Chapter 11
Practice Exam 1

  1. Which filesystem is used to store information about current running processes?

    1. /environment
    2. /proc
    3. /etc
    4. /dev
  2. What is the default directory for configuration information related to the modprobe command?

    1. /etc/modprobe.conf
    2. /etc/modprobe
    3. /etc/modprobe.d
    4. /var/modprobe
  3. Which of the following wall commands send the message "Please Log Off" to users in the operator group?

    1. wall -g operator "Please Log Off"
    2. wall "Please Log Off"
    3. wall -operator "Please Log Off"
    4. echo "Please Log Off" | group operator
  4. Which option to dmesg displays the time in local time?

    1. -rel
    2. -e
    3. -f
    4. -t
  5. Which process ID is typically associated with the init process?

    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 5
    4. 100
  6. You have been troubleshooting a system issue that may be related to the driver in use for a PCI device in the system. Which command and option will display the PCI devices and the drivers being used for those devices?

    1. lsusb -v
    2. ls -pci
    3. lspci -k
    4. showpci
  7. Which option to the telinit command will cause the operation to not send any notice to logged-on users?

    1. -q
    2. -v
    3. --no-wall
    4. -l
  8. Which file in the sysfs filesystem could you view in order to see the MAC address of eth0?

    1. /sys/class/net/eth0/address
    2. /sys/devices/eth0
    3. /sysfs/devices/eth0
    4. /sys/net/eth0
  9. When using systemctl to kill a process, what is the default signal sent to a process?

    1. SIGKILL
    2. SIGTERM
    3. SIGINT
    4. SIGCALL
  10. A newly added Serial ATA (SATA) disk is not showing up during the boot process. Where can you check to begin troubleshooting this issue?

    1. Using system logging
    2. Using debugfs
    3. Within the fdisk utility
    4. Within the computer BIOS
  11. Which command can be used to monitor communication taking place with dbus?

    1. dbus-mon
    2. dbus -m
    3. dbus-monitor
    4. dbus-debug
  12. Within a systemd environment, which service manages udev?

    1. systemd-udevd.service
    2. systemd-udev.service
    3. udevd-service
    4. systemd.udevd-service
  13. What is the correct syntax to indicate that the system should shut down at 8 p.m.?

    1. shutdown 20:00
    2. shutdown 8pm
    3. shutdown +20:00
    4. halt 20
  14. Which option to the systemctl kill command will change the signal sent to the process to be killed?

    1. -k
    2. -f
    3. -s
    4. -d
  15. Which systemd command and option is equivalent to the chkconfig --list command in a SysVinit environment?

    1. systemctl list-unit-files
    2. systemctl list-service
    3. systemctl --list
    4. systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
  16. Which option to ldconfig is used to change the location of the cache to be updated?

    1. -C
    2. -c
    3. --f
    4. -v
  17. Which of the following commands will remove all files for a package in Debian, including configuration files?

    1. apt-get remove
    2. apt-cache clean
    3. dpkg -P
    4. apt-get conf-remove
  18. What is the prefix used to denote a Debian source repository in /etc/apt/sources.list?

    1. deb
    2. source
    3. deb-src
    4. debsrc
  19. Which options to rpm will upgrade a package while displaying progress and other additional information about the operation?

    1. -Iv
    2. -Uvh
    3. -U
    4. -vh
  20. Which option to a yum install command will cause yum to assume yes and therefore not prompt for verification when performing actions deemed critical?

    1. -y
    2. -f
    3. -p
    4. -m
  21. When working with a yum-based system, you need to create a configuration to ensure that certain packages are not upgraded or installed. Which option can you set in /etc/yum .conf to facilitate this behavior?

    1. exclude
    2. noupdate
    3. assumeupdate
    4. clearupdate
  22. You are having difficulty with shared libraries on the system. Which of the following commands will print the current directories and libraries in the cache?

    1. ldconfig -C
    2. ldd -f
    3. ldconfig -p
    4. ldd -b
  23. Which option within a .repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ is used to set the URL for the repository?

    1. url
    2. repourl
    3. httpurl
    4. baseurl
  24. Which command and option is used to display basic information about each available package and its dependencies on a Debian system?

    1. apt-get list
    2. apt-cache dump
    3. apt-get list-all
    4. apt-cache list
  25. When running the lsblk command, there is no separate partition listed for /boot. From which partition is the system likely booted?

    1. There is a /boot directory under the / partition.
    2. The /boot partition is hidden.
    3. The system has not yet built the /boot partition.
    4. The /boot partition does not show up with lsblk.
  26. Within which hierarchy is cached data stored for both yum- and apt-style systems?

    1. /etc
    2. /var/cache
    3. /usr/lib
    4. /tmp
  27. On a BIOS-based system, within which region of the disk is the boot loader typically installed?

    1. MBR
    2. /boot
    3. Sector 8192
    4. Front
  28. Which of the following best describes the contents of the / filesystem within Linux?

    1. The / filesystem is the root filesystem and contains temporary files.
    2. The / filesystem is root’s home directory.
    3. The / filesystem is used for storage of device and swap information.
    4. The / filesystem is the root filesystem and is the logical root of the hierarchy within Linux.
  29. Which of the following commands will send the output of the grub-mkconfig command to the correct location for booting?

    1. grub-mkconfig --output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    2. grub-mkconfig --file=/boot/
    3. grub-mkconfig --file=/boot/grub.lst
    4. grub-mkconfig --output=/boot/menu.lst
  30. Which of the following commands writes an image called from the current directory called raspbian.img to the SD card mounted at /dev/sdc?

