Chapter 12
General Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Participants and Discrete Consumption Times

Journal of Financial Economics, 108, (2013), pp. 608–614; short version published in FAMe, 2013.


The paper investigates the term structure of interest rates imposed by equilibrium in a production economy consisting of participants with heterogeneous preferences. Consumption is restricted to an arbitrary number of discrete times. The paper contains an exact solution to market equilibrium and provides an explicit constructive algorithm for determining the state price density process. The convergence of the algorithm is proven. Interest rates and their behavior are given as a function of economic variables.


Interest rates are determined by the equilibrium of supply and demand. Increased demand for credit brings interest rates higher, while an increase in demand for fixed-income investment causes rates to go down. To determine the mechanism by which economic forces and investors' preferences cause changes in supply and demand, it is necessary to develop a general equilibrium model of the economy. Such model provides a means of quantitative analysis of how economic conditions and scenarios affect interest rates.

Vasicek (2005) (Chapter 11 of this volume) investigates an economy in continuous time with production subject to uncertain technological changes described by a state variable. Consumption is assumed to be in continuous time, with each investor maximizing the expected utility from lifetime consumption. The participants have constant relative risk aversion, with different degrees of risk aversion and different time preference functions. After identifying the optimal investment and consumption strategies, the paper derives conditions for equilibrium and provides a description of interest rates.

For a meaningful economic analysis, it is essential that a general equilibrium model allows heterogeneous participants. If all participants have identical preferences, then they will all hold the same portfolio. Since there is no borrowing and lending in the aggregate, there is no net holding of debt securities by any participant, and no investor is exposed to interest rate risk. Moreover, if the utility functions are the same, it does not allow for study of how interest rates depend on differences in investors' preferences.

The main difficulty in developing a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous participants had been the need to carry the individual wealth levels as state variables, because the equilibrium depends on the distribution of wealth across the participants. This can be avoided if the aggregate consumption can be expressed as a function of a Markov process, in which case only this Markov process becomes a state variable. This is often simple in models of pure exchange economies, where the aggregate consumption is exogenously specified.

The situation is different in models of production economies. In such economies, the aggregate consumption depends on the social welfare function weights. Because these weights are determined endogenously, it is necessary that the individual consumption levels themselves be functions of a Markov process. This has precluded an analysis of equilibrium in a production economy with any meaningful number of participants; most explicit results for production economies had previously been limited to models with one or two participants.

The above approach is exploited here. Vasicek (2005) shows that the individual wealth levels can be represented as functions of a single process, which is jointly Markov with the technology state variable. This allows construction of equilibrium models with just two state variables, regardless of the number of participants in the economy.

In Vasicek (2005), the equilibrium conditions are used to derive a nonlinear partial differential equation whose solution determines the term structure of interest rates. While the solution to the equation can be approximated by numerical methods, the nonlinearity of the equation could present some difficulties.

The present paper provides the exact solution for the case that consumption takes place at a finite number of discrete times. This solution does not require solving partial differential equations, and explicit computational procedure is provided. If the time points are chosen to be dense enough, the discrete case will approximate the continuous case with the desired precision. Some may in fact argue that, in reality, consumption is discrete rather than continuous, and therefore the discrete case addressed here is the more relevant.

The following section summarizes the relevant results from Vasicek (2005). The next section contains the solution for the equilibrium state price density process and the structure of interest rates in the discrete consumption case. The final section gives a proof that the proposed algorithm converges to the market equilibrium.

The Equilibrium Economy

Assume that a continuous time economy contains a production process whose rate of return dA/A on investment is

1 equation

where y(t) is a Wiener process. The process A(t) represents a constant return-to-scale production opportunity. An investment of an amount W in the production at time t yields the amount WA(s)/A(t) at time s > t. The production process can be viewed as an exogenously given asset that is available for investment in any amount. The amount of investment in production, however, is determined endogenously.

The parameters of the production process can themselves be stochastic. It will be assumed that their behavior is driven by a Markov state variable c12-math-0002. The dynamics of the state variable, which can be interpreted as representing the state of the production technology, is given by

2 equation

where c12-math-0004 is a Wiener process independent of c12-math-0005. The parameters c12-math-0006, and ϕ are functions of c12-math-0007 and t.

