Past Imperfect, Present Incomplete, Future Uncertain

Capt. Bart Mancuso: How did you know that his next turn would be to starboard?

Jack Ryan: I didn’t. I had a 50/50 chance. I needed a break. Sorry.

Capt. Bart Mancuso: That’s all right, Mr. Ryan. My Morse is so rusty; I could be sending him dimensions on Playmate of the Month.

This simple exchange from the movie The Hunt for Red October illustrates the need to make decisions without complete, perfect information and the need to communicate what we think is the correct message under uncertainty.

The reality of the world we live in is that there are many possible outcomes with less-than-perfect information in decision making. This is the focus of this chapter.1 Three regularities in decision theory add to the richness, or some would say complications, to economic decision making. First, decision makers tend to focus more on losses than gains. Second, persons focus more on changes in their utility states than they focus on absolute utilities. Finally, the estimation of subjective probabilities is severely biased by anchoring, recency, and other decision-making patterns.

Two stories from WWII highlight the role of information and its importance. At the start of WWII, both Great Britain and Germany had functioning radar systems. For Great Britain the use of radar was the key to victory in the air battles we term the Battle of Britain, as radar allowed the British to deploy their limited fighter force in direct proportion to incoming German fighters and bombers. In contrast, Germany did not use all tools, such as radar, due to leadership prejudice against defensive measures.2 Second, the Germans also failed to coherently incorporate new technology to upgrade and secure their Enigma coding and this failure to improve information processing led to the British breaking of the codes and, once again, better allocation of forces in the war.3

To illustrate the importance of information in decision making, especially bad information, one can simply turn to the events of the first business day in June 2014 and the release of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) manufacturing survey. At 10 A.M. on June 2, the organization reported that their factory index fell to 53.2 in May from 54.9 in the prior month. This was weaker than the consensus had expected and, in economics and financial markets, the difference between expectations and what is realized is what drives markets and the economy.

The 10-year Treasury yield declined immediately following the weaker-than-expected read on the manufacturing sector, as the index indicated to investors a weaker economy ahead. The yield declined from 2.51 percent to a touch below 2.5 percent (see Figure 3.1). Yet shortly after the release there were questions about the headline number. By 11:15 A.M., a Bloomberg story appeared quoting the research firm Stone & McCarthy that their calculations suggested a stronger number due to the use of what they considered a correct set of seasonal adjustment factors. By 11:32 A.M., the ISM had corrected its initial report to read 56.0 from 53.2 and, in response, the 10-year yield rose to 2.54 percent at around 11:45 A.M.

Graph shows curve for 10-year yield on June 2, 2014 with highest peak at 11.45 during the period 9 am to 12 pm. The vertical line at 10 am and 11.30 am represents ISM news releases.

Figure 3.1 10-Year Yield on June 2, 2014

Source: Institute for Supply Management and Bloomberg LP

Yet, the story continues. Suspicions in the marketplace persisted that the second release was not quite correct either and that the second release number, at 56, was too high. By 12:09 P.M., Bloomberg reported that a second correction was to be released within the hour. At 12:32 P.M. the second correction was issued and the final number came in at 55.4—above the original release and yet below the second release. The markets had been whipsawed on both the long and short side of the release. This episode highlights the importance of accurate information in determining market actions.


Imperfect information for decision makers requires caution—as if driving in a fog, you adjust and slow down. Imperfect information leads to incomplete and partial adjustments. The source of the fog is found everywhere—oil price collapses in the mid-1980s and more recently in 2014–2015, policy shocks and major currency devaluations, or fiscal policy changes abroad. The existence of incomplete adjustments opens up the possibility that changes in nominal money growth will give rise to incomplete adjustment of nominal prices and thereby real changes in employment and output. More broadly, the existence of uncertainty—imperfect information, contracts, and renegotiation costs—all provide a basis for partial adjustment and thereby changes in the real economy.

One channel through which this works is when producers and workers know their individual prices/wages but not the aggregate price level.4 Therefore, they will make decisions without full knowledge of the relative prices they receive for goods/labor. When prices change, the producers/workers are not sure if the aggregate prices have changed, and therefore they are likely to attribute part to change in the aggregate price level and part to change in relative prices. In the United States, this was quite manifest in the housing price rise in the mid-2000s. Recall that the observed price of a good is the sum of the aggregate price level and the good’s relative price expressed as:

numbered Display Equation

That is, the price of the good g equals the product of the aggregate price level and the good’s relative price. The insight that economic agents observe their own price—but not the aggregate price—is certainly true in credit markets where there is oftentimes no aggregate index of the specific product being traded as many financial products are imperfect substitutes and there is no aggregate measurement for the sector.

Since agents have imperfect information on the price change, both the producers and workers exhibit a partial response to any change and, as a result, aggregate output and labor will exhibit a partial response such that a rise in prices would be associated with a rise in output/labor giving rise to a positively sloped short-run aggregate supply curve. A recent example of this was the rise in both prices and output in the oil sector from 2012 to 2014.

