Remaining an Active (ISC)² Member

Besides volunteering (see the following section), you can participate in several other activities, including voting in annual elections and attending the annual meeting and other events:

check.png Vote in (ISC)² elections. Every year, the election for the (ISC)² Board of Directors takes place. Board members serve three-year terms, and every year, one-third of the members are re-elected. In any democracy, eligible voters need to participate in the election process; this concept is just as true for the (ISC)² board. If you maintain your contact information with (ISC)², you receive notifications of upcoming elections.

check.png Attend the (ISC)² annual meeting. Each year, the (ISC)² annual meeting takes place. In the annual meeting, Board of Directors election results are announced, along with any voted changes in bylaws, a reading of the treasurer’s report, and other items of business. (ISC)² bestows awards and honors on worthy recipients.

check.png Attend (ISC)² events. (ISC)² conducts several events each year, from networking receptions to conferences and educational events. Check back regularly on the (ISC)² website to find out more about events in your area.

check.png Join an (ISC)² chapter. (ISC)² is forming chapters around the world, much as other organizations like ISSA have been doing for years. You can find out more at . In a chapter environment you will find many opportunities to get involved, including chapter leadership, participation in chapter activities, and participation in community outreach projects.

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