Chapter 7
Topic 107: Administrative Tasks


  • images  107.1 Manage user and group accounts and related system files.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Add, modify, and remove users and groups.
      • Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
      • Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /etc/passwd
      • /etc/shadow
      • /etc/group
      • /etc/skel/
      • chage
      • getent
      • groupadd
      • groupdel
      • groupmod
      • passwd
      • useradd
      • userdel
      • usermod
  • images107.2 Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Manage cron and at jobs.
      • Configure user access to cron and at services.
      • Understand systemd timer units.
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /etc/cron.{d,daily,hourly,monthly,weekly}/
      • /etc/at.deny
      • /etc/at.allow
      • /etc/crontab
      • /etc/cron.allow
      • /etc/cron.deny
      • /var/spool/cron
      • crontab
      • at
      • atq
      • atrm
      • systemctl
      • systemd-run
  • images  107.3 Localization and internationalization
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Configure locale settings and environment variables.
      • Configure time zone settings and environment variables.
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /etc/timezone
      • /etc/localtime
      • /usr/share/zoneinfo/
      • LC_*
      • LC_ALL
      • LANG
      • TZ
      • /usr/bin/locale
      • tzselect
      • timedatectl
      • date
      • iconv
      • UTF-8
      • ISO-8859
      • ASCII
      • Unicode

  1. You need to enable the web server (running as the www-data user and group) to write into a directory called /home/webfiles. Which commands will accomplish this task in the most secure manner?

    1. chgrp www-data /home/webfiles ; chmod 775 /home/webfiles
    2. chmod 777 /home/webfiles
    3. chgrp www-data /home/webfiles ; chmod 711 /home/webfiles
    4. chmod 707 /home/webfiles
  2. Which of the following will execute a job through cron at 12:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. every day?

    1. 0,12 15 * * *
    2. 15 0,12 * * *
    3. 15 * * * 0/12
    4. */12 * * * 15
  3. Which file is used to indicate the local time zone on a Linux server?

    1. /etc/timez
    2. /etc/timezoneconfig
    3. /etc/localtime
    4. /etc/localtz
  4. When importing entries into the LDAP database using ldapadd -f <filename>, in which format should the file be?

    1. LDAP
    2. TXT
    3. CSV
    4. LDIF
  5. Which of the following commands removes an expiration from an account?

    1. sudo chage -l username
    2. sudo chage -E -1 username
    3. sudo chage -E now username
    4. sudo chage --noexpire username
  6. Within which directory will you find files related to the time zone for various regions?

    1. /etc/timezoneinfo
    2. /etc/zoneinfo
    3. /var/zoneinfo
    4. /usr/share/zoneinfo
  7. Which of the following commands schedules a series of commands to execute 1 hour from now?

    1. atq +1hr
    2. at now + 1 hour
    3. atq
    4. at -1
  8. You need to delete a user from the system, including their home directory. Which of the following commands accomplishes this task?

    1. userdel
    2. userdel -r
    3. userdel -R
    4. deluser
  9. Which file contains a list of usernames, UIDs, and encrypted passwords?

    1. /etc/passwd
    2. /etc/shadow
    3. /etc/encpass
    4. /etc/grouppass
  10. Which job scheduler should you use if the computer on which you need to schedule the job is powered down at various times?

    1. cron.d
    2. cron.hourly
    3. anacron
    4. at
  11. Which of the following commands provides the current date and time in a format of seconds since the epoch?

    1. date +%seconds
    2. date +%s
    3. date --seconds
    4. date --now
  12. Which option to the iconv command shows the available character sets on a given system?

    1. --showchar
    2. --show
    3. --list
    4. --all
  13. Which environment variable controls the format of dates and times, such as a 12-hour or 24-hour formatted clock?

    3. LC_TIME
    4. LC_DATE
  14. Which command is recommended for configuration of slapd for OpenLDAP versions 2.3 and later?

    1. slapd-conf
    2. config-slapd
    3. openldap-config
    4. slapd-config
  15. Which shortcut within cron enables running of a task every day at midnight?

    1. @daily
    2. @daybegin
    3. @topday
    4. @beginday
  16. Which of the following encoding provides a multibyte representation of characters?

    1. ISO-8859
    2. UTF-8
    3. ISO-L
    4. UFTMulti
  17. Which of the following commands changes a group called DomainAdmins to DomainUsers?

