Appendix E

Supplementary Conditions

  1. Location of the Project. The general location of the work covered in this specification is Portland, Ohio.
  2. Scope of the Work. The work to be performed under this Contract consists of furnishing all plant, materials, equipment, supplies, labor, and transportation, including fuel, power, and water, and performing all work in strict accordance with specifications, schedules, and drawings, all of which are made a part hereof, and including such detail drawings as may be furnished by the Architect-Engineer from time to time during the construction.
  3. Examination of Site. Bidders should visit the site of the building, compare the drawings and specifications with any work in place, and inform themselves of all conditions, including other work, if any, being performed. Failure to visit the site will in no way relieve the successful bidder from the necessity of furnishing any materials or performing any work that may be required to complete the work in accordance with drawings and specifications.
  4. Laying out Work. The Contractor shall, immediately upon entering the project site for the purpose of beginning work, locate all Owner-provided reference points and take such action as is necessary to prevent their destruction, lay out his own work and be responsible for all lines, elevations, and measurements of buildings, grading, paving, utilities, and other work executed by him under the Contract.
  5. Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion.
    1. The Contractor will be required to commence work under this Contract within ten (10) calendar days after the date of receipt by him of Notice to Proceed, to prosecute said work with faithfulness and energy and to complete the entire work, ready for use, within 380 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises.
    2. It is mutually agreed that the time for the commencement and completion of the work will materially affect the progress of other work and that the Owner will suffer financial damages in an amount not now possible to ascertain if this work is not completed on schedule, and in view of these facts, it is agreed that the owner will withhold from the Contractor, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of $100.00 per day for each calendar day that the work remains uncompleted beyond the date specified for the completion of the work.
    3. If completion of the work to be performed under the terms of this Contract is delayed by reasons of delay in the performance of any work to be performed by the Owner, or other contractors, and which is essential to the work performed under this Contract, such delay shall not constitute a basis for any claim against the Owner, but the time of performance will be extended for a period equal to such delay or as otherwise mutually agreed upon.
  6. Watchman. The Contractor shall employ a responsible watchman to guard the site and premises at all times except during regular working hours, from the beginning of work until acceptance by the Owner.
  7. Owner-Furnished Materials and Equipment. With the following exception there will be no Owner-furnished materials and/or equipment.
    1. Hardware consisting of removable cylinders for locks will be Owner-furnished and installed by the contractor as specified herein.
  8. Taxes. Except as may be otherwise provided in this Contract, the contract price is to include all applicable federal, state, and local taxes, but does not include any tax from which the Contractor is exempt. Upon request of the Contractor, the Owner shall furnish a tax exemption certificate or similar evidence of exemption with respect to any such tax not included in the contract price pursuant to this provision.
  9. Rates of Wages.
    1. There shall be paid each laborer or mechanic of the Contractor or subcontractor engaged in work on the project under this Contract in the trade or occupation listed below, not less than the hourly wage rate opposite the same, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the Contractor or any subcontractor and such laborers and mechanics.
      Classification Wage Rates per Hour
      Asbestos workers $28.16
      Bricklayers $28.69
      Carpenters $27.33
      Cement masons $25.67
      Electricians $28.79
      Glaziers $25.80
      Ironworkers $26.71
      Lathers $26.91
      Linoleum layers $25.14
      Marble setters $28.72
      Mosaic and terrazzo workers $27.33
      Painters $25.39
      Plasterers $27.54
      Plumbers $28.99
      Roofers $25.46
      Sheet metal workers $27.88
      Steamfitters $28.93
      Stonemasons $28.69
      Tile setters $27.33
      Waterproofers $25.46
      Air and power tool operator $19.14
      Cement mason tender $19.14
      Power buggy operator $19.35
      Sandblaster, potman, nozzleman $19.35
      Mason tender $19.35
      Pipe layer, nonmetallic, sewer and drainage $19.70
      Pumpcrete nozzle placement man $18.84
      Carpenter tender $18.52
      Unskilled and common laborer $18.52
      Concrete buggy operator $18.52
      Concrete puddler $19.35
      Vibrator operator $19.35
      Air compressor, power plant, pump operator $21.78
      Gunite and pumpcrete machine $22.47
      Concrete mixers over 1 yd3 $22.47
      Concrete batching plants $22.47
      Cranes, hysters, side boom tractors $22.06
      Winch truck $22.06
      One drum $22.89
      Two or more drums $23.65
      Guy and stiff leg derricks $23.65
      Front end $20.95
      Elevating belt, fork lift $22.47
      Pile driver $22.47
      Sheeps foot rollers $21.02
      Rubber tired rollers $21.02
      Shovel, backhoe, clamshell, dragline, under 3/4 yd3 $21.78
      Shovel, backhoe, clamshell, dragline, over 3/4 yd3 $22.41
      Loaders, bulldozers, patrol, scraper $22.68
      Trenching machine $21.78
      Dumpster $20.74
      Dump trucks:
      Batch and under 8 yd3 $20.19
      8 and over yd3 $20.53
      Lowboy, heavy equipment $21.30
      Lowboy, light equipment $20.60
      Flat bed truck, under 1/2 ton $20.19
      Pickup truck $20.12
      Transit mix $20.81
      Tank truck, no trailer $20.39
      Tank truck, with trailer $20.53
      Swamper or riding helper $18.52
      Welders: receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is
    2. b. The foregoing specified wage rates are minimum rates only, and the Owner will not consider any claims for additional compensation made by the Contractor because of payment by the Contractor or any wage rate in excess of the applicable rate contained in this Contract. All disputes in regard to the payment of wages in excess of these specified in this Contract shall be adjusted by the Contractor.
