

abuse, in client’s background, 155

acceptance, 42, 103, 104

accounting method of building trust, 4142


communicative, 8485

conversation for, 102105

Action Workshop, The, 62

adults, coaching, 1011

alternative model of coaching

amoeba theory of management, 56

language in, 8

phenomenology, 7

amoeba theory of management, 56

anger, 69

antireductionism, 59

anxiety, 163, 166

apologizing, 69

appreciation, 7172

approval, 49

Arendt, Hannah, 179

assertions, 9394

commitment to, 93

importance of, 94

summary of, 95

assessment, 2728

of competence level, 27

components of satisfaction/effectiveness model, 73, 7980

context, 75

emotion, 7475

intellect, 74

soul, 76

will, 75

context and, 172

as conversation moves

background knowledge and, 9596

experts and, 97

grounding, 9697

making, 96

pitfalls of, 9495

summary of, 98

domains of competence model, 70, 79

facts and events, 7273

relationships with others, 7172

self-management, 71

exercise for Conversation One, 144145

five elements model, 78

commitments, 6364

future possibilities, 6465

immediate concerns, 6263

mood, 6570

personal/cultural history, 65

flow of coaching and, 3536

interpretation of, 172

models for

applications of, 7880

communication and, 59

expectations of, 5960

labeling and, 6061

using, 7677

validity of, 60

of readiness for change, 159161


client’s, 160

expectation and, 61

skills in, 172

structure of interpretation and, 27, 35

of trust, 4142

assumed competence, 88

athletic coaching, 10

Atwater, Lee, 67

Austin, John, 83

Awakenings (film), 68

awareness, 154


background of obviousness, 88


expectations and, 60

interpretation and, 78

outcomes and, 7, 126127

structure of interpretation and, 25

Being-in-the-World (Dreyfus), 11

Bell, Chauncey, 83

body,see human body

body work, 21

Boss, Medard, 15, 16, 39

boundaries, declarations and, 98

breathing exercises, 21

Brown, Christy, 21


capacity for change, 158159

Care of the Soul (Moore), 179


assessing readiness for, 159161

capacity for, 158159

commitment to, 158

foundation for, 161163

necessities for, 158159

relationships and, 161

characterization, self, 54


alternative model of, 58

amoeba theory of management, 56

phenomenology, 7

athletic, 10

commitments to, 107108

through conversation, 101, 115116

creativity in, 11

flow of

assessment and, 3536

developing sense of, 31

relationship and, 3334

stages of, 3337

structure for, 3132, 37

foundation for

alternative model, 58

in command-and-control organizations, 23

creativity in, 11

learning experiences, 10

operating principles, 911

overview, 12

products, 35, 78

premise of, 7

relationship of, 3940, 4748, 54

freedom of expression in, 4449

social identity and, 54

scope of, 37

self-correction and, 158

self-development for, 170

process of, 174175

qualities, 172174

skills, 171172

self-generation and, 158

space for, 163

structure of interpretation and, 26

for stuck, 152153

time for, 163

in type two conversation (several conversations), 121

command-and-control organizations, 23

commitments, 78

assertions and, 93

to change, 158

to coaching, 107108

competing/conflicting, 155

declarations and, 97

enrollment and, 107110

in five elements model, 6364

mutual, 107108

offers and, 9293

promises and, 90

requests as, 86

speech act theory and, 84


assessment models and, 59

coaching scope and, 37

forces shaping, 45

give and take in, 39

habits in, 49

language and, 23

openness in, 45

in organizations, 45

relationship and, 33

social identity and, 53

structure for, 37

style of, 49

communicative action, 8485

competence, assumed, 88

competing/conflicting commitments, 155

Competitive Edge Sales Course, The, 62

complaining, 173

components of satisfaction/effectiveness model, 73, 7980

context, 75

emotion, 7475

intellect, 74

soul, 76

will, 75

conditions for satisfaction, 8788

confidentiality, 4647

consequences, clarity about, 57

Consequences of Pragmatism, 16

consistency, 173174


assessment skills and, 172

in components of satisfaction and effectiveness, 75, 80

historical, 93

language as, 10, 2425

of speaking, 84, 86

time as, 88


for action, 102105

coaching through, 101, 115116

enrollment, 107110

listening and, 101102

moves in, 85

assertions, 9394, 95

assessments, 9497, 98

declarations, 9799, 100

offers, 90, 9293

promises, 90, 91

requests, 8690, 91

for possibilities, 101102

for relationship, 99101

type one (single conversation)

