Chapter 11
The Economics of Interest Rates

Journal of Financial Economics, 76 (2)(2005), 293–307.


The paper looks at the behavior of investors in an economy consisting of a production process controlled by a state variable representing the state of technology. The participants in the economy maximize their individual utilities of consumption. Each participant has a constant relative risk aversion. The degrees of risk aversion, as well as the time preference functions, differ across participants. The participants may lend and borrow among themselves, either at a floating short rate or by issuing or buying term bonds. We derive conditions under which such an economy is in equilibrium, and obtain equations determining interest rates.


What determines interest rates? Intuitively, it seems that interest rates should be set by supply and demand for borrowing and lending, given the production opportunities in the economy (both current and as they may change in the future depending on technological developments), the time preference for consumption and the attitude toward risk and return of the participants in the economy, and the distribution of wealth across the participants. This would necessitate a general equilibrium model of the economy under the optimal consumption and investment decisions of the players. So far, however, such a model does not seem to have been developed in sufficient generality.

Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985a, 1985b) postulate an economy with endogenous production subject to technological changes described by state variables. After identifying the optimal investment and consumption strategies, they derive conditions under which the total riskless lending and the total holdings in debt securities and contingent claims are zero. They then obtain a specific interest rate model under the assumption that the means and variances of the production rates of return are proportional to a single state variable following a square-root process.

This analysis, however, is limited by their assumption that all participants in the economy are identical in their preferences (namely, all with a logarithmic utility function). All investors will thus hold the same portfolio. If there is no borrowing and lending in aggregate, there is no holding of debt securities by any participant. In such an economy, the bond market does not exist. Moreover, since the utility functions are fixed, it does not allow us to study how interest rates depend on the investors' preferences. Dumas (1989) investigates equilibrium conditions in an economy with no technology change and with two investors. Wang (1996) looks at a pure exchange economy with two heterogeneous participants. Chan and Kogan (2002) analyze an exchange economy with heterogeneous participants, where each individual's utility is a function of consumption measured in units of an average aggregate endowment.

What is attempted here is an investigation of the term structure of interest rates imposed by equilibrium in a production economy consisting of participants with heterogeneous preferences. When the participants in an economy have different objectives, some will borrow from others in optimizing their investment strategies. Bond prices will be set in such a way that the total demand for borrowing at any maturity equals the total supply. Bond repricing changes the excess returns expected on the production processes and on bonds and thus alters the relative attractiveness of the different investment opportunities. The bond market provides a means of reapportioning the investments in production among the participants in the economy to accommodate their diverse preferences.

We postulate a very simple economy, namely one consisting of a single production process whose behavior is affected by a single variable representing the state of technology. The members of the economy maximize their individual utilities of consumption. It will be assumed that each participant has a constant relative risk aversion. The degrees of risk aversion, as well as the time preference functions, differ across the participants. The participants may lend and borrow among themselves, either at a floating short rate or by issuing or buying term bonds. In this economy, the total social wealth is invested in the production process and the sum of the bond investments is zero. This provides equilibrium conditions from which we derive equations for the short rate and for the market prices of risk. These relations will allow us to investigate the nature of interest rates. The main difficulty in developing a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous participants, namely, that the aggregate preferences in the economy shift due to changes in the distribution of wealth across the participants, is resolved by showing that the individual wealth levels can be represented as functions of a single process.

We will assume that investment wealth and asset values are measured in terms of a medium of exchange that cannot be stored unless invested in the production process. For instance, this wealth unit may be a perishable consumption good. In this case, interest rates can become negative, because no participant will hold the exchange medium physically but will instead invest it in the production process or lend it to other participants who will put it into production.

Optimal Investment Strategies

Consider an economy consisting of a production process whose rate of return c11-math-0001 on an investment A is

1 equation

where c11-math-0003 is a Wiener process. The rate of return on an investment in the production process is independent of the investment amount. The development of the production process is affected by a state variable c11-math-0004. The dynamics of the state variable, which can be interpreted as measuring technological change, is given by

2 equation

where c11-math-0006 is a Wiener process independent of c11-math-0007. The parameters c11-math-0008, and ϕ are functions of c11-math-0009 and t.

In addition to the production process, the economy allows unrestricted borrowing and lending at any maturity. Denote the interest rate on instantaneous borrowing (the short rate) by c11-math-0010. An asset c11-math-0011 consisting of reinvestment at the short rate,

3 equation

will be called the money market account.

It will be assumed that it is possible to issue and buy any derivatives of any of the assets and securities in the economy. Specifically, it is possible to short the production process by writing futures against it. It will further be assumed that there are no transaction costs and no taxes or other forms of redistribution of social wealth. We do not explicitly consider firms, since an equity participation in a firm is equivalent to holding a contingent claim on the value of the firm's business.

