candles. (The conversion between the two is one foot-candle = 10.76 lux.) The illumination measurement is not something that can be accurately provided by the vendor of a light bulb, because the environment can directly affect the illumination. This is why illumination strengths are most effectively measured where the light source is implemented.

Next, you need to consider the mounting requirements of the CCTV cameras. The cameras can be implemented in a fixed mounting or in a mounting that allows the cameras to move when necessary. A fixed camera cannot move in response to security personnel commands, whereas cameras that provide PTZ capabilities can pan, tilt, or zoom (PTZ) as necessary. Either way, there is deterrence value in ensuring the cameras (or at least some of them) are visible. You should also place signs stating that everyone in the area is being monitored through CCTV. Threat actors may be less likely to engage in illicit behavior if they know they’re being recorded on video doing so.

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You should be mindful of the privacy implications of camera placement. Areas like restrooms, locker rooms, and medical exam rooms are examples of places where you should not install cameras unless you are certain you comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

Now, it would be nice if someone actually watched the monitors for suspicious activities. Realizing that monitor watching is a mentally deadening activity may lead your team to implement a type of annunciator system. Different types of annunciator products are available that can either “listen” for noise and activate electrical devices, such as lights, sirens, or CCTV cameras, or detect movement. Instead of expecting a security guard to stare at a CCTV monitor for eight hours straight, the guard can carry out other activities and be alerted by an annunciator if movement is detected on a screen.

Facility Access Control

Access control needs to be enforced through physical and technical components when it comes to physical security. Physical access controls use mechanisms to identify individuals who are attempting to enter a facility or area. They make sure the right individuals get in and the wrong individuals stay out and provide an audit trail of these actions. Having personnel within sensitive areas is one of the best security controls because they can personally detect suspicious behavior. However, they need to be trained on what activity is considered suspicious and how to report such activity.

Before an organization can put into place the proper protection mechanisms, it needs to conduct a detailed review to identify which individuals should be allowed into what areas. Access control points can be identified and classified as external, main, and secondary entrances. Personnel should enter and exit through a specific entry, deliveries should be made to a different entry, and sensitive areas should be restricted. Figure 20-4 illustrates the different types of access control points into a facility. After an organization has identified and classified the access control points, the next step is to determine how to protect them.


Figure 20-4 Access control points should be identified, marked, and monitored properly.


Locks are inexpensive access control mechanisms that are widely accepted and used. They are considered delaying devices to intruders. The longer it takes to break or pick a lock, the longer a security guard or police officer has to arrive on the scene if the intruder has been detected. Almost any type of a door can be equipped with a lock, but keys can be easily lost and duplicated, and locks can be picked or broken. If an organization depends solely on a lock-and-key mechanism for protection, an individual who has the key can come and go as he likes without control and can remove items from the premises without detection. Locks should be used as part of the protection scheme, but should not be the sole protection scheme.

Locks vary in functionality. Padlocks can be used on chained fences, preset locks are usually used on doors, and programmable locks (requiring a combination to unlock) are used on doors or vaults. Locks come in all types and sizes. It is important to have the right type of lock so it provides the correct level of protection.

To the curious mind or a determined thief, a lock can be considered a little puzzle to solve, not a deterrent. In other words, locks may be merely a challenge, not necessarily something to stand in the way of malicious activities. Thus, you need to make the challenge difficult, through the complexity, strength, and quality of the locking mechanisms.

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The delay time provided by the lock should match the penetration resistance of the surrounding components (door, door frame, hinges). A smart thief takes the path of least resistance, which may be to pick the lock, remove the pins from the hinges, or just kick down the door.

Mechanical Locks

Two main types of mechanical locks are available: the warded lock and the tumbler lock. The warded lock is the basic padlock, as shown in Figure 20-5. It has a spring-loaded bolt with a notch cut in it. The key fits into this notch and slides the bolt from the locked to the unlocked position. The lock has wards in it, which are metal projections around the keyhole, as shown in Figure 20-6. The correct key for a specific warded lock has notches in it that fit in these projections and a notch to slide the bolt back and forth. These are the cheapest locks, because of their lack of any real sophistication, and are also the easiest to pick.


Figure 20-5 A warded lock


Figure 20-6 A key fits into a notch to turn the bolt to unlock the lock.

The tumbler lock has more pieces and parts than a ward lock. As shown in Figure 20-7, the key fits into a cylinder, which raises the lock metal pieces to the correct height so the bolt can slide to the locked or unlocked position. Once all of the metal pieces are at the correct level, the internal bolt can be turned. The proper key has the required size and sequences of notches to move these metal pieces into their correct position.


Figure 20-7 Tumbler lock

The three types of tumbler locks are the pin tumbler, wafer tumbler, and lever tumbler. The pin tumbler lock, shown in Figure 20-7, is the most commonly used tumbler lock. The key has to have just the right grooves to put all the spring-loaded pins in the right position so the lock can be locked or unlocked.

