Chapter 4
Stochastic Inventory Models: Periodic Review

4.1 Inventory Policies

In this chapter and the next, we will consider inventory models in which the demand is stochastic. A key concept in these chapters will be that of a policy. A policy is a simple rule that provides a solution to the inventory problem. For example, consider a periodic‐review model with fixed costs (such as the Wagner–Whitin model) but with stochastic demands. (We will examine such a model more closely in Section 4.4.) One could imagine several possible policies for this system. Here are a few:

  1. Every R periods, place an order for Q units.
  2. Whenever the inventory position falls to s, order Q units.
  3. Whenever the inventory position falls to s, place an order of sufficient size to bring the inventory position to S.
  4. Place an order whose size is equal to the first two digits of last night's lottery number. Then, wait a number of periods equal to the last two digits of the lottery number before placing another order.

Now, you probably suspect that some of these policies will perform better (in the sense of keeping costs small) than others. For example, policy 4 is probably a bad one. You probably also suspect that the performance of a policy depends on its parameters. 1 For example, policy 1 sounds reasonable, but only if we choose good values for R and Q.

It is often possible (and always desirable) to prove that a certain policy is optimal for a given problem—that no other policy (even policies that no one has thought of yet) can outperform the optimal policy, provided that we set the parameters of that policy optimally. For example, policy 3 turns out to be optimal for the model in Section 4.4: If we choose the right s and S, then we are guaranteed to incur the smallest possible expected cost.

When using policies, then, inventory optimization really has two parts: Choosing the form of the optimal policy and choosing the optimal parameters for that policy. Sometimes we can't solve one of these parts optimally, so we use approximate methods. For example, although it's possible to find the optimal s and S for the model in Section 4.4, heuristics are commonly used to find approximately optimal values. Similarly, for some problems, no one even knows the form of the optimal policy, so we simply choose a policy that seems plausible.

We'll consider periodic‐review models in this chapter. We'll first consider problems with no fixed costs (in Section 4.3) and then problems with nonzero fixed costs (in Section 4.4). In both of these sections, we'll simply choose a policy to use and focus on optimizing the policy parameters (or, in the case of finite‐horizon models, not restrict ourselves to a policy at all). This is the approach taken in the seminal paper by Arrow et al. (1951). Then, in Section 4.5, we'll prove that the policies we chose for the periodic‐review models in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 are, in fact, optimal. (We won't prove policy optimality for the continuous‐review models in Chapter 5, but those policies, too, are optimal.)

We will continue to use the same notation introduced in Chapter 3. All of the costs we discussed in Section 3.1.3 are in play, including fixed cost K, purchase cost c, holding cost h, and stockout cost p. We'll assume that K and c are nonnegative, that h and p are strictly positive, and that images (otherwise it costs more to buy the product from the supplier than it does to stock out, so we should never place an order). Now, however, we'll represent the demand as a random variable D with mean images , variance images , pdf images , and cdf images . (D will represent demands over different time intervals in different models, but we'll make this clear in each section.) We'll usually assume that D is a continuous random variable, with a few exceptions.

Throughout most of this chapter, we will assume that unmet demands are backordered. In Section 4.6, we briefly discuss the lost‐sales assumption.

Before continuing, we introduce two important concepts in stochastic inventory theory: cycle stock and safety stock. Cycle stock (or working inventory) is the inventory that is intended to meet the expected demand. Safety stock is extra inventory that's kept on hand to buffer against uncertainty. The target inventory level or order quantity set by most stochastic inventory problems can be decomposed into cycle and safety stock components. We'll see later that the cycle stock depends on the mean of the demand distribution, while the safety stock depends on the standard deviation.

4.2 Demand Processes

In real life, customers tend to arrive at a retailer at random, discrete points in time. Similarly, (some) retailers place orders to wholesalers at random, discrete times, and so on up the supply chain. One way to model these demands is using a Poisson process , which describes random arrivals to a system over time. If each customer may demand more than one unit, we might use a compound Poisson process , in which arrivals are Poisson and the number of units demanded by each customer is governed by some other probability distribution.

It will often be convenient for us to work with continuous demand distributions (rather than discrete distributions such as Poisson), most commonly the normal distribution with mean images and variance images . Sometimes, the normal distribution is used as an approximation for the Poisson distribution, in which case images since the Poisson variance equals its mean. (This approximation is especially accurate when the mean is large.)

In the continuous‐review case, normally distributed demands mean that the demand over any t time units is normally distributed, with a mean and standard deviation that depend on t. Although it's unusual to think of demands occurring “continuously” in this way, it's a useful way to model demands over time. In the periodic‐review case, we simply assume that the demand in each time period is normally distributed.

One drawback to using the normal distribution is that any normal random variable will sometimes have negative realizations, even though the demands that we aim to model are nonnegative. If the demand mean is much greater than its standard deviation, then the probability of negative demands is so small that we can simply ignore it. This suggests that the normal distribution is appropriate as a model for the demand only if images —say, if images . If this condition fails to hold, then it is more appropriate to use a distribution whose support does not contain negative values, such as the lognormal distribution. (If the true demands are Poisson and we are using the normal distribution to approximate it, then another justification for the condition images is that the normal approximation for the Poisson distribution is most effective when the Poisson mean, images , is large, in which case images , which is the standard deviation.)

4.3 Periodic Review with Zero Fixed Costs: Base‐Stock Policies

For the remainder of this chapter, we focus on periodic‐review models. The time horizon consists of T time periods; T can be finite or infinite. We will usually assume the lead time is zero, but in Sections and 4.6.2, we'll discuss the implications of assuming a nonzero lead time in the case of backorders (which is easy) and lost sales (which is hard).

We'll first consider the important special case in which images (in this section), and then the more general case of images (in Section 4.4). We'll also assume that the costs h, p, c, and K are constant throughout the time horizon.

We will model the time value of money by discounting future periods using a discount factor images . That is, $1 spent (or received) in period images is equivalent to $images in period t. If images , then there is no discounting. For the single‐period and finite‐horizon problems, our objective will be to minimize the total expected discounted cost over the horizon. However, the total cost over an infinite horizon will be infinite if images and may still be infinite if images . Therefore, in the infinite‐horizon case, we will minimize the expected cost per period if images and the total expected discounted cost over the horizon if images . (The solutions to the two problems turn out to be closely related.)

The sequence of events in each period t is as follows:

  1. The inventory level is observed.
  2. A replenishment order of size images is placed and is received instantly.
  3. Demand images occurs; as much as possible is satisfied from inventory, and the rest is backordered.
  4. Holding and stockout costs are assessed based on the ending inventory level.

The ending inventory level in period t (step 4) is denoted images . It is equal to the starting inventory level in period images (step 1) and is given by images .

4.3.1 Base‐Stock Policies

Throughout Section 4.3, we'll assume that the firm follows a base‐stock policy. 2 A base‐stock policy works as follows: In each time period, we observe the current inventory position and then place an order whose size is sufficient to bring the inventory position up to S. (We sometimes say we “order up to S.”) S is a constant—it does not depend on the current state of the system—and is known as the base‐stock level. Base‐stock policies are optimal when images ; we will prove this in Section 4.5.1. One of the earliest analyses of this type of policy is by Arrow et al. (1951).

In multiple‐period models, the base‐stock level may be different in different periods. If the base‐stock level is the same throughout the horizon, then in every period, we simply order images items. (Why?)

We will divide this problem into three cases—with images , images , and images —and find the optimal base‐stock levels in each case.

4.3.2 Single Period: The Newsvendor Problem Problem Statement

Consider a firm selling a single product during a single time period. Single‐period models are most often applied to perishable products, which include (as you might expect) products such as eggs and flowers that may spoil, but also products that lose their value after a certain date, such as newspapers, high‐tech devices, and fashion goods. The key element of the model is that the firm only has one opportunity to place an order—before the random demand is observed.

Even if the firm actually sells its products over multiple periods (as is typical), the operations in subsequent periods are not linked: Excess inventory cannot be held over until the next period, nor can excess demands (that is, unmet demands are lost, not backordered). Therefore, the firm's multiperiod model can be reduced to multiple independent copies of the single‐period model presented here.

This model is one of the most fundamental stochastic inventory models, and many of the models discussed subsequently in this book use it as a starting point. It is often referred to as the newsvendor (or newsboy) model. The story goes like this: Imagine a newsvendor who buys newspapers each day from the publisher for $0.30 each and sells them for $1.00. The daily demand for newspapers at his newsstand is normally distributed with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 8. If the newsvendor has unsold newspapers left at the end of the day, he cannot sell them the next day, but he can sell them back to the publisher for $0.12 (called the salvage value). The question is: How many newspapers should he buy from the publisher each day? If he buys exactly 50, he has an equal probability of being understocked and overstocked. But it costs more to stock out than to have excess (since stocking out costs him 70 cents in lost profit while excess newspapers cost him images cents each). So he should order more than 50 newspapers each day—but how many more?

The inventory carried by the newsvendor can be decomposed into two components: cycle stock and safety stock. As noted in Section 4.1, cycle stock is the inventory that is intended to meet the expected demand—in our example, 50—whereas safety stock is extra inventory that's kept on hand to buffer against demand uncertainty—the amount over 50 ordered by the newsvendor. We will see later that the newsvendor's cycle stock depends on the mean of the demand distribution, while the safety stock depends on the standard deviation.

It is possible for the safety stock to be negative: If stocking out is less expensive than holding extra inventory, the newsvendor would want to order fewer than 50 papers. This can actually occur in practice—for example, for expensive and highly perishable products—but it is the exception rather than the rule.

The mathematical analysis of the newsvendor problem originated with Arrow et al. (1951), though some of the ideas are much older: Edgeworth (1888) uses newsvendor‐type logic to determine the amount of cash to keep on hand at a bank to satisfy random withdrawals by patrons. Morse and Kimball (1951) introduced the name “newsboy problem,” and Porteus (2008) cites Matt Sobel as proposing the gender‐neutral term “newsvendor problem.”

As previously noted, the newsvendor model applies to perishable goods. In particular, it applies to goods that perish before the next ordering opportunity. Many perishable goods have a shelf life that exceeds the order interval: For example, a supermarket might place replenishment orders every few days for milk, which has a shelf life of a few weeks. Cases like this are much more difficult to optimize; for a more detailed discussion, see Section 16.3.2. Formulation

As usual, we will use h to represent the holding cost: the cost per unit of having too much inventory on hand. In the newsvendor problem, this typically consists of the purchase cost of the unit, minus any salvage value, but may include other costs, such as processing costs. (Since inventory cannot be carried to the next period, this cost is not technically a holding cost, though we will refer to it that way anyway.) Similarly, p represents the stockout cost: the cost per unit of having too little inventory, consisting of lost profit and loss‐of‐goodwill costs. The holding cost is the cost per unit of positive ending inventory, while the stockout cost is the cost per unit of negative ending inventory. The costs h and p are sometimes referred to as overage and underage costs, respectively (and some authors denote them images and images ). We can assume that the purchase cost is included in h and that its negative is included in p, and therefore, we assume that images . We'll also assume the firm starts the period with images , but this, too, is easy to relax (see Section Since there is only a single period, the discount factor images won't play a role in the analysis.

We will refer to the model discussed here as the implicit formulation of the newsvendor problem since the costs and revenues are not modeled explicitly but instead are accounted for in the holding and stockout costs h and p. (In contrast, see the explicit formulation in Section

Recall that D is a random variable that represents the demand per period. We'll assume, for now, that D has a continuous distribution. In Section, we'll modify the analysis to handle discrete demand distributions.

Our goal is to determine the base‐stock level S to minimize the expected cost in the single period. The strategy for solving this problem is first to develop an expression for the cost as a function of d (the observed demand) and S (call it images ); then to determine the expected cost images (call it images ); and then (in Section to determine S to minimize images .

Let images and images be the on‐hand inventory and backorders, respectively, at the end of the period if the firm orders up to S and sees a demand of d units. The cost for an observed demand of d is


Since the demand is stochastic, however, we must take an expectation over D. Let images and images be the expected on‐hand inventory and backorders if the firm orders up to S. Then,


These functions are known as the loss function and the complementary loss function, 3 respectively. They can be defined for any probability distribution; here, we define them in terms of the demand distribution. (See Section C.3.1 for more information about these functions.) Then we can rewrite 4.3 as

This gives us three ways to write the expected cost function: using images and images 4.2, using integrals 4.3, and using loss functions 4.6. It is also common to use the following identities:

(4.7) equation
(4.8) equation
(4.9) equation

all of which follow from the fact that images for all x. These let us rewrite 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6 as

(4.10) equation
(4.11) equation Optimal Solution

The derivatives of the loss function and its complement are given by

(4.13) equation

(See Problem 4.23.) Moreover, images , so images and images are both convex, and therefore so is images . To minimize images , therefore, we set its first derivative to 0. Using 4.6,

Setting this equal to 0 gives

Alternately, we can differentiate 4.12 to get


which is identical to 4.15 and so gives the same optimal solution as 4.17.

