Chapter 2



After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

     Identify distinctive points of computing history and their impact on the evolution of Big Data today.

     Identify Big Data sources.

     Recall Big Data from the perspectives of a small business and the accountant.


This chapter examines the history as well as the sources and characteristics of Big Data. To accountants, the concept of Big Data relates to the ability to access, manipulate, analyze, and report on data using tools such as electronic spreadsheets. Understanding the history of computing and the evolution from clay tablets to modern day computer systems is essential. To best employ Big Data, we must recognize the past, present, and future implications of Big Data for our organizations as well as our profession.

Big Data can be created in a multitude of ways and transformed into knowledge by many avenues, providing that the organization has the skills and resources to do so. It is also important to recognize that data can be identified by a variety of characteristics.


Prior to 1978, the accountant’s job was a factor of the underlying accounting systems. The accountant recorded, processed, and analyzed transactions and reported on the financial results. Also, the accountant created additional value by evaluating results based on ratio and variance analysis and industry comparisons. In 1978, the world’s first spreadsheet, VisiCalc, was created. As a result, accountants began to input transactional data into spreadsheets and create new analyses. Spreadsheets resulted in customized reports and an increase in the overall volume of data. Over the last three decades, spreadsheet usage has increased. Database applications and large enterprise systems have become more available, user-friendly, accessible, and powerful. The accountant who was data-challenged prior to 1978 is today awash with so much data that it has become overwhelming. Accountants drown in data, but they lack the knowledge that is hidden in the data stream.


Accountants tend to look at data from their traditional data perspectives of acquiring, gathering, categorizing, aggregating, analyzing, and reporting information. Larger systems facilitated integrated and more complex analysis. The availability of Big Data allows for increased complexity and an increased ability to perform deep data analysis which was not possible previously.

Figure 2-1



1.     What was the first spreadsheet developed in 1978?

a.     Lotus.

b.     Excel.

c.     VisiCalc.

d.     Multi-mate.


When the history of Big Data is viewed through the lens of accounting, it can be categorized by the interaction of seven different areas:



     Calculating machines



     Cloud computing

     Internet of things

Each of these seven areas has been built upon or interacted with the other categories to result in the current access and application of Big Data. Consider some of the significant occurrences within each of the categories as they paved the way for Big Data. The first three categories remind us from where we came. As you consider the fourth through fifth categories, jot down the impact that any of the items has made for you or your company.


Bookkeeping has been a part of human civilization from the very beginnings of recorded history. Chaldean-Babylonian civilization is attributed with having the first formal bookkeeping or recordkeeping activities. Archaeological evidence of the code of Hammurabi (leader of Babylonia from 2285–2242 B.C.) includes the following:

104. If a merchant gives an agent corn, wool, oil, or any other goods to transport, the agent shall give a receipt for the amount, and compensate the merchant therefor. Then he shall obtain a receipt [from] the merchant for the money that he gives the merchant.

105. If the agent is careless and does not take a receipt for the money which he gave the merchant, he cannot consider the unreceipted money as his own.

106. If the agent accepts money from the merchant but has a quarrel with the merchant (denying the receipt), then shall the merchant swear before God and witnesses that he has given this money to the agent, and the agent shall pay him three times the sum.1

In the earliest civilizations, transactions were recorded on clay tablets. During Egyptian times, transactions were recorded on papyrus. Systems continued evolving through Greek, Roman, and Israeli civilizations. Eventually, to promote accountability of officials, public accounts were chiseled into stone. Records were used to facilitate transactions, tax assessment, and payment.


2.     Among the earliest historical evidence of the need for transaction recording was

a.     The Roman tax code.

b.     Code of Hammurabi.

c.     Greek merchant records.

d.     Chinese trade records.