We will take a shortcut in the development of the equilibrium model. If asset pricing is not free of arbitrage, the economy cannot be in equilibrium. Since there are only two sources of uncertainty, namely the processes y and x, there exist processes λ, η, called the market prices of risk for the risk sources c11-math-0013, respectively, such that the price P of any asset in the economy must satisfy the equation

4 equation

where c11-math-0015 are the exposures of the asset to the two risk sources. In particular, we have

5 equation

Alternatively stated, there will exist a numeraire portfolio Z of Long (1990) with the dynamics

6 equation

such that the price P of any asset satisfies

7 equation

Here and throughout, the symbol Et denotes expectation conditional on a filtration c11-math-0019 generated by c11-math-0020. In integral form, the numeraire portfolio can be written as

8 equation

The price c11-math-0022 at time t of a default-free bond with unit face value maturing at time s is given by the equation

9 equation

Term rates will be defined by

with c11-math-0025. Bonds of all maturities, together with the money market account, will be referred to as the bond market. We see from Eqs. (5), (9), and (10) that interest rates are completely described by specifying the market prices of risk c11-math-0026 and c11-math-0027, so our goal is to find out how the two processes are determined in an equilibrium economy.

Suppose that the economy has n participants and let c11-math-0028 be the initial wealth of the k-th investor. Suppose each investor maximizes the expected utility of lifetime consumption,

11 equation

where c11-math-0030 is the rate of consumption at time c11-math-0031 is a utility function with c11-math-0032, and c11-math-0033 is a time preference function. We will consider specifically the class of isoelastic utility functions, which we will write in the form

12 equation

Here c11-math-0035 is the reciprocal of the relative risk aversion coefficient, c11-math-0036. We will call c11-math-0037 the risk tolerance.

An investment strategy is fully described by the exposures c11-math-0038 and c11-math-0039 to the sources of risk y and x. The wealth c11-math-0040 at time t grows by the increment

13 equation

Let c11-math-0042 be the value at time t of the expected utility of consumption under an optimal investment and consumption strategy,

14 equation

Under some mild regularity conditions (cf. Fleming and Rishel, 1975), a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality is given by the Bellman equation

15 equation


16 equation

with the dynamics of c11-math-0046 written as

17 equation

Calculating Edc11-math-0048 yields the equation

Maximization over the values of c11-math-0050, and c11-math-0051 yields a unique maximum attained at the point

The investment position of each participant is independent of his current wealth level c11-math-0055 and the rate of consumption is proportional to the current wealth.

Substituting these values back into (18), we get the equation

22 equation

and consequently

We note that

24 equation

and integrating subject to the condition

25 equation

we get

26 equation

The wealth increment can be determined as

Comparing equations (6), (23) and (27), we find that

28 equation

On integration,

and therefore


is a constant. The behavior of the individual wealth levels Wk is fully determined by the process Z.

The optimal rate of consumption is, from Eqs. (21) and (29),

We see from equations (30), (32) that, when measured in units of the numeraire portfolio, the current wealth is equal to the expected future consumption.

The Equilibrium Economy

If we consider the economy as a whole, the total wealth must be invested in the production process. Any lending and borrowing is among the participants in the economy, and its sum must be zero. Thus, the total exposure to the process y is that of the total wealth invested in the production, and the total exposure to the process x is zero. The conditions for equilibrium are then

33 equation
34 equation


35 equation

is the total social wealth.

Using the relation (29) and substituting back from (19) and (20), write equation (27) as

36 equation

and sum over all investors. This produces the equation

describing the dynamics of the total wealth. The first two terms on the right-hand side correspond to the investment of the total social wealth in the production, and the third term represents the total consumption. The terminal condition is c11-math-0072.

The unique solution of the stochastic differential equation (37) is given by

Indeed, we can write (37) as

39 equation

and therefore

40 equation

due to the property (7) of the numeraire process. Eq. (38) follows by integration.

To determine the process Z, however, we need the solution of Eq. (37) in a more explicit form. We see from Eq. (37) that the only state variable for W besides X is the value of Z. Write c11-math-0076 as a function of the state variables. Then

where the subscripts c11-math-0078, and t denote partial derivatives with respect to these variables. Comparing Eqs. (37) and (41), we must have

42 equation
43 equation

Solving for c11-math-0081 and substituting produces the equation


45 equation

is an operator that involves only derivatives with respect to X and Z. Eq. (44) is subject to the condition

46 equation

The value of ℜ[W,T] is defined by its limit for tT. From (38), we have

If none of the time preference functions c11-math-0086 has an atom at T, the limit is c11-math-0087. This assumes that the sum of the integrals in Eq. (47) is nonzero for all c11-math-0088, in other words, that at least one participant in the economy assigns positive utility to consumption up to the date T. If it is zero for c11-math-0089 but positive for all c11-math-0090, the boundary conditions are applied to T1.

