Security Policies and Regulations

In this chapter you will

•   Explore the different types of regulations associated with secure software development

•   Learn how security policies impact secure development practices

•   Explore legal issues associated with intellectual property protection

•   Examine the role of privacy and secure software

•   Explore the standards associated with secure software development

•   Examine security frameworks that impact secure development

•   Learn the role of securing the acquisition lifecycle and its impact on secure development

Regulations and Compliance

Regulations and compliance drive many activities in an enterprise. The primary reason behind this is the simple fact that failure to comply with rules and regulations can lead to direct, and in some cases substantial, financial penalties. Compliance failures can carry additional costs, as in increased scrutiny, greater regulation in the future, and bad publicity. Since software is a major driver of many business processes, a CSSLP needs to understand the basis behind various rules and regulations and how they affect the enterprise in the context of their own development efforts. This enables decision making as part of the software development process that is in concert with these issues and enables the enterprise to remain compliant.

Much has been said about how compliance is not the same as security. In a sense, this is true, for one can be compliant and still be insecure. When viewed from a risk management point of view, security is an exercise in risk management, and so are compliance and other hazards. Add it all together, and you get an “all hazards” approach, which is popular in many industries, as senior management is responsible for all hazards and the residual risk from all risk sources.

Regulations can come from several sources, including industry and trade groups and government agencies. The penalties for noncompliance can vary as well, sometimes based on the severity of the violation and other times based on political factors. The factors determining which systems are included in regulation and the level of regulation also vary based on situational factors. Typically, these factors and rules are published significantly in advance of instantiation to allow firms time to plan enterprise controls and optimize risk management options. Although not all firms will be affected by all sets of regulations, it is also not uncommon for a firm to have multiple sets of regulations across different aspects of an enterprise, even overlapping on some elements. This can add to the difficulty of managing compliance, as different regulations can have different levels of protection requirements.

Many development efforts may have multiple regulatory impacts, and mapping the different requirements to the individual data flows that they each affect is important. For instance, if an application involves medical information and payment information, different elements may be subject to regulations such as PCI DSS and HIPAA. These and other common regulatory requirements are covered later in this chapter.


NOTE    For a CSSLP, it is important to understand the various sources of security requirements, as they need to be taken into account when executing software development. It is also important to not mistake security functionality for the objective of secure software development. Security functions driven by requirements are important, but the objective of a secure development lifecycle process is to reduce the number and severity of vulnerabilities in software.


The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) is a federal law that requires each federal agency to implement an agency-wide information security program. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was designated the agency to develop implementation guidelines, and did so through the publication of a risk management framework (RMF) for compliance. The initial compliance framework included the following set of objectives, which were scored on an annual basis by the Inspector General’s office:

•   Inventory of systems

•   Categorize information and systems according to risk level

•   Security controls

•   Certification and accreditation of systems (including risk assessment and system security plans)

•   Training

As the FISMA program has matured over the past decade, NIST added the Information Security Automation Program and the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). Currently, all accredited systems are supposed to have a set of monitored security controls to provide a level of continuous monitoring. FISMA is mandated for federal agencies and, by extension, contractors that implement and operate federal information systems. Like all security programs, the effectiveness of FISMA is directly related to the level of seriousness placed on it by senior management. When viewed as a checklist that is for compliance purposes, its effectiveness is significantly lower than in agencies that embrace the power of controls and continuous monitoring as a means to reduce system-wide risk.

Currently, NIST has responded with a series of publications detailing a security lifecycle built around a risk management framework. Detailed in NIST SP 800-39, a six-step process to create an RMF is designed to produce a structured, yet flexible, methodology of managing the risk associated with information systems. The six steps are

•   Categorize information systems

•   Select security controls

•   Implement security controls

•   Assess security controls

•   Authorize information systems

•   Monitor security controls

Each of these steps has a separate NIST Special Publication to detail the specifics. This is a process-based methodology of achieving desired security levels in an enterprise. CSSLPs will need to integrate their development work into this framework in organizations that operate under an RMF.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was a reaction to several major accounting and corporate scandals, costing investors billions and shaking public confidence in the stock markets. Although composed of many parts, the primary element concerned with information security is Section 404, which mandates a specific level of internal control measures. In simple terms, the information systems used for financial accounting must have some form of security control over integrity so that all may have confidence in the numbers being reported by the system. Criticized by many for its costs, it is nonetheless the current law, and financial reporting systems must comply.


The Financial Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), contains elements designed to protect consumers’ personal financial information (PFI). From a software perspective, it is important to understand that the act specifies rules as to the collection, processing, storage, and disposal of PFI. The three primary rules worth noting are

1.   The Financial Privacy Rule, which governs the collection and disclosure of PFI, including companies that are nonfinancial in nature.

2.   The Safeguards Rule, which applies to financial institutions and covers the design, implementation, and maintenance of safeguards deployed to protect PFI.

3.   The Pretexting Protections, which addresses the use of pretexting (falsely pretending) to obtain PFI.


While GLBA deals with PFI, the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) deals with personal health information (PHI). PHI contains information that can have significant value to criminal organizations. Enacted in 1996, the privacy provisions of HIPAA were not prepared for the industry movement to electronic records. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), and is designed to enhance privacy provisions of electronic personal health information records.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

PCI stands for Payment Card Industry, an industry group established to create, manage, and enforce regulations associated with the securing of cardholder data. There are three main standards: the Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA DSS), and the PIN Transaction Security (PTS). Each of these is designed to provide a basic level of protection for cardholder data.

The PCI DSS is the governing document that details the contractual requirements for members that accept and process bank cards. This standard includes requirements for security management, policies and procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures for all systems associated with the processing and storing of cardholder data. Arranged in six groups of control objectives, 12 high-level requirements are detailed. Under each of these requirements are a significant number of subrequirements and testing procedures that are used to determine a baseline security foundation.

