Practice Question Solutions.


Big data includes high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making. Big Data can be classified into areas such as structured data, unstructured data, and streaming data.


Descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.


Hadoop is a free, Java-based programming framework that supports the processing of large data sets in a distributed computing environment. It is part of the Apache project sponsored by the Apache Software Foundation.


A data scientist is an employee or business intelligence consultant who excels at analyzing data, particularly large amounts of data, to help a business gain a competitive edge.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions.


a.     Incorrect. Big Data is applicable to any organization—not just multi-national companies.

b.     Correct. Structured, unstructured, and streaming data.

c.     Incorrect. Big Data goes beyond ERP systems. It includes all data: structured data, unstructured data, and streaming data.

d.     Incorrect. Big Data refers to a type of data. Serial processing is not associated with Big Data but massively parallel processing is.


a.     Incorrect.1 million. Snapchat users watch nearly 7 million videos every minute.

b.     Incorrect. 4 million. Snapchat users watch nearly 7 million videos every minute.

c.     Correct. 7 million Snapchat users watch nearly 7 million videos every minute.

d.     Incorrect. 10 million. Snapchat users watch nearly 7 million videos every minute.


a.     Incorrect. A petabyte holds 5x100 billion pages. A petabyte is a 1 followed by 15 zeroes, which would approximate 500 billion pages of standard text.

b.     Correct. A petabyte is a 1 followed by 15 zeroes, which would approximate 500 billion pages of standard text.

c.     Incorrect. A petabyte is a 1 followed by 15 zeroes and could hold 500 billion pages of standard printer text, as opposed to 900 billion.

d.     Incorrect. A petabyte is a 1 followed by 15 zeroes and could hold 500 billion pages of standard printer text, as opposed to 750 billion.


a.     Correct. Big Data decision making is smarter, faster, and more accurate.

b.     Incorrect. Big Data decision making is not slower. It is faster, smarter, and more accurate.

c.     Incorrect. Big Data decision making is not slower or more transparent. It is faster, smarter, and more accurate.

d.     Incorrect. Big Data is smarter, faster and more accurate, as opposed to the same speed and more structured.


Practice Question Solutions


The comments should include the progression below. When the history of Big Data is viewed through the lens of accounting, it can be categorized by the interaction of the following seven different areas:

  1. Bookkeeping
  2. Accounting
  3. Calculating machines
  4. Computers
  5. Internet
  6. Cloud computing
  7. Internet of things


There are many sources of big data. The discussion could include any of the following:

  1. Facebook

    a.     Posts

    b.     Messages

    c.     Photos

    d.     Consumer trends

  2. Google searches
  3. LinkedIn

    a.     Posts

    b.     Job searches

    c.     Reference checking

    d.     Group posts

  4. Email databases
  5. Retail CRM
  6. Health

    a.     Insurance

    b.     Hospital

    c.     Mental health

    d.     Prisons

  7. Forums
  8. Social media
  9. Twitter
  10. RFID tags
  11. Camera phones
  12. GPS-enabled devices
  13. Smart meters
  14. Television preferences
  15. YouTube
  16. Music tools
  17. Government databases

    a.     Other readers have selected

    b.     Community chest


Volume, variety, velocity, veracity


There are multiple correct answers to this discussion, but could include machine sensors, customer comments in social media, customer surveys, foot traffic, cars in parking lot, pattern of returns, government or industry databases, and the like.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Lotus was not the first spreadsheet. VisiCalc was created in 1978.

b.     Incorrect. Excel was not the first spreadsheet. VisiCalc was created in 1978.

c.     Correct. VisiCalc was created in 1978.

d.     Incorrect. Multi-mate was not the first spreadsheet. VisiCalc was created in 1978.


a.     Incorrect. The Roman tax code was preceded by the Code of Hammurabi.

b.     Correct. Code of Hammurabi was the earliest recording of transactions.

c.     Incorrect. The Greek merchant records were preceded by the Code of Hammurabi.

d.     Incorrect. Chinese trade records are not mentioned in the chapter, but the Code of Hammurabi is.


a.     Incorrect. The U.S. Department of Defense created the first building block for the Internet, not UCLA.

b.     Correct. The U.S. Department of Defense created ARPANET, a computer network designed to withstand any disaster. It became the first building block for what the Internet has become today.

c.     Incorrect. The U.S. Department of Defense created the first building block for the Internet, not Stanford.

d.     Incorrect. The U.S. Department of Defense created the first building block for the Internet, not Harvard.


a.     Incorrect. The estimate was 420 million devices, not 240 million.

b.     Incorrect. The estimate was 420 million devices, not 360 million.

c.     Correct. The estimate was 420 million devices.

d.     Incorrect. The estimate was 420 million devices, not 500 million.


