There are so many colleagues and organizations who have helped with this book, sometimes in ways they may not even know. To mention some would be to do a disservice to others, so please just know that I am grateful to all the people I have worked with during the 40+ years of my career, and especially people who shared stories about fundraising and gave critical feedback on my other books so I could improve each edition.

There are some people who must be named, however. This book was written during the ongoing COVID pandemic, begun just as people were able to get vaccines, and completed during the height of the Delta variant. I was sustained throughout the lockdown and the gradual lifting of restrictions by my “pod”—Doris, Jim, Myn, Stephanie, and Susan, by my weekly Zoom calls with my sister, Candace, and by frequent texts, cards, and calls of support from my dear friend, Cheri Pies. I got daily joy from the Little Free Library I was given for my birthday, which sits on the road outside my house and provides a socially distant way to interact with neighbors and random passersby.

And for what is probably the 1,000th time, I thank my friend and editor, Myn Adess, who has edited every professional article and book I have written. This book required much more work than she was led to believe (by me), but she stepped up with her excellent skill and good humor. My wife, Stephanie Roth, reviewed many chapters and provided both insight and examples from her own vast experience. I couldn't have done this without them.

Thanks also to the 25 people who wrote the spotlights that are sprinkled throughout the book: Katherine Acey, Nancy Aleck, Celia Bernstein, Rory Brown, Cheri Bryant, Angela Campion, Dolores Garay, Miguel Gavaldón, Gil Gerald, Priscilla Hung, Jackie Kaplan, Helen Kim, Jill Kunishima, Caleb Lande, Steve Lew, Natalia López, Ash Lynette, Mario Lugay, Peggy Mathews, Tanya Mote, Monica Nuvamsa, Lourdes Reboyoso, Sonya Ulibari, Luna Vazquez, and Vy Vo.

Both Stan and I express gratitude to our team at Klein & Roth Consulting: Stephanie Roth, Rona Fernandez, and Nancy Otto.

Finally, many thanks to Sandy Hong, who worked with me to put all the articles from the Grassroots Fundraising Journal (published from 1982 to 2018) onto a website, where they can be downloaded for free: I encourage readers to take advantage of this extraordinary resource.


I wouldn't have gained the experience needed to partner with Kim on this book without the wisdom and examples of these mentors and colleagues who taught me that nonprofit fundraising is, at its core, a way to develop and deepen relationships with people who share our values, and to realize our common vision for change: Cheri Bryant, Robert Nakatani, David Blazevich, Sandy Holmes, Cori Stell, Dorothy Ehrlich, Jeff Vessels, Mohammad Zaidi, Eve Bigelow Baxley, and Hal Gunn. They've exemplified integrity, heart, and intelligence in fundraising.

I'm thankful to the dozens of clients with whom I've worked as a fundraising consultant. They have inspired me by their dedication to generating the resources necessary to fulfill their organizations' missions and to involve more people in movements for equity, justice, and sustainability.

I'm deeply grateful to the following colleagues who generously and graciously shared information and data for the chapters focused on the histories of fundraising for organizations within the movements for LGBTQ+ equality and immigrants' rights: Marisa Aguayo, Doug Braley, Cheri Bryant, Jury Candelario, Ben Cheng, Matt Coles, Aurora Colindres, Yael Falicov, Rona Fernandez, Juana Flores, Marcia Gallo, Gil Gerald, C. Nathan Harris, Kris Hayashi, Ruth Herring, Marielena Hincapié, Andrea Lee, Steve Lew, Tiffanie Luckett, Robert Nakatani, Ace Xavier Portis, John Manzon‐Santos, Beth Rayfield, Vince Sales, Michael Schement, and Meera Vaidyanathan.

Finally, I thank my husband, David Carroll, for decades of love and support, including sharing his wealth of knowledge about nonprofit finances and how organizations can ensure that the money donors generously contribute is spent wisely, effectively, and prudently.

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