outline/example, 117120

overview, 116, 117

type two (several conversations)

coaching in, 121

first conversation, 120125

overview, 116117

second conversation, 125129

third conversation, 129132

type three (profound, long conversation)

overview, 117

questions for, 132144

Covey, Stephen, 179

creativity, 11, 174

cultural history, 65, 78

current reality, 175

cynicism, 67, 108


death, 2223

Declaration of Independence, 97


boundaries and, 98

commitment in, 97

meaning and, 98

of outcomes, 98, 100

possibility in, 9798

of reality, 9899

truth and, 99

designing, 172

exercises, 153

practices, 152153

Dewey, John, 115

Dickinson, Emily, 25

domains of competence model, 7073, 79

facts and events, 7273

relationships with others, 7172

self-management, 71

Douglas, Michael, 67

downsizing, 2

Dreyfus, Hubert, 11


Educating the Reflective Practitioner(Schön), 147

emotion, 79

components of satisfaction/effectiveness model and, 7475

relationships and, 72

enrollment, 36

checklist for, 111

commitment and, 107110

conversation for, 107110

enrollment (Contd )

difficulty of, 107

listening and, 109, 110

outcomes and, 36, 107112, 117

exercise, 78, 165


for assessing level of competence, 27

assessment, 144145

for being stuck, 153

breathing, 21

for Conversation One, 122, 144146

designing, 153

for distinctions/structures, 135

network of support, 105

observation, 125, 129

practice, 146147, 153

scaling expectations with, 153

self-observation, 28, 37, 122, 123, 135, 145146, 155

for uncovering undiscussable, 45

Existential Foundations of Medicine and Psychology (Boss), 16


for assessment models, 5960

behavior and, 60

as coach, 173

inflexibility of, 54

scaling, 153

from self-assessment, 61

unrealistic, 153


Faulkner, William, 67

feedback, 178

five elements model, 78

commitments, 6364

future possibilities, 6465

immediate concerns, 6263

mood, 6570

personal/cultural history, 65

flexibility, 174

Flores, Fernando, 11, 62, 83

flow of coaching

developing sense of, 31

relationship and, 3334

stages of, 3337

structure for, 3132, 37

foundation for coaching

alternative model, 58

amoeba theory of management, 56

language in, 8

phenomenology, 7

in command-and-control organizations, 23

creativity in, 11

learning experiences, 10

operating principles, 911

overview, 12

products, 35, 78

freedom of expression

in coaching relationship, 4449

confidentiality and, 4647

cultural, 4445

listening and, 46

mutual, 4449

openness and, 4546

in organizations, 45

strengthening, 48

trust and, 47

Fritz, Robert, 147

frustration, 68, 77

being stuck and, 151152

openings and, 55, 56

future action, 87

future possibilities, 6465, 78


Gates, Bill, 153

Goodfellows (film), 67

grounding, 9697

group effectiveness, 45

guilt, 6970


Habermas, Jürgen, 83

habits, 5153

in communication, 49

as hindrances, 134

physical level of, 173

public identity and, 105

self-image and, 105

social identity and, 54, 55

Hatha yoga, 21

Hawking, Stephen, 21

hindrances, 107, 134, 176

habits as, 134

to outcomes, 107111, 134

social identity as, 53


context of, 93

personal/cultural, 65, 78

Hsia Po-Yan, 59

human beings

complexity of, 6

defining, 1517

model limitations and, 60

as possibility for relating, 1819

truth and, 1718

human body, 2122

habits in, 173

as locus of transformation, 2122

as way of being in world, 21

Human Condition, The (Arendt), 179

Hume, David, 66



habits of

public identity, 105

social identity, 54, 55

public, 25, 105


as coaching hindrance, 53

habits and, 54, 55

narratives in, 54

structure of, 55

immediate concerns, 6263, 78

impatience, 119, 159, 173

inferior moods, 6870