The PA DSS standard is a set of requirements used by software vendors to validate that a payment application is compliant with the requirements associated with PCI DSS. This document describes requirements in a manner consistent with software activity, not the firms. This is relevant, as software vendors do not necessarily have to comply with PCI DSS, but when creating applications designed to handle cardholder data, compliance with PA DSS signals that the software is properly designed. Use of PA DSS alone is not sufficient, as there are nonsoftware-associated requirements associated with cardholder data requirements in PCI DSS that are still necessary to be compliant.

One of the most important elements of the cardholder data is the PIN, and security aspects associated with the PIN are governed by the PTS standard. The majority of this standard applies to hardware devices known as PIN entry devices (PEDs).

PCI standards are contractual requirements and can carry very severe financial penalties for failing to comply. If a firm accepts payment cards, stores payment card data, or makes products associated with payment cards, then there are PCI standards to follow. These are not optional, nor are they without significant detail, making them a significant compliance effort. And because of the financial penalties, their importance tends to be near the head of the line in the risk management arena.

Other Regulations

There are a myriad of lesser known, but equally important, regulations. Authentication for banking over the Internet is governed by rules from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). Current FFIEC regulations state that authentication must be multifactor in nature at a minimum. Any systems designed for use in this environment must include this as a requirement.

Legal Issues

Legal issues frame a wide range of behaviors and work environments. This comes from the concept that when disputes between parties arise, the legal system is a method of resolving these disputes. Over time, a body of laws and regulations has been created to govern activities, providing a roadmap for behavior between parties.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a legal term that recognizes that creations from the mind can be and are property to which exclusive control can be granted to the creator. A variety of different legal mechanisms can be used to protect the exclusive control rights. The association of legal mechanism to the property is typically determined by the type of property. The common forms of legal protection are patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

Software Patents

There is intense debate over the extent to which software patents should be granted, if at all. In the United States, patent law excludes issuing patents to abstract ideas, and this has been used to deny some patents involving software. In Europe, computer programs as such are typically excluded from patentability. There is some overlapping protection for software in the form of copyrights, which are covered in an upcoming section. Patents can cover the underlying algorithms and methods embodied in the software. They can also protect the function that the software is intended to serve. These protections are independent of the particular language or specific coding.


A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government to the inventor for a specified period of time. Patents are used to protect the inventor’s rights in exchange for a disclosure of the invention. Patent law can differ between countries. In the United States, the requirements of an invention is that it represent something new, useful, and nonobvious. It can be a process, a machine, an article of manufacture, or a composition of matter. Patents for software and designs have drawn considerable attention in recent years as to whether the ideas are nonobvious and “new.” Patents allow an inventor time to recoup their investment in the creation of an invention. They give their owners the right to prevent others from using a claimed invention, even if the other party claims they independently developed a similar item and there was no copying involved. Patent applications are highly specialized legal documents requiring significant resources to achieve success. For patent protection to occur, patents must be applied for prior to disclosure of the invention, with the specifics differing by country.


A copyright is a form of intellectual property protection applied to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete. Copyrights are designed to give the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Copyrights apply to a wide range of creative, intellectual, or artistic items. The rights given include the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. Copyrights are governed internationally through the Berne Convention, which requires its signatories to recognize the copyright of works of authors from other signatory countries in the same manner as it recognizes the copyright of its own authors. For copyright to be enforceable, an application must be made to the copyright office detailing what is being submitted as original work and desiring protection. Unlike patents, this filing is relatively straightforward and affordable even by individuals.

Software Copyrights

Patent protection and copyright protection constitute two different means of legal protection that may cover the same subject matter, such as computer programs, since each of these two means of protection serves its own purpose. Using copyright, software is protected as works of literature under the Berne Convention. Copyright protection allows the creator of a program to prevent another entity from copying it.

Copyright law prohibits the direct copying of some or all of a particular version of a given piece of software, but it does not prevent other developers from independently writing their own versions. A common practice in the industry is to publish interface specifications so that programs can correctly interface with specified functions; this places specific limitations on input and output specifications and would not result in copyright violations.


A trademark is a recognizable quality associated with a product or firm. The nature of the trademark is to build a brand association, and hence, copying by others is prohibited. Trademarks can be either common law–based or registered. Registering a trademark with the government provides significantly more legal protection and recovery options. Internationally, trademarks are managed through the World Intellectual Property Organization, using protocols developed in Madrid, referred to as the Madrid System.

Names are commonly trademarked to protect a brand image. In this vein, is trademarked, as it is used to project the image of the firm. Common terms or simply descriptive terms are not eligible for trademark protection. In fact, trademark holders must protect their trademarks from general generic use not aligned with their products, as they can lose a trademark that becomes a generic term.

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets offer the ultimate in time-based protection for intellectual property. A trade secret is just that—a secret. Trade secrets are protected by a variety of laws, with the requirement that a firm keep a secret a secret, or at least make a reasonable attempt to do so. The most famous trade secrets typically revolve around food and taste, such as Coca-Cola’s recipe or Kentucky Fried Chicken’s recipe. Should someone manage to steal the recipes, they could then attempt to sell them to a competitor, but such attempts fail, as no respectable corporation would subject itself to the legal ramifications of attempting to circumvent legal protections for intellectual property. One issue with trade secrets is that should someone independently discover the same formula, then the original trade secret holder has no recourse.

Trade secrets are difficult to use in software, as the distribution of software, even compiled, provides the end user with access to much information. There are limited cases where cryptographic algorithms or seeds may be considered trade secrets, as they are not passed to clients and can be protected. There is a limited amount of related protection under the reverse-engineering provisions of the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, where reverse-engineering of security safeguards is prohibited.


