images Index


3-H principle, 82

3M, 107

4G LTE (4th Generation, Long Term Evolution) devices

in education, 167

in high performance cultures, 141

in small businesses, 155

“20 Under 20” Fellowship Program, 62

24/7 connectivity, 1415

401(k)s, 87

2012 Accenture Consumer Electronics Products and Services Usage Report, 179


Abilene Christian University, 6364

accountability, 7172

addiction to mobile devices, 1415

Advanced Virtual Private Network (VPN), 5


brand management in, 9798

clarity in, 101

Clio Awards for, 9192

clutter of, 92

CMOs in, 103

comparison shopping and, 9899

control issues in, 101102

data mining in, 99100

failing fast in, 102103

history of, 9293

multitasking and, 9596

principles of, 100

purpose of, 102

recruiting reinforcements in, 103

sex in, 104

social media trends in, 96

targeting in, 104

technology trends and, 92

television and, 9394

trust in, 100101

AdvertisingAge, 103

Alcatel-Lucent studies

on American technology adoption, 186

on big data, 33

on brand management, 100101

on BYOD, 166167

on Chinese technology adoption, 178181, 182185

on Chinese workplace culture, 187

on cloud computing, 24, 2629, 154155

on cultures of data-driven actions, 38

on cultures of high performance, 139144

on Human Resources, 79, 8283, 172

on IT departments, 119120, 123129

on IT for small businesses, 152

on IT in China, 182183

on management-employee relations, 7172

on Millenial generation, 6668

on mobile devices for small businesses, 155

on mobile technologies, generally, 78

on mobile workforce, 81, 122

on monitoring mobile devices, 13

on network performance, 125126

on outsourcing IT, 128129

on personal technologies, 167

on privacy, 4243

on skills of college students, 39

on Skype use, 168

on social media in workplace, 122

on targeted advertising, 100

on tech training for educators, 171

on telework, 910, 69

on videoconferencing, 50, 169

on virtual team productivity, 13

Alinean, 117

Amabile, Teresa, 82

in China, 184

cloud outage of, 1921, 29

as cloud provider, 1718

cloud usage by, 24

culture of high performance at, 142

on Google searches, 22

recommendation engine of, 35

relocation of shopping cart by, 102

service level agreements of, 2021

America. See U.S. (United States)

American Apparel, 104

American dream, 148, 158159

American Express surveys, 156

America's Top Ten Admired Companies, 79

AOL, 95, 175

apartments for rent, 38


collaboration at, 53

innovation by, 113

iPads by, 17

iPhones by, 67

in Silicon Valley, 189

architects of new workforce. See workforce transformation

arms race, 174

artificial intelligence systems

in healthcare services, 164

introduction of, 34

research on, 44

AT&T, 63, 155

Atkinson, Robert, 189

audio fingerprints, 96

augmented realities, 96

Aurasma, 96

Avanade, 2223

Aviva Investors, 76


bad hires, 7879

Bain & Company, 135, 138

Ballmer, Steve, 62, 128

baseball teams, 4344

BBDO, 47

BCG (Boston Consulting Group), 15, 105

bean counters, 107

Beane, Billy, 4344

Becton, Dickinson and Company, 85

bees, 57

Berle, Milton, 9394

Bersin, Josh, 80

Bersin & Associates, 80

Best Buy, 153

Best Doctors, 116

Bezos, Jeff, 29

big data. See also data

in education, 165166

in healthcare services, 164165

in small businesses, 156158

studies on, 3334, 4041

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 165

Birch, Leann Lipps, 145

Bird, Brad, 56

Blackberry, 7

bliss points, 46, 55

blogs, 8990

Bloomberg, Michael, 129

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 15, 105

brains of Millenials, 65

brainstorming, 4748

brand management, 9798

breaks for employees, 144

Bregman, Peter, 145

Brewster, Chris, 84

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). See BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

British government, 110

Broadway musicals, 4546

BT, 1112

Bureau of Economic Analysis, 118

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 62, 150

Business Environments, 85

business leadership. See also C-Suite, 3637

business models, 2627

business-connected mobile devices, 34

Businessweek, 103

BuyWithMe, 7576

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

in China, 179183

cloud computing and, 2728

in education, 167168

in healthcare services, 166167

Human Resources and, 80, 86

introduction to, 7

Millenial generation and, 70

in workplace, generally, 1114



CEOs in, 78

CFOs in. See CFOs (Chief Financial Officers)

