Chapter 1
Topic 101: System Architecture


  • images  101.1 Determine and configure hardware settings.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Enable and disable integrated peripherals.
      • Differentiate between the various types of mass storage devices.
      • Determine hardware resources for devices.
      • Tools and utilities to list various hardware information (e.g. lsusb, lspci, etc.)
      • Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devices
      • Conceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, and dbus
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /sys/
      • /proc/
      • /dev/
      • modprobe
      • lsmod
      • lspci
      • lsusb
  • images  101.2 Boot the system.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Provide common commands to the boot loader and options to the kernel at boot time.
      • Demonstrate knowledge of the boot sequence from BIOS/UEFI to boot completion.
      • Understand SysV init and systemd.
      • Awareness of Upstart
      • Check book events in the log files.
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • dmesg
      • journalctl
      • BIOS
      • UEFI
      • bootloader
      • kernel
      • initramfs
      • init
      • SysV init
      • systemd
  • images  101.3 Change runlevels/boot targets and shut down or reboot system.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Set the default runlevel or boot target.
      • Change between runlevels/boot targets including single-user mode.
      • Shut down and reboot from the command line.
      • Alert users before switching runlevels/boot targets or other major system events.
      • Properly terminate processes.
      • Awareness of acpid
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /etc/inittab
      • shutdown
      • init
      • /etc/init.d/
      • telinit
      • systemd
      • systemctl
      • /etc/systemd/
      • /usr/lib/systemd/
      • wall

  1. Which of the following commands is used to view kernel-related udev events in real time?

    1. udevls all
    2. lsudev -f
    3. udevmon -a
    4. udevadm monitor
  2. Which command enables you to view the current interrupt request (IRQ) assignments?

    1. view /proc/irq
    2. cat /proc/interrupts
    3. cat /dev/irq
    4. less /dev/irq
  3. Configuration of udev devices is done by working with files in which directory?

    1. /udev/devices
    2. /devices/
    3. /udev/config
    4. /etc/udev
  4. Which command is used to automatically load a module and its dependencies?

    1. modprobe
    2. lsmod
    3. insmod
    4. rmmod
  5. Which command is used to obtain a list of USB devices?

    1. usb-list
    2. lsusb
    3. ls-usb
    4. ls --usb
  6. When working with hotplug devices, you need to gather more information about them through udevadm. Which udevadm command enables you to query the udev database for information on a device?

    1. query
    2. info
    3. getinfo
    4. devinfo
  7. Which command can be used to view the kernel ring buffer in order to troubleshoot the boot process?

    1. lsboot
    2. boot-log
    3. krblog
    4. dmesg
  8. During the initialization process for a Linux system using SysV init, which runlevel corresponds to single-user mode?

    1. Runlevel 5
    2. Runlevel SU
    3. Runlevel 1
    4. Runlevel 6
  9. On a system using SysV init, in which directory are the startup and shutdown scripts for services stored?

    1. /etc/init-d
    2. /etc/init
    3. /etc/sysV
    4. /etc/init.d
  10. Which command can be used to reboot a system?

    1. init 6
    2. shutdown -h -t now
    3. init 1
    4. refresh-system
  11. When using an SysV init-based system, which command would you use if you make changes to the /etc/inittab file and want those changes to be reloaded without a reboot?

    1. init-refresh
    2. init 6
    3. telinit
    4. reload-inittab
  12. Which command displays the current runlevel for a system?

    1. show-level
    2. init --level
    3. sudo init
    4. runlevel
  13. Within which folder are systemd unit configuration files stored?

    1. /etc/system.conf.d
    2. /lib/system.conf.d
    3. /lib/systemd/system
    4. /etc/sysconfd
  14. Which command is used with systemd in order to list the available service units?

    1. systemd list-units
    2. systemctl list-units
    3. systemd unit-list
    4. systemctl show-units
  15. Which option to lspci is used to display both numeric codes and device names?

    1. -numdev
    2. -n
    3. -nn
    4. -devnum
  16. Which command can be used to obtain a list of currently loaded kernel modules?

    1. insmod
    2. modlist
    3. ls --modules
    4. lsmod
  17. Which option to the modprobe command shows the dependencies for a given module?

    1. --show-options
    2. --list-deps
    3. --show-depends
    4. --list-all
  18. Which command can you use to send a message to all users who are currently logged into a system?

    1. cat
    2. wall
    3. tee
    4. ssh
  19. Which of the following is a good first troubleshooting step when a hard disk is not detected by the Linux kernel?