The expression for images in 4.17 is an important one, so we'll state it as a theorem (which we've now proven).

images is known as the critical ratio (or critical fractile). It is implicit in a result by Arrow et al. (1951) but was first formulated explicitly by Whitin (1953). Since p and h are both positive,


so images always exists. images , or the probability of no stockouts. This is known as the type‐1 service level (see Section Equation 4.17 then says that under the optimal solution, the type‐1 service level should be equal to the critical ratio. It is optimal to stock out in images fraction of periods. To put it another way, the probability of not having a stockout is equal to the shaded area in Figure 4.1, and Theorem 4.1 says that this area should equal images and that the non‐shaded area should equal images . As p increases, the critical ratio increases, so images and the type‐1 service level both increase—it is more costly to stock out, so we should do it less frequently. As h increases, the critical ratio decreases, as does images —it is more costly to have excess inventory, so we will order less. The type‐1 service level necessarily decreases as well.

Graph depicts optimal solution to news vendor problem plotted on demand distribution.

Figure 4.1 Optimal solution to newsvendor problem plotted on demand distribution.

Theorem 4.1—or one very much like it—holds for a wide range of models, not just the single‐period newsvendor model formulated here. Perhaps most importantly, a variant of the theorem still holds for the mutliperiod, infinite‐horizon version of the model; see Section 4.3.4. Explicit Formulation

The formulation given in Sections interprets h and p as the overage and underage costs, respectively—the cost per unit of having too much or too little inventory. The actual cost and revenue parameters are included implicitly through the overage and underage costs. For instance, in the example described in Section, there is a revenue of $1.00, a purchase cost of $0.30, and a salvage value of $0.12, but these don't appear explicitly in the expected cost function 4.2; rather, they are factored into h and p.

Instead, one can write the expected cost function explicitly using these cost parameters, and the resulting formulation is sometimes more intuitive. In particular, let r be the revenue earned per unit sold, let c be the cost per unit purchased, and let v be the salvage value earned for each unit of excess inventory. We assume images , otherwise we earn more by salvaging a unit than by selling it, so we would never sell any items.

Let h and p be the holding and stockout costs, but reinterpret them to exclude the costs and revenues related to selling, buying, and salvaging the inventory. For example, h might represent a storage cost or a cost to dispose of the inventory; p might represent loss of goodwill or bookkeeping costs related to unmet demands.

As before, the objective is to minimize images , which should now include revenues as negative costs. We have:

4.18 equation
4.19 equation

Sometimes, this is instead formulated as a profit maximization problem in which we maximize images .

Since images and images are both convex, and since images , images is convex (and images is concave), so it suffices to set the first derivative of 4.19 to 0:

We can translate this to the implicit version of the problem by determining the overage and underage costs (which we'll denote by images and images , respectively, since they have a slightly different meaning than h and p in the explicit formulation). For each unit of excess inventory, we incur a holding cost of h, and we paid c for the extra unit but earn v as a salvage value; therefore, images . Similarly, for each stockout, we incur a penalty of p in addition to the lost profit images , so images . Therefore, applying 4.17, we get

(4.21) equation

which matches 4.20. The expected cost functions 4.12 and 4.19 are not equal, but they differ only by an additive constant (see Problem 4.15).

It is perfectly acceptable to set any of the cost or revenue parameters to 0 if they are negligible or should not be included in the model.

One word of caution: Avoid mixing the implicit and explicit approaches, since doing so can lead to incorrect accounting of the various costs and revenues. For example, it is a common mistake to use something like the objective function from the implicit formulation 4.3, but to add images or subtract


to reflect a purchase cost or sales revenue. If the holding and stockout costs in 4.3 are interpreted as overage and underage costs, then the purchase cost and sales revenue are already implicitly included in h and p (as they are in Example 4.1). To include them explicitly in the objective function would be to double‐count them.

For the remainder of this chapter and for most of the rest of this book, we will use the implicit formulation. An exception is Chapter 14, which uses something more like the explicit approach. Normally Distributed Demands

In this section, we discuss results for the special case in which demands are normally distributed: images , with pdf f and cdf F. We use images and images to denote the pdf and cdf, respectively, of the standard normal distribution:

(4.22) equation
(4.23) equation

We also use images to denote the images th fractile of the standard normal distribution; that is, images .

As discussed in Section 4.2, we will assume that images so that the probability of negative demands is negligible.

From 4.16, we have


If we let images , we have

The first term of 4.24 represents the cycle stock —it depends only on images . The second term represents the safety stock —it depends on images . The newsvendor problem can be thought of as a problem of setting safety stock. The firm already knows that it will need images units to satisfy the expected demand; the question is how much more to order to satisfy any demand in excess of the mean. This extra inventory is the safety stock. (See Figure 4.2.)

Graph depicts optimal solution to newsvendor problem plotted on normal demand distribution.

Figure 4.2 Optimal solution to newsvendor problem plotted on normal demand distribution.

Note that, as discussed in Section, the safety stock is negative if images since, in that case, images and images .

We next derive an expression for the expected cost under the optimal solution, as we did with the economic order quantity (EOQ) problem in Section 3.2.3. If X is a normally distributed random variable, then its loss and complementary loss functions are given by

where images and

(4.27) equation

(See Problem 4.22.) 4.25 and 4.26 assume images ; this is true for actual demands, but it is only approximately true for the normal distribution we use to model demand. images is called the standard normal loss function; it is equivalent to images in 4.4 if X has a standard normal distribution. images is tabulated in many textbooks, or it can be computed explicitly as

Equation 4.28 is convenient for calculating images in, say, Excel , MATLAB , or Python , since these and many other environments have built‐in functions for images and images but not for images .

Then, for our problem with normally distributed demands, the cost function 4.6 becomes

for any images , where images . From 4.24, images . Then from 4.29,

It seems surprising at first that 4.30 depends only on images , not on images . But with a little reflection, this makes sense: Since the problem comes down to setting safety stock levels, only images should figure into the objective function. Remember that the objective function includes only holding and stockout costs—costs that result from the randomness in demand, not its magnitude.

Again, let's summarize the optimal order quantity and its cost in a theorem: Nonzero Starting Inventory Level

We assumed that the firm starts the period with images . In fact, this assumption is easy to relax (and it will be important to do so in the multiperiod versions of this model). If images , then the firm should order up to images , as usual. But suppose images . The firm can't order up to images since it already has too much inventory. But should the firm order any units? By the convexity of images , the answer is no: It would be better to leave the inventory level where it is. Therefore, the optimal order quantity at the start of the period is

(4.31) equation Forecasting and Standard Deviations

In most real‐world settings, we do not know the demand process exactly. Instead, we generate a forecast or estimate of the demand parameters required to make inventory decisions. We'll assume the demand is normally distributed. If we knew images and images , we would simply use them in 4.24 to determine the optimal order quantity. But suppose we don't know them; instead, suppose we have observed the demand for a long time, and let images be the observed demand in period t. In each period, we can generate an estimate of images and images from the historical data. There are many ways to do this (see Chapter 2); one of the simplest is to use a moving average (Section 2.2.1) to estimate images and what we might call a moving standard deviation to estimate images in period t:


To choose an order quantity in period t, we replace images with images in 4.24. However, it turns out that images is not the right standard deviation to use in place of images . Instead, the correct quantity to use is the standard deviation of the forecast error.

Returning to our historical data, images serves as a forecast for the demand in period t. The forecast error (the forecast minus the observed demand in a given period) is a random variable, and it has a mean, denoted images , and a standard deviation, denoted images . The correct quantity to replace images with in 4.24 is images . We'll omit a rigorous explanation of why this is the case (see, e.g., Nahmias (2005, Section 2.12)), but here is the intuition. The forecasting process introduces sampling error in addition to the randomness in demand, and it is this error that the firm really needs to protect itself against using safety stock. Suppose that the demand is very variable (images is large), but we are extremely good at predicting it (images and images are both small). We would need very little safety stock, because we can accurately predict how much inventory we will need. Now suppose that the demand is extremely steady (images is small) but that, for some reason, our forecast is always 100 units too large (images is large, images is small). Here, too, we need very little safety stock, because (knowing our forecast is always too large), we can simply revise our forecast downward. Finally, suppose that the demand is steady (images is small) but our forecasts are all over the place—sometimes high, sometimes low (images is small, images is large). In this case, we need a lot of safety stock to protect against the uncertainty arising from our inability to predict the demand. In all of these cases, it is the standard deviation of the forecast error that drives the inventory requirement.

Unfortunately, we don't know images any more than we know images . Instead, we can observe the forecast error in period t,


and estimate the standard deviation of the forecast error as




is the estimate of the mean of the forecast error made in period t. (If we know for sure that our forecasts are unbiased, we can replace images with 0.) We then replace images with images in 4.24 and in the analysis that follows. Of course, if the firm uses a forecasting technique other than moving average, we can simply replace the formulas above with the appropriate ones.

Now, in nearly all of the models in this book (one exception is Section 13.2.2), we assume that the demand parameters are known and stationary. In that case, the forecast images is always equal to the true demand mean images , and the forecast error is images with mean 0 and standard deviation


which converges to images in the long run. Therefore, images and images are the appropriate parameters to use.

In general, one can show that images for some constant c (at least for moving average and exponential smoothing forecasts; see, e.g., Hax and Candea (1984, p. 174), or Nahmias (2005, Appendix 2‐A)), so in some sense the distinction between the standard deviation of the demand and that of the forecast error is academic, but it's still worth drawing.

This analysis assumes that images , i.e., the forecast is unbiased. If it is not, we should also use images in place of images in 4.24: If our forecasts tend to be too high (images ), then we should reduce the estimate of the mean demand to account for this; and if our forecasts are low (images ), we should increase it. Discrete Demand Distributions

Suppose now that D is discrete. In this case, 4.3 becomes

The expected cost can still be expressed in terms of loss functions, keeping 4.6 as is but replacing the definitions of images and images in 4.4 and 4.5 with

(4.33) equation
(4.34) equation

(See Section C.3.4 for more on loss functions for discrete distributions.)

Graph depicts the relationship between g(S) and delta g(S).

Figure 4.3 images and images .

The expected cost function images is still convex but no longer differentiable; it is piecewise‐linear, with breakpoints at each positive integer. (Why?) Therefore, we cannot use derivatives to minimize it. Instead, we can use finite differences . A finite difference is very similar to a derivative except that, instead of measuring the change in the function as the variable changes infinitesimally, it measures the change as the variable changes by one unit. Let


Imagine starting at images and increasing S one unit at a time. If images , i.e., images , then we would want to increase S to images to bring the cost down. Since images is convex, images is the smallest S such that images . (See Figure 4.3.) Well,


Therefore, images is the smallest S such that images ; that is:

Unless we get lucky, there is no S such that images equals the critical ratio, as it does for continuous demands, so instead we “round up” to the next greater integer. That is, if images , there is no need to evaluate both images and images ; images will always be smaller. Note, however, that this does not hold when the demands are continuous but the order quantities must be discrete; see Problem 4.16.

4.3.3 Finite Horizon

Now consider a multiple‐period problem consisting of a finite number of periods, T. Suppose we are at the beginning of period t. Do we need to know the history of the system (e.g., order quantities and demands through period images ) in order to make an optimal inventory decision in period t? The answer is no: All of the information we need to make the inventory decision is contained in a single quantity—the starting inventory level, which equals the ending inventory level in the previous period, images . Moreover, once we decide how much to order, we can easily calculate the probability distribution of the ending inventory level in period t (as we'll see below). This suggests that the periods can be optimized recursively—in particular, using dynamic programming (DP). Just as in the DP algorithm we used for the Wagner–Whitin problem (Section 3.7.3), this DP will make inventory decisions for period t, assuming that optimal decisions have already been made for periods images and using the cost of those optimal decisions to calculate the cost of the decisions in period t. However, in this DP, the optimal decisions in period t will depend on a random state variable (in particular, images ), whereas the decisions in the Wagner–Whitin DP depended only on the period, t.

First consider what happens at the end of the time horizon. Presumably, on‐hand units and backorders must be treated differently now that the horizon has ended than they would be during the horizon. The terminal cost function, denoted images , represents the additional cost incurred at the end of the horizon if we end the horizon with inventory level x. For example, we may incur a terminal holding cost images for on‐hand units that must be disposed of, and a terminal stockout cost images for backorders that must be satisfied through overtime or other expensive measures. Then images . Or, maybe we can salvage excess units at the end of the horizon for a revenue of images per unit, in which case images .

