Chapter 5
Stochastic Inventory Models: Continuous Review

5.1 images Policies

In this chapter, we consider a setting similar to the economic order quantity (EOQ) model (Section 3.2) but with stochastic demand. The mean demand per year is images . The inventory position is monitored continuously, and orders may be placed at any time. There is a deterministic lead time L (images ). Unmet demands are backordered.

If the demand has a continuous distribution, then the inventory level decreases smoothly but randomly over time, with rate images , as in Figure 5.1. (Think of liquid draining out of a tank at a fluctuating rate.) This is the interpretation used in most of this chapter. Or demands may occur at discrete points in time (as customers arrive), for example, if the demand follows a Poisson process, as in Section 5.5.

Graph depicts Inventory level (solid line) and inventory position (dashed line) under (r, Q) policy.

Figure 5.1 Inventory level (solid line) and inventory position (dashed line) under images policy.

We'll assume the firm follows an images policy: When the inventory position reaches a certain point (call it r), we place an order of size Q. L years later, the order arrives. In the intervening time, the inventory on hand may have been sufficient to meet demand, or we may have stocked out. Note that the inventory level (solid line in Figure 5.1) and inventory position (dashed line) differ from each other during lead times but coincide otherwise. An images policy is known to be optimal for the setting described here, although we will not prove this.

Whereas the EOQ model has a single decision variable Q, an images policy has two decision variables: Q (the order quantity , sometimes called the batch size ) and r (the reorder point) . Our goal is to determine the optimal r and Q to minimize the expected cost per year.

In a continuous‐review setting, images policies are equivalent to images policies (Section 4.4) as long as the inventory position equals s exactly at some point in every inventory cycle. This is guaranteed for continuous demand distributions (as in Sections 5.25.4) and for discrete demands in which each customer demands a single unit (as in Section 5.5). Recall that in an images policy, when the inventory position reaches s, we order up to S. Therefore, a given images policy is equivalent to an images policy in which images and images . On the other hand, this equivalence does not hold for “lumpy” demand processes such as compound Poisson or for periodic‐review systems, since in either case the inventory position may fall strictly below the reorder point before a replenishment order is placed.

In this chapter, we will focus first on the case in which the demands have a continuous distribution . We will discuss an exact model for this problem in Section 5.2, then discuss several common approximations in Section 5.3, and finally return to the exact model in Section 5.4 to prove some important properties of the optimal solution and its relationship to the economic order quantity with backorders (EOQB). Then, in Section 5.5, we discuss an exact model with discrete demands.

5.2 Exact images Problem with Continuous Demand Distribution

In this section, we introduce an exact model for systems with continuous demand distributions. We first formulate the expected cost function and then derive optimality conditions for it.

We continue to consider the usual costs: fixed cost images , purchase cost images , holding cost images , and stockout cost images . We'll use D to represent the lead‐time demand ; D is a random variable with mean images , variance images , pdf images , and cdf images . It is important to remember that D, images , images , etc. refer to lead‐time demand, not to demand per year. Of course, the two are closely related. If the demand per year has mean images and standard deviation images and the lead time is L years, then the lead‐time demand has mean images and standard deviation images , assuming independence of demand across time.

5.2.1 Expected Cost Function

Our first step is to derive an exact expression for the expected cost as a function of r and Q. We place orders, on average, every images years (just as in the EOQ problem ). Therefore, the expected fixed cost is given by images . As in the EOQ, the annual purchase cost is given by images . Since it's independent of both Q and r, we'll ignore it in the cost calculations. It remains to evaluate the expected holding and stockout costs, which we will refer to collectively as the inventory cost. The inventory cost is incurred based on the inventory level, images , a random variable whose distribution is difficult to determine for the same reasons as for periodic‐review models with nonzero lead times; namely, that it depends on r and Q and that inventory decisions made at time t do not have an effect on images until time images .

The solution to this problem is to use the conservation‐of‐flow concept discussed in Section, in which we relate the inventory level at time images to the inventory position at time t (whose probability distribution, as we will see, is easy) and to the demand in the time interval images (whose probability distribution we know). In particular, if the inventory position at time t is given by images , then the inventory level at time images is given by

where images is the cumulative demand that occurs between t and images . The reasoning is identical to that in Section, adjusted for continuous review: All of the items included in images —including items on hand and on order—will have arrived by time images , and no items ordered after time t will have arrived by time images . Therefore, all items that are on hand or on order at time t will be included in the inventory level at time images , except for the images items that have since been demanded.

As in the periodic‐review case, we can drop the time indices from 5.1 in steady state and write

where D is the lead‐time demand. Zipkin (1986b) shows that 5.2 also holds—and therefore, so do many of the results in the rest of this section—under a range of stochastic lead‐time settings.