Practice Question Solutions


Big Data will be used to create more customized applications for end users. Application developers will use data and analytics to create personalized, engaging experiences. The applications will try to unite related data across industries such as sports, energy, social well-being, and music. As an example, users will be able to select music based on personal preferences, such as instruments and tempo.


Expert outside help needed. It is difficult to find skilled in-house talent. As a result, firms are turning to outside consultants to help with Big Data.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Gartner expects 8.4 billion, not 4.4 billion.

b.     Incorrect. Gartner expects 8.4 billion, not 6.8 billion.

c.     Correct. Gartner expects 8.4 billion.

d.     Incorrect. Gartner expects 8.4 billion, not 9.6 billion.


a.     Incorrect. According to Accenture, organizations that have completed Big Data projects are not ambivalent but satisfied with the results.

b.     Incorrect. According to Accenture, organizations that have completed Big Data projects are not dissatisfied but satisfied with the results.

c.     Correct. According to Accenture, organizations that have completed Big Data projects are satisfied with the results.

d.     Incorrect. Users were satisfied, not ecstatic.


a.     Incorrect. Advanced analytics is not the most agreed-upon characteristic. File sizes > 20 TB is most agreed-upon characteristic of Big Data.

b.     Correct. File sizes > 20 TB are agreed to be characteristic of Big Data.

c.     Incorrect. Although data from social networks is a source of Big Data, the most agreed-upon source are file sizes > 20 TB.

d.     Incorrect. File sizes > 20 TB were characteristic of Big Data.


a.     Incorrect. According to the survey, 51 percent strongly agree that Big Data will revolutionize their business in the same manner that the Internet affected the business.

b.     Incorrect. According to the survey, 39 percent strongly agree that Big Data will revolutionize their business.

c.     Correct. Only 37 percent strongly agree that companies will lose competitive position if they do not embrace Big Data.

d.     Incorrect. 62 percent was not mentioned. Only 37 percent strongly agree that companies will lose competitive position if they do not embrace Big Data.


a.     Incorrect. Approximately 50 percent of organizations have achieved cost as opposed to 10 percent.

b.     Incorrect. Approximately 50 percent of organizations have achieved cost efficiencies as opposed to 30 percent.

c.     Correct. Approximately 50 percent of organizations have achieved cost efficiencies.

d.     Incorrect. Approximately 50 percent of organizations have achieved cost efficiencies as opposed to 70 percent.


Practice Question Solutions


To increase enterprise value for the stakeholders.


     Any of the following comments could be included for change management challenges:

     Institutional change management

     Ensuring inter-jurisdictional collaboration and common standards

     Different department systems that inhibit collection and organization of Big Data

     Acquiring technically competent staff

     Steep technical learning curve

     Hiring qualified people

     Barriers between departments that are cultural in nature

     Data that are not accepted or believed

     Data ownership, especially as it ties to organization culture

     Lack of business sponsorship

     Lack of belief in a business case


Many tweets came from Manhattan and not from the most ravaged areas where power outages were occurring.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions.


a.     Correct. Increasing value for shareholders or stakeholders is the root objective for all activity.

b.     Incorrect. Increasing scalable architecture is a tactic for increasing value. The root objective is increasing value for stakeholders.

c.     Incorrect. Increasing Big Data capacity is a tactic for increasing value. The root objective is increasing value for stakeholders.

d.     Incorrect. Although data integration is needed, increasing value for shareholders or stakeholders is the primary objective.


a.     Incorrect. Monitoring product quality is an insight achievable through Big Data. Multiple generation products are much more difficult.

b.     Incorrect. Identifying customer needs is an insight achievable through Big Data. Multiple generation products are much more difficult.

c.     Correct. Creating third- and fourth-generation products.