In 1494, Fra Luca Pacioli (who wrote and taught in the fields of mathematics, theology, architecture, games, military strategy, and commerce) published Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (The Collected Knowledge of Arithmetic, Geometry, Proportion and Proportionality). A section of the book contained a treatise on bookkeeping, a section that ensured Pacioli a place in history as "The Father of Accounting," although he did not invent the practice of accounting—but rather described the process of double-entry accounting, known as the method of Venice.2

His system included most of the accounting cycle as we know it today. He published information on the use of journals and ledgers and described the process of debits and credits, including the fact that debits should equal credits. "As Pacioli says, this is the most important thing to note in Venetian bookkeeping: ’All creditors must appear in the ledger at the right-hand side and all the debtors on the left. All entries made in the ledger have to be double entries—that is, if you make one creditor, you must make someone debtor."3

His ledger included assets, which included receivables, and inventories, liabilities, capital, income, and expense accounts. The Summa was eventually translated into German, Russian, Dutch, and English.

Pacioli’s system is the basis for the accounting systems still in use today. Fundamentally, not much has changed, even through the Industrial Revolution and the rise of corporations. However, a pivotal event in the American history of accounting came in 1913 when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified. The amendment required a federal income tax to be paid by all individuals working in the United States.

Income tax and corporate tax were little understood and heavily resisted in their formative years. As a result, most corporations and individuals were simply not filing or were filing incorrectly.

A few years later in 1917, the Federal Reserve published Uniform Accounting, a document that attempted to set industry standards for how financials should be organized both for reporting tax and for financial statements.

Calculating Machines

The history of calculating machines is nearly as old as the history of bookkeeping. The first calculating machine, the abacus, was in use as early as 2400 B.C.

The early calculators of the 17th century laid the foundation for the computing revolution that would take place centuries later. Tabulating machines have been used by the accounting profession since the 1800s. A few key dates from a photographic timeline on Gizmodo are outlined as follows:4

     1642: The Pascaline or Pascal’s Calculator, by Blaise Pascal. It could add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers.

     1820: The Arithmométre, the first mass-produced mechanical calculator, by Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar.

     1800s: The difference engines, the first mechanical computers, by Charles Babbage in the early 1800s

     1948: The hand-cranked calculator Curta, invented by Curt Herzstark. Type II was introduced in 1954 and produced until 1972.

     1971: Sharp Corporation invents the pocket calculator.


The advent of modern computers took place in the 20th century. It revolutionized the accounting profession through increased speed, automation, and the introduction of spreadsheets. Although most of us witnessed much of the evolution first-hand, a timeline of key dates is outlined as follows:

     1911: IBM is created.

     1938: The Z1 computer was created, Konrad Zuse. It was a binary digital computer that used punch tape.

     1947: William Shockley invents the transistor at Bell Labs.

     1958: Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and NASA are formed.

     The first integrated circuit, or silicon chip, is produced by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.

     1971: Ray Tomlinson invents email.

      Liquid crystal display (LCD) is developed by James Fergason.

      The floppy disk is created by David Noble with IBM. It is nicknamed the "floppy" for its flexibility.

     1973: The Ethernet, a local-area network (LAN) protocol, is developed by Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs.

      The minicomputer Xerox Alto was a landmark step in the development of personal computers.

     1977: Apple Computer’s Apple II, the first personal computer with color graphics, is demonstrated.

      Ward Christensen writes the "MODEM" program, allowing two microcomputers to exchange files over a phone line.

     1980: IBM hires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to create an operating system for a new PC. They buy the rights to a simple operating system manufactured by Seattle Computer Products and use it as a template to develop DOS.


Considering how integral the Internet is to everyday life, it’s hard to believe it’s less than 50 years old. In 1969, the U.S. Department of Defense set up the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) with the intention of creating a computer network that could withstand any disaster. It became the first building block for what the Internet has become today.

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau proposed HTML hypertext protocol for the Internet and World Wide Web. That same year, the first commercial Internet dial-up access provider came online. The next year, the World Wide Web was launched to the public.

A few more key dates in the development of the Internet:

     1994: The World Wide Web Consortium is founded by Tim Berners-Lee to help with the development of common protocols for the evolution of the World Wide Web.

      Yahoo! is created.

     1995: Java is introduced.

      Jeff Bezos launches

      Pierre Omidyar begins eBay.

      Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia create Hotmail.