    1. dd if=raspbian.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
    2. imgwrite raspbian.img > /dev/sdc
    3. imgw raspbian.img | cat /dev/sdc
    4. dd raspbian.img > /dev/sdc
  31. When troubleshooting a problem, you look through .bash_history to determine commands that you’ve recently executed. However, the file does not contain information from your current session. Which command can you use to view the commands that have been executed during the current session?

    1. cmdhist
    2. cmds
    3. pwd
    4. history
  32. Which option should be sent to grub-install if you want to install the boot images within a directory other than /boot?

    1. --boot
    2. --image
    3. --boot-directory
    4. --b
  33. Which command should be run in order to make changes take effect for a GRUB2 configuration change?

    1. update-grub
    2. grub-update
    3. grub-config
    4. grub-ins
  34. Which of the following commands will set the environment variable JAVA_PATH equal to /home/user/java2 when using the Bash shell?

    1. invoke JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    2. export JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    3. envvar JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
    4. echo JAVA_PATH=/home/user/java2
  35. Which option in the .bashrc sets the number of commands to keep in the .bash_history file?

    4. HISTNUM
  36. Which of the following commands will cause nl to number all lines, including blank lines, for a file called code.php?

    1. nl code.php
    2. nl -a code.php
    3. nl -n code.php
    4. nl -b a code.php
  37. Which command can be used to create an octal representation of a given plaintext file?

    1. oct
    2. cat
    3. list
    4. od
  38. Which command and option can be used to format text with pagination in a double-space format, including page numbers?

    1. pr -d
    2. pag -db
    3. cat -pd
    4. print -d
  39. Of the following options for the tail command, which option outputs the last lines beginning at the 30th line from the start of the file rather than the end of the file?

    1. -n +30
    2. -n 30
    3. -30
    4. +30
  40. Which option to the uniq command causes the matching to be done in a case-insensitive manner?

    1. -c
    2. -f
    3. -i
    4. -n
  41. Which of the following commands prints the username and real name of all users in /etc/passwd in a tab-separated format?

    1. cut -d: -f 1,6 /etc/passwd
    2. sed 's/://' /etc/passwd
    3. awk -F: '{print $1,$5}' OFS=" " /etc/passwd
    4. cat -o " " /etc/passwd
  42. Which option to cp will preserve symlinks in a recursive copy?

    1. -f
    2. -d
    3. -a
    4. -b
  43. Which of the following key combinations is a technique for moving to the 23rd line of a file in Vi?

    1. 23G
    2. /23
    3. i23
    4. ZZ
  44. Which option to the top command changes the update interval?

    1. -d
    2. -t
    3. -n
    4. -f
  45. Which of the following commands will display the process ID, the real user ID, the filesystem access user ID, and command for processes on the system?

    1. listproc -uf
    2. ps -eo pid,euser,fuser,comm
    3. ps -e pid,user,comm
    4. ps -fa
  46. Which command can be used to search the contents of all files below your current location for files that contain the characters DB?

    1. grep -r "DB" *
    2. grep -ri "DB" *
    3. cat * | less
    4. cat *.txt | grep DB
  47. Which of the following commands will locate all files that begin with the name DB, starting from the current directory?

    1. locate "DB*"
    2. find ./ -name "DB*"
    3. whereis "DB*"
    4. find "DB*"
  48. Which of the following files is the location used to gather information about load average for use in the uptime command?

    1. /proc/uptime
    2. /proc/loadavg
    3. /proc/load
    4. /proc/utime
  49. When running fsck on an EXT3 filesystem, which option to fsck causes the operation to prompt when attempting a repair action?

    1. -y
    2. -f
    3. -a
    4. No option required
  50. Which of the following files is updated dynamically with information about currently mounted filesystems?

    1. /etc/fstab
    2. /etc/files
    3. /boot/fstab
    4. /etc/mtab
  51. When running the df command, you need to change the scale so that the report shows terabytes instead of bytes. Which option will accomplish this task?

    1. -ST
    2. -BT
    3. -j
    4. -T
  52. What command can be used to create an image of important metadata for an ext3 filesystem?

    1. e2image
    2. e3image
    3. dumpe2fs
    4. dumpe3fs
  53. Which option to mke2fs is used to check for bad blocks during filesystem creation?

    1. -a
    2. -b
    3. -c
    4. -d
  54. Which of the following commands changes the ownership of the file called to the user steve and the group developers?

    1. chgrp steve:developers
    2. chown steve.developers
    3. chown developers.steve
    4. chown steve.developers
  55. When bootstrapping a virtual machine, which command can be used to add the fingerprint of a server to the known_hosts file?

    1. ssh-keyscan
    2. ssh-keyadd
    3. ssh-keylist
    4. ssh-getkey
  56. Which configuration option can be set within /etc/default/grub to affect the behavior of the system after a failed boot?

  57. Which options to du will print a summary of information in a human-readable format?

    1. -sh
    2. -h
    3. -s
    4. -su
  58. Which option to the find command causes it to follow symbolic links?

    1. -S
    2. -H
    3. -P
    4. -L
  59. Which option to the tee command enables appending to the destination files rather than overwriting?

    1. -a
    2. -m
    3. -g
    4. -d
  60. When creating a backup for a system, which directory should be included so that most configuration files will be backed up?

    1. /var
    2. /opt
    3. /etc
    4. /bin
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