7.3 Informative stopping rules

7.3.1 An example on capture and recapture of fish

A stopping rule s is said to be informative if its distribution depends on θ in such a way that it conveys information about θ in addition to that available from the values of  . The point of this section is to give a non-trivial example of an informative stopping rule; the example is due to Roberts (1967).

Consider a capture–recapture situation for a population of fish in a lake. The total number N of fish is unknown and is the parameter of interest (i.e. it is the θ of the problem). It is known that R of the fish have been captured tagged and released, and we shall write S for the number of untagged fish. Because S=NR and R is known, we can treat S as the unknown parameter instead of N, and it is convenient to do so. A random sample of n fish is then drawn (without replacement) from the lake. The sample yields r tagged fish and S=NR untagged ones.

Assume that there is an unknown probability  of catching each fish independently of each other. Then the stopping rule is given by the binomial distribution as

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so that  is a nuisance parameter such that  . Note that this stopping rule is informative, because it depends on N=R+S.

Conditional on R, N,  and n, the probability of catching r tagged fish out of n=r+s is given by the hypergeometric distribution

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Because we know r and s if and only if we know r and n, it follows that

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7.3.2 Choice of prior and derivation of posterior

We assume that not much is known about the number of the fish in the lake a priori, and we can represent this by an improper prior

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On the other hand, in the process of capturing the first sample R for tagging, some knowledge will have been gained about the probability  of catching a fish. Suppose that this knowledge can be represented by a beta prior, so that  , that is,

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independently of S. It follows that

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It follows that for given  the distribution of S is such that Ss has a negative binomial distribution  (see Appendix A). Summing over S from s to  , it can also be seen that

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so that the posterior for  is  .

To find the unconditional distribution of S, it is necessary to integrate the joint posterior for S and  over  . It can be shown without great difficulty that the result is that

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where  is the usual beta function. This distribution is sometimes known as the beta-Pascal distribution, and its properties are investigated by Raiffa and Schlaifer (1961, Section 7.11). It follows from there that the posterior mean of S is

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from which the posterior mean of N follows as N=R+S.

7.3.3 The maximum likelihood estimator

A standard classical approach would seek to estimate S or equivalently N by the maximum likelihood estimator, that is, by the value of N which maximizes

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Now it is easily shown that

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and this increases as a function of S until it reaches unity when (r+s)S=(R+S)s and then decreases, so that the maximum likelihood estimator of S is

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7.3.4 Numerical example

As a numerical example, suppose that the original catch was R = 41 fish and that the second sample results in r = 8 tagged and s = 24 untagged fish. Suppose further that the prior for the probability  of catching a fish is  , so that

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(so that  and  ). Then the posterior mean of S is

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and hence that of N is  , that is, 41+199=240. On the other hand, the same data with a reference prior  for  (i.e.  ) results in a posterior mean for S of

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and hence that of N is 41+161.5=202.5.

Either of these answers is notably different from the maximum likelihood answer that a classical statistician would be likely to quote, which is

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resulting in  . The conclusion is that an informative stopping rule can have a considerable impact on the conclusions, and (though this is scarcely surprising) that prior beliefs about the nuisance parameter  make a considerable difference.

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