d.     Incorrect. Soliciting input was not mentioned, but third- and fourth-generation products was mentioned.


a.     Incorrect. The top issue is data integration complexity, not lack of business sponsorship.

b.     Incorrect. The top issue is data integration complexity, not lack of skills for IT staff.

c.     Correct. Data integration complexity is the top issue.

d.     Incorrect. Data integration is the top issue, as opposed to poor data quality.


a.     Correct. Using an iterative implementation strategy.

b.     Incorrect. Focusing on technology instead of the business need is a Big Data mistake.

c.     Incorrect. Not executing a cost-benefit analysis is a Big Data mistake.

d.     Incorrect. Executing multiple initiatives in parallel as part of a “big bang” approach or pilot implementations is a Big Data mistake.


Practice Question Solutions


Query and reporting, data mining, optimization, and predictive analysis are among many Big Data capabilities.


Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows for storing large data sets which are distributed across clusters of computers using simple programming models and written in Java to run on a single computer on large clusters of commodity hardware computers.


Map Reduce is a software model that allows large sets of data to be processed in parallel.


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Exploratory data analysis is finding new characteristics in data, as opposed to using statistical models for forecasting purposes.

b.     Incorrect. Affirming existing beliefs is not exploratory data analysis, which involves finding new characteristics in data.

c.     Correct. Finding new characteristics in data.

d.     Incorrect. Prescribing actions is the last process; first, it is necessary to find new characteristics in data.


a.     Incorrect. Government data was listed as semi-structured.

b.     Incorrect. Government or industry usually has semi-structured information.

c.     Correct. Government or industry data was listed as semi-structured.

d.     Incorrect. It was not listed as non-relational but as semi-structured.


a.     Correct. SAP did not have the infrastructure component.

b.     Incorrect. Oracle did have infrastructure, whereas SAP did not.

c.     Incorrect. IBM did have infrastructure, whereas SAP did not.

d.     Incorrect. HP had an infrastructure, whereas SAP did not.


a.     Incorrect. MapR represents a complete distribution for Apache Hadoop, as opposed to a program to reduce the size of Big Data analyzed.

b.     Incorrect. MapR is a complete, as opposed to an incomplete, distribution of Apache Hadoop.

c.     Correct. Complete distribution for Apache Hadoop that packages more than a dozen projects.

d.     Incorrect. It is not a relational database but a complete distribution of a dozen projects.


a.     Incorrect. Teradata is a graph processing engine and not an agriculture application of Big Data.

b.     Incorrect. Teradata is a graph processing engine and not data analytics software.

c.     Correct. A native graph processing engine for graph analysis.

d.     Incorrect. It is not a relational database but a tool for graph analysis.


a.     Incorrect. WolframAlpha is a specialized search engine, as opposed to data analytics software.

b.     Correct. WolframAlpha has been referred to as the “nerdy Google.”

c.     Incorrect. WolframAlpha is a specialized search engine and not predictive analytics software.

d.     Incorrect. It is not a program within the MapR framework but a “nerdy Google.”


a.     Correct. Google Maps was illustrated using the author’s consulting engagements.

b.     Incorrect. Crime statistics were illustrated with fusion tables; Google Maps was illustrated with consulting engagements.

c.     Incorrect. Google Maps was illustrated using the author’s consulting engagements, not with vendor dispersion.

d.     Incorrect. Google Maps did not use post offices but crime statistics.


a.     Incorrect. Hadoop is not proprietary. It’s open source.

b.     Correct. Hadoop is open source.

c.     Incorrect. Hadoop is available for everyone via open source.

d.     Incorrect. Hadoop is not proprietary but open source.


a.     Incorrect. Hive is a data warehousing tool, not a data cleansing program.

b.     Incorrect. Hive is a data warehousing tool, not a data analytics tool.

c.     Correct. Hive is a data warehousing and a query language.

d.     Incorrect. Hive was not designed for distributed processes but for data warehousing.


Practice Question Solutions


The discussion could include many of the items listed at the beginning of the chapter, including the following:

     Commodity versus non-commodity status

     Availability of product

     Substitute products available

     Volumes purchased


     Related products purchased


The Big Data from Best Buy represented the top 10 items that were searched during any given day, along with a series of data applicable to each item.