It is assumed that investors can issue and buy any derivatives of any of the assets and securities in the economy. The investors can lend and borrow among themselves, either at a floating short rate or by issuing and buying term bonds. The resultant market is complete. It is further assumed that there are no transaction costs and no taxes or other forms of redistribution of social wealth. The investment wealth and asset values are measured in terms of a medium of exchange that cannot be stored unless invested in the production process. For instance, this wealth unit could be a perishable consumption good.

Suppose that the economy has n participants and let c12-math-0008 be the initial wealth of the k–th investor. Each investor maximizes the expected utility from lifetime consumption,

3 equation

where c12-math-0010 is the rate of consumption at time c12-math-0011 is a utility function with c12-math-0012, and c12-math-0013 is a time preference function. Consider specifically the class of isoelastic utility functions, written in the form

4 equation

Here c12-math-0015 is the reciprocal of the relative risk aversion coefficient, c12-math-0016, which will be called the risk tolerance.

An economy cannot be in equilibrium if arbitrage opportunities exist in the sense that the returns on an asset strictly dominate the returns on another asset. A necessary and sufficient condition for absence of arbitrage is that there exist processes c12-math-0017, called the market prices of risk for the risk sources c12-math-0018, respectively, such that the price P of any asset in the economy satisfies the equation

5 equation

where c12-math-0020 are the exposures of the asset to the two risk sources. In particular,

6 equation

It is assumed that Novikov's condition holds,

7 equation

Let Z be the numeraire portfolio of Long (1990) with the dynamics

8 equation

such that the price P of any asset satisfies

9 equation

Specifically, the price c12-math-0025 at time t of a default-free bond with unit face value maturing at time s is given by the equation

Here and throughout, the symbol Et denotes expectation conditional on a filtration ℑt generated by c12-math-0027. In integral form, the numeraire portfolio can be written as

11 equation

The process c12-math-0029 is the reciprocal of the state price density process.

Vasicek (2005) shows that the optimal consumption rate of the k-th investor is a function of the numeraire process only, given as


13 equation

is a constant. The individual wealth level Wk under an optimal strategy is

14 equation

The behavior of the wealth level c12-math-0033 is fully determined by the process c12-math-0034. Moreover, the process c12-math-0035 is Markov. That means that c12-math-0036 is a function of two state variables X and Z only.

In equilibrium, the total wealth

15 equation

must be invested in the production process (which justifies referring to the production process as the market portfolio). Any lending and borrowing (including lending and borrowing implicit in issuing and buying contingent claims) is among the participants in the economy, and its sum must be zero. Thus, the total exposure to the process y is that of the total wealth invested in the production, and the total exposure to the process x is zero. This produces the equation

describing the dynamics of the total wealth. The terminal condition is

The process Z is further subject to the requirement that

The unique solution of the stochastic differential Eq. (16) subject to Eqs. (17) and (18) is given by

19 equation

In Vasicek (2005), the process c12-math-0042 is determined in the following manner: Write c12-math-0043 as a function of the state variables. Expanding dW in Eq. (16) by Ito's lemma and comparing the coefficients of c12-math-0044, and dx provides equations from which λ, η can be eliminated, resulting in a nonlinear partial differential equation with known coefficients. Once the function c12-math-0045 has been determined as the unique solution of this equation, λ and η are calculated from c12-math-0046 as functions of c12-math-0047, and t. The process c12-math-0048 is obtained by integrating the stochastic differential equation (8). Bond prices are determined from Eq. (10).

In the case of discrete consumption dealt with in this paper, the partial differential equation and the subsequent integration of Eq. (8) is replaced by an explicit algorithm described in the next section.

Equilibrium is fully described by specification of the process Z(t), which determines the pricing of all assets in the economy, such as bonds and derivative contracts, by means of Eq. (9). Solving for the equilibrium requires determining the values of the constants c12-math-0049. The algorithm proposed in this paper utilizes the fact that any choice of the constants is consistent with a unique equilibrium described by the process c12-math-0050, except that the corresponding initial wealth levels calculated as

20 equation

do not agree with the given initial values c12-math-0052. Repeatedly replacing c12-math-0053 by c12-math-0054 and recalculating Z converges to the required equilibrium, as proven in “Proof of Convergence” section later in this chapter. This is analogous to the method proposed by Negishi (1960) in a deterministic economy.