    1. Unplug the disk.
    2. Check the system BIOS.
    3. Restart the web server service.
    4. Run the disk-detect command.
  20. Within which directory is information about USB devices stored?

    1. /etc/usbdevices
    2. /var/usb
    3. /lib/sys/usb
    4. /sys/bus/usb/devices
  21. If the kernel ring buffer has been overwritten, within which file can you look to find boot messages?

    1. /var/log/bootmessages
    2. /var/log/
    3. /var/adm/log/
    4. /var/log/dmesg
  22. Which command and option can be used to determine whether a given service is currently loaded?

    1. systemctl --ls
    2. telinit
    3. systemctl status
    4. sysctl -a
  23. Which command on a systemd-controlled system would place the system into single-user mode?

    1. systemctl one
    2. systemctl isolate
    3. systemctl single-user
    4. systemctl runlevel one
  24. Which command on a system controlled by Upstart will reload the configuration files?

    1. initctl reload
    2. systemd reload
    3. upstart --reload
    4. ups -reload
  25. When working with a SysV system, which option to chkconfig will display all services and their runlevels?

    1. --reload
    2. --list
    3. --all
    4. --ls
  26. A drive connected to USB is considered which type of device?

    1. Medium
    2. Coldplug
    3. Hotplug
    4. Sideplug
  27. The system is using a temporary flash USB disk for data mounted at /dev/sda1. You need to remove the disk. Which of the following commands will enable the disk to be safely removed from the system?

    1. usbstop /dev/sda
    2. umount /dev/sda1
    3. unmount /dev/sda1
    4. dev-eject /dev/sda1
  28. You have connected a USB disk to the system and need to find out its connection point within the system. Which of the following is the best method for accomplishing this task?

    1. Rebooting the system
    2. Viewing the contents of /var/log/usb.log
    3. Connecting the drive to a USB port that you know the number of
    4. Running dmesg and looking for the disk
  29. Which of the following commands will initiate an immediate shutdown of the system?

    1. shutdown -c
    2. halt
    3. systemd stop
    4. stop-system
  30. Which option within a systemd service file indicates the program to execute?

    1. StartProgram
    2. ShortCut
    3. ExecStart
    4. Startup
  31. Which command will display the default target on a computer running systemd?

    1. systemctl defaults
    2. update-rc.d defaults
    3. systemctl runlevel
    4. systemctl get-default
  32. Which option to the systemctl command will change a service so that it runs on the next boot of the system?

    1. enable
    2. startonboot
    3. loadonboot
    4. start
  33. Which of the following best describes the /proc filesystem?

    1. /proc contains information about files to be processed.
    2. /proc contains configuration files for processes.
    3. /proc contains information on currently running processes, including the kernel.
    4. /proc contains variable data such as mail and web files.
  34. Which command will retrieve information about the USB connections on a computer in a tree-like format?

    1. lsusb -tree
    2. lsusb --tree
    3. lsusb -t
    4. usblist --tree
  35. What is one reason why a device driver does not appear in the output of lsmod, even though the device is loaded and working properly?

    1. The use of systemd means that drivers are not required for most devices.
    2. The use of initramfs means that support is enabled by default.
    3. The system does not need a driver for the device.
    4. Support for the device has been compiled directly into the kernel.
  36. Which option to rmmod will cause the module to wait until it’s no longer in use to unload the module?

    1. -test
    2. -f
    3. -w
    4. -unload
  37. You are using a storage area network (SAN) that keeps causing errors on your Linux system due to an improper kernel module created by the SAN vendor. When the SAN sends updates, it causes the filesystem to be mounted as read-only. Which command and option can you use to change the behavior of the filesystem to account for the SAN bug?

    1. mount --continue
    2. tune2fs -e continue
    3. mkfs --no-remount
    4. mount -o remount
  38. Within which directory are rules related to udev stored?

    1. /etc/udev.conf
    2. /etc/udev.conf.d
    3. /etc/udev/rules.d
    4. /etc/udev.d
  39. Which option to lspci displays the kernel driver in use for the given Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) device?

    1. -t
    2. -k
    3. -n
    4. -a
  40. Within which of the following directories will you find blacklist information for modules loaded with modprobe?

    1. /etc/blacklist
    2. /etc/modprobe.d
    3. /etc/blacklist.mod
    4. /etc/modprobe
  41. When working with a CentOS 6 system, which command is used to create the initial RAM disk?

    1. mkinit
    2. dracut
    3. mkraminit
    4. mkinitfs
  42. Within which file will you find a list of the currently available kernel symbols?