Let images be the optimal expected cost in periods images if we begin period t with an inventory level of x (and act optimally thereafter). We can define images recursively in terms of images for later periods s. In each period t, we need to decide how much to order, but we will express this optimization problem not in terms of the order quantity Q, but the order‐up‐to level y, defined as images . 4 In particular:


(4.37) equation

is the single‐period expected cost function (see 4.3 and 4.6). The minimization considers all possible order‐up‐to levels images (since Q must be nonnegative) and, for each, calculates the sum of the cost to order images units, the expected cost in period t, and the expected discounted future cost. Note that if we order up to y in period t, then the starting inventory level in period images will be images , where D is the (random) demand in period t; therefore, the (random) cost in periods images equals images .

The DP algorithm for the finite‐horizon problem is given in Algorithm 4.1. The optimal expected cost for the entire horizon is given by images , where images is the inventory level that the system starts with at the beginning of period 1.


One way to think about this DP is as follows. Imagine a spreadsheet whose columns correspond to the periods images and whose rows correspond to the possible values of x. The value in cell images equals images . We start by filling in the images values in the last column, one for each value of x. Then, we calculate the cells in column T: For each x, we calculate images using 4.36—which requires us to look in column images for the images values—and write the result in cell images . Then we calculate the cells in column images , using the values in column T, and so on, until we solve period 1. Also imagine a second spreadsheet with identical structure but whose cells contain images rather than images .


The completed spreadsheets tell the firm everything it needs to know about optimally managing the inventory system. If it finds itself with an inventory level of x at the start of period t, it simply looks in the second spreadsheet and orders up to the images value that is found in cell images . (The corresponding cell in the first spreadsheet tells the expected current and future cost of this action.)

Two problems with this approach bear mentioning. First, the DP calculates images “for all x.” But x can potentially become arbitrarily large or small, depending on the values we choose for y and on the random demands. For example, if images and images , it is possible (although extremely unlikely) that images will equal images , so our spreadsheet should extend at least this far. Of course, this is neither practical nor essential (since the probability is so low), so we typically truncate the state space to consider only “reasonable” x values. (The definition of “reasonable” depends on the specific problem at hand.)

Second, even if we consider only a reasonably narrow range of x values, if D has a continuous distribution, there are still an infinite number of possible inventory levels to consider. This problem is typically addressed by discretizing the demand distribution so we consider only a finite number of possible demand values. The granularity of the discretization (e.g., do we round demands to the nearest integer? to the nearest 0.001? the nearest images ?) again depends on the specific problem. In general, larger ranges of x values and smaller granularity result in more accurate solutions but longer run times.

Even after we resolve these two problems, this approach is still somewhat unsatisfying, at least from a managerial point of view. The spreadsheets described above will work, but they are fairly cumbersome. It would be nice if we could boil the information contained in the spreadsheets down into a simple policy. To that end, let's look more closely at the results of the DP.

Figure 4.4 plots images for three different periods t and for a range of x values for a particular instance of the problem. 5 Essentially, each curve contains the data from a column in the second spreadsheet. Notice that all three curves are flat for a while and then climb linearly along the line images . That is, for each t, there exists some value images such that, for images , we have images , and for images , we have images . (In particular, images , images , images .) In other words, these curves each depict a base‐stock policy! In fact, we will prove in Section that a base‐stock policy is optimal in every period of the finite‐horizon model presented here—the pattern suggested by Figure 4.4 always holds.

Graph depicts DP results where k is equal to zero.

Figure 4.4 DP results, images : images .

Recognizing the optimality of a base‐stock policy has simplified the results: We don't need the entire images spreadsheet to tell us how to act in each period, we just need a list of images values—the optimal base‐stock level for each period t. In general, these can be different for different periods, as suggested by Figure 4.4, although in some special cases, the same base‐stock level is optimal in every period (see Section However, base‐stock optimality has not simplified the computation required to determine the optimal policy—we still need to solve the DP to find the optimal base‐stock levels in each period. In particular, images is equal to images , or, assuming we have truncated the range of possible x values, images equals images for the smallest x value considered.

4.3.4 Infinite Horizon

Our third and final variety of periodic‐review models with no fixed costs is the case in which images . This problem is sometimes referred to as the infinite‐horizon newsvendor model. If the number of periods is infinite, then the total expected cost across the horizon may be infinite, too. (It certainly will be if images .) An alternate objective is to minimize the expected cost per period. The former case is known as the discounted‐cost criterion, while the latter is known as the average‐cost criterion. We'll consider the average‐cost criterion first, then the discounted‐cost criterion.

Under the average‐cost criterion, we assume images . The expected cost in a given period if we use base‐stock level S is given by

This is exactly the same expected cost function as in the single‐period model of Section 4.3.2. Therefore, the same base‐stock level—given in Theorem 4.1—is optimal, in every period!

In formulating 4.38, we glossed over two potentially problematic issues. First, why didn't we account for the purchase cost c, and second, why didn't we account for the cost in future periods? Well, in the long run, the expected number of units ordered is the same—images —no matter what S we choose. And since images , the timing of our orders does not affect the purchase cost. Therefore, the expected purchase cost per period is independent of S.

What about future periods? In 4.38, we didn't account for the impact of our choice of S on future periods. Is this approach sound, or do we need to account for the future cost, as in the finite‐horizon DP model of Section 4.3.3? For example, if we start period t with images , then the expected cost in period t is images rather than images . In this case, 4.38 would give an incomplete picture of the expected cost in period t since it assumes we can always order up to S. This suggests that we cannot optimize the periods independently. However, as long as images , we can be sure that the system starts period images with images . (Why?) Therefore, no matter what value we choose for images , we know that we can always order up to images in period images . And, as we will see in Section, the same base‐stock level is optimal in every period. Therefore, images , so images and we can optimize 4.38 to find the optimal base‐stock level.

Now suppose images , i.e., consider the discounted‐cost criterion. Since the timing of orders now affects the cost, 4.38 is no longer valid. However, the solution turns out to be nearly as simple: The optimal base‐stock level is the same in every period, and it is given by

(4.39) equation

(We omit the proof.)

We summarize these conclusions in the following theorem:

Note that this theorem holds for both images and images , i.e., for both the average‐ and discounted‐cost criteria.

If demand is normally distributed, then the results from Section still hold, after modifying to account for images . In particular,

(4.40) equation

where images . The comments on forecasting in Section also apply here. Lead Times and Reorder Intervals

So far, we have assumed that the lead time is 0 and that the reorder interval —the number of periods that elapse between orders—is 1. (The reorder interval is sometimes called the review period.) In this section, we relax those assumptions to allow the lead time to be nonzero and the reorder interval to be greater than 1. In general, we define the lead‐time demand as the cumulative demand in images consecutive periods. In the newsvendor problem in Section 4.3.2, images and images , so the lead‐time demand is just the demand in a single period.

The sequence of events is the same as that on page 5. In the discussion that follows, we will use the following notation:

images = ending inventory level (after step 4 of sequence of events) in period t
images = inventory position after order is placed but before demand is observed
(after step 2 of sequence of events) in period t
images = demand in period t
images = cumulative demand in periodsimages
images ifimages
images = cumulative demand inimages consecutive periods
images ,images = pdf/pmf and cdf ofimages
images ,images = loss function and complementary loss function ofimages

For the moment, assume that the reorder interval R equals 1, but allow an L‐period lead time, images . That is, an order placed in period t (in step 2 of the sequence of events) is received in step 2 of period images . From step 4 of the sequence of events, the holding and stockout costs are incurred based on the ending inventory level, images , a random variable; therefore, to calculate the expected holding and stockout costs, we need to know the distribution of images , which in turn depends on the inventory policy parameters (e.g., S). The distribution of images is not obvious, because images depends on both the random demand and the inventory actions governed by S. Worse still, there is a delayed reaction: Inventory decisions made in period t do not have an effect on images until period images . In the intervening periods, other orders may have arrived (increasing the inventory level) and demands will have occurred (decreasing the inventory level).

The solution to this problem is to relate the inventory level at time images to the inventory position at time t (which we know, in the case of a base‐stock policy) and to the demand during periods images (whose probability distribution we know). In particular, the ending inventory level in period images is given by

Why is 4.41 true? Well, all of the items included in images —including items on hand and on order—will have arrived by period images . Moreover, no items ordered after period t will have arrived by period images . Therefore, all items that are on hand or on order in period t will be included in the ending inventory level in period images , except for the images items that have since been demanded. (See Figure 4.5.) Another way to think of this is that if the inventory position in period t is images and there is no demand during images , then the inventory level in period images will be images ; and if some demand does occur, then images will be images minus that demand.

Schematic illustration of inventory dynamics. All items on order or on hand in period t have arrived by period t plus L. Items ordered before t minus L arrive before t, and items ordered after t arrive after t plus L. In the figure, L is equal to 3.

Figure 4.5 Inventory dynamics. All items on order or on hand in period t have arrived by period images . Items ordered before images arrive before t, and items ordered after t arrive after images . In the figure, images .

Equation 4.41 is a very important equation. It applies to the periodic‐review models in this chapter and—in modified form—to the continuous‐review models in Chapter 5. The idea dates back to Scarf (1960); Zipkin (2000) refers to it as a conservation of flow equation.

Note that 4.41 only holds for the lead time L; that is, in general,

(4.42) equation

This is because some of the units included in images may not be delivered by period images (if images ), or some units ordered after period t may have been delivered by period images (if images ).

In steady state, we can drop the time indices from 4.41 and write

where images is a random variable representing the lead‐time demand. (We're omitting some of the probabilistic arguments necessary to justify the move from 4.41 to 4.43. See, for example, Galliher et al. (1959) and Zipkin (1986b).) If images , then 4.41 simply says that the ending inventory in period t equals the inventory position after the order minus the demand in the period.

Let us apply this insight to the infinite‐horizon base‐stock problem under the average‐cost criterion in Section 4.3.4. (Continue to assume that images .) Since this is a base‐stock policy, images in every period t. Therefore,

or in steady state,

In other words, the pdf of images is


The expected cost is still given by 4.38, and Theorem 4.4 still gives the optimal base‐stock level, with images , images , images , and images replaced by images , images , images , and images . In essence, we have shifted the accounting so that actions taken in period t do not incur costs until period images , though all of that logic is buried in the expectations in 4.38.

For normally distributed demands, Theorem 4.4 says that

where images and images refer to the demand per period (and so images is the mean and images is the standard deviation of lead‐time demand). In 4.46, images is the cycle stock and images is the safety stock. The safety stock is held to protect against fluctuations in lead time demand, which is why the safety stock component uses the standard deviation of lead time demand. The reason the cycle stock level depends on the lead time, too, is that the base‐stock level refers to the inventory position —so if the lead time is 4 weeks, we always want 4 weeks' worth of cycle stock in the pipeline plus 1 week's worth on hand.

Now let's generalize this logic to allow a reorder interval of images , so that orders are placed every R periods. Continue to assume that the lead time is images . The conservation‐of‐flow argument now goes as follows: Assume that period t is an order period and that images . All items included in images will have arrived by period images , and therefore by period images . No items ordered after period t will have arrived by period images (because any such items would have been ordered in period images at the earliest), or therefore by period images . Therefore, the ending inventory level in period images equals images minus the demand in periods images :

For a base‐stock policy, images , so we have

if t is an order period. Therefore, the expected cost is

where images is the newsvendor cost function 4.3 with images replaced by images . In general, this cost function must be optimized numerically to find the optimal base‐stock level, images .

Note that if images , then 4.47 and 4.48 reduce to 4.41 and 4.44, respectively, and 4.49 reduces to 4.3. Service Levels

The service level measures how successful an inventory policy is at satisfying the demand. There are many definitions of service level. The two most common are as follows:

  • Type‐1 service level : the percentage of order cycles during which no stockout occurs, sometimes called the cycle service level , denoted A.
  • Type‐2 service level : the percentage of demand that is met from stock, sometimes called the fill rate , denoted B.

(An order cycle is the interval between two consecutive orders, or order arrivals. For base‐stock policies, the duration of each order cycle is equal to the reorder interval, R. For images policies, and for the continuous‐review models in Chapter 5, the length of an order cycle is stochastic.)

For example, suppose there are 3 periods with the demands and stockouts given in Table 4.1. Then the type‐1 service level A is 67% (because we stocked out in 1 of 3 periods), while the type‐2 service level B is 90% (because we filled 450 out of 500 demands). In theory, the type‐1 service level can be greater than the type‐2 service level, but this rarely happens since the type‐1 service level is a more stringent measure—any cycle during which a stockout occurs is counted as a “failure,” rather than just counting the individual stockouts as failures. (The type‐1 service level would be greater than the type‐2 service level if, for example, stockouts occur very rarely, but when they do, the number of stockouts is very large.)

Table 4.1 Sample demands and stockouts.