Policy shocks are just one source of change that can cause real economic changes. For example, random changes in preferences—fur fashions in pre-revolutionary America—led to a rise in fur production and prices and, just as quickly, prices collapsed as European fashion preferences changed. Unobserved changes in money supply, credit supply, and money multipliers in many sectors give rise to real economic changes as imperfect information permeates the economy in all sectors.

For the individual agents, the relative price provides a signal to action whereas the aggregate price level is noise. As a result, the departure of output from its long-run potential level is positively correlated with the price level. When oil prices surprised to the upside in 2012–2014, oil production rose. When oil prices surprised on the downside in 2014–2016, however, oil production fell. The departure of output/labor from its normal level is an increasing function of the surprise in the price level. As the relative price of oil rose, output rose. When relative oil prices fell, output declined.

Imperfect information on price movements is an essential part of business cycle fluctuations. When changes in the money supply are observed accurately and there are no frictions preventing price adjustment, then changes in the money supply are neutral and output does not shift. Aggregate prices change, but output remains unchanged. However, when money supply shifts are not observed accurately or frictions are introduced as in the previous chapter, then output will change.

The positive link between prices and output once again reflects the experience of 2014–2016. As the unexpected decline in oil prices is associated with a decline in output, the price change is clearly not neutral. The positive relationship between output and prices gives rise to the Phillips curve.

Expectations matter and any changes in policy or exogenous shock alter those expectations. As a result, shifts in policy will change aggregate relationships. In contrast, temporary changes in policy do not alter economic activity, as evidenced by the 1986 temporary tax increase. In general, only unobserved shocks to aggregate demand or supply give rise to real economic effects.

The precise conduct of monetary policy is not available to private agents, evidenced by the surprise move by former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke when he discussed reducing the pace of asset purchases that gave rise to the taper tantrum in mid-2013 as well as the surprise move by the Swiss National Bank to drop the Swiss franc/euro floor in 2015. In contrast, the response to publicly available information is minuscule at best and helps explain why publicly announced monetary actions, when anticipated in advance, often generate little response. Unanticipated policy announcements do generate a response in interest rates and exchange rates.

Moreover, the Fed has imperfect information on inflation. Consider the numerous measures of inflation and labor market slack utilized by decision makers and it is clear that there is no clear measure of aggregate inflation or labor market conditions. Moreover, there is little consensus on accurate measures of growth or inflation in many emerging economies, China being only one instance.

What is often unappreciated is that inventories are also quite present in financial markets in the form of assets on trading desks and in investment portfolios. When a surprise policy announcement is made, these inventories are either in or out of the money and significant sharp adjustments are often seen. This was evident again in response to Chair Yellen’s comment on high-yield bonds that led to an immediate repricing of high yield debt as illustrated in Figure 3.2. As with the inventory of real goods, an inventory adjustment of financial instruments creates its own cycle.

Graph shows two curves for high-yield spreads of Caa index and B index with highest peak at 2009 during the period 1999 to 2015. The vertical line at 2015 represents Yellen’s high-yield comments.

Figure 3.2 High-Yield Spreads

Source: Bloomberg LP

Economic shocks from nominal disturbances can also have real economic effects and significant distributional impacts. This is possible given the asymmetric information that is present in many debt contracts. During the 2014–2016 period, a nominal decline in the price of crude oil had significant negative economic effects on equipment and structures spending due to two features of financial contracts. First, many debt contracts were not indexed to the value of a barrel of crude oil. Second, loan agreements are made in nominal terms where the borrower may have better information on the operation of the energy business they are conducting than the lender. This asymmetric information may give rise to greater risk taking on the part of the borrower than what was priced into the contract by the lender.

Given the market experience with the oil price decline from 2014 to 2016, the subsequent bankruptcies and depreciation of the value of high-yield energy-related bonds certainly gives evidence of asymmetric information. The subsequent decline in energy-related equipment and structures investment (Figure 3.3) lends support to the view that nominal shocks give rise to real economic effects.

Graph shows curve for baker-Hughes rig count with steep decline between 2014 and 2016 by 502 bps during the period 2005 to 2016.

Figure 3.3 Baker-Hughes Rig Count

Source: Baker-Hughes

The Underlying, Implicit Assumptions in Economic Decision Making

Many economic models begin with the assumption of an ideal decision maker, fully informed, fully rational, and able to compute with perfect accuracy all options. Yet in the real world, we deal with imperfect information, imperfect rules and models as well as a number of biases in decision making. This idealized decision maker acts in the way people ought to make decisions. Given the reality of actual decision making, however, how do consumers and firms behave with the limits of information in their decision-making process? What is the actual decision-making process—not the normative, idealistic aspect of decision making? Unlike playing the game of chess or tic-tac-toe, all rules are not obvious and all possible moves are not known.