Once we determine the distribution of images , the (unconditional) expected inventory cost then follows from the law of total expectation. In particular, let images be the rate at which the inventory cost accrues when images :

(5.3) equation

(images is a rate because the inventory level is changing continuously over time, given in units of money per year.) Then the expected inventory cost per year is


is the rate at which the expected inventory cost accrues at time images when the inventory position at time t equals y. The expectation in 5.5 is over the lead‐time demand. Note that images , with two arguments, is the expected total expected cost, whereas images , with one argument, is the expected inventory cost.

images is simply the newsvendor expected cost function (Section 4.3.2). Let images be its optimizer, given by (4.17).

It remains to determine the distribution of images . By the definition of an images policy, we know that images takes values only in images . It turns out that images has a very simple distribution—it is uniform on images , under some mild conditions on the lead‐time demand distribution (Serfozo and Stidham, 1978; Browne and Zipkin, 1991). Therefore, 5.4 implies that

Combining the expected inventory cost 5.6 and the expected fixed cost images , we get the following expression for the expected total cost per year:

For early derivations of this equation, see, e.g., Hadley and Whitin (1963).

Zheng (1992) proves the following:

In what follows, we use the expected cost expression 5.7 to derive optimality conditions for r and Q by first fixing Q and finding the optimal corresponding r, and then optimizing over Q. Although these conditions tell us when a given solution is optimal, they do not give us an algorithm for finding such solutions. Before developing such an algorithm, we first discuss several common approximations for finding the optimal parameters for an images policy, in Section 5.3. We then return to the exact model in Section 5.4, proving properties of these optimal solutions that we can use to develop an algorithm.

5.2.2 Optimality Conditions

We will optimize sequentially: images . Let images be the optimal r for a given Q.

Graph depicts inventory costs are equal at start and end of replenishment cycle.

Figure 5.2 Inventory costs are equal at start and end of replenishment cycle.

The inventory position equals images at the start of a replenishment cycle (just after an order is placed) and equals r at the end (just before the next order is placed). Therefore, Lemma 5.2 says that, for a given Q, the optimal r makes the inventory cost rates equal at the start and end of the replenishment cycle. (See Figure 5.2.) In between, the inventory costs are lower, due to the convexity of images .

The motivation behind this result is that, during one replenishment cycle, we need to pass through all of the inventory positions in images , and we spend an equal amount of time in each. For fixed Q, we minimize the total cost by choosing the r that keeps images as small as possible over those inventory positions. Since images is convex, the r that keeps images as small as possible over images is the r for which images .

This result can be visualized as follows. Imagine a two‐dimensional bowl shaped like the function images . For a given Q, we can find the optimal value of r by dropping a horizontal bar of length Q into the bowl; then images equals the height of the bar when it comes to rest.

We can now characterize the optimal images pair.

Theorem 5.1 says that, surprisingly, not only are the inventory costs equal at the start and end of the replenishment cycle, but these costs are also equal to the total cost per year. For some very simple demand distributions, the simultaneous equations 5.10 can be solved analytically. More commonly, though, 5.10 must be solved using an iterative algorithm. In order to derive such an algorithm, we will need some additional properties of the model. Before delving into those, however, we will shift our attention to approximate models.

5.3 Approximations for images Problem with Continuous Distribution

5.3.1 Expected‐Inventory‐Level Approximation

The first approximation we discuss is probably the best known and most widely covered approximation to find r and Q. (Unfortunately, it is also one of the least accurate; see Section 5.3.5.) It dates back to Whitin (1953) (whose book in fact contains one of the earliest attempts to optimize r and Q simultaneously) as well as to subsequent developments by Hadley and Whitin (1963). We call this the expected‐inventory‐level (EIL) approximation, for reasons that will become clear shortly.

The approach relies on the following two simplifying assumptions to make the model tractable:

  • Simplifying Assumption 1 (SA1): We incur holding costs at a rate of images per year, where images is the inventory level, whether images is positive or negative.
  • Simplifying Assumption 2 (SA2): The stockout cost is charged once per unit of unmet demand, not per year.

Neither assumption is particularly realistic, but we make them for mathematical convenience. SA1 is obviously untrue, since it suggests we earn a holding “credit” when images , but it is not too inaccurate if the expected number of stockouts is small. SA2 is not as outrageous, but it is not typical, either in practice or in other inventory models. (Actually, SA1 would not be problematic at all if we didn't also assume SA2. If the stockout cost were charged per year, then we could simply replace the stockout cost p with images , thus canceling the artificial “credit” of h for negative inventory .) Expected Cost Function

In this section, we will derive an expression for the approximate expected cost per year as a function of the decision variables Q and r.