In economic literature, the usual approach to investigating the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium has been the concept of a representative agent (see Negishi, 1960, and Karatzas and Shreve, 1998). The representative agent maximizes an objective (the social welfare function)

21 equation

where c12-math-0056 is the consumption rate of the agent (equal to the aggregate consumption of all participants) and c12-math-0057 are weights assigned to the individual participants. The constants c12-math-0058 in Eq. (12) are related to the representative agent weights. Eq. (4.5.7) in Theorem 4.5.2 of Karatzas and Shreve (1998) can be written as

Comparing Eqs. (22) and (12) yields the relationship

23 equation

for c12-math-0061.

Discrete Consumption Times

This chapter considers an economy in which consumption takes place only at specific discrete dates. The economy exists in continuous time, and between the consumption dates the participants are continuously trading and the production is continuous. The market is assumed to be complete.

Suppose each investor's time preference function is concentrated at positive points c12-math-0062, so that the k-th investor maximizes the expected utility

where c12-math-0064 is the consumption at time c12-math-0065, and c12-math-0066 is a utility function given by Eq. (4). It is assumed that

25 equation

Let c12-math-0068 be the state price density process. Put

26 equation

for c12-math-0071, with c12-math-0072. The state variable c12-math-0073 can be a vector. Furthermore, let

27 equation

for c12-math-0075, and c12-math-0076.

The optimal individual consumption is given from Eq. (12) by

28 equation

for c12-math-0078, where c12-math-0079 are positive constants satisfying the equation

Eq. (16) takes the form



32 equation

From Eq. (31),

From Eq. (18),

Note that Eqs. (33) and (34) imply

35 equation

as is easily established by multiplying Eq. (33) by c12-math-0087 and taking expectation.

The solution to Eqs. (31) and (34) subject to c12-math-0088 is obtained by successive elimination of c12-math-0089 and c12-math-0090, c12-math-0091. Let c12-math-0092 be the inverse of the function Km and define recursively two sets of functions c12-math-0093 as follows:

and c12-math-0095 is the positive solution of the equation

for c12-math-0097; and

for c12-math-0099. Then

It will be now shown that the functions c12-math-0101 are decreasing functions of the first argument. Suppose, for some c12-math-0102 is a decreasing function of N. It follows from Eq. (38) that c12-math-0103 is also decreasing in N. Denote by c12-math-0104 the inverse of the function c12-math-0105 with respect to the first argument while keeping the remaining arguments constant. Then from Eq. (37),

40 equation

The expression on the left-hand side of this equation is a decreasing function of Gi–1, and therefore the function c12-math-0107 is decreasing in N. Because c12-math-0108 is decreasing in N, it follows by induction that c12-math-0109, and consequently c12-math-0110, are all decreasing functions of the first argument.

Then from Eq. (39),

for c12-math-0112. Eq. (41) together with c12-math-0113 determines c12-math-0114 recursively. The state price density process at time t is

Eqs. (41), (42) represent the exact solution to the equilibrium economy in the case that consumption is limited to a number of discrete times, provided Eq. (29) holds.

Calculation of the equilibrium solution proceeds as follows: Choose initial values of the constants c12-math-0116. A reasonable initial guess is

43 equation

for c12-math-0118. Calculate recursively the functions c12-math-0119 and c12-math-0120 from Eqs. (36), (37), and (38). Calculate c12-math-0121 and determine c12-math-0122 from Eq. (41). Calculate c12-math-0123 as

for c12-math-0125. Set new values of constants c12-math-0126 as

Repeat the above calculations with the new values of the constants until c12-math-0128 are sufficiently close to c12-math-0129. The state price density process is given by Eq. (42). Bond prices are given as

46 equation

Interest rates are determined by bond prices.

In the special case that c12-math-0131, the functions take the form c12-math-0132, c12-math-0133, c12-math-0134, c12-math-0135, where c12-math-0136,

47 equation


48 equation


49 equation


50 equation

Proof of Convergence

Define the function c12-math-0141 as

Since there is an odd number of decreasing functions in the nested expression (51), c12-math-0143 is a decreasing function of N. Then

Note that Eq. (52) represents the solution to Eqs. (33) and (34), since the intermediate values of c12-math-0145 have been eliminated.