Once the function c11-math-0091 has been determined, λ and η are calculated as

To demonstrate that the process W is indeed a function of X, Z, and t only, assume to the contrary that there are other state variables (for instance, the current and past values of the individual wealth levels c11-math-0094) of which W is a function. Suppose Y (possibly a vector) is such a variable, c11-math-0095. In that case, the market prices of risk c11-math-0096 are functions of Y as well and the dynamics of Z depends on Y. Write the dynamics of Y as c11-math-0097, where c11-math-0098. Expressing dW by Ito's lemma and comparing the coefficients of dt, dy, and dx with those of (37), we can again eliminate c11-math-0099 and obtain a partial differential equation in c11-math-0100, and t. But the only coefficients in that equation that depend on Y are the χi, all of which are multiplied by derivatives with respect to Y. Therefore, any solution of (44) is also a solution of that equation. Since W is unique, it must be independent of Y. Consequently, λ and η are functions of X, Z, and t only. The process c11-math-0101 is Markov.

Eqs. (44), (48), and (49) define λ and η, and the process Z is given by its dynamics (6). Bond prices and rates are then determined by (5), (9), and (10). This constitutes a complete solution of the problem.

Eq. (44) is an evolution equation. Very little is known about nonlinear partial differential equations in general, and the equation needs to be investigated case by case. For some of the problems that may be encountered in the presence of nonlinearity see, for instance, Li and Chen (1992) or Logan (1994). We can expect, however, that the reasons for ill behavior of the solution will often be an economic misspecification rather than mathematical irregularity. For instance, if μ(X,t) is too steep a function of the state variable X, and X is allowed to drift to large values too freely (as in Example 7), the production process A(t) may explode or have an infinite expectation. The process Z will not exist, and Eq. (44) will have no solution.

In well-posed situations, Eq. (44) is easy to solve computationally. The simplest method is to replace the derivative Wt by the difference quotient and recursively calculate c11-math-0102 from c11-math-0103. For some guidance on numerical methods see, for instance, Ganzha and Vorozhtsov (1996). The main computational difficulty is the necessity to iterate on the values of the constants c11-math-0104, since they are determined (up to a scalar) by (31) only after Z has been found.


Example 1. Suppose c11-math-0105 (although the investors may still differ by their time preference functions c11-math-0106). Then the solution of Eq. (44) is

50 equation

where c11-math-0108 is the solution of

subject to c11-math-0110. The process Z is given by


The constants c11-math-0112 are determined by the equations




The dynamics of c11-math-0115 and c11-math-0116, as well as that of the short rate c11-math-0117, follow from the dynamics of X.

Example 2. If, in particular, c11-math-0118, then




Solving Eq. (31) for c11-math-0121, we get


where N is an arbitrary multiplier. On substitution, we have


The prices of risk are


and the short rate is


Example 3. Let c11-math-0126 and suppose there are no unforeseen technological changes, so that μ and σ are functions of time only. Then F is a function of t only and we have c11-math-0127, and


Interest rates are deterministic, independent of the time preference functions c11-math-0129.

Example 4. Suppose that the time preference functions of all participants are concentrated at the point T. In other words, each participant maximizes the expected utility of end-of-period wealth. Then


At T, we have




and denote by c11-math-0133 the inverse function of K. Since


we get


and bond prices are given by


Example 5. Suppose that the time preference functions of all participants are concentrated at the point T, and assume moreover that c11-math-0137 (so that investors have homogeneous preferences). Then


where N is a constant multiplier, and

For instance, suppose that


and let σ, ψ, and ϕ be constant. Evaluating the expectation in Eq. (52) gives


where c11-math-0142 is a function of t alone, and

Alternatively, we can solve equation (51) and find F in the form

Consequently, we have

The dynamics of r is given by


where c11-math-0149 is a function of time. Interest rates of all maturities are Gaussian, and market prices of both sources of risk are functions of time only. All investors hold the same portfolio, c11-math-0150.

Example 6. Make the same assumptions as in Example 5, but let


where c11-math-0152, c11-math-0153, and c11-math-0154 depend on time only. The function F still has the form of Eq. (54), with D given by a different expression than in Eq. (53) but still independent of X. Equations (55), (56), and (57) hold, and we have


with c11-math-0156, c11-math-0157, and c11-math-0158 being functions of time only. The dynamics of r are described by


where κ, c11-math-0160, ξ1, ξ2 are functions of time. This is a model of the Cox, Ingersoll, Ross type.

