• 2P teams, 146–7
  • 3M, evolution (mindset), 19–20, 27–8
  • 10x principle, 247–8
  • 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Harari), 213
  • A
  • adaptation, 17, 195–8
    • ability, 226–7
  • adaptive business, 237
  • adaptive leaders, feedback, 271
  • adaptive organisation, 184f, 186
    • motion, transformation, 28–9
  • “adapt or die,” 17–18, 211–12
  • advertising, spending reduction, 118
  • agile decision making, 107
  • albatross, 235
    • attempt, purpose (clarity), 252–3
    • landing, timing, 244–7
  • alignment, 174, 179–80
    • absence, 152–5
    • creation, 176
  • Alonso, Fernando, 173–4
  • Amazon, 164, 206
    • innovation, 147
    • life events (Bezos explanation), 30
  • Amazon Dash, evolution, 64–5
  • analysis, usage, 197
  • appearances, 124–6
  • Apple, communication, 52
  • augmented intelligence, 75, 90–3
  • automation, 121, 138
    • change, 90–3
    • strategy, 93–6
  • autonomous organisation, 150–1
  • autonomy, 187, 189–191, 210, 266–7
    • development, 175–6, 237
    • efficiency, balance, 164–5
    • empowerment, equivalence, 148
    • value, 150–5
  • Aviva, product shift, 52
  • AWS, transformative mindset, 28–9, 164
  • Azulay, Paloma, 35
  • B
  • Bahcall, Safi, 229
  • Bandersnatch process, 20–3
  • basket conversion, optimisation/improvement, 125
  • behaviours, change, 267
  • benchmarks, usage, 113, 124–8
  • Bezos, Jeff, 30, 38, 62, 108, 146, 218
  • Big Bounce (theory), 180–3
  • blinking universe (blink-blink), 180–3
  • board members, vision (setting), 27–8
  • Bradley, Aaron, 113, 242, 272, 275
  • Brailsford, David, 119, 136
  • brands
    • customer experience, 222–4
    • data, contrast, 275–6
    • value, 77–8, 81
  • Branson, Richard, 161
  • Braun, Benjamin, 83, 192, 205, 272, 274
  • bravery, naivety (contrast), 240
  • Brexit, 218, 220
  • Brooks, Herb, 161–2
  • Brownian motion, 176
  • budget, considerations, 39–40
  • Buffett, Warren, 173
  • business
    • actions, consideration, 110
    • adapt or die (adaptation), 17–18, 30, 197
    • albatross, attempt, 245–7, 246f
    • battlefield, 108–11
    • brand values, 77–8
    • decision making, 218–19
    • departments, disconnect (problems), 47, 91–2, 174
    • divisions, measurements, 41
    • environment, creation/improvement, 183–6
    • experience, 66–7
    • focus, misplacement, 42–4
    • functions/services, 188f
    • inequalities, 199–202
    • knowledge, impairment (problem), 34
    • landscape/starting point, 214f, 215–18
    • marginal gains/losses, 118–21
    • model, knowledge, 47–8
    • navigation, 21–22
    • people, impact, 191–2
    • principles, 3–4, 25–8, 83
    • problem, knowledge, 137–8
    • pyramid, 4–8, 4–8f
    • saviour, necessity (absence), 219–20
    • silver bullets, absence, 9–10, 123
    • understanding, 181–2
    • value, drivers, 55
  • Button, Jenson, 173–4
  • C
  • campaign, building, 190
  • change, measurement (catalyst role), 48–50
  • chaos, 7
  • chess, strategy/tactics, 59–62, 61f
  • chief marketing officer (CMO), tenure (length), 116–17
  • classification system
    • impact, 74–8
    • usage/clarity, 73–4
  • collaboration, 190
  • Collins, Jim, 155
  • Columbus, success, 257
  • competitors, perception, 203
  • confidence, 245
  • consumers
  • contextual/emotionally intelligent moments, 79f
  • control, absence, 69–70
  • conversion, measurement, 48
  • cost cutting, efficiency (contrast), 164–5
  • COVID-19
  • crew, 4–8, 4f–8f, 103–5, 188f
    • empowerment, 46
    • purpose, alignment, 145–6
  • crisis
    • change, 210
    • decision making, difficulties, 209
    • opportunities, creation, 207–9
  • C-suite perspective, balancing, 274
  • culture
    • change, absence, 128
    • strategy, relationship, 145
    • survival, 144–5
  • Cumisky, Nicholas, 136, 207
  • customer-centered brands, impact, 43
  • customer experience, 76–8
    • revenue, contrast, 52, 54
  • customer experience transformation (CXT), 11
  • customer needs
    • identification, 254–5
    • meeting, competitive advantage, 225–7
  • customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, 128
  • customers
    • centricity, 272
    • control, absence, 220–1
    • happiness, 73
    • interaction, business consideration, 94
    • journey, 71–2
    • lives, enrichment, 273
    • management, 84–6
    • pivoting, 189
    • priority, 271–3
    • service, product management (contrast), 87–8