Holding Cost: Figure 5.3 contains a graph of the expected inventory over time. s is the expected on‐hand inventory when the order arrives:


In other words, s is the safety stock —the extra inventory held on hand to meet demand in excess of the mean.

The average inventory level is

(5.11) equation

By SA1, the expected holding cost per year is

Of course, this expression is only approximate. The essence of the approximation is that we are calculating the expected holding cost as images (provided that images ), whereas it actually equals images , and the two are not equal. That is why we refer to this as the “expected‐inventory‐level” approximation. The problem is more difficult without SA1 because of the nonlinearity introduced by the images operator. As previously noted, the EIL approximation becomes less accurate as the expected number of stockouts increases or, equivalently, as s decreases.

Graph depicts expected inventory curve for (r, Q) policy.

Figure 5.3 Expected inventory curve for images policy.

Fixed Cost: The expected fixed cost per year is given by K times the expected number of orders per year. From Figure 5.3, we see that images . Therefore, the expected cost per year is

Stockout Cost: The expected number of stockouts per order cycle is given by

(5.14) equation

where images is the loss function for the lead‐time demand distribution. (See Section or Section C.3.1.) The expected number of stockouts per year is images . By SA2, the expected stockout cost per year is simply

Note that we are assuming that images , which is a reasonable assumption in practice. (The reason we make simplifying assumption SA2 is that if the stockout cost were charged per year, then the integrand in the expected stockout cost per year would contain images in place of images , and this would be significantly harder to analyze. See Problem 5.23.)

Total Cost: Combining 5.12, 5.13, and 5.15, we get the total expected cost per year: Solution

As in the EOQ model, we will optimize by setting the first derivative to 0. Since there are two decision variables, we must take partial derivatives with respect to each and set them both to 0:





(using (C.15)), so

Now we have two equations with two unknowns, but these equations cannot be solved in closed form. The approach given in Algorithm 5.1 first sets Q equal to the EOQ quantity, i.e., ignoring the demand randomness. It then proceeds iteratively, solving 5.18 to find r, solving 5.17 to find Q, and so on. The algorithm terminates when one (or both) of the parameters haven't changed much since the last iteration. (images is the convergence tolerance.) Hadley and Whitin (1963) prove that this algorithm converges to the optimal r and Q for 5.16—though it's important to keep in mind that 5.16 itself is only an approximate cost function.

Typically, images and images , so that the argument to images in 5.18 is between 0 and 1. In rarer cases, however, images may be larger than images , in which case the argument to images is negative and there is no solution to 5.18. If this happens, we can simply set r to its minimum allowable value (which we have assumed is 0). Service Levels

One major limitation of images policies as formulated above is that p is very hard to estimate. But there is a close relationship between p and the service level (see Section As p increases, it's more costly to stock out, so the service level should increase. In practice, many firms would rather omit the stockout cost from the objective function and add a constraint requiring the service level to be at least a certain value.

First suppose that we wish to impose a type‐1 service level constraint. That is, we want to require the probability that no stockouts occur in a given cycle to be at least images . Since stockouts occur if and only if the lead‐time demand is greater than r, this probability is simply images . The expected cost function we wish to minimize is identical to 5.16 except it no longer contains a term for the stockout cost. Therefore, we need to solve

At optimality, the constraint 5.20 will always hold as an equality. (Why?) Therefore, the optimal reorder point is given by images . If the lead‐time demand is normally distributed , then the optimal reorder point is

As we know from Section 4.3.2, this is exactly the form of the optimal solution to the newsvendor problem. As in the newsvendor problem, the first term of 5.21 represents the cycle stock (to meet the expected demand during the lead time), while the second term represents the safety stock (to meet excess demand during the lead time), since the safety stock is given by images .

What about Q? Well, once r is fixed, we can ignore the constraint, and the term images in the objective function 5.19 is a constant. What's left in 5.19 is exactly equal to the EOQ cost function (3.3). Therefore, we set Q to the EOQ value.

The expected cost of this solution is given by

(The first equality follows from the fact that images , the mean lead‐time demand, equals images . The second equality follows from (3.5).) This is an exact solution to the approximate model with a type‐1 service level constraint. This approach is often used as an approximation even when p is known; see Section 5.3.3. It is important in other ways, as well; for example, we will make use of it when we discuss the location model with risk pooling (LMRP) in Section 12.2.