Wafer tumbler locks (also called disc tumbler locks) are the small, round locks you usually see on file cabinets. They use flat discs (wafers) instead of pins inside the locks. They often are used as car and desk locks. This type of lock does not provide much protection because it can be easily circumvented.

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Some locks have interchangeable cores, which allow for the core of the lock to be taken out. You would use this type of lock if you wanted one key to open several locks. You would just replace all locks with the same core.

Combination locks, of course, require the correct combination of numbers to unlock them. These locks have internal wheels that have to line up properly before being unlocked. A user spins the lock interface left and right by so many clicks, which lines up the internal wheels. Once the correct turns have taken place, all the wheels are in the right position for the lock to release and open the door. The more wheels within the locks, the more protection provided. Electronic combination locks do not use internal wheels, but rather have a keypad that allows a person to type in the combination instead of turning a knob with a combination faceplate. An example of an electronic combination lock is shown in Figure 20-8.


Figure 20-8 An electronic combination lock

Cipher locks, also known as programmable locks, are keyless and use keypads to control access into an area or facility. The lock requires a specific combination to be entered into the keypad and possibly a swipe card. Cipher locks cost more than traditional locks, but their combinations can be changed, specific combination sequence values can be locked out, and personnel who are in trouble or under duress can enter a specific code that will open the door and initiate a remote alarm at the same time. Thus, compared to traditional locks, cipher locks can provide a much higher level of security and control over who can access a facility.

The following are some functionalities commonly available on many cipher combination locks that improve the performance of access control and provide for increased security levels:

Door delay   If a door is held open for a given time, an alarm triggers to alert personnel of suspicious activity.

Key override   A specific combination can be programmed for use in emergency situations to override normal procedures or for supervisory overrides.

Master keying   Supervisory personnel can change access codes and other features of the cipher lock.

Hostage alarm   If an individual is under duress and/or held hostage, a combination he enters can communicate this situation to the guard station and/or police station.

If a door is accompanied by a cipher lock, it should have a corresponding visibility shield so a bystander cannot see the combination as it is keyed in. Automated cipher locks must have a backup battery system and be set to unlock during a power failure so personnel are not trapped inside during an emergency. Fail safe systems are those that are designed and configured to ensure the safety of humans in the event of failure. Contrast this principle with fail secure, which we discussed in Chapter 9. These two imperatives (safety versus security) must be carefully balanced, while keeping in mind that human safety must always be the highest priority.


It is important to change the combination of locks and to use random combination sequences. Often, people do not change their combinations or clean the keypads, which allows an intruder to know what key values are used in the combination, because they are the dirty and worn keys. The intruder then just needs to figure out the right combination of these values.

Some cipher locks require all users to know and use the same combination, which does not allow for any individual accountability. Some of the more sophisticated cipher locks permit specific codes to be assigned to unique individuals. This provides more accountability, because each individual is responsible for keeping his access code secret, and entry and exit activities can be logged and tracked. These are usually referred to as smart locks, because they are designed to allow only authorized individuals access at certain doors at certain times.

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Hotel key cards are also known as smart cards. The access code on the card can allow access to a hotel room, workout area, business area, and better yet—the mini bar.

Device Locks

Unfortunately, hardware has a tendency to “walk away” from facilities; thus, device locks are necessary to thwart these attempts. Cable locks consist of a vinyl-coated steel cable that can secure a computer or peripheral to a desk or other stationary components, as shown in Figure 20-9.


Figure 20-9 Laptop security cable kits secure a computer by enabling the user to attach the device to a stationary component within an area.

The following are some of the device locks available and their capabilities:

Switch controls   Cover on/off power switches

Slot locks   Secure the system to a stationary component by the use of steel cable that is connected to a bracket mounted in a spare expansion slot

Port controls   Block access to disk drives or unused serial or parallel ports

Peripheral switch controls   Secure a keyboard by inserting an on/off switch between the system unit and the keyboard input slot

Cable traps   Prevent the removal of input/output devices by passing their cables through a lockable unit

Administrative Responsibilities

It is important for an organization not only to choose the right type of lock for the right purpose but also to follow proper maintenance and procedures. Keys should be assigned by facility management, and this assignment should be documented. Procedures should be written out detailing how keys are to be assigned, inventoried, and destroyed when necessary and what should happen if and when keys are lost. Someone on the organization’s facility management team should be assigned the responsibility of overseeing key and combination maintenance.

Most organizations have master keys and submaster keys for the facility management staff. A master key opens all the locks within the facility, and the submaster keys open one or more locks. Each lock has its own individual unique keys as well. So if a facility has 100 offices, the occupant of each office can have his or her own key. A master key allows access to all offices for security personnel and for emergencies. If one security guard is responsible for monitoring half of the facility, the guard can be assigned one of the submaster keys for just those offices.