When the assumptions of perfect competition, rational agents, and perfect information are made, it often allows the precise mathematical derivation of desirable results. In addition, the assumptions underlying many economic models dictate that each economic agent possesses knowledge about other market participants, and that knowledge is available to all participants. Each participant knows the payoffs and strategies available to other players. But we must ask what happens when these pristine assumptions are unrealistic and not reflective of reality. When examining the economy in action, it is unrealistic to expect perfect desired results.

The Limits of Public Policy in Society5

Given the limits of information in society, we immediately recognize the restraints on decision making in the face of imperfect information. Central planning cannot match the efficiency of the open market because any single decision maker knows only a small fraction of all that is known collectively by society.

Therefore, decentralized decision making in an economy complements the dispersed nature of information spread throughout society. This principle of dispersed information, that no single agent has information as to all the factors that influence prices and production throughout the economic system, intimates that markets search for an equilibrium of buyers and sellers, which gives a dynamic to economic activity that influences the pattern of behavior in product, labor, and credit markets.

Decision Theory: The Importance of Imperfect, Incomplete, and Dynamically Incorrect Information

Unlike in tic-tac-toe, each player’s cards are hidden from other players in a game of poker—an example of incomplete information. The challenge for each player is to identify available information, uncertainties with respect to that information, and other issues relevant in a given decision. This is in contrast to the idealized decision maker, who is fully informed with perfect information and able to compute with perfect accuracy the possible outcomes and is fully rational in each decision (bias-free decision making).

Instead, we face choices under conditions of imperfect information along with all the computational problems and personal biases in our decision making. The result is that we calculate, either heuristically or with some simple model, the expected value of possible outcomes by identifying outcomes, determining their values and associated probabilities.

Limited Information Limits Results: Why Perfect Models Fall Short

At first glance we often model the behavior of economic variables over time with an assumption of perfect competition and flexible prices (wages, commodity prices, interest rates, and exchange rates). However, once we take these models into the real world and examine the data, we find that the patterns of the data do not represent smooth adjustments from one equilibrium point to another. In cases where information is imperfect, the results differ from the predictions of simple models with overly restrictive assumptions. Therefore, we should expect a different result from that predicted from many policy initiatives that are hatched in perfect model incubators. Instead, we face a wider range of outcomes and lower probability of any individual outcome than what perfect models predict.

Moreover, as time passes, we get new information that leads to new equilibria that were unanticipated when initial policy actions were implemented. Fiscal stimulus in 2009 did not give us the rapid economic and employment growth that was predicted by Keynesian models. Rapid growth in the Fed’s balance sheet did not generate the inflation feared by those who use monetarist models (Figures 3.4 and 3.5).

Graph shows seven curves for federal reserve balance sheet such as foreign swaps, PDCF and TAF, commercial paper and money market, repos and dis. window, agencies and MBS, treasuries and others for the duration 2007 to 2015.

Figure 3.4 Federal Reserve Balance Sheet

Source: Federal Reserve Board

Graph shows two curves of U.S. consumer price index for CPI three-month annual rate with steep decline at 2009 and CPI year-over-year has negative values from 2009 to 2010 for the duration 1992 to 2014.

Figure 3.5 U.S. Consumer Price Index

Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Credit markets often do not adjust smoothly to changes of policy actions or changes in expected policy, as illustrated by the jump in market interest rates and credit availability following the hint of Fed tapering beginning in May 2013. In addition, wholly unanticipated was the sharp reaction to this same hint of policy change in the exchange rate markets for emerging market countries.

In economic forecasts, and in many models, the pattern forecasted for the data is smooth. Yet in the reality of markets, movements can be very sharp and often unexpected. Moreover, these movements can lead to further changes that are not anticipated and provide new information and therefore lead to further economic developments that were not expected.

Furthermore, imperfect information, such as inherent sampling problems when constructing many economic statistics, may also lead economic agents to make decisions that would not have been made with perfect information. Samples for retail sales, employment, and durable goods orders, series critical to making effective decisions, are all subject to large revisions as more complete information is developed.

In addition, gross domestic product (GDP) can be influenced by weather, as we saw in the first quarter of both 2014 and 2015, which can give a misleading impression of the pace of economic growth. Estimates of first-quarter GDP for these years were negative, and this information is clearly not representative of the underlying pace of growth, but the initial estimates of GDP have led some analysts to conclude the economy is weak and these analysts are making decisions under that assumption.

Building the Model: Barriers to an Effective Idealized Economic Model in the Real World

For effective econometric modeling, an analyst must consider the issue of incomplete information. As in the case of incomplete and imperfect information, a model would produce unreliable results.6 Here, we list potential sources of incomplete/imperfect information along with possible remedial steps.

We begin by outlining three types of real-world information problems that interfere with our perfect models of economic information. First, there is the issue of incomplete information—economic agents do not know all the facts and therefore economic agents may delay decisions or make different decisions than what would have been made if all information had been available. This incomplete information is apparent when the president and Congress are moving ahead with major legislation and yet the details of such information is not yet available, or legislation has been passed but federal agencies have not yet put in place the rules implementing that legislation.

