Chapter 7
Errors and Debugging

A truth that many JavaScript books won’t tell you is that JavaScript is a tough language to get right the first time.

By now you should have a fairly solid feel for JavaScript as a language, and how to use things like event listeners and the DOM API to enrich the web sites you build. But if you’ve actually tried to write an original script of your own, chances are that you came away feeling humbled, and maybe even a little angry.

That frustration’s probably due, in part at least, to the fact that JavaScript, like all languages that run in the browser, is designed to fail silently by default. When things go wrong in the code you write, there’s no point in shouting about it to your hapless visitors, so browsers just quietly set aside broken scripts and ignore them. The instructions in this chapter will show you how to get the browser to speak up, so you can find out about JavaScript errors as they happen.

However, even once you can see the error messages, you’ll likely find that most JavaScript errors aren’t all that helpful—especially if you’re new to the language. Most of them are written in “programmer-ese,” or complain about a perfectly good part of the code when the problem is actually elsewhere. So we’ll spend some time in this chapter deciphering the most common error messages you’re likely to encounter, and what they really mean.

With those tools tucked in your belt, you should be able track down problems that the browser can detect for you. But you might still have occasion to wonder why on earth your carefully scripted code (which is perfectly fine, as far as the browser is concerned) is behaving the way it is. With the right tools, you can track a problem in your code to its source, even stepping through your JavaScript code a line at a time if necessary.

Nothing Happened!

It isn’t very encouraging to spend two hours piecing together the ultimate script full of whizz-bang effects only to fire up your browser and have nothing happen; but when you’re first writing a new script, that’s usually your first hint that something has gone wrong—nothing happens.

The good news is that, if you’ve done your job right, the fact that the JavaScript fails silently means that your plain HTML/CSS can work on its own, and a user need never know that your code isn’t working right. See? The browser’s just looking after your reputation! This isn’t much help when you’re trying to find out why the script isn’t working, though.

When you’re working on your JavaScript code, then, you should configure your browser of choice to let you know about JavaScript errors when they happen. Depending on which browser you’re dealing with (and of course, you will eventually need to test as many as possible), the procedure is different.

Firefox has a very nice error console that you can access by selecting Tools > Error Console. This opens the window shown in Figure 7.1. The console displays not only JavaScript errors, but errors in your CSS code, and even so-called chrome errors generated internally by the browser (usually after you’ve installed a buggy browser extension).

The Firefox Error Console

Figure 7.1. The Firefox Error Console

As you can see, the Firefox error console displays more than just errors:


problems with your code that prevented the browser from continuing to run the script


problems with your code that the browser was able to work around, but which may indicate that the script isn’t doing what you expect it to


notes from your code that tell you what it’s doing, usually only used as a debugging tool by browser extension developers—you won’t see many of these

For each entry in the console, the specific file and line number that generated the notification will be displayed. Depending on the nature of the entry, the error console may even show you the line in question, with a little arrow pointing to the exact code that generated the entry.

When you’re trying to track down a problem in your code, you’ll usually start by opening the error console and clicking the Clear button to empty out the backlog of entries that may be displayed. Then you can reload the page in your main browser window and note the notifications that appear in the error console. If there are a lot of notifications, you might start by clicking the Errors button to see only the most severe errors, and concentrate on fixing them first, before returning to the All view to fix the less serious issues.

Opera’s error console, shown in Figure 7.2, works very much like Firefox’s. You can get to it by clicking Tools > Advanced > Error Console.

The Opera Error Console

Figure 7.2. The Opera Error Console

The two drop-down menus at the bottom of this window are the key to seeing just the notifications that interest you. The first controls the source of the notifications that will be displayed, and you can choose JavaScript from this menu if you want to filter out things like HTML and CSS errors while working on a script. The second drop-down works much like the notification filtering buttons in Firefox’s error console, enabling you to set the severity of the entries that are displayed in the console. The default selection, Messages, will allow messages, warnings, and errors to be displayed.

Useful error messages are harder to find in Internet Explorer. To see them, you need to open the Internet Options window (Tools > Internet Options), then, on the Advanced tab, look for the Display a notification about every script error option, under Browsing. Make sure it’s checked, as shown in Figure 7.3.