inflexible expectations, 54

innovation, 2

intellect, 79

in components of satisfaction/effectiveness model, 74

will v., 111

intended outcomes, 176

intention, clarifying, 118

interpretation, 1011

of assessments, 172

individual behavior and, 78

limits of, 76

requests and, 86

structure of, 8

assessment and, 27, 35

behavior following, 25

coaching and, 26

revealing thought process and, 118

Heidegger, Martin, 24


Jordan, Michael, 153

Joyce, James, 25

justification, 54, 107


Keller, Helen, 21

Kennedy, John, 70, 97

King Lear, 69


labels, 6061

laissez-faire capitalism, 67

language, 2325

in alternative model of coaching, 8

communication and, 23

context and, 10, 2425

listening and, 2324

meaning and, 25

as orientation, 24

time and, 1920

learning experiences, 10

Lewis, Sinclair, 67

listening, 85

conversation for possibilities and, 101

enrollment and, 109, 110

freedom of expression and, 46

immediate concerns and, 62

language and, 2324

requests and, 8689

self-improvement of, 175178

skills in, 171

speaking and, 8485

listening journal, 177

long-term excellent performance, 3

Lowen, Alexander, 21


Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, The (film), 76

Mandela, Nelson, 97

manipulation, 107

Maturana, Humberto, 11, 93


declarations and, 98

language and, 25

structure of interpretation and, 26

meetings, 164

mental hygiene, 163

Merchant of Venice, The, 69

metaphors, 143

misrepresentation, 107

mood, 2021, 78

five elements model and, 6570

inferior, 6870

superior, 6668

Moore, Thomas, 179

moves in conversation, 85

assertions, 9394, 95

assessments, 9497, 98

declarations, 9799, 100

offers, 90, 9293

promises, 90, 91

requests, 8690, 91

multicultural environments, 2

mutual commitment, 107108

mutual freedom of expression, 4449

mutual respect, 4244

mutual trust, 4042

Myers-Briggs type, 59



interplay of, 54

private, 54

nervous system, 52

network of support, 105, 162, 177, 178


observation, 2526

exercises for, 125, 129

principles of, 77


exercise for Conversation One, 122, 145146

exercises for, 28, 37, 123, 135, 155

subjectivity in, 26

obviousness, background of, 88


coaching situations in, 90, 92

as combination of request and promise, 90

as intersection of needs and commitments, 9293

summary of, 93

Olalla, Julio, 83

openings, 34, 5557

openness, 4546, 71

operating principles, 911


command-and-control, 23

communication in, 45

orientation, 24

outcomes, 107, 109

amoeba theory and, 6

behavior and, 7, 126127

clarity about, 57

client distinctions for, 133

commitments and, 63

Conversation Number Three and, 129

declarations of, 98, 100

enrollment and, 36, 107112, 117

fulfillment of coaching program and, 133

hindrances to, 107111, 134

intended, 176

language/time and, 1920

long-term, 158

metaphors for, 143

mutual declaration of, 98, 100

offers and, 90

operating principles of coaching and, 911

products of coaching and, 34, 78

requests and, 86, 89

self-correction and, 158

self-generation and, 158

self-management and, 71

speaking and, 85

structure and, 32

overstimulation, 163


Passion of the Western Mind (Tarnas), 11

Path of Least Resistance, The (Fritz), 147

patience, 173

personal history, 65, 78

phenomenology, 7, 64

physical props, 163

Pollack, Jackson, 96

Popper, Karl, 16


conversation for, 101102

declarations and, 9798

posture, 21

powerlessness, 25

practice, 178

practice exercise, 146147, 153

practices, designing, 152153

pragmatism, 910

premise of coaching, 7

principles of observation, 77

private narratives, 54

products of coaching, 35, 78


as commitment, 90

individuals and, 90

summary of, 91

public identity, 25, 105