CIOs in. See CIOs (Chief Information Officers)

CLOs in, 127

CMOs in, 91, 103

IT and, 118119

IT departments and, 130

C&C Landscaping, 156

Cain, Susan, 5354

cancer cures, 174

Capgemini studies

on big data, 3334, 40

on cultures of data-driven actions, 38

cardiac monitoring companies, 19

CareerBuilder, 78

Carnegie Mellon, 62

Carr, Nicholas, 117119, 123124, 153

Case Western Reserve University, 150

cavities, 37

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 3132

Census Bureau, 149

Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, 168

Center for Venture Research, 148

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3132

CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), 78

Ceridian, 86

Cerra, Allison, 6

CFOs (Chief Financial Officers)

as compliance officers, 111, 114115

history of, 105106, 115

innovation and, 110114, 116

internal prediction markets and, 109110

intrapreneurship and, 106107

on IT departments, 120

principles of, 111

rewards by/for, 111

as venture capitalists, 108110

Chally Group, 118119

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 84

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 14

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), 78

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs). See CFOs (Chief Financial Officers)

Chief Legal Officers (CLOs), 127

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs), 91, 103

children, 145


cultural gurus/laggards in, 187

decentralized leadership in, 187

in global market, 188

high performance culture in, 186188

innovation in, 174, 189

IT in, 182183

mobile devices in, 178182

size of workforce in, 175, 177

social networking in, 176178

technology adoption in, 183186

traditionalists in, 187

China Internet Network Information Center, 177

Chisholm, Paul, 153

Chrysler, 97

CIO Magazine, 129

CIOs (Chief Information Officers). See also IT (information technology)