     1998: Sergey Brin and Larry Page begin Google.

Peter Thiel and Max Levchin start PayPal.

     Apple PowerBook G3 released.

     2001: Bill Gates introduces the Xbox.

      Windows XP is launched.

     2005: Blu-ray Discs are introduced.

YouTube gets its start.

     2009: Windows 7 released.

     2012: Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface are released.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the newest developments in the use of the Internet. Instead of maintaining data and software on individual computers or local servers, data and programs can now be accessed in the "cloud." The term "cloud" was coined in 1997 to refer to the concept of shared data services and third-party access. Other recent developments in cloud computing are the formation of Amazon web services in 2002, Application Service Providers (ASPs) in 2005, and Hadoop in 2006.

Internet of Things (loT)

The "Internet of Things" refers to the "network of Internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data."5 Each object has a unique identifier and the ability to communicate machine-to-machine, without any human interaction. For instance, your home’s intruder alert system automatically sends a signal when a lock is broken. The following is a brief timeline of the "Internet of Things":6, 7, 8

     1832: Baron Schilling of Russia invents the electromagnetic telegraph. A year later, Germans Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber invent a code to communicate over a distance of 1,200 meters.

     1961: GM introduces first industrial robot—Unimate—in New Jersey factory.

     1969: ARPANET connects UCLA and Stanford universities.

     1970: The Stanford Cart is unveiled, becoming the first "smart car." Built for lunar exploration, it is controlled remotely and features a wireless video camera.

     The first hand-held mobile cellphone goes on the market. It weighs 4.4. pounds.

     1973: The first read-write radio frequency identification (RFID) tag is patented by Mario Cardullo. RFID tags will eventually lead to the wireless sensors so critical for enterprise, industrial and manufacturing IoT technologies.

     1993: The first webcam is created to monitor a coffee pot.

     1994: Bluetooth is invented as an alternative to data cables to connect keyboards and phones to computers.

     1999: Kevin Ashton, executive director of MIT’s Auto-ID Center, coins the term "Internet of Things."

     2000: Global Positioning System (GPS) becomes widely used by the public.

     2001: Auto-ID Center proposes electronic product code to identify every object in the world uniquely.

     2005: Arduino simplifies interconnecting devices.

     2006: Hadoop developed.

     2010: Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is introduced, enabling applications in the fitness, health care, security, and home entertainment industries.

     2011: Nest Labs introduces sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled, self-learning, programmable thermostats and smoke detectors.

     2011: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) expands the number of objects that can connect to the Internet by introducing 340 undecillion IP addresses.9

     2014: Apple announces HealthKit and HomeKit, two health and home automation developments. The company’s iBeacon advances context and geolocation services.10

Categories and Characteristics of Data

Now that you’re familiar with the history and rapid development of certain areas of technology, let’s take a look at the seven categories we just learned about and the key characteristics of their data volume, information preparation, and the type of data analysis conducted. These categories and characteristics are especially interesting when accountants consider the implications for future accounting careers. A large component of the accounting position was preparation and massaging numbers for decision-making purposes. Big Data may eliminate many of the lower level accounting positions due to making the preparation and massaging of numbers unnecessary.

Table 2-1: Evolution of Recordkeeping to Computing to Today’s Big Data
Description Volume of data How information is (was) created What type of data analysis?
Bookkeeping Low/transaction Manual No time
Accounting Low/transaction Manual Minimal time/manual reports
Calculating Machines Medium/transaction Manual/small automation Minimal time/manual reports
Computers High/transaction/reporting Manual/high automation Volumes of automated structured analysis
Internet High/transaction/reporting Manual/high automation Volumes of automated structured analysis + data detectives to find corroborating or competitive data
Cloud High/transaction/reporting Manual/high automation Volumes of automated structured analysis + volumes of unstructured data + data detectives to find corroborating or competitive data + predictive tools to analyze volumes of data
Internet of Things Unlimited/unstructured Automatically generated sensors, and the like Volumes of automated structured analysis + volumes of unstructured data + data detectives to find corroborating or competitive data + predictive tools to analyze volumes of data + automated applications to gather, archive, evaluate and predict data patterns, trends and strategic actions


3.     Who is credited with creating the first building block of what the Internet is today?

a.     UCLA.

b.     The U.S. Department of Defense.

c.     Stanford.

d.     Harvard.