Since these master and submaster keys are powerful, they must be properly guarded and not widely shared. A security policy should outline what portions of the facility and which device types need to be locked. As a security professional, you should understand what type of lock is most appropriate for each situation, the level of protection provided by various types of locks, and how these locks can be circumvented.

Circumventing Locks

Each lock type has corresponding tools that can be used to pick it (open it without the key). A tension wrench is a tool shaped like an L and is used to apply tension to the internal cylinder of a lock. The lock picker uses a lock pick to manipulate the individual pins to their proper placement. Once certain pins are “picked” (put in their correct place), the tension wrench holds these down while the lock picker figures out the correct settings for the other pins. After the intruder determines the proper pin placement, the wrench is used to then open the lock.

Intruders may carry out another technique, referred to as raking. To circumvent a pin tumbler lock, a lock pick is pushed to the back of the lock and quickly slid out while providing upward pressure. This movement makes many of the pins fall into place. A tension wrench is also put in to hold the pins that pop into the right place. If all the pins do not slide to the necessary height for the lock to open, the intruder holds the tension wrench and uses a thinner pick to move the rest of the pins into place.


Lock bumping is a tactic that intruders can use to force the pins in a tumbler lock to their open position by using a special key called a bump key. The stronger the material that makes up the lock, the smaller the chance that this type of lock attack will be successful.

Now, if this is all too much trouble for the intruder, she can just drill the lock, use bolt cutters, attempt to break through the door or the doorframe, or remove the hinges. There are just so many choices for the bad guys.

Internal Security Controls

The physical security controls we’ve discussed so far have been focused on the perimeter. It is also important, however, to implement and manage internal security controls to mitigate risks when threat actors breach the perimeter or are insider threats. One type of control we already discussed in Chapter 10 is work area separation, in which we create internal perimeters around sensitive areas. For example, only designated IT and security personnel should be allowed in the server room. Access to these areas can then be restricted using locks and self-closing doors.

When implementing work area separation, we can start with a concentric zone model similar to the one we used for the external perimeter. Most staff will probably be able to move freely across the largest zone so that they can do their jobs. This general zone would have some controls, but not a bunch of them. Some staff members will also be allowed to go into more sensitive areas such as the operations center and the executive suite. These areas require some sort of access control like swiping a badge, but they’re generally staffed so the people working there act as a sort of intrusion detection system when they see someone who doesn’t belong. There can also be a highly sensitive zone that includes spaces where you really can’t have any unauthorized persons, particularly if the spaces are not always staffed. Examples of these highly sensitive areas are server rooms, narcotic storage spaces (in healthcare facilities), and hazardous materials storerooms.

Physical security teams could include roving guards that move around the facility looking for potential security violations and unauthorized personnel. These teams could also monitor internal security cameras and be trained on how to respond to incidents such as medical emergencies and active shooters.

Personnel Access Controls

Proper identification verifies whether the person attempting to access a facility or area should actually be allowed in. Identification and authentication can be verified by matching an anatomical attribute (biometric system), using smart or memory cards (swipe cards), presenting a photo ID to a security guard, using a key, or providing a card and entering a password or PIN.

Personnel should be identified with badges that must be worn visibly while in the facility. The badges could include a photo of the individual and be color-coded to show clearance level, department, and whether or not that person is allowed to escort visitors. Visitors could be issued temporary badges that clearly identify them as such. All personnel would be trained to challenge anyone walking around without a badge or call security personnel to deal with them.

A common problem with controlling authorized access into a facility or area is called piggybacking. This occurs when an individual gains unauthorized access by using someone else’s legitimate credentials or access rights. Usually, an individual just follows another person closely through a door without providing any credentials. The best preventive measures against piggybacking are to have security guards at access points and to educate employees about good security practices.

If an organization wants to use a card badge reader, it has several types of systems to choose from. Most systems are based on issuing to personnel cards that have embedded magnetic strips that contain access information. The reader can just look for simple access information within the magnetic strip, or it can be connected to a more sophisticated system that scans the information, makes more complex access decisions, and logs badge IDs and access times.

If the card is a memory card, then the reader just pulls information from it and makes an access decision. If the card is a smart card, the individual may be required to enter a PIN or password, which the reader compares against the information held within the card or in an authentication server.

These access cards can be used with user-activated readers, which just means the user actually has to do something—swipe the card or enter a PIN. System sensing access control readers, also called transponders, recognize the presence of an approaching object within a specific area. This type of system does not require the user to swipe the card through the reader. The reader sends out interrogating signals and obtains the access code from the card without the user having to do anything.