    1. groupmod -n DomainAdmins DomainUsers
    2. groupchg DomainAdmins DomainUsers
    3. chgroup DomainAdmins DomainUsers
    4. group -N DomainAdmins DomainUsers
  18. Which file stores group information on a Linux server?

    1. /etc/groupinfo
    2. /etc/groups
    3. /etc/roles
    4. /etc/group
  19. Which command can be used to create an LDIF file from the current LDAP database?

    1. slapdump
    2. ldapdump
    3. slapcat
    4. catldap
  20. You are looking for a scheduled job that is not found in /etc/crontab, through systemd timers, or within /var/spool/cron. What is another location in which the scheduled job might be stored?

    1. /etc/crontabs
    2. /etc/cron.conf
    3. /etc/cron.d/
    4. /etc/sked
  21. You need to determine if LDAP integration is working correctly. In order to do so, you would like to obtain a list of users, as read by /etc/nsswitch.conf. Which command can be used for this purpose?

    1. getuser
    2. getent
    3. usermod
    4. userlist
  22. What is the name of the configuration file that contains information about group and user addition, such as the maximum and minimum user and group IDs, to be used when adding users and groups?

    1. /etc/groupinfo
    2. /etc/login.defs
    3. /etc/
    4. /etc/loginlist
  23. Which environment variable is used for localization related to measurement units such as metric?

    1. LC_METRIC
  24. Which of the following lines added to .profile in a user’s home directory will set their time zone to Central time?

    1. TZ=/Central ; export TZ
    2. TIMEZONE='America/Chicago' ; export TIMEZONE
    3. set TZ=/Central
    4. TZ='America/Chicago'; export TZ
  25. Within which directory will you find scripts that are scheduled to run through cron every 24 hours?

    1. /etc/cron.daily
    2. /etc/cron.weekly
    3. /etc/cron.hourly24
    4. /etc/crontab
  26. Which of the following values for the LANG variable will configure the system to bypass locale translations where possible?

    2. LANG=NONE
    3. LANG=C
    4. LANG=END
  27. When running useradd, which option needs to be specified in order for the user’s home directory to be created?

    1. -h
    2. -m
    3. -x
    4. -a
  28. Which of the following commands locks out password-based login for a user but does not prevent other forms of login?

    1. usermod -L
    2. userdel -r
    3. useradd -h
    4. userlock
  29. If you need to temporarily reconfigure all locale variables and settings for a given session, which environment variable can be used?

    1. LC_LIST
    2. LC_GLOBAL
    3. LC_ALL
  30. Which of the following will run a command called /usr/local/bin/ as the www-data user when placed in /etc/crontab?

    1. 1 1 * * * www-data /usr/local/bin/
    2. www-data
    3. */1 www-data
    4. * * */www-data /usr/local/bin/
  31. Which of the following commands produces a report listing the last password change date for all users on the system?

    1. passwd -a
    2. passwd -S
    3. passwd -a -S
    4. passwd --all
  32. Assume that passwords must be changed every 60 days. Which command will change the date of the user’s last password change without the user actually changing the account password?

    1. chage -f
    2. chage -W
    3. chage -l
    4. chage -d
  33. Which of the following files is used by anacron for reading configuration information related to jobs?

    1. /etc/anacron.d
    2. /etc/anacrontab
    3. /etc/anacron.config
    4. /etc/anacron.conf
  34. Which of the following commands is used to add entries to the OpenLDAP database?

    1. ldapd
    2. adduser
    3. addldap
    4. ldapadd
  35. Which file contains a list of users who are not allowed to create cron scheduled tasks?

    1. /etc/cron.users
    2. /etc/cron.deny
    3. /etc/cron.denyusers
    4. /etc/cron.userlist
  36. You are viewing the /etc/passwd file and see a * where the password should be. What does the presence of a * indicate within the password file?

    1. The system uses forward password aging.
    2. The system uses shadow passwords.
    3. The system has been compromised.
    4. Users have a * for their passwords.
  37. Which of the following best describes the relationship between UIDs and GIDs on a Linux system?