Period Demand Stockouts
1 150 0
2 100 0
3 250 50

Focusing now on base‐stock policies, assume that the lead time is images periods. If the review period is images (see Section, the type‐1 service level is easy to calculate: By 4.45, no stockout will occur in a given period if and only if the lead‐time demand for the interval ending at that period is less than or equal to S, i.e., images . If images , the type‐1 service level is the probability that there are no stockouts in an order cycle, i.e., over the R periods between two order arrivals. No stockout occurs in a cycle if and only if the inventory level at the end of the cycle (just before the next order arrival) is positive. By 4.48, this inventory level is positive if and only if images , which occurs with probability images . To summarize:

The type‐2 service level is a bit trickier. The type‐2 service level is

We will start by making two simplifying assumptions to derive an approximate expression for the type‐2 service level, then relax one and then finally both assumptions to obtain another approximation and an exact expression.

  • Simplifying Assumption 1 (SA1): Backorders never last for more than one order cycle. That is, each arriving order is large enough to clear all existing backorders.
  • Simplifying Assumption 2 (SA2):

SA1 is reasonable when S is sufficiently high, as it usually is in practice. SA2 is not true, of course, since images in general for random variables X and Y; we will explore the loss of accuracy caused by this assumption later in this section. We will use images to denote the type‐2 service level under SA1 and SA2, images to denote that under SA2 only, and B to denote the exact type‐2 service level that assumes neither.

Under SA1 and SA2, we have

4.51 equation

where the second equality follows from the fact that each cycle lasts exactly R periods. Assume that an order is placed in period t and consider the cycle that begins in period images and ends in period images . After the order arrives in period images , the inventory level is positive (by SA1), so the number of stockouts in the cycle equals images , using the notation in Section Therefore,


where the second equality follows from 4.48. Therefore,

Johnson et al. (1995) and subsequent authors refer to this as the “traditional approach.”

Now relax SA1. We can no longer calculate the expected number of stockouts in a cycle using the inventory level at the end of the cycle because not all of the “negative” items in images are stockouts from the current cycle; some may be left over from the previous cycle. Therefore, we must account for these items more carefully.

Suppose period t is an order period. Let's focus on the cycle that begins in period images and ends in period images . After the order arrives in images , no additional orders arrive in this cycle. Therefore, the number of demands met from stock during this cycle equals the difference between the on‐hand inventory immediately after the order arrival in period images (call this images ) and the on‐hand inventory at the end of period images (call this images ). Moreover, the expected demand during the cycle is images . Therefore,


It remains to evaluate images and images . First, images , where X is the inventory level immediately after the order arrival in period images . Then

since images by 4.48. Therefore,

If images , then the right‐hand side of 4.53 is S (since images ), and in 4.54, images since (images ).




where images if images .

This approach is due to Hadley and Whitin (1963); see also Johnson et al. (1995), Zhang and Zhang (2007), and Teunter (2009). For another, equivalent, formula for the type‐2 service level under SA2, see Problem 4.17.

Since S is chosen to cover images periods of demand, we would expect the number of stockouts over L periods to be negligible; put another way,


Therefore, from 4.55,


which provides another justification of 4.52.

Finally, let us relax both SA1 and SA2 to derive the exact fill rate. As above, assume that t is an order period, and let X be the inventory level after the order arrives at the start of period images . First assume that images . Then from 4.53, images , i.e., the pdf of X is images . We will evaluate 4.50 by conditioning on X: By the law of total expectation ,

In the last equality, the change in the lower limit of the first integral comes from the fact that images for images . If images , then images , and 4.56 becomes

If the demands are discrete, the integrals in 4.56 and 4.57 are replaced by sums; see Babiloni et al. (2012).

We summarize the expressions for the type‐2 service level in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.6 holds for both continuous and discrete demands, with the integrals in 4.61 replaced by sums.

Service levels are an important performance measure once the system has been optimized, but they also often play a key role in the optimization itself. The main reason for this is that the stockout penalty p is difficult to estimate, and so it is often preferable to ignore stockouts in the objective function and instead limit them in a constraint, via the service level. That is, we solve a problem of the form

The objective function comes from 4.2, ignoring the stockout cost. Since images and the service levels are all increasing functions of S, this optimization problem amounts to finding S such that the constraint holds as an equality.

To optimize the base‐stock level subject to the type‐1 service‐level constraint 4.63, we simply have

Since the expressions for the type‐2 service level above are more complex than those for type‐1, optimizing subject to 4.64 usually requires an iterative search to find the S that satisfies images in one of the (approximate or exact) expressions for B Theorem 4.6.

4.4 Periodic Review with Nonzero Fixed Costs: images Policies

4.4.1 images Policies

We now consider the more general case in which the fixed cost K may be nonzero. If images , it may no longer make sense to order in every period, since each order incurs a cost. Instead, the firm should order only when the inventory position becomes sufficiently low. In particular, we will assume in this section that the firm follows an images ‐policy—and in Section 4.5.2, we will prove that such policies are optimal for this system. An images policy works as follows: In each time period, we observe the current inventory position; if the inventory position is less than or equal to s, then we place an order whose size is sufficient to bring the inventory position up to S. Both s and S are constants, and images . The quantity s is known as the reorder point and S as the order‐up‐to level. The reorder point and order‐up‐to level may change from period to period.

In the special case in which images , we place an order in every period, and the images policy is equivalent to a base‐stock policy. (In the discrete‐demand case, we would use images ; this is why base‐stock policies are sometimes known as images policies.)

Arrow et al. (1951) were the first to formulate the expected cost function for a given choice of the parameters s and S, and to begin the discussion of how to find the optimal s and S. Their analysis simply assumed that the firm followed an images policy, as we do in this section; the optimality of images policies for multiperiod problems was not proven until Scarf's (1960) paper.

images polices are closely related to images policies, which we will cover in greater depth in Chapter 5. In an images policy, when the inventory position reaches the reorder point, denoted r, we place an order of size Q. The difference is that in an images policy, we always order the same quantity (Q), while in an images policy, we instead order up to a fixed level (S). The two types of policies are equivalent if, in every order cycle, there exists a time at which the inventory position exactly equals the reorder point (s or r), and if we always observe the inventory at that moment. Examples include continuous‐review systems with continuously distributed demand (as in Section 5.1) and periodic‐review systems in which the demand in each period can only be 0 or 1.

We will discuss how to determine the optimal s and S for the single‐period, finite‐horizon, and infinite‐horizon cases separately, just as we did in Section 4.3 for the zero‐fixed‐cost case. Actually, the single‐period case is not nearly as useful for the images case as it is for the images case. This is because single‐period models are most commonly used for perishable products that must be ordered every period; a multiple‐period model thus reduces to multiple copies of a single‐period one. Even if images , we still need to order the perishable product in every period, so the fixed cost becomes a constant and can be ignored. Fixed‐cost models are therefore most useful in their multiple‐period incarnations. Nevertheless, we will discuss the single‐period model to introduce the basic concepts.

4.4.2 Single Period

Suppose the inventory position at the start of the (single) period is x. For given s and S, the ordering rule is: If images , order images ; otherwise, order 0. Once we order (or don't), we incur holding and stockout costs just as in the zero‐fixed‐cost model, except the base‐stock level is replaced by S (if we order) and x (if we don't). Therefore, the total expected cost in the period—as a function of s and S—is given by


where images is the expected cost function for the single‐period problem with no fixed costs as expressed in 4.3 or 4.6. (As in the single‐period model without fixed costs, we are assuming images .)

Optimizing images over s and S is actually quite easy (Karlin, 1958b): We already know from Theorem 4.1 that images minimizes images , so our aim should be to order up to this level unless the fixed cost makes doing so prohibitively expensive. In other words, we should set images and set images such that images and images . (Such an images is guaranteed to exist for continuous demand distributions.) Because of the convexity of images , if images , it is cheaper to order up to S than to leave the inventory position at x, and the reverse is true if images .

4.4.3 Finite Horizon

The finite‐horizon model with nonzero fixed costs can be solved using a straightforward modification of the DP model for the zero‐fixed‐cost case from Section 4.3.3. Just as before, images represents the optimal expected cost in periods images if we begin period t with an inventory level of x (and act optimally thereafter). Now images must account for the fixed cost in period t (if any), as well as the purchase cost and expected holding and stockout costs in period t, and the expected future costs, as in the images model. In particular,

(4.66) equation



and images is as expressed in 4.3 or 4.6.

The DP can be solved exactly as described in Section 4.3.3. Just as in that section, the results of the DP tell us exactly what to order up to in each period t for each starting inventory level x. However, just as before, we would rather have a simple policy to follow, rather than having to specify images for every t and x. And, just as before, this is always possible, because a simple policy is always optimal—in this case, an images policy.

To illustrate this, Figure 4.6 plots images for a particular instance of the problem. 6 Just as in Figure 4.4, each curve is flat for a while and then climbs along the line images . However, whereas in Figure 4.4 the two portions are continuous, here there is a discontinuity representing the point at which we stop ordering. In particular, for period t, there are values images and images such that for images , we have images , and for images , we have images . In other words, these curves each depict an images policy. We will prove in Section that an images policy is optimal in every period of a finite‐horizon model with fixed costs—the pattern suggested by Figure 4.6 always holds.

Graph depicts DP results.

Figure 4.6 DP results, images : images .

Once we solve the DP for a given instance, we still need to determine images and images from the results. This is not difficult: images is equal to the largest x such that images , and, just as in Section 4.3.3, images (or images for the smallest x value considered).

4.4.4 Infinite Horizon

Recall that the infinite‐horizon model with no fixed costs (Section 4.3.4) is as simple as the single‐period model (Section 4.3.2). Unfortunately, this is not true in the fixed‐cost case. The infinite‐horizon model is more difficult than its single‐period or finite‐horizon counterparts. To analyze it, we will need a bit of renewal theory.

A renewal process is a random variable images that counts the number of “renewals” that have occurred by time t, where the amount of time between the images st renewal and the nth renewals is a random variable images . The images are independent and identically distributed. (For example, if images has an exponential distribution , then the renewals may represent arrivals and images is a Poisson arrival process. ) Let images be a sequence of random variables representing the reward that we “earn” at the time of the nth renewal. (images may be negative, in which case it is a cost that we pay.) Then


is the cumulative reward earned by time t, for images . We call images a renewal‐reward process.

The renewal‐reward theorem gives us an easy way to calculate the long‐run expected reward per unit time. Let images and images ; we will assume that both are finite.

Returning now to our infinite‐horizon inventory model, we may consider a renewal to occur each time an order is placed. Then the time between renewals, images , is the length of an order cycle. It has a discrete probability distribution since this is a discrete‐time model. The reward at a given renewal is the negative of the cost incurred during the preceding cycle. We are interested in calculating images , the expected cost per period for given s and S. By the renewal‐reward theorem ,

where both the numerator and denominator of the right‐hand side are functions of images .

Unfortunately, this still leaves us with two problems: (1) The expected cost per cycle and the expected cycle length are not trivial to calculate, and (2) the resulting expected cost function, images , is not convex. Problem (1) was resolved early on (see, e.g., Veinott and Wagner (1965)), but for decades (2) could not be overcome, and all of the exact algorithms for this problem relied on nearly complete enumeration, with some minor improvements over the years (Veinott and Wagner, 1965; Bell, 1970; Archibald and Silver, 1978). This all changed when Zheng and Federgruen (1991,1992) introduced a simple, efficient algorithm that finds the exact optimal s and S. It can be viewed as a generalization of the algorithm for images policies discussed in Section 5.5.

We'll assume that the per‐period demands are drawn iid from a discrete (integer) distribution and that the lead time is zero. (Nonzero lead times can be handled using a similar accounting trick as described in Section ) We'll further assume that images and consider the average‐cost criterion (though Zheng and Federgruen (1991) show how to modify the algorithm for the discounted‐cost criterion). We will first derive the cost function images , then state a few properties of it, and finally describe the algorithm.

Let images be the expected number of periods until the next order is placed, assuming the inventory level 7 equals images (images ) after placing the order in step 2 of the sequence of events on page 5. If the inventory level after ordering is images , then we place an order in the next period if the demand d in the current period is at least j, and otherwise we wait one period and then have a remaining expected wait of images periods. Therefore, we can express images recursively as

(4.69) equation

Similarly, let images be the total expected cost in the current period through the next order, assuming the inventory level equals images . images includes the fixed cost but not the inventory costs in the next order period, and includes the inventory costs but not the fixed cost (if any) in the current period. Using similar logic, we can write images recursively as

where images is as given in 4.32, since we incur inventory costs of images in the current period and then either place an order in the next period (if images ) or incur an additional images in costs (otherwise).