Enabling JavaScript errors in Internet Explorer

Figure 7.3. Enabling JavaScript errors in Internet Explorer

Once this option is set, you’ll be notified the moment a JavaScript error has occurred, with a remarkably unhelpful message box similar to that shown in Figure 7.4.

A JavaScript error notification in Internet Explorer

Figure 7.4. A JavaScript error notification in Internet Explorer

The only part of this window that you should really pay attention to is the line that begins with Error:. All the other information in this dialog (including the line and character numbers) is usually wrong. Heck, as of Internet Explorer 7, even the message at the top of this window was wrong! If you uncheck the Always display this message when a page contains errors checkbox, the warning icon in the status bar that it mentions will not actually be displayed.

As you can see, finding and fixing JavaScript errors in Internet Explorer is not easy. There are tools that can make it a little easier, but because most JavaScript problems will affect all browsers, you’re usually better off doing your JavaScript development in a different browser, and using Internet Explorer’s JavaScript error reporting as a last resort for problems specific to that browser.

To access Safari’s error console, you need to enable a hidden feature of that browser. Open a Terminal window and type:

defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

Press Enter, then quit the Terminal application. When you next launch Safari, you’ll see a new Debug menu next to the Help menu. Make sure the Log JavaScript Exceptions option is checked in the menu, as shown in Figure 7.5, then click Show JavaScript Console to bring up the error console shown in Figure 7.6.

Safari’s hidden Debug menu

Figure 7.5. Safari’s hidden Debug menu

Safari’s Error Console

Figure 7.6. Safari’s Error Console

You’ll note that, of the four browsers we’ve discussed in this section, Safari provides the tersest and least helpful error messages. It generally gets the file name and line number right, at least.

Now that you can see JavaScript error messages, you need to learn how to interpret them.

Common Errors

Every browser has its own particular dialect for JavaScript error messages. Almost invariably, Firefox produces the most sensible and helpful messages of current browsers, so your best bet when faced with a confusing message is to open your page in Firefox to see what its error console says.

Three kinds of errors can occur in JavaScript:

  • syntax errors

  • runtime errors

  • logic errors

Only the first two produce error messages.

Syntax Errors

A syntax error is caused when your code violates the fundamental rules (or syntax) of the JavaScript language. It’s the browser’s way of saying, “Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” Of the errors that the browser will tell you about, syntax errors are the easiest to fix, but the hardest to spot in your code.

Here’s a simple script that contains a number of syntax errors:

 1 // This script contains four syntax errors
 2 var MyScript = {
 3   init: function
 4   {
 5     MyScript.doSomething();
 6   }
 7   doSomething: function()
 8   {
 9     alert("Hold onto your "hat"!");
10     \ something happens
11   }
12 };
14 Core.start(MyScript);

If you load a page that links to this script (like syntax.html in the code archive) in Firefox, the error console will display the error message shown in Figure 7.7.

The first syntax error Firefox error console syntax errors

Figure 7.7. The first syntax error

Because the browser gives up on trying to make sense of your script when it runs into a syntax error, you’ll only ever be notified about the first syntax error in a given script. As you can see, the error message in this case is “missing ( before formal parameters,” and the browser ran into this error when it hit the opening brace ({) on line four of syntax.js.

Looking back at the script, it may not be immediately obvious to you what the problem is. The brace is certainly in the right place, and is required to mark the start of the init method’s body, so why is the browser complaining about it? And what are “formal parameters” anyway?

The real problem here occurs on the previous line: the parentheses that must follow the function keyword were left out! These parentheses enclose the list of arguments for the function (also known as formal parameters), and are required. Here’s what the corrected code looks like:

 3   init: function()
 4   {
 5     MyScript.doSomething();

It turns out that most syntax errors occur when the browser was expecting one thing, but ran into something else instead. In this case, it was expecting an opening parenthesis ((), and encountered an opening brace ({) instead. That’s why the error message points to the innocent-looking brace.

Usually, the error message will tell you what the browser expected to find instead (in this case, it complains about the “missing (”), but if the message doesn’t make sense to you, a good tactic is to look at what immediately precedes the place in your code where the error occurred, and try to identify what you might’ve left out.

If you fix this error and reload the page, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to try out this technique when you see the error message shown in Figure 7.8.