    1. /proc/kernelsyms
    2. /etc/kernel.conf
    3. /etc/lsyms
    4. /proc/kallsyms
  43. Which of the following commands can be used to show the various information related to a currently loaded module, including core size and settings for options?

    1. systool -v -m <module>
    2. modinfo -r <module>
    3. lsmod <module>
    4. infmod <module>
  44. Which directory contains various elements and configuration information about the kernel such as the release number, domain name, location of modprobe, and other settings?

    1. /proc/sys/kmod
    2. /proc/sys/kernel
    3. /proc/kernel
    4. /proc/kernel/sys
  45. Within which directory should systemd unit files that you create be stored?

    1. /etc/system
    2. /etc/systemd/system
    3. /usr/share/systemd
    4. /usr/share/system
  46. Which of the following commands should you execute after making changes to systemd service configurations in order for those changes to take effect?

    1. systemd reload
    2. reboot
    3. systemctl daemon-reload
    4. systemctl reboot
  47. Which of the following files contains the runlevels for the system along with a reference to the corresponding rc file?

    1. /etc/runlevels
    2. /etc/inittab
    3. /etc/rc
    4. /etc/runlevel
  48. Which boot loader can be used for File Allocation Table (FAT) filesystems and might be used for a rescue disk?

    1. SYSBOOT
  49. Which of the following is used to provide an early filesystem-based loading process for key drivers needed to continue the boot process?

    1. bootrd
    2. driverload
    3. initrd
    4. initdrv
  50. When booting a system you receive an error similar to "No init found" and are then placed at an initramfs prompt. You need to check the hard drive for errors. Which of the following commands performs an error check on a hard drive partition in Linux?

    1. defrag
    2. fsck
    3. checkfs
    4. chkfs
  51. Which of the following commands places the system in single-user mode?

    1. tellinit 1
    2. chginit 1
    3. telinet 1
    4. telinit 1
  52. Which of the following commands changes the boot order for the next boot?

    1. efibootmgr -c
    2. efibootmgr -b -B
    3. efibootmgr -o
    4. efibootmgr -n
  53. Which boot loader can be used with ISO9660 CD-ROMS?

    2. EFIBOOT
    3. ISOFS
    4. BOOTISO
  54. Within which directory are systemd user unit files placed by installed packages?

    1. /usr/lib/systemd/user
    2. /usr/lib/systemd/system
    3. /usr/systemd
    4. /usr/system
  55. When using Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), which of the following files can be used as a boot loader?

    1. shim.uefi
    2. shim.efi
    3. shim.fx
    4. efi.shim
  56. Which directory on a SysV init-based system contains scripts that are used for starting and stopping services?

    1. /etc/
    2. /etc/boot
    3. /etc/bootscripts
    4. /etc/init.d
  57. Which of the following commands is used to find overriding configuration files on a systemd-based system?

    1. diff
    2. systemctl -diff
    3. systemd-delta
    4. systemctl configoverride
  58. Which of the following commands on a Red Hat system lists all of the SysV services set to be executed on boot along with their setting for each runlevel?

    1. rlevel
    2. chkconfig --list
    3. bootldr --list
    4. init --bootlist
  59. Which of the following commands, executed from within the UEFI shell, controls the boot configuration?

    1. bootcfg
    2. bcfg
    3. grub-install
    4. grcfg
  60. Which file must exist within /tftpboot on the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server for a system that will use PXELINUX for its boot loader?

    1. pxelinux.tftp
    2. pxelinux.boot
    3. pxelinux.conf
    4. pxelinux.0
  61. Which utility can you use on a Debian or Ubuntu system to manage SysV init scripts, such as setting them to run on boot?

    1. bootorder
    2. bootloader
    3. configchk
    4. update-rc.d
  62. Which key, pressed during the operating system selection menu, is used to enable editing of the parameters related to boot with GRUB?

    1. v
    2. e
    3. r
    4. y
  63. Which systemctl subcommand is used to switch runlevels?

    1. switch
    2. move
    3. runlevel
    4. isolate
  64. When examining the /etc/inittab file, which option signifies the default runlevel to which the system will boot?

    1. default
    2. defaultboot
    3. initdefault
    4. defaultlvl
  65. Which of the following is used instead of initrd to provide an early filesystem for essential drivers?

    1. initnext
    2. initramfs
    3. initialize
    4. initfs
  66. Which of the following commands sets the default systemd target to multi-user?