    • values, 81
  • D
  • Dark Nature (Watson), 179
  • data science, 163
  • deadweight, losing, 255
  • decision, commitment, 21
  • decision making, 182–3, 202–3, 218
    • classification system, impact, 74–8
  • Dempster, Craig, 2, 38, 149, 165, 221–2
  • Digitally Native Vertical Business (DNVB), 243–4
  • disqualification, example, 251–2
  • diversity, equality, and inclusivity (DEI), 46, 129, 243, 280
  • Do Less project, 256
  • Dollar Shave Club, 150, 243
  • E
  • ecommerce, COVID-19 (impact), 205
  • economic upheaval, 211–12
  • efficiency, 162–4, 187
  • Einstein, Albert, 39, 253
  • emotional intelligence (EQ), 24–5, 86, 90, 144
  • emotional intensity, addition, 80
  • empowerment, creation, 141
  • environment, control, 231–2
  • events, mitigation/adaptation, 195, 225
  • evolution, 17, 109, 144, 182, 258
    • mindset, 19–20
    • process, continuation, 202–4
  • expectations, reality (contrast), 222–4
  • F
  • Facebook
    • adaptive organisation, 186
    • launch, timing, 244
  • fast, slow (contrast), 240–1
  • fatigue, creation, 5, 41
  • fear
    • creation, uncertainty (impact), 214
    • determination, contrast, 227–8
  • Ferguson, Alex, 146
  • financial services, evolution (absence), 204
  • first principle thinking, value, 260–1
  • flexibility/repeatability, balance, 180
  • flow efficiency, usage, 166–7
  • Fluid Cube, 96–7, 225
  • fluid expectations, 98f, 99
  • fluid journeys, 97–9, 98f
  • fluid personas, 97, 98f
  • fluid transformation, 130–2
  • FMCG, cutbacks, 211–12
  • focused strategy, 253–4
  • Ford, Henry, 183
  • foundations (building), time/effort (requirement), 249–53
  • freedom in a box, 146–8, 164
  • frequent organisations, 200
  • Fyre Festival, misalignment, 153–4
  • G
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), opportunities, 207–9, 218
  • Gerstner, Lou, 43, 228–9
  • Gillette, direct-to-consumer operation, 243
  • Glossier, 147, 150
  • goals, balance, 16, 116–17
  • Good to Great (Collins), 155
  • Google, adaptive organisation, 186, 248
  • governance, 179–80
  • H
  • Hamilton, Lewis, 161, 173, 198
  • Harari, Yuval, 213
  • Harry's, customer service improvement, 25–7, 86, 150
  • headless design, mindset, 130–2
  • Healing Pyramid, 33, 33f, 123
  • Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), 73, 137
  • Holmes, Elizabeth, 152
  • Holmes, Ryan, 159
  • Hootsuite, 159
  • human-centric relationships/behaviours, development, 192
  • I
  • IBM, changes, 228–30
  • ideas, evolution, 258
  • immersive experiences, invisible experiences (contrast), 70–3
  • indirect organisations, 199
  • initiative fatigue, 132–4
  • innovation, avoidance, 253–4
  • investment, determination, 136
  • iPod, launch/success, 244–5
  • K
  • Keller, Helen, 141
  • key performance indicator (KPI), 31, 34, 45, 53
  • killer form, 255–6
  • Kodak, problems, 202–3
  • L
  • leaders, 3, 146
    • direction, 212
    • following/leading, 201
    • pacing, 206
    • principals, comparison, 15
    • target-setting, 15–16
    • vision determination, 18
  • leadership, impact, 144
  • Lego, success, 229–30
  • Levy, Steven, 248
  • LinkedIn, 183
  • logic test, application, 256–60
  • Lombardi, Vince, 136
  • long-term winning, 249
  • Loonshots (Bahcall), 229
  • LoveFilm, slipstream example, 206
  • M
  • marginal gains/losses, measurement/usage, 118–24
  • margins, impact, 121–2
  • McDonald's, market reach, 129
  • measurements, 49–50, 179–180
    • alignment, 138
    • care/context, 32, 39–43
    • catalyst, role, 48–50
    • pivot, 276–7
    • role, 277
    • understanding, 125
  • Mendelsohn, Nicola, 78, 126, 225, 245, 272, 274, 276
  • metrics
    • measurement, 39–47, 51
    • prioritization, 55–6
  • Microsoft, impact, 228–9
  • mindset, change, 227–8
  • minimum viable product (MVP), development, 114
  • modernisation, impact, 210–11
  • moment builder, 78–87
  • momentum, building, 131–2, 176, 200
  • Monzo, impact, 204
  • motion
    • accomplishment, 138
    • conversion, 3, 73, 212–14
    • progress, contrast/confusion, 1, 36–7, 265
    • transformation, 28–9
  • Murdoch, Rupert, 2
  • Myspace, launch (timing), 244
  • N
  • Netflix, competition, 206
  • net promoter score (NPS), measurement, 34–5
  • next best action (NBA), 68, 99
  • next best experience (NBX), 66, 68–9, 73, 94, 99
  • next best offer (NBO), 66, 67, 99
  • O