Another syntax error Firefox error console syntax errors

Figure 7.8. Another syntax error

Can you find the problem? Again, the browser is complaining about a missing character—in this case a closing brace (})—but if you look at the line before the error, there’s a closing brace there already!

syntax.js (excerpt)
 6   }
 7   doSomething: function()

Why is the browser complaining about a missing closing brace? Well, because it thinks you need another closing brace. Now why would it think something like that?

The error message says “missing } after property list” because what we’re doing at this point in our code is building an object (MyScript) by providing a list of its properties and methods. At the end of that list, we’d normally end the object declaration with a closing brace, but judging by the error message, JavaScript thinks we meant the object to end right here, on line seven.

Looking at the code in this light, you can probably spot what’s wrong: because the first method (init) isn’t followed by a comma (,), the browser doesn’t know that we want to declare a second, and falsely assumes that this is the end of the object declaration. To fix this error, we must add the missing comma:

 6   },
 7   doSomething: function()

This case highlights the fact that error messages are often just the browser’s best guess at what you meant to say with your code. In an ideal world, the message would have said something like “missing } after property list, unless you’re declaring another property, in which case you’re missing a comma,” but unfortunately browsers just aren’t that smart (yet). It’s up to you to notice when an error message is based on a false assumption on the browser’s part, and act accordingly.

If you fix this error and reload the page, you’ll see another example error, as depicted in Figure 7.9. This is an easy one, so see if you can figure it out before reading on.

Yet another syntax error

Figure 7.9. Yet another syntax error

From the error message, when the browser reached the “h” in “hat,” it actually expected a closing parenthesis ()), because it thought it had reached the end of the argument list for the alert function call. Why would it think that in the middle of an argument?

Again, look at the code that immediately precedes the error for an explanation. Just before the “h” is a double quote ("), which the browser interprets as the end of the string "Hold onto your "—the first argument in your alert function call. After this argument, it expects either a comma (,) followed by the next argument, or a closing parenthesis to complete the list of arguments. The error message assumes you meant to choose the latter option.

Of course, in this case, you meant neither—you don’t actually want that double quote to signal the end of the first argument! To fix this, escape the double quotes in the string with backslashes:

 9     alert("Hold onto your "hat"!");

Figure 7.10 shows the final error that the browser will trip over in this script.

Guess what! (Yes—it’s another syntax error) Firefox error console syntax errors

Figure 7.10. Guess what! (Yes—it’s another syntax error)

Okay, I threw you a bone with this one. Just to show you that it does happen now and then, this error message says exactly what it means. The backslash at the start of the line is termed an illegal character, which is a fancy way of saying “Get a grip—you’re not even allowed to type a backslash here!”

The problem, of course, is that comments must be preceded by a double slash, not a double backslash:

10     // something happens

As you can see, once you’ve figured out where you went wrong, syntax errors are easy to fix, but the error messages that the browser displays can often be misleading. Usually it comes down to a forgotten character or two, or accidentally using one type of bracket when you meant to use another.

The good news is that the more JavaScript you write, the more familiar you’ll become with the nitty-gritty details of the language, and the fewer syntax errors you’ll be likely to run into.

Runtime Errors

Runtime errors occur when a perfectly valid piece of JavaScript code tries to do something that it’s not allowed to do, or that is flat out impossible. These errors are so named because they occur while the script is actually running. Unlike syntax error messages, the messages produced by runtime errors tend to be right on the money. The trick is figuring out why the error occurred.

This script contains a number of runtime errors:

 1 // This script contains three runtime errors
 2 var MyScript = {
 3   init: function()
 4   {
 5     var example = document.getElementsById("example");
 7     for (var i = 0; i < example.length; i++)
 8     {
 9       Core.addEventListener(example[i], "click", doSomething);
10     }
12     var links = documents.getElementsByTagName("a");
13     var firstLink = links[0];
15     if (firstLink && firstLink.className == "")
16     {
17       alert("The first link has no class assigned to it!");
18     }
19   },
20   doSomething: function(event)
21   {
22     alert("Hold onto your "hat"!");
23   }
24 };
26 Core.start(MyScript);

Once again, fire up Firefox and load the corresponding HTML file (runtime.html) to see the first error produced by this script—it’s shown in Figure 7.11.

A runtime error … how novel!

Figure 7.11. A runtime error … how novel!

As you can see, runtime errors look just like syntax errors, except that the error console doesn’t show the line of code that caused a runtime error.

An “is not a function” error usually indicates that you’ve misspelled the name of the function or method that you’re trying to call, or that the function or method that you’re trying to call simply doesn’t exist.