Warranties represent an implied or contractually specified promise that a product will perform as expected. When you buy computer hardware, the warranty will specify that for some given period of time the hardware will perform to a level of technical specification, and should it fail to do so, will outline the vendor’s responsibilities. The warranty typically does not guarantee that the hardware will perform the tasks the user bought it for—merely that it will work at some specified technical level. Warranty is necessary for fitness for use, but is not sufficient.

With respect to software, the technical specification, i.e., the program performs as expected, is typically considered by the end user to be fitness for use on the end user’s problem. This is not what a vendor will guarantee; in fact, most software licenses specifically dismiss this measure, claiming the software is licensed using terms such as “as-is” and “no warranty as to use” or “no vendor responsibility with respect to any failures resulting from use.”


Privacy is the principle of controlling information about one’s self: who it is shared with, for what purpose, and how it is used and transferred to other parties. Control over one’s information is an issue that frequently involves making a choice. To buy something over the Internet, you need to enter a credit card or other payment method into a website. If you want the item delivered to your house, you need to provide an address, typically your home address. While it may seem that the answer to many privacy issues is simple anonymization, and with the proper technology it could be done, the practical reality requires a certain level of traceable sharing. To obtain certain goods, a user must consent to share their information. The issues with privacy then become one of data disposition—what happens to the data after it is used as needed for the immediate transaction.

Privacy and Software Development

Privacy may seem like an abstract issue for CSSLP, but the ramifications associated with software development and privacy are significant. Gone are the days of collecting and storing any data, in any form, and in any way. There are a myriad of privacy rules and regulations, and development teams need to be aware of the general issues so that they can properly apply their skills to meeting the specific requirements of a project. If a project collects personal data or stores it and there are no specific requirements with respect to privacy, then the team should know to raise the questions of which rules and regulations are likely to apply.

If the data is stored for future orders, safeguards are needed. In the case of credit card information, regulations such as PCI DSS dictate the requirements for safeguarding such data. Data can also be used to test systems. However, the use of customer data for system testing can place the customer data at risk. In this instance, anonymization can work. Proper test data management includes an anonymization step to erase connection to meaningful customer information before use in a test environment.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is the high-level document that describes the principles associated with the collection, storage, use, and transfer of personal information within the scope of business. A privacy policy will detail the firm’s responsibility to safeguard information. A business needs to collect certain amounts of personal information in the course of regular business. A business still has a responsibility to properly secure the information from disclosure to unauthorized parties. A business may have partners with which it needs to share elements of personal information in the course of business. A firm may also choose to share the information with other parties as a revenue stream. The privacy policy acts as a guide to the employees as to their responsibilities associated with customer information.

A customer-facing privacy policy, commonly referred to as privacy disclosure statement, is provided to customers to inform them of how data is protected, used, and disposed of in the course of business. In the financial sector, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act mandates that firms provide clear and accurate information as to how customer information is shared.

Personally Identifiable Information

Information that can be used to specifically identify an individual is referred to as personally identifiable information (PII). PII is viewed as a technical term, but it has its roots in legal terms. One of the primary challenges associated with PII is the effect of data aggregation. Obtaining several pieces from different sources, a record can be constructed that permits the identification of a specific individual. Recognizing this, the U.S. government defines PII using the following from an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum:

Information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc., alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.

Common PII Elements

The following items are commonly used to identify a specific individual and are, hence, considered PII:

•   Full name (if not common)

•   National identification number (i.e., SSN)

•   IP address (in some cases)

•   Home address

•   Motor vehicle registration plate number

•   Driver’s license or state ID number

•   Face, fingerprints, or handwriting

•   Credit card and bank account numbers

•   Date of birth

•   Birthplace

•   Genetic information

To identify an individual, only a small subset may be needed. A study by Carnegie Mellon University found that nearly 90 percent of the U.S. population could be uniquely identified with only gender, date of birth, and ZIP code.

Personal Health Information

Personal health information (PHI), also sometimes called protected health information, is the set of data elements associated with an individual’s health care that can also be used to identify a specific individual. These elements can include, but are not limited to, PII elements, demographic data, medical test data, biometric measurements, and medical history information. This data can have significant risk factors to an individual should it fall into the possession of unauthorized personnel. For this reason, as well as general privacy concerns, PHI is protected by a series of statutes, including HIPAA and the HITECH Act.


NOTE    PHI and associated medical data are sought after by cybercriminals because they contain both insurance information and financial responsibility information, including credit cards, both of which can be used in fraud. In addition, there is sufficient PII for an identity to be stolen, making health records a highly valued source of information for cybercriminals.

Breach Notifications

When security fails to secure information and information is lost to parties outside of authorized users, a breach is said to have occurred. Data breaches trigger a series of events. First is the internal incident response issue—what happened, how it happened, what systems/data were lost, and other questions that need to be answered. In a separate vein, customers whose data was lost deserve to be informed. The state of California was the first to address this issue with SB 1386, a data disclosure law that requires

a state agency, or a person or business that conducts business in California, that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal information, as defined, to disclose in specified ways, any breach of the security of the data, as defined, to any resident of California whose unencrypted personal information was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person.

Two key elements of the law are “unencrypted personal information” and “reasonably believed to have been acquired by an unauthorized party.” Encrypting data can alleviate many issues associated with breaches. “Reasonably believed” means that certainty as to loss is not necessary, thus increasing the span of reportable issues. Since its start in July 2003, other states have followed with similar measures. Although no federal measure exists, virtually every state and U.S. territory is covered by a state disclosure law.

Data Protection Principles

The term data protection is typically associated with the European Union (EU). The EU has a long history of taking a person-centric view of privacy, beginning with their Data Protection Directive (EUDPD). The current set of data protection regulations is the General Data Protection Regulation, which is discussed in detail later in the chapter.