Incomplete Information

Incomplete information emphasizes the observation that in the real world, in contrast to perfectly competitive model assumptions, no agent has full information as to other agents’ budgets, preferences, resources, or technologies, not to mention their plans for the future and numerous other factors that affect prices in markets.

Real business investment is one area where incomplete information is most obvious. A firm may find that it needs to adjust its capital stock to achieve a level of capital consistent with a new level of expected output. Since the costs of a full adjustment and the cost of making a mistake may be very high, a firm will pursue a policy of partial adjustments. In our analysis, this may give rise to a distributed lag process in a series such as capital investment. Incomplete information also leads to a bias in thinking called the hindsight bias. Sometimes called the “I-knew-it-all-along” effect, the tendency is to see past events as being predictable at the time those events happened.

Currently, there are two other fields where incomplete information is having a significant impact on current economic activity. First, in labor markets, both potential workers and potential employers face incomplete information barriers regarding job opportunities and the location of skilled workers to fill those jobs. One sign of these information barriers is exhibited in the sharp peaks and valleys of the unemployment rate in Figure 3.6. Both potential employers and employees face significant search costs to find a match.7 The gap between job searchers and employers looking to fill a vacancy is illustrated in Figure 3.7. For a given vacancy rate on the y-axis, there has been a clear outward shift in the unemployment rate during the current cycle.

Graph shows curve for unemployment rate with highest peak at 1983 and decline at 1989 during the period 1978 to 2014.

Figure 3.6 Unemployment Rate

Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Scatter plot graph shows unemployment versus vacancy rate from 3.5 percentage to 10.5 percentage.

Figure 3.7 The Beveridge Curve

Source: U.S. Department of Labor

A classic example of incomplete information is when an important variable is missing from the model. For example, the Taylor (1993) rule suggests inflation and the unemployment rate (or output) are two key determinants of the federal funds rate, or short-term interest rates.8 If we were to model the fed funds rates and include only the inflation rate as a determinant, we would likely see an autocorrelation problem. The estimated results including the confidence interval would be unreliable.9 That said, the missing variable is often unknown or unobserved. That is, in the above example, we know the unemployment rate is missing from the model and that would be considered a known unknown. Known unknowns are not the only case of missing variables and the other, more complicated, example would be an unknown unknown case—a variable is missing and we do not know what is missing. One major reason of this unknown unknown scenario is that economies are complex and evolve over time and the relationships between variables also evolve. A good example of this is the Phillips curve relationship between unemployment and inflation.10 If we model inflation using the Phillips curve and utilize the unemployment rate as predictor, then that model may produce autocorrelation. In this case, we are following the economic theory, no known unknowns, but economies also evolve and introduce the problem of unknown unknowns. For example, between May 2012 and January 2016, the unemployment rate dropped from 8.2 percent to 4.9 percent, but the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) deflator stayed below the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) target of 2 percent for the entire period—the longest period of below 2 percent inflation in several decades. That suggests we need to include more variables (e.g., interest rates, oil prices, a measure of overall economic activity) to improve model fit in an attempt to address the unknown unknown problem.

Another possible source of incomplete information is the missing observations problem, where a data set contains missing values. The missing observations problem may lead to measurement errors and inconsistent results—see Chapter 9 of Kmenta (1971) for more detail. Another source of missing observations, typically for time series data, is due to the selection of the time span. That is, if we were to estimate the Taylor rule using the post-1990s era only, we would get different results from the pre-1990s era. The past three recoveries are considered “jobless” by some observers and the inflation rate, on average, was much lower compared to the pre-1990s—again economies evolve over time. Furthermore, we are not sure whether the future will be like the 1990s or closer to the 1980s. Therefore, to avoid incomplete information we should use the entire data set.

Incomplete information is also a problem when decision makers attempt to assess the state of the economy and the behavior of other economic agents in response to economic events. For example, we note the sometimes surprising reactions of financial markets to an economic data release that would appear very positive for the economy, but the market reaction is negative. One only has to experience a few releases of the Employment Situation report and the subsequent market reaction to appreciate the problem. In this case, what we are witnessing is the release of an economic number, such as employment, that is positive but that is not as positive as the market had expected. The difference between expected and actual will generate the market response. In addition, implications for inflation from a rapidly expanding economy and the revisions to expectations for monetary policy moving forward can weigh on financial markets.

Incomplete Information: Dealing with Missing Variables in Our Empirical Work

When forecasting economic series there are frequently pieces of data we would like to have but do not. In this example for interest, we utilize a modified Taylor rule that includes the fed funds rate, unemployment rate, and PCE deflator to show the missing variable (incomplete information) case. The unemployment and inflation rates are two potential determinants of the fed funds rate. We estimate three different regressions or models; (1) the fed funds rate and unemployment rate (inflation is missing); (2) the fed funds rate and PCE deflator (unemployment rate is missing) and (3) the fed funds rate, unemployment rate, and PCE deflator (complete model).