challenges facing, 119120

differentiation and, 125126

diminished funding for, 119

employee relations of, 124125

history of, 118120

political relations of, 126127

security breaches and, 131

Cisco studies, 27

Citibank, 4041, 147

Citigroup, 34, 164

civil war. See education

clarity in advertising, 101

Clausen, Nathan, 150

Clinton, Hilary, 112

Clio Awards, 9192

CLOs (Chief Legal Officers), 127

cloud computing

at Amazon, 1721

business assessment of, 2530

in China, 184

in education, 166168, 171172

fragmentation in, 2324

games in, 30

for healthcare services, 166168

in high performance cultures, 142

IaaS in, 21

latency in, 2122, 25

performance issues in, 2125

private vs. public, 2324

security in, 22, 25, 2829

service level agreements in, 2022, 26

for small businesses, 153155

sprawl of, 23

clutter, 92

CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers), 91, 103

CNBC, 54


brainstorming in, 4748

debate in, 4849

in education, 168

hive mind and, 57

horizontal hierarchies in, 5455

individual vs. team creativity in, 4649, 5354

preexisting relationships in, 4546

principles of, 5156

security of, 5556

socialization tools for, 46

technology trends and, 49

trust in, 5253

videoconferencing for, 5051

in workforce transformation, 67, 70

college education

in China, 178, 183

statistics classes in, 3940

workforce transformation and, 61

Columbia University, 139

“The Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution,” 105

Commonwealth Fund studies, 162163

comparison shopping, 9899


CFOs and, 111, 114115

in healthcare regimes, 170

innovation vs., 114115

comprehension technologies, 66

CompTIA, 166, 169

Compuserve, 175

Computer Economics IT Spending and Staffing Benchmarks, 120

concept searching, 115

confidentiality, 76

Confucianism, 176

Congress, 148

consumer data. See also data, 96100

consumerism in healthcare, 170

context of data, 42

contractual agreements, 5

contrived collaboration, 52

control issues, 101102

Cook, Tim, 7

Cooper, Eric, 154

corporate culture. See cultures of high performance

correlation of data, 37

Council on Foreign Relations, 161

The Creative Group, 96

creep factor, 99

Crews & Associates, 114

Culotta, Aron, 3132

cultural stewardship, 77, 7982, 8889

cultures of data-driven actions, 3839

cultures of high performance

breaks for employees in, 144

in China, 186188

definitions of, 138

dinosaur organizations vs., 140

financial results and, 140141

forward-leaning qualities in, 144

gurus of, 140

HR departments in, 143144

IT departments in, 142143

loss of, 135137

mobile devices in, 141

peer pressures in, 145

personal technologies in, 142

in retail businesses, 146

social media in, 144

stodgy/strict organizations vs., 140

technology in, 139143

top-heavy bureaucracies vs., 140

trust in, 137139, 144

in unrestricted companies, 140

Curriculum Pathways, 39

customer service, 146


Dartmouth College, 151

data. See also big data

business leadership and, 3637

context of, 42

cultures driven by, 3839

enterprises using, generally, 3335

governance of, 42

growth of available, 33

in health care industry, 3132

historical uses of, 3536

interpretation of, 3738, 4344

IT personnel and, 3637

machines and, 44

mining, 99100

in networks, 4142

privacy and, 4243

recruitment of personnel trained in, 3940

risk quotients and, 4041

in social media and economic epidemics, 32

storage for, 4142

structures for, 41

data philanthropy, 43

debate, 4849

decentralized leadership, 187

Deloitte studies

on CFOs, 108

on high performance cultures, 138139

on IT departments, 129

on videoconferencing, 171

Democrats, 147, 174

Department of Commerce, 118

Diaz, Sebastian, 166

Digital Age, 5

Digital Natives, 61, 6573

Dimon, Jamie, 128

dinosaur organizations, 140

Draw Something, 30


in high performance cultures, 142

Millenial generation and, 67, 70

due diligence, 176

Duke Energy, 8788


eating one's young, 128

economic environment, 7677

economic epidemics, 32

economies of scale, 149

The Economist, 105

Economist Intelligence Unit, 33

Edmiston, Kelly, 149, 159


big data in, 165166

BYOD in, 167168

cloud-based services for, 166168

collaboration in, 5152

healthcare services and, 162163

HR in, 171173

IT in, 171173

mobile devices in, 166170

poor quality of, 161162

social media in, 168169

spending vs. results in, 162

technology in, 163

videoconferencing in, 168169

Education Reform and National Security report, 161162

EHRs (electronic health records), 163164

electronic bulletin boards, 175

electronic health records (EHRs), 163164

electronic protected health information (EPHI), 167

Elon University, 66

e-mails, 4546, 115

Emerson Network Power, 19

employer/employee relations, 77

endangered species. See CIOs (Chief Information Officers)