One can show that the recursive equations 4.69 and 4.70 have the unique solution given by

(4.71) equation
(4.72) equation
(4.73) equation


(4.74) equation
(4.75) equation

The expected cost per cycle is images , and the expected cycle length is images , so from 4.68,

Let images be the minimizer of images . We will assume there is only one such minimizer, and only one optimal reorder point and order‐up‐to level, but the analysis below is easily extended if there are multiple minimizers; see Zheng and Federgruen (1991). The optimal reorder point images and order‐up‐to level images lie on either side of images :

The following lemma provides three additional properties of the optimal solution that will be important in the algorithm. First, it gives a condition that lets us identify the optimal reorder point for a given order‐up‐to level S, denoted images . Second, it establishes an efficient way to determine whether one order‐up‐to level is better than another. Third, it gives an upper bound on images .

Part (a) says that, for fixed S, we can find the optimal reorder point by increasing y until images . Part (b) says that if we have an incumbent order‐up‐to level images and we are considering switching to a new one S, we can tell whether S is better by evaluating S in conjunction with the original reorder point images —we do not have to search for the best reorder point for S. Part (c) says that images is no larger than the largest y for which images .

We are now ready to describe Zheng and Federgruen's algorithm. Pseudocode for the algorithm is given in Algorithm 4.2. In the algorithm, images and images are the initial order‐up‐to level and reorder point, images and images represent the incumbent solution, and S and s represent a solution under consideration.

Lines 1–6 identify the initial solution: images is set to images , and images is set to the largest images such that images , which, by Lemma 4.4.2(a), is optimal for images . We set the incumbent solution images equal to the initial solution in line 7, and then, in line 8, we choose images as the next order‐up‐to level to consider.

Next, in lines 9–18, we progressively increment S in search of better order‐up‐to levels. Line 10 checks whether a given candidate S is better than the incumbent images ; by Lemma 4.4.2(b), it suffices to compare images to images . If S improves the cost, we replace the incumbent with it and search for the corresponding optimal s by incrementing s until we have images (lines 12–14), at which point we have found the optimal s for images by Lemma 4.4.2(a). Regardless of whether the new S passed the test in line 10, we move on to the next S (line 17). The while loop terminates when images is greater than the incumbent cost, which follows from Lemma 4.4.2(c): If images , then images , which means S is greater than the maximizer in Lemma 4.4.2(c) and cannot be optimal. Moreover, all larger S values will also be greater than this maximizer and can be ruled out.

There are several heuristics to find near‐optimal s and S values. One common approach makes use of the relationship between images and images policies that we discussed in Section 4.4.1: We find the optimal r and Q, either exactly or heuristically—for example, using one of the methods in Section 5.1—and then set


When optimizing the images policy, the lead time should be set to images (where L is the lead‐time for the images policy) to account for the difference between continuous and periodic review.

Another approximation involves expressing s and S as explicit functions of the parameters, as follows. Assume that the demand is normally distributed. Let images and images be the mean and variance of the single‐period demand, and let images and images be those of the lead‐time demand. Let

(4.78) equation

Then set

(4.80) equation

This approximation is known as the power approximation and is due to Ehrhardt and Mosier (1984). It was developed by solving a lot of images models and fitting regression models for a particular functional form to determine the coefficients. It seems complicated, but it makes some intuitive sense. First, roughly speaking, the parameter Q represents an order quantity. For a moment, suppose images (the demand is deterministic). Then we have


in other words, the EOQ quantity! Even if images , Q is close to the EOQ quantity since the coefficient of the last term in 4.77 has a small exponent. Note also that, since the coefficient in 4.79 is close to 1 and z does not depend on images , s moves in roughly one‐to‐one correspondence with images .

The power approximation performs quite well in practice and has the additional benefit of providing insights into the structure of the optimal solution (such as those in the previous paragraph) that are not obvious when the solution is found using an algorithm. The performance is not as good when images , but a simple modification is available for this case (Ehrhardt, 1979).

4.5 Policy Optimality

Now that we know how to find the optimal S for a base‐stock policy (Section 4.3) and the optimal s and S for an images policy (Section 4.4), we prove that those policy types are in fact optimal for their respective problems. In a way this is a lot to ask—we are trying to show that no other policy, of any type, using any parameters, can outperform our chosen policy type (provided we choose the optimal parameters) in the long run. Fortunately, we do not need to prove this explicitly for every possible competing policy type. Rather, we will use the structure of the cost functions to prove that the optimal policy has the desired form.

We will first consider the zero‐fixed‐cost case, then the fixed‐cost case, in both cases considering single‐period, finite‐horizon, and infinite‐horizon cases separately. We will use the same assumptions and notation as in Section 4.4, as well. We continue to assume that the cost and demand parameters are stationary, but the results below still hold if these vary from period to period (deterministically).

Let's focus for a minute on finite‐horizon problems with fixed costs. Recall from Section 4.4.3 that images , the optimal cost in periods images if we begin period t with an inventory level of x, can be calculated recursively as

where images is given by 4.3 or 4.6. The zero‐fixed‐cost problem is a special case, obtained by setting images , and the single‐period problem is also a special case, obtained by setting images . Note that 4.81 does not assume that any particular policy is being followed. It simply determines the optimal action (order‐up‐to level) for each starting inventory level x in each period t. Our goal throughout this section will be to use the structure of 4.81 to show that the optimal actions follow the policies we have conjectured are optimal.

4.5.1 Zero Fixed Costs: Base‐Stock Policies

We first consider the case in which images and prove that—regardless of the horizon length—a base‐stock policy is always optimal. These results date back to Karlin (1958a,1960) and Veinott (1965), among others. Single Period

In this section, we'll consider the special case in which images and images . We'll also assume that the terminal cost function (see Section 4.3.3) is equal to 0. This assumption is not necessary—we could instead assume only that the terminal cost function is convex—but it simplifies the analysis.

Under these assumptions, 4.81 reduces to

Of course, we already know how to solve this problem: Theorem 4.1 gives the optimal solution. But our goal here is not to find the optimal solution for a given instance, but rather to prove that the optimal solution always has a certain structure—a base‐stock policy.

It will be useful to keep the parts of 4.82 that depend on x separate from those that don't. To that end, we can rewrite images as


Since we are calculating images for fixed x, from 4.83, we see that the optimal decision can be found by minimizing images over images —that is, starting at images , we want to minimize images looking only “to the right” of x. The question is, does this strategy give rise to a base‐stock policy?

Suppose images has a shape similar to that pictured in Figure 4.7(a). In this example, images is minimized at images . If images , then the optimal strategy is to set images , while if images , the optimal strategy is to do nothing—to set images . In other words, the optimal policy is a base‐stock policy. This argument works for any convex function images —if images is convex, then a base‐stock policy is optimal. And images is convex because images is convex, so we have now sketched the proof of the following theorem.

Graphs depict hypothetical shapes of the function H(y). (a) H(y) convex; basestock policy is optimal. (b) H(y) nonconvex; basestock policy is not optimal. (c) H(y) nonconvex; basestock policy is still optimal.

Figure 4.7 Hypothetical shapes of the function images .

What if images is nonconvex? (This would happen if we chose some other single‐period expected cost function images .) For example, suppose images has a shape similar to that in Figure 4.7(b). Then a base‐stock policy is not optimal since for images , we would set images , while for images , we would set images . On the other hand, there are nonconvex functions for which a base‐stock policy is still optimal—the function in Figure 4.7(c) is an example. Even though the function has several local minima, it is still optimal to order up to S if images and to do nothing otherwise. Finite Horizon

It was simple to prove that images is convex, and therefore that a base‐stock policy is optimal, for the single‐period problem. Our main goal in this section will be to prove that the analogous functions (one per period) are also convex. This is a bit trickier than in the single‐period case.

The finite‐horizon, zero‐fixed‐cost version of 4.81 is

(4.85) equation

Here, we allow the terminal cost function images to be nonzero, and we'll add the requirement that it is convex.

Again we rewrite images to separate the parts that depend on x from those that don't:


It is simple to argue that, if images is convex, then a base‐stock policy is optimal in period t. The tricky part is showing that images is convex for every t. We'll prove this recursively in the next lemma, showing that if images is convex, then so are images and images . Then, in Theorem 4.9, we'll get the recursion started, implying that all the images functions are convex and that a base‐stock policy is optimal in every period.

We have done most of the heavy lifting, but we're not done yet. All we have shown is that a base‐stock policy is optimal in period t if images is convex. The next theorem establishes our main result—that a base‐stock policy is optimal in every period—and the convexity of images gets the recursion started.

This proof assumed that the single‐period cost function, images , is convex. In fact, it is sufficient to assume the slightly weaker condition that images is quasiconvex, i.e., that images is unimodal —in other words, that images has a unique local (and therefore global) minimum. For a proof, see Veinott (1966).

Of course, this analysis says nothing about how to find the optimal base‐stock levels. In general, we need to use the DP from Section 4.3.3 to find those. In most cases, the base‐stock levels will change over time, and the pattern depends on what happens at the end of the horizon, i.e., the terminal cost function. For example, suppose backorders that are outstanding at the end of the horizon must be cleared by, say, air‐freighting inventory from overseas at a very high cost. Then the base‐stock levels will increase at the end of the horizon to prevent these costly backorders. Conversely, suppose the product in question is a hazardous material that must be disposed of at a very high cost if any remains at the end of the horizon. Then the base‐stock levels will decrease at the end of the horizon to ensure that the inventory is sold. But if the terminal cost function is just right, the same base‐stock level will be optimal in every period. Moreover, in this special case, the optimal base‐stock levels can be found explicitly, without requiring an algorithm. This policy is called a myopic policy because it optimizes only a single period at a time, ignoring the rest of the horizon. In this special case, then, the myopic policy is optimal in every period.

The special case is defined by setting the terminal cost function to


This terminal cost function would be applicable if, for instance, at the end of the horizon, any excess inventory can be returned to the supplier for a full reimbursement of the order cost c and any backorders must be cleared by purchasing a new item, again at a cost of c.

First consider period T, for which it is straightforward to find the optimal base‐stock level:


where images . The optimal base‐stock level is a minimizer of images , so we set images :


(from 4.15), or


The optimal base‐stock level in period T is therefore

This is the same solution as the infinite‐horizon newsvendor model in Theorem 4.4.

Now we know that 4.88 gives the optimal base‐stock level in period T; it remains to show that the same base‐stock level is optimal in the other periods. In period T, the solution to the minimization in 4.86 is to set images if images and images otherwise. Therefore,

Now let's compute images in order to derive the optimal base‐stock level for period images . From 4.87,

The first case holds because if images , then surely images , and therefore, the first case in 4.89 holds. But the second case is harder because if images , then the first case in 4.89 will hold for some D, and the second case will hold for others. Fortunately, it will turn out that we won't need to write out an expression for the second case of 4.90: If we can show that the derivative of images is 0 for some images , then by the convexity of images (Lemma 4.3(a)), that y minimizes images and we can ignore the case in which images . So assume that images . Then


which differs from images only by an additive constant. Therefore, its derivative equals 0 for the same value of y, and we have the same optimal base‐stock level. Continuing this logic backwards, we get the following theorem:

The optimal base‐stock level in Theorem 4.10 is identical to the infinite‐horizon base‐stock level from Theorem 4.4. Infinite Horizon

Now suppose that images . The main result is the following:

And we already know the optimal base‐stock level, from Theorem 4.4. We will omit the proof of Theorem 4.11. It uses many of the ideas from the earlier proofs and is not very difficult (see, e.g., Zipkin, 2000).

4.5.2 Nonzero Fixed Costs: images Policies

We now allow images and prove that an images policy is optimal. We will present formal proofs for the single‐period and finite‐horizon cases but only state the result without proof for the infinite‐horizon case. In the single‐period case, we will argue that an images policy is optimal using the convexity of images , just as we used the convexity of this function to prove that a base‐stock policy is optimal for the zero‐fixed‐cost case. However, in the finite‐horizon problem, images is no longer convex (except for images ). Fortunately, however, it is close enough to convex (in a specific way to be made more precise later) to establish the result. Single Period

Assume that images and (as in Section that the terminal cost function equals 0. Then 4.81 reduces to

(4.91) equation

where images is the same as before, as defined in 4.84.

Let images be the minimizer of images . Since images is convex, we should definitely not order if images . What if images ? We may not even wish to order in this case—it depends on how much we save by ordering versus how much it costs to order. That is, we should order up to images if

and do nothing otherwise. Which values of x satisfy 4.93? By the convexity of images , there exists an images such that all images satisfy 4.93. In particular, images is the x such that images . (There may be multiple such x if images is not strictly convex. However, if the demand cdf images is strictly increasing, then images and hence images are strictly convex.)

We have now proved the following result, initially due to Karlin (1958b):

And, as we argued in Section 4.4.2, images is the minimizer of images and images satisfies images . Finite Horizon

Recall the logic for proving that a base‐stock policy is optimal for the finite‐horizon model with no fixed costs (Lemma 4.3 and Theorem 4.9): Since images is convex, so is images ; therefore, a base‐stock policy is optimal in period T and images is convex; therefore, images is convex; therefore, a base‐stock policy is optimal in period images , and images is convex; and so on. Unfortunately, the convexity implications break down when fixed costs are present. Let's see why.