For each company, there can be many different sources. The text refers to industrial production statistics and retail trade statistics as examples.


Text analytics is the process of deriving high-quality information from text.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Query Builder writes queries for Best Buy data. It does not allow the creation of "what if’ analysis.

b.     Incorrect. Query Builder writes queries, as opposed to disposing of electronic items no longer needed.

c.     Correct. Query Builder is an application to write custom queries for Best Buy products.

d.     Incorrect. Query Builder is not a “If this, then that” tool. It is a tool to write custom queries for Best Buy products.


a.     Incorrect. Sales price was included, but discount was not.

b.     Incorrect. Regular price was included, but discount was not.

c.     Correct. The amount of discount was not included.

d.     Incorrect. Percent savings was available. The amount of discount was not included.


a.     Incorrect. Best Buy query needs an API key. It does not require access to data mining software.

b.     Correct. To run the Best Buy query, it is necessary to obtain an API Key.

c.     Incorrect. Best Buy query needs an API key. It is not necessary to be able to read HTML.

d.     Incorrect. Best Buy query needs an API key.


a.     Incorrect. Analytics can only ensure that the best-informed decision is made, not that the best decision is made.

b.     Incorrect. Analytics will result in a better-informed decision and may or may not result in the highest possible price to be charged.

c.     Correct. If properly used, analytics guarantees a better-informed decision.

d.     Incorrect. Analytics does not guarantee all options will be evaluated, only that a better-informed decision will be made.


a.     Incorrect. The Net Promoter Score was created by Reichheld, not Lencione.

b.     Correct. Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score.

c.     Incorrect. Collins wrote “Good to Great.” Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score.

d.     Incorrect. Champy was an author, not the creator of the Net Promoter Score. The creator was Reichheld.


a.     Incorrect. The Federal Reserve generates the Industrial Production Statistics, not the U.S. Census.

b.     Incorrect. The Federal Reserve generates the Industrial Production Statistics, not the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

c.     Correct. The Industrial Production Statistics are generated by the Federal Reserve.

d.     Incorrect. The Industrial Production Statistics come from the Federal Reserve, not the Small Business Administration.


a.     Correct. The NAICS for newspapers was 51111.

b.     Incorrect. The 50001 NACIS represented the entire index. The newspaper industry was 51111.

c.     Incorrect. The correct NAICS code for newspapers is 51111, not 54111.

d.     Incorrect. The correct NAICS code was 50001.


a.     Correct. The monthly retail statistics are supplied by the U.S. Census.

b.     Incorrect. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics supplies employment information; the U.S. Census supplies monthly retail statistics.

c.     Incorrect. The Federal Reserve supplies industrial production statistics; the U.S. Census supplies monthly retail statistics.

d.     Incorrect. The monthly retail sales statistics are obtained from the U.S. Census, not the Small Business Administration.


Practice Question Solutions


At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, manufacturers displayed chips to improve your posture, and sports equipment (including basketballs, golf clubs, and tennis balls) to help you train smarter.


Up to 25 gigabytes of data every hour


MagicBand is a $1 billion investment in a wearable, sensor-loaded wristband that vacationers use to do everything from register with their inn room, purchase their lunch, experience the gates at the event congregations, and reserve a spot for particular attractions.


Using IBM’s predictive traffic-management software, Lyon combined real-time traffic data with advanced analytics to help the transportation department proactively manage traffic congestion.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. A sensor to advise an owner when a pet wants to come in was not mentioned, but a sensor to find your lost keys was mentioned.

b.     Incorrect. A sensor for your keys was mentioned, as opposed to a sensor to notify that mail has arrived in a mailbox.

c.     Correct. A sensor to find your keys.

d.     Incorrect. No sensor was mentioned to identify someone at your front door, but a sensor was listed to find your keys.


a.     Correct. One percent to 3 percent of flights canceled every day.

b.     Incorrect. The correct percent of flights canceled per day are 1 percent to 3 percent, as opposed to 2 percent to 4 percent.

c.     Incorrect. Three percent to 5 percent is not the correct percent of flights canceled every day. The actual percentage is 1 percent to 3 percent.

d.     Incorrect. Four percent to 6 percent is not the correct percent of flights canceled every day. The actual percentage is 1 percent to 3 percent.