Next, we will consider an example of a landscaping business. What are the ways that it could leverage sources of Big Data to produce additional insights into the operations, the financial operations, and the customer?

Let us imagine that you are the owner of a landscaping business with fewer than 50 employees. Without any great insight into accounting or management theories, you began the business with just some equipment and a truck. The sum total of your equipment was limited to the truck, trailer, and commercial lawn mower. You went out and obtained customers using a fixed fee approach based on your best guess of what the customer was willing to pay. You worked from sunup to sundown loading your lawn mower on your trailer, driving to your customers, unloading the lawn mower, performing the mowing services and then started again the next day. At the end of any given week, month, or landscaping season, you judged the success of your business based on the remaining cash in your account. The business was simple. You were the only employee. Your expenses were for gasoline, repairs and maintenance, minimal advertising, and minimal professional help. As your landscaping business grew, you hired employees, purchased more equipment and hoped that the additional investment in employees and equipment would result in a larger increase in cash profits.

As an owner, you eventually implemented financial and operational systems to make the business a little more sophisticated. Although still concerned with cash, you are now receiving regular financial statements from an accounting firm. You are operating as the typical small business with employees—struggling to find customers, operate the business, meet financial obligations, and pay yourself.

The following chart describes operating the small business in the normal course of events. How could the lawn maintenance business have capitalized on Big Data concepts to improve the business?

Table 2-2: Lawn Mowing—Landscape Business Example
Current Business With Big Data
Worker picks up truck, trailer, and mower at business location Have the employee text his starting time (which could be verified)
Fills truck and mower with gas
Drives to customer Could optimize the traffic pattern, track the actual route (deviations), monitor vital truck signs
Unloads equipment Could track time to unload mower
Cuts lawn Could track cutting pattern with gaps, hours driven, miles traveled, the speed of the machine; could track music being played, could track downtime of the engine. Could take a photo of completed work—four standard pictures.
Reloads mower Could track time to load mower
Drives to next customer (repeat process) Could optimize the traffic pattern, track the actual route (deviations), monitor vital truck signs
Returns truck, trailer, and mower to business location Could record time in and take photo of condition of equipment
What do we normally get as data? What could we get as data?
Starting time (time card) at work Detailed time analysis of all steps
Arrival time at customer Mechanical evaluations of all equipment
Departure time from customer Mechanical evaluation from mower can be evaluated and used as predictive measure of quality
Arrival time back at work Music can be compared to timeliness, quality of job
Ending time (time card) leaving work Photos can document the condition of equipment at the start and end of the day. Can also document the quality of lawn care.
Photos can also be used as customer survey, proof of service, or testimonial
Customers are billed for a fixed fee for mowing the lawn
The owner knows profitability based on the following: With multiple jobs, we can now better assess time and cost for each job.
Cost of gas for tractor We can assess the quality of jobs and quality of employees.
Cost of gas for truck We can establish improved metrics for current customers.
Hourly costs for worker If multiple mowing assignments with multiple employees, better benchmarks can be established.
Depreciation of equipment Warning signs of any mechanical failures can be addressed prior to their occurrence.
Maintenance of equipment Photos can also be used to monitor the actual time worked.
The owner determines his quotes based on 20 years of experience and competitor pricing The owner assessed quotes based on his experience and increased access to Big Data

Small businesses may be limited in their ability to pursue Big Data opportunities. However, the expense is usually not prohibitive, and the information (when used appropriately) can make the company more efficient, productive and profitable.

Also, based on the preceding example, the owner of the landscape business could analyze many Big Data opportunities as well as customer behavior including payments, timeliness of payments, renewal dates, social media comments, and net promoter scores.