The EUDPD equated personal data protection as a basic human right and places strict rules on firms using personal data. Personal data could be collected and used for specifically approved purposes, but then it must be destroyed or altered in such a way that it is no longer personally identifiable. In the United States, consumers must opt out of data sharing and extended data use as proposed by firms. In the EU, it is the opposite: consumers must opt in to sharing. This has significant implications to the collection, use, and disposal of data in an enterprise.

In Europe, privacy law is much more advanced than in the United States. In the European Union, personal data should not be processed, except when three conditions are met: transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality. Transparency means that the user must give consent for the data to be processed. To give consent, the customer must be informed of the purpose of processing the data, the recipients of the data, and any other information required to understand how the data will be used. The purpose of processing the data shall be a legitimate purpose, and the level of data should be commensurate with its use, or proportional.

To manage differences between U.S. and EU data protection schemes during the EUDPD era, a set of Safe Harbor Principles were instantiated. Data was allowed to be transferred out of the European Union under these regulations, which are designed to provide a level of protection against disclosure or loss.

Safe Harbor Principles

The Safe Harbor principles allowed non-EU firms to deal with the EUDPD by following these seven elements:

•   Notice   Customers must be informed that their data is being collected and how it will be used.

•   Choice   Customers must have the ability to opt out of the collection and forward transfer of the data to third parties.

•   Onward Transfer   Transfers of data to third parties may only occur to other organizations that follow adequate data protection principles.

•   Security   Reasonable efforts must be made to prevent loss of collected information.

•   Data Integrity   Data must be relevant and reliable for the purpose it was collected for.

•   Access   Customers must be able to access information held about them and correct or delete it if it is inaccurate.

•   Enforcement There must be effective means of enforcing these rules.

Although the Safe Harbor principles have been replaced by new EU privacy regulations, the guiding elements are still useful to understand, for they are still the foundational principles behind privacy.

In May 2018, the EU passed new sweeping privacy regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and organizations with business ties to the EU, including EU-based customers, will need to comply with GDPR standards. GDPR is a complex, comprehensive set of regulations covering all enterprises and all of the EU. The aim of GDPR is to give back to people control of their personal data, while imposing strict rules on those hosting and processing this data, regardless of where they are in the world. Several elements of GDPR are sweeping in their nature: First is the definition of what comprises personal data. There is no distinction between personal data about an individual in their private, public, or work roles—all are covered by this regulation.

GDPR Personal Data Elements

Under GDPR, personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

This includes

•   online identifiers,

•   IP addresses,

•   and cookies

if they are capable of being linked back to the data subject.

This also includes indirect information, including physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identities that can be traced back to a specific individual.

GDPR demands that individuals must have full access to information on how their data is processed and this information should be available in a clear and understandable way. When companies obtain data from an individual, some of the issues that must be made clear to the individual whose data is being collected are

•   The identity and contact details of the organization behind the data request (who is asking)

•   The purpose of acquiring the data and how it will be used (why they are asking)

•   The period for which the data will be stored (how long they will keep it)

•   Whether the data will be transferred internationally (where else it can go)

•   The individual’s right to access, rectify, or erase the data (right to be forgotten)

•   The individual’s right to withdraw consent at any time (even after collection)

•   The individual’s right to lodge a complaint

Several of these elements can be difficult to operationally implement unless they are planned into the software itself. One of the common elements in the press is the right to be forgotten. GDPR mandates that individuals must be able to withdraw consent at any time and have a right to be forgotten. Included in this right is that if data is no longer required for the reasons for which it was collected, it must be erased.

California Consumer Privacy Act 2018 (AB 375)

In June 2018, California passed a sweeping privacy bill that holds many similarities to GDPR. Passed in response to the threat of a ballot initiative, AB 375 mandates several key elements.

While individuals must opt out of sharing, they

•   Have a right to know how personal data is being used

•   Have a right to disclosure and objection relating to who data is being sold to

•   Have a right to know who data has been provided to

•   Experience no discrimination if they object to data being sold

•   Have a right to access the data being held

The full ramifications of AB 375 are still speculation, as the bill does not go into effect until 2020, but the intent is clear. Privacy laws are going to multiply in the future.

Security Standards

Standards are a defined level of activity that can be measured and monitored for compliance by a third party. Standards serve a function by defining a level of activity that allows different organizations to interact in a known and meaningful way. Standards also facilitate comparisons between organizations. The process of security in an enterprise is enhanced through the use of standards that enable activities associated with best practices. There are a wide range of sources of standards, including standards bodies, both international and national, and industry and trade groups.

Security standards serve a role in promoting interoperability. In software design and development, there will be many cases where modules from different sources will be interconnected. In the case of web services, the WS-security standard provides a means of secure communication between web services.


ISO is the International Organization for Standardization, a group that develops and publishes international standards. The United States has an active relationship to ISO through the activities of the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ISO has published a variety of standards covering the information security arena. To ensure that these standards remain relevant with respect to ever-changing technology and threats, ISO standards are on a five-year review cycle.

The relevant area of the standards catalog are under JTC 1 – Information Technology, specifically subcommittees 7 (Software and Systems Engineering) and 27 (IT Security Techniques). Depending upon the specific topic, other subcommittees may also have useful standards (see

Prominent ISO Standards

The list of ISO standards is long, covering many topics, but some of the more important ones for CSSLPs to understand are as follows:


ISO 2700X Series

The ISO 2700X series of standards does for information security what the ISO 900X series does for quality management. This series defines the relevant vocabulary, a code of practice, management system implementation guidance, metrics, and risk management principles. The ISO/IEC 27000 series of information security management standards is a growing family with over 20 standards currently in place. Broad in scope, covering more than just privacy, confidentiality, or technical security issues, this family of standards is designed to be applicable to all shapes and sizes of organizations.

ISO/IEC 15408 (Common Criteria) Evaluation Assurance Levels (EALs)

The following table illustrates the levels of assurance associated with specific evaluation assurance levels correlated with the Common Criteria.