Electronic access control (EAC) tokens is a generic term used to describe proximity authentication devices, such as proximity readers, programmable locks, or biometric systems, which identify and authenticate users before allowing them entrance into physically controlled areas.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Surveillance techniques are used to watch an area, whereas intrusion detection devices are used to sense changes that take place in an environment. Both are monitoring methods, but they use different devices and approaches. This section addresses the types of technologies that can be used to detect the presence of an intruder. One such technology, a perimeter scanning device, is shown in Figure 20-10.


Figure 20-10 Different perimeter scanning devices work by covering a specific area.

IDSs are used to detect unauthorized entries and to alert a responsible entity to respond. These systems can monitor entries, doors, windows, devices, or removable coverings of equipment. Many work with magnetic contacts or vibration-detection devices that are sensitive to certain types of changes in the environment. When a change is detected, the IDS device sounds an alarm either in the local area or in both the local area and a remote police or guard station.

IDSs can be used to detect changes in the following:

• Beams of light

• Sounds and vibrations

• Motion

• Different types of fields (microwave, ultrasonic, electrostatic)

• Electrical circuit

IDSs can be used to detect intruders by employing electromechanical systems (magnetic switches, metallic foil in windows, pressure mats) or volumetric systems. Volumetric systems are more sensitive because they detect changes in subtle environmental characteristics, such as vibration, microwaves, ultrasonic frequencies, infrared values, and photoelectric changes.

Electromechanical systems work by detecting a change or break in a circuit. The electrical circuits can be strips of foil embedded in or connected to windows. If the window breaks, the foil strip breaks, which sounds an alarm. Vibration detectors can detect movement on walls, screens, ceilings, and floors when the fine wires embedded within the structure are broken. Magnetic contact switches can be installed on windows and doors. If the contacts are separated because the window or door is opened, an alarm sounds. Another type of electromechanical detector is a pressure pad. This is placed underneath a rug or portion of the carpet and is activated after hours. If someone steps on the pad, an alarm is triggered.

A photoelectric system, or photometric system, detects the change in a light beam and thus can be used only in windowless rooms. These systems work like photoelectric smoke detectors, which emit a beam that hits the receiver. If this beam of light is interrupted, an alarm sounds. The beams emitted by the photoelectric cell can be cross-sectional and can be invisible or visible beams. Cross-sectional means that one area can have several different light beams extending across it, which is usually carried out by using hidden mirrors to bounce the beam from one place to another until it hits the light receiver. These are the systems commonly depicted in movies. You have probably seen James Bond and other noteworthy movie spies or criminals use night-vision goggles to see the invisible beams and then step over them.

A passive infrared (PIR) system identifies the changes of heat waves in an area it is configured to monitor. If the particles’ temperature within the air rises, it could be an indication of the presence of an intruder, so an alarm is sounded.

An acoustical detection system uses microphones installed on floors, walls, or ceilings. The goal is to detect any sound made during a forced entry. Although these systems are easily installed, they are very sensitive and cannot be used in areas open to sounds of storms or traffic. Vibration sensors are similar and are also implemented to detect forced entry. Financial institutions may choose to implement these types of sensors on exterior walls, where bank robbers may attempt to drive a vehicle through. They are also commonly used around the ceiling and flooring of vaults to detect someone trying to make an unauthorized bank withdrawal.

Wave-pattern motion detectors differ in the frequency of the waves they monitor. The different frequencies are microwave, ultrasonic, and low frequency. All of these devices generate a wave pattern that is sent over a sensitive area and reflected back to a receiver. If the pattern is returned undisturbed, the device does nothing. If the pattern returns altered because something in the room is moving, an alarm sounds.

A proximity detector, or capacitance detector, emits a measurable magnetic field. The detector monitors this magnetic field, and an alarm sounds if the field is disrupted. These devices are usually used to protect specific objects (e.g., artwork, cabinets, or a safe) versus protecting a whole room or area. Capacitance change in an electrostatic field can be used to catch a bad guy, but first you need to understand what capacitance change means. An electrostatic IDS creates an electrostatic magnetic field, which is just an electric field associated with static electric charges. Most objects have a measurable static electric charge. They are all made up of many subatomic particles, and when everything is stable and static, these particles constitute one holistic electric charge. This means there is a balance between the electric capacitance and inductance. Now, if an intruder enters the area, his subatomic particles will mess up this lovely balance in the electrostatic field, causing a capacitance change, and an alarm will sound. So if you want to rob a company that uses these types of detectors, leave the subatomic particles that make up your body at home.

The type of motion detector that an organization chooses to implement, its power capacity, and its configurations dictate the number of detectors needed to cover a sensitive area. Also, the size and shape of the room and the items within the room may cause barriers, in which case more detectors would be needed to provide the necessary level of coverage.

IDSs are support mechanisms intended to detect and announce an attempted intrusion. They will not prevent or apprehend intruders, so they should be seen as an aid to the organization’s security forces.