Now consider a type‐2 service level constraint; we want to require the fill rate to be at least images . We know that the average proportion of demands that stock out in each cycle is images , so we need to replace 5.20 with

The resulting problem is significantly harder to solve: Since 5.23 contains both Q and r, we can no longer solve first for r and then solve independently for Q. Nevertheless, a reasonable approximation is simply to set images (as in the case of type‐1) and compute r using images . There is a more accurate method that involves a more complex formula for Q that is solved simultaneously with 5.18; see Nahmias (2005) for details.

5.3.2 EOQB Approximation

There are important connections between the EOQ problem with planned backorders (EOQB; Section 3.5) and images policies with continuous demand distributions. We explore these connections further in Section 5.4. The EOQB approximation for finding near‐optimal r and Q makes use of the EOQB, setting Q using (3.27) and r using Lemma 5.2. This approach has a fixed worst‐case error bound of images that we will prove in Section 5.4, and an even tighter bound of 11.8% (which we will not prove).

5.3.3 EOQ+SS Approximation

Another common approximation for r and Q is to convert the inventory‐cost parameters into a service level and then to use the approach described in Section for type‐1 service level constraints. In particular,


where images . The safety stock is given by images . The expected inventory process can be thought of as being decomposed into two parts, a “top” part that looks like an EOQ curve and a “bottom” part that is flat, with a height of s, the safety stock. We therefore refer to this as the EOQ+SS approximation.

The EOQ+SS approximation should not be confused with the EOQB approximation discussed in Section 5.3.2. Although both approaches use the EOQ(B) model to approximate an images policy, they do so in different ways. Importantly, the EOQ+SS approximation does not have a fixed worst‐case error bound (see Problem 5.18), although some authors mistakenly apply Zheng's (1992) worst‐case bound of images to it. Nevertheless, it is a reasonable approximation that performs well if images provides an acceptable service level.

A similar approach can be used when the lead time itself is stochastic. Suppose the lead time L has mean images and standard deviation images (in years). Then the lead‐time demand has mean and variance

(5.24) equation

where, as usual, images and images are the mean and variance of the demand per year. (See Problem 5.16.) Equations 5.21 and 5.22 still hold under these new definitions of images and images . This approach is used in Case Study 5.5.1.

5.3.4 Loss‐Function Approximation

From 5.8,




by (C.12). Let images be the second‐order loss function for the lead‐time demand distribution (see Section C.3.1):

(5.26) equation

Then we can rewrite images as



Let's consider the images term. We typically set r so that stockouts are unlikely during the lead time, i.e., so that the lead‐time demand is unlikely to exceed r. It is therefore even less likely to exceed images . Since images equals the expected value of the square of the amount by which the lead‐time demand exceeds images , it, too, is likely to be small. For example, using the parameters in Example 5.2 and images from Example 5.1, images is less than images .

Therefore, Hadley and Whitin (1963) propose assuming images and then approximating images as


Taking partial derivatives, we get


using the fact that images (see (C.20)). Equations 5.28 and 5.29 can be solved for r and Q using an iterative method similar to that for the EIL approximation in Algorithm 5.1.

In fact, a similar approach can be used directly on 5.27, iteratively solving two optimality equations analogous to 5.28 and 5.29. This approach provides an exact (not heuristic) solution to find the optimal parameters for an images policy (Farvid and Rosling, 2014).

5.3.5 Performance of Approximations

Figure 5.4(a) plots the relative error of each of the four approximations described above on 20 randomly generated instances. The relative error is calculated as images , where images is the solution returned by the approximation, images is the optimal solution, and images is the exact cost function, given by 5.7. The mean and maximum relative error are given in the first set of columns in Table 5.1. Despite the fact that they are perhaps the two most commonly taught and used approaches, the EIL and EOQ+SS approximations perform the worst, with mean relative errors of over 30% and 14%, respectively. The other two approximations perform much better, with mean errors below 2%. On the other hand, they are more difficult to implement, since they require solving 5.9 (in the EOQB approximation) or computing images (in the loss‐function approximation).

In Theorem 5.5, we will show that the images cost is relatively insensitive to errors in Q. This suggests that the poor performance of the EIL and EOQ+SS is largely driven by their poor choices of r, rather than of Q. Indeed, if we alter each of the approximations to discard r at the end and instead set images , the performance is much better, with mean errors below 2% for all four approximations; see Figure 5.4(b) and the second set of columns in Table 5.1. (Note that the performance of the EOQB approximation is the same in both experiments, since that approximation already sets images .)

Graph depicts relative error of (r, Q) approximations. (a) Original approximations; (b) approximation with r set to r (Q).

Figure 5.4 Relative error of images approximations.

Table 5.1 Mean and maximum error of images approximations.