a.     Incorrect. EMI obtains music trends from many social media networks in addition to YouTube.

b.     Incorrect. EMI obtains trends from social media networks, as opposed to Google.

c.     Correct. EMI obtains music trends from social media networks.

d.     Incorrect. EMI obtains trends from social media networks; however, Instagram is known for pictures, as opposed to music.


a.     Incorrect. Target has not created a marriage predictor, but a pregnancy predictor.

b.     Correct. Target has demonstrated the ability to create a pregnancy predictor for its customers.

c.     Incorrect. Target has not created an illness predictor, but a pregnancy predictor.

d.     Incorrect. Target does not say it can predict divorce, but it can predict pregnancy.


a.     Correct. TempuTech can monitor grain elevators and inventory.

b.     Incorrect. TempuTech works with grain elevators, as opposed to combines.

c.     Incorrect. TempuTech works with grain elevators, as opposed to John Deere tractors.

d.     Incorrect. TempuTech was not used in fertilizer spreaders but grain elevators.


a.     Incorrect. Chase integrates its data with U.S. government data, not industry data.

b.     Correct. Chase integrates its data with economic stats from the U.S. government.

c.     Incorrect. Chase uses U.S. government data, as opposed to economic stats from associations.

d.     Incorrect. Chase integrated data with economic stats from the U.S. government, not drivers’ license records.


a.     Incorrect. Gnip is designed for social media streams, not for internal email systems.

b.     Incorrect. Gnip is designed to access social media streams, not just video streams.

c.     Correct. Gnip is designed to access social media streams.

d.     Incorrect. Gnip is designed for social media streams, not governmental databases.


a.     Correct. Barcelona offers up-to-speed information about where to stop.

b.     Incorrect. Barcelona offers where to stop information, not car rental information.

c.     Incorrect. Barcelona offers up-to-date information about where to stop, not dining locations and hours.

d.     Incorrect. It does not offer hotel accommodations but information about where to stop.


a.     Incorrect. MetLife uses Big Data to cross-sell products, not for risk analysis.

b.     Correct. MetLife uses Big Data to cross-sell products.

c.     Incorrect. MetLife uses Big Data to cross-sell products, not for risk evaluation with customer data.

d.     Incorrect. MetLife uses Big Data to cross-sell products, not to identify fraudulent transactions.


Practice Question Solutions


The interesting point to keep in mind is that the data that are not being accessed in structured, unstructured, and streaming arenas have the potential to add significantly to the value created in the accounting department.


Also, consider monitoring major industry trends and company trends via the following:

     Google alerts

     Social media posts, tweets, and the like

     Criminal postings

     MD&A from SEC reports


  1. Distinguish the business objective.
  2. Find data sources.
  3. Build at the lowest level of detail.
  4. Verify that information is accurate, timely, and helpful.
  5. Determine quality of data.
  6. Figure out which information may be predictive. It may be necessary to aggregate data and determine its correlation.
  7. Automate and computerize with the possibility of human interaction or intervention.
  8. Communicate simply and in the language of your audience.
  9. Be collaborative. Get support and insight.
  10. Continually improve the model.

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Big Data is more important than any other innovation in recent years.

b.     Incorrect. Big Data is the most important recent innovation. Lean management techniques are tactics to help make the company more efficient and profitable.

c.     Correct. Big Data is applicable to enterprise financial strategies more than any other innovation seen by the CFO in recent years.

d.     Incorrect. Big data is not a vehicle for seeking out wasteful practices but for enterprise financial strategies.


a.     Incorrect. Searching streaming media was mentioned as a tool to help reduce AR.

b.     Incorrect. Searching unstructured remittance information was also mentioned as a tool to reduce AR.

c.     Correct. Creating an effective dunning process is a recommended process, just not a Big Data process.

d.     Incorrect. Stratification was mentioned, whereas dunning processes was not.


a.     Incorrect. Duplicate payment analysis can always be outsourced to a financial person. However, it will be much easier to use a spreadsheet analysis process.

b.     Incorrect. A database could be configured for the analysis, but a spreadsheet would be easiest for detecting duplicate payments.

c.     Correct. A spreadsheet with downloaded information is one of the best ways to check for duplicate payments.

d.     Incorrect. Streaming data was not mentioned but spreadsheet analysis was.


a.     Incorrect. The uncertainty of where to apply data analysis is a difficulty. The right tool is not nearly as important as having the ability to import the data.

b.     Incorrect. Acquiring the necessary information is a difficulty. The right tool is not nearly as important as having the ability to import the data.

c.     Correct. Having the right tool is not as difficult as the ability to import the data into a tool.

d.     Incorrect. Importing data was listed as a difficulty, having the right tool to analyze the data was not listed as a difficulty.