  10. Temporary Facilities. The Contractor shall furnish materials and labor to build all temporary buildings on the project site for use during the construction of the project. All such buildings and/or utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by him, at his expense, upon completion of the work under this Contract.
    1. Sanitary Facilities. The Contractor shall provide and maintain ample toilet accommodations for all workmen employed on the project under this Contract. The latrines shall be weather tight, fly-proof, and shall conform to the standards established by the Owner. Toilets shall be flush-type water closets connected to the sewer, and/or chemical type. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in sanitary condition as approved by the Architect-Engineer at all times during the work on this project.
    2. Temporary Enclosures. The Contractor shall provide protection against entry, rain, wind, frost, and heat, at all times, and shall maintain all materials, apparatus, equipment, and fixtures free from damage and injury.
    3. Temporary Heat. The Contractor shall provide temporary heat at all times when weather conditions are such that good construction will be hampered and delayed. Uniform temperature, not lower than 50°F shall be maintained at all times, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, in that portion of the building where plastering, ceramic tile work, resilient flooring, and painting are being performed. When the permanent heating system is used to provide temporary heat requirements, all costs of operation shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
    4. Water Supply. Water supply for all trades for construction uses and domestic consumption shall be provided and paid for by the Contractor. Temporary lines and connections shall be removed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect-Engineer before final acceptance of work under this Contract.
    5. Electricity. Electric current required for power and light for all trades, for construction uses and temporary lines, lamps, and equipment as required, shall be provided, connected, and maintained by the Contractor at his expense and shall be removed in like manner at the completion of construction work.
    6. Telephone. The Contractor shall provide and pay for such telephone service as he may require.
  11. Shop Drawings. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect-Engineer for approval five copies of all shop drawings as may be required. These drawings shall be complete and shall contain all required detailed information. If approved by the Architect-Engineer, each copy of the drawings will be identified as having received such approval by being so stamped and dated. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Architect-Engineer. Two sets of all shop drawings will be retained by the Architect-Engineer and three sets will be returned to the Contractor. The approval of the drawings by the Architect-Engineer shall not be construed as a complete check but will indicate only that the general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Approval of such drawings will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of any error which may exist as the Contractor shall be responsible for the dimensions and design of adequate connections, details, and satisfactory construction of all work.
  12. Plan of Operations. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the operations and work of the Owner and other contractors, as directed by the Architect-Engineer.
  13. Reporting of Cost Information. The Owner will need cost information regarding certain items of property which will be furnished or installed under this Contract. Accordingly, at the written request of the Architect-Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner cost information pertaining to such items of property furnished or installed under this Contract as the Architect-Engineer may designate, in such form and in such detail as may be required.
  14. Field Office. The Contractor shall provide adequate facilities for inspection of the project, including office space of not less than 100 square feet of floor space, properly heated, ventilated, and lighted, on the site of the project, for the exclusive use of the Architect-Engineer's representative. The Contractor shall construct a built-in work table approximately 3′6″ wide by 6′0″ long in the field office and plan racks as directed by the Architect-Engineer.
  15. Payment. Partial payments under the Contract shall be made at the request of the Contractor once each month, based upon partial estimates to be furnished by the Contractor and approved by the Architect-Engineer. In making such partial payments, there shall be retained 10 percent of the estimated amounts until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by the Contract; provided, however, that the Architect-Engineer at any time after 50 percent of the work has been completed, if he finds that satisfactory progress is being made, with written consent of surety, shall recommend that the remaining partial payments be paid in full. Payments for work, under subcontracts of the Contractor, shall be subject to the above conditions applying to the Contract after the work under a subcontract has been 50 percent completed. In preparing estimates for partial payments, the material delivered on the site and preparatory work done may be taken into consideration.
  16. Construction Schedule. Immediately after execution and delivery of the Contract, and before the first partial payment is made, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect-Engineer an estimated construction progress schedule showing the proposed dates of commencement and completion of each of the various subdivisions of the work required under the Contract, and the anticipated amount of each monthly payment that will become due the Contractor in accordance with the progress schedule. The Contractor shall also furnish on forms to be supplied by the Owner (a) a detailed estimate giving a complete breakdown of the contract price and (b) periodical itemized estimates of work done for the purpose of making partial payments thereon.
  17. Drawings Furnished. Subparagraph 4.2.1, of General Conditions, shall be changed to read as follows: “The Architect-Engineer shall furnish free of charge 25 sets of working Drawings and 25 sets of Specifications. The Contractor shall pay the cost of reproduction for all other copies of Drawings and Specifications furnished to him.”
  18. Permits. Subparagraph 3.13.1, of General Conditions, shall be modified as follows: “The Owner shall procure the required building permit at no cost to the Contractor.”
  19. Insurance.
    1. Subparagraph 11.2.1 of General Conditions shall be modified as follows: “The Contractor shall procure, maintain, and pay for Owner's contingent liability insurance. The amount of Owner's contingent liability insurance shall be $100,000 for one person and $300,000 for one accident. A certificate of insurance shall be filed with the Architect-Engineer.”
    2. Subparagraph 11.3.1 of General Conditions shall be modified as follows: “The Contractor shall procure, maintain, and pay for fire insurance in the amount of 100 percent of the insurable value of the Project and, in addition, shall procure, maintain, and pay for insurance to protect the Owner from damage by hail, tornado, and hurricane upon the entire work in the amount of 100 percent of the insurable value thereof. Certificates of insurance shall be filed with the Architect-Engineer.”
  20. Cleaning Up. Subparagraph 3.15.1 of General Conditions shall be modified as follows: “In addition to removal of rubbish and leaving the work broom-clean, the Contractor shall remove stains, spots, marks, and dirt from decorated work; clean hardware; remove paint spots and smears from all surfaces; clean light and plumbing fixtures, and wash all concrete, tile, and terrazzo floors.”
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