Original With images
Approximation Mean Max Mean Max
EIL 0.320 0.662 0.003 0.013
EOQB 0.017 0.044 0.017 0.044
EOQ+SS 0.147 0.311 0.015 0.072
Loss‐function 0.003 0.024 0.002 0.020

5.4 Exact images Problem with Continuous Distribution: Properties of Optimal images and Q

We now return to the exact model from Section 5.2. We have two main goals in this section. First, we will analyze the properties of optimal solutions (and their costs) for images policies, by deriving optimality conditions for r and Q and then proving properties of the resulting optimal solutions. Second, we will compare images policies to the EOQB model and prove that, if the EOQB model is used as a heuristic for optimizing r and Q, as discussed in Section 5.3.2, the resulting error has a fixed bound. We do this by treating the EOQB as a deterministic images policy, a reasonable interpretation since the two models include the same costs and both allow backorders. Our analysis in this section is based primarily on the work of Zheng (1992).

Let images equal the expected cost per year as a function of Q, assuming r is set optimally for that Q—that is,

Let images be the value of images at images or, equivalently, at images :

One can show (see Problem 5.8) that

Therefore, from 5.7, we can write

which expresses the expected total cost as a function of Q only, not r. One can show that images is convex. Finally, let

be the area between images and the line at height images ; see Figure 5.5.

Graph depicts the relationship between A(Q) and H(Q).

Figure 5.5 images and images .

The following theorem provides a surprisingly simple condition under which Q minimizes images (and therefore images minimizes images ). We'll use images to denote the minimizer of images .

Therefore, the optimal length of the bar to drop into the images “bowl” is the Q such that the area between the bar and the bowl equals images . Unfortunately, we can't generally determine images in closed form, since images depends on images , which in turn depends on images , which also cannot be found in closed form. However, images can be found through a straightforward search; see Section 5.4.1.

5.4.1 Optimization of r and Q

Algorithm 5.2 uses Theorem 5.2 to find the exact optimal values of r and Q for a continuous‐review images policy with continuously distributed demand. The algorithm is basically a bisection search over Q, with an inner step that finds images for each candidate value of Q. The bounds in the initialization step come from Theorem 5.3, below. In the termination criterion, images is the desired tolerance.


5.4.2 Noncontrollable and Controllable Costs

Recall that images is the minimizer of images . Let

(5.36) equation

Then we can rewrite the cost function as



The first term in 5.37, images , represents the noncontrollable cost in the images policy. Even if we could keep the inventory position at images at all times, by constantly placing orders, we could not avoid the cost images —it is a consequence of the randomness in the demand. Of course, we cannot constantly place orders (since there is a fixed cost for each order), so the inventory position will deviate from the ideal level images , and the inventory costs will increase from images . By varying the order quantity Q, we adjust the trade‐off between fixed and inventory costs. The increase in cost over and above images is the controllable cost, and this is captured by images , the second term of 5.37.

5.4.3 Relationship to EOQB

As we know from Section 5.3.2, the EOQB (Section 3.5) provides an approximation of an images policy. In fact, we can view the EOQB as a special case of an images policy obtained by assuming the lead‐time demand is deterministic, i.e., that images . In this section, we'll use this relationship to compare the optimal images parameters and their resulting expected cost to those of the EOQB model, and then to prove a bound on the worst‐case error that can result from the EOQB approximation. Throughout this section, a subscript d denotes the deterministic model, i.e., the EOQB.

Since images , the inventory cost rate 5.5 simplifies to

images is minimized by images and images . This is not surprising: If the demand is deterministic, the inventory cost (i.e., the noncontrollable cost ) equals 0 if the inventory position is kept equal to the lead‐time demand. The functions images and images , and their minimizers, are plotted in Figure 5.6.

Graph depicts the relationship between g(Q) and gd(Q).

Figure 5.6 images and images .

Note that

(5.39) equation

for all images (Problem 5.9). Moreover, images approaches images asymptotically as images : As images , each additional unit of inventory position (y) will almost certainly not be demanded and will therefore result in an additional unit of on‐hand inventory, at a cost of h. Similarly, as images , each reduction of one unit in y will almost certainly lead to one additional stockout, at a cost of p.

Let images , images , images , and images be the deterministic‐model versions of images , images , images , and images , respectively; that is, they are defined by 5.7, 5.9, 5.30, and 5.31 but with images substituted for images . (See Figure 5.7.) We have

(5.40) equation

Let images minimize images ; from Theorem 3.5, we know that

(5.42) equation

In fact, one can derive 5.43 and the other two equations in Theorem 3.5 using the analysis given so far in this section, treating the EOQB explicitly as a special case of an images policy. (See Problem 5.14.)