  • obsolescence, 6
  • opportunities
    • creation, 207–9
    • identification, 235
  • optimisation, understanding, 113
  • organisation, 199–200
    • alignment (who's on the bus), 155–6, 266–7
    • autonomy, transition, 151
    • balance, 180
    • decision making, 218–19
    • description, 149–50
    • empowerment/efficiency, 212
    • projects, ending (difficulty), 215–16
  • organisational silos, blending, 177
  • outcomes
    • focus, 38–9, 63–4
    • linking, 202
    • model, 137–8
    • problems, anticipation, 242–4
    • reinforcement, 133–4
  • P
  • pace layering (Gartner Research), 130–2
  • Page, Larry, 247–8
  • Patrick, Craig, 161
  • perfection, impact, 112–14
  • performance, process (proxying), 22–3
  • performance related incentive pay (PRIP) relationship, 45
  • personalisation, 254, 272
  • pivoting, ability, 109
  • Pizza Express, weather (impact), 232
  • Pizza Hut, rebranding, 129
  • plan, adherence, 109–10
  • Pret a Manger, emotional intelligence (usage), 24–5
  • principal, 4–8, 4f–8f, 13–14, 188f
    • leader, comparison, 15
    • liaison, 14–15
  • principle of 10x, 247–8
  • priorities, principal setting, 265–6
  • progress
    • acceleration, 266–8
    • achievement, 141
    • charting/tracking, 2–3, 132
  • proxies, usage, 113
  • purpose, 35, 62, 266–7
  • R
  • Ratcliffe, Nick, 93
  • resolve, limitations, 133
  • retention, improvement, 50
  • Rethinking the Corporation (Tomasko), 175
  • revenue-focused metric, 53–4
  • risks
    • mitigation, 176–7
    • taking, knowledge, 239–40
  • Robson, Paul, 8–9, 67, 197, 275, 276
  • S
  • Sagan, Carl, 256
  • sales
    • importance, 88–90
    • science, misalignment, 152–3
  • scaling fast, 111
  • season, 4–5, 4f, 169–71, 212, 221
  • self-trust, 256–8
  • shared services, 190–1
  • Shopify, launch/impact, 205
  • short-term goals, long-term goals (balance), 116–17
  • short-term planning, long-term planning (contrast), 275
  • silos
    • breakdown, 152, 272
    • challenges, 41
    • organisational silos, blending, 177
  • silver bullets, absence, 9–10, 123
  • Sinek, Simon, 51
  • Slack, transformation, 154
  • Slipstreaming, 206
  • Smith, Craig, 41, 117, 273
  • society/anarchy, balance, 179
  • Starfish and the Spider, The, 149
  • Starling, impact, 204
  • starting point, discovery, 10, 187–91
  • starting small, 111
  • strategy
    • conversion, 59
    • flexibility, 198–9
    • tactics, contrast, 59, 65–8
  • success
    • breeding, 135–6
    • routes, 238f
    • visualisation/sharing, 132
  • Sun Tzu, 59, 108
  • Switch (Heath/Heath), 132
  • T
  • tactics, 59
  • tailwinds, headwind conversion, 173, 176, 193, 206–9
  • Takeshi's Castle, 63, 64
  • talent, hard work (contrast), 204–5
  • team, 104
    • alignment, 141–2, 155
    • autonomy, 150, 175–6, 237
    • collaboration, 49
    • creation, example, 123–4
    • leader communication, 120
    • performance assessment, 45–6
    • principal, direction, 3, 14
    • tools/technology, availability, 157–8
  • technology
    • availability, 157–8
    • change, decision, 29
    • usage/settling, 185–6
  • term organisations, 200
  • Tesla
    • adaptive organisation, 186, 247
    • transformation, 150
  • Thalberg, Marisa, 27, 117
  • Theranos, problems, 152–3
  • think big, go big approach, 216
  • thinking big, 111
  • Tomasko, Robert, 175
  • tools, availability, 157–8
  • total quality management, 210
  • training, 159–62
    • investment, 239
  • transformation, 10–12, 128, 150, 187, 204
    • fluid transformation, 130–2
  • U
  • Uber, innovation, 147
  • unbound interactions, organisational perspective, 221
  • unicorns, raising/training, 159–62
  • urgency, addition, 80
  • V
  • values, driving (programme), 162
  • vision, 35, 37, 62
    • clarity, 174
    • leader determination, 18
    • selling, 27
  • Volkswagen (VW), improvements, 261, 262–3
  • W
  • Wagner, Margaret, 100
  • Wahl, Deborah, 92, 110
  • walls/restrictions, lowering, 176–9
  • Warren, Jennifer, 43
  • Watson, Lyall, 179
  • weaknesses, training, 160–1
  • who's on the bus (organisational alignment), 155–6
  • Why, question/circle, 51–2
  • Williams, David, 145
  • winning
    • attempt, 240–1
    • long-term timeline, 249
  • Wolff, Toto, 229
  • Wright brothers, success, 250, 257
  • Z
  • Zalis, Shelley, 46
  • Zwilling Group, improvements, 261–2
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