Two measures of a model’s fit are the root mean square error (RMSE) and the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion11 (SBC). The model with a smaller RMSE/SBC value has a better fit (and contains more useful information), although one must be wary of overfitting the model. The third model, which includes the fed funds rate, the unemployment rate, and PCE deflator, produces the smallest values for both RMSE and SBC.12 Note, by including a relevant variable, we increase the usefulness of our estimates. In other words, if we use the first or second models to explain movements in the fed funds rate, then the error in estimation is larger than that of the third model. In the present case, the larger error is because a relevant variable is missing from the model. Therefore, a missing relevant variable in the model or incomplete information can lead to a larger error and hinder the decision-making process.

Imperfect Information: Data Revisions and Data Quality

Second, the case of imperfect information—information that does not precisely reflect reality—is often faced by decision makers. The challenge is faced all the time because so much economic information comes via initial surveys of activity that are frequently revised, sometimes significantly, as further information is gathered. Initial estimates of retail sales, GDP, employment, and capital goods orders are more often than not revised from their initial released number.

For many, house hunting is daunting because of the uncertainty on pricing. In fact, many of us will sometimes ask—why is this house so cheap? In credit, there are the issues of adverse selection and moral hazard as well as questions on the quality of bank capital in the United States, Europe, and China. Finally, there are always questions on the quality of corporate profits and analysts are always asking for more details, suggesting that there is still information that remains to be found that could improve the quality of earnings estimates.

What about the cost of labor? In recent years, decision makers have had many different measures of labor costs, as illustrated in Figure 3.8. First, there is the traditional average hourly earnings series that is released along with the nonfarm payroll report at the start of each month. A second release is the wages and salaries series that is part of the personal income report. Finally, there is the employment cost index, which provides a summary of the wages, salaries, and benefit changes that accrue to workers.

Graph shows three curves for average hourly earnings, ECI total compensation and wages and salaries during the period 2002 to 2015. Wages and salaries curve have negative values between 2009 to 2010.

Figure 3.8 Labor Costs

Sources: U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Commerce

Economic variables that we model are presumed to influence, or at least represent, the actual economy. However, we often receive new information (note the revision of GDP estimates we witnessed for the first quarter of GDP in 2014 and 2015) such that the initial information imperfectly represents the real economic situation. Lucas has made the case for imperfect information on prices, whether a relative price change compared to other competitors or an absolute change for all competitors.13 If a firm perceives that the price change is relative (greater demand for its products), then that firm may alter its production schedules. Although a firm may actually be misreading the data, the firm will pursue a departure from previous output schedules. For any decision maker the critical question becomes: how much of our macro data reflect actual activity as opposed to our perceptions of what activity we believe to be happening?

Imperfect information: Dealing with the Problem of Measurement Error

There are several potential sources of imperfect information resulting in unreliable conclusions. In most cases, imperfect information would lead to autocorrelation or nonstationary problems, and results are unreliable in either case; see Silvia et al. (2014) for more detail.

Here, we examine the problem of imperfect information by comparing the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 index and nonfarm payrolls. A common measurement error is that an analyst may utilize the level form of the variables in regression/correlation analysis. Many time series variables are nonstationary at their level form. The common estimation method utilized by analysts is the ordinary least squares (OLS) model, which assumes the underlying data set is stationary.14 If the data are nonstationary at the level form, then using OLS on that data set would produce spurious results; that is, it would tend to suggest a very strong relationship (denoted by a very high R-squared value), even though there is no meaningful relationship between the variables. In our example, both the S&P 500 index and nonfarm payrolls are nonstationary at level form and using that form of the variables, we obtain a very high R-squared value of 0.89 (Figure 3.9). The difference form (month-over-month percent change in this case) of a series, however, is usually stationary and, therefore, is better suited for regression analysis. Using the difference form of the S&P 500 index and nonfarm payrolls, we obtained a lower, but more reliable R-squared of 0.01 (Figure 3.10). Therefore, measurement error (wrong functional form) can lead to a completely wrong conclusion.

S&P 500 index versus nonfarm payrolls graph shows two rising curves of S&P 500 index and nonfarm payrolls during the period 1994 to 2014.

Figure 3.9 S&P 500 Index vs. Nonfarm Payrolls

Sources: S&P and U.S. Department of Labor

S&P 500 index versus nonfarm payrolls shows curves for S&P 500 index and nonfarm payrolls during the period 2005 to 2014, both curves have a steep decline between the years 2008 and 2010.

Figure 3.10 S&P 500 Index vs. Nonfarm Payrolls

Sources: S&P and U.S. Department of Labor

Graph shows curve for expected value which is constant at zero. It also shows a parabolic curve representing forecast variance.