There are a variety of Big Data information sources that an organization can access. Consider table 2-3, which breaks down the sources of data among five different categories:

Table 2-3: Sources of Data
Customer data Vendor data Product data Shipping data Accounting data Marketing data Employee data Traffic count Attendees Number of calls RFID


Consultant Info

Industry data Government data Almanac Benchmarking

Google search
Internet of
Industry data Government data
Consultant info

Table 2-4 Reporting and Processing of Data

Known structured data Known, unused structured data


Unknown structured data

Unknown unstructured data

Traditional IT systems Identification Analytics Acquisition Acquisition
Excel Database Reporting Forecasting Catalog Curate Relate Predict




Note in the preceding tables that the sources of data are broken down into five major categories:

1.     Structured data that the company has

2.     Structured data that the company has but has not developed

3.     Unstructured data that the organization has

4.     Structured data that the organization does not have

5.     Unstructured data that the organization does not have

Accountants are very familiar with the first and fourth categories mentioned. These categories are typically represented by traditional accounting and financial applications. Also, these categories are used to perform ratio and interpretive analysis to provide insight or understanding to structured data within these systems. Some companies may have explored the use of category two items (unused structured data that they have) especially if they have developed areas of emphasis such as key performance indicators. The real challenge is for the organization to leverage categories three and five (unstructured data.)

In table 2-4, the tools required to access each of the categories are outlined as follows:

     In category one, reporting and processing involve traditional accounting accumulation, reporting, forecasting, and analysis.

     Category two requires the organization to identify what information is necessary to provide insight into the organization. Once identified, the company must catalog the information to allow access to it. The curator process prunes the necessary information and discards that which is not desired. Lastly, the information is related to other financial information to determine if it can be used to infer some impact on the financial performance of the organization.

     Tools that can be used in the third category assess unstructured data that the organization has not considered before but currently has access to. Typically, the organization will run analysis to determine if the data are valuable for further analysis. If so, the organization follows the same pattern as category two.

     In the fourth category, tools must identify structured data that is available outside of the organization but not collected. Once identified, it must be collected, transformed, or related to other existing data and analyzed for insights. An example of this would be obtaining industrial production statistics on a monthly basis and comparing that information with the monthly sales to determine if there is any correlation. The monthly industrial production statistics would also be made available for regular analysis of the organization activities (for example, sales).

     The fifth category represents unstructured data that the organization does not have and that the organization does not know the value of. In this category, the organization must first acquire the unstructured data and, once acquired, evaluate with analytics to determine if there is any value in the data to predict the financial impact on the organization.


Sources of Big Data are everywhere. You are probably aware of a few of these sources, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and other large social media sites that many people use daily. However, you might not realize that sites like Facebook and LinkedIn use every feature of the site, including your posts, messages, photos, and searches, to collect data. Other sources of Big Data include the following:

     Google searches

     Email databases

     Retail customer relationship management (CRM)

     Health records, including insurance, hospital, mental health, prisons


     Social media


     RFID tags

     GPS-enabled devices

     Smart meters


     Government databases


Do you know what the largest source of Big Data is? According to an IBM survey, the major source of Big Data that is currently being tracked is transactions. The rest of the survey results are depicted in table 2-5.11

Table 2-5


Another major source of Big Data comes from the Information of Things that is collected from objects, animals, and people. The activities or tools that generate Big Data are depicted in table 2-6 using information gathered from a Vitria survey.12

Table 2-6



The Four Dimensions of Big Data

Analysts have broken down Big Data into four dimensions to help organizations understand that challenges in big data management come from the expansion of all four properties, not just volume alone. These dimensions are what distinguished Big Data from traditional sources of information contained in a historical or enterprise-wide system.

1.     Volume: The quantity of data which is generated every second, minute, hour, and day. The size of data created per day is increasing from gigabytes to terabytes and then petabytes. By 2020, IBM estimates that 40 zettabytes of information will be created by the year 2020.13

2.     Velocity: Speed at which data is generated and processed. The ability to tap into streaming data to make predictions within seconds. IBM estimates that by 2016, 18.9 billion network connections that represent almost 2. 5 connections for each person on the globe.14

3.     Variety: The different types of data that are widely available. The data can be structured, unstructured, text, and multimedia. There were estimated to be 420 million wearable, wireless health monitors and that more than 4 billion hours of video will be watched on YouTube each month by 2014.15

4.     Veracity: How reliable or accurate the data are. Currently, there exist levels of uncertainty and reliability. Managing the reliability and uncertainty of imprecise data will be essential.