ISO 15408 Common Criteria

The Common Criteria is a framework where security functional and assurance requirements can be specified in precise terms, allowing vendors to implement and/or make claims about the security attributes of their products. Testing laboratories can evaluate the products to determine if they actually meet the claims stated using the Common Criteria framework. The Common Criteria provide a measure of assurance that specific objectives are present in a given product.

The Common Criteria use specific terminology to describe activity associated with the framework. The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is the product or system that is being evaluated. The Security Target (ST) is the security properties associated with a TOE. The Protection Profile (PP) is a set of security requirements associated with a class of products, i.e., firewalls have PPs and operating systems have PPs, but these may differ. PPs help streamline the comparison of products within product classes.

The output of the Common Criteria process is an Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL), a set of seven levels, from 1, the most basic, through 7, the most comprehensive. The higher the EAL value, the higher the degree of assurance that a TOE meets the claims. Higher EAL does not indicate greater security.

ISO/IEC 9126 Software Engineering Product Quality

Product quality is an international standard for the evaluation of software quality. This four-part standard addresses some of the critical issues that adversely affect the outcome of a software development project. The standard provides a framework that defines a quality model for the software product. The standard addresses internal metrics that measure the quality of the software and external metrics that measure the software results during operation. Quality-of-use metrics are included to examine the software in particular scenarios.

ISO/IEC 9126 Quality Characteristics

ISO 9126 defines six quality characteristics that can be used to measure the quality of software:

•   Functionality

•   Reliability

•   Usability

•   Efficiency

•   Maintainability

•   Portability

ISO/IEC 12207 Systems and Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle Processes

This international standard establishes a set of processes covering the lifecycle of the software. Each process has a defined set of activities, tasks, and outcomes associated with it. The standard acts to provide a common structure so all parties associated with the software development effort can communicate through a common vocabulary.

ISO/IEC 15504 Information Technology—Process Assessment

Process assessment is also known as SPICE. SPICE originally stood for Software Process Improvement and Capability Evaluation, but international concerns over the term Evaluation has resulted in the substitution of the term Determination (SPICD). ISO 15504 is a set of technical standards documents for the computer software development process. The standard was derived from ISO/IEC 12207, the process lifecycle standard, and from maturity models like the CMM. ISO 15504 is used for process capability determination and process improvement efforts related to software development.

ISO 15504 defines a capability level on the following scale:


The ISO15504 series consists of a series of documents, six of which are in final approved form, with two additional in draft stages. The series contains a reference model, and sets of process attributes and capability levels.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology is a federal agency that is charged with working with industry to develop technology, measurements, and standards that align with the interests of the U.S. economy. The Computer Security Division is the element of NIST that is charged with computer security issues, including those necessary for compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) and its successors. NIST develops and publishes several relevant document types associated with information security. The two main types of documents are Federal Information Processing Standards and the Special Publication 800 series from the NIST Information Technology Laboratory (ITL). The ITL’s Computer Security Division also publishes security bulletins. Security bulletins are published on an average of six times a year, presenting an in-depth discussion of a single topic of significant interest to the information systems community. NIST also publishes Interagency or Internal Reports (NISTIRs) that describe research of a technical nature.

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)

The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are mandatory sets of requirements on federal agencies and specific contractors. Although limited in number, they are wide sweeping in authority and scope. Older FIPS had sections describing a waiver process, but since the passage of FISMA, all aspects of FIPS are now mandatory and the waiver process is no longer applicable.

NIST SP 800 Series

The more common set of NIST publications utilized by industry is the 800 series of Special Publications. These documents are designed to communicate the results of relevant research and guidelines associated with securing information systems. The 800 series has documents ranging from describing cryptographic protocols, to security requirements associated with a wide range of system elements, to risk management framework elements associated with information security governance.


SAFECode is an industry-backed organization that is committed to increasing communication between firms on the topic of software assurance. This group was formed by members who voluntarily share their practices, which together form a best practice solution. SAFECode is dedicated to communicating best practices that have been used successfully by member firms. A sampling of SAFECode’s publications includes

•   Software Assurance: An Overview of Current Industry Best Practices

•   Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development

•   Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development, 2nd Edition

•   Overview of Software Integrity Controls

•   Security Engineering Training

•   List of security-focused stories and security tasks for agile-based development environments

Prominent NIST Publications

The list of NIST security publications is long, covering many topics, but some of the more important ones are as follows:



NOTE    The users’ stories for Agile can be a valuable resource for CSSLP agile developers to explore. See “SAFECode Releases Software Security Guidance for Agile Practitioners.” This paper provides practical software security guidance to Agile practitioners in the form of security-focused stories and security tasks they can easily integrate into their Agile-based development environments. You can find it at

One of the strengths of SAFECode’s publications is that they are not geared just for large firms, but are applicable across a wide array of corporate sizes, from very large to very small.

Secure Software Architecture

Secure software does not just happen—it must be designed in. This begins with the architecture of the process that creates the software and the architecture of the software itself. There are a wide variety of frameworks covering both process and product security that can be employed in the development effort.

Security Frameworks

Numerous security frameworks are used by management to align processes and objectives. Knowledge of the various frameworks is essential for CSSLPs to understand the business environment in which development both takes place and is meant to serve.


Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) is a framework designed to assist management in bridging the gap between control requirements, technical issues, and business risks. Published by ISACA, the current edition is COBIT 5, which builds upon COBIT 4.1’s four domains and 34 processes by consolidating and integrating the Val IT 2.0 and Risk IT frameworks, and also draws significantly from the Business Model for Information Security (BMIS) and Information Technology Assurance Framework (ITAF).