Patrol Force and Guards

One of the best intrusion detection mechanisms is a security guard and/or a patrol force to monitor a facility’s grounds. This type of security control is more flexible than other security mechanisms, provides good response to suspicious activities, and works as a great deterrent. However, it can be a costly endeavor because it requires a salary, benefits, and time off. People sometimes are unreliable. Screening and bonding is an important part of selecting a security guard, but this only provides a certain level of assurance. One issue is if the security guard decides to make exceptions for people who do not follow the organization’s approved policies. Because basic human nature is to trust and help people, a seemingly innocent favor can put an organization at risk.

IDSs and physical protection measures ultimately require human intervention. Security guards can be at a fixed post or can patrol specific areas. Different organizations will have different needs from security guards. They may be required to check individual credentials and enforce filling out a sign-in log. They may be responsible for monitoring IDSs and expected to respond to alarms. They may need to issue and recover visitor badges, respond to fire alarms, enforce rules established by the company within the building, and control what materials can come into or go out of the environment. The guard may need to verify that doors, windows, safes, and vaults are secured; report identified safety hazards; enforce restrictions of sensitive areas; and escort individuals throughout facilities.

The security guard should have clear and decisive tasks that she is expected to fulfill. The guard should be fully trained on the activities she is expected to perform and on the responses expected from her in different situations. She should also have a central control point to check in to, two-way radios to ensure proper communication, and the necessary access into areas she is responsible for protecting.

The best security has a combination of security mechanisms and does not depend on just one component of security. Thus, a security guard should be accompanied by other surveillance and detection mechanisms.


Dogs have proven to be highly useful in detecting intruders and other unwanted conditions. Their senses of smell and hearing outperform those of humans, and their intelligence and loyalty can be used for protection. The best security dogs go through intensive training to respond to a wide range of commands and to perform many tasks. Dogs can be trained to hold an intruder at bay until security personnel arrive or to chase an intruder and attack. Some dogs are trained to smell smoke so they can alert personnel to a fire.

Of course, dogs cannot always know the difference between an authorized person and an unauthorized person, so if an employee goes into work after hours, he can have more on his hands than expected. Dogs can provide a good supplementary security mechanism.


Because the use of guard dogs introduces significant risks to personal safety, which is paramount for CISSPs, exam answers that include dogs are likelier to be incorrect. Be on the lookout for these.

Auditing Physical Access

Physical access control systems can use software and auditing features to produce audit trails or access logs pertaining to access attempts. The following information should be logged and reviewed:

• The date and time of the access attempt

• The entry point at which access was attempted

• The user ID employed when access was attempted

• Any unsuccessful access attempts, especially if during unauthorized hours

As with audit logs produced by computers, access logs are useless unless someone actually reviews them. A security guard may be required to review these logs, but a security professional or a facility manager should also review these logs periodically. Management needs to know where entry points into the facility exist and who attempts to use them.

Audit and access logs are detective controls, not preventive controls. They are used to piece together a situation after the fact instead of attempting to prevent an access attempt in the first place.

Personnel Safety and Security

The single most valuable asset for an organization, and the one that involves the highest moral and ethical standards, is its people. Our safety focus in security operations will be on our own employees, but we also need to take proper steps to ensure the safety of visitors, clients, and anyone who enters into our physical or virtual spaces. While the scope of safety is broader than information systems security, information security professionals make important contributions to this effort.


Human safety almost always trumps all other concerns. If an exam question has a possible answer that focuses on safety, it is likelier to be the right one.


Personnel safety in the workplace is one thing, but how do we protect our staff while they are traveling? There are a host of considerations we should take. The most basic one is to determine the threat landscape at the destination. Some organizations go as far as having country-specific briefings that are regularly updated and required for all staff traveling overseas. This is obviously a resource-intensive proposition, but there are free alternatives you can leverage. Many governments have departments or ministries that publish this information for their citizens traveling abroad. For example, the U.S. Department of State publishes travel advisories on its website for virtually any destination.

Speaking of these government entities, it is also important for traveling staff to know the location and contact information for the nearest embassy or consulate. In case of emergency, these offices provide a variety of important services. Depending on the threat condition at the destination, it may be a good idea to notify these offices of staff members’ contact information, dates of travel, and places of lodging.

Hotel security starts by doing a bit of research ahead of the trip. If you’ve never stayed in a specific hotel, a few minutes of web searching will give you a good indication of whether or not it’s safe. Here are some other best practices that your organization’s staff should consider when traveling:

• Ask for a room on the second floor. It reduces the risk of random criminal activity and is still close enough to the ground to escape in case of an emergency even if you can’t use the front door.

• Ask for and keep a hotel business card on your person at all times in case you have to call the local police or embassy and provide your location in an emergency.

• Secure valuables in the in-room safe. It may not really be totally secure, but it raises the bar on would-be thieves.

• Always use the security latch on the door when in the room.