As a newcomer to JavaScript, you’ll probably see this message a lot—especially if you aren’t used to the case-sensitive nature of JavaScript. Attempting to call Alert instead of alert, for example, will produce this error message. But it can happen in more subtle cases too, like calling a string method like toLowerCase on a text node (which isn’t a string), rather than the nodeValue of the text node (which is).

In this example, the cause is far simpler: the developer has tried to call a method called getElementsById when there is no such method. The method the developer was probably thinking of is getElementById (without the “s”). Since you can only have one element with a given ID in a document, it wouldn’t make sense for there to be a method called getElementsById.

The fix in this case is trivial:

 5     var example = document.getElementById("example");

But it turns out that fixing this problem actually causes another runtime error, shown in Figure 7.12.

A runtime error that’s slightly less clear

Figure 7.12. A runtime error that’s slightly less clear

A “has no properties” error means that you’re trying to treat something that isn’t an object as if it were an object, by trying to access a property or method on something that has neither.

The most common cause of this error is a method that normally returns an object (like getElementById) returning null, JavaScript’s special “no object” value. If your code assumes that an object would be returned and treats the returned value as such, you’ll end up with an error like this.

In this case, the error is being caused by the following line of code:

runtime.js (excerpt)
 7     for (var i = 0; i < example.length; i++)

If you check runtime.html, you’ll see that there isn’t actually an element with ID example, so the getElementById call we just fixed above returns null, and when this for loop tries to read the length property of that null value, it produces the error message we’re looking at now.

Apparently, whoever wrote this script assumed that the fictitious getElementsById method would return an empty array if it didn’t find any elements with the specified ID. Since getElementById returns either a single element node or null, we need to replace the for loop with an if statement:

 3   init: function()
 4   {
 5     var example = document.getElementsById("example");
 7     if (example)
 8     {
 9       Core.addEventListener(example, "click", doSomething);
10     }

With that fixed, Figure 7.13 shows the last runtime error in this script.

A runtime error that’s easy to fix

Figure 7.13. A runtime error that’s easy to fix

An “is not defined” error is about as easy an error to fix as there is. Like the “is not a function” error we saw earlier, it usually results from a simple typing mistake, but rather than a misspelled function or method name, “is not defined” indicates you’ve tried to use a variable or property that doesn’t exist.

In this case, the error is really straightforward:

runtime.js (excerpt)
12     var links = documents.getElementsByTagName("a");

As you can see, the developer has simply misspelled document as documents.

Fix this error, and the script will successfully display the alert message, “The first link has no class assigned to it!”

Logic Errors

Logic errors aren’t so much errors as they are bugs in your script. The code runs fine as it was written—it just doesn’t behave the way you expected it to when you wrote it. These kinds of errors can be devilishly difficult to find because as far as the browser’s concerned the script is working just fine, so you never see an error message.

Since every logic error is different, each one presents a new challenge. Just in case you’re not entirely clear what a logic error is, here’s a script with a few logic errors in it:

 1 // This script contains three logic errors
 2 var MyScript = {
 3   init: function()
 4   {
 5     var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
 6     var exampleLinks = [];
 7     for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
 8     {
 9       if (links[i].className = "Example")
10       {
11         Core.addEventListener(
12             links[i], "click", MyScript.doSomething);
13         exampleLinks[exampleLinks.length] = links[i];
14         i--;
15       }
16     }
17   },
18   doSomething: function(event)
19   {
20     alert("Hold onto your "hat"!");
21   }
22 };
24 Core.start(MyScript);

This script is supposed to find and build an array that contains all links in the document that have a class attribute of example, and assign to each one the doSomething method as a click event listener.

Due to what could be described as a perfect storm of logic errors, this script actually attempts to set the class attribute of every link in the document to Example, but only gets as far as setting the first one in the document before going into an infinite loop that hangs the browser. Nice, huh?

If it’s any consolation, you’d have to be pretty unlucky to innocently produce a script with so serious a combination of logic errors as this. However, taken in isolation, each of the logic errors in this script is a reasonably common bug of the type you may run into when writing your own scripts.

The most serious problem in the script is the infinite loop, which is just about as bad a problem as you’ll ever create with a logic error. Older browsers would become completely unresponsive, and would have to be forcibly terminated by the user in the event of an infinite loop. These days, browsers will detect when a script has been running for a long time, and will display a message like the one shown in Figure 7.14, which offers to stop the script and return control to the user.