Assume that c12-math-0146 (corresponding to the sufficient condition (4.6.4) for uniqueness of the equilibrium solution in Theorem 4.6.1 in Karatzas and Shreve, 1998). Let c12-math-0147 be arbitrary positive constants and determine c12-math-0148 from Eq. (39). Calculate c12-math-0149 from Eq. (44) and c12-math-0150 from Eq. (45), c12-math-0151. Put

53 equation

and denote by c12-math-0153 the variables calculated using the constants c12-math-0154 in place of c12-math-0155. Then

54 equation



56 equation


57 equation




60 equation

c12-math-0163. Let c12-math-0164 be the lowest and highest value, respectively, of c12-math-0165, and c12-math-0166 be the lowest and highest value, respectively, of c12-math-0167. Put

61 equation

k = 1, 2,…, n. Note that

62 equation

and therefore

63 equation


64 equation

and put

The values c12-math-0173 satisfy the relationship

Eqs. (65) and (66) have the solution


68 equation

for c12-math-0177, and consequently

69 equation

Because c12-math-0179 is a decreasing function of its first argument, Eqs. (52) and (67) imply

70 equation

It is proven similarly that

71 equation

and from Eqs. (34) and (55) it then follows that

72 equation

for c12-math-0183.

From Eq. (59),

73 equation

and consequently

74 equation

If c12-math-0186, then

75 equation


If c12-math-0189, then

77 equation


Thus, either the inequality in Eq. (76) or (78) holds.

Put c12-math-0192 and let l be such that c12-math-0193. Then

79 equation

and therefore

Similarly, if l is such that c12-math-0196, then

81 equation

and therefore

Here c12-math-0199 are the lowest and highest value, respectively, of c12-math-0200, and c12-math-0201 is the lowest value of c12-math-0202. Put

83 equation

Combining the inequalities in Eqs. (76), (78), (80), and (82) produces

Now consider the sequence of iterations c12-math-0205 and c12-math-0206. The series c12-math-0207, c12-math-0208 is nonincreasing due to the inequality (84) and bounded from below by unity, so it converges to a limit c12-math-0209. Assume that c12-math-0210. Because c12-math-0211 is a decreasing function of c12-math-0212 and the series c12-math-0213 decrease at least as fast as a geometric series with quotient c12-math-0214. In a finite number of terms, it falls below the level c12-math-0215. Therefore, the assumption that c12-math-0216 is false, and c12-math-0217 converges to unity. Then c12-math-0218 and therefore c12-math-0219 converge to unity and from Eq. (58), the sequence of the iterated values c12-math-0220 converges to c12-math-0221.

Concluding Remarks

This paper provides explicit procedure to obtain the exact solution of equilibrium pricing in a production economy with heterogeneous investors. Each investor maximizes the expected utility from lifetime consumption, taking place at discrete times. Interest rates are determined by economic variables such as the characteristics of the production process, the individual investors' preferences, and the wealth distribution across the participants. Such a model provides a tool for quantitative study of the effect of changes in economic conditions on interest rates.

The algorithm is constructive and converges to the equilibrium solution. The convergence is proven for the case of c12-math-0222, for which the uniqueness of the equilibrium has been established (cf. Karatzas and Shreve, 1998). All other steps of the procedure, however, are valid in general for any positive values of the risk tolerance coefficients. If some of the c12-math-0223 are smaller than unity and the values c12-math-0224 fail to converge to the input values c12-math-0225 after a reasonable number of iterations, a search over the space of positive values of c12-math-0226 needs to be made.

While this paper concentrates on the case that the participants have isoelastic utility functions (4), it can be extended to more general class of utilities. Suppose the k-th investor maximizes the objective (24), where c12-math-0227 has a positive, decreasing continuous derivative c12-math-0228 with c12-math-0229, c12-math-0230, c12-math-0231. Denote the inverse of the derivative by c12-math-0232. Then the optimal consumption is given by

85 equation

where c12-math-0234 is a positive constant satisfying the condition

for c12-math-0236 (cf. Karatzas and Shreve, 1998, Theorems 3.6.3 and 4.4.5). Put

87 equation

Then Eqs. (30), (31), and (33) through (42) still hold. The algorithm consisting of making an initial choice of the constants c12-math-0238, determining c12-math-0239 from Eqs. (39) and (31), setting new values of the constants from Eq. (86), and repeating the calculations may still be applicable, although a proof of convergence is not provided here.


  1. Karatzas, I., and S. Shreve. (1998). Methods of Mathematical Finance. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  2. Long, J. (1990). “The Numeraire Portfolio.” Journal of Financial Economics, 26, 29–69.
  3. Negishi, T. (1960). “Welfare Economics and Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy.” Metroeconomica, 12, 92–97.
  4. Vasicek, O. (2005). “The Economics of Interest Rates.” Journal of Financial Economics, 76, 293–307.
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