Figure 3.11 AR(1) Forecast Variance

The OLS regression is a simple and widely utilized method of estimation and forecasting. A typical OLS model consists of a dependent variable (left-hand side variable) and one or more independent variables (right-hand side variables). The OLS method is simple because of several limitations. First, OLS only estimates a statistical association between the variables of the model and does not identify the statistical causal relationship. Second, to generate out-of-sample forecasts of the dependent variable, we need out-of-sample values of the right-hand side (independent) variables. Third, we cannot include too many variables because we would reduce our degrees of freedom and/or introduce multicollinearity problems. Fourth and finally, since the OLS is a single equation (only one dependent variable), it is unable to capture the underlying structure of an economy and may suffer model specification issues and provide unreliable results.

The Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model, on the other hand, addresses the issues mentioned above. The BVAR approach can be utilized to test causal relationships between variables of interest (Granger causality). The BVAR model does not require future values of the right-hand side variables to generate out-of-sample forecasts for target variables. In addition, the BVAR approach allows us to include many variables in the model and hence permits us to include more information than the OLS model. Finally, the BVAR method improves upon the single-equation approach into a system of equations (several dependent variables) and can better capture the underlying structure of an economy. In general, the BVAR approach is more flexible and should be utilized to test causal relationships as well as generate forecasts.

Information Dynamics: Information Can Change in the Future—Out-of-Sample Forecast Errors

Third, information is also dynamic over time. For example, information on the pace of economic growth and job creation over time is revised and this changed perspective leads to alternative decisions or decisions that are regretted and would have been different if economic agents did indeed have perfect foresight. In war, it is said that battle plans change after the first shot. In business, the introduction of New Coke was met with an immediate negative reaction that marketing executives completely failed to anticipate.15 Many times, government rules on land use or flood plains can change after a developer or homeowner has bought a piece of real estate.16

Credit decisions can be turned on their head by court decisions on municipal bankruptcies, rule of law in corporate bankruptcies and federal mandates, or simply a rewriting of federal/state laws that upset the previously understood relationship between creditors and debtors. Finally, recent years have witnessed significant shifts in sovereign government commitments to exchange rate regimes and trading agreements, as a new political leadership assumes leadership after an election.

Forecast errors tend to increase with the forecast horizon—the longer the forecast horizon, the larger the forecast error. This can be illustrated by the forecast variance of the canonical autoregressive model of order one (AR[1] model). For tractability, we assume there is no drift term (constant). An AR(1) model is given as follows17:

numbered Display Equation

Where Xt is the time series being studied and εt is the independent and identically distributed error term with mean zero and variance of σ2. The l-step ahead value of our series is given by recursively stepping forward in the model as follows:

numbered Display Equation

The expected value of this series is given below, as the error terms drop out.

numbered Display Equation

The variance of this forecast, however, is fully dependent on the variance of the error terms. Note that the error of our forecast will be given as the difference of the actual value (XT+l) and the expected value, which simplifies to the cumulative error:

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Now this seems like an ugly equation to work with. This is why the assumption of i.i.d. error terms is useful. This means that whenever ab. Therefore, most terms in the above equation drop out. We can simplify further to:

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Note that, as one would expect, variance is monotonically increasing the further out into the future we are forecasting. That said, the concavity of the error is dependent on the value of β. If β < 1, the series is mean reverting, and the standard deviation of the forecast is concave down. If the series is not mean reverting, however, and β > 1, then the standard deviation is concave up, and therefore our forecasts will be poor.

There are several reasons behind the larger forecast errors for longer forecast horizons (Figure 3.11). For instance, the cumulative chance of a shock (in policies or consumer/investor behavior for example) increases with time. In addition, the objective function of other players may change over time, thereby complicating economic decisions. European governments can quickly shift to tighter fiscal policy—as we saw post-2009. Foreign governments can quickly shift exchange rate policy. Domestically, regulators can alter the direction of policy and rules over time. This problem is compounded with changes in political party leadership. At the state/local level, changes in land use policy after property has been bought for development affects the planned development and therefore limits economic development in many local areas. As a result, in contrast to the model that assumes that the objective functions of economic agents do not change over time, the reality is that change is constant on the part of decision makers and the rules they promote. New information and rules alter the payoffs and the expected rates of return on investment in equipment and workers. This uncertainty regarding future policy changes will tend to reduce long-term investment in equipment and the hiring of workers. The time horizon for all economic decisions is shortened given the risk/uncertainty of future political/policy change.

Processing Bad Information Poorly: Imperfect Rules and Models

Thus far, we have outlined how the quality of information influences the effectiveness of economic modeling and forecasting efforts. However, with imperfect decision making, there are additional problems that further complicate the ability to estimate the impact of economic activity and policy changes. Information is often processed in inefficient ways that further drive economic results away from the idealized forecasts. Market prices are the result of price discovery—from both the supply and demand sides—and how agents gather, process, and distribute information affects this process. Price discovery faces numerous challenges. Here we highlight eight issues: analysis paralysis, bounded rationality, information asymmetry, imperfect decision making, cognitive bias, rational ignorance, heuristics, and prospect theory.