EPHI (electronic protected health information), 167

epidemics, 3132

Espinoza, Ralph, 8990

Espinoza v. County of Orange, 8990

Essentials of Business Ethics, 28

Evault, 121

Exxon, 17



in China, 177

as diversion, 68

in education, 168

founding of, 62

online community on, 175176

small businesses and, 148

in technology trends, 49

failing fast, 102103

Fairchild, 55

Fast Company magazine, 13

Federal Reserve Bank, 149

feedback on work, 71

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 111, 115

financial results, 140141

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), 111, 115

Fire, 17, 20

First International Math Study, 161

Fisher College of Business, 160

flexibility, 6970

Flu Trends, 31, 42

Forbes magazine, 71, 113

Ford, Henry, 105


on IT departments, 128

on smartphones in small businesses, 155

on social media trends, 96

Fortinet, 70, 179

Fortune magazine, 79

forward-leaning qualities, 144

fragmentation, 2324

Franklin, Benjamin, 147, 159

The Fred Allen Show, 93

frequent direction, 72

Friedman, Stephen, 73

Friendster, 175

Fry, Arnold, 8788

Fulkerson, Aaron, 49

functional silos, 37


Gaggle, 168

Gallup Employee Engagement Index, 81

Gallup polls, 147

games, 30

Garrett and Danziger, 45


on advertising, 91

on CFOs, 108109

on IT, 130, 152

on legal oversight, 127

on mobile best practices, 12

on telework, 6

Gates, Bill, 62

Gates Foundation, 165

GECapital, 160

Geek Squad, 153

General Social Survey, 136

Generation X, 73 studies, 46

GigaOM reports, 68

Glaser, John, 35

GlaxoSmithKline, 78

Global Pulse, 32, 43

global race. See China

global ranking of U.S., 174

Goldman Sachs, 135137


on clickthrough rates and results, 102

Correlate by, 3738

Docs by, 67

Earth by, 157

Flu Trends by, 31, 42

innovation by, 113

Prediction Markets by, 109110, 112

in Silicon Valley, 189

Google searches

on cloud computing, 21

timing of completion of, 22

troubleshooting tech issues with, 68

governance of data, 42

government and small businesses, 147148, 158159

GPM (Google Prediction Markets), 109110

GPS technology, 81

Greaner, Jackie, 87

Great Place to Work Institute, 137138, 141

group identity, 176

Groupon, 75

groupthink, 55

guanxi, 176177, 184

guarantees, 114

gurus, 140, 187


harassment, 8990

Harvard Business Review, 106

Harvard Business School

on expertise and innovation, 110

on mobile devices, 14

on mobile workforce, 82

Harvard University

Gates at, 62

on small businesses, 151

Zuckerberg at, 62

Harvey Nash, 119

Hay Group, 75, 78

healthcare services

big data in, 164165

BYOD in, 166167

cloud computing for, 29

cloud-based services for, 166168

data in, 3132

Human Resources and, 85

innovation of Best Doctors in, 116

mobile devices in, 166170

personal technologies in, 167

poor quality of, 162163

small businesses in, 151

social media in, 169170

technology in, 163164, 170171

helicopter parents, 72

Henke, David, 131

Henley Management School, 84

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 139, 144

Hewlett-Packard, 91, 189

high school students, 162

high-performance cultures. See cultures of high performance

hiring, 7779


of advertising, 9293

of CFO position, 105106, 115

of data usage, 3536

hive mind, 57

Hofstede, Geert, 180

Honey Stick Project, 4, 11

horizontal hierarchies, 5455

HR (Human Resources). See Human Resources (HR)

HR Cases, 4

Hsieh, Tony, 146

Hulu, 95

Human Resources (HR)

on corporate reputation, 136

cultural stewardship of, 77, 7982, 8889

employer/employee relations and, 77

engaging employees and, 8183

in high performance cultures, 143144

hiring by, 7779

layoffs and, 7577

legal action and, 77

monitoring employees by, 81

partnership-building by, 8485

policies and procedures by, 80, 8586

principles of, 84

skills gaps and, 8788

technology decisions and, 7980, 83, 86

textual harassment and, 8990

Human Resources Professionals Association, 78

Hupert, Andrew, 176177

Hurst, Erik, 149150


IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 21

Ibielski, Dieter, 159

IBM, 34, 164

ice cream, 37

IDC studies

on big data market, 164

on cloud computing, 22, 25

on IT, 127, 152

on security for small businesses, 154

on volume of data, 31, 36

Identity Shift: Where Identity Meets Technology in the Networked-Community Age, 6

image recognition software, 96

The Incredibles, 56

indirect effects, 159

individual vs. team creativity, 4649, 5354

Information Age, 6

information technology. See IT (information technology)

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 174, 189

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 21

InnoCentive, 110


CFOs and, 106107, 110114, 116

in China, 189

global ranking of U.S. in, 174

in Silicon Valley, 189

Instant Messaging, 65

Interaction Associates, 77

internal prediction markets, 109110

Internet adoption, 95, 177

Internet Security Threat Report, 121

interpretation of data, 3738, 4344

intrapreneurship, 106107


at Abilene Christian University, 63

by Apple, 17

Kindle Fire vs., 17

iPass, 10

iPhones, 67, 63

Ipsos, 149

Ireland, 32

IT (information technology). See also CIOs (Chief Information Officers)