• Keep your passport with you at all times when in a foreign country. Before the trip leave a photocopy of the passport with a trusted individual at home.

Security Training and Awareness

All these personal safety measures are good only if your organization’s staff actually knows what they are and how and when to use them. Many organizations have mandatory training events for all staff, and personal security should be part of it. Keep in mind that emergency procedures, panic codes/passwords, and travel security measures are quickly forgotten if they are not periodically reinforced.

Emergency Management

A common tool for ensuring the safety of personnel during emergencies is the occupant emergency plan (OEP). The OEP describes the actions that facility occupants should take to ensure their safety during an emergency situation. This plan should address the range of emergencies from individual to facility-wide, and it should be integrated into the security operations of the organization.

Perhaps the best example of the intersection of safety and security occurs in the area of physical access control. A well-designed system of physical access controls constrains the movement of specific individuals in and out of certain spaces. For instance, we only want authorized persons to enter the server room. But what if the server room offers the best escape route for people who would normally not be allowed in it? While we would not design a facility in which this would be the case, we sometimes end up occupying less-than-ideal facilities. If this were the case, what process would we implement to ensure we can get people out of the building quickly and not force them to take a circuitous route that could put them in danger, but keeps them out of the sensitive area?

Another example involves access for emergency responders. If a fire alarm is triggered in the building, how do we ensure we can evacuate all personnel while giving fire fighters access to all spaces (without requiring them to break down doors)? In this context, how do we simultaneously ensure the safety of our personnel while maintaining security of our information systems?

Lastly, many modern physical access controls require electricity. If an electronic lock does not have a battery backup, will it automatically unlock in the absence of power or will it remain in the locked state? A fail-safe device is one that automatically moves to the state that ensures safety in the event of a failure such as loss of power. Fail-safe controls, while critical to human safety, must be carefully considered because they introduce risks to the security of our information systems.


Duress is the use of threats or violence against someone in order to force them to do something they don’t want to do or otherwise wouldn’t do. Like any other threat, we need to factor in duress in our risk assessment and figure out what (if anything) to do about it. A popular example of a countermeasure for duress is the use of panic buttons by bank tellers. The button is hidden where an assailant can’t see it but where the teller can easily and discretely activate it to warn the police. A twist on this is the use of duress codes in some alarm systems. The alarm has a keypad where an authorized person can enter a secret code to deactivate it. The system can have two different codes: a regular one that disarms the alarm, and a second one that also disarms the alarm but also alerts authorities to an emergency. If someone was forcing you to disarm an alarm, you’d enter the second code and they wouldn’t be able to know that you just summoned the police.

Duress codes can also be verbal. For example, some alarm systems have an attendant call the facility to ensure everything is fine. If someone is under duress (and perhaps on speakerphone next to the assailant) you would want a discrete way for that person to convey that they are in danger. You could set up two possible responses, like “apple pie,” which would mean you are in danger, and “sunshine,” which would mean everything is truly fine. The key is to make the duress response sound completely benign.

Another situation to consider is when an assailant forces an employee to log into their account. You could set up a duress account with a username that is very similar to the real one. Upon login, the duress account looks just like the real one, except that it doesn’t include sensitive content. The twist is that the duress password could do a range of things from activating full monitoring (like camera, keyboard, and packet logging) to quietly wiping the device in the background (useful for laptops being used away from the office). Obviously, it would also generate an alert to security personnel that the user is in danger.

Chapter Review

This chapter was a bit of a whirlwind tour of many of the issues we need to manage as part of security operations. We covered a lot of ground, but keep in mind that these are all important topics you need to address in your organization if you want to operationalize security. Collectively, this chapter lays the foundation for the tasks many of us prefer to be doing: blocking bad actors from gaining access, finding the ones that sneak in, and frustrating their efforts to cause us harm. We dive into those in the next three chapters as we delve into day-to-day security operations, incident response, and dealing with disasters.

Quick Review

• SecOps (Security + Operations) is the integration of security and IT operations people, technology, and processes to reduce risks while improving business agility.

• Access to resources should be limited to authorized personnel, applications, and services and should be audited for compliance to stated policies.

• Least privilege means an individual should have just enough permissions and rights to fulfill his role in the company and no more.

• Need to know means we must first establish that an individual has a legitimate, job role–related need for a given resource before granting access to it.

• Separation of duties and responsibilities should be in place so that fraud cannot take place without collusion of two or more people.

• Privileged account management formally enforces the principle of least privilege on accounts with elevated rights.

• Job rotation means that, over time, more than one person fulfills the tasks of one position within the organization, which provides backup and redundancy but also helps identify fraudulent activities.

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract that states that a service provider guarantees a certain level of service to a customer.

• Change management is the practice of minimizing the risks associated with the addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services.

• Activities that involve change management include requesting, evaluating, planning, implementing, reviewing, and closing or sustaining a change.