COBIT 5 is based on five key principles for governance and management of enterprise IT:

•   Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs

•   Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End to End

•   Principle 3: Applying a Single, Integrated Framework

•   Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach

•   Principle 5: Separating Governance from Management


The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a joint initiative of five private-sector organizations, established in the United States in response to the Treadway Commission’s report on fraudulent financial reporting. COSO has established an Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework against which companies and organizations may assess their control systems. The COSO model describes internal control as a process consisting of five interrelated components:

•   Control environment

•   Risk assessment

•   Control activities

•   Information and communication

•   Monitoring

Updated in 2004 to include enterprise risk management, the list has been expanded by adding objective setting, event identification, and risk response. The model was subsequently updated in 2013, but retained the five components, now labeling them as principles.


The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) has been around for over two decades and is now gaining in acceptance as a means for service management. Developed in the United Kingdom, ITIL describes a set of practices focused on aligning IT services with business needs. It was updated in 2011 and has changed the naming convention from ITIL V3 (2007) to ITIL 2011. ITIL 2011 has five volumes consisting of 26 processes and functions. The five volumes are

•   ITIL Service Strategy

•   ITIL Service Design

•   ITIL Service Transition

•   ITIL Service Operation

•   ITIL Continual Service Improvement


The Zachman Framework is a highly structured and formal method of defining an enterprise. Arranged as a two-dimensional matrix, the rows represent different yet distinct and unique views, while the columns represent descriptors. Table 3-1 illustrates the relationships of the basic rows and columns.


Table 3-1 Basic Zachman Framework Elements

The Zachman Framework has been extended and adapted for many different uses. A highly flexible, 36-cell relationship diagram, it can be used in a wide variety of instances. As a simple graphical communication tool, this framework can document a substantial amount of relationships in a single page.


The Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA) is a framework and methodology for developing risk-driven enterprise information security architectures and for delivering security infrastructure solutions that support critical business initiatives. It was developed independently from the Zachman Framework, but has a similar structure. The focus of SABSA is that all requirements, including security requirements, can be derived from business requirements. SABSA works well with the SDLC, as you can directly map the views from SABSA (rows in Zachman) to the Security Architecture Levels from SDLC, as shown in Table 3-2.


Table 3-2 Comparing SABSA Layers to SDLC


Software development lifecycle (SDLC) is a generic term describing a process imposed on the development of software. There are numerous models for software development, from the traditional waterfall and spiral models, to the more recent agile models. Although each model for development has its advantages and disadvantages, software developed under a process-based lifecycle system has a greater opportunity to be secure. This is partly due to the models themselves and partly due to the ability of an organization to perform process improvement on the development model itself. Chapter 4 will examine specific models and relevant outcomes.


Developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University, the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process metric model that rates the process maturity of an organization on a 1 to 5 scale (Table 3-3). As it is currently formulated, CMMI addresses three primary areas: product and service development, service establishment and management, and product and service acquisition.


Table 3-3 CMMI Levels

CMMI began in the software engineering field, and its predecessor was the software CMM. The “integration” in the name signifies the integration of other beginning CMMs into this final form. CMMI is not a development standard or development lifecycle model. It is a framework for business process improvement. CMMI improves performance through the improvement of operational processes.


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a community-driven, open-source activity that is focused on web application security. The OWASP community is worldwide and actively pursues best practices for web application security in a vendor-neutral fashion. The OWASP community undertakes its work through a series of projects that provide valuable information to all members of a web application development environment. The most notable of these is the OWASP Top Ten, a list of the most common web security vulnerabilities found in software. This list has been revised periodically, with the latest version released in May 2013.

OWASP has sponsored a large number of projects aimed at increasing developer awareness of known issues in an effort to reduce vulnerabilities in systems. The OWASP Development Guide, Code Review Guide, and OWASP Testing Guide form a comprehensive review of best-practice frameworks for web applications.

OWASP can be considered mainstream in that the current version of PCI DSS requires web applications to be developed under an SDLC and refers to OWASP documents as a secure coding guideline that can be employed.


Developed by Carnegie Mellon University in 2001, Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) is a suite of tools, techniques, and methods for risk-based information security assessment. OCTAVE is designed around three phases: build asset-based threat profiles, identify infrastructure vulnerabilities, and develop a security strategy.


Build Security In (BSI) is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security–backed project communicating information on research, best practices, and generic principles for software security. Web-based and open to the public (, BSI acts as a collaborative effort to provide practices, tools, guidelines, rules, principles, and other resources that software developers, architects, and security practitioners can use to build security into software in every phase of its development.

Trusted Computing

Trusted computing (TC) is a term used to describe technology developed and promoted by the Trusted Computing Group. This technology is designed to ensure that the computer behaves in a consistent and expected manner. One of the key elements of the TC effort is the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The TPM can hold an encryption key that is not accessible to the system except through the TPM chip. This assists in securing the system, but has also drawn controversy from some quarters concerned that the methodology could be used to secure the machine from its owner.


The Trusted Computing Group has delineated a series of principles that they believe are essential for the effective, useful, and acceptable design, implementation, and use of TCG technologies. These principles are

•   Security

•   Privacy

•   Interoperability

•   Portability of data

•   Controllability

•   Ease of use

These principles are not designed to stand in isolation, but to work together to achieve a secure system. Although there is potential for conflict between some of these, when taken in a properly defined context, the conflict should naturally resolve itself.

Ring Model

The ring model was devised to provide a system-based method of protecting data and functionality from errors and malicious behavior. The ring model is composed of a series of hierarchical levels based on given security levels (see Figure 3-1). The lowest ring, Ring 0, represents items that can directly address the hardware. For instance, the BIOS and the OS kernel are both instantiated as members of Ring 0. Each ring is a protection domain, structured in a hierarchical manner to provide a separation between specific activities and objects. Rings can only interact with themselves or with an adjacent ring. Applications (Ring 3) should not read or write directly from hardware (Ring 0). By forcing activity requests through intervening rings, this provides an opportunity to enforce the security policy on activities being sent to objects.