Example 7. Consider the same situation as in the previous two examples, but let


with c11-math-0162, c11-math-0163, and c11-math-0164 constant. If c11-math-0165, the expectation in (52) is infinite. We have c11-math-0166 and the numeraire portfolio does not exist. Equilibrium cannot be attained in this economy.

Term Structure Models

A number of specific models of the term structure of interest rates have been proposed, derived from the principle of no arbitrage. We wish to ask the following question: For a given term structure model, does an equilibrium economy of the kind investigated here exist in which interest rates are governed by that model?

If an equilibrium exists, the expectations in Eq. (30) must be finite. For that, it is necessary that

for all c11-math-0168. On the other hand, if Eq. (58) holds, it is always possible to construct an economy in equilibrium (cf. Harrison and Kreps, 1979). We will therefore investigate whether condition (58) is satisfied by a given term structure model.

We will look specifically at one-factor interest rate models. We obtain such models in the economy proposed here if there is only one source of risk. This will happen if, for instance, c11-math-0169. These models then have the form


This question was investigated in some detail in Vasicek (2000), who gives a somewhat different rationale for the condition (58). It is shown that a Gaussian model always satisfies the finiteness condition. On the other hand, consider the Cox, Ingersoll, Ross model described by


Note that c11-math-0172 is negative when the bond risk premia c11-math-0173 are positive. Put


where c11-math-0175 is the largest of c11-math-0176. The expectation in (58) is finite if and only if c11-math-0177, or c11-math-0178 and


When applying a term structure model (for instance, in derivatives pricing), one does not want to make assumptions about the preferences of the participants in the economy that generated that model. In other words, it is desirable to know under what conditions the model is consistent with an equilibrium economy with any participant preferences. For the Cox, Ingersoll, Ross model, in order that Eq. (58) holds for all c11-math-0180 and all c11-math-0181, it is necessary (and sufficient) that

The inequality in Eq. (59) (which can be written as c11-math-0183 in the notation of their 1985b paper) is a restriction on the parameters of the model in order that it may describe the behavior of interest rates in an economy with arbitrary preferences of the participants.

For the Black, Derman, Toy (1990) model, the expectation in (58) is infinite for all c11-math-0184 and c11-math-0185. No equilibrium economy exists in which the bond market follows this model. There would be an infinite demand for interest rate swaps (receiving floating and paying fixed rates) with no supply.


This chapter looks at the behavior of heterogeneous investors in an economy consisting of a production process and a bond market. If each participant in the economy pursues a strategy optimal with respect to his preferences, the market has to accommodate the resultant demand and supply of credit by pricing risk so that the economy stays in equilibrium. We derive conditions under which such equilibrium is possible, and obtain equations determining interest rates. These results can be used for quantitative analyses of various economic phenomena.


  1. Black, F., Derman, E., and W. Toy. (1990). “A One-Factor Model of Interest Rates and Its Application to Treasury Bond Options.” Financial Analysts Journal, 33–39.
  2. Chan, Y., and L. Kogan. (2002). “Catching up with the Joneses: Heterogeneous Preferences and the Dynamics of Asset Prices.” Journal of Political Economy, 110, 1255–1285.
  3. Cox, J., Ingersoll, J. Jr. and S. Ross. (1985a). “An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices.” Econometrica, 53, 363–384.
  4. Cox, J., Ingersoll, J. Jr. and S. Ross. (1985b). “A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates.” Econometrica, 53, 385–407.
  5. Dumas, B. (1989). “Two-Person Dynamic Equilibrium in the Capital Market.” Review of Financial Studies, 2, 157–188.
  6. Fleming, W., and R. Rishel. (1975). Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  7. Ganzha, V., and E. Vorozhtsov. (1996). Computer-Aided Analysis of Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  8. Harrison, J., and D. Kreps. (1979). “Martingales and Arbitrage in Multiperiod Securities Markets.” Journal of Economic Theory, 20, 381–408.
  9. Li, T.-T., and Y. Chen. (1992). Global Classical Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Harlow, Great Britain: Longman Group.
  10. Logan, J. (1994). An Introduction to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  11. Long, J. Jr. (1990). “The Numeraire Portfolio.” Journal of Financial Economics, 26, 29–69.
  12. Vasicek, O. (2000). “Bond Market Clearing.” In Hughston, L. (Ed.), The New Interest Rate Models. London: Risk Books, 157–168.
  13. Wang, J. (1996). “The Term Structure of Interest Rates in a Pure Exchange Economy with Heterogeneous Investors.” Journal of Financial Economics, 41, 75–110.
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