From 4.81,


where images is as defined in 4.87. Let's assume that images is convex. Is images ? Since images is convex, an images policy is optimal in period t. This implies that

Figure 4.8 sketches images and its constituent parts. The piecewise nature of images makes it nonconvex, even if images is convex. Figure 4.9 plots images for images for an instance with images and images , images , images , images , images , images , and images .

Fortunately, although we used convexity to prove optimality of an images policy in the single‐period case, convexity is not required—an images policy is still optimal under a weaker condition.

Graph depicts nonconvexity of theta to the base t of x.

Figure 4.8 Nonconvexity of images .

Graph depicts plots of theta to the base t of x for t is equal to 8 for an instance with T is equal to 10 and c is equal to 1, k is equal to 100.

Figure 4.9 images for images ; images , images , images , images , images , images , images , images .

Let images be a real‐valued function and let images . Then, f is K‐convex if, for all x and all a, images ,

(Scarf, 1960). This definition is identical to (one) definition of convexity, except for the images on the right‐hand side. The term images is similar to a derivative at x (think about b approaching 0). Then the left‐hand side of 4.95 approximates images by linearizing it using the “slope” of f between images and x. (See Figure 4.10.) Therefore, K‐convexity implies that this approximation doesn't overestimate images by more than K. (It may also underestimate it.)

Graph depicts K convexity.

Figure 4.10 K‐convexity.

If f is convex, then the approximation on the left‐hand side of 4.95 always underestimates images . That is, 4.95 holds with images . Therefore, 0‐convexity is equivalent to convexity.

It is worth noting that, whereas some other convexity‐like properties that you may be familiar with—quasiconvexity, pseudoconvexity, and so on—are used outside of inventory theory, K‐convexity was developed specifically for proving the optimality of images policies and (as far as we know) is not used outside of inventory theory.

Here is another important property of K‐convexity:

Lemma 4.16 says that a K‐convex function first decreases for a while, up to a point images ; then, after a different point images , if it ever decreases, it never decreases by more than K; and, in between these two points, the function never rises above its value at images . (See Figure 4.11.) This property will lead to the optimality of an images policy (as you may have suspected from our choice of notation in the lemma).

Graph depicts properties of K convex functions from Lemma 4.16.

Figure 4.11 Properties of K‐convex functions from Lemma 4.16.

The following properties of K‐convex functions will be important in the results that follow. Parts (a)–(c) are generalizations of well‐known results for convexity.

Now we're finally ready to prove the optimality of images policies for the finite‐horizon problem. The logic will be similar to the base‐stock case: The K‐convexity of images implies the K‐convexity of images , which implies the optimality of an images policy in period t and the K‐convexity of images ; and so on. The result was first proven by Scarf (1960); we follow the basic outline of his proof but use different arguments for some of the details. Infinite Horizon

If images , it is still true that an images policy is optimal in every period. And, echoing the infinite‐horizon model with no fixed costs, the optimal s and S are the same in every period. However, the proof of these facts is quite a bit more difficult than the analogous proof in Section, and we omit it here. (See Zheng (1991).)

4.6 Lost Sales

Throughout this chapter, we have assumed that unmet demands are backordered. In this section, we assume instead that they are lost. The distinction is only important when images . (When images , unmet demands can only be lost.)

4.6.1 Zero Lead Time

In this section, we assume that the lead time images . First consider the case in which images . In the finite‐horizon model, the DP recursion 4.36 changes only slightly:

The only change is in the last term, where we take the positive part of images to reflect the fact that the inventory level cannot become negative. A base‐stock policy is still optimal (Problem 4.44), provided that the terminal cost function images is convex and nondecreasing. (Under backorders, we required convexity but not monotonicity, but monotonicity is usually not a restrictive assumption under lost sales. For example, one common terminal cost function under backorders, images , is not nondecreasing, but under lost sales, images , and the resulting function, images is nondecreasing.) The DP algorithm , Algorithm 4.1, applies without modification.

A base‐stock policy is still optimal for the infinite‐horizon model. Under the average‐cost criterion (images ) with lost sales, it is no longer true that we order images items per period, on average, independent of the base‐stock level; therefore, we must modify the expected cost function 4.38 to account for the purchase cost. In particular, with probability images , we end the previous period with images and must order S units at the start of the current period; and otherwise, we must order the demand from the previous period. Therefore,

(4.98) equation

The first‐order condition yields


The solution changes only slightly under the discounted‐cost criterion :

(In fact, 4.99 holds for the average‐cost criterion, too, setting images .)

When images , an images policy is still optimal (Veinott, 1966). In the single‐period problem, we set images and images as described in Section 4.4.2, unless images would be negative, in which case we set images . The finite‐horizon model (Section 4.4.3) can be modified in a manner similar to 4.96.

4.6.2 Nonzero Lead Time

Now we allow images . Recall from Section that under backorders, the infinite‐horizon model with images extends easily to nonzero lead times. Unfortunately, the same is not true under lost sales. The reason is that the logic behind the conservation‐of‐flow equation 4.41 breaks down: We can no longer subtract the entire demand in periods images because a given demand only reduces the inventory level in period images if the inventory level was sufficient when the demand occurred. The problem can be formulated as a DP , but with an L‐dimensional state space. For reasonable values of L, the DP is typically impossible to solve exactly due to the curse of dimensionality. Many heuristics and approximations have been proposed; see, for example, Zipkin (2008a), Bijvank and Vis (2011), or Goldberg et al. (2016) for reviews.

A base‐stock policy is no longer optimal (Karlin and Scarf, 1958) for the nonzero‐lead‐time problem, and in fact the optimal policy form is unknown, aside from a few partial results about its structure—for example, that the optimal order quantity is decreasing in the on‐hand inventory (Karlin and Scarf, 1958) and that it is zero for certain vectors of on‐order inventory (Morton, 1969); Zipkin (2008b) proves these and other properties using the concept of images ‐convexity from discrete convex analysis.

On the other hand, Huh et al. (2009) prove that a base‐stock policy is asymptotically optimal as images , and Goldberg et al. (2016) prove the asymptotic optimality as images of an even simpler policy in which we order the same quantity in every period. Moreover, Levi et al. (2008) introduce a 2‐approximation algorithm (i.e., a heuristic with a fixed worst‐case error bound of 2). Their heuristic uses a dual‐balancing policy, which means that it balances the expected marginal holding cost and the expected marginal stockout cost in each period. Order quantities in the dual‐balancing policy can be computed much more efficiently than using DP. Chen et al. (2014) present a different approximation scheme, with an (additive) error bound that can be as small as the modeler likes (but with a corresponding increase in computational complexity).

Not surprisingly, when images , the situation is even more complicated, and optimal policies are unknown for this case, too; see, e.g., Nahmias (1979).

Lost‐sales problems with nonzero lead times are still, in many respects, an open problem and are an active area of research.


  1. 4.1 (Inventory of Ski Jackets) A clothing company sells ski jackets every winter but must decide in the summer how many jackets to produce. Each jacket costs $65 to produce and ship and sells for $129 at retail stores. (For the sake of simplicity, assume the jacket is sold in a single store.) Customers who wish to buy this jacket but find it out of stock will buy a competitor's jacket; in addition to the lost revenue, the company also incurs a loss‐of‐goodwill cost of $15 for each lost sale. At the end of the winter, unsold jackets are sold to a discount clothing store for $22 each.
    1. First suppose that the demand for the ski jackets this winter will be distributed as a normal random variable with mean 900 and standard deviation 60. What is the optimal number of jackets to produce?
    2. Now suppose that the demand is distributed as a Poisson random variable with mean 900. What is the optimal number of jackets to produce?
  2. 4.2 (Dixie's Stew) One of the specialties at Dixie's Cafe is vegetable stew, which simmers over a low flame all day. Since the cooking time is so long, Dixie must decide in the morning how many servings of the stew to cook for that night's dinner service. Moreover, the stew cooked on a given day cannot be served the next day; it must be thrown away. Vegetable stew is the highest‐profit item on the menu at Dixie's Cafe. It earns Dixie a profit of $8 per serving, whereas all the other items earn a profit of $4. Customers who want stew but find it out of stock will order one of these other items. The ingredients for one serving of stew cost the Cafe $2.50.
    1. First suppose that the demand for stew on a given evening is normally distributed with a mean of 18 and a variance of 16. How many servings of stew should Dixie prepare in the morning? (Fractional servings are OK.) What is the expected cost (ingredients and lost profit) of the optimal solution?
    2. Now suppose that the demand is distributed as an exponential random variable with mean 18. How many servings should Dixie prepare?
  3. 4.3 (In‐Flight Meals) Oceanic Airlines sells meals aboard their flights. Obviously, the airline must decide how many meals to put on the airplane before the flight takes off, and it cannot restock additional meals if it runs out during the flight. Each meal sells for $7 and costs the airline $2.50. If there are meals left over at the end of the flight, the perishable items must be thrown away, but nonperishable items (crackers, napkins, etc.) may be reused. The value of the reusable items is estimated at $1.50. Assume there are no loss‐of‐goodwill penalties for unmet demand, only the lost profit.
    1. Suppose the demand for meals on today's flight #815 has the distribution given in Table 4.3. How many meals should Oceanic stock on the flight?
    2. Suppose instead that the demand for meals on flight #815 has a normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation 10. Now how many meals should Oceanic stock?
    3. Calculate the optimal expected profit for meals sold on flight #815, still assuming demands are images .
      Table 4.3 Demand for in‐flight meals for Problem 4.3.
      d Probability images Probability images
      40 0.01 0.01
      41 0.03 0.04
      42 0.04 0.08
      43 0.05 0.13
      44 0.08 0.21
      45 0.09 0.3
      46 0.12 0.42
      47 0.13 0.55
      48 0.17 0.72
      49 0.12 0.84
      50 0.08 0.92
      51 0.03 0.95
      52 0.02 0.97
      53 0.02 0.99
      54 0.01 1
  4. 4.4 (Chemical Manufacturing) A chemical manufacturer produces a certain chemical compound every Sunday, which it then sells to its customers on Monday through Saturday. The company earns a revenue of $80 per kg of the compound sold. Each kg manufactured costs the company $40. If any of the compound goes unsold by Saturday night, it must be destroyed safely, at a cost of $15 per kg. The total demand for the chemical compound throughout the week has a normal distribution with a mean of 260 kg and a standard deviation of 80 kg.
    1. How much of the chemical compound should the company produce every Sunday?
    2. What is the expected cost (including manufacturing cost, lost profit, and disposal cost) per week?
  5. 4.5 (Cheesy Blasters) A restaurant sells a snack food called Cheesy Blasters. Cheesy Blasters are essentially nonperishable, and since they are a specialty item, customers who experience stockouts are willing to wait until a future day, i.e., their demands are backordered. Daily demand for Cheesy Blasters is distributed as images . The restaurant orders the product from its supplier each morning. Unsold Blasters held in inventory overnight incur a holding cost of $0.75 per item, and backorders incur a penalty of $3.50 per item.
    1. Calculate the optimal base‐stock level and expected cost per day.
    2. Assuming the restaurant uses the base‐stock level from part (a), calculate its type‐1 and type‐2 service levels. For type‐2, calculate its exact service level, B, and both approximate service levels, images and images .
    3. Repeat part (b) assuming that the restaurant uses a base‐stock level of 30.
    4. Now assume that the restaurant can only place a replenishment order once per week (7 days), and that the supply lead time is 2 days. Calculate the optimal base‐stock level and expected cost per period.
    5. Repeat part (b) for the system described in part (d), using the optimal base‐stock level.
  6. 4.6 (Electricity Generation) On day t, an electricity utility company must decide how much generation capacity to prepare for the electricity it will generate on day images . Each megawatt‐hour (MWh) of capacity prepared costs the utility r. Let images be the generation capacity chosen on day t for generation on day images .

    The demand for day images , denoted images , is stochastic, with pdf images and cdf images . images is not observed until day images , although for simplicity we will assume that the entire day's demand is revealed at the beginning of the day.

    Once images is observed, the utility generates images MWh of electricity. Each MWh of electricity actually generated incurs a cost of c per MWh (in addition to the cost r already incurred to prepare the capacity). If images , the utility must purchase electricity on the spot market to make up the difference. (The spot market is a marketplace in which the utility can purchase an unlimited quantity of electricity with no advance notice required.) The price per MWh of electricity purchased on the spot market is m, with images .