FIGURE 3-1 Ring model

Reference Monitor

A reference monitor is an access control methodology where a reference validation mechanism mediates the interaction of subjects, objects, and operations. In a computer system architecture, a subject is either a process or a user, and an object is an item on the system, typically in the form of a file or socket. Subjects interact with objects via a set of operations. The reference monitor is designed to mediate this interaction per a defined security policy. For a reference validation mechanism to be a reference monitor, it must possess three qualities:

•   It must always be invoked and there is no path around it. This is called complete mediation.

•   It must be tamper-proof.

•   It must be small enough to be verifiable.

Complete mediation is required or an attacker may simply bypass the mechanism and avoid the security policy. Without tamper-proof characteristics, an attacker can undermine the mechanism, forcing it to fail to act properly. Reference monitors need to be verifiable, for this is where the trust is created.

Protected Objects

A protected object is one whose existence may be known but cannot be directly interacted with. Specifically, any interaction must be done through a protected subsystem. The protected subsystem is designed so that only specific procedures may be called, and these are done in a manner that facilitates verification per security policy. Much of security is managed by control, and protected objects are controlled-access entities that permit the enforcement of specific rules. This foundational concept, introduced in the mid-1970s, has become one of the predominant computer security models.

Trusted Computing Base

The term trusted computing base (TCB) is used to describe the combination of hardware and software components that are employed to ensure security. The Orange Book, which is part of the U.S. government’s Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), provides a formal definition for TCB:

The totality of protection mechanisms within it, including hardware, firmware, and software, the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a computer security policy.

The trusted computing base should not be confused with trustworthy computing or trusted computing. Trusted computing base is an idea that predates both of these other terms and goes to the core of how a computer functions. The kernel and reference monitor functions are part of the TCB, as these elements are the instantiation of the security policy at the device level. Functions that operate above the TCB level—applications, for instance—are not part of the TCB and can become compromised, but without affecting the TCB level.

Trusted Platform Module

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is an implementation of specifications detailing secure cryptostorage on a chip. The current version is TPM 1.2, rev. 116, and it is detailed in ISO/IEC 11889. The purpose of the device is to provide for secure storage of cryptographic keys and platform authentication. Bound to the BIOS and available to the OS, the objective is to enable a secure storage method of keys for virtually any encryption technology. Although recent attacks have demonstrated that the keys can be obtained from the TPM chip, these are specialized attacks that require physical access and large capital investments in equipment. Even then, as the attack involves physically destroying the chip, it is not a guarantee that the protected data can be compromised.

Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative

The Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative is a company-wide effort to address concerns over security and privacy. From a white paper in 2002, Microsoft CTO Craig Mundie established four pillars of the company’s Trustworthy Computing Initiative. In the years since, Microsoft has internalized these objectives into all of their processes and products. The four key pillars are security, privacy, reliability, and business integrity. Security was labeled as the first pillar, signifying its importance going forward. But this pillar did not just view security as a technical item, but included the social dimension as well. Including privacy as a pillar signified to the customer base that privacy is important to the entire computing ecosystem. Reliability was defined broadly to include not just whether a system was functioning or not, but whether it could function in hostile or nonoptimal situations. The pillar of business integrity was designed to tie it all together to show responsiveness and transparency. Without this last pillar, the previous pillars could be covered over or ignored.


Software is not always created as a series of greenfield exercises, but rather, it is typically created by combining existing elements, building systems by connecting separate modules. Not all software elements will be created by the development team. Acquisition of software components has security implications, and those are covered in detail in Chapter 20. But acquisition is an important component that has connections throughout the lifecycle, so what follows is a brief overview of how this topic fits into the CSSLP discussion.

Definitions and Terminology

Acquisition has its own set of terms used throughout this technical/legal discipline, but a couple of them stand out in the secure software environment. The first and most prevalent is commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. This term describes an element that is readily available for purchase and integration into a system. A counterpart to this is government off-the-shelf (GOTS) software. This term refers to software that is specifically developed for government use. GOTS tends to be more specialized and have higher costs per unit, as the base is significantly smaller.

Build vs. Buy Decision

Software acquisition can be accomplished in two manners, either by building it or buying it. This results in a build vs. buy decision. In today’s modular world of software, the line between build and buy is blurred, as some elements may be built and some purchased. Many of today’s applications involve integrating elements such as databases, business logic, communication elements, and user interfaces. Some elements, such as database software, are best purchased, whereas mission-critical core activities involving proprietary business information are generally best developed in-house. One of the key elements in successful integration is the degree of fit between software and the existing business processes, ensuring requirements include both the business process perspective and generic features and functions.


Software development is an expensive undertaking. The process to develop good software is complex, the skill levels needed can be high, and every aspect seems to lead to higher costs. These cost structures, plus the easily transported nature of software, makes outsourcing of development a real possibility. Wages for developers vary across the globe, and highly skilled programmers in other countries can be used for a fraction of the cost of local talent. In the late 1990s, there was a widespread movement to offshore development efforts. A lot was learned in the early days of outsourcing. Much of the total cost of development was in elements other than the coders, and much of these costs could not be lowered by shipping development to a cheaper group of coders based on geography.

The geographic separation leads to greater management challenges and costs. Having developers separate from the business team adds to the complexity, learning curves, and cost. The level of tacit knowledge and emergent understanding that is common on development teams becomes more challenging when part of the team is separated by geography. So, in the end, outsourcing can make sense, but just like build vs. buy decisions, the devil is in understanding the details—their costs and benefits.

Contractual Terms and Service Level Agreements

Contractual terms and service level agreements are used to establish expectations with respect to future performance. Contractual terms when purchasing software should include references to security controls or standards that are expected to be implemented. Specific ISO standards or NIST standards that are desired by a supplier should be included in these mechanisms to ensure clear communication of expectations. Service level agreements can include acceptance criteria that software is expected to pass prior to integration.