The prompt an infinite loop will produce (eventually)

Figure 7.14. The prompt an infinite loop will produce (eventually)

Let’s start by fixing this problem. Here’s the code responsible for the infinite loop:

logic.js (excerpt)
12         exampleLinks[exampleLinks.length] = links[i];
13         i--;

When the script has discovered a link that it wants to add to the exampleLinks array, it does so with the first of these two statements. Unfortunately, the developer seems to have suffered a brain fart, and assumed that adding a reference to the link to the end of the exampleLinks array would remove it from the node list stored in links. In an effort to compensate for this imagined loss of an item from links, the developer has decremented the counter variable with the second statement (i--;).

In fact, the link remains in the links node list, and all the decrementing i achieves is to cause the for loop to process the same link over and over again—our infinite loop.

We can avoid the infinite loop simply by removing the second statement:

 7     for (var i = 0; i != links.length; i++)
 8     {
 9       if (links[i].className = "Example")
10       {
11         Core.addEventListener(
12             links[i], "click", MyScript.doSomething);
13         exampleLinks[exampleLinks.length] = links[i];
14       }
15     }

Run this corrected code, and the next thing you’ll discover is that the click event listener is assigned to every link in the document. Behind the scenes, the exampleLinks array is also filled with all the links in the page. What’s causing this issue?

The source of this bug is an extremely common mistake made by JavaScript beginners, who will often confuse the assignment operator (=) with the equality operator (==). See it now?

logic.js (excerpt)
 9       if (links[i].className = "Example")

The condition in this if statement is supposed to be checking if the className property has a value equal to "Example", but the developer has mistakenly used the assignment operator (=) here, causing this code to set the value of className to "Example". An assignment statement used as a condition like this evaluates to the assigned value ("Example"), and since any non-empty string is considered “true,” the if statement will execute for every link it processes. The solution, of course, is to use the correct operator:

 9       if (links[i].className == "Example")

Run this modified code, however, and you’ll suddenly find that the event listener isn’t assigned to any of the links in the page—not even the first one in this paragraph:

logic.html (excerpt)
    <p>This is an <a href=""
          class="example">example</a>, but this
      <a href="">is not</a>.</p>

This one’s pretty obvious. The if statement is looking for a className of "Example" (capital “E”), but the class attribute of the link is example (lowercase “e”). Class names are case-sensitive, so we need to make sure the script matches the actual class value in the document:

 9       if (links[i].className == "example")

Now be honest: how many of those errors could you have spotted without my help, based only on the behavior of the browser? And if you thought spotting logic errors in someone else’s code was difficult, just wait till you’re sitting in front of your own code armed only with the absolute conviction that your code is perfect in every way!

In the absence of error messages, you need a specialized tool to help you track down logic errors like the ones we’ve just seen.

Debugging with Firebug

In the past, the most common approach to resolving logic errors in JavaScript code was liberal use of the alert function. If you’re expecting a for loop to run five times, you can stick an alert on the first line inside the loop and see if the browser displays five alert boxes when you load the page. If it does, you move the alert call somewhere else, to test another theory about why your script might be misbehaving.

Sound tedious? It is.

At the time of writing, a much more powerful (not to mention sane) approach is to use a JavaScript debugger, and by far the best debugger around is Firebug. Firebug is a free extension for Firefox that adds to the browser a panel containing a rich set of tools for diagnosing problems with your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can download and install it from the Firebug web site, shown in Figure 7.15.

Getting Firebug

Figure 7.15. Getting Firebug

Let me show you how to use Firebug to track down the infinite loop that we fixed in the previous section:

  1. Open the page in your browser, and wait for the “Unresponsive Script” warning. Click Stop script.

  2. Hit F12, or click the new Firebug status icon at the bottom of the browser window to open the Firebug panel, shown in Figure 7.16, at the bottom of your browser.

    The Firebug panel

    Figure 7.16. The Firebug panel

  3. Since Firebug slows your browser’s performance, it’s disabled by default. Click either of the Enable Firebug links to enable Firebug. The first thing you’ll see is the Console tab pictured in Figure 7.17.