The fact that images is also evident from Figure 5.7. The upper bound of images does not provide much intuition but does provide a useful upper bound for an iterative search for images , as in Algorithm 5.2.

Graph depicts the relationship between A(Q) and Ad(Q).

Figure 5.7 images and images .

Let images be the optimal cost in the stochastic model, images be the optimal controllable cost in the stochastic model, and images be the optimal cost in the deterministic model. The following theorem sheds light on the relationships among these costs. The last inequality of the theorem is especially impressive, since it succinctly relates the optimal costs and solutions of the three most fundamental inventory models: the EOQ(B), the newsvendor problem, and an images policy!

The sensitivity analysis result for the EOQ model (Theorem 3.2) also applies to the EOQB (see Problem 3.14); converted to the notation in this ssection, we get


The cost function turns out to be even flatter (with respect to Q) for images policies:

The question now is, how accurate is the EOQB approximation? Zheng (1992) proves a fixed worst‐case bound of images on the error that results from using the EOQB solution:

Like many worst‐case error bounds, the bound in Theorem 5.6 overestimates the actual error bound obtained in practice. Zheng (1992) reports that, in computational results, the actual gap was less than 1% for 80.0% of the instances tested and less than 2% for 96.3%, with a maximum gap of only 2.9%. Table 5.1 reports similar results.

This raises the question of whether images is the best possible bound. The answer is no: Axsäter (1996) proves that the error is no more than images , or 11.8%. This bound is tight, in the sense that there are instances whose error comes arbitrarily close to images , but these instances use pathological demand distributions that do not resemble real inventory systems.

5.5 Exact images Problem with Discrete Distribution

Suppose now that the demand is discrete: Individual customers arrive randomly, each demanding one unit of the product. The number of demands in 1 year has a Poisson distribution with rate images . Consequently, the lead‐time demand D has a Poisson distribution with rate images ; the random variable D has pmf f and cdf F.

Since an order is placed immediately when images reaches r, images at any time. As in the model with continuous demands in Section 5.2, the inventory position spends equal time in each of these states: images has a discrete uniform distribution on the integers images , so images for all images . (See, e.g., Zipkin (2000) for a proof.) A discrete version of the conservation‐of‐flow equations (4.41) and (4.43) hold, so when images , inventory (holding and stockout) costs accumulate at a rate of images , given by 5.5 using the discrete distribution for D. Therefore, the expected total cost per year is given by

which is the discrete analogue of 5.7. As before, the function images is jointly convex in Q and r.

Suppose we fix Q and we want to find images , the best r for that Q. To do this, we need to choose r so that images are as small as possible. In other words, we want to find the Q best inventory positions images to minimize the sum in 5.48. Since images is convex, these Q best inventory positions are nested, in the sense that, if images is optimal for Q, then either images or images is optimal for images .

Figure 5.8 depicts these nested inventory positions. The solid vertical lines represent the inventory positions images that are optimal for Q, while the dashed lines represent possible inventory positions to add for images . The question is, which is the better inventory position to add, images (as in Figure 5.8(a)) or images (Figure 5.8(b))? If images , then we set images ; otherwise, images .

Graph depicts the determining which Q plus 1 y values are optimal given r(Q).

Figure 5.8 Determining which images y‐values are optimal given images .

Note that if images , then 5.48 simplifies to

The first term is a constant, so images is optimized by optimizing images . From Theorem 4.3, images , the minimizer of images , is the smallest S such that

and the optimal r is given by


In other words, whenever the inventory position falls to images or smaller, we order up to images . This is exactly a base‐stock policy under discrete demand. Thus, under discrete demand and continuous review, a base‐stock policy is a special case of an images policy.

We can find the optimal Q and r recursively, as follows. We start with images and set images , where images optimizes images from 5.49, i.e., where images is the smallest S satisfying 5.50. We then iterate through consecutive integer values of Q, determining images using images as described above. Since images is convex in Q, we can stop as soon as we find that images . This algorithm was introduced by Federgruen and Zheng (1992). Pseudocode is given in Algorithm 5.3.



  1. 5.1 (Exact and Approximate r and Q: Continuous Demand) Consider an images policy for continuous demands. Suppose the annual demand is distributed images , the fixed cost is images , and the holding and stockout costs are images and images , respectively, per item per year. The lead time is 4 days. Find r and Q using each of the methods below.
    1. The EIL approximation.
    2. The EOQB approximation.
    3. The EOQ+SS approximation.
    4. The loss‐function approximation.
    5. Algorithm 5.2 for exact optimal values of r and Q.

      For each method, report the values of r and Q you found, as well as the corresponding expected annual cost from 5.7.

