
For more than 15 years now, security practitioners around the world have been pursuing a well-known and highly regarded professional credential: the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.

And security-minded companies have been actively seeking individuals who have earned the coveted CISSP certification. It has surpassed the demand for many vendor-sponsored technical certifications and is widely held as the professional standard in the information security field.

With more than 75,000 CISSPs worldwide, some have argued that, because more people have earned it, the CISSP certification is becoming less relevant. However, the CISSP certification isn’t less relevant because more people are attaining it — more people are attaining it because it’s now more relevant than ever. Information security is far more important than at any time in the past because more organizations are using information systems in increasingly complex ways to support increasingly critical business processes — and the threats to information security have become increasingly sophisticated.

Most organizations today understand that information security needs to be a part of their overall business strategy. They also realize that security at the detail level is much more difficult, as businesses have adopted increasingly complex application environments. The CISSP certification covers both ends of this broad spectrum, and everything in between.

Protecting information-related assets has always been important, but for many organizations information security was optional. These days, organizations and businesses of all sizes — in all industries — are legally required to protect their information assets. Organizations are now past the point of deciding whether or not information protection is needed; now they need to understand how to protect their information assets. Experienced security professionals with the CISSP certification understand this complex task.

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