Analysis Paralysis

Too much information can be a problem. For both public and private decision makers, too many guidelines and economic indicators can actually stifle decision making. The perceived cost of making a decision exceeds the benefits that could be gained by enacting some decision. Decision makers often seek the optimal or perfect solution to a problem as they rightly fear the costs of a wrong decision, leading to over analysis. That said, no action is often more costly than many suboptimal actions. This is a problem today in several areas. First, in monetary policy, as we have cited before, there are several economic guidelines (multiple measures of labor slack and inflation) such that so much information may stymie any future decision making by often suggesting contradictory assessments of the economic situation. This uncertainty often prompts cautious responses—overly cautious policy may be too late. In addition, financial institutions face numerous regulators (Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Comptroller of the U.S. Treasury), each with their own set of priorities. In the face of many possible disparate regulatory signals, in the private sector, both financial institutions and nonfinancial corporations, rather than moving forward by putting cash to use, these institutions simply sit on the cash waiting for further information. In a similar way, private nonfinancial firms face similar problems with the multiple information guideposts on taxes and public spending decisions. In each case the quantity of information and analysis overwhelms the decision-making process and thereby inhibits an economic agent from making a decision.

In addition, when public policy makers do act, their decisions may create the impression that there is some special piece of information available to them, not available to the private sector, such that the private sector asks itself—what are we missing?18

Bounded Rationality

Herbert A. Simon commented that the rationality of individuals is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make a decision.19 This is the reality of making decisions on production, hiring, and allocating credit in real time. This leads many decision makers to be satisficers—not optimizers with complex mathematical models. Households apply their rationality only after having greatly simplified the choices available. Households, firms, and even public policy makers lack the ability and resources to arrive at the optimal solution.

Decision makers pick a stopping point—they do not seek all the information that might be available. However, the particular stopping point differs among individuals. As a result, the perfectly rational decisions assumed in economic models are often not feasible in practice even with perfect information because of the finite computational resources and time available for making them.

Our evaluation of economic activity and the impact of public or private sector actions must begin with the recognition that the costs of gathering, processing and disseminating information provides an incentive to limit the time spent in these efforts. In fact, the complexity of the situation may limit, rather than expand, the information process. In real time, actions must be taken despite the complexity, as in Captain Mancuso’s need to send a message without gathering information and checking his Morse code. Decision makers simply are unable to process and compute the expected utility of every alternative action. Deliberation costs might be high, and they are often concurrent with economic activities also requiring attention so decision makers have limits on time and the ability to process information.

Information Asymmetry

Here, we focus on decisions in transactions where one party has more, or better, information than the other. There are three situations that produce results that are contrary to the idealized results of the perfectly competitive market model: adverse selection, moral hazard, and the principal-agent problem.20

Adverse selection arises when one party to the agreement lacks critical information while negotiating an agreed contract. This problem often arises in financial services when a loan is being made and complete information about the credit history and the motivations of the borrower are unknown. Other situations of adverse selection include used cars and home purchases—consider the canonical market for lemons.21

Moral hazard arises when one party lacks critical information about performance of the agreed-upon transaction or lacks the ability to retaliate for a breach of the agreement. Households/firms may behave more recklessly after becoming insured, but the insurer cannot effectively retaliate against the insured in the short run during the term of the current contract. Only in the long run can the insurer deny to renew—but even here that ability is sometimes prohibited. Furthermore, the riskiest individuals are more likely to buy insurance and insurance companies often cannot discriminate due to the force of law. We can see this in the market for health insurance where younger, healthier people are less likely to buy medical insurance compared to older, less healthy people.22

In the case of the principal-agent problem, there is an information asymmetry where agents have more information and the principal cannot directly ensure that the agent is always acting in the principal’s best interests. In the most common situation, corporate management acts as agent and shareholders are the principal.23 In another case, politicians are the agent and voters are the principal. The information asymmetry therefore has significant private-sector implications with respect to the incentives for corporate management, where maximizing shareholder value may not be the driving principle for management, and it is therefore difficult to determine if management is truly maximizing profits—a basic tenet of microeconomic theory about the firm. In public policy, do politicians support policy actions to actually maximize economic growth or are decisions on policy, such as a fiscal stimulus, directed more toward ensuring their own reelection rather than public benefit?

Imperfect Decision Making

In policy making, the problem of imperfect information arises in two distinct paths. First, while there is one monetary policy, we often hear from several different members of the FOMC that create different impressions for the direction of policy. Second, currently the FOMC is following a broad set of labor market indicators to determine the direction of policy. Although this may enhance policy, the information problem is that a central bank that follows multiple labor market indicators sends a confusing signal to the private-sector investor. As the adage goes, a man with one clock will know what time it is, but a man who has two clocks is never sure. This policy-making problem is further complicated by the initial unemployment rate guidepost of 6.5 percent being replaced by the emphasis on a wider range of labor market indicators. This problem is also present when several different inflation guidelines shift between core and overall inflation, consumer price index (CPI), and PCE inflation—once again, too many clocks.