Practice Question Solutions


Where does the data come from? Who owns the data? What rights does a gatherer have to accumulate, use, and maintain data?


Even if Target’s prediction was accurate, what right did the company have to share information about specific products that may lead other uninformed individuals to the same pregnancy insight?


An unscrupulous person with access to the mobile device can add another account; turn off the syncing process or indications from that account; and then track the real owner of the device. If this is done without the knowledge of the original owner of the device, it is very scary and potentially dangerous.


Radical Transparency, Simplicity by Design, Preparation and Security are Key, Make Privacy Part of the DNA

Solutions to Knowledge Check Questions


a.     Incorrect. Ethics policies are not fine as they exist today and have not kept pace with the growth in Big Data.

b.     Correct. Ethics policies have not kept pace with the explosion of Big Data.

c.     Incorrect. Ethics policies need to be reviewed and adjusted to keep pace with the growth of Big Data.

d.     Incorrect. Big Data is not addressed by IT policies and ethics policies have not kept pace with the growth of Big Data.


a.     Correct. Guest ID.

b.     Incorrect. Target assigns a Guest ID, not a Shopper ID.

c.     Correct. Target assigns a Guest ID, not a Customer ID.

d.     Incorrect. The correct answer is Guest ID.


a.     Correct. Target uses 25 products for the pregnancy prediction score.

b.     Incorrect. Target uses 25 products for the pregnancy prediction score, as opposed to 30.

c.     Incorrect. Target uses 25 products for the pregnancy prediction score, as opposed to 35.

d.     Incorrect. Target uses 25 products for the pregnancy prediction score, as opposed to 37.


a.     Incorrect. Disabling Location History will not remove all past history.

b.     Incorrect. Disabling Location History will not affect past history.

c.     Correct. All past history is unaffected.

d.     Incorrect. The Google Maps function is still available and past history is unaffected.


a.     Correct. Obtaining your boarding pass as you arrive at the airport.

b.     Incorrect. Finding a lost device could be beneficial. However, from the text, obtaining a boarding pass was highlighted.

c.     Incorrect. Recognizing network associates who may be nearby could be helpful, but obtaining your boarding pass was the example highlighted in the text.

d.     Incorrect. Tracking sales staff was not mentioned but obtaining a boarding pass was described.


a.     Correct. An unscrupulous person may find a way to track your movement.

b.     Incorrect. It is possible that your boss could ask for your phone to account for your whereabouts. The text was concerned that someone may track you without your knowledge.

c.     Incorrect. There is a possibility that your location based on your history may become part of a legal investigation. The text was concerned that someone may track you without your knowledge.

d.     Incorrect. The text did not mention the potential for M&A insights but it did mention that an unscrupulous person may find a way to track your movement.


a.     Incorrect. The most recent disclosure was about the TPP, not the ACA.

b.     Correct. TPP was the most recent disclosure.

c.     Incorrect. The most recent disclosure was about the TPP, not the Benghazi papers.

d.     Incorrect. The most recent leak was the TPP agreement, not the Petraeus affair.


a.     Incorrect. 1 percent of the documents are estimated to have been released, not 6 percent.

b.     Incorrect. 1 percent of the documents are estimated to have been released, not 8 percent.

c.     Correct. 1 percent of the documents are estimated to have been released.

d.     Incorrect. 1 percent of the documents are estimated to have been released, not 12 percent.


a.     Correct. Wikileaks released over 100,000 unredacted documents.

b.     Incorrect. Wikileaks released over 100,000 unredacted documents, not 50,000.

c.     Incorrect. Wikileaks released over 100,000 unredacted documents, not 200,000.

d.     Incorrect. Wikileaks released over 100,000 unredacted documents, not 250,000.

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