    The Console tab Firebug console tab

    Figure 7.17. The Console tab

    Like Firefox’s error console, Firebug’s Console tab will display JavaScript and CSS errors. It will also display useful information about Ajax requests, which you’ll learn about in the next chapter, if you select Show XMLHttpRequests on the Options menu. You can type any JavaScript statement or expression into the command line at the bottom of the tab, and Firebug will execute it in the currently displayed page and display the result in the console.

  4. To fix the infinite loop in this page, however, we need something more powerful than the Console tab. Click the Script tab to see Firebug’s JavaScript debugger, which is depicted in Figure 7.18.

    The Script tab

    Figure 7.18. The Script tab

  5. The debugger lets you pause the execution of your scripts and step through them one line at a time, observing the values of variables and the structure of the DOM as you go. Since the problem is likely to be in the logic.js file, start by selecting it from the drop-down menu at the top of the Firebug tab, as shown in Figure 7.19.

    Selecting the file to debug Firebug selecting the file to debug

    Figure 7.19. Selecting the file to debug

  6. Firebug now displays the code of the logic.js file. We can tell by the way the browser is hanging that we’re dealing with an infinite loop, and the only loop in the code is the for loop on line 7, so click in the gutter next to that line number, as shown in Figure 7.20. This sets a breakpoint, represented by a red circle, which tells the debugger to pause the execution of your script when it reaches that line.

    Setting a breakpoint

    Figure 7.20. Setting a breakpoint

  7. With your breakpoint in place, reload the page. As Figure 7.21 indicates, a yellow arrow will appear on top of the breakpoint to indicate that execution of the script has been paused at that line. The Watch tab in the debugger’s right-hand pane will also show the local variables that exist on that line, and their current values.

    Pausing execution Firebug pausing execution

    Figure 7.21. Pausing execution

    While the debugger is paused, you can click one of the four buttons at the top of the Firebug panel to control the execution of your script. The blue arrow resumes normal execution of the script, which will continue until it reaches the next breakpoint, if any. The three gold arrows let you step through your script one statement at a time. The first, Step Over, simply executes the current statement and pauses execution again on the next line of the current code listing. The second, Step Into works just like Step Over, except when the current statement contains a function or method call. In such cases, the debugger will step into the call, pausing execution on the first line inside the function/method. The third arrow, Step Out, allows the script to finish executing the current function, and pauses execution on the next line of the code that called it.

  8. Click Step Over once to move to the first line inside the for loop.

  9. Now, it would be nice to know about the current link being processed by the for loop, links[i]. You can eyeball it by looking at the value of i in the Watch pane, then expanding the links variable in that pane to find the corresponding element of the array. Alternatively, you can click the area labeled New watch expression…, type links[i], and press Enter to add the expression to the list of local variables in the Watch pane, as shown in Figure 7.22.

    Adding a custom watch expression Firebug adding a custom watch expression

    Figure 7.22. Adding a custom watch expression

    So we can tell that the first time through the loop, links[i] is pointing to the hyperlink to logic.html.

  10. Click the yellow arrow in the gutter to set another breakpoint, this time on line 9.

  11. Click the blue arrow to resume execution of the script. The for loop finishes its first iteration and starts its second. Execution pauses at the new breakpoint on line 9. Already, as shown in Figure 7.23, you can spot a number of clues about what’s going wrong:

    Examining the clues Firebug examining the clues

    Figure 7.23. Examining the clues

    • i still has a value of 0, even though we’re in the second iteration of the loop.

    • links[i] still refers to the link to logic.html, except that it now has a class of Example.

    • The links node list still contains all three of the links in our document.

At this point, a perceptive developer would be looking very hard at that if statement and the i--; inside it. If you needed more to go on, you could step through the body of the for loop line by line to see exactly what’s going on.

Firebug has tons of other cool stuff in it. Spend some time reading the Firebug web site to learn about the other features that it offers to aid you in your quest for the answer to the eternal question, “Why is the browser doing that?” And if you like what you see, think about donating a few bucks to the development of this incredible tool—I have.


That’s it! You can go out and brag to your friends that you know JavaScript now. From here on in, we’ll look at extra browser features and other software that can make JavaScript do more.

In the next chapter, we’ll delve into the mysteries of Ajax, whose sheer buzzword power may well be the reason you bought this book. If so, you’ll be pleased to know that the long wait is over. Turn the page, and bask in the buzz.

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