Chapter Review

This chapter began with an examination of the different types of regulations associated with secure software development. These regulations drive many facets of the development process, from requiring specific requirements up front in the process to reporting requirements once software is in operation. Controlling the activities of an organization are the policies and procedures used to drive and guide daily activities. The chapter explored how security policies impact secure development practices in the organization. Many of these policies address issues to manage the legal impacts of intellectual property development and the legal ramifications associated with operation of systems associated with protected data items. A discussion of protected data items and the roles of security and privacy associated with the development process was presented.

Standards act as guiding elements, providing coordinating information associated with complex interlocking systems. The role that various security standards associated with secure development was presented. All of these elements exist in a framework that enables process improvement and management, and the secure lifecycle process is presented in the next chapter. To prepare the reader for the specific framework associated with secure development, a series of supporting frameworks was presented in this chapter.

The chapter ended with a discussion of the role that acquisition plays in the process of secure software development. Examining the build vs. buy decision, coupled with outsourcing and contractual elements, provides information on securing elements not built in-house.

Quick Tips

•   Regulations and compliance form the basis of many security efforts.

•   FISMA is the federal law governing information security for government systems in the United States.

•   Sarbanes-Oxley dictates internal controls for public firms in the United States.

•   HIPAA and the HITECH Act govern information security with respect to medical records in the United States.

•   PCI DSS is a set of standards that apply to the credit card issuers, including processors.

•   Intellectual property is protected through patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

•   Privacy is the principle of controlling information about one’s self.

•   Personally identifiable information (PII) should be protected in systems at all times.

•   There are numerous standards from NIST and ISO applicable to software security.

•   There are a wide variety of frameworks covering both process and product security that can be employed in the development effort.

•   Common process frameworks include COBIT, ITIL, CMMI, and SDLC.

•   Trusted computing is the set of technologies to improve computer security.

•   Computer security models such as the ring model, reference monitor, and protected objects provide concepts to implement security.

•   Software acquisition can have an effect on system security, with procurement and contractual implications.


To further help you prepare for the CSSLP exam, and to provide you with a feel for your level of preparedness, answer the following questions and then check your answers against the list of correct answers found at the end of the chapter.

1.   The primary governing law for federal computer systems is:


B.   Sarbanes-Oxley


D.   Gramm-Leach-Bliley

2.   Which of the following is a security standard associated with the collection, processing, and storing of credit card data?

A.   Gramm-Leach-Bliley




3.   To protect a novel or nonobvious tangible item that will be sold to the public, one can use which of the following?

A.   Patent

B.   Trademark

C.   Trade secret

D.   Licensing

4.   The organization responsible for the Top Ten list of web application vulnerabilities is:

A.   DHS


C.   Microsoft


5.   When using customer data as test data for production testing, what process is used to ensure privacy?

A.   Data anonymization

B.   Delinking

C.   Safe Harbor principles

D.   Data disambiguation

6.   Which of the following is not a common PII element?

A.   Full name

B.   Order number

C.   IP address

D.   Date of birth

7.   Which of the following is an important element in preventing a data breach when backup tapes are lost in transit?

A.   Service level agreements with a backup storage company

B.   Use of split tapes to separate records

C.   Proprietary backup systems

D.   Data encryption

8.   To interface data sharing between U.S. and European firms, one would invoke:

A.   GDPR principles

B.   Safe Harbor principles

C.   Onward transfer protocol

D.   Data protection regulation

9.   Which standard is characterized by Target of Evaluation and Security Targets?

A.   ISO 9126 Software Quality Assurance

B.   ISO 15288 Systems and Software Engineering

C.   ISO 2700X series

D.   ISO 15408 Common Criteria

10.   Which of the following are mandatory for use in federal systems?

A.   NIST SP 800 series



D.   ITL security bulletins

11.   Which of the following is not a framework to improve IT operations?





12.   The third level of the CMMI model is called:

A.   Quantified

B.   Managed

C.   Defined

D.   Optimizing

13.   Reference monitors must possess all of the following properties except:

A.   Efficient

B.   Complete mediation

C.   Tamper-proof

D.   Verifiable

14.   HIPAA and HITECH specify protection of which of the following?

A.   PHI

B.   PII


D.   PFI

15.   The foundations of privacy include the following items:

A.   Notice, choice, security

B.   Nonrepudiation, notice, integrity

C.   Enforcement, onward transfer, verifiable

D.   Impact factor, security, access


1.   C. The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) is a federal law that requires each federal agency to implement an agency-wide information security program.

2.   B. The PCI DSS is the governing document that details the contractual requirements for members that accept and process bank cards.

3.   A. Patents are used to protect intellectual property that is disclosed in use.

4.   D. One of OWASP’s products is the ten most critical web application security vulnerabilities.

5.   A. Anonymizing the data, stripping it of customer PII, is part of the test data management process.

6.   B. Order numbers cannot be correlated to other PII elements, making them non-PII.

7.   D. Encrypted data is no longer useful data, but simply ones and zeros.

8.   A. GDPR principles apply to all EU data. The Safe Harbor principles that allowed the harmonization of U.S. and EU privacy rules no longer are sufficient.

9.   D. The Common Criteria has TOE, ST, and PP as elements.

10.   B. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are mandatory requirements for federal systems.

11.   D. OWASP is an organization dedicated to improving web application security.

12.   C. The levels for CMMI are 1 – Initial, 2 – Managed, 3 – Defined, 4 – Quantitatively Managed, and 5 – Optimizing.

13.   A. Reference monitors need to exhibit complete mediation, be tamper-proof, and be verifiable.

14.   A. HIPAA and HITECH are both concerned with personal health information (PHI).

15.   A. Foundational privacy elements are notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement.

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