adoption of, 3536

challenges facing, 123

in China, 182183

disconnection of, 120121

in education, 171173

funding for, 117119

future of, 123124, 129130

in high performance cultures, 142143

history of, 118120

Human Resources and, 82, 171173

mobile devices and, 1011, 121122

network management by, 125126

personnel in, 3637

principles for, 124129

security breaches and, 121122, 131

in small businesses, 151

third-party providers of, 118, 120

training professionals in, 3637

upgrading talent in, 128129

“IT Doesn't Matter,” 117118

IT Governance Institute, 25


James, Christina, 6

Jennings, Ken, 34

Jeopardy! 34, 164

Jetta, Kurt, 157158

jobs. See also workforce transformation

Human Resources and, 7779

in mid-sized businesses, 160

in small businesses, 149151

training for, 3940

unemployment vs., 32

Jobs, Steve, 53, 56

Johns Hopkins, 163

Johnson, Dr. Helena, 14

Jones, Ben, 49

Journal of Educational Administration, 51

JP Morgan, 128


Kaiser Family Foundation, 95

Kakaes, Konstantin, 174

Kay, Kevin, 151

Kelleher, Herb, 138

keywords, 114115

Kickstarter, 70

Kindle Fire, 1718, 20

Klein, Amit, 122

Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions, 78

Knorr, Michael, 4041

Koller, Daphne, 165

Korn-Ferry, 117

KPMG studies

on IT departments, 120

on mobile shopping in China, 179

on Silicon Valley vs. China, 189

KRC Research, 97

Krugman, Paul, 112


La Porta, Rafael, 151152

Ladies' Home Journal, 104

laggards, 187

Lang, Andrew, 164


big data and, 41

in cloud computing, 2122, 25

layoffs, 7577

legal issues

Human Resources and, 77, 85

in IT departments, 127

PHI violations and, 166

privacy policies and, 101

in workplace harassment, 8990

Leong, Kon, 114

Library of Congress, 34

LinkedIn, 131, 175176

LivingSocial, 75

lone geniuses, 53

lost mobile devices, 34

Luntz, Frank, 148


Maccabiah Games, 135

machines, 44

Mackay, Dave, 86

Macrae, Norman, 105106, 115

mainframe era, 35

Malone, Carter, 114115

malware, 122123

man vs. machine, 44

marketing. See advertising

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 33, 44

McAfee, Arthur, 44

McCarthy, John, 21

McKinsey studies

on big data, 34

on IT adoption, 3536

on IT labor shortage, 37

on rewards for innovation, 110

MediaPost, 95

meetings as distraction, 46

Mercer, 84

Merriam-Webster, 3

Mesa County, Colorado, 121

MessageLabs Report, 28


Ballmer at, 128

in collaboration market, 4950

founding of, 62

Middle America, 160

mid-sized firms, 160

Millenial generation, 61, 6573

Mindshift Technologies Inc., 153154

MindTouch, 49

minicomputer and PC era, 35

mission-critical applications, 25

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 33, 44

mobile devices

addiction to, 1415

advertising on, 94

in China, 178182

at colleges, 6364

in education, 166170

in healthcare services, 166170

in high performance cultures, 141

introduction to, 14

office space and, 78

productivity issues with, 911, 1314

security of, 1113

in small businesses, 155156

telework on, 49

in Web 2.0 era, 35

in workforce transformation, 6364, 68

Mobile Summit, 95

Moneyball, 4344

monitoring employees

Human Resources and, 81

by IT departments, 121, 124125, 127

trust vs., 1213

Moorman, Lew, 29

MTV, 61, 73


advertising and, 9596

by Millenial generation, 66

in workforce transformation, 69

MySpace, 175


Napster, 175

national security, 161162

Nemeth, Charlan, 48

Net Generation, 61, 6573

Netflix, 20

Networked-Community Age, 6, 67

networks, 4142

New York City, 128

New York Philharmonic, 168

New York Times

on collaboration, 53

on Goldman Sachs, 135

on intrapreneurship, 106

on prediction markets, 112

NewFront, 9596

Newton, Isaac, 110

Nilles, Jack, 4

Ning, 54

“No One Can Win the Future,” 174

“Nobody Knows Anything,” 112

Nokia Windows smartphones, 63

nomophobes, 3

Northwestern University, 45, 49

“Now ‘Intrapreneurship’ is Hot,” 106


Oakland A's, 4344

Obama, President Barak

prediction markets on, 112

on small businesses, 147, 149

State of Union address by, 174

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 162, 173

Ohio State University, 160

One-to-One Institute, 167

Op-Ed articles, 135136

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 162, 173

Osborn, Alex, 4648

outsourcing IT

innovation and, 117118

by small businesses, 152153

studies on, 128129

Ovum, 50


PA Consulting Group, 119

PaaS (platform-as-a-service), 25

Partners HealthCare, 35

partnership building, 8485

PC and minicomputer era, 35

peer pressures, 145

Penguin Young Readers Group, 168

Perche, Patrice, 179

performance issues, 2125

Perlow, Leslie, 1415

personal health information (PHI), 166

personal technologies. See also BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), 38, 142