  2. 5.2 (Exact and Approximate r and Q: Discrete Demand) Consider an images policy for discrete demands. Suppose the demand has a Poisson distribution with a mean of images units/month, the fixed cost is images , and the holding and stockout costs are images and images , respectively, per item per month. The lead‐time is 0.5 months.
    1. Find approximate values for r and Q by using the EOQB approximation described in Section 5.3.2, replacing images with (4.32) when solving 5.9.
    2. Find exact optimal values for r and Q using Algorithm 5.3.

      For each method, report the values of r and Q you found, as well as the corresponding expected cost per week from 5.48.

  3. 5.3 ( images for Automobile Components) Return to the automobile manufacturing plant from Problem 3.5. Suppose now that the rate at which the plant uses power‐lock mechanisms is stochastic and normally distributed, with a mean of 192 per day (8 per hour) and a standard deviation of 17.4 per day. Replenishment orders for power‐lock mechanisms incur a lead time of 3 days. If the plant runs out of power locks, it must expedite them from the supplier at a cost of $40 each. Using the EIL approximation for images policies in Section 5.3.1, find approximate values for r and Q. Also report the expected total cost per week, using 5.7equation .
    1. The EIL approximation.
    2. The EOQB approximation.
    3. The EOQ+SS approximation.
    4. The loss‐function approximation.
    5. Algorithm 5.2 for exact optimal values of r and Q.
  4. 5.4 (Lackluster Video) Lackluster Video needs to decide how may DVD copies of the new hit movie The Supply Chain's Weakest Link to stock in its stores. The company expects demand for DVD rentals for the movie over the next 90 days to be Poisson with a mean of images per day. The length of time each renter keeps a DVD before returning it is exponential with a mean of images days (i.e., exponential with a rate of images ).

    Each copy purchased by the store costs c. Demands are backordered, in the sense that a customer wanting to rent the movie but finding that it is out of stock will return on another day to try again. Since this movie has been designated as a “guaranteed in stock” title, each backordered demand incurs a stockout cost of g, the cost of providing a free rental to the customer.

    Assuming that backordered customers check back frequently to see whether the movie is in stock and rent it quickly when it is available, this system can be modeled as an images queue, where S is the number of copies of the DVD owned by the store. It can be shown that the probability of a stockout in an images queue is approximately


    where images is the standard normal cdf and images (in queuing terminology, the “offered load”).

    1. Determine the optimal number of copies to purchase (S) to minimize the purchase cost and the expected stockout cost over the next 90 days using the approximation given above. (Assume that the demand after 90 days will be negligible.) Your answer should be in closed form; that is, images .
    2. Compute the optimal S assuming that images , images , images , and images .
    3. Suppose the video store is worried about loss‐of‐goodwill costs as well as free rental costs when a demand is backordered, but it is uncomfortable estimating these costs. Instead, it would prefer to choose S so that demands are met with probability images . Prove that the smallest such S is given by
    4. In two or three sentences, interpret the result from part (c) in terms of cycle and safety stock.
  5. 5.5 (Heating Oil Replenishments) Henry's Heating Oil company delivers oil to its customers' homes. If a customer signs up for Henry's “auto‐fill” plan, the company delivers oil to the customer's home on a regular schedule based on historical oil‐usage data for that customer. Suppose a given customer has an oil tank that holds C liters of oil. For each delivery to this customer, Henry's incurs a fixed cost of K, representing the cost of the truck, driver, and fuel required to make the delivery. Henry's will make a delivery to this customer every T days, where T is a decision variable, and at each delivery, it will deliver enough oil to fill the tank. The number of days required for the customer to use C liters of oil is a random variable, denoted X, whose pdf and cdf are f and F, respectively. If the customer uses all C liters of oil before the next delivery, Henry's must make an emergency delivery to refill the tank. For these emergency deliveries, the regular fixed cost of K does not apply, but instead Henry's incurs a penalty cost of images . (The penalty cost is proportional to T because the more infrequent the deliveries, the more disruptive it is to Henry's delivery schedule to add an emergency delivery.) After the emergency delivery, the regular schedule resumes; that is, the next delivery will be T days after the last regular delivery. Assume the customer never needs more than one emergency shipment between two regular shipments.
    1. Write the expected cost per day as a function of T.
    2. Find an optimality condition for the delivery interval, T. You may assume that X is normally distributed and that images .
    3. Suppose images , K = $175, p = $25, and images . What is images , and what is the corresponding expected cost per day?
  6. 5.6 (Stockout‐Constrained Service Level) Consider the EIL approximation in Section 5.3.1. Define a new type of service level as follows: images is the percentage of order cycles during which there are at most a stockouts, for constant images . Suppose that we wish to enforce a service level constraint that says images , for fixed images . What are the optimal values of r and Q for the problem with this service level constraint?
  7. 5.7 (Properties of images ) For the exact continuous images model in Section 5.2, prove that, for any images :
    1. images
    2. images ; images is decreasing; and images is increasing
    3. images and images
  8. 5.8 (Proof of 5.32) Prove 5.32equation .
  9. 5.9 (Deterministic vs. Stochastic Inventory Cost Rate) Prove that images for all images , where images is defined in 5.38 and images is defined in 5.5.
  10. 5.10 (Deterministic vs. Stochastic images ) Prove that, for any images , images , where images is defined in 5.34 and images is its deterministic‐model analogue.
  11. 5.11 (Proof of Upper Bound on images ) Complete the proof of Theorem 5.3 by proving that images .
  12. 5.12 (Range of images Bounds as K Changes) By Theorem 5.3, images is contained in the interval images , where images satisfies images . In this problem, you will prove that the width of this interval is bounded by a constant for all images . (On the other hand, the constant will change as the other cost parameters change.)
    1. Let images be the Q that satisfies images . Prove that images .
    2. Prove that images for all images and that images .
    3. Prove that images is an increasing function of K and converges to a constant as images .