4.     What was the estimated number of wearable, wireless health monitors projected to be in 2014?

a.     240 million.

b.     360 million.

c.     420 million.

d.     500 million.

More Characteristics of Big Data

The scope of Big Data is large, and the goal is to capture as much of the population as possible, as opposed to small data sets. Ideally, the data have these characteristics: detailed, relational, and flexible. The data should be in great detail with the ability to index significant sub-parts of the data which can be used for discovery and predictive purposes. The data should be relational, allowing the ability to connect fields from different data sets. The data should be flexible so that it is not difficult to add additional fields or additional data (increased volume.)

Table 2-7

Characteristic Small data Big Data
Volume Limited to large Very large, entire populations
Exhaustivity Samples Entire populations
Resolution and Identification Course and weak to tight and strong Tight and strong
Relationality Weak to strong Strong
Velocity Slow, freeze-framed or bundled Fast, continuous
Variety Limited to wide Wide
Flexible and scalable Low to middling High


Let’s assume that we run a retail store with multiple locations. The store sells a variety of pet products including supplies, food, and toys. Consider the following examples of data the store may wish to obtain or capture from the customer or the vendor:


1.     Customer: The organization’s customer interacts in a variety of ways. An organization interested in Big Data will collect data from the customer through a variety of different methods and stages.

a.     Internet access: Assume that the customer is visiting the store via an Internet portal. The store would try to identify the customer through any of the following:

i.     A login identity

ii.     A home store

b.     Key product and or sales data

i.     What are people searching for?

(1)     Specific products, prices or price changes

(2)     Location of stores as well as inventory levels

(3)     What quantities do customers wish to buy?

(4)     Do they wish to pick up the item at the store?

(5)     What accessories or related items are being considered as well?

c.     Targeted email campaigns: Based on preferences shared by the customer, additional contacts can be made by email or text to induce a customer to make a purchase.

2.     Vendor: The organization’s vendor should also want significant access to data residing in the system.

a.     Performance: How fast is the product moving through inventory? Were the purchase requirements fulfilled correctly?

b.     Stock levels: What are the inventory levels? Also, and based on the lead times, when will it be necessary to replenish inventories level? If there are significant returns, what was the reason the products were returned?

c.     Pricing

i.     Comparisons to competitor pricing.

ii.     Is there any change in the mentor and movement based on the change in the retail price?

3.     Demographic

a.     Where did the customer come from—or where is their home location?

b.     Would the customer be willing to complete a survey?

c.     Is the customer a member of a customer loyalty group?

4.     Traffic count

a.     How many individuals entered through the front door?

b.     At what time did they enter through the front door?

5.     Open hours

a.     Which hours of business accounted for the greatest sales?

b.     Which hours of business had the highest returns?

c.     Which hours of business had the most ancillary services sold such, as a small food shop (in-house fast food station?)

6.     Credit card relationships

a.     How did people pay for the transaction?

i.     Cash

ii.     Check

iii.     Credit card

(1)     Affiliated

(2)     Type of card

(3)     Was the card rejected?

7.     Benchmarking by store, department. Each of the sales transactions can be summarized by department or section within the store.

a.     Square footage analysis

b.     Sales relation to specific departments’ weekly marketing brochures, emails, and the like

8.     Social media information

a.     Did the user post a comment regarding any of the products or services?

b.     Did the user attempt to access online coupons for the product?

c.     Did the user review a secondary store if their home store was out of the inventory?

Practice Questions

1. Discuss the historical evolution of Big Data based on the interrelationships of recordkeeping, accounting, calculating machines, and Big Data?

2. Describe the sources of Big Data.

3. What are the four Vs?

4. List any three of the Big Data sources or uses of structured or unstructured data for a small retail business.


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