Pew Research Center, 62, 66

Pfizer, 121

PHI (personal health information), 166

phobias, 3

Piper Jaffray, 111

Pixar, 56

platform-as-a-service (PaaS), 25

Playstation, 107

policies and procedures, 27, 80, 8586

Post-It notes, 107

Prediction Markets, 109112

preexisting relationships, 4546

prescriptions, 1112

print media, 9293

privacy, 4243, 101

private vs. public cloud computing, 2324

prize money, 111

Prodigy, 175

productivity. See also cultures of high performance, 911

profitability, 100

progress, 82

Project RED, 167

Project Tomorrow studies, 172

public education. See education

public vs. private cloud computing, 2324

Pugsley, Ben, 149150

PwC, 125


Q factor, 4546

QR Codes, 96

quantity vs. quality, 47

quarantining disease vs. patient, 1112

Quinn, Patrick, 95

quitting jobs, 135136


Race Against the Machine, 44

Rackspace, 29

radio, 93

radioactivity, 103

Ratatouille, 56

Reagan, President Ronald, 161

recommendation engines, 35

recruiting reinforcements, 103

recruiting trained personnel, 3940

redundancy, 1920, 102

re-mirroring storms, 19

remote workers. See also telework, 9

Republicans, 147148, 174

reputation of enterprises, 136

retail businesses, 146

reverse mentoring, 73

rewards, 111

RFID technology, 81

risks, 4041, 148149

robots, 44

Rodgers, Rich, 153154

Romney, Mitt, 147148

Rutter, Brad, 34


SaaS (software-as-a-service), 25

salaries, 61

San Antonio Food Bank, 154

Sandberg, Sheryl, 148

SAS, 39

Sawyer, Keith, 47

SBA (Small Business Administration), 148

Schleifer, Andreas, 151152, 173

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), 39, 129

screen slaves, 1415

Securelist, 11


in cloud computing, 22, 25, 2829

of collaboration, 5556

of healthcare information, 167

IT departments and, 124125

at LinkedIn, 131

of mobile devices, 1113

semiconductor memory devices, 55

service level agreements (SLAs), 2022, 26

Seton Hall University, 6264

sex, 104

Shane, Scott, 150, 158159

shark attacks, 37

shazaming commercials, 96

Sheriff's Department, 121

Shields, Brooke, 104

shopping online, 179

Shore, Nick, 73

shortage of trained professionals, 61

showrooming, 9798

Silicon Valley, 189

“silicon-gate” technique, 55

siloing the cloud, 2526

skills gaps, 8788

skirt lengths, 37


classroom services by, 168

collaboration on, 49

Millenial generation and, 67, 70

SLAs (service level agreements), 2022, 26

Sleeping with Your Smartphone: How to Break the 24/7 Habit and Change the Way You Work, 1314