    1. The UID and GID are the same across the system for a given user.
    2. Each user has a UID and GID that are the same and are created when the user is created.
    3. The UID represents the user whereas the GID is a globally unique user ID.
    4. There is no direct relationship between UID and GID.
  38. Which of the following commands is used to re-create indexes based on existing slapd databases?

    1. ldapind
    2. ldapindex
    3. slapindex
    4. indexldap
  39. Which command is used to change a user’s home directory to /srv/data/username and move the contents at the same time?

    1. usermod -md /srv/data/username <username>
    2. homedir -m /srv/data/username <username>
    3. userex -m /srv/data/username <username>
    4. userchg /m /srv/data/username -d <username>
  40. Which option to useradd will add groups for a user?

    1. -g
    2. -x
    3. -l
    4. -G
  41. Which command will list the cron entries for a given user as denoted by <username>?

    1. crontab -l -u <username>
    2. crontab -u <username>
    3. cron -u <username>
    4. cronent -u <username>
  42. Which option to useradd creates a system user rather than a normal user?

    1. -r
    2. -s
    3. -a
    4. -S
  43. Which file contains encrypted password information for groups?

    1. /etc/group
    2. /etc/gshadow
    3. /etc/gsecure
    4. /etc/group.conf
  44. Which of the following commands can be used to help with recovery of a corrupted OpenLDAP database?

    1. openldap-recover
    2. oreco
    3. slapd-recover
    4. slapd_db_recover
  45. Which of the following best describes the use of the groupdel command?

    1. You may force group deletion with the -f option.
    2. If a user’s primary group is to be deleted, that user must be deleted first or have their primary group changed.
    3. groupdel can be run at any time, regardless of group membership.
    4. The -r option for groupdel will recursively change user’s GIDs after group deletion.
  46. Which of the following commands displays the UID, primary group, and supplemental groups for a given user?

    1. id
    2. getid
    3. passwd
    4. chage
  47. Which option to the usermod command is used to change a given user’s real name?

    1. -R
    2. -n
    3. -d
    4. -c
  48. Assume that you have deleted a user account with UID 1501, including the -r option. Which command should you also run to look for other files that might have been owned by the user?

    1. find -id 1501
    2. grep 1501 *
    3. grep -u 1501 *
    4. find / -uid 1501
  49. On which port does the slapd LDAP daemon listen for connections?

    1. 389
    2. 3389
    3. 3306
    4. 110
  50. Which of the following commands will set the systemwide time zone to America/Los_Angeles?

    1. ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime
    2. ln -sf America/Los_Angeles ; /etc/localtime
    3. ln -sd /etc/localtime /usr/share/timezone/America/Los_Angeles
    4. ln -sf /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles
  51. Which locale-related variable is used for currency-related localization?

    1. LC_MONE
    4. LC_CURR
  52. Which option to systemd-run adds a timed event?

    1. --timed
    2. --add-timer
    3. --on-calendar
    4. --on-time
  53. Which file is used to provide a list of users who can add and delete cron jobs?

    1. /etc/cron.job
    2. /etc/cron.allow
    3. /etc/cron.users
    4. /etc/crontab
  54. Which debug level for slapd is used to provide debugging of configuration file processing?

    1. 1
    2. 64
    3. 8
    4. 0
  55. Which command deletes an at job with an ID of 3?

    1. atdt
    2. at -l
    3. atrm 3
    4. rmat 3
  56. Which command on a Debian-based system can be used to change the time zone using the package-based tools?

    1. dpkg-reconfigure time
    2. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
    3. apt-select tzdata
    4. apt-config timezone
  57. What will be logged with the loglevel set to 0x10 in a slapd.conf configuration file?

    1. No debugging
    2. Trace debugging
    3. Stats logging
    4. Packets sent and received
  58. Within which directory should you place files in order for the files to be copied to a user’s home directory when the user is created?

    1. /etc/skel
    2. /etc/homedir
    3. /home/usertemplate
    4. /etc/template
  59. Which command displays a list of jobs currently scheduled with at?

    1. atlist
    2. atq
    3. atl
    4. at --jobs
  60. On which port does LDAP over SSL listen for connections?

    1. 389
    2. 443
    3. 636
    4. 3128
  61. Which scheduler can be used to schedule a command to run once at a certain time?

    1. at
    2. cron
    3. job
    4. jobctl
  62. Which file provides a list of users who are allowed to create at jobs?