Cognitive Bias

Even with the proper information, the decision maker has biases that will often not produce an optimal solution. The decision maker employs his or her own subjective social reality, not the objective input of relevant information that would lead most other people to pursue a different decision path. Judgments deviate from the optimum, so it becomes increasingly difficult to judge the range of outcomes and their possibilities. This situation often arises when investors seek to evaluate the strategy of corporate leadership and that strategy of introducing new products/prices or acquisitions appears confused and without a clear path forward. These cognitive biases include the confirmation bias, framing, and the sunk cost bias.24

All of these biases introduce challenges to the assumption of rationality. The price one paid for a good or asset should not be relevant when it comes to selling the good or asset. That said, one must not look far to find someone who is reluctant to sell an asset for less than what they paid for it, even though this is an arbitrary delineation because the purchase prices is a sunk cost. Anchoring biases are also present throughout economics. While the ratio of home prices to income was roughly constant for several decades, this relationship was forgotten during the run-up to the Great Recession, where home prices grew rapidly (Figure 3.12). People began to believe that the recent trend would continue indefinitely. Analysts failed to consider the implications for a decline in home prices and largely ignored that possibility.

Graph shows curve for FHFA index/per capita income with highest peak at 2006, during the period 1992 to 2016. It also shows a constant line at 5.43 representing 1992-1997 average.

Figure 3.12 FHFAHPI/Per Capita Income

Sources: FHFA and U.S. Department of Commerce

Rational Ignorance

Rational ignorance occurs when the cost of educating oneself on an issue exceeds the potential benefit of that education.25 In this case, the decision maker comes to a rational decision that the cost of educating oneself on an issue outweighs any potential benefits; therefore, it is irrational for a decision maker to waste time pursuing additional information. That is, once the marginal cost of searching for information exceeds the marginal benefit of obtaining that information, it would be irrational to continue searching. For example, consumers have limited time, so visiting another store to possibly find a better price may not be worth the time. Now, of course, consumers will use the Internet to search for better prices or product information to lower the marginal cost of information.

This can also be seen in politics. Small groups who derive substantial benefits from a policy are incentivized to lobby hard for that policy. Policy makers may implement the policy, even if it is costly to the public, because the cost would be spread among a large group of people and be relatively small. It would often be irrational for voters to learn the specifics of each issue in an election from a purely economic standpoint, as the expected benefit of this is minuscule. The probability that an individual vote will matter is small and even if that vote is persuasive, the policies the voters advocate are not necessarily what will be made into law.


Heuristics are often employed by economic agents, where households and firms employ experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery, which gives a solution that is not guaranteed to be optimal. Here, exhaustive searching for, and processing of, information is impractical. Heuristic methods are employed to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution via mental shortcuts to ease the cognitive load of making a decision. In other contexts, we can refer to rules of thumb, educated guesses, intuition, working backward, or trial and error. With rational ignorance, where it is impractical to gain all the information, heuristics are often employed.

Prospect Theory

Under prospect theory, households make decisions based on the potential value of losses and gains rather than the final expected outcome, and then people evaluate their prospects (these losses and gains) using certain heuristics rather than precise economic models.26 Our focus here is the way people choose between probabilistic alternatives that involve risk, where the probabilities of outcomes are known. This involves a two-step process. First, households order outcomes and match outcomes that are perceived to be equivalent. Then households set a reference point and then consider lesser outcomes as losses and greater ones as gains. This involves considering the entire distribution of outcomes from a decision rather than simply looking at the expected value. Because agents in an economy are typically risk averse, we must consider all possible outcomes, not solely the mean. In the traditional capital asset pricing model, notice how the undiversifiable risk influences the expected return of a stock. That is, investors require a higher expected return because of the increased risk to the downside.


Recent experience with the ISM release and GDP revisions reinforce the basic message that decision makers do not make critical decisions in an environment of perfect information. Critical to our decision making is that we often must treat the data with an element of caution.

Because of the uncertainty surrounding the quality of information we have today, we also realize that public and private decision makers face a wide range of possible outcomes for any decision despite the precision that we attribute to the sophisticated models and simulations we run. We must recognize that we do not have complete information in making a decision, as there are costs to obtaining all available information. Second, information is often imperfect and does not perfectly reflect the current state of the economy. Once again, the frequent revisions to economic data emphasize this point. Finally, the information we have today may not be reflective of information in the future about the economy. Unfortunately, many economic projections assume a smooth path of growth or straight line projections of recent behavior (recency bias). As a result, decision makers often rely on heuristic tools to make decisions within the universe containing significant amounts of information—even as the information is less than we often assume in our models.


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