• Configuration management is the process of establishing and maintaining consistent configurations on all our systems to meet organizational requirements.

• A baseline is the configuration of a system at a point in time as agreed upon by the appropriate decision makers.

• Vulnerability management is the cyclical process of identifying vulnerabilities, determining the risks they pose to the organization, and applying security controls that bring those risks to acceptable levels.

• Patch management is the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems.

• Facilities that house systems that process sensitive information should have physical access controls to limit access to authorized personnel only.

• Exterior fencing can be costly and unsightly, but can provide crowd control and help control access to the facility, particularly if the fencing is eight feet or higher.

• Closed-circuit TV (CCTV) systems are made up of cameras, a controller and digital video recording (DVR) system, and a monitor, but frequently also include remote storage and remote client access.

• Locks are considered delaying devices to intruders.

• Some physical security controls may conflict with the safety of people. These issues need to be addressed; human life is always more important than protecting a facility or the assets it contains.

• Piggybacking occurs when an individual gains unauthorized access by using someone else’s legitimate credentials or access rights, usually when the intruder closely follows an authorized person through a door or gate.

• Proximity identification devices can be user activated (action needs to be taken by a user) or system sensing (no action needs to be taken by the user).

• A transponder is a proximity-based access control reader that does not require action by the user. The reader transmits signals to the device, and the device responds with an access code.

• Intrusion detection devices include motion detectors, CCTVs, vibration sensors, and electromechanical devices.

• Intrusion detection devices can be penetrated, are expensive to install and monitor, require human response, and are subject to false alarms.

Security guards are expensive but provide flexibility in response to security breaches and can deter intruders from attempting an attack.

• Dogs are very effective at detecting and deterring intruders, but introduce significant risks to personal safety.

• Duress is the use of threats or violence against someone in order to force them to do something they don’t want to do or otherwise wouldn’t do.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. Why should employers make sure employees take their vacations?

A. They have a legal obligation.

B. It is part of due diligence.

C. It is a way for fraud to be uncovered.

D. To ensure employees do not get burned out.

2. Which of the following best describes separation of duties and job rotation?

A. Separation of duties ensures that more than one employee knows how to perform the tasks of a position, and job rotation ensures that one person cannot perform a high-risk task alone.

B. Separation of duties ensures that one person cannot perform a high-risk task alone, and job rotation can uncover fraud and ensure that more than one person knows the tasks of a position.

C. They are the same thing, but with different titles.

D. They are administrative controls that enforce access control and protect the organization’s resources.

3. If a programmer is restricted from updating and modifying production code, what is this an example of?

A. Rotation of duties

B. Due diligence

C. Separation of duties

D. Controlling input values

4. What is the difference between least privilege and need to know?

A. A user should have least privilege that restricts her need to know.

B. A user should have a security clearance to access resources, a need to know about those resources, and least privilege to give her full control of all resources.

C. A user should have a need to know to access particular resources, and least privilege should be implemented to ensure she only accesses the resources she has a need to know.

D. They are two different terms for the same issue.

5. Which of the following would not require updated documentation?

A. An antivirus signature update

B. Reconfiguration of a server

C. A change in security policy

D. The installation of a patch to a production server

6. A company needs to implement a CCTV system that will monitor a large area outside the facility. Which of the following is the correct lens combination for this?

A. A wide-angle lens and a small lens opening

B. A wide-angle lens and a large lens opening

C. A wide-angle lens and a large lens opening with a small focal length

D. A wide-angle lens and a large lens opening with a large focal length

7. Which of the following is not a true statement about CCTV lenses?

A. Lenses that have a manual iris should be used in outside monitoring.

B. Zoom lenses carry out focus functionality automatically.

C. Depth of field increases as the size of the lens opening decreases.

D. Depth of field increases as the focal length of the lens decreases.

8. What is true about a transponder?

A. It is a card that can be read without sliding it through a card reader.

B. It is a biometric proximity device.

C. It is a card that a user swipes through a card reader to gain access to a facility.

D. It exchanges tokens with an authentication server.

9. When is a security guard the best choice for a physical access control mechanism?

A. When discriminating judgment is required

B. When intrusion detection is required

C. When the security budget is low

D. When access controls are in place

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an electrostatic intrusion detection system?