    1. systemctl set-default
    2. systemd set-default
    3. systemctl set-def
    4. systemd set-def
  67. When using a shim for booting a UEFI-based system, which of the following files is loaded after shim.efi?

    1. grubx64.cfg
    2. grub.conf
    3. grubx64.efi
    4. efi.boot
  68. Within which hierarchy are files from /etc/init.d linked so that the files are executed during the various runlevels of a SysV system?

    1. /etc/rc.S
    2. /etc/rc
    3. /etc/boot/rc
    4. /etc/rc.d
  69. What is the name of the unit to which a systemd system is booted in order to start other levels?

  70. When viewing information in /dev/disk/by-path using the command ls -l, which of the following filenames represents a logical unit number (LUN) from Fibre Channel?

    1. /dev/fc0
    2. pci-0000:1a:00.0-fc-0x500601653ee0025f:0x0000000000000000
    3. pci-0000:1a:00.0-scsi-0x500601653ee0025f:0x0000000000000000
    4. /dev/fibre0
  71. You have purchased new solid-state drive (SSD) hardware that uses the NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) protocol but cannot find the disks in the normal /dev/sd* location in which you have traditionally found such storage. In which location should you look for these drives?

    1. /dev/nd*
    2. /dev/nvme*
    3. /dev/nv*
    4. /dev/nvme/*
  72. Which file contains information about the current md Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) configuration such as the personalities?

    1. /proc/raidinfo
    2. /proc/rhyinfo
    3. /proc/mdraid
    4. /proc/mdstat
  73. Which of the following directory hierarchies contains information such as the World Wide Name (WWN) for Fibre Channel?

    1. /sys/class/wwn
    2. /sys/class/fc_host
    3. /sys/class/fclist
    4. /sys/class/fc/wwn
  74. Information about logical volumes can be found in which of the following directories?

    1. /dev/lvinfo
    2. /dev/map
    3. /dev/mapper
    4. /dev/lvmap
  75. Which of the following commands will examine the PCI subsystem for NVMe-based devices?

    1. psnvme
    2. lsnvme
    3. lspci | grep scsi
    4. lspci | grep -i nvme
  76. Which of the following devices is the location of the first Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) tape device detected at boot?

    1. /dev/st1
    2. /dev/sd0
    3. /dev/sd1
    4. /dev/st0
  77. Which of the following files should be used to display a message to users prior to logging in locally?

    1. /etc/loginmesg
    2. /etc/logmessage.txt
    3. /etc/issue
    4. /etc/banner
  78. Which file contains a message that is displayed after a successful login?

    1. /etc/loginbanner
    2. /etc/issue
    3. /etc/motd
    4. /etc/message
  79. Which of the following files can be used to provide a message to users logging in remotely with a protocol such as telnet?

    1. /etc/telnet.msg
    2. /etc/
    3. /etc/login.msg
    4. /etc/telnet.login
  80. Which of the following commands turns off the computer, including removing power, if possible?

    1. systemctl halt
    2. systemctl reboot
    3. systemctl stop
    4. systemctl poweroff
  81. Which of the following shutdown commands reboots the system in 15 minutes?

    1. shutdown -r +15
    2. shutdown +15
    3. shutdown -15
    4. shutdown -r 00:15
  82. When terminating a process on a SysV init-based system, which command can be used to stop the process?

    1. service
    2. sysv
    3. syscl
    4. servc
  83. Which of the following commands show the boot messages captured by systemd?

    1. journalctl -b
    2. systemctl -b
    3. journalctl -bm
    4. journalctl -l
  84. Which option to the shutdown command halts or stops the system?

    1. -h
    2. -s
    3. -f
    4. -t
  85. Which signal number is used as SIGKILL when used with the kill command?

    1. 1
    2. 4
    3. 9
    4. 11
  86. Which directory contains rc-related startup scripts on a legacy Debian system?

    1. /etc/init
    2. /etc/inittab
    3. /etc/init.d
    4. /etc/rc.init
  87. When attempting to enable an integrated peripheral on a basic input/output system (BIOS) system, what should be done to determine whether the peripheral has been enabled within the BIOS?

    1. Examine boot messages to determine if the kernel has detected the peripheral.
    2. Examine /var/log/auth.log for detection of the peripheral.
    3. Reboot the system to determine if the device works.
    4. Enable the peripheral by removing it from the blacklisted modules.
  88. Which option to the wall command suppresses the "Broadcast message" banner that normally displays?

    1. -b
    2. -a
    3. -n
    4. -d
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