Sloan Management Review, 106, 109

Small Business Administration (SBA), 148

Small Business and Entrepreneur Council, 155

small businesses

as America dream, 148, 158159

big data and, 156158

cloud services for, 153155

economies of scale in, 149

government and, 147148, 158159

IT in, 151

jobs in, 149151

mid-sized firms vs., 160

mobile devices in, 155156

risks facing, 148149

Smartphone Honey Stick Project, 4, 11


in China, 179

comparison shopping on, 97

security of, 1113

at Seton Hall University, 63

in small businesses, 155

telework on, 39

Smith, Greg, 135137

smoothification, 73

SMS messages, 11

social buying, 75

social capital, 52

social media

in advertising, 94, 96, 102

in education, 168169

epidemics and, 3132

in healthcare services, 169170

in high performance cultures, 144

social networking

in China. See China

emergence of, 175176

guanxi in, 176177

in workforce transformation, 6465, 67

socialization tools, 46

softness in employee relations, 83

software-as-a-service (SaaS), 25

Sony Playstation, 107

Sorrell, Martin, 108

South Korea, 163

Southeastern Louisiana University, 31

Southwest Airlines, 79, 138

Spencer Stuart, 103

Squires, David, 162

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 165

Stanford University, 135, 181

statistics classes, 3940

Stehlik, Mark, 62

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), 39, 129

stock market, 37, 138

stodgy/strict organizations, 140

storage, 4142

storytellers. See also advertising, 92

Sullivan, Ed, 93

support agreements, 12

Sykes, Hollister B., 106


Internet Security Threat Report by, 121

MessageLabs Report by, 28

Smartphone Honey Stick Project by, 4


tablets, 17

TABS Group, 157

Target, 99, 157

targeting, 104

Taylor, Michael, 63

team work

in high performance cultures, 136

in IT departments, 124

on mobile devices, 10, 1314

technology trends

advertising and, 92

in China, 183186

collaboration and, 49

communication technologies in, 5

in education, 163

in healthcare services, 163164, 170171

in high performance cultures, 139143

Human Resources and, 7980, 83, 86

Millenial generation and, 6668

salaries in, 61

in workforce transformation, 7071

telemedicine, 169

television, 9394

telework. See also workforce transformation

in China, 180181

introduction of, 39

mobile devices in, 6364, 68

studies on, 910, 69

Tesaro Inc., 153154

textual harassment, 8990

Theil, Peter, 62

Third Annual Healthcare IT Insights and Opportunities, 166

third-party consumer data, 9798

Threadless, 113

tightrope walkers. See Human Resources (HR)

time distribution, 5

Time magazine, 69

top-heavy bureaucracies, 140

Towers Watson, 87

traditionalists, 187

traffic congestion, 48


in advertising, 100101

in collaboration, 5253

in employer/employee relations, 77

in high performance cultures, 137139, 144

Trusteer, 122

Tschannen-Moran, Megan, 5152


Chrysler's blunder on, 97

epidemics and, 3132

Millenial generation and, 70


“Underemployed,” 73

unemployment, 32, 73

United Nations, 32, 43

United States (U.S.). See U.S. (United States)

University of California, 48

University of Chicago, 149

University of Illinois, 145

University of New Hampshire, 148

University of Pennsylvania, 33

University of Southern California, 4

unrestricted companies, 140

Uruguay, 163

U.S. (United States)

Bureau of Economic Analysis, 118

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 62, 150

Census Bureau, 149

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3132

China vs. See China

Department of Commerce, 118

education in. See education

Education Reform and National Security report, 161162

innovation in, 174

Library of Congress, 34

unemployment in, 32


U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 189

Uzzi, Brian, 4546, 55


Varvaris, John, 116

venture capitalists. See also CFOs (Chief Financial Officers), 108110

Verizon, 122


in China, 184

for collaboration, 5051

in education, 168169

in healthcare services, 169171

virtual machines (VMs), 21

viruses, 122123

Visage Mobile, 7

VMs (virtual machines), 21

vocabulary size, 37

Voice-over-IP, 5

VPN (Virtual Private Network), 5


Wall Street Journal, 61, 108

Washington, D.C., 189

Washington University, 47

Watson system, 34, 44, 164

weight gain, 3738

WellPoint Inc., 164

Wharton School of Business, 138, 141

Whittemore School of Business and Economics, 148

Willard, Nancy, 168

Wired magazine, 17, 29

Woodbury Soap, 104

work locations, 4

workforce transformation

accountability in, 7172

in China. See China

collaboration in, 67, 70

college education and, 61

feedback in, 71

flexibility and, 6970

Millenial generation in, 6573

mobile devices and, 6364, 68

MTV and, 73

multitasking in, 69

principles of, 69

social networking in, 6465, 67

structures for, 7172

technology in, 7071

troubleshooting by, 68

workplace harassment, 8990

World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises, 159

World Wide Web, 175

Wozniak, Steve, 53

WPP Group PLC, 108


Yahoo! 95, 149

Yale University, 47

Yammer, 49

Yankelovich, 92

Your Creative Power, 4647


Zappos, 146

ZL Technologies, 114115

Zuckerberg, Mark, 62

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