reality, declaring, 9899

Reich, William, 21

relationships, 9, 78

coaching, 3940, 4748, 54

communication and, 33

conversation for, 99101

in domains of competence model, 7172

emotion and, 72

flow of coaching and, 3334

freedom of expression in, 4449

possibility for, 1819

readiness for change and, 161

toxic, 166

renewal, 161


commitment and, 86

elements of, 8690

summary of, 91

time and, 88

resentment, 69

resignation, 6768

resolving breakdowns, 171172


mutual, 4244

strengthening, 4748

rigor, 172173

Rolf, Ida, 21

routines, 161


scaling expectations, 153

Scarlet Letter, The, 70

schedules, 164

Schön, Donald, 147

Sciacca, M. F., 39

Searle, John, 83

second-guessing, 163


client’s, 160

expectation and, 61

self-characterization, 54

self-consistency, 173174

self-correction, 3, 4

coaching outcomes and, 158

self-development, 169

for coaches, 170

process of, 174175

qualities, 172174

skills, 171172

self-generation, 35, 158

self-image, 105

self-management, 71, 73, 78


exercise for Conversation One, 122, 145146

exercises for, 28, 37, 123, 135, 155

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 179

shadow, 154

Shambhala (Trungpa), 147

shared background of obviousness, 88

Sieler, Alan, 83

simplification, 161

sincerity, 89

skepticism, 6667, 108

social identity, 5355

as coaching hindrance, 53

habits and, 54, 55

narratives in, 54

structure of, 55

something missing, 89

soul, 76, 80


space for coaching, 163


context of, 84, 86

outcomes and, 85

requests and, 86

skills in, 171

speech act theory and, 8485

speech act theory, 83

communicative action principles, 8485

moves in conversation, 85

assertions, 9394, 95

assessments, 9497, 98

declarations, 9799, 100

offers, 90, 9293

promises, 90, 91

requests, 8690, 91

stress, 158, 164166

level of, 160

sources of, 161

structure, 178

command-and-control, 2

communication, 37

flow of coaching and, 3132, 37

outcomes and, 32

of social identity, 55

structure of interpretation, 8

assessment and, 27, 35

behavior following, 25

coaching and, 26

revealing thought process and, 118


client being, 151153

coaching for, 152153

exercises for, 153

frustration and, 151152

practices for, 152153

program being, 153156

strategies for fixing, 154155

subjectivity of observation, 26

superior moods, 6668


Tarnas, Richard, 11

Taylor, Charles, 83

for coaching, 163

as context, 88

language and, 1920

requests and, 88

timeline, 178

token, 90

toxic relationships, 166

traction, 157

transformation, human body as locus of, 21

Tree of Knowledge, The (Maturana and Varela), 11

truing questions, 170

Trungpa, Chögyam, 147


accounting method of, 4142

assessing, 4142

freedom of expression and, 47

mutual, 4042


declarations and, 99

human beings and, 1718

Twain, Mark, 67

“two tracks” principle, 10

type one (single conversation)

outline/example, 117120

overview, 116, 117

type two (several conversations)

coaching in, 121

first conversation, 120125

overview, 116117

second conversation, 125129

third conversation, 129132

type three (profound, long conversation)

overview, 117

questions for, 132144


“uncoachable” clients, 10, 157

Understanding Computers and Cognition (Flores and Winograd), 11

undiscussable, uncovering, 45

unrealistic expectations, 153

utilitarianism, 63


Varela, Francisco, 11

voice echoing, 176


walking, 163

Wall Street (film), 67

well-being, 160161

Whitman, Walt, 25

will, 80

components of satisfaction/effectiveness model and, 75

habits of, 53

intellect v., 111

utilitarianism and, 63

Winograd, Terry, 11

worst-case scenario thinking, 163

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