      Hint: Argue that it is sufficient to prove the result with respect to increases in images rather than K.

    4. Prove that images is bounded by a constant for all images .

      You may use the properties in Problem 5.7 without proof.

  13. 5.13 (EOQB Error Vanishes as images ) Using the analysis in Section 5.4.3, prove that images as images .
  14. 5.14 (EOQB as Special Case of images ) Prove Theorem 3.5 by treating the EOQB as a special case of an images policy, using the analysis in Section 5.4.3.
  15. 5.15 ( images vs. images ) Using the analysis in Section 5.4.3, prove that images for all images .
  16. 5.16 (Lead‐Time Demand under Stochastic Lead Times) Prove 5.24equations and 5.25.
  17. 5.17 (No Fixed Bound for images ) In the exact images model, suppose we set images as in Section 5.2, but we set images instead of images . Prove that there is no fixed worst‐case bound for this approach.
  18. 5.18 (No Fixed Bound for EOQ+SS Approximation) Prove that there is no fixed worst‐case error bound for the EOQ+SS approximation for the optimal images policy.
  19. 5.19 (Joe's Corner Store with Poisson Demand) Suppose that Joe's Corner Store from Example 5.2 faces Poisson annual demand with a mean of 1300. Using Algorithm 5.3, find images , images , and images .
  20. 5.20 ( images with Minimum Order Quantity) Suppose that images but there is a minimum order quantity constraint that requires that images for some constant images . Assume the demand has a discrete distribution. Explain how to modify Algorithm 5.3 to handle this case.
  21. 5.21 (Solution in Terms of Standard Normal) In this problem, you will investigate what happens to images and images in the exact model (Section 5.2) as the lead‐time demand parameters images and images change. In particular, you will investigate the relationship between the solution under images demand and that under images demand.

    Assume that images for some constant images but that images can vary independently of images and images .

    Let images be the expected cost function of the exact model under images lead‐time demand. Let images be the optimal parameters for this system and images be the optimal cost; that is,


    Similarly, let images be the optimal parameters for the system with images lead‐time demand, and let images .

    Prove that

    (5.52) equation
    (5.53) equation
    (5.54) equation
  22. 5.22 (Bound on images ) Let images be the optimal order quantity for the exact model with continuous demands in Sections 5.2 and 5.4, and let images be the optimal order quantity for the EOQB. Let

    (images does not have a precise interpretation. But it is, in a sense, a quantity for the newsvendor model that is analogous to images for the EOQB, since in the EOQB, the optimal order quantity equals the optimal cost times images .)

    Prove that


    Hint: First prove that


    for all images . (You may use the result of Problem 5.15 without proof.) Then use this to prove the result.

  23. 5.23 (Stockout Cost without SA2) Suppose we do not assume SA2. Show that the expected stockout cost per year under the EIL approximation has images in the integrand instead of images .
  24. 5.24 (EIL Approximation with One‐Time Stockout Cost) Consider an inventory system that functions almost exactly like the system described in Section 5.3.1 on the EIL approximation for the images problem. The only difference is that, when we run out of inventory, the stockout cost p is incurred immediately, and only once, regardless of how many demands occur before the replenishment order arrives from the supplier.
    1. Formulate the objective function images , analogous to 5.16.
    2. Identify optimality conditions for Q and r, similar to 5.17equations and 5.18. Your optimality conditions do not need to be in closed form, i.e., they do not need to look like images or images .
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