Section 4

Making Packages Dynamic

  • Lesson 32: Making a Package Dynamic with Variables
  • Lesson 33: Making a Package Dynamic with Parameters
  • Lesson 34: Making a Connection Dynamic with Expressions
  • Lesson 35: Making a Task Dynamic with Expressions

Chapter 32

Making a Package Dynamic with Variables

Your packages will be more flexible and more useful if they are dynamic. Dynamic packages in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) can reconfigure themselves at run time. Using variables is one of the ways you can make a package dynamic and reusable. You can use variables to set properties of components, parameters for T-SQL statements and stored procedures, in script components, in precedence constraints, and many other places. A variable is essentially a placeholder that has a name, data type, scope, and value. You can read and change the value of your variables within your package. Variables come in two forms: system variables and user-defined variables. System variables are predefined and include things like the package name and package start time. You cannot create system variables, but you can read them. User-defined variables are created solely by the developer.

To create a user-defined variable, simply right-click the design surface in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and click Variables. This action opens the Variables window where you can create a new variable by clicking the icon in the top left. Once you create a new variable, you need to populate the fields Name, Data Type, and Value or Expression. The value can be a literal value or the result of an expression.

Scope is the context where the variable can be used. Each variable has a scope. You can set the scope to an individual component so it is available only to that object, or you can set it to the package level so it can be used anywhere in the package. For example, in Figure 32-1 the variable has a scope set to the package level. A new feature of SSIS enables you to change the scope of a variable. You can do this by selecting the Move Variable icon in the top left of the Variables dialog box and selecting a new scope.

When you configure the data types for variables, you may notice that their names are different from Data Flow data types. In fact, you are going to find that only a subset of the data types available in the rest of the SSIS environment can be used for variables. You can use the following table to map the variable data types to standard data types found in the Data Flow:

Variable Data TypeSSIS Data TypeDescription
BooleanDT_BOOLValue either True or False
ByteDT_UI11-byte unsigned integer
CharDT_UI2Single character
DateTimeDT_DBTIMESTAMPStandard datetime structure
DBNullN/ADeclarative NULL value
DecimalDT_DECIMAL12-byte unsigned integer with separate sign
Double DT_R8Double-precision, floating-point value
Int16DT_I22-byte signed integer
Int32DT_I44-byte signed integer
Int64DT_I88-byte signed integer
ObjectN/AObject reference; used to store data sets or large object structures
SByteDT_I11-byte signed integer
SingleDT_R4Single-precision, floating-point value
StringDT_WSTRUnicode string value
UInt32DT_UI44-byte unsigned integer
UInt64DT_UI88-byte unsigned integer

The value of a variable can be a fixed value or the result of an expression. To create an expression for a variable, you can select a variable and press F4 to bring up the Properties window. From the Properties window, you can set EvaluateAsExpression to True and enter an expression in the Expression property. You can also type the expression directly into the Expression column of the Variables window. When you type the expression using the Variables window, SSIS automatically sets the value for the EvaluateAsExpression property. This property must be set to True for your expression to be used to set the value. To learn more about expressions and the SSIS expression language, read Lessons 34 and 35, which are dedicated to expressions.

Variable names are case-sensitive. When you use a variable in an expression, you must use the same case as the variable name. If you name a variable Test, referring to the variable as test will not work. When referring to a variable in a task or transform, as in the following tutorial, you place a question mark (?) as a placeholder for the variable name. For example, in an Execute SQL Task that is given the duty of deleting rows from the DimEmployee table in the AdventureWorksDW2012 database, the deleted rows should have an EmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey that is equal to a value in a variable named EmployeeID. To accomplish this, you would write the following query in the Execute SQL Task in the Control Flow window:

      WHERE EmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey = ?

Next, click the Parameters button, and on the Parameter Mappings tab assign the User::EmployeeID variable to the value for the question mark placeholder. Select User::EmployeeID in the Variable Name field, and enter “0” in the Parameter Name field. The Parameter Name field will be different for connection types other than OLE DB.

Try It

In this Try It, you create a flat file export of employees based on their level in the organization. The package you create should be easy to adjust based on what organization level you need. After this lesson, you will have an understanding of how to make a package dynamic using variables.

You can download the completed Lesson32.dtsx from

Lesson Requirements

Create a variable named OrgLevel to narrow down the number of employees returned based on the level in the organization. Create a flat file named OrganizationLevel.txt that contains all employees with an organization level of 2.


  • Create a new variable that passes a value for the organization level to the OLE DB Source to return only employees with an organization level of 2.
  • Create a flat file that has the following columns:
  • NationalIDNumber
  • LoginID
  • OrganizationLevel
  • JobTitle
  • BirthDate
  • MaritalStatus
  • Gender
  • HireDate


1. Create a new package and name it Lesson32, or download the completed Lesson32.dtsx package from
2. Right-click the Control Flow design surface and click Variables to open the Variables window.
3. To create a new variable, click the Add Variable icon in the top left of the Variables window. Name the variable OrgLevel and set the value to 2. Figure 32-2 shows the variable with a Data Type of Int32 and a value of 2.
4. Drag a Data Flow Task onto your Control Flow tab and name it DFT - Employee Export.
5. Switch to the new Data Flow Task by clicking the Data Flow tab. Add an OLE DB Connection Manager that uses the AdventureWorks2012 database and then drag an OLE DB Source into your Data Flow.
6. Open the OLE DB Source Editor by double-clicking the OLE DB Source. In the OLE DB Source Editor OLE DB Connection Manager field, choose the connection manager you created in the previous step. Then change the data access mode to SQL Command and enter the following SQL statement:
SELECT NationalIDNumber
  FROM HumanResources.Employee
  WHERE OrganizationLevel=?
7. Next, click Parameters and set Parameter0 to use the variable created earlier: User::OrgLevel. Figure 32-3 shows the changes you have just made. Click OK twice to exit the OLE DB Source Editor.
8. Drag a new Flat File Destination from the SSIS Toolbox to the Data Flow window. Connect the OLE DB Source to the Flat File Destination Task by dragging the blue line from the source to the destination. Open the Flat File Destination Editor by double-clicking the Flat File Destination.
9. Create a new Flat File Connection Manager by choosing the New button in the Flat File Destination Editor. The Flat File Format dialog box appears. Delimited is the proper format and is the default. Click OK. Name the connection manager Organization Level, and set the filename to C:ProjectsSSISPersonalTrainerOrganizationLevel.txt. You may either type the filename or click the Browse button. If the path C:ProjectsSSISPersonalTrainer does not already exist, you can create the folder in the File Open dialog, which appears after you click on the Browse button. The path must exist prior to running the package or you will get a failure on this step. Also, check the Column names in the first data row option.
Click OK to close the Flat File Connection Manager Editor. Select Mappings in the Flat File Destination Editor. Then Click OK to close the editor.
10. The package is now complete. It uses a variable in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement to determine which rows to load into the flat file. To export rows from a different level of the organization, you simply change the value of the OrgLevel variable. Your package is now reusable. When the package is executed, your results will look like Figure 32-4. Check your output file to ensure it contains rows with OrganizationLevel = 2.

Please select Lesson 32 on the DVD, or online at, to view the video that accompanies this lesson.

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