A. It creates an electrostatic field and monitors for a capacitance change.

B. It can be used as an intrusion detection system for large areas.

C. It produces a balance between the electric capacitance and inductance of an object.

D. It can detect if an intruder comes within a certain range of an object.

11. What is a common problem with vibration-detection devices used for perimeter security?

A. They can be defeated by emitting the right electrical signals in the protected area.

B. The power source is easily disabled.

C. They cause false alarms.

D. They interfere with computing devices.

12. Which of the following is not considered a delaying mechanism?

A. Locks

B. Defense-in-depth measures

C. Warning signs

D. Access controls

13. What are the two general types of proximity identification devices?

A. Biometric devices and access control devices

B. Swipe card devices and passive devices

C. Preset code devices and wireless devices

D. User-activated devices and system sensing devices

14. Which is not a drawback of an intrusion detection system?

A. It’s expensive to install.

B. It cannot be penetrated.

C. It requires human response.

D. It’s subject to false alarms.

15. What is a cipher lock?

A. A lock that uses cryptographic keys

B. A lock that uses a type of key that cannot be reproduced

C. A lock that uses a token and perimeter reader

D. A lock that uses a keypad

16. If a cipher lock has a door delay option, what does that mean?

A. After a door is open for a specific period, the alarm goes off.

B. It can only be opened during emergency situations.

C. It has a hostage alarm capability.

D. It has supervisory override capability.


1. C. Many times, employees who are carrying out fraudulent activities do not take the vacation they have earned because they do not want anyone to find out what they have been doing. Forcing an employee to take a vacation means that someone else has to do that person’s job and can possibly uncover any misdeeds.

2. B. Rotation of duties enables an organization to have more than one person trained in a position and can uncover fraudulent activities. Separation of duties is put into place to ensure that one entity cannot carry out a critical task alone.

3. C. This is just one of several examples of separation of duties. A system must be set up for proper code maintenance to take place when necessary, instead of allowing a programmer to make changes arbitrarily. These types of changes should go through a change control process and should have more entities involved than just one programmer.

4. C. Users should be able to access only the resources they need to fulfill the duties of their positions. They also should only have the level of permissions and rights for those resources that are required to carry out the exact operations they need for their jobs, and no more. This second concept is more granular than the first, but they have a symbiotic relationship.

5. A. Documentation is a very important part of the change control process. If things are not properly documented, employees will forget what actually took place with each device. If the environment needs to be rebuilt, for example, it may be done incorrectly if the procedure was poorly or improperly documented. When new changes need to be implemented, the current infrastructure may not be totally understood. Continually documenting when virus signatures are updated would be overkill. The other answers contain events that certainly require documentation.

6. A. The depth of field refers to the portion of the environment that is in focus when shown on the monitor. The depth of field varies depending upon the size of the lens opening, the distance of the object being focused on, and the focal length of the lens. The depth of field increases as the size of the lens opening decreases, the subject distance increases, or the focal length of the lens decreases. So if you want to cover a large area and not focus on specific items, it is best to use a wide-angle lens and a small lens opening.

7. A. Manual iris lenses have a ring around the CCTV lens that can be manually turned and controlled. A lens that has a manual iris would be used in an area that has fixed lighting, since the iris cannot self-adjust to changes of light. An auto iris lens should be used in environments where the light changes, such as an outdoor setting. As the environment brightens, this is sensed by the iris, which automatically adjusts itself. Security personnel will configure the CCTV to have a specific fixed exposure value, which the iris is responsible for maintaining. The other answers are true statements about CCTV lenses.

8. A. A transponder is a type of proximity-based access control device that does not require the user to slide a card through a reader. The reader and card communicate directly. The card and reader have a receiver, transmitter, and battery. The reader sends signals to the card to request information. The card sends the reader an access code.

9. A. Although many effective physical security mechanisms are on the market today, none can look at a situation, make a judgment about it, and decide what the next step should be. A security guard is employed when an organization needs to have a countermeasure that can think and make decisions in different scenarios.

10. B. An electrostatic IDS creates an electrostatic field, which is just an electric field associated with static electric charges. The IDS creates a balanced electrostatic field between itself and the object being monitored. If an intruder comes within a certain range of the monitored object, there is capacitance change. The IDS can detect this change and sound an alarm.

11. C. This type of system is sensitive to sounds and vibrations and detects the changes in the noise level of an area it is placed within. This level of sensitivity can cause many false alarms. These devices do not emit any waves; they only listen for sounds within an area and are considered passive devices.

12. C. Every physical security program should have delaying mechanisms, which have the purpose of slowing down an intruder so security personnel can be alerted and arrive at the scene. A warning sign is a deterrence control, not a delaying control.

13. D. A user-activated device requires the user to do something: swipe the card through the reader and/or enter a code. A system sensing device recognizes the presence of the card and communicates with it without the user needing to carry out any activity.

14. B. Intrusion detection systems are expensive, require someone to respond when they set off an alarm, and, because of their level of sensitivity, can cause several false alarms. Like any other type of technology or device, they have their own vulnerabilities that can be exploited and penetrated.

15. D. Cipher locks, also known as programmable locks, use keypads to control access into an area or facility. The lock can require a swipe card and a specific combination that’s entered into the keypad.

16. A. A security guard would want to be alerted when a door has been open for an extended period. It may be an indication that something is taking place other than a person entering or exiting the door. A security system can have a threshold set so that if the door is open past the defined time period, an alarm sounds.

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