    1. /etc/at.users
    2. /etc/at.scheduler
    3. /etc/at.conf
    4. /etc/at.allow
  63. Which file extension is used for systemd timer units?

    1. .conf
    2. .timer
    3. .timerd
    4. .timeevent
  64. Within which directory would you find a list of files corresponding to the users who have current cron jobs on the system?

    1. /var/spool/cron/crontabs
    2. /var/spool/jobs
    3. /etc/cron
    4. /etc/cron.users
  65. When using slapadd for a large import, an error occurs at roughly 90 percent completion. Which option to slapadd enables specification of a line number from which the import will be restarted?

    1. -l
    2. -f
    3. -q
    4. -j
  66. Which argument to the locale command displays currently available locales for a given system?

    1. -c
    2. -a
    3. -p
    4. -s
  67. Which option to timedatectl sets the system clock?

    1. --adjust-system-clock
    2. -s
    3. -c
    4. -a
  68. Which option to the file command displays information on the MIME type of the file being interrogated?

    1. -i
    2. -m
    3. -l
    4. -a
  69. Which environment variable is used to set the paper size?

    2. LC_PAPER
  70. Which of the following is used as a systemwide cron file?

    1. /etc/cron.d
    2. /etc/cron.sys
    3. /etc/crontab
    4. /etc/
  71. Which command can be used to view the available timezones on a system and obtain output that can be used in scripts for setting the time zone?

    1. tzd
    2. /etc/locale
    3. tzdata
    4. tzselect
  72. Which option within a systemd timer unit will start a timer 90 minutes after boot?

    1. OnBootSec=90min
    2. OnBoot=90min
    3. OnBootHour=1.5
    4. StartOnBoot=90min
  73. Which abbreviation is another name for information like the user’s full name, telephone number, and other contact information found in /etc/passwd?

    2. GECOS
    4. CDATA
  74. Which option to the groupadd command specifies the GID for the group?

    1. -g
    2. -a
    3. -h
    4. -k
  75. When working with systemd timer units, which option to systemctl displays the active timers?

    1. list-timerunits
    2. show-timers
    3. list-timers
    4. list-activetimers
  76. Which shortcut to the OnCalendar systemd timer function indicates that the timer unit should run once a week?

    1. OnceAWeek
    2. weekly
    3. everyweek
    4. oneperweek
  77. Which option to the crontab command removes the current crontab?

    1. -r
    2. -l
    3. -g
    4. -f
  78. Which variable in /etc/default/useradd controls the location of the skeleton home directory?

    2. SKEL
    3. SKELDIR
    4. SKELLOC
  79. Which option to getent enumerates the password database for a given system?

    1. password
    2. listpass
    3. passwd
    4. showpassdb
  80. Which directory contains the jobs scheduled with at?

    1. /var/spool/cron/atjobs
    2. /var/spool/at
    3. /var/spool/cron/at
    4. /var/spool/atjobs
  81. Which variable in /etc/login.defs controls the minimum group ID to use on the system?

    1. GIDMIN
    3. GID_MIN
    4. MIN_GID
  82. Which variable in /etc/login.defs contains the location of a user’s email directory for use by programs such as userdel?

    2. DIR_EMAIL
    3. MAILDIR
    4. MAIL_DIR
  83. Which file contains user information such as username and real name and is readable by all users of the system?

    1. /etc/pass
    2. /etc/shadow
    3. /etc/passwd
    4. /etc/userinfo
  84. Which shortcut can be used to indicate that a cron job should be executed on restart?

    1. @restart
    2. @startup
    3. @reboot
    4. @onboot
  85. Which option to groupadd specifies that the group will be a system group?

    1. -r
    2. -m
    3. -j
    4. -b
  86. Within which directory are databases stored for OpenLDAP?

    1. /var/lib/ldap
    2. /var/cache/openldap
    3. /var/share/ldap
    4. /usr/share/openldap
  87. When listing systemd timer units, which option to list-timers shows both active and inactive units?

    1. --all
    2. --active-and-inactive
    3. --inactive
    4. All are shown by default.
  88. Which file provides a list of users who are not allowed to create at jobs?

    1. /etc/at.allow
    2. /etc/at.deny
    3. /etc/at.denyusers
    4. /etc/at.conf.deny
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