    1. Write an expression for images , the optimal number of MWh of capacity to prepare.
    2. Suppose r = $5/MWh, c = $2/MWh, m = $20/MWh, and images MWh. What is images ?
  7. 4.7 (Newsvendor Applications #1) Each of the situations below can be interpreted as a newsvendor problem. For each, indicate the holding and stockout costs, h and p, and use the results of Section 4.3.2 to find images .
    1. You are about to sign a 2‐year contract for a mobile phone and you need to decide how many minutes per month to commit to purchasing. You can purchase any number S of minutes. (You are not restricted to rate plans specified by your mobile phone company.) If you commit to purchasing S minutes per month, you pay $0.05 for each of these S minutes (regardless of whether or not you use them), plus $0.25 for each minute you use in excess of S.

      (For example, if images and you use 120 minutes, you pay images .)

      Your monthly usage of minutes has a normal distribution with mean 1000 and standard deviation 220.

    2. You are the producer of a new TV show and are about to negotiate a contract with the star of the show. You need to decide how many seasons (years) to commit to in the contract, but you are not sure how many seasons of the show will be produced before it is canceled. For each season you commit to in the contract, the star's salary will be $1.5 million. If you commit to S years but the show lasts for longer than that, you will have to pay the star $2.5 million per season (since she will become more popular in the future and will demand a higher salary). If you commit to S years but the show is canceled earlier than that, you do not need to pay the star's salary for seasons that were not produced; instead, you must pay her a $500,000 contract‐cancellation fee for each season committed to but not produced.

      (For example, if you commit to 3 seasons and the show is produced for 4 seasons, you will pay $1.5 × 3 + $2.5 × 1 = $7 million. If the show is produced for 2 seasons, you will pay $1.5 × 2 + $0.5 × 1 = $3.5 million.)

      Table 4.4 lists your estimates that the show will last for exactly x seasons, for various values of x.

      Table 4.4 Probability distribution of TV show duration for Problem 4.7(b).

      x images
      1 0.25
      2 0.05
      3 0.10
      4 0.20
      5 0.15
      6 0.10
      7 0.10
      8 0.05
    3. You are purchasing tickets for a group of students to attend a minor league baseball game. Tickets cost $8 each when purchased in advance. The number of students who will actually show up to the game is random and has a Poisson distribution with mean 26. Suppose you purchase S tickets. If fewer than S students show up for the game, you can return the extra tickets to the box office for half of their original price. If more than S students show up for the game, you will need to buy tickets from “scalpers” (people selling tickets outside the stadium) for $30 each.
  8. 4.8 (Newsvendor Applications #2) Follow the instructions for Problem 4.7 for each of the following situations.
    1. You are the manager of an auto‐repair shop at which every car requires the entire day to repair. The shop does not accept appointments; customers arrive randomly. All customers arrive exactly when the shop opens in the morning.

      If the number of auto mechanics on duty on a given day, S, is at least as large as the number of customers that arrive in the morning, all of the customers' cars will be repaired. If the number of customers exceeds S, however, the extra customers leave and get their car repaired at a competing shop across the street.

      The number of customers arriving in a given day has a Poisson distribution with a mean of 18. Each car that is repaired earns the shop a profit of $470, and each mechanic on duty costs the shop $200 per day.

    2. At the beginning of the academic year, you need to decide how many “dining dollars” to put on your university ID card. Dining dollars earn you a 15% discount on the food you buy on campus—so $100 in dining dollars buys you images in food. However, any dining dollars not spent by the end of the academic year are lost. (Yes—you could just stock up on soda and potato chips at the end of the year to spend your remaining dollars. But pretend that's not possible.) The (undiscounted) value of the food you buy in 1 year is given by the random variable X, which has a lognormal distribution with parameters images and scale parameter images . (That is, images has a normal distribution with mean 6 and standard deviation 0.3.)
    3. A small cement manufacturer operates a single truck, which makes deliveries throughout the day. The company must decide how much cement to load onto the truck each morning, before knowing how much cement each customer will request. It costs the company $20 per cubic yard loaded onto the truck, in materials and labor costs. For each cubic yard of cement sold, the company earns $65 in profit. The total demand for cement in a given day (summed over all the firm's customers) is normally distributed with a mean of 7 cubic yards and a standard deviation of 3 cubic yards.

      There is no opportunity to load more cement for the rest of the day. Any unused cement at the end of the day must be discarded, with no salvage value—in fact, it costs the company $35 per cubic yard in labor to clean out the dried‐up cement from the truck. Assume the truck's capacity is large enough to hold any desired amount of cement.

  9. 4.9 (Simulation of Mobile‐Phone Contract) Simulate the system in Problem 4.7(a) for 1000 months in a spreadsheet program. For each month, generate a random variate from the appropriate distribution and calculate the resulting cost. In your writeup, include the first 10 rows of your spreadsheet and report the average total cost per month (including the cost of the contracted minutes).
  10. 4.10 (Simulation of Dining Dollars) Simulate the system in Problem 4.8(b) for 1000 years in a spreadsheet program. For each year, generate a random variate from the appropriate distribution and calculate the resulting cost. In your writeup, include the first 10 rows of your spreadsheet and report the average total overage and underage cost per year.
  11. 4.11 (Managing Blood Inventory) A hospital purchases blood from a local blood‐donation organization and uses it for patients during surgeries and emergency procedures. The hospital pays $175 for each unit of blood purchased. Orders must be placed first thing in the morning, and any blood not used by the end of the day must be discarded. There is no salvage value or cost to discard a unit of blood. If the hospital needs more blood on a given day than they purchased that morning, they must place an emergency order; blood ordered this way costs $420 instead of $175. The number of units of blood that the hospital uses on a given day is normally distributed, with a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 40.
    1. Interpret this problem as a newsvendor problem. What are the holding and stockout costs, h and p?
    2. What is the optimal number of units of blood for the hospital to purchase in the morning? (Fractional answers are OK.)
    3. On what fraction of days will the hospital need to order at least one emergency unit of blood?
    4. Suppose unused inventory costs the hospital money to dispose. Will the optimal order quantity increase, decrease, or stay the same? Will the optimal expected cost increase, decrease, or stay the same?
  12. 4.12 (Inventory Simulation) Using a spreadsheet software package of your choice, simulate an infinite‐horizon base‐stock policy (Section 4.3.4 ). Your spreadsheet should include columns for the starting and ending inventory level; the order quantity; the random demand; and the total cost (as well as any other columns you wish to include). Use the optimal base‐stock level S (which should be calculated within your spreadsheet) and assume that the system begins period 1 with S units on hand.
    1. Assume that demands per period are images and that images , images , images , and images . Simulate the system for at least 1000 periods and include the first 10 rows of your spreadsheet in your report.
    2. For each performance measure listed below, calculate the exact mean value (using formulas contained in this chapter) and the mean value from the simulation, and compare the two.
      • Ending inventory level
      • Order quantity
      • Holding cost per period
      • Stockout cost per period
      • Total cost per period
      • Type‐1 service level
      • Type‐2 service level
  13. 4.13 (Inventory Simulation: Fixed Cost) Add a fixed ordering cost K to your simulation from Problem 4.12 and implement an images inventory policy. Calculate optimal, or near‐optimal, values of the policy parameters s and S in the spreadsheet and use those for the simulation. Assume images . Report the simulated mean values for each of the performance measure listed in Problem 4.12(b). (Make sure to include the fixed cost when you report the total cost.)
  14. 4.14 (Inventory Simulation: Lead Time) Modify your simulation from Problem 4.12 to handle a nonzero lead time L. Calculate the optimal value of S in the spreadsheet and use it for the simulation. Assume images . Report the simulated mean values for each of the performance measures listed in Problem 4.12(b).
  15. 4.15 (Implicit vs. Explicit Newsvendor Cost Functions) Let images and images . Prove that the (implicit) newsvendor cost function 4.12 under cost parameters images and images is equal to the explicit newsvendor cost function 4.19 plus the constant images , which represents the expected margin earned on the units sold.
  16. 4.16 (Discrete Newsvendor with Continuous Demands) Suppose that the newsvendor's demand has a continuous distribution but the newsvendor must choose integer values of S. Prove (by giving examples) that images can equal either images or S, where S is such that images .
  17. 4.17 (Alternate Fill Rate Formula) Silver and Bischak (2011) prove the following formula for the type‐2 service level under an infinite‐horizon base‐stock policy with lead time images and reorder interval images :

    where images is the coefficient of variation for the demand in one period and


    Prove that 4.101 is equivalent to 4.55.

  18. 4.18 (Newsvendor with Forecasting) Suppose that demands are normally distributed and that the newsvendor does not know images and images , but he estimates them in each period, as described in Section, using moving averages and standard deviations with images . The observed demands in periods images are 99, 87, 125, 106, 100, 107, 93, 114, 87, and 85. The cost parameters are images and images . What is the optimal order quantity for the newsvendor in period t?
  19. 4.19 (Lognormal Newsvendor) Suppose the demand D has a lognormal distribution with parameters images and images . (That is, images .) Prove that the optimal solution to the newsvendor problem and its expected cost are given by

    where images .

    Hint: The loss function for the lognormal distribution for images is

    (4.102) equation
  20. 4.20 (The Cooperative Newsvendor) Consider a newsvendor who purchases newspapers from his supplier at a cost of c per newspaper and sells them at a price of r per newspaper. If he has unsold newspapers at the end of the day, he can take them to the local recycling center, which pays him a salvage value of v per newspaper. The daily demand for newspapers has pdf images and cdf images . Assume that images is strictly increasing.
    1. Write the newsvendor's expected cost as a function of S, denoted images . (Your expression may include integrals.) Show that the order quantity that minimizes images is
    2. Suppose the newsvendor's supplier prints newspapers on demand; that is, she observes the newsvendor's order of S and then prints exactly S newspapers. The supplier therefore faces no uncertainty. It costs the supplier b to print one newspaper. Write the supplier's expected net cost (i.e., cost minus revenue) as a function of S, denoted images . Then write the total supply chain expected cost as a function of S, denoted images —that is, images .
    3. Find the order quantity images that minimizes images . (If the supplier and the newsvendor were both owned by a single firm that sought to minimize its total costs, this is the order quantity it would pick.)
    4. Prove that images if and only if images —that is, if and only if the supplier earns zero profit on each newspaper she sells to the newsvendor.
    5. Prove that images if and only if images , and images otherwise.
    6. In a short paragraph, discuss the implications of the results you proved in this problem. What does it mean for two supply chain partners that are each attempting to minimize their own costs rather than minimizing the total supply chain cost?
  21. 4.21 ( images for Poisson Newsvendor) Suppose that in the newsvendor problem, the demand per period, D, has a Poisson distribution with mean images . Suppose further that there exists an images such that images . Prove that
  22. 4.22 (Non‐Standard‐Normal Loss Function) Prove equation 4.25 (also given in (C.31)).
  23. 4.23 (Loss Function Derivatives) Prove equations 4.13 and 4.14 (also given in (C.15) and (C.16)).
  24. 4.24 (Uniform Loss Functions) Derive expressions for the first‐ and second‐order loss and complementary loss functions for the continuous images distribution.
  25. 4.25 (A Simple Revenue Management Problem) An airplane has n seats in coach class. Two types of travelers will purchase tickets for a certain flight on a certain date: leisure travelers, who are willing to pay only the discounted fare images , and business travelers, who are willing to pay the full fare images (images ). The airline knows that the number of leisure travelers requesting tickets for this flight will be greater than n for sure, while the number of business travelers requesting tickets is a random variable X with a given cdf images .

    Assume that the leisure travelers always purchase their tickets before the business travelers do. (In practice, this is roughly true, which is why airfares increase as the flight date gets closer.) The airline wishes to sell as many seats as possible to business travelers since they are willing to pay more. However, since the number of such travelers is random and these customers arrive near the date of the flight, a sensible strategy is for the airline to allocate a certain number of seats Q for full fares and the remainder, images , for discount fares.

    The discount fares are sold first: The first images customers requesting tickets will be charged images , and the remaining images Q customers will be offered the full price images . Some of the customers being offered images will be leisure travelers; these travelers will decline to buy a ticket. Similarly, it is possible that some of the seats sold to leisure travelers for images could have been sold to business travelers who would have been willing to pay images .

    1. Show that the problem of finding the optimal number of full‐fare seats, Q, is equivalent to a newsvendor problem. What should be used in place of the holding and stockout costs h and p? What is the critical ratio? What is the optimality condition (analogous to 4.16)?
    2. Suppose that demand for full‐fare seats is normally distributed with a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of 18. There are images seats on the flight, and the fares are images $189 and images $439. What is the optimal number of full‐fare seats? (Fractional solutions are OK.)
    3. For each of the following situations, will the optimal Q increase, decrease, or stay the same? Will the optimal cost increase, decrease, or stay the same? Briefly explain your answers.
      1. The full‐fare tickets are fully refundable, and with some probability each business traveler will cancel his or her ticket at the last minute, too late for the airline to resell the newly vacant seat.
      2. A fraction of leisure travelers are willing to pay full fare if they arrive after the discount seats are sold out.
      3. Unsold seats may be sold at the very last minute for a steeply discounted price (for example, on a discount airfare website). These tickets are made available after most (though not necessarily all) of the business travelers have requested tickets.
  26. 4.26 (Allocating Parking Spots) You are the manager of a luxury apartment building whose parking garage contains 300 parking spots. Residents may choose to purchase a dedicated parking spot for $60,000 for 3 years. (Only 3‐year contracts are available.) The garage also has metered parking spots that require drivers to pay $4 per hour for parking. The number of drivers wishing to park in metered spots in a given hour has a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Your goal is to choose how to allocate the 300 spots between dedicated and metered spots.

    To keep things simple, assume that (1) the demand for dedicated spots is greater than 300; (2) drivers who park in metered spots all park for exactly 1 hour, arriving and departing on the hour (at 12:00, 1:00, etc.); and drivers who purchase dedicated spots never park in metered spots, and vice‐versa.

    What is the optimal number of spots to designate as metered spots?

  27. 4.27 (Free Overage) Suppose that, in the newsvendor problem, we are allowed up to r units of overage for free before incurring holding costs, where images is a constant. That is, the cost if we order S units and have a demand of d is images .
    1. Write the optimality condition (analogous to 4.16).
    2. Apply this to the “dining dollars” example in Problem 4.8(b), assuming that r=$50.
  28. 4.28 (DP Walkthrough) The demand for a given product in each period equals 2 with probability 0.2, 1 with probability 0.5, and 0 with probability 0.3. Holding and stockout costs per period are given by images and images . The purchase cost is images , and there is no fixed cost. The order‐up‐to level y in each period must be in images . The planning horizon is images periods, and the terminal cost at the end of the horizon is given by images . We begin period 1 with images units on hand. Using Algorithm 4.1, determine images for images and for each feasible value of x. Also determine the expected cost for the entire horizon (including the terminal cost), given that we begin the horizon with images . Work through the algorithm by hand and show your work.
  29. 4.29 (Implementing Base‐Stock DP) Consider the finite‐horizon model with no fixed costs of Section 4.3.3.
    1. Implement the DP model in any programming language you wish.
    2. Suppose images , images , images , images , and images . Suppose the demand per period is distributed as images and the terminal cost function is given by

      where images and images . Using your DP, find images and images for images and images . Report these in two separate tables. Also report the optimal base‐stock level images for periods images .

    3. Plot images for images .
  30. 4.30 (Implementing images DP) Consider the finite‐horizon model with fixed costs of Section 4.4.3.
    1. Implement the DP model in any programming language you wish.
    2. Suppose images , images , images , images , images , and images . Suppose the demand per period is distributed as images and the terminal cost function is given by

      where images and images . Using your DP, find images and images for images and images . Report these in two separate tables. Also report the optimal parameters images and images for periods images .

    3. Plot images for images .
  31. 4.31 ( images for Refrigerators) Weekly demand for refrigerators at an appliance store has a Poisson distribution with a mean of 4. The holding and stockout cost for refrigerators at the store are h = $40 and p = $125 per week, respectively. Replenishment orders for refrigerators incur a fixed cost of K = $150.
    1. Suppose we set images . What is the expected cost per week?
    2. Using Algorithm 4.2, find the optimal parameters images , and the corresponding optimal cost.
  32. 4.32 (Approximate images Policies) Consider an infinite‐horizon instance in which the demand per period is normally distributed with a mean of 190 and a standard deviation of 48, and in which the costs are given by images , images , and images . Determine approximate values for s and S:
    1. Using the images approximation.
    2. Using the power approximation.
  33. 4.33 (Ordering Capacities) Suppose that an ordering capacity of b units is imposed in the finite‐horizon model with no fixed costs of Section 4.3.3. Sketch a plot of images vs. x, analogous to Figure 4.4. (The exact numbers are not important; what is important is the shape of the curve.)
  34. 4.34 (DP for Ordering Capacities) Suppose that an ordering capacity of b units is imposed in the finite‐horizon model with fixed costs of Section 4.4.3.
    1. Explain how to modify the DP from Section 4.4.3 to account for the ordering capacity.
    2. Implement your DP from part (a). Using your DP, find images and images for images and images for the instance described in Problem 4.30(b) using a capacity of images . Report images and images in two separate tables.
  35. 4.35 (Nonoptimality of images Policies for Ordering Capacities) Suppose that an ordering capacity of b units is imposed in the finite‐horizon model with fixed costs of Section 4.4.3. Prove, by providing a counter‐example, that an images policy is not necessarily optimal in every period of the finite‐horizon version of this problem. (The images policy is modified in this case: If images , we order images , and otherwise, we order nothing, where images is the current inventory position.)
  36. 4.36 (K‐Convexity Is Not a Necessary Condition) In Section, we proved that if images is continuous and K‐convex, then an images policy is optimal in period t. However, K‐convexity is not a necessary condition: An images policy can still be optimal in period t even if images is not K‐convex. Sketch a graph of a function images that is not K‐convex but for which an images policy is optimal. Explain clearly (a) why the function is not K‐convex and (b) why an images policy is optimal.
  37. 4.37 (Other Policy Forms #1) Consider the single‐period model with no fixed costs from Section We know that, for a given starting inventory level x, 4.83 determines the optimal inventory position after ordering, y. We assumed a particular form for images and used the convexity of this function to prove the optimality of a base‐stock policy. But in principle images can have any form, and other policies may be optimal for other functions.
    1. Develop a function images such that the optimal policy has three parameters, images , images , and images (images ), and has the following form:
      • If images , then order up to images .
      • If images , do nothing.
      • If images , order up to images .
      • If images , do nothing.

      For the sake of simplicity, assume that images . Sketch the function images and explain how to determine the optimal values of the parameters images , images , and images . (For example, “images is the largest maximizer of images .”)

    2. Now suppose that images so that the term images is now added to the objective function, as in 4.92. Develop a function images such that the optimal policy has four parameters, images , images , images , and images (images ), and has the following form:
      • If images , then order up to images .
      • If images , do nothing.
      • If images , order up to images .
      • If images , do nothing.

      Sketch the function images and explain how to determine the optimal values of the parameters images , images , images , and images .

  38. 4.38 (Other Policy Forms #2) Describe the form of the optimal single‐period inventory policy for each of the functions images depicted in Figure 4.14 (in a manner similar to the descriptions in Problem 4.37). Explain how to determine the optimal values of the parameters for your policy. Note that in part (c), there is a fixed cost of K, and in part (c), there is an ordering capacity of b units. For all parts, assume that the per‐unit cost images .
    Graph depicts H(y) functions with fixed cost and ordering capacity.

    Figure 4.14 images functions for Problem 4.38, with fixed cost images and ordering capacity images .

  39. 4.39 (Other Policy Forms #3) Suppose that, in the single‐period model with fixed costs of Section, the function images has a shape similar to the curve in Figure 4.15, with images .
    1. Prove that images is not K‐convex.
    2. Describe the form of the optimal inventory policy (in a manner similar to the descriptions in Problem 4.37). Explain how to determine the optimal values of the parameters for your policy.
    3. Write a set of conditions on images that ensures that, if all of your conditions hold, then the policy that you described in part (b) is optimal. Your conditions must be sufficient but need not be necessary.
      Graph depicts H(y) function with fixed cost K is greater than 0.
      Figure 4.15 images function for Problem 4.39, with fixed cost images .
  40. 4.40 (Single‐Period Control‐Band Policies) Consider the single‐period model without fixed costs of Section, and suppose we begin the period with an inventory level of images . Suppose further that we can return excess inventory to the supplier in each period. That is, we can choose images , or equivalently, images .

    For each unit we return, we earn a revenue of images , so the total revenue earned when images is images . Normally images , but it's also possible that images , in which case we pay a cost to make the return.

    Consider the following policy: There are two parameters, S and U, with images . Set


    The interval images is called a control band, and the policy is called a control‐band policy. The idea is to order up to S if x is below the control band, to “return down to” U if x is above the control band, and to do nothing if x is in the control band.

    1. Prove that a control‐band policy is optimal for the single‐period problem.
    2. Show how to calculate the optimal images and images for the single‐period problem, and prove that images .
    3. Prove that, in the single‐period problem, as images (from above), images . In a few sentences, explain why it is logical to require images .
    4. Prove that, in the single‐period problem, as images (from below), images . In a few sentences, explain why it is logical to require images .
    5. Suppose the demand per period is distributed as images . Suppose images , images , images , and images . Find images and images for the single‐period problem.
  41. 4.41 (Finite‐Horizon Control‐Band Policies) Return to the setup in Problem 4.40, and now consider the finite‐horizon model. Prove that a control‐band policy is optimal in every period of the finite‐horizon model. (The parameters of the control‐band policy are now indexed by time, images and images .)
  42. 4.42 (Properties of K‐Convex Functions) Prove Lemma 4.17.
  43. 4.43 (Alternate Terminal Cost Function) Consider the finite‐horizon base‐stock model described in Section Suppose that the terminal cost function is given by
    (4.103) equation

    Suppose also that images .

    1. Write an expression for images .
    2. Derive the optimal base‐stock level in period T, in the form
    3. Write an expression for images . (Note: Your expression may involve cases, as in 4.90.)
    4. Derive the optimal base‐stock level in period images , in the form
    5. Prove that images .
  44. 4.44 (Finite‐Horizon Base‐Stock Policies under Lost Sales) Prove that, if the terminal cost function images is convex and images , then a base‐stock policy is optimal in each period of the finite‐horizon problem with no fixed costs under lost sales. (The condition images essentially ensures that the condition images continues to hold even in the terminal cost function.)
  45. 4.45 (Minimum Order Quantity) Consider the single‐period model without fixed costs from Sections 4.3.2 and 4.5.1. Suppose there is a constraint requiring the order quantity to be either 0 or at least M, where images is a constant.
    1. One plausible policy for this problem is a modified base‐stock policy in which we order images , where x is the starting inventory level. Prove (by giving a counterexample) that this policy is not optimal.
    2. Another plausible policy is an images policy in which images . Prove that this policy is not optimal either.
    3. Make a conjecture as to the form of the optimal policy. (That is, describe a decision rule, similar to how we described the policies in Section 4.1.)
    4. Bonus: Specify the optimal parameters of the policy you described in part (c).
    5. Double Bonus: Prove that the policy you described in parts (c) and (d) is optimal.
  46. 4.46 (Monotonic Safety Stock) Consider the infinite‐horizon base‐stock model with service‐level constraints given by 4.624.64.
    1. Suppose we use a type‐1 service‐level constraint 4.63. Argue that the optimal base‐stock level and the optimal safety‐stock level (given by the optimal base‐stock level minus the mean lead‐time demand, images ) both increase as the reorder interval R increases.
    2. Suppose we use a type‐2 service‐level constraint 4.64 under approximation images . Argue that the optimal base‐stock level increases as R increases, but show that the optimal safety‐stock level can decrease as R increases.
  47. 4.47 (Derivatives of images and images ) Assuming the demand is distributed images , prove that

    where images and images are as defined in Section and images .

  48. 4.48 (DP for New and Used Items) A company manufactures and sells a laptop computer that has a market both for new items and for used ones. In each period, the firm decides how much to manufacture and then observes the demand for each type (new and used). Demand is satisfied as much as possible, and then a portion of the unused new inventory “expires” and is considered used. Unmet demand for new products is backordered but unmet demand for used products is lost. Products cannot be substituted; that is, a customer demanding a used item cannot be given a new item, and vice‐versa.

    Use subscript 1 to denote new items and subscript 2 to denote used items. Thus, the holding and stockout costs per item per period for new items are given by images and images , respectively. For used items, the holding cost per item per period is given by images , and the stockout cost per item is given by images . Assume that demands of type i (images ) are independent and normally distributed with pdf images and that the demand for each type in a given period is independent of the demand for the other type. There is no fixed ordering cost, and the discount factor is images .

    The sequence of events in each time period is as follows:

    1. The inventory levels images and images of new and used items (respectively) are observed.
    2. A manufacturing order for new items is placed and is ready instantaneously.
    3. Demands images and images for new and used items (respectively) are observed. As much demand as possible is satisfied from the two inventories. Unmet demands for new items are backordered and unmet demands for used items are lost.
    4. images new items are transferred to the used inventory, where images is a constant (images ) and images is the inventory level of new items after the manufacturing order is received and the demand is subtracted, i.e., after step 3.
    5. Holding and stockout costs are assessed based on the ending on‐hand inventory levels.

    Let images be the optimal expected cost in periods images if we begin period t with a new‐item inventory level of images and a used‐item inventory level of images (and act optimally thereafter). Formulate a recursive (DP) expression for images , analogous to 4.36.

    Your expression must use y, the order‐up‐to level for new items, as the decision variable for the minimization. Do not write the expectation as images . Instead, write out the expectation using integrals